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Chapter 13

Resource Masters
Consumable Workbooks
Many of the worksheets contained in the Chapter Resource Masters booklets are
available as consumable workbooks in both English and Spanish.

Study Guide and Intervention Workbook 0-07-827794-9

Study Guide and Intervention Workbook (Spanish) 0-07-827795-7
Skills Practice Workbook 0-07-827788-4
Skills Practice Workbook (Spanish) 0-07-827790-6
Practice Workbook 0-07-827789-2
Practice Workbook (Spanish) 0-07-827791-4

Answers for Workbooks The answers for Chapter 13 of these workbooks

can be found in the back of this Chapter Resource Masters booklet.

Spanish Assessment Masters Spanish versions of forms 2A and 2C

of the Chapter 13 Test are available in the Pre-Algebra Spanish Assessment
Masters (0-07-830412-1).

Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America. Permission is granted to reproduce the
material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only
for classroom use; be provided to students, teacher, and families without charge;
and be used solely in conjunction with Glencoe Pre-Algebra. Any other reproduc-
tion, for use or sale, is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher.

Send all inquiries to:

8787 Orion Place
Columbus, OH 43240

ISBN: 0-07-827779-5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 047 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 Pre-Algebra Chapter 13 Resource Masters

Vocabulary Builder............................vii Lesson 13-6
Study Guide and Intervention ........................758
Lesson 13-1 Skills Practice.................................................759
Study Guide and Intervention ........................733 Practice ..........................................................760
Skills Practice.................................................734 Reading to Learn Mathematics ......................761
Practice ..........................................................735 Enrichment .....................................................762
Reading to Learn Mathematics ......................736
Enrichment .....................................................737 Chapter 13 Assessment
Lesson 13-2 Chapter 13 Test, Form 1 ........................763–764
Chapter 13 Test, Form 2A ......................765–766
Study Guide and Intervention ........................738 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2B ......................767–768
Skills Practice.................................................739 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2C......................769–770
Practice ..........................................................740 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2D......................771–772
Reading to Learn Mathematics ......................741 Chapter 13 Test, Form 3 ........................773–774
Enrichment .....................................................742 Chapter 13 Open-Ended Assessment ...........775
Chapter 13 Vocabulary Test/Review ..............776
Lesson 13-3 Chapter 13 Quizzes 1 & 2..............................777
Study Guide and Intervention ........................743 Chapter 13 Quizzes 3 & 4..............................778
Skills Practice.................................................744 Chapter 13 Mid-Chapter Test.........................779
Practice ..........................................................745 Chapter 13 Cumulative Review .....................780
Reading to Learn Mathematics ......................746 Chapter 13 Standardized
Enrichment .....................................................747 Test Practice...........................................781–782

Lesson 13-4
Standardized Test Practice Student
Study Guide and Intervention ........................748
Recording Sheet ..............................................A1
Skills Practice.................................................749
ANSWERS ................................................A2–A32
Practice ..........................................................750
Reading to Learn Mathematics ......................751
Enrichment .....................................................752

Lesson 13-5
Study Guide and Intervention ........................753
Skills Practice.................................................754
Practice ..........................................................755
Reading to Learn Mathematics ......................756
Enrichment .....................................................757

Teacher’s Guide to Using the
Chapter 13 Resource Masters
The Fast File Chapter Resource system allows you to conveniently file the resources you
use most often. The Chapter 13 Resource Masters includes the core materials needed for
Chapter 13. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options. The
answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet.

All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in the
Pre-Algebra TeacherWorks CD-ROM.

Vocabulary Builder Pages vii-viii When to Use These provide additional

include a student study tool that presents practice options or may be used as home-
up to twenty of the key vocabulary terms work for second day teaching of the lesson.
from the chapter. Students are to record
definitions and/or examples for each term. Reading to Learn Mathematics
You may suggest that students highlight One master is included for each lesson. The
or star the terms with which they are first section of each master asks questions
not familiar. about the opening paragraph of the lesson in
the Student Edition. Additional questions
When to Use Give these pages to students ask students to interpret the context of and
before beginning Lesson 13-1. Encourage them relationships among terms in the lesson.
to add these pages to their Pre-Algebra Study Finally, students are asked to summarize
Notebook. Remind them to add definitions and what they have learned using various repre-
examples as they complete each lesson. sentation techniques.
Study Guide and Intervention When to Use This master can be used as
Each lesson in Pre-Algebra addresses one or a study tool when presenting the lesson or
two objectives. There is one Study Guide and as an informal reading assessment after
Intervention master for each lesson. presenting the lesson. It is also a helpful
tool for ELL (English Language Learner)
When to Use Use these masters as reteach- students.
ing activities for students who need addi-
tional reinforcement. These pages can also Enrichment There is one extension
be used in conjunction with the Student master for each lesson. These activities
Edition as an instructional tool for students may extend the concepts in the lesson, offer
who have been absent. an historical or multicultural look at the
concepts, or widen students’ perspectives
Skills Practice There is one master for on the mathematics they are learning.
each lesson. These provide computational These are not written exclusively for honors
practice at a basic level. students, but are accessible for use with all
When to Use These masters can be used levels of students.
with students who have weaker mathematics When to Use These may be used as extra
backgrounds or need additional reinforcement. credit, short-term projects, or as activities
for days when class periods are shortened.
Practice There is one master for each
lesson. These problems more closely follow
the structure of the Practice and Apply
section of the Student Edition exercises.
These exercises are of average difficulty.

Assessment Options Intermediate Assessment
• Four free-response quizzes are included
The assessment masters in the Chapter 13
to offer assessment at appropriate inter-
Resource Masters offer a wide range of
vals in the chapter.
assessment tools for intermediate and final
• A Mid-Chapter Test provides an option
assessment. The following lists describe each
to assess the first half of the chapter. It is
assessment master and its intended use.
composed of both multiple-choice and
free-response questions.
Chapter Assessment
Chapter Tests Continuing Assessment
• Form 1 contains multiple-choice questions • The Cumulative Review provides
and is intended for use with basic level students an opportunity to reinforce and
students. retain skills as they proceed through
• Forms 2A and 2B contain multiple-choice their study of Pre-Algebra. It can also
questions aimed at the average level be used as a test. This master includes
student. These tests are similar in format free-response questions.
to offer comparable testing situations. • The Standardized Test Practice offers
• Forms 2C and 2D are composed of free- continuing review of pre-algebra concepts
response questions aimed at the average in various formats, which may appear on
level student. These tests are similar in the standardized tests that they may
format to offer comparable testing situa- encounter. This practice includes multiple-
tions. Grids with axes are provided for choice, grid-in, and open-ended questions.
questions assessing graphing skills. Bubble-in and grid-in answer sections are
• Form 3 is an advanced level test with provided on the master.
free-response questions. Grids without
axes are provided for questions assessing Answers
graphing skills. • Page A1 is an answer sheet for the
All of the above tests include a free- Standardized Test Practice questions
response Bonus question. that appear in the Student Edition on
pages 702–703. This improves students’
• The Open-Ended Assessment includes familiarity with the answer formats they
performance assessment tasks that are may encounter in test taking.
suitable for all students. A scoring rubric is • The answers for the lesson-by-lesson
included for evaluation guidelines. Sample masters are provided as reduced pages
answers are provided for assessment. with answers appearing in red.
• A Vocabulary Test, suitable for all stu- • Full-size answer keys are provided for the
dents, includes a list of the vocabulary assessment masters in this booklet.
words in the chapter and ten questions
assessing students’ knowledge of those
terms. This can also be used in conjunc-
tion with one of the chapter tests or as a
review worksheet.

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder
This is an alphabetical list of key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 13.
As you study this chapter, complete each term’s definition or description.
Remember to add the page number where you found the term. Add these pages to
your Pre-Algebra Study Notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter.

Vocabulary Found
Term on Page

cubic function


NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder (continued)

Vocabulary Found
Term on Page
nonlinear function


quadratic function


NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Study Guide and Intervention


Polynomials are classified according to the number of terms they have. A monomial has one term,
a binomial has two terms, and a trinomial has three terms. The exponent of a variable in a monomial
must be a whole number, and the variable cannot be in the denominator or under a radical sign.

Example 1 Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is, classify

it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
3 3a
a. 2y   b.   6a3  5a4

Lesson 13-1
y 4
The expression is not a The expression is a polynomial with
3 three terms, so it is a trinomial.
polynomial because  has
a variable in the denominator.

A polynomial also has a degree. The degree of a polynomial is the same as that of the term with
the greatest degree. The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of its variables.

Example 2 Find the degree of each polynomial.

a. x6  3x 4  1 b. 10b2c  8bc  c2
The greatest degree is 6, so the 10b 2c has degree 2  1 or 3. 8bc has
degree of the trinomial is 6. degree 1  1 or 2. c 2 has degree 2.
The greatest degree is 3, so the
trinomial has degree 3.

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is, classify it as a
monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
1. 7q  r  10 2. 8r
 3. x 2  4
yes; trinomial no yes; binomial
4. 89 5. 3v2  4w 6. a 5  b2  c
yes; monomial yes; binomial yes; trinomial
Find the degree of each polynomial.
7. 28y 1 8. 5h 1 9. 2x 3y 4
10. 9p3  6p2 3 11. mn5  mn4  m2 6 12. 8x2  4xy  y 2 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 733 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Skills Practice


Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is, classify it as a

monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
1. 5g8 2. x  2y  z 3. 5x  1  
yes; monomial yes; trinomial no
4. r2  9r 5. d  1 6. a3b2  a2
yes; binomial yes; binomial yes; binomial
7. n 8. 17  c 9. a  b2  3
yes; monomial no yes; trinomial
10. m  2m
 11. 5y2  3y  1 12. a  b  c
no yes; trinomial yes; trinomial
13. 24x3 14. 25  9h4 15. u5  u 3  u
yes; monomial yes; binomial yes; trinomial
3x3 x 1 x 1 6 1 1
16.      17.    18. 2    
4 2 8 5 2 a a 3
yes; trinomial yes; binomial no
19. 1 20. 9y  5
 21. 27g5h2
yes; monomial yes; binomial yes; monomial

Find the degree of each polynomial.

22. 14 23. ab 24. b

0 2 1
25. c3  c2  c  1 26. mn5 27. xy 3 z  1
3 6 5
28. k  4 29.  30. 9.7
1 0 0
31. c6de3  c5  d 32. a 2  2 a  3 33. k3  3k4
10 2 4
34. xy2  4x2y  y2 35. 7b5  10 36. 16g  3
3 5 1
37. 8y2  8y  5 38. abc  2ab  5c  bc  1 39. 4g2h5  2gh4  9
2 3 7

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 734 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Practice

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is, classify it as a

monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
1. 3n2 2. v2  9v 3. g  2h  jk
yes; monomial yes; binomial yes; trinomial
4. 6b  2   5. m  10 6. a2b 2  9
no yes; binomial yes; binomial
7. 1  s 8. q 9. h  h2  1

Lesson 13-1
no yes; monomial yes; trinomial
10. m  n  p 11. y 4  5y  2 12. x  x
yes; trinomial yes; trinomial no
13. 5w7t 14. 41  qr4 15. p4  p 2  p
yes; monomial yes; binomial yes; trinomial
2x2 5x 3 v 1
16.      17.    18. 10k  6

7 7 7 5 2
yes; trinomial yes; binomial yes; binomial
3 5 1
19. 4 20. 2     21. 7g2h7
c c 2
yes; monomial no yes; monomial

Find the degree of each polynomial.

