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"Strong Objectivity": A Response to the New Objectivity Question

Author(s): Sandra Harding

Source: Synthese, Vol. 104, No. 3, Feminism and Science (Sep., 1995), pp. 331-349
Published by: Springer
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20117437
Accessed: 17-08-2014 21:34 UTC

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ABSTRACT. Where the old "objectivity question" asked, "Objectivity or relativism: which
side are you on?", the new one refuses this choice, seeking instead to bypass widely
recognized problems with the conceptual framework that restricts the choices to these two.
It asks, "How can the notion of objectivity be updated and made useful for contemporary

knowledge-seeking projects?" One response to this question is the "strong objectivity"

program that draws on feminist standpoint epistemology to provide a kind of logic of

discovery for maximizing our ability to block "might makes right" in the sciences. It
does so by delinking the neutrality ideal from standards for maximizing objectivity, since

neutrality is now widely recognized as not only not necessary, not only not helpful, but,
worst of all, an obstacle to maximizing objectivity when knowledge-distorting interests
and values have constituted a research project. Strong objectivity provides a method for

correcting this kind of situation. However, standpoint approaches have their own limitations
which are quite different from the misreadings of them upon which most critics have tended
to focus. Unfortunately, historically limited epistemologies and philosophies of science are
all we get to choose from at this moment in history.


Increasing skepticism about Enlightenment assumptions has raised funda

mental challenges to philosophies of science. As the North's (the West's)
status and projects in global social relations have changed, so too have sci
entific culture and practices, including scholarly and popular perceptions of
the nature, history and value of modern sciences and their philosophies.
For almost four decades now, leading philosophers of science have

pointed to the inadequacies of the older, self-confident logics of scien

tific explanation, and they have been joined in the last few decades by
feminist and postcolonial intellectuals, among others. Observations are

theory-laden; our beliefs form a network such that none are in principle
immune from revision; theories are underdetermined by any possible set of
evidence for them. In short, there is enough slack in scientific belief sort
ing to permit social values and interests fully to permeate these processes
and their results. This slack turns out to be not a defect but a resource
for the growth of scientific knowledge; it permits more than one theory

Synthese 104:331-349,1995.
? 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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to fit any set of observations, more than one interpretation of any theory
to be reasonable, and, consequently, the growth of science in ever new
directions (van Fraassen and Sigman 1993). Interpretive methods earlier
found useful primarily in the humanities and social sciences increasingly
are providing resources for philosophies, histories, and social studies of
natural sciences. Consequently, few thinkers today are quite as confident
as heretofore concerning such central Enlightenment assumptions as the

possibility of glassy mirror minds, the uniquely describable rational order

of the universe, and the potentially good fit between the two.
One consequence of such skepticism appears in the shift from the old to
the new objectivity question. The old one asked, "Objectivity or relativism:
which side are you on?"1 The new one is still directed toward many of the
concerns of those posing the older question: Which of competing grounds
for claims about nature and social relations should we prefer? How can we
block "might makes right" in the realm of knowledge production? How
can we systematically identify widespread cultural assumptions about both
nature and social relations that have distorted so much of what heretofore
has passed as universally valid scientific knowledge? However, the new
objectivity question takes the status and underlying assumptions of the old
one also to be one of its problems. It asks what should be rejected and
what saved of the older objectivism?2 How can the notion of objectivity be
modernized (postmodernized?) so that it is more useful for contemporary
attempts to understand nature and social relations?


Philosophers may well think that now is none too soon to define what
objectivity is for the purposes of this discussion. However, Iwant to resist
this urge. One problem is that the term has no single reference in prevail

ing discussions. Objectivity, or the incapacity for it, has been attributed
to individuals, or groups of them, as in, "Women (or feminists, marx
ists, environmentalists, Blacks, welfare recipients, patients, etc.) are more
emotional, less impartial, less capable of objective judgments." Second, it
has been attributed to knowledge claims, where it does not seem to add
anything to the assertion that a claim is better supported by evidence than
its competitors. Third, objectivity is also attributed to methods or proce
dures that are fair: statistical, or experimental, or repeated procedures are
more objective because they maximize standardization, impersonality or
some other quality assumed to contribute to fairness. Fourth, objectivity is
to certain kinds of knowledge-seeking -
attributed communities in Kuhn's
account, the kind characteristic of modern science (Kuhn 1970); in other

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accounts, communities of experts, or ones that include (or exclude!) mem

bers of different classes, races and/or genders, or that maximize adversarial
relations of rigorous criticism of ideas and claims, or that maximize ideal
speech conditions, etc. Though distinct, these different referents of 'objec
tive' clearly are not totally independent of each other in people's thinking.
Most obviously, the other three should generate results of research that are
better supported by evidence; that is, that are less false.3
But noting these four distinct references for the term is only the begin
ning of mapping its convoluted outlines. I cannot take space to continue
thatmapping here, but refer readers instead to two recent, highly-acclaimed
histories of the notion. In one of them, Peter Novick shows that objectivi

is not a single idea, but rather a sprawling collection of assumptions, attitudes, aspirations
and antipathies. At best it is what the philosopher W. B. Gallie has called an "essentially
contested concept," like "social justice" or "leading a Christian life," the exact meaning of
which will always be in dispute. (Novick 1988, p. 1)

