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FM Unit3

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Fluid Mechanics

Unit 3- Flow Kinematics

Prof. C. M. Sewatkar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Govt. College of Engineering and Research ,
Avasari (Kh) Tq: Ambegaon, Dist: Pune
Fluid Kinematics

❑ Study of fluid motion without consideration of forces

Method of Study

Lagrangian Eulerian

Lagrangian – individual fluid particle is selected

Eulerian – any point occupied by fluid is selected

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Velocity of Fluid Particles

Solids – The body as whole can be considered for

determination of velocity
Fluids – Motion of fluids can be different at different
Y ds
V = lim ;
dt →0 dt
(x,y,z) u u = lim ,
dy dt →0 dt
w dy
v = lim ,
X dt →0 dt
w = lim
dt →0 dt

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Velocity of Fluid Particles

V = f ( x, y , z , t )
u = f ( x, y , z , t )
v = f ( x, y , z , t )
w = f ( x, y, z , t ),

Vector notation V = iu + jv + kw

i, j and k are the unit vectors parallel to X, Y and Z axis

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow

➢Steady and unsteady flow

➢Uniform and Non-uniform flow

➢One dimensional, two-dimensional and three

dimensional flow

➢Rotational and Irrotational flow

➢Laminar and Turbulent flow

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow
Steady flow – if at any point in the flow system of a fluid the various
characteristics such as velocity, pressure, density, temperature etc. which
describe the behavior of the fluid flow, do not change with time then the flow
is called steady flow

dV du dv dw dp d
Mathematically, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0,
dt dt dt dt dt dt
Unsteady flow - – if at any point in the flow system of a fluid the various
characteristics such as velocity, pressure, density, temperature etc.
which describe the behavior of the fluid flow, change with time then the
flow is called steady flow

dV du dv dw dp d
Mathematically,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
dt dt dt dt dt dt

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow
Uniform flow – If there is no change in the magnitude and direction of
velocity with respect to space in the flow system i. e velocity does not
change from point to point then the flow is called uniform flow

dV du dv dw
Mathematically, =0, =0, =0, =0
ds ds ds ds

Non-uniform flow - If the magnitude and direction of velocity changes with

respect to space in the flow system i. e velocity from point to point is
different then the flow is called non-uniform flow

dV du dv dw
Mathematically,  0,  0,  0, 0
ds ds ds ds

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow
Combination of steady, unsteady, uniform and non-uniform flow is
possible as these can exist independently

Q = Constant
Steady uniform flow

Flow through a long pipe of constant diameter at constant rate

Q  Constant
Unsteady uniform flow

Flow through a long pipe of constant diameter at varying rate

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow
Combination of steady, unsteady, uniform and non-uniform flow is
possible as these can exist independently

Q = Constant

Steady non-uniform flow

Flow through a tapered pipe at constant rate

Q  Constant
Unsteady non-uniform flow

Flow through a tapered pipe at varying rate

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow

Three-dimensional Two-dimensional One-dimensional

Steady flow V = f ( x, y , z ) V = f ( x, y ) V = f ( x)

unsteady flow V = f ( x, y , z , t ) V = f ( x, y , t ) V = f ( x, t )

One dimensional flow Two dimensional flow