22. 52 23. xy 24. c
0 2 1
25. 2c5  c3  c  9 26. ab3 27. 2xy 4 z3  7
5 4 8
28. r  25 29.  30. 12.4
1 0 0
31. 12  9t  t2 32. 5a3 a8 33. 1  c2  c4
2 3 4
34. xy2  3x2y  xy 35. b 5  b  1.5 36. 15k  2
3 5 1
37. cde8  c4  2e 38. wxyz  2wx  5y  yz  4 39. 6g2h8  gh5  3
10 4 10
40. METEOROLOGY Summer simmer index measures the discomfort level due to temperature
and humidity. Meteorologists calculate this value by using a polynomial similar to
1.98x2  115.93x  0.01xy  0.63y  6.33. The variable x is the temperature in °F
and y is the relative humidity expressed as a whole number. What is the degree of the
polynomial? 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 735 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Reading to Learn Mathematics


Pre-Activity How are polynomials used to approximate real-world data?

Do the activity at the top of page 669 in your textbook. Write
your answers below.
a. How many terms are in the expression for the heat index? 9
b. What separates the terms of the expression?
plus and minus signs

Reading the Lesson 1–4. See students’ work.

Write a definition and give an example of each new vocabulary word.

Vocabulary Definition Example

1. polynomial

2. binomial

3. trinomial

4. degree

Helping You Remember

5. Notice that the words binomial, trinomial, and polynomial contain the same root—
nomial, but have different prefixes.
a. Find the definition of the prefix bi- in a dictionary. Write the definition.
Explain how it can help you remember the meaning of binomial.
Two; a binomial contains two terms.
b. Find the definition of the prefix tri- in a dictionary. Write the definition.
Explain how it can help you remember the meaning of trinomial.
Three; a trinomial contains three terms.
c. Find the definition of the prefix poly- in a dictionary. Write the definition.
Explain how it can help you remember the meaning of polynomial.
Many; a polynomial contains many terms.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 736 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Enrichment

A Cross-Number Puzzle
Use the clues at the bottom of the page to complete the puzzle. Write one digit
in each box.



Lesson 13-1




Across Down
A x 2  4 for x  5 A (6x 2  1)  (4x 2  3) for x  5
B 3xy 2 for x  4 and y  1 B 7y  8y  2 for y  1
C (2x  50)  (x  15) for x  0 D x  x 2y 2 for x  7 and y  1
E x 2  4x  y 2 for x  10 and y  5 F 5(7w  3w) for w  10
G x 2 y for x  3 and y  7 H (z 2  2z  1)  (z 2  2z  2) for z  4
I 10w  5y for w  6 and y  1 J 6xy 2  xy  60 for x  10 and y  10
K 3x 2  5x  8 for x  10 K w2  w  3 for w  6
L ( y  8)  (10  4y) for y  6 L (3y  20)  (45  3y) for y  16
M 23x  16x for x  11 M 11x 2  8x 2 for x  5
O 7x  100y for x  5 and y  6 N x 2  2x  y 2 for x  10 and y  8
Q (6x 2  2)  (4x 2  3) for x  7 P (2x  52)  (x  11) for x  3
T (x 2  x  7)  (x 2  2) for x  3 R 2x 2  5x  140 for x  12
U x 2 y for x  2 and y  8 S ( y  75) + (120  4y) for y  6
V 7y  12y  2 for y  10
W w 2  w  7 for w  9

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 737 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Study Guide and Intervention

Adding Polynomials

Add polynomials by combining like terms, which are monomials that contain the same variables
to the same power.

Example Find (8x2  7x  1)  (x2  5).

Method 1 Add vertically. Method 2 Add horizontally.
8x2  7x  1 (8x2  7x  1)  (x2  5)
() x2 5 = (8x2  x2)  7x  (1  5)
9x  7x  6
2 = 9x2  7x  6


Find each sum.

1. 3x  7 2. 6d  8
() x  1 () 4d  1
4x  6 2d  9
3. 4w2  6w + 3 4. 5a2  a
() w2 5 () 2a  5
5w 2  6w  2 5a 2  a  5

5. (m  3)  (7m  1) 6. (9x2  3x  1)  (4x  1)

6m  2 9x 2  7x
7. (2k2  k)  (k  1) 8. (5a2  6ab)  (ab  b2)

2k 2  1 5a 2  5ab  b 2
9. (4c2  7) + (c2  3c  6) 10. (x2  y)  (xy  y)

5c 2  3c  1 x 2  xy  2y
11. (12h  6)  (h2  8h  6) 12. (10x2  x  5)  (x  10x2)

h 2  4h 2x  5
13. (6y2  y  1)  (y2  3y  6) 14. ( p3  4)  (2p2  2p  3)

7y 2  4y  5 p 3  2p 2  2p  7
15. (3g2  3g  5)  (5g2  3) 16. (5r2  6)  (r 2  4r  7)

8g 2  3g  2 4r 2 – 4r  1

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 738 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Skills Practice

Adding Polynomials

Find each sum.

1. 5q  7 2. 7f  10
() 2q  2 ()  2f  3
7q  5 5f  7
3. r2  3r 4. 9n2  3n
() r2  4r  1 () 3n  5
2r 2 r  1 9n 2  5
5. w2 – 3w  3 6. 8c2  4c  6
() w2  4w  1 () c2  c  1
2w 2  w  4 9c 2  3c  5
7. –p2  6p  8 8. 3v2  v
() p2  4p  5 () 2v  7
2p  3 3v 2  v  7

Lesson 13-2
9. 6m2  m  1 10. 5d2  7d  4
()2m2 2m  3 () 5d2  6d  4
8m 2  m  2 10d 2  d  8

11. (2r2  3)  (r2  4r  1) 12. ( g 2  2g  5)  (5g2  2g  3)

r 2  4r  2 6g 2  8
13. (m  9)  (3m  3) 14. (2x2  8x  7)  (3x  5)
2m  12 2x 2  11x  2
15. (k2  k)  (7k2  k  2) 16. (4a2  3ab)  (ab  2b2)
8k 2  2k  2 4a 2  4ab  2b 2
17. (5c  7)  (3c2  4c  6) 18. (x2  xy)  (xy  y2)
3c 2  c  1 x 2  2xy  y 2
19. (h2  3h  6)  (4h2  2h  3) 20. (x2  x  1)  (2x  9x2)
3h 2  h  3 8x 2  3x  1
21. (6g2  2g  3)  (2g2  5g) 22. (b2  b  1)  (b2  b  1)
8g 2  3g  3 2b 2
23. (2y2  7y  9)  (y2  4y  6) 24. (7p3  4)  (2p2  5p  1)
3y 2  11y  3 7p 3  2p 2  5p  3

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 739 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Practice
Adding Polynomials

Find each sum.

1. 8q  3 2. 9f  3
() 4q  2 () f  15
12q  1 8f  18
3. 4r2  11r 4. n2  3n
() 5r2  3r  7 () 3n  10
9r 2  8r  7 n 2  10
5. 6w2  2w  7 6. 8c2  3c  15
()8w2  3w  9 () 3c2  3c  11
14w 2  5w  2 11c 2  4
7. 5p2  2p  4 8. 7v2  2v
() 5p2  2p  4 () 7v2  v  5
0 14v 2  3v  5
9. 5m2  6m  3 10. 7d 2  8d – 3
()8m2  9m  2 () d 2  d  3
13m 2  15m  5 8d 2  9d

11. (r2  9)  (4r2  6r  10) 12. (g 2  3g – 6)  (6g2  6g  1)

3r 2  6r  19 7g 2  3g  5
13. (2m  10)  (5m  3) 14. (4x2  7x)  (8x  5)
3m  7 4x 2  x  5
15. (3k2  9k)  (k2  2k  4) 16. (2a2  3ab)  (4ab  8b2)
4k 2  7k  4 2a 2  ab  8b 2
17. (c  4)  (c2  c  6) 18. (5x2  3xy)  (2xy  9y2)
c 2  10 5x 2  xy  9y 2
19. (2y3  y2  5)  (2y2  3y) 20. (5p2  6p  7)  (p2  2)
2y 3  3y 2  3y  5 4p 2  6p  9
21. (3ab2  2a  1)  (a2  ab  3) 22. (6rs3  4r)  (5rs3  7)
3ab 2  a 2  2a  ab  2 11rs 3  4r  7
23. GEOMETRY The lengths of the sides of a triangle are (x2  5), (7x  1), and x.
Find the perimeter of the triangle. x 2  8x  6

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 740 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Adding Polynomials

Pre-Activity How can you use algebra tiles to add polynomials?

Do the activity at the top of page 674 in your textbook. Write

your answers below.

a. Write the polynomial for the tiles that remain. x 2  2x  2

b. Find the sum of x2  4x  2 and 7x2  2x  3 by using algebra tiles.

8x 2  2x  5
c. Compare and contrast finding the sums of polynomials with finding
the sum of integers. The concept of the zero pairs is the
same, but there are tiles that represent different terms in

Reading the Lesson

1. Draw a model that shows (x2  4x  2)  (2x2  2x  3). Write the polynomial that

Lesson 13-2
shows the sum. 3x 2  2x  1

2. Show how to find the sum (5x – 2)  (4x  4) both vertically and horizontally.
Vertically Horizontally
5x  2 (5x  2)  (4x  4)
()4x  4  (5x  4x)  (2  4)
9x  2  9x  2

Helping You Remember

3. You have learned that you can combine like terms. On the left below, write three pairs of
monomials that have like terms. On the right below, write three pairs of monomials that
have unlike terms. Explain your answers. Sample answers are given.
Like Terms Unlike Terms
1. 23a and 12a 1. 2xy and 2x

2. 4b 2c and b 2c 2. 3mn 2 and 3m 2n

3. xy 3 and 2xy 3 3. 8ab 3 and 5ab 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 741 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Enrichment

Adding Polynomials
Can you make a sentence using these words?
Add the polynomials. Then find the word in the table at the right that corresponds to the
sum. Read the words in order down the column to discover the hidden saying.


1. (2x2  3x2)  (5x2  x2) 11x 2 TIME

4x3 A

2. (2x2  3x3)  (5x2  x2) 3x 3  8x 2 FLIES 2x2  3xy  y2 FRUIT

11x2 TIME
3. (2x2  x)  (xy  x) 2x 2  2x  xy LIKE
x3  x2  x LIKE

6x3  2x2  x AN
4. (x3  2x2)  (5x3  x) 6x 3  2x 2 x AN
2x4  5x2  2x BUT

5. (x  xy)  (x2  xy) x 2  2xy  x ARROW 3x3  8x2 FLIES

6. (5x2  x)  (x  2x4) 2x 4  5x 2  2x BUT
x2  2xy  x ARROW

7. (xy  y2  x2)  (2xy  x2) FRUIT 2x2  2x  xy LIKE

2x 2  3xy  y 2
3x3  3x2  x FLIES
8. (3x2  2x3)  (x3  x) 3x 3  3x 2  x FLIES

9. (x  x2)  x3 x 3  x 2  x LIKE

10. (x3  x3)  (x3  x3) 4x 3 A

11. 2x12  2x12 4x 12 BANANA

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 742 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-3 Study Guide and Intervention

Subtracting Polynomials

To subtract polynomials, subtract like terms.

Example Find (x2  3x  6)  (4x2  1).

Method 1 Subtract vertically. Method 2 Add the additive
x  3x  6
inverse of 4x 2  1, which is
() 4x 2 1 (1)(4x 2  1) or 4x2  1.
3x2  3x  5  (x 2  3x  6)  (4x2  1)
 (x 2  3x  6)  (4x2  1)
 (x 2  4x 2 )  (3x)  (6  1)
 3x2  3x  5

Find each difference.