Some elements in the notion originate in Aristotle's thought, others have

arisen in the last few decades. However, "older usages remain powerful",
(ibid. p. 2) and are called up today whenever people are struggling to
determine the place that science, or more generally reason, should have in
society. As Robert Proctor, the author of the other history, puts the point
about the neutrality ideal that both he and Novick see as historically always
required of anything deserving the label 'objective', "The ideal of value
neutrality is not a single notion, but has arisen in the course of protracted

struggles over the place that science should have in society" (Proctor 1991,
p. 262).
Both Novick point out that asserting objectivity
and Proctor sometimes
has been used to advance and sometimes to retard the growth of knowledge,
and the same can be said of assertions of relativism. Thus neither position
automatically claims the scientific or rational high-ground. Nor does either
assure the political high-ground: each has been used at some times to block
social justice and at other times to advance it. As Proctor puts the point,
neutrality, the central requirement of the conventional notion, has been
used as "myth, mask, shield and sword" (Proctor 1991, p. 262).
My concerns here are primarily with scientific methods. They arise from
widespread criticisms in feminist, anti-racist, postcolonial, environmental
and other movements for social justice that systematically distorted results
of research in the natural and social sciences are the consequence not only of
carelessness and inadequate rigor in following existing methods and norms
for maximizing objectivity in research practices, but also of inadequacies in
how those methods and norms are conceptualized. The prevailing standards

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for good procedures for maximizing objectivity are too weak to be able
to identify such culture-wide assumptions as androcentric or Eurocentric

one line of response to the new objectivity

I explore -
Here question the
program for "strong objectivity" that draws on standpoint epistemologies to

provide a kind of method for maximizing our ability to block "might makes
right" in the sciences. Maximizing objectivity is not identical to maximiz
ing neutrality, as conventional understandings have assumed. Nor, I argue,
does it always require it; in a certain range of cases, maximizing neutrality
is an obstacle to maximizing objectivity. Though developed as such in
feminist theory, central insights of this kind of epistemology/philosophy
of science have been expressed far more broadly. This is so in spite of its
clear limitations, which, I shall conclude by showing, are significant, but
are not those due to the misreadings of it upon which most critics have
tended to focus, and which I address in Section 5.



In some ways, the fate of science parallels that of bourgeois democracy: both were born as
exuberant forces for liberation against feudalism, but their very successes have turned them
into caricatures of their youth. The bold, antiauthoritarian stance of science has become
docile acquiescence; the free battle of ideas has given way to a monopoly vested in those
who control the resources for research and publication. Free access to scientific information
has been diminished by military and commercial secrecy and by the barriers of technical

jargon; in the commoditization of science,

peer review is replaced by satisfaction of the
client as the test of quality. The internal mechanisms for maintaining objectivity are, at their
best in the absence of sycophancy toward those with prestige, professional jealousies,
narrow - to nullify errors
cliques, and national provincialism able individual capricious
and biases, but they reinforce the shared biases of the scientific community. The demand
for objectivity, the separation of observation and reporting from the researchers' wishes,
which is so essential for the development of science, becomes the demand for separation
of thinking from feeling. This promotes moral detachment in scientists which, reinforced

by specialization and bureaucratization, allows them to work on all sorts of dangerous and
harmful projects with indifference to the human consequences. The idealized egalitarianism
of a community of scholars has shown itself to be a rigid hierarchy of scientific authorities
into the general class structure of the society and modeled on the corporation.
And where the pursuit of truth has survived, it has become increasingly narrow, revealing
a growing contradiction between the sophistication of science in the small within the

laboratory and the irrationality of the scientific enterprise as a whole. (Levins and Lewontin

1993, pp. 315-316)

Two Politics of Science4

Has the philosophy of science conceptualized either politics or maximizing

objectivity richly enough to meet the kind of widespread criticisms of

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contemporary sciences and their philosophy represented in this passage by

two distinguished biologists? One problem is that the kinds of politics that
most threaten the objectivity of science these days escape conceptualization
in leading philosophies of science.
There are two kinds of politics with which the philosophies of science
must be concerned. One kind is the older notion of politics as the overt
actions and policies intended to advance the interests and agendas of so
called special interest groups. This kind of politics intrudes into "pure
science" through consciously chosen and often clearly articulated actions
and programs that shape what science gets done, how the results of research
are interpreted, and, therefore, scientific as well as popular images of nature
and social relations. This kind of politics is conceptualized as acting on
the sciences from outside, as politicizing a science that was otherwise
free of politics or, at least, of that particular politics. This is the kind
of relationship between politics and science against which the ideal of
as - - works not
objectivity neutrality objectivism best, though perfectly,
as Levins and Lewontin point out. Itmakes sense to think of these interests
and values as, paradigmatically, intruding into science from outside it
and as held by less than (sometimes none of) the group of individuals who
constitute legitimate members of the scientific community. In at least many
cases, it also is plausible to think of these interests and values as an obstacle
to the growth of knowledge. Nazi science, Lysenkoism, or creationist

