Chapter 1:
1. What was the name of the king mentioned in Judith chapter 1?
a) Nebuchadnezzar (Judith 1:1)
b) Cyrus
c) Darius
d) Artaxerxes
Chapter 2:
3. Who was the chief general of Nebuchadnezzar?
a) Holofernes (Judith 2:4)
b) Bagoas
c) Achior
d) Ashpenaz
Chapter 3:
5. What was the reaction of trines in the sea coast in chapter 3?
a) They fought back
b) They rebelled
c) They surrendered (Judith 3:4)
d) They won over Nebuchadnezzar
Chapter 4:
7. What did the Israelites do in chapter 4 to prepare for the Assyrian invasion?
a) Fasted and prayed (Judith 4:8)
b) Built fortresses
c) Surrendered
d) Sent spies to the Assyrian camp
8. Who was the high priest of Israel during the time of the Assyrian threat?
a) Joakim (Judith 4:6)
b) Eliakim
c) Hilkiah
d) Azariah
Chapter 5:
9. Who was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Assyrian army in chapter 5?
a) Nebuchadnezzar
b) Holofernes (Judith 5:1)
c) Arphaxad
d) Bagoas
Chapter 6:
11. What did the people of Bethulia do when they heard about Holofernes’ invasion in
chapter 6?
a) Surrendered immediately
b) Prepared for battle (Judith 6:12)
c) Fled to the mountains
d) Sent ambassadors to negotiate peace
Chapter 7:
13. How many days did Assyrians under Holofernes surrounded the city in chapter 7?
a) 34 (Judith 7:20)
b) 24
c) 14
d) 4
14. What is the brook mentioned in chapter 7?
a) Dothan
b) Chusi
c) Mochmur (Judith 7:18
d) Acraba
Chapter 8:
15. What did Judith ask the elders of Bethulia to do in chapter 8?
a) Surrender to the Assyrians
b) Wait for God’s deliverance (Judith 8:17)
c) Negotiate a peace treaty
d) Send spies to the Assyrian camp
Chapter 9:
17. What did Judith put on head in chapter 9?
a) A veil
b) Ashes (Judith 9:1)
c) A crown
d) A disguise
18. Who accompanied Judith as she left Bethulia for the Assyrian camp?
a) Morning Incense offering time
b) Evening incense offering time(Judith 9:1)
c) Noon incense offering time
d) Sabbath time
Chapter 10:
19. Who did accompany Judith to the Assyrian camp in chapter 10?
a) Soldier
b) Husband
c) Maid (Judith 10:2)
d) Elders
Chapter 11:
21. What did Holofernes promise to do for Judith if she cooperated with him in chapter 11?
a) Make her seated in the house of the King(Judith 11:23)
b) Spare her city
c) Release her people
d) Give her gold and jewels
Chapter 13:
25. How many times did Judith strike Holofernes in chapter 13?
a) Twice (Judith 13:8)
b) Once
c) Thrice
d) None
Chapter 14:
27. What did they do with the head of Holofernes in chapter 14?
a) hanged it in the wall (Judith 14:1)
b) burn it in the city
c) threw it in the river
d) threw it to dogs
Chapter 15:
29. What did the Assyrians do after seeing Holofernes dead in chapter 15?
a) Fled away (Judith 15:3)
b) Attacked immediately
c) Waited for Israelites
d) Sent a peace delegation
30. How many days did the Israelites plunder the Assyrian camp in chapter 15?
a) Ten
b) Thirty (Judith 15:11)
c) Twenty
d) Five
Chapter 16:
31. What did Judith say to the Lord in chapter 16?
a) Praise him
b) Raise him a new psalm (Judith 16:1)
c) Glorify him
d) Exalt him
32. Who did the Israelites praise after their victory over the Assyrians in chapter 16?
a) 100
b) 105 (Judith 16:23)
c) 110
d) 115