1. 4c  7 2. 2m  5
() 3c  3 () 8m  1
c4 10m  4
3. 9k2  4k  5 4. 3z2  z
() k2 5 () 3z  5
8k 2  4k  10 3z 2  4z  5
5. (–6r  3) – (7r  2) 6. (8f 2 – 7f – 3) – (2f  4)

Lesson 13-3
13r  1 8f 2  9f  7
7. (5n2 – 2n) – (3n  9) 8. (a2  5ab) – (–2ab – 3b2)

5n 2  5n  9 a 2  7ab  3b 2
9. (6g2  8) – (5g2 – 2g  6) 10. (8x2 – 3y) – (2xy  3y)

g 2  2g  2 8x 2  2xy  6y
11. (n – 12) – (n2  n  9) 12. (h2 – 2h  1) – (3h – 7h2)

n 2  21 8h 2  5h  1
13. (y 2  y  1) – (y 2 – y  1) 14. (6p2 – 5p – 1) – (2p – 4)

2y 6p 2  7p  3
15. (4q2  q) – (q2  3) 16. (6v2  8) – (7v2  2v – 5)

3q 2  q  3 v 2  2v  13
17. (u 2  u – 4) – (5u2 – 4) 18. (9b 2  2) – (–b 2  b  9)

4u 2  u 10b 2  b  7
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13-3 Skills Practice

Subtracting Polynomials

Find each difference.

1. 7y  5 2. k8
() y  6 () 2k  9
6y  1 –k  17
3. w2  w  1 4. c2  7c  2
() 2w2  3w  2 () c2  c  1
w 2  2w  1 2c 2  6c  3
5. 3d2  d 6. 7n2  3n
() d2  3d  8 () n2  3n  1
2d 2  2d  8 8n 2  1
7. 2m2  5m  3 8. d2  3d  6
() 5m2  m  3 () d2  2d  1
3m 2  4m  6 d  5
9. – q2  2q  2 10. v2  v
() q2  7q  9 () 8v2  8v  8
2q 2  9q  7 7v 2  9v  8

11. (r2  10r  3)  (r2  r  1) 12. (7k2  k  8)  (2k2  3k  3)

2r 2  9r  4 5k 2  4k  11
13. (a2  9)  (a  4) 14. (4x2  11x  7)  (x2  3x  6)
a2  a  5 3x 2  14x  1
15. (k2  3k)  (2k2  7k  1) 16. (5a2  ab)  (ab  3b2)
k 2  4k  1 5a 2  3b 2
17. (5u2  7)  (3u2  4u  6) 18. (4m2  mn)  (3mn  n2)
2u 2  4u  13 4m 2  2mn  n 2
19. (h2  3h  6)  (h2  2h  3) 20. (x2  x  1)  (2x  9x2)
5h  3 8x 2  3x  1
21. (6g2  3g  3)  (g2  g  5) 22. (b2  b  1)  (b2  b  1)
5g 2  2g  8 2b  2
23. (a2  9a  10)  (a2  a  4) 24. (4r 2  7r)  (3r2  2r  7)
8a  6 r 2  9r  7

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13-3 Practice
Subtracting Polynomials

Find each difference.

1. 4y  1 2. 2k  3
() 3y  8 () 7k  6
y7 5k  9
3. 5j 2  2 j  2 4. c2  5c  3
() j 2  9 j  2 () c2  5c  1
4j 2  7j  4 2c 2  10c  2
5. d2  4d  6 6. 2n2  3n  10
() d2  3d  8 () n2  3n  8
7d  14 3n 2  18
7. 9m2  4m  13 8. d2  3d  6
() 7m2  2m  3 () d2  3d  6
2m 2  2m  16 12
9. 6q2  3q  2 10. v2  v
() 3q2  4q  4 () 2v2  9v  3
9q 2  7q  2 v 2  8v  3

11. (4n2  n  6)  (2n2  3n  14) 12. (3k2  9k)  (8k2  12)

6n 2  2n  8 5k 2  9k  12

Lesson 13-3
13. (k2  7)  (k  11) 14. (9x2  x  2) – (3x2  x  4)
k2  k  4 6x 2  2
15. (k2  12)  (k2  6k  9) 16. (k2  4kb)  (5kb  2b2)
6k  3 k 2  kb  2b 2
17. (3u2  9)  (u2  21u  2) 18. (5m2  4mn)  (4mn  8n2)
2u 2  21u  11 5m 2  8mn  8n 2
19. (h2  8h  5)  (h2  3h  7) 20. (2x2  4x  8)  (2x  8x2)
11h  12 10x 2  6x  8
21. (6g2  3g  2)  (g2  g  4) 22. (b3  b2  ab)  (b3  3b2  5)
5g 2  2g  6 2b 2  ab  5
23. POOLS A swimming pool is (4w2  16) feet long and (w  16) feet wide. How much
longer is the length than the width? 4w 2  w ft

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13-3 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Subtracting Polynomials

Pre-Activity How is subtracting polynomials similar to subtracting

Do the activity at the top of page 678 in your textbook. Write
your answers below.

a. What is the difference in degrees and the difference in minutes

between the two stations? 4 degrees, 8.1 minutes

b. Explain how you can find the difference in latitude between any two
locations, given the degrees and minutes. Subtract the degrees
and subtract the minutes.
c. The longitude of Station 1 is 162°1636 and the longitude of
Station 5 is 68°82. Find the difference in longitude between the
two stations. 94°834

Reading the Lesson

1. Show how to find the difference (3x2  x  2) – (2x2 – 7) by aligning like terms and by
adding the additive inverse.
Like Terms Additive Inverse

3x 2  x  2 3x 2  x  2
() 2x 2 7 ()2x 2 7
x2  x  9 x2  x  9

2. Which method do you prefer? Why? Answers will vary.

Helping You Remember

3. a. You have learned to subtract polynomials by adding the additive inverse. Look up
inverse in the dictionary. What is its definition? How does this help you remember
how to find the additive inverse? Opposite; you change each sign to the
opposite and then add instead of subtract.

b. Write the additive inverses of the polynomials in the table below.

Polynomial Additive Inverse

x2  2x  3 x 2  2x  3
6x  8 6x  8
5x2  8y 2  2xy 5x 2  8y 2  2xy

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13-3 Enrichment

Polynomials with Fractional Coefficients

Polynomials may have fractional coefficients in some or all of the terms. Computation with
these types of polynomials is done in the same way as with whole-number coefficients.

Add or subtract. Write all coefficients as fractions.

3 2 1 4 11 14
1. Add  x 2   y 2 and  x 2   y 2. x 2  y 2
4 5 6 3 12 15

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 7
2. From  x 2  xy 2   y 2, take  x 2   xy   y 2. x 2  xy 2  xy  y 2
2 3 4 3 2 6 6 3 2 12

3 4 7 6 1 3 25
3. Add x   y,  x   y, and y   x. x  y
2 3 8 7 4 8 21

1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 3
4. Subtract  x 2   x   from  x 2   x   . x 2  x  
6 8 4 3 8 2 2 2 4

1 11 4 1 7 3
5. Add  xy   y 2 to  xy   y 2. xy  y 2
3 12 9 6 9 4

Lesson 13-3
1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 2
 x 2   x  . x 2  x  
6. Add  x 2   x   and 
5 8 3 10 8 9 2 2 9

1 2 3 1 1 5 3 1 19
7. From    y   y 2, take    y   y 2.   y  y 2
2 3 4 8 6 6 8 2 12

7 1 3 1 1 1
8. Subtract  x   from  x  . x  
12 4 4 3 6 12

3 1 5 1 1 1 7 5 2
9. Add  x 2   xy   y 2 and  x 2   xy   y 2. x 2  xy  y 2
8 3 9 2 2 3 8 6 9

3 1 4 7 7 3
10. Subtract  y 2   y from  y 2   y. y 2  y
4 2 3 8 12 8

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13-4 Study Guide and Intervention

Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial

The Distributive Property can be used to multiply a polynomial by a monomial.

Example 1 Find 7(4x  8).

7(4x  8)  7(4x)  7(8)
 28x  56

Example 2 Find (x 2  5x  4)(2x).

(x 2  5x  4)(2x)  x 2 (2x)  5x(2x)  4(2x)
 2x 3  10x 2  8x


Find each product.

1. 5(7y  4) 2. (3h  6)4 3. –9(q  8)
35y  20 12h  24 9q  72
4. 6(d – 2) 5. (4g – 5)(–2) 6. –7(4x2 – 7)
6d  12 8g  10 28x 2  49
7. –2(n2 – 3n  9) 8. (a2 – 2ab  b2)5 9. r(r  9)
2n 2  6n  18 5a 2  10ab  5b 2 r 2  9r
10. (b2 – 4)(–b) 11. –x(3x  6) 12. (2k – 9)(k2)
b 3  4b 3x 2  6x 2k 3  9k 2
13. –m(6m  1) 14. p(7p – 2) 15. (8 – 3h)(–h)
6m 2 m 7p 2  2p 3h 2  8h
16. w(4w2 – 2w  3) 17. ab(2a  b) 18. x(7x  y)
4w 3  2w 2  3w 2a 2b  ab 2 7x 2  xy
19. (m2 – mn – n)m 20. 2y(5y  1) 21. –10u(u – 5)
m3  m 2n  mn 10y 2  2y 10u 2  50u
22. (5r2 – 2r)(–3r) 23. 8z(2z  7) 24. 5b2(6b – 2)
15r 3  6r 2 16z 2  56z 30b 3  10b 2
25. 4p2(6p2  3p) 26. (5v2 – 2v – 4)(–2v) 27. 8y3(3y2 – y  8)
24p 4  12p 3 10v 3  4v 2  8v 24y 5  8y 4  64y 3
28. 3m(2m  4n) 29. (8gh – 3h)(–3gh) 30. 5a(2a – 3ab  b)
6m 2  12mn 24g 2h 2  9gh 2 10a 2  15a 2b  5ab

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13-4 Skills Practice

Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial

Find each product.

1. 4(k  7) 2. (5h  3)3 3. –9(2q  7)

4k  28 15h  9 18q  63
4. (6v  1)(6) 5. 8(5h  6) 6. 3(12y  6)
36v  6 40h  48 36y  18
7. (9d  3)4 8. 5(5n  9) 9. 2(x2  4)
36d  12 25n  45 2x 2  8
10. 6(5x2  3x) 11. (4x2  6x  9)9 12. 7(2c2  8c  5)
30x 2  18x 36x 2  54x  81 14c 2  56c  35
13. g(2g  5) 14. b(9b  6) 15. (4y  7)y
2g 2  5g 9b 2  6b 4y 2  7y
16. (2j  1)(j) 17. c(c  2) 18. h(6h  4)
2j  j2 c 2  2c 6h 2  4h
19. (6k  6)(k) 20. p(3p  8) 21. a(8a  2)
6k 2  6k 3p 2  8p 8a 2  2a
22. r(r2  7r) 23. x(4x2  2x  1) 24. ab(3ab  2a)
r3  7r 2 4x 3  2x 2 x 3a 2b 2  2a 2b
25. x(4xy  3y2) 26. (gh  h)(g) 27. x(4x2  xy  y2)
4x 2y  3xy 2 g 2h  gh 4x 3  x 2y  xy 2
28. 6v(3v  9) 29. (u  4)(–5u) 30. 8b(b  6)
18v 2  54v 5u 2  20u 8b 2  48b
31. 7d(5d  9) 32. (8w  4)w 33. a(7a  4)
35d  63d 2 8w 2  4w 7a 2  4a

Lesson 13-4
34. (6y  6)(y2) 35. s(s  1) 36. m(6m  7)
6y 3  6y 2 s2 s 6m 2  7m
37. k2(2k  3) 38. c(7c2  3c  4) 39. 7mn(m  2mn  4n)
2k 3  3k 2 7c 3  3c 2  4c 7m 2n  14m 2n 2  28mn 2
40. 8a(a  ab  b) 41. (xy  y2)(4xy) 42. 8u(7u2  2uv  4v2)
8a 2  8a 2b  8ab 4x 2y 2  4xy 3 56u 3  16u 2v  32uv 2

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13-4 Practice
Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial

Find each product.