biology are the kinds of examples of such threats to the neutrality of

science by political "irrationalism" that the defenders of objectivism have
inmind. They do not have inmind the "intrusion" into sciences of forces for
maximizing objectivity and enlarging democratic tendencies; any and all
"politics" are made to appear equally pernicious to the growth of scientific
However, sciences are also always shaped by a different kind of poli
tics. Here power is exercised less visibly, less consciously, and not on but
through the dominant institutional structures, priorities, research strate
and the sciences - the
gies, technologies, languages of through practice
and culture that constitute a particular scientific episode (Pickering 1992;
Rouse 1987; Shapin and Schaffer 1985). Paradoxically, this kind of politics
functions through the depoliticization of science - through the creation of
"normal" or authoritarian science. Thus a typical standard example that
the neutrality enthusiasts cite to demonstrate the bad effects of politicizing
science (and they are not wrong about this) can also, paradoxically, be
understood as a paradigmatic example of the bad effects of depoliticizing

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It is certainly true that, in one important sense, the Nazis sought to politicize the sciences
.... Yet in an important sense the Nazis indeed be said to have "depoliticized"
science (and many other areas of culture). The Nazis depoliticized science by destroying
the possibility of political debate and controversy. Authoritarian science based on the
"Fuhrer principle" replaced what had been, in the Weimar period, a vigorous spirit of
politicized debate in and around the sciences. The Nazis "depoliticized" problems of vital
human interest by reducing these to scientific or medical problems, conceived in the narrow,
reductionist sense of these terms. The Nazis depoliticized questions of crime, poverty, and
sexual or political deviance by casting them in surgical or otherwise medical (and seemingly
terms ... in the name of science or health a powerful
apolitical) politics pursued provided
weapon in the Nazi ideological arsenal. (Proctor 1988, pp. 290, 293)

The institutionalized, normalized politics of male supremacy, class exploita

tion, racism and Eurocentrism, while only rarely initiated through the
kind of violent politics practiced by the Nazis, similarly authoritarianly
depoliticize Western scientific institutions and practices, thereby shaping
our images of the natural and social worlds and legitimating past and future
exploitative public policies. Thus feminist critics have focussed on how

gender-coded concepts of the scientist, objectivity, rationality, mechanistic

models, "master molecule" models, etc., escape standard procedures for
producing value-neutrality because they have in the first place constituted
the scientific institutions and practices which select neutrality-detecting
procedures (e.g., Bordo 1987; Keller 1985; Lloyd 1984; Merchant 1980).
In contrast to "intrusive politics", this kind of institutional politics does
not force itself into pre-existing purportedly pure sciences; it already con
stitutes their natures and projects.
I have focussed here on the kinds of "normal science" authority that
have especially interested feminists, but the new histories and anthropolo
gies of science are full of examples of how state-of-the-art modern sciences
draw on local cultural resources. They are all "ethnosciences" one might
say after reading such accounts (e.g., Haraway 1989; Harding 1994, forth
coming; Latour 1988; Pickering 1984,1992). This evaluation is reinforced
when one notes
that Joseph Needham's histories of the sciences of China
(Needham 1969) have been followed by contemporary postcolonial critics
who point to the constitution of European sciences through distinctively
European assumptions and projects (Goonatilake 1984; Harding 1993a;
Nandy 1990; Petitjean et al. 1992; Sardar 1988). Thus the feminist argu
ments are just one version of this now widespread analysis.

Neutrality: From Solution to Problem

In this second case, where the social constitutes scientific projects, the

neutrality ideal provides no resistance to the production of systematically

distorted results of research, as I shall shortly show inmore detail. But to put
the matter this way is too mild a criticism of it. It is not just useless in these

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circumstances; worse, it becomes part of the problem. Objectivism defends

and legitimates the institutions and practices through which the distortions
and their often exploitative consequences are generated. It certifies as
value-neutral, normal, natural, and therefore not political at all the policies
and practices through which powerful groups can gain the information and
explanations that they need to advance their priorities.
Such information and explanations may well "work" in the sense of
enabling prediction and control. However, this obvious fact does not end
the matter. One form of explanation may at the same time obscure or
draw attention
away from other regularities and their causes that would
suggest other possibilities for organizing nature and social relations. One
can get information about nature's order that makes possible building
bigger bombs or performing lobotomies, or other information that makes
possible the equitable distribution of means to satisfy basic human needs
for food, shelter, health, work and just social relations. Moreover, the

regularities of nature that make possible healing a body, charting the stars,
or mining ores may be explained in ways permitting extensive (though
not identical)prediction and control within radically different and even
conflicting, culturally local, explanatory models. The kinds of explanations
favored by modern science have not always been the most effective ones
for all projects - for example, for achieving balance or
preventing chronic bodily malfunctions. "It works" is no guarantee of
cultural neutrality,
The neutrality ideal functions more through what its normalizing pro
cedures and concepts implicitly prioritize than through explicit directives.
This kind of politics requires no informed consent by those who exercise
it, but only that scientists be "company men" (and women), following the
prevailing rules of scientific institutions and their intellectual traditions.
This normalizing politics frequently defines the objections of its victims
and any criticisms of its institutions, practices, or conceptual world as agi
tation by special interests that threatens to damage the neutrality of science
and its "civilizing mission", as an earlier generation saw the matter. Thus,
when sciences are already in the service of the mighty, scientific neutrality
ensures that "might makes right".
It ismany decades since it has been reasonable to think of modern nat
ural and social sciences as small-scale, weak, guerilla warriors for truth,

struggling courageously against the evil empires of ignorance and super

stition Davids against the Goliaths. We need a concept of objectivity,
and methods for maximizing it, that enable scientific projects to escape
containment by the interests and values of the kinds of powerful social
tendencies identified by Levins and Lewontin. Objectivism can't do it.

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Such an analysis leads to one obviouspossibility: to separate the goal of

maximizing objectivity from the neutrality requirement in order to identify

the knowledge-limiting values and interests that constitute projects in the
first place. This possibility has been hinted at again and again in the
literature without ever being formulated as a systematic program.

"Weak Objectivity" Cannot Identify Paradigms

From the perspective of this more comprehensive analysis of how politics
can shape sciences, the conventional notion of objectivity that links it to
the neutrality ideal appears too weak to do what it sets out to do. That it is
too weak is only one thing wrong with it. But I use the term to acknowledge
the usefulness of standards for objectivity-tied-to-neutrality in detecting the
subset of distorting interests and values that do differ between individuals
in the scientific community.
It is method that is supposed to "operationalize" neutrality and thus
achieve objectivist standards; but method is conceptualized too narrowly
to permit achievement of this goal. For one thing, method - in the sense
in which students take methods coursesor a research report describes
- is as
its methods conceptualized functioning only in the context of
It comes into play only after a problem is identified as a
scientific one, after central concepts, a hypothesis and research design
have already been selected. It is only after a research project is already
constituted that methods of research, in the usual narrow sense of the term,
start up. Moreover, the availability of a research technology that was itself
selected in earlier contexts of discovery and found productive frequently
helps select which scientific problems will be interesting to scientists and
to funders.
However, as critic after critic has pointed out, it is in the context of

discovery that culture-wideassumptions shape the very statement and

design of the research project, and therefore select the methods. Of course
in the "mangle of practice" (Pickering 1991) during scientific research,
hypotheses, nature, and research technologies are adjusted to each other
such that a certain element of objectivity is produced without the promise of
total neutrality. Nature constrains our beliefs without uniquely confirming
them. The most science can hope for is results that are consistent with "how
nature is", not ones that are uniquely coherent with it, as the objectivist
goal intended (Hayles 1992). Even the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
- not a den of - now that the notion
certainly wild-eyed radicals argues
of research method should be enlarged beyond its familiar meaning of
techniques to

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include the judgments scientists make about or reliability of data, ... the
decisions scientists make about which problems to pursue or when to conclude an investi
... the scientists work with each other and exchange information.
gation, ways (Nat. Acad.
Sei. 1989, pp. 5-6)

Thus, methods for maximizing objectivism have no way of detecting values

and interests that first constitute scientific problems, and then select central
concepts, hypotheses to be tested, and research designs.
Let us approach the issue another way. One point of repeating obser
vations, through experimental or other techniques, is so that variations in
the results of observations can be scrutinized for the traces of social inter
ests and values that would distort the image of nature and social relations
produced by science. Any community that is a community, including the
community of a laboratory or discipline as well as other kinds of cultural
communities, shares values and interests. But if all observers share a par
ticular value or interest, whether this arrives from the larger society or is
developed in the group of legitimated observers, how is the repetition of
observations by these like-minded people supposed to reveal it? It is not
individual, personal, "subjective" error to which feminist and other social
critics of science have drawn attention, but widely held androcentric, Euro
centric and bourgeois assumptions that have been virtually culture-wide
across the culture of science.
The assumptions of Ptolemaic astronomy,
Aristotelian physics, or of an organicist world view were not fundamen
tally properties of individuals. Assumptions that women's biology, moral
reason, intelligence, contributions to human evolution, or to history or
present day social relations are inferior to men's are not idiosyncratical
ly held beliefs of individual "subjects" but widespread assumptions of
entire cultures. These assumptions have constituted whole fields of study,
selecting their preoccupying problems, favored concepts, hypotheses and
research designs; these fields have in turn lent support tomale supremacist
assumptions in other fields. The issue is not that individual men (and wom
en) hold false beliefs, but that the conceptual structures of disciplines, their
institutions, and related social policies make less than maximally objective
In reflecting on how so much scientific racism and sexism could be
the most - some cases, politically
produced by distinguished and, in pro
gressive nineteenth century scientists, historian of biology Stephen Jay
Gould puts the point this way:

I do not intend to contrast evil determinists who stray from the path of scientific objectivity
with enlightened antideterminists who approach data with an open mind and therefore see
truth. Rather I criticize the myth that science itself is an objective enterprise, done properly

only when scientists can shuck the constraints of their culture and view the world as it

really is.... Science, since people must do it, is a socially embedded activity. It progresses

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by hunch, vision, and intuition. Much of its change through time does not record a closer

approach to absolute truth, but the alteration of cultural contexts that influence it so strongly.