1. 5(3k  8) 2. (3h  6)2 3. 2(q  4)

15k  40 6h  12 2q  8
4. (3v  5)(7) 5. 11(4d  7) 6. 8(12c  6)
21v  35 44d  77 96c  48
7. (5g  10)(5) 8. 2(5p  10) 9. 9(3f 2  2 f  1)
25g  50 10p  20 27f 2  18f  9
10. 2.5(8w  5) 11. (4r3  3r)(–8) 12. 6(3x2  2x  7)
20w  12.5 32r 3  24r 18x 2  12x  42
13. n(7n  3) 14. (6u  15)(u) 15. h(8h  2)
7n 2  3n 6u 2  15u 8h 2  2h
16. (8y  3)(y) 17. a(4a  4) 18. (5p  15)(p)
8y 2  3y 4a 2  4a 5p 2  15p
19. d(5d  1) 20. g(1.8g  10) 21. m(0.9m2  0.5)
5d 2  d 1.8g 2  10g 0.9m 3  0.5m
22. (2q3  5q2  2q)(–q) 23. k3(7k4  2k2  6) 24. ab(10a2b  3a)
2q 4  5q 3  2q 2 7k 7  2k 5  6k 3 10a 3b 2  3a 2b
25. y2(5x  2xy  y) 26. n(8  m  12mn2) 27. (4gh2  2g2  h)(g2)
5xy 2  2xy 3  y 3 8n  mn  12mn 3 4g 3h 2  2g 4  g 2h
28. (20q  4)(2q) 29. 14k(2k  5) 30. (9p  7)(3p2)
40q 2  8q 28k 2  70k 27p 3  21p 2
31. (0.2c  1)(1.5c2) 32. 6.5n(4n2  8) 33. 6x2(4x2  10x)
0.3c 3  1.5c 2 26n 3  52n 24x 4  60x 3
34. 5h2(2h3  h2  7h  8) 35. (4y2  3y  9)(2y) 36. 6gh(8g2  4gh  3h2)
10h 5  5h 4  35h 3  40h 2 8y 3  6y 2  18y 48g 3h  24g 2h 2  18gh 3
37. 10a(2a2  5ab  4a) 38. (8x2  3xy  xy2)(7x) 39. 5c2(2cd  d2  1)
20a 3  50a 2b  40a 2 56x 3  21x 2y  7x 2y 2 10c 3d  5c 2d 2  5c 2
40. Find the area of a porch that is 3x feet wide and 4x  9 feet long.
12x 2  27x ft 2

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13-4 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial

Pre-Activity How is the Distributive Property used to multiply a

polynomial by a monomial?
Do the activity at the top of page 683 in your textbook. Write
your answers below.
a. Write an expression that represents the area of the rectangular region
outlined on the photo. w (2w  52)
b. Recall that 2(4  1)  2(4)  2(1) by the Distributive Property. Use
this property to simplify the expression you wrote in part a.
2w 2  52w
c. The Grande Arche is approximately w feet deep. Explain how you
can write a polynomial to represent the volume of the hollowed-out
region of the building. Then write the polynomial.
Use the Distributive Property to multiply
2w 2  52w by w; 2w 3  52w 2.

Reading the Lesson

1. Draw a model that shows the product x(x  2). Write the polynomial that shows the
product. See students’ work. x 2  2x

2. Explain the Distributive Property and give an example of how it is used to multiply a
polynomial by a monomial. Sample answer: Multiply each number inside the
parentheses by the number outside the parentheses.
2(3y  2)  2(3y)  2(2)

Lesson 13-4
 6y  4

Helping You Remember

3. Distribute is a common word in the English language.
a. Find the definition of distribute in a dictionary. Write the definition that most closely
relates to this lesson. to deliver to members of a group
b. Explain how this definition can help you remember how to use the Distributive
Property to multiply a polynomial by a monomial. The number outside the
parentheses is “distributed” to each number inside.

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13-4 Enrichment

Polynomials and Volume

The volume of a rectangular prism can be written
as the product of three polynomials. Recall that the
volume equals the length times the width times the x
The two prisms at the right represent the cube
y x
of y and the cube of x. y x

Multiply to find the volume of each prism. Write each answer as an algebraic

1. 2. 3. y
y y

x x x
x y x y

x 2y xy 2 xy(x  y) or x 2y  xy 2
4. 5. 6.
y y y

x y y
x y x y
x y
xy(x  y) or x 2y  xy 2 y 2(x  y) or xy 2  y 3 y 2(x  y) or xy 2  y 3
Multiply, then add to find each volume. Write each answer as an algebraic expression.
y x y y
7. 8. x
9. x
y y
y y y
y y
x y y x y
y x x y
x y
x y x
x x y

2y 3  y 2 (x  y)  x 2 (x  y)  x 2y  y 3 y 3  x 2y  y 2(x  y)
xy (x  y) or y 3  x 2y or x 3  y 3  xy (x  y)
or 2x 2y  2xy 2

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13-5 Study Guide and Intervention

Linear and Nonlinear Functions

Linear functions have constant rates of change. Their graphs are straight lines and their equations can
be written in the form y  mx  b. Nonlinear functions do not have constant rates of change and their
graphs are not straight lines.

Example 1 Determine whether each equation represents a linear or

nonlinear function.

a. y  9 b. y  x 2  4
This is linear because it can be This is nonlinear because the exponent
written as y  0x  9. of x is not 1, so the equation cannot be
written in the form y  mx  b.

Tables can represent functions. A nonlinear function does not increase or decrease at a constant rate.

Example 2 Determine whether each table represents a linear or

nonlinear function.

a. x yy As x increases b. As x increases
x y
by 2, y increases by 5, y decreases
0 7 by 8. The rate 0 100 by a greater
2 8 of change is 5  25 amount each
2 1 constant, so 5 75
2 8 time. The rate
this is a linear 5  75
4 9 10 0 of change is not
2 8 5  125 constant, so this
6 17 15 125 is a nonlinear
Determine whether each equation or table represents a linear or nonlinear
function. Explain.
1. x  3y  9 Linear; equation can 2. y   Nonlinear; equation cannot
be written as y   x  3. be written in the form y  mx  b.
3. y  6x(x  1) Nonlinear; equation 4. y  9  5x Linear; equation can be
cannot be written in the form ymxb. written as y  5x  9.
5. 6.
x y x y

0 24 Linear; rate of 1 1
Nonlinear; rate of
change is change is not
Lesson 13-5

2 14 constant. 2 8 constant.
4 4 3 27

6 6 4 64

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13-5 Skills Practice

Linear and Nonlinear Functions

Determine whether each graph, equation, or table represents a linear or

nonlinear function. Explain.

1. y 2. y 3. y
8 6 4 2 4 6 8x
O x 2
O x

10 y x2 9

Nonlinear; the graph Linear; the graph is a Nonlinear; the graph

is a curve. straight line. is a curve.
x 2
4. y    1 5. y    10 6. y  8x
2 x
Linear; equation can be Nonlinear; equation Linear; equation can be
1 cannot be written in the written as y  8x  0.
written as y  x  1.
2 form y  mx  b.
7. y  6 8. 2x  y  5 9. y  x2  4

Linear; equation can be Linear; equation can be Nonlinear; equation

written as y  0x  6. written as y  2x  5. cannot be written in the
form y  mx  b.
10. y  4x2  1  0 11. 2y  8x  11  0 12. y  3x
Nonlinear; equation Linear; equation can be Nonlinear; equation
cannot be written in the 11 cannot be written in the
form y  mx  b. written as y  4x  .
2 form y  mx  b.
13. 14. 15.
x y x y xx yy

1 8 6 1 20 4

2 5 12 3 15 2

3 2 18 6 10 0

4 1 24 10 5 2

Linear; rate of change Nonlinear; rate of Linear; rate of change

is constant. change is not constant. is constant.

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13-5 Practice
Linear and Nonlinear Functions

Determine whether each graph, equation, or table represents a linear or

nonlinear function. Explain.

y y y
1. 2. 3.

O x O x
y 4

Nonlinear; the graph Linear; the graph is a Linear; the graph is a

is a curve. straight line. straight line.

4. 5x  y  15 5. 3y  12x2  0 6. 5y  x  3  0

Linear; equation can be Nonlinear; equation Linear; equation can be

written as y  5x  15. cannot be written in the 1 3
form y  mx  b. written as y   x  .
5 5
7. y  6x  10 8. y   9. y  x2  2
Nonlinear; equation Nonlinear; equation Nonlinear; equation
cannot be written in the cannot be written in the cannot be written in the
form y  mx  b. form y  mx  b. form y  mx  b.
10. 11. 12.
xx yy x y xx yy

1 1.0 44 0 3 1

2 0.8 48 2.5 6 2

3 0.6 52 5.0 9 5

4 0.4 56 7.5 12 14

Linear; rate of change Linear; rate of change Nonlinear; rate of

is constant. is constant. change is not constant.
13. GEOMETRY The graph shows how the area of y
a square increases as the perimeter increases. 8
Is this relationship linear or nonlinear? Explain.

Nonlinear; the graph is not a straight line. 4
Lesson 13-5

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x

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13-5 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Linear and Nonlinear Functions
Pre-Activity How can you determine whether a function is linear?

Do the activity at the top of page 687 in your textbook. Write

your answers below.

a. Write an expression to represent the area of the deck.

x(40 – 2x) or 40x – 2x 2
b. Find the area of the deck for widths of 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 feet.
168 ft 2, 192 ft 2, 200 ft 2, 192 ft 2, 168 ft 2
c. Graph the points whose ordered pairs
are (width, area). Do the points fall
along a straight line? Explain. 150

No; the connected points fall
along a curve.

0 4 8 12 16 x

Reading the Lesson 1–3. See students’ work.

Write a definition and give an example of each new vocabulary phrase.

Vocabulary Definition Example

1. nonlinear
2. quadratic

3. cubic

Helping You Remember

4. You have learned about linear and nonlinear functions. Nonlinear functions include
quadratic functions and cubic functions. Below, write three equations that represent
each type of function given. For the nonlinear functions, include at least one quadratic
function and one cubic function. Sample answers are given.
Linear Nonlinear
1. y  x  2 1. y  x 2  1

2. y  2x  1 2. y  5x 3
3. y    5 3. y  x 2  2x  1

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Enrichment

David R. Hedgley
African-American mathematician David R. Hedgley, Jr. (1937– )
solved one of the most difficult problems in the field of computer
graphics—how to program a computer to show any
three-dimensional object from a given viewpoint
just as the eye would see it. Hedgley’s solution
helped researchers in aircraft experimentation.
Hedgley received an M.S. in Mathematics
from California State University in 1970 and
a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Somerset
University in England in 1988. Hedgley has
received numerous national achievement awards.

Polynomials in three variables are needed to describe some three-dimensional objects.

Each variable represents one of the three dimensions: height, width, and depth.

P1: x2  y2  z2  10x  4y  2z  19

P2: 2x2  2y2  2z2  2x  3y  5z  2

1. Add the polynomials P1 and P2. 2. Subtract the polynomials, P1 from P2.

3x 2  3y 2  3z 2  8x  y  7z  21 x 2 y 2  z 2  12x  7y  3z  17
If the polynomials above were each set equal to zero, they would form equations describing
two different spheres in three-dimensional space, or 3-space. The coordinate plane you
studied in Chapter 2 represents two-space. You described most lines in that plane by
an equation in two variables. Each point on a line could be written as an ordered pair
of numbers (x, y). Each point on any figure in 3-space can be written as an ordered triple
of numbers (x, y, z).

z 3. What are the values of x, y, and z for point A in the diagram?

x  14, y  4, z  8
4. Give the ordered triple representing each of the points
B through G in the diagram.
8 4 O 4 y B (14, 0, 8), C(0, 4, 8), D (0, 0, 8),
4 E (14, 4, 0), F (14, 0, 0), G (0, 0, 0)
A (14, 4, 8)
Lesson 13-5


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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Study Guide and Intervention

Graphing Quadratic and Cubic Functions

To graph a quadratic or cubic function, make a table of values and then plot the points.