(Gould 1981, pp. 21-22)

When a scientific community shares assumptions, there is little chance

that more careful application of existing scientific methods will detect

Moreover, Gould's reflection makes clear that not all cultural interests
and values ("contexts") retard the growth of knowledge. Some advance
it, he is saying: science has often progressed because of changes in its
cultural contexts. So
it is problematic that objectivism is supposed to
enable the elimination of all social values and interests. Weak objectivity
is unable to discriminate between those interests and values that enlarge
our understanding and those that limit it.

Are Relativism and/or Moral Exhortations the Only Alternatives?

The preceding section has identified some of the main features that make
objectivism only "weak
objectivity". When confronted
issues, with such
one apparent solution has been to turn to objectivism's other, relativism (or
subjectivism), sometimes with a resignation that undermines both the cri
tiques of objectivism and turn to relativism; at other times with the project
of transforming relativism into a useful epistemological tool.7 Excellent
arguments both against objectivism and for relativism or subjectivism have
been put forth by those who turn to this strategy. Without examining them
further, we can nevertheless see one great disadvantage that they have:
relativism is the weak term
in the objective/relative pair. Since, as the
historians pointed out, appeals to these epistemological notions are pri
marily made as part of political struggles to claim this or that position
for science in society, the weak term is unlikely to be attractive for these
engagements. Moreover, one cause of this weakness may well be that all
alternatives to the neutrality of objectivism have been symbolized as fem
inine. Cultural definitions of manliness are at issue in turning away from

Yet another response has been to retain the neutrality criterion for

maximizing objectivity, but to settle for moral exhortations that natural

and social scientists should be more critical and that they should engage
in dialogue with those protesting their exclusion from scientific authority.
It is better to have such moral gestures than not, but feminism and the
other democracy-advancing social movements want and need more than
this. Why should women feel all that optimisticthat the very groups whose
interests and values were constituting distorting research projects in the first
place will want or know how to be more critical or engage in dialogue?

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So where might one find a method for maximizing objectivity that has
the resources to detect (a) values and interests that constitute scientific
projects, (b) ones that do not vary between legitimated observers, and (c)
the difference between those values and interests that enlarge and those that
limit our images of nature and social relations? This is where standpoint
has resources are not - at least,
theory provided useful that available or,
not easily available - from other epistemologies.


How could biological and social science research that clearly was guided
by feminist politics manage to be producing empirically and theoretically
more adequate accounts of nature and social relations? This is the question

standpoint theorists set out to answer. Here I shall only review the main
outlines of this theory of knowledge and philosophy of science since it
has been developed, refined and critically discussed now for close to two

Standpoint theories argue that what we do in our social relations both

enables and limits (it does not determine) what we can know.10 Standpoint
theories, in contrast to empiricist epistemologies, begin from the recog
nition of social inequality; their models of society are conflict models, in
contrast to the consensus of liberal political philosophy
model assumed
by empiricists. All human thought necessarily can be only partial; it is
always limited by the fact of having only a particular historical location
- of not able to be everywhere and see everything, and of being
"contained" by cultural assumptions that become visible only from out
side that culture (hence: "medieval thought", Renaissance thought, etc.).
However, standpoint theories are concerned with a distinctive dimension
of social location that is more pernicious than these kinds of "positional
ity", and that is difficult to grasp from within the empiricist assumptions
of modern scientific rationality. In hierarchically organized societies, the

daily activities of people in the ruling groups tend to set distinctive limits
on their thought, limits that are not created
by the activities of the subju
gated groups. Administrative-managerial activities, including the work of
the natural and social sciences, is the form of "ruling" in our contempo
rary modern societies, and the conceptual frameworks of our disciplines
are shaped by administrative-managerial priorities, just as pre-scientific
observations of nature are shaped by other cultural priorities. Such pri
orities do enable gaining the kinds of information administrators need to
function effectively, but they also distort and limit our understanding of just

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what brings about daily social relations and interactions with nature, and
they make it difficult to think possible any different kind of interactions. In
order to gain a causal critical view of the interests and values that consti
tute the dominant conceptual projects, one must start one's thought, one's
research project, from outside those conceptual schemes and the activities
that generate them; one must start from the lives excluded as origins of
their design from "marginal lives."
The fundamental features of the standpoint proposal can be grasped
most quickly looking at what it is not. Those constrained
by by the old
objectivity question will tend to distort standpoint theory by perceiving it
only through the conceptual choices offered by "Objectivity or relativism:
which side are you on?" They often construct it as just a variant of empiri
cism or, alternatively, as a kind of gynocentrism, special pleading, or unrea
sonably claimed privileged positionality. On such a reading, empiricism is
politics-free, and standpoint theory is asserting epistemological/scientific
privilege for one group at the expense of the equally valuable/distorted

perceptions of other groups. Or, it is simply substituting one politics for

another, and all political positions the master's and the slave's, that of the
rich and of the poor, the colonizer's and the colonized's, the rapist's and
his victim's - all are equally valuable and/or distorted. This interpretation
of difference as merely diversity is a serious misunderstanding of social
realities, as well as of standpoint claims. Standpoint theory leads us to turn
such a way of posing the alternatives into a topic for historical analysis:
"What - the
forms of social relations make this conceptual framework
versus - so
'view from nowhere' 'special pleading' useful, and for what

Not about Only Marginal Lives

First, standpoint theory is not only about how to get a less limited under
standing of marginal lives women's lives, for example. Instead, research
is to start off'from such locations (not to take as truth what people in those
locations think or say) in order to explain not only those lives but also
the rest of the micro and macro social order, including human interactions
with nature and the philosophies that have been developed to explain sci
ences. The standpoint of women, as Dorothy Smith puts the point, enables
us to understand women's lives, men's lives, and the relations between
the two through concepts and hypotheses arising from women's lives
rather than only ones arising from the lives of those assigned administra
tive/managerial work, a group that includes sociologists (and philosophers)
(Smith 1987, 1990). The point is to produce systematic causal accounts
of how the natural and social orders are organized such that the everyday

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lives of women and men, our activities and beliefs, end up in the forms
that they do.

Grounded, but Not in the Conventional Way, inWomen's Experiences

The phrase 'women's experiences' can be read in an empiricist way such
that these experiences are assumed to be constituted prior to the social.
Standpoint theory challenges this kind of reading. For a researcher to start
from women's lives is not necessarily to take one's research problems in
the terms inwhich women perceive or articulate their problems - and this is
as true for women as it is for men thinkers. The dominant
ideology restricts
what everyone is permitted to see and shapes everyone's consciousness.
Women, like men, have had to learn to think of sexual harassment not as a
matter of "boys will be boys", but as a violation of women's civil rights.
Marital rape was a legal and, for most people, conceptual impossibility until
collective political struggle and theorizing resulted in its articulation in the
law. European American feminists, like the rest of European Americans,
are only beginning to learn how to conceptualize many of our issues in
anti-Eurocentric terms. Women, too, have held distorted beliefs about our
bodies, our minds, nature and society, and numerous men have made
to feminist -
important contributions analyses John Stuart Mill, Marx,
Engels, and many contemporary scholars in history, sociology, economics,
philosophy, literary and art criticism, etc. Moreover, it is obvious that
"women's experience" does not automatically generate feminist analyses,
since the former always exists but only occasionally does the latter emerge.
Standpoint theorists are not making the absurd claim that feminist work
simply flows from women's experiences.
Feminist knowledge is not a "neutral" elaboration of women's experi
ences, or what women say about their lives, but a collective political and
theoretical achievement.
Women's experiences and what women say are
important guides to the new questions we can ask about nature, sciences,
and social relations. However, the answers to such questions must be

sought elsewhere than in women's experiences, since the latter are shaped

by national and international policies and practices that are formulated

and enacted far away from our daily lives - by Supreme Court decisions,
international trade agreements, military policies on the other side of the
world, etc. Standpoint theory is not calling for ph?nom?nologies of wom
en's world, or for ethnocentric (gynocentric) accounts. Nor is it arguing that
only women can generate feminist knowledge; it is not an "identity poli
tics" project. Men, too, can learn to start their thought from women's lives,
as many have done. These misunderstandings come about because objec
tivism insists that the only alternatives to its view from nowhere are special

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interest claims and ethno-knowledges that can be understood only within a

relativistepistemology. However, institutionalized power imbalances give
starting off from the lives of those who least benefit from such imbalances
a critical edge for generating theoretically and empirically more accurate
and comprehensive accounts. Feminist accounts of marital rape, sexual
harrassment, women's double-day of work or women's different and valu
able forms of moral reason are capable of conceptualizing phenomena that
were heretofore invisible because they start off from outside the dominant
paradigms and conceptual schemes.

No Essential Woman s Life

Next, standpoint theory is not arguing that there is some kind of essential,
universal woman's life from which feminists (male and female) should
start their thought. In any particular research situation, one is to start off
research from the lives of those who have been disadvantaged by, excluded
from the benefits of, the dominant conceptual frameworks. What can we
learn about that framework
by starting from their lives? For example, what
can we learn about biological models of the human body, or of human
evolution, psychological and philosophical models of moral reasoning,
historical models of social change and of progress, philosophical models
of rationality, etc., by starting off thought about them from the lives of
women of different races, ethnicities, classes and sexualities whose natures
and activities each of these models defines as inferior in partially different
The point here is that these kinds of models have also been used to
define other groups - racial, ethnic, economic, etc. - as inferior. We can
learn some similar and some new things about the conceptual frameworks
of the disciplines by starting off thought about the latter from, for example,
the lives of slaves, or "orientals", workers, etc. Moreover, "woman" and the

homogeneity of "women" is an elitist fiction. These categories in everyday

life are multiple and contradictory, and the theorization of this fact by
women of color and others who started off their thought from women of
color's lives is one of the great strengths of contemporary feminist thought.
This "matrix
theory" developed by women of color enables us to think how
each of us has a determinate social location in the matrix of social relations
that is constituted by gender, class, race, sexuality and whatever other
macro forces shape our particular part of the social order (e.g., Collins
1991). Women are located at many positions in this matrix, and starting
thought from each such group of lives can be useful for understanding
social phenomena (including our relations with nature) that have effects
on those lives.