Example Graph y = 2x3 – 1.

xx y

1 –3

0 –1 O x
1 1 y 2x 1

1.2 2.5

Graph each function.
1. y  x2  2 2. y  x3  2
y y
8 10
6 8
4 6
2 4
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x 2
4 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x
6 4
8 6

3. y  x2  2 4. y  –x3  2
y y
O x 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x

5. y  x2  2 6. y  x3  2
y y
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x
O x

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 758 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Skills Practice

Graphing Quadratic and Cubic Functions

Graph each function.

Lesson 13-6
1. y  5x2 2. y  5x3
y y

O x

O x

3. y  5x2 4. y  5x3
y y


O x

5. y  x2  4 6. y  x3  4
y y
14 8
12 6
10 4
8 2
6 O
4 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x
2 4
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x 6
2 8

7. y  x2  4 8. y  x3  4
y y
O x 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 759 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Practice
Graphing Quadratic and Cubic Functions

Graph each function.

1. y  0.4x 2 2. y  0.4x 3
y y

O x O x

3. y  2x2  1 4. y  2x3  1
y y
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8x O x

5. WINDOWS A window maker has 25 feet of wire to frame a window. One side of the
window is x feet and the other side is 9  x feet.

a. Write an equation to represent the area A of the window.

A  x 2  9x
b. Graph the equation you wrote in part a.
4 2 2 4 6 8 10 12x

c. If the area of the window is 18 square feet, what are the two possible values of x?
x  3 and x  6

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Graphing Quadratic and Cubic Functions

Pre-Activity How are functions, formulas, tables, and graphs related?

Lesson 13-6
Do the activity at the top of page 692 in your textbook. Write
your answers below.

a. The volume of cube V equals the cube of the length of an edge a.

Write a formula to represent the volume of a cube as a function
of edge length. V  a 3

b. Graph the volume as a function of edge length. (Hint: Use values of

a like 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and so on.)


O a
Edge Length

Reading the Lesson

1. Write a quadratic function. Explain what makes it a quadratic function and what its
graph would look like. Sample answer: y  2x 2  5; This is a quadratic func-
tion because it has the form y  ax 2  bx  c, a  0. It is a parabola.
2. Write a cubic function. Explain what makes it a cubic function and what its graph
would look like. Sample answer: y  3x 3  2; This is a cubic function
because it has the form y  ax 3  bx 2  cx, a  0. It is similar in appear-
ance to y  x 3, only shifted up two units and increasing more rapidly.
Helping You Remember
3. You have learned to graph quadratic and cubic functions. Make a list of the steps you
use to graph the two functions.

Make a table of values.

Plot the ordered pairs.
Connect the points with a curve.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 761 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Enrichment

Translating Quadratic Graphs y

When a figure is moved to a new position without
undergoing any rotation, then the figure is said to 10

have been translated to the new position. 8

The graph of a quadratic equation in the form 6

y  (x  b)2  c is a translation of the graph of y  x2.
Start with a graph of y  x2.
Slide to the right 4 units.
4 2 O 2 4 6 8x
y  (x  4)2
Then slide up 3 units.
y  (x  4)2  3

The following equations are in the form y  x2  c. Graph each equation.

1. y = x2 + 1 2. y = x2 + 2 3. y = x2 – 2
y y y

10 10 10

8 8 8

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

4 2 O 2 4x 4 2 O 2 4x 4 2 O 2 4x
2 2

The following equations are in the form y  ( x  b)2. Graph each equation.
4. y = (x – 1)2 5. y = (x – 3)2 6. y = (x + 2)2
y y y
10 10

8 8 8

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

4 2 O 2 4x 4 2 O 2 4 6x 6 4 2 O 2 4x
2 2 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 762 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 1 SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Choose the expression that is not a polynomial.

A. 6y  4 B. 4
C. 5x2y  7x D. 5a  6b 1.
y 9 5

2. The expression x2  2x is a
A. monomial. B. binomial. C. trinomial. D. constant. 2.

3. Find the degree of 5bc.
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 3.

4. Find the degree of yx3  xy.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 4.

Find each sum.

5. (9f  4)  ( f  2)
A. 10f  6 B. 10f  6 C. 8f  2 D. 9f 2  6f 5.

6. (2x  2)  (x  6)
A. 4x2  12 B. x  8 C. 3x  4 D. x  8 6.

7. (5a  3b)  (6a  2b)

A. 11a  5b B. a  b C. 11a  5b D. a  b 7.

8. (3x2  y)  (5x2  1  y)
A. 2x2  3y B. 8x2  y C. 2x2  3y D. 8x2  2y  1 8.

Find each difference.

9. (6m  4)  (3m  1)
A. 9m  5 B. 3m  3 C. 3m  5m D. 3m  5 9.

10. (7x  5)  (2x  1)

A. 5x  4 B. 9x  4 C. 5x  4 D. 5x  4x 10.

11. (3a  7b)  (a  b)

A. 2a  6b B. 4a  8b C. 2a  6b D. 4a  8b 11.

12. (4x2  x  1)  (3x2  2x  8)

A. 7x2  3x  7 B. x2  3x  7 C. 7x2  3x  9 D. x2  x  9 12.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 763 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 1 (continued)

Find each product.

13. 4(3y  5)
A. 7y  9 B. 7y  9 C. 12y  20 D. 12y  20y 13.

14. b(b  3)
A. b B. b2  3b C. 2b  3b D. b2  3b 14.

15. 3t(t  7)
A. 3t2  21t B. 3t2  21t2 C. 18t2 D. 14t 15.

16. (6x  y)x

A. 7x  xy B. 6x2  x  y C. 7x  xy D. 6x2  xy 16.

17. Which equation describes a nonlinear function?

A. x  y B. x  3x  7 C. y  x2y D. y  5(x  1) 17.

18. Which type of function does the graph y

shown at the right represent?
A. linear B. nonlinear
C. cubic D. quadratic O x 18.

19. Choose the graph that represents y  x3  1.

A. y B. y C. y D. y 19.

O x
O O x
O x x

20. Choose the equation that represents the graph y

at the right.
A. y  x2 B. y  x2
C. y  x3 D. y  x3 20.
O x

Bonus GEOMETRY A rectangle has sides of length 3x  4 B:

and width x  y. Find the perimeter.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 764 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2A SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Choose the expression that is not a polynomial.

A. 4 B. 5x2y3  7x3y2 C. a

  2b D. 6x  y 1.
9 8

2. Find the degree of 7ab3c5.

A. 9 B. 8 C. 16 D. 7 2.

3. The expression 2x  1y  z is a
3 2
A. monomial. B. binomial. C. trinomial. D. constant. 3.

4. Find the degree of x3  x2y3  y4.

A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 12 4.

Find each sum or difference.

5. (9x  2)  (6x  4)
A. 3x  2 B. 15x  6 C. 15x  6 D. 3x  2 5.

6. (5x  7y  4)  (2x  y  3)
A. 7x  7y  7 B. 7x  8y  7 C. 3x  8y  7 D. 3x  6y  1 6.

7. (6a2  b2)  (3a  b2)

A. 6a2  3a  2b2 B. 3a2  2b2
C. 9a2  3a D. 9a3  2b2 7.

8. (7t2  4s2)  (2t2  10s2)

A. 9t2  6s2 B. 9t2  6s2 C. 5t2  14s2 D. 5t2  14s2 8.

For Questions 9 and 10, refer to the rectangle.

9. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. 3x 7
A. 4x2  7 B. 8x  14
C. 4x  7 D. 3x2  7 9.

10. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 34 centimeters, what is the value of x?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 10.

11. GEOMETRY Franklin plans to trim a piece of carpet to fit a space with an
area of 2x2  3x  4. The area of the carpet is 2x2  9x  11. How much of
the carpet will Franklin have to trim so that it will fit into the space?
A. 4x2  12x  15 B. 6x  7
C. 12x  15 D. 6x  7 11.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 765 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2A (continued)

For Questions 12–15, find each product.

12. 7(3  4b)
A. 10  28b B. 21  28b C. 10  11b D. 49b 12.

13. t(5t  3)
A. 5t2  3t B. 5t  3t C. 5t2  3t D. 5t  3t 13.

14. 2(4x2  8x)

A.  8x2  16x B. 8x2  16x C.  6x2  10x D. 6x2  10x 14.

15. (x  4y)3x
A. 3x  12xy B. 3x  12y C. 3x2  7xy D. 3x2  12xy 15.

16. SPORTS The perimeter of a singles tennis court is 210 feet. The length is
equal to 2 times the width plus 24. Find the width.
A. 62 ft B. 27 ft C. 43 ft D. 78 ft 16.

17. Which equation describes a nonlinear function?

A. y  1.3x B. y  4
C. y  x3  5 D. 12  3x  4y 17.

18. The graph shown at the right represents a function y

that is
A. linear. B. nonlinear.
O x
C. cubic. D. quadratic. 18.

19. Choose the graph that represents y  3x3  1.

A. y B. y C. y D. y
O x O
O x
O x

20. Choose the equation that represents the graph y

shown at the right.
A. x3  3 B. x3  3
C. x2  3 D. x2  3 20.
O x

Bonus Write a binomial with degree 4. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 766 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2B SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Choose the expression that is not a polynomial.

A. 4 B. 4 C. 3x2y  7xy2 D. 12x  y 1.

5 x 7

2. Find the degree of 3ab6.

A. 18 B. 8 C. 6 D. 7 2.

3. The expression x2  2x  4 is a

A. monomial. B. binomial. C. trinomial. D. constant. 3.

4. Find the degree of x2y  xy  3y2.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 4.

Find each sum or difference.

5. (7x  3)  (6x  5)
A. x  2 B. 13x  8 C. 13x  8 D. x  2 5.

6. (x2  9x  4)  (6x2  5x  1)
A. 7x2  14x  3 B. 5x2  4x2  5
C. 7x2  4x  5 D. 5x2  4x2  3 6.

7. (10a2  b2)  (4a  b2)

A. 14a2  2b2 B. 10a2  4a  2b2
C. 6a2  2b2 D. 10a2  4a  2b2 7.

8. (8t2  5s2)  (2t2  10s2)

A. 16t2  15s2 B. 6t2  15s2 C. 8t2  2t  15s2 D. 10t2  5s2 8.

For Questions 9 and 10, refer to the rectangle.

9. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. 2x 4
A. 2x2  4x B. 3x  4
C. 6x  8 D. 2x2  4 9.

10. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 38 centimeters, what is the value of x?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 19 10.

11. GEOMETRY Marcus plans to trim a piece of carpet to fit a space with an
area of 2x2  5x  4. The area of the carpet is 2x2  8x  10. How much of
the carpet will Marcus have to trim so that it will fit into the space?
A. 3x  14 B. 4x2  13x  14
C. 3x  6 D. 3x  6 11.

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13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2B (continued)

For Questions 12–15, find each product.

12. 6(4  3b)
A. 10  9b B. 24  18b C. 24b  18b D. 10  9b 12.

13. t(8t  2)
A. 8t2  2t B. 6t2 C. 8t2  2t D. 8t2  2t2 13.

14. 3(2x2  5x)

A. 6x2  15x B. 6x2  15x C. 5x2  8x D. 5x2  8x 14.

15. (x  3y)4x
A. 5x2  7xy B. 4x2  12x C. 4x2  12y D. 4x2  12xy 15.

16. SPORTS The perimeter of a doubles tennis court is 228 feet. The length is
equal to 2 times the width plus 6. Find the width of a doubles tennis court.
A. 74 ft B. 36 ft C. 42 ft D. 78 ft 16.

17. Which equation represents a nonlinear function?

A. y  x3  1 B. y  3
C. 15  2x  3y D. 1.7x  y 17.

18. The graph shown at the right represents a function y

that is
A. linear. B. nonlinear.
C. cubic. D. quadratic. 18.
O x

19. Choose the graph that represents y  x2  1.

A. y B. y C. y D. y 19.
O x
O x O x

O x

20. Choose the equation that represents the graph y

shown at the right.
A. y  x2  2 B. y  x2  2
C. y  x3  2 D. y  x3  2 20.
O x

Bonus Write a trinomial with degree 5. B:

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13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2C SCORE

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it

is, classify it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
1. 3  x  x2 1.