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Consciousness Not Determined by Social Location

For standpoint theorists, we each have a determinate
location in such a
social matrix, but that location does not determine one's consciousness.
The availability of competing discourses enables men, for example, to think
and act in feminist ways. They are still obviously men, who are thereby
in determinate relations to women and men in every class and race; such
relations cannot be changed simply by willing them. They can work to
eliminate male supremacy, but no matter what they do, they will still be
treated with the privilege (or suspicion!) accorded to men by students,
sales people, other intellectuals, etc. A parallel account can be given about
women, of course.

An Epistemology, a Philosophy of Science, a Sociology of Knowledge,

and a Method for Doing Research
Several disciplines have competed to disown standpoint theory. Some
philosophers claim it is only a sociology; some sociologists reject it as
only an epistemology. Some scientists and philosophers have insisted that
it could not have any implications for the natural sciences since it is
concerned with intentionality, and physical nature is not intentional.
It ismore useful to see it as all of these projects: a philosophy of knowl
edge, a philosophy of science, a sociology of knowledge, and a proposed
research method. Each such project must always make assumptions about
the others; for example, every philosophy of science must make episte
mological assumptions about the nature and conditions for knowledge in
general, historical ones about which procedures for producing knowledge
have been most successful in the past, and sociological ones about how
communities that have produced the best knowledge claims in the past have
been organized. In periods of what we could refer to as "normal philos
ophy", these background assumptions can safely be left unexamined; but
when skepticism arises about the adequacy of fundamental assumptions in
any one of these areas, the others all present themselves as candidates for
reexamination. Our beliefs face the tribunal of experience as a network,
as Quine points out, and none are immune from possible revision when a
misfit between belief and observation arises. Feminist challenges to con
ventional bodies of knowledge have forced reexamination of empiricist
assumptions about the organization of scientific communities, ideals of
the knower, the known, and how knowledge should be produced, ratio
nal reconstructions of the growth of scientific knowledge, and scientific
method in the sense of "how to do good research". Standpoint theory's
claims must find support and have effects in all of these fields.

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Asymmetrical Falsity and Truth in Scientific Practice

Standpoint theory claims that starting from women's lives is a way of gain
ing less false and distorted results of research. However, one gratuitously
asks for trouble if one equates such claims with ones to truth or truth
likeness. This is a general point about scientific claims, not one peculiar
to standpoint theories or to feminist philosophies of science. The claim
that a result of research is "less false" is sufficient to capture what we can
establish about the processes producing such a research result, and attribu
tions of truth or truth-likeness are too strong for scientific claims. We do
not have to be claiming to approximate the one true story about nature or
social relations in order for it to make sense to argue that our account is
less false than some specified set of competitors to it. For one thing, all that
scientific processes could in principle produce are claims less false than
competing ones as a hypothesis is tested against some chosen set of rivals
- the dominant or new one. Moreover, as a matter of
hypothesis, another
principle one is never to assume that such processes generate what one
can know to be true, since empirical claims have to be held open to future
revision on the basis of empirical evidence and conceptual shifts. To put
the point a familiar way, our best theories are always underdetermined by
the evidence. As a glance at the history of science shows, nature says "yea"
to many competing and, from our perspective, quite fantastic accounts of
its regularities and their underlying causal tendencies; our best theories are
only consistent with nature, not uniquely coherent with natural laws that
are "out there" for our detection.(Hayles 1993, Harding forthcoming.)
Standpoint approaches were developed both to explain the surprising
results of feminist research and to guide future research. They show us
how to detect values and interests that constitute scientific projects, ones
that do not vary between legitimated observers, and the difference between
those values and interests that enlarge and those that limit our descriptions,
explanations and understandings of nature and social relations. Standpoint
approaches provide a map, a method, for maximizing a strong objectivity
that can function more effectively for knowledge projects faced with the
problem of sciences that have been constituted by the values and interests
of the most powerful social groups.
Standpoint theory has become a site for some of the most pressing
contemporary discussions about post-foundationalism, realism versus con
structivism, identity politics and epistemologies, the role of experience in

producing knowledge, alternatives to both the "view from nowhere" and

relativism, and other issues controversial in the philosophy and social stud
ies of science more generally. Although it rejects and tries tomove beyond
many of the distorting features of modernity's conceptual framework, it

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also retains central commitments ofthat tradition. One is to the importance

of the notion of objectivity.