2. x 2.

ART For Questions 3 and 4, refer x

to the diagram of a stained

y y
glass window at the right.
3. Write a polynomial that 3.
represents the perimeter of xy xy
the stained glass window.

4. What is the degree of the polynomial? y y 4.

Find each sum or difference.
5. (2x  4)  (3x  3) 5.

6. (8y  7)  (4y  3) 6.

7. (5a2  b2)  (3a  b2) 7.

8. (7t2  5s2)  (4t2  10s2) 8.

9. (6x2  5x  2)  (x2  2x  4) 9.

GEOMETRY For Questions 10–12,

refer to the rectangle at the right. x 5

10. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. 3x 2 10.

11. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 46 centimeters, what 11.

is the value of x?

12. Find the dimensions of the rectangle. 12.

For Questions 13–18, find each product.

13. 3(4x  1) 13.

14. b(5b  2) 14.

15. (6  3y)y 15.

16. (9  3a)4a 16.

17. 4c(4c  1) 17.

18. km(k2  2) 18.

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13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2C (continued)

19. SPORTS The dimensions of a singles badminton court are 19.

different from the dimensions of a singles tennis court, as
shown in the table. Use the information in the table to find
the length and width of each court.
Measure (feet) Tennis Badminton
Perimeter 210 122
Width x y
Length 2(x  12) 2(y  5)

Determine whether each graph, equation, or table

represents a linear or nonlinear function. Explain.
20. y 21. x y 22. ab  12 20.
3 40
7 30 21.
O x
11 20
15 10

For Questions 23 and 24, graph each function.

23. y  3x2 23. y

O x

24. y  x3  2 24. y

O x

25. Graph y  x3  3 and y  3x3. Are these equations functions? 25. y


Bonus Find two polynomials whose difference is 2x2  x  4. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 770 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2D SCORE

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it

is, classify it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
1. 3 2. x2  x  2 1.

x 2.
ART For Questions 3 and 4, refer
to the diagram of a stained glass y y
window at the right.
3. Write a polynomial that 3.

xy xy
represents the perimeter of
the stained glass window.
y y
4. What is the degree of the 4.
polynomial? x

Find each sum or difference.

5. (3x  2)  (5x  3) 5.

6. (9y  7)  (4y  3) 6.

7. (4a2  b2)  (2a  b2) 7.

8. (6t2  7s2)  (3t2  10s2) 8.

9. (5x2  7x  3)  (2x2  x  7) 9.

GEOMETRY For Questions 10–12,

refer to the rectangle at the right. x 2

10. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. 3x 3 10.

11. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 38 centimeters, what is 11.

the value of x?

12. Find the dimensions of the rectangle. 12.

For Questions 13–18, find each product.

13. 4(5x  2) 13.

14. b(6b  1) 14.

15. (7  2y)y 15.

16. (7  2a)5a 16.

17. 3c(5c  2) 17.

18. km(k3  4) 18.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 771 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2D (continued)

19. SPORTS The perimeter of a singles tennis court is different 19.

from the perimeter of a doubles tennis court, as shown in
the table. Use the information in the table to find the length
and width of each court.
Measure (feet) Singles Doubles
Perimeter 210 228
Width y x
Length 2(y  12) 2(x  3)

Determine whether each graph, equation, or table

represents a linear or nonlinear function. Explain.

20. y 21. x y 22. y  x 20.

11 1
9 2 21.
6 3
4 4

For Questions 23 and 24, graph each function.

23. y  2x2 23. y

O x

24. x3  1 24. y

O x

25. Graph y  x2  1 and y  x2. Are these equations 25. y

functions? Explain.

O x

Bonus GEOMETRY Find the area of a rectangle with width B:

4x cm and length 2x2  9x  4 cm.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 772 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 3 SCORE

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it

is, classify it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
2y 2. 7w3  1x2  1 2.
3 2

Tell whether each statement is always, sometimes, or

never true. Explain.
3. A binomial has a degree of 2. 3.

4. A trinomial has 3 terms. 4.

Find each sum or difference.

5. (7x  3)  (4x  5) 5.

6. (7k  6)  (2k  4) 6.

7. (3z2  5zw  3w2)  (4z2  2w2) 7.

8. (4x2  5xy  3y2)  (2x2  4xy  5y2) 8.

9. (6x2  x  7)  (x2  4x  5) 9.

Find each sum. Then evaluate if a  2, b  3 and c  5.

10. (2b  3a)  (4b  7a) 10.

11. (a2  6b2)  (9  3b2)  (2a2  10) 11.

12. (4a  6b  3c)  (a  4b  7c)  (2a  2b  c) 12.

For Questions 13–18, find each product.

13. x(x  7) 13.

14. (y2  2)6y 14.

15. rs(r2  5) 15.

16. (3x2  2x  11)4 16.

17. 2m(7  4m  3m2) 17.

18. 5b(b3  9b  4) 18.

19. Solve 8a  12  6(a  5). 19.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 773 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 3 (continued)

For Questions 20 and 21, determine whether each graph,

equation, or table represents a linear or nonlinear
function. Explain.
20. x y 21. y 20.
11 18
8 13 21.
5 8 O x
2 3

22. y  6 22.


Graph each function.

23. y  1x2  1 23. y


O x

24. y  1x3  1 24. y


O x

25. Write the function for the volume V of a rectangular prism 25.
as a function of a fixed height of 4 and a square base of V
varying lengths s. Then graph. 32



0 1 2 3 4 s

Bonus A rectangle is 9 feet longer than it is wide. If the B:

rectangle has a perimeter of 326 feet, how long is
each side?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 774 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Open-Ended Assessment SCORE

Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise solution

to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and
justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than
one way or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem.
1. An algebraic expression that contains one or more monomials is
called a polynomial.
a. Complete the table below.

Sample Polynomial Number of Terms Type of Polynomial Degree of Polynomial

x4 1
3r 3  r 2 3

a2  2ab  b2
x4y3  4x3y  15xy2

b. Write a trinomial that contains only one variable.

c. Write a monomial that contains exactly three variables.
d. Explain how your answers to parts b and c differ.

2. Tiles can be used to model polynomials.

a. Draw tiles to represent 3x2  2x  4.
b. Draw tiles to find the sum (2x2  x  3)  (x2  3x  2).
Explain each step.
c. Find two polynomials whose difference is 2x2  x  3.
Draw tiles to demonstrate finding their difference.

3. Refer to the table at the right. x y

a. Graph the ordered pairs in the table.
2 7
b. Sketch a line or curve through the points.
1 0
c. Does your graph represent a linear or a
nonlinear function? Explain. 0 1

d. Write a function that includes all of the 1 2

ordered pairs in the table. 2 9

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 775 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Vocabulary Test/Review SCORE

additive inverse degree polynomial

binomial linear function quadratic function
cubic function nonlinear function trinomial

Write whether each sentence is true or false. If false, replace

the underlined word or number to make a true sentence.
1. A cubic function has a degree of 3. 1.

2. The expression 5x3 is a polynomial. 2.

3. The degree of the polynomial 4x2y3  xy is 3. 3.

4. The polynomial in any equation that represents a 4.

quadratic function has a degree of 3.

5. A polynomial with three terms is called a binomial. 5.

6. The constant 0 has no degree. 6.

7. A quadratic function has a graph that is a straight line. 7.

8. You can subtract a polynomial by adding its reciprocal. 8.

9. 6x2  2x and 5x  2 are both examples of binomials. 9.

10. Quadratic functions and cubic functions are both examples 10.
of nonlinear functions.

In your own words—

Define each term.
11. degree of a monomial

12. degree of a polynomial

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 776 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 13–1 and 13–2)

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is,

classify it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.
1. r2  rs  9 1.

2. x
z 2.

For Questions 3 and 4, find the degree of each polynomial.

3. xy 3.

4. 4m  n 4.

5. Which type of polynomial has two unlike terms? 5.

Find each sum.

6. (4m  3)  (2m  8) 6.

7. (6x  2)  (x  1) 7.

8. (9y  4s)  (y  7s) 8.

9. (6p2  2p  3)  (4p2  p  6) 9.

10. (5x2y  xy)  (6x2y) 10.


13 Chapter 13 Quiz SCORE

(Lesson 13–3)

Find each difference.

1. (8y  6)  (3y  9) 1.

2. (4x  2y)  (x  y) 2.

3. (3x2  2x)  (x2  5x) 3.

4. (12x2  2)  (x  5) 4.

5. GEOMETRY The perimeter 5.

of the triangle shown at the 3x 1
right is 7x  2 units. Find
the length of the missing
side of the triangle.
2x 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 777 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 13–4 and 13–5)

Find each product.

1. 3a(9  a) 2. 6c(c4  2c2  7) 1.

For Questions 3 and 4, determine whether each graph 2.

or table represents a linear or nonlinear function.
3. y 4. x y 3.
2 40
5 30
12 20
O x
19 10

5. Standardized Test Practice Which equation describes a

linear function?
A. a  (a  3)5a B. x  9y  15
C. 4t  3r  7
2 D. y  3m3  1 5.


13 Chapter 13 Quiz SCORE

(Lesson 13–6)

For Questions 1 and 2, graph each function. y

1. y  x3 1.

O x

2. y  x3  1 2. y

O x

3. Graph y  2x2 and y  x2 on the same coordinate plane. 3. y

Describe their similarities and differences.

O x

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 778 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Mid-Chapter Test SCORE

(Lessons 13–1 through 13–4)

Part I Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
Find the degree of each polynomial.
1. 12xy2
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 1.

2. x3  x2y3  y6
A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 14 2.

For Questions 3–6 find each sum or difference.
3. (m2  s)  (3m2  ms)
A. 3m2  ms2 B. 4m2  ms  s
C. 3m4  ms2 D. 4m2  ms2 3.

4. (4x2  x  3)  (x2  2x  1)
A. 3x2  x  2 B. 3x4  x2  2
C. 5x2  3x  4 D. 4x2  2 4.

5. (3t  4r)  (t  r)

A. 4t  5r B. 2t  3r C. 3t  4r D. 4t2  5r2 5.

6. (6y2  5y  3)  (4y2  5y  4)
A. 5 B. 2y2  5y  7 C. 2y2  7 D. 10y2  1 6.

7. Choose the expression that is not a binomial.

A. 3ab  1 B. x2  y C. m3  2 D. 1x  x 7.

Part II
Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it
is, classify it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial. 9.
8. 0.7x3 9. x  2
10. 2m  1n  r 10.
y w 3 2

Find each sum or difference.

11. (6x  7)  (3x  5) 11.

12. (3b2  4b  6)  (3b2  3b  5) 12.

13. (7x  4)  (3x  1) 13.

14. (4a2  4b  5)  (2a2  3b  1) 14.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 779 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Chapter 13 Cumulative Review

(Chapters 1–13)

3[4(5  2)]
1. Find the value of  . (Lesson 1-2) 1.
2. Wei-Ling wants to start a lawn in an area that is 110 feet 2.
by 70 feet. One bag of seed covers 1200 square feet. How
many bags should he buy? (Lesson 3-7)

3. Write 2,850,000,000 in scientific notation. (Lesson 4-8) 3.

4. Refer to the graph. Going the Extra 4.

Out of a group of Mile for Pets
1150 pet owners, Specially prepare
how many would you pet's food
expect to say they Buy pet souvenirs
would specially on vacation

prepare a pet’s food? Talk to pets on

phone/answering 37%
(Lesson 6-9) machine

5. Find the slope of the line that passes through the points 5.
A(2, 6) and B(5, 1). (Lesson 8-4)
6. Find the value of x. Then find the 6.
missing angle measures. (Lesson 10-4) x˚ 7.1x˚

7. Find the surface area of a cone with radius 7 cm and slant 7.

height 10.5 cm. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth.
(Lesson 11-5)

8. Find the missing measure x 10 in.

for the pair of similar
solids. (Lesson 11-6)
12 in. 8 in.