Objectivity is an important value for cultures that value sciences, and its
value spreads to other cultures as they import Northern forms of democracy,
their epistemologies and sciences. This is not to say that Northerners
are particularly good at democracy or maximizing objectivity, or have
any corner on the ideals. And, of course, Northern forms of these ideals
are widely criticized by many Third World intellectuals, as they are by
feminists, as ideologies that have justified excluding and exploiting the
already less powerful. Nevertheless, 'objective' defines for many people
today how they think of themselves; we are fair; we make decisions by
principle, not by whim or fiat; we are against "might makes right"; we are
rational; we can find ways to live together that value our cultural diversity
... and so forth. I am not
saying that everyone who claims objectivity in
fact maximizes it, but that such an ideal is deeply embedded in the ethic
and rhetoric of democracy at personal, communal, and institutional levels.
The notion is centered in natural and many social science discourses, in
jurisprudence, in public policy, in many areas where decisions about how
to organize social relations are made.
Thus, while the diverse arguments
for abandoning the notion are illuminating and important to keep inmind,
to do so is to adopt a "bohemian" strategy; it is to do "something else"
besides try to struggle on the terrain where philosophies, science projects
and social policies are negotiated. Why not, instead, think of objectivity
as an "indigenous resource" of the modern North? It needs updating,
rehabilitation, so that it is capable of functioning effectively in the science
based society that the North has generated and that many now say is its
major cultural export (cf. Harding 1994).
What of the epistemological status of this strong objectivity program
itself? What limitations arise from the particular historical projects from
which it started off? No doubt there are many such limitations, but four
easily come to mind. First, the strong objectivity program is, indeed, a sci
ence project. It relegitimates scientific rationality (and a modern European
form of it) in a world where many think the power of this rationality should
be limited. Now the "context of discovery" and the values and interests
shared within a research community are to be added
to the phenomena to
be analyzed with scientific rationality.
Second, this strong objectivity program and the standpoint theory that
supports it originate in the North, and draw upon the historical and cultural

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of those cultures - for

legacies example, European Marxian and feminist
legacies. Thinkers in other cultures may well prefer to draw on the riches
of their own legacies in order to develop resources for blocking "might
makes right" in the realm of knowledge production. Third, one can wonder
if the delinking of objectivity from the neutrality ideal can succeed eventu
ally in bypassing the gender-coding
of objectivity as inherently masculine
(and European, bourgeois, etc.)? Or does the logic of discovery become
feminized (no neutrality) leaving the logic of justification masculinized as
usual (here seeking neutrality can be useful)?
Finally, it is hard to imagine this strong objectivity program effectively
enacted right away within the present day culture and practices of sci
ences, which are largely resistant to the interpretive and critical skills and
resources necessary to detect values and interests in the conceptual frame
works of scientific
projects. Natural scientists are not trained to do this
work, and they often are hostile to sharing authority about nature, let alone
about how science should be done, with any individuals or groups that
they conceptualize as "outside science". And yet, we should not be too

pessimistic since mainstream concerns to bring science under more demo

cratic control, the global and local social changes to which such terms as
"diversity" and "multiculturalism" point, and the ever increasing adoption
of feminist projects into mainstream cultures and practices (albeit without
the label "feminist") offers hope that the borders of scientific culture and
practice, too, can become more permeable to these tendencies.
To conclude,the strong objectivity program is one response to the
new objectivity question. It is not perfect, but it does have considerable
advantages over the alternatives so far in sight.


Or, in the nineteenth century formulation that has left problematic residues in contem

porary epistemology: "Objectivity or subjectivism? ..." (Proctor 1991). Referring to all

values and interests as subjective ones obscures the all-important difference between those
that are idiosyncratically held by individuals and those that are culture wide ideologies,
world views, etc. Androcentrism, racism, Eurocentrism, etc., are fundamentally properties
not of individuals but of cultures.
Following the practice of Bernstein (1983), Keller (1985) and others, I shall use 'objec
tivism' to refer to the conventional concept that takes neutrality to be a requirement for

maximizing objectivity, reserving the term 'objectivity' for the "strong objectivity", shorn
of the neutrality requirement, that I have proposed.
For reasons to be recounted below, claims to less falsity are preferable to those for truth
or verisimilitude. See Megill (1991) for a related account of four senses of objectivity

prevalent in the history of philosophy.

41 have discussed these issues in a number of places. The following account most closely

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follows those given inHarding (1992) and (1993b).

This is not to say that no other good advice for successful research is given out in "meth
ods" courses.
Some might think this problem can be resolved by adding members of excluded groups
into the community or by seeking more criticism within scientific processes. Efforts in
these directions certainly can be helpful, but reflection on the Gould discussion suggests
their limitations. Won't those"included" be only the well-socialized, least critical of the
excluded? Are privileged groups likely to listen carefully to, and seriously value the dis
tinctive perspectives of, groups that dominant institutions have devoted considerable effort
to justifying as inferior? What kind of vigorous criticism should one expect to arise from
a few junior (or even
senior) colleagues who know well how their continued "inclusion",
and the inclusion of those who follow them, depends on their "not making trouble"?
See, e.g., the adoption of a disabling relativism in Bloor (1977), of a subjectivist episte
mology in Code (1991), and the strengthening of relativist epistemologies in Feyerabend

I cannot take space to review
these important arguments here. See Bordo (1987) and

Lloyd (1984) and for important

(1993) accounts of the manliness of neutrality.
The first essay on it is Dorothy Smith's (1974) paper, 'Women's Perspective as a Radical

Critique of Sociology', reprinted in my (1987). For other important statements of this the

ory see Hartsock (1983), Jaggar (1983), Rose (1983), Smith (1987), (1990). See also my
discussions of it in ( 1986b), ( 1991 ), ( 1993b). For two of themany innovative and clarifying
recent developments of it, see Collins (1991) and Hennessy (1993).
This claim parallels those for experimental method where, also, what the scientist does
both enables and limits (but does not determine, since our theories are always underdeter
mined by their evidence) what we can know.

Department of Philosophy

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716

Department of Philosophy

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90024

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