9. The stem-and-leaf plot shows stem leaf 9.

the ages of students enrolled 0 9
in a sign language course. 1 0 4 4 6 7
How many of the students 2 2 2 3 4 7 9
are less than 30 years old? 3 0 1 1 6 8
4 2 7 9 9
(Lesson 12-1)
5 1 1 3 8
3  0  30
10. Colin has a choice of a ham, turkey or roast beef sandwich 10.
on white, wheat, or sourdough bread and a choice of an
apple, banana, or orange. How many lunches are possible?
(Lesson 12-6)

Find each sum or difference. (Lessons 13-2 and 13-3) 11.

11. (6a  9c)  (2a  4c) 12. (9m  5)  (  3m  8) 12.

13. Find the product 3x(5x  3). (Lesson 13-4) 13.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 780 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

13 Standardized Test Practice

(Chapters 1–13)

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Instructions: Fill in the appropriate oval for the best answer.

1. The area of a rectangle is 90 square meters. Its width is

15 meters. Find the perimeter. (Lesson 3–7)
A. 28 m B. 42 m C. 210 m D. 21 m 1. A B C D

2. Find the quotient of 33 and 5. (Lesson 5–4)

4 7

E. 51 F. 22 G. 4 H. 31 2. E F G H
4 3 21 28

3. A discount shopping club sells a set of 4 books for $9.99.

Individually, each book sells for $3.95. What is the percent of
discount on each book? (Lesson 6–7)
A. 25% B. 37% C. 42% D. 58% 3. A B C D

4. Find the slope of the line. (Lesson 8–4) y

E. 4 F. 4
G. 1 H. 1 4. E F G H
4 4
O x

5. Find the value of x to the nearest tenth. 4 cm

(Lesson 9–5)

A. 4.4 cm B. 15.5 cm
C. 3.3 cm D. 14.5 cm x cm 15 cm 5. A B C D

6. Mrs. Sato is putting a fence around her circular

flower garden. The garden is 6 feet across the
center. How long is the fence? (Lesson 10–7)
E. 6 ft F. 9.42 ft G. 18.84 ft H. 36.78 ft 6. E F G H

7. Find the slant height of a square pyramid with a base side length
of 5 cm and a surface area of 120 cm. (Lesson 11–5)
A. 12 cm B. 11.7 cm C. 5.4 cm D. 9.5 cm 7. A B C D

8. The histogram shows the ages of the Japanese Exchange

students in the Japanese exchange Students
Number of Students

program. What is the total number of 8

students involved in the exchange? 6
(Lesson 12–4)
E. 20 F. 22 2
G. 24 H. 26 0 8. E F G H








© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 781 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Standardized Test Practice (continued)

9. One bag contains two red and four white beads. Another bag
contains three green and four black beads. One bead is drawn
from each bag. Find P(white and black). (Lesson 12–9)
A.   B. 8 C. 8 D. 2 9. A B C D
21 42 21 13

10. Find the sum (3a  6b  c)  (2a  6b  4c). (Lesson 13–2)

E. 6a  4 F. 5a  5c G. 5a  3c H. 5a  12b 10. E F G H

11. Find the difference (8m  6)  (2m  4). (Lesson 13-3)

A. 6m  2 B. 6m  2 C. 10m  2 D. 10m  10 11. A B C D

12. Find the product 3x(3x  2). (Lesson 13-4)

E. 9x2  6 F. 9x2  6x G. 9x2  6x H. 9x2  6 12. E F G H

13. Which equation represents a linear function? (Lesson 13-5)

A. 4xy  15 B. y  1x C. x3  1  y D. y  x(x  7) 13. A B C D


Part 2: Grid In
Instructions: Enter your answer by writing each digit of the answer in a column box
and then shading in the appropriate oval that corresponds to that entry.

14. The dimensions of a rectangular prism are: 14. 15.

height 2.9 m, width 1.4 m, and length 3.01 m.
/ / / /
Find the volume of the prism in cubic meters . . . . . . . .
and round to the correct number of significant 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
digits. (Lessons 11-2 and 11-7) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
15. Find the degree of 13x3  xy  0.5y2. (Lesson 13-1) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Part 3: Short Response

Instructions: Write your answer in the blank at the right of each question.

16. Michael drops three quarters. What are the odds they will 16.
all land heads up? If he drops the quarters 100 times, about
how many times should they land heads up? (Lesson 12-8)

17. Write an equation to represent the volume V of a cone with 17.

height   and radius r. Is this equation a function? (Lesson 13-6)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 782 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Unit 5 Test SCORE

(Chapters 12–13)

For Questions 1–5, use the Stem Leaf

stem-and-leaf plot which
2 4 5 7 7 9
shows the ages of members 3 3 3 7 8 8 8 8 9
of a community chorus. 4 2 5 5 8 8 8 9 9 9
5 0 0 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 9 9
6 0 0 1 1 1 3 5 5
2  4  24

1. How old is the oldest member of the chorus? 1.

2. In which interval do most of the ages occur? 2.

3. What is the median age of the members? 3.

4. Make a box-and-whisker plot of the data. 4.

20 30 40 50 60 70

5. Find the interquartile range. 5.

For Questions 6 and 7, Books Read Over Summer Books Read

use the data in the table. Books Tally Frequency Over Summer

Number of Students
6. Display the set of data in 0–4 52 7 6. 12
a histogram. 5–9 554 14 10
10–14 5 5 6
15–19 3 3
0–4 5–9 10–14 15–19
Number of Books

7. How many students read at least 5 books? 7.

8. Which graph appears to show a greater increase in the 8.

price of one share of XYZ stock? Explain.
Graph A Graph B
100 100
80 90
Price (dollars)

Price (dollars)

60 80
40 70
20 60
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Year Year

9. A sheet set is available in red, green, purple, or blue and a 9.

choice of twin, queen, or king size. Find the number of
different sheet sets you can buy.

10. Three coins are tossed. What is the probability of two tails 10.
and one head?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 783 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Unit 5 Test (continued)

(Chapters 12–13)

For Questions 11 and 12, tell whether each situation is a

permutation or combination. Then solve.
11. Steve has 9 mystery books. How many ways can he arrange 11.
them on a bookshelf?

12. How many ways can you choose 4 pair of socks out of 12.
12 pair for a trip?

13. Two number cubes are rolled. What are the odds of getting 13.
a sum less than 7?

14. Danielle has 3 dimes, 2 quarters, and 5 nickels in her 14.

pocket. What is the probability that she chooses a dime
followed by a quarter?

15. An eight-sided die is rolled, find P(5 or even). 15.

16. Determine whether x  xy is a polynomial. If it is, classify 16.
it as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.

17. Find the degree of xy  3x2y  9. 17.

For Questions 18 and 19, find each sum or difference.

18. (a2  b)  (5a2  ab) 18.

19. (3x2  6x  3)  (x2  8x  7) 19.

20. The perimeter of the triangle is 7x  2y x y 3x y cm 20.

centimeters. Find the length of the third cm

For Questions 21 and 22, find each product. 21.

21. x(3x  1) 22. 4a(10  2a) 22.

23. Find the perimeter of a square with side length 2x  y 23.


24. Determine whether y  0.4x2 is a linear or nonlinear 24.

equation. Explain.

25. Graph y  2x3  1. 25. y

O x

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 784 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Second Semester Test SCORE

(Chapters 6–13)

For Questions 1–20, write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the
right of each question.
14 3.5
1. What value of p makes     a proportion?
p 9
A. 18 B. 7 C. 36 D. 27 1.

2. Sheri was told by the restaurant hostess that her party could be seated
when 75% of her guests arrived. If Sheri was expecting 28 guests, how
many must arrive before her party can be seated?

A. 7 B. 21 C. 25 D. 16 2.

3. Solve 2(k  6)  20.

A. k  16 B. k  16 C. k  7 D. k  7 3.

4. Solve 8x  2  30.
A. x  4 B. x  4 C. x  3.5 D. x  3.5 4.

5. The ideal gas law says that the pressure of a gas varies directly with the
volume of the container holding the gas. If the pressure is 2 atmospheres
when the volume is 3 liters, predict the pressure when the volume is 1 liter.
A. 1 atmosphere B. 2 atmosphere

C. 3 atmosphere D. 6 atmospheres 5.


6. Which equation could be a best-fit line for the data in the table?
x 2 5 8 10 13
y 2500 2100 1300 900 500

A. y  x  2500 B. y  100x  2500

C. y  0.005x  3000 D. y  200x  3000 6.

7. Determine which of the following is not a solution to the linear inequality

5x  7y  4.

A. 0, 5
7   10 
B. 9, 0 C. (1, 1) D. (1, 1) 7.

8. Solve d2  70. Round to the nearest tenth.

A. 8.4, 8.4 B. 8.3, 8.3 C. 8.4 D. 9.0 8.

9. Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle if the lengths of the
legs are 48 and 64 inches.
A. 112 in. B. 14.9 in. C. 80 in. D. 56 in. 9.
10. In the triangle at the right, find the missing measure to the
nearest tenth. 100 cm
A. 67.0 cm B. 66.9 cm C. 74.3 cm D. 74.0 cm 42˚
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 785 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

Second Semester Test (Continued)

(Chapters 6–13)

11. A figure has a vertex (x, y). Find the coordinates of the transformed vertex
after a reflection over the x-axis.
A. (x, y) B. (x, y) C. (x, y) D. (x, y) 11.

12. Determine the measure of an interior angle in a regular 12-gon.

A. 150° B. 216° C. 180° D. 240° 12.

13. Find the area of a circle with diameter 14 m.

A. 43.98 m2 B. 153.94 m2 C. 615.75 m2 D. 21.99 m2 13.

14. Find the volume of the solid at the right. 8 ft

20 ft
A. 21,256 ft3 B. 24,192 ft3
C. 25,928 ft3 D. 23,672 ft3 42 ft 14.
24 ft

15. Find the surface area of the solid at the right.

A. 83.4 ft2 B. 100.5 ft2 5 ft
2 ft
C. 175.9 ft2 D. 119.4 ft2 15.

6 ft

16. Rico measures the inside of a picture frame to be 7.7 cm by 12.7 cm.
What is the area inside the picture frame? Round to the correct number of
significant digits.
A. 97.79 cm2 B. 98 cm2 C. 97.8 cm2 D. 97 cm2 16.

17. A box holds 26 cards each with a different letter of the alphabet. What are
the odds of drawing one of the letters in the word MATH?
A. 2:13 B. 2:11 C. 3:26 D. 11:13 17.

18. Elena has 10 blue, 2 yellow, 4 purple, and 9 red hair clips in a drawer.
If she chooses two without looking, what is the probability she will pick a
red clip followed by a blue clip?
A. 2 B. 3 19
D.   18.
15 20 25 125

19. What is the product of 4x and x  2?

A. 4x2  8 B. 4x2  8x C. 4x2  4x D. 4x  8 19.

20. Which equation represents a nonlinear function?

A. y  x B. y  6x C. y  2 D. y  1x 20.
3 x 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 786 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Second Semester Test (Continued)

(Chapters 6–13)

21. Victor will make a scale model of a bridge. He wants the 21.
width of the model to be 3 inches. The actual width of the
bridge is 90 feet. What scale should he use?

22. Kimiko borrows $450 at an interest rate of 8.5% per year 22.
for 3 years. How much interest will she have to pay?

23. Find the percent of change from $97 to $83.42. State 23.
whether the change is an increase or decrease.

24. Suppose a number cube is rolled. What is the probability of 24.
rolling a number less than 3?

25. Solve 8(x  1)  4  9x  8. 25.

26. Three times the sum of three consecutive integers is 99. 26.
What are the integers?

27. Solve b  4.3. 27.


28. Find the value of c so that (c, 5) is a solution to 2x  3y  7. 28.

29. Find the x-intercept and y-intercept for the graph of 29.
4x  2y  0.

30. What is the slope of the line x  2? 30.


31. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line 31.

passing through (2, 6) and (4, 3).

32. Solve the system of equations by substitution. 32.

y  3x  8 and y  10
33. Use a protractor to find the measure of 33.
DEF and then classify the angle as
acute, obtuse, or right.
34. Find the value of x in the triangle at the right. 34.
Then classify the triangle as acute, right, or

35. Find the distance between Q(5, 9) and R(4, 6). 35.
Round to the nearest tenth. x˚ 54˚

36. Find mB if mA  27 and A and B are complementary. 36.

37. If ABC  DEF, which segment is congruent to C

? 37.

38. Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 15 meters 38.

and a height of 9 meters.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 787 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Second Semester Test (Continued)

(Chapters 6–13)

39. In the figure at the right, 27 in. 39.
21 in.
ABC  FGH. Find the value C G
of x. A 42 in. x

40. Ben’s cart has a wheel that 40.

measures 21 inches in diameter.
Find the circumference of the W X
41. Identify the solid at the right. Name the 41.
faces, edges, and vertices. Z
42. Find the surface area of the pyramid at the 42.
right. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth.
7 cm
43. Aisha has two pyramid-shaped candles. 43.
One has a 4-inch square base and a slant
height of 5 inches. The other has a 3-inch
square base. Assuming the candles are
similar, what is the slant height of the 3.4 cm
3.4 cm
other candle?

44. Find the volume of a rectangular prism with length 4.24 in., 44.
width 1.07 in., and height 6.0 in. Round to the correct
number of significant digits.
Ages of Volunteers
45. The box-and-whisker plot 45.
shows the ages of volunteers
answering phones at a public
television fund drive. Half of 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
the volunteers are under what age?
MLS Leading
Scorers 2001
46. Display the set of MLS Leading Scorers 2001 46. 10
data in a histogram.
Number of players

Amount Tally Frequency 8

1–3 1 1 6
4–6 52 7 4
7–9 54 9 2
10–12 4 4 0
1– 4– 7– 1 1
13–15 4 4 3 6 9 0–1 3–1
2 5
Source: www.soccernet.com

47. Graph the function y  0.5x3. 47. y

O x

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 788 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Final Test SCORE

(Chapters 1–13)

For Questions 1–30, write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the
right of each question.
1. Find the value of 18  6 3  1.
A. 19.5 B. 9 C. 6 D. 21 1.

2. Which table shows the set of ordered pairs that y

are graphed on the coordinate system? 7
A. x 1 0 3 B. x 2 3 4 5

y 4 2 1 y 1 0 1 4
C. x 3 2 1 D. x 4 0 1 2 2.
y 1
1 0 3 y 1 2 3 B
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

3. Use the formula K   a    b  to find the value of K if a  729 and

b  871.
A. –1600 B. –142 C. 1600 D. 142 3.

4. Find the average of the daily low temperatures.

18F, 12F, 0F, 5F, 9F, 11F, 15F
A. 6F B. 7F C. 10F D. 0F 4.

5. If you interchange the coordinates of any point in Quadrant II, the new
point would be in which quadrant?
A. I B. II C. III D. IV 5.

6. Carla collected z pounds of trash on a city clean-up day. Odell collected

three times as much. Kai collected 8 pounds less than Odell. Which
expression represents the number of pounds of trash collected?
A. 7z  8 B. 7z  8 C. 4z  8 D. 4z  8 6.

7. City Hall is 27 feet taller than the town library. If their combined height is
293 feet, how tall is the library?
A. 133 ft B. 320 ft C. 266 ft D. 120 ft 7.

8. Which number is not a prime factor of 385?

A. 11 B. 7 C. 5 D. 3 8.

9. Evaluate (4b2)1 if b  3.
A. –36 B. 1 C. 1 D. 4 9.
12 36 9

10. Determine which number is less than 1.008 103.

A. 1.080 104 B. 0.01008 C. 1.18 104 D. 1.8 103 10.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 789 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Final Test (continued)

(Chapters 1–13)

11. Which decimal is equivalent to 2?

A. 0.2  6
B. 0.16 8
C. 0.1  8
D. 0.18 11.

12. Solve c  21  55.

2 9

A. 31 B. 34 C. 81 D. 22 12.

18 7 18 9

13. State the next term in the sequence 0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.5, … .
A. 0.05 B. 2.5 C. 1.0 D. 0.25 13.

14. A jam recipe calls for 9 cups of sugar for 12 pints of jam. How many cups of
sugar are needed to make 18 pints of jam?
A. 18 B. 12 C. 131 D. 24 14.

15. Which scale has a scale factor of 1?

A. 3 ft  4 yd B. 4 ft  16 yd C. 9 ft  24 yd D. 2 ft  6 yd 15.

16. Lisa buys a radio marked $60. She receives a 20% discount. Find the
selling price of the radio.
A. $46.75 B. $40 C. $37.50 D. $48 16.

17. Choose the inequality for the graph.

A. x 4 B. x  4 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
C. x 4 D. x  4 17.

18. Solve x 8.

A. x 56 B. x 56 C. x 56 D. x 56 18.

19. Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept for the graph of 27x  18y  54.
A. 3; –2 B. 1; 1 C. 2; –3 D. 4, 3 19.
2 3

20. Find the slope of the line that passes through A(–7, 1) and B(2, –5).
A. 2 B. 9 C. 5 D. 4 20.
3 6 4 9

21. Write an equation in slope-intercept x 2 0 2 4

form for the table of values. y 5 1 3 7

A. y  1x  6 B. y  1x  3 C. y  2x  9 D. y  2x  1 21.

2 2

22. In RST, mR  27 and mS  31. Find mT.

A. 122 B. 52 C. 48 D. 302 22.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 790 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Final Test (continued)

(Chapters 1–13)

23. Tina rests a 35-foot ladder against a wall. The top of the ladder hits the
wall at a point 32 feet above the ground. How far from the wall is the foot
of the ladder? Round to the nearest tenth.
A. 3.0 ft B. 4.7 ft C. 14.2 ft D. 8.2 ft 23.

24. If angles A and B are complementary and mA  23, find mB.
A. 46 B. 157 C. 67 D. 23 24.

25. In quadrilateral ABCD, mA  112, mB  37, mC  11. Find mD.

A. 180 B. 200 C. 20 D. 360 25.

26. Find the area of a trapezoid with bases of 10 inches and 12 inches and a
height of 20 inches.
A. 220 in2 B. 2400 in2 C. 440 in2 D. 396 in2 26.

27. Find the volume of a cone with radius 9 centimeters and height
4 centimeters.
A. 108 cm3 B. 508.9 cm3 C. 339.3 cm3 D. 476.9 cm3 27.

28. Find the missing measure for the pair of similar

8 cm
solids. 2.5 cm
A. 6.25 cm B. 8 cm
C. 14.5 cm D. 5 cm 28.
20 cm x cm

29. How many ways can 6 glass figurines be displayed on a shelf?

A. 36 B. 6 C. 120 D. 720 29.

30. Which equation represents the graph? y

A. y  3x2 B. y  3x2
C. y  3x3 D. y  3x3 30.

O x

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 791 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Final Test (continued)

(Chapters 1–13)

31. Simplify (5 t) 9. 31.

32. A plumber charges $35 for each hour spent on the job. The 32.
plumber’s bill for one job is $105. Define a variable. Then
write an open sentence that can be used to find the number
of hours the plumber spent on this job.

33. Determine whether a scatter plot of the data for outside 33.
temperature and amount of air-conditioning bill might show
a positive, negative, or no relationship. Explain your answer.

Evaluate each expression.

34.  x  z   y, if x  5, y  2, and z  4. 34.

35. 6b  (34b), if b  2. 35.

36. Make a table of values and graph six sets of ordered pairs 36.
for x  y  4. y

O x

37. Use the distributive property to write 14(w  4) as an 37.

equivalent algebraic expression.

Write and solve an equation for each sentence.

38. When 8 is subtracted from a number, the result is 18. 38.

39. The product of a number and –9 is –63. 39.

40. Express 793 in expanded form. 40.

41. Find the GCF of 16ab and 24a2. 41.

42. Find the product of (9x2)(4xy3). 42.

 as a fraction.
43. Write 0.73 43.

3a 4a2
44. Find   . Write in simplest form. 44.
8b 5

45. Kira earns these scores in history: 75, 80, 80, 80, 83, 85, 88, 45.
90, 97, 100. Find the median of the test scores.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 792 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Final Test (continued)

(Chapters 1–13)

46. Express 96 words in 1.5 minutes as a unit rate. 46.

47. Find the percent of change from 126 miles to 147 miles. 47.
Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

48. What is the probability that a person chosen at random was 48.
born on a Saturday or Sunday?

49. Solve 9z  5  37  3z. 49.

50. Solve 4(2x  1)  6  8x  3. 50.

51. Solve b  1  9. 51.

7 14

52. Six times a number less 5 is less than two times a number 52.
plus 7. For what number or numbers is this true?

53. Determine whether the relation is a function. 53.

{(–31, 100), (29, –289), (48, 692), (–490, 133), (140, 100)}

54. Suppose y varies directly with x. Write an equation relating 54.

x and y if y  4 when x  6.

55. Graph the equation of a line with slope 1 and y-intercept 0. 55. y

O x

56. Graph y  3x  1. 56. y

O x

57. Use a protractor to draw an angle that measures 67. 57.

Then classify the angle as acute, obtuse, right, or straight.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 793 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


Final Test (continued)

(Chapters 1–13)

58. Find the distance between W(10, –4) and X(–16, 5). Round 58.
to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

59. Courtney has a photo of herself and her dog. Her image is 59.
2.5 inches high and the image of the dog is 0.5 inches high.
Courtney is 5.5 feet tall. How tall is the dog?
60. For the triangle, find the missing 60.
measure to the nearest tenth. 7

61. The vertices of a figure are A(–4, 1), B(–2, 4), C(1, –1), 61. y
D(–3, –2). Graph the image of the figure after a rotation of
90 clockwise.

O x

62. Find the perimeter of a regular nonagon having sides 62.

3.7 inches long.

63. A circle has an area of 254.34 in2. Find the radius. 63.

64. Anil is making a poster that measures 36 inches high and 64.
24 inches wide. Anil adds a 3-inch wide decorative border
to all sides of the poster. What is the area of the border?

65. Find the volume of a cylinder with a 7.5 cm radius and a 65.
height of 10 cm. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth.

66. Find the surface area of the cone at the right. 66.
Round to the nearest tenth.
14 m

67. Find the surface area of a cube with an edge 67.

12 centimeters long. Round to the correct
number of significant digits. 7m

68. List the set of data represented Stem Leaf 68.

by the stem-and-leaf plot. Then 0 1 1 2 4 7
find the median. 1 3 8 9 9
2 0 2 2 4 5 6 8
3 1 7
1  8  18
69. An eight-sided die is rolled. What is the 69.
probability of rolling a prime number or a 6?

70. Find 3k(8k5  7k2). 70.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 794 Glencoe Pre-Algebra


13 Standardized Test Practice

Student Record Sheet (Use with pages 702–703 of the Student Edition.)

Part 1 Multiple Choice

Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval.

1 A B C D 4 A B C D 7 A B C D

2 A B C D 5 A B C D 8 A B C D

3 A B C D 6 A B C D 9 A B C D

Part 2 Short Response/Grid In

Solve the problem and write your answer in the blank.
For Questions 10 and 11, also enter your answer by writing each number or
symbol in a box. Then fill in the corresponding oval for that number or symbol.

10 (grid in) 10 11

/ / / /
11 (grid in) . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
14 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9





Part 3 Open Ended

Record your answers for Questions 19–20 on the back of this paper.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A1 Glencoe Pre-Algebra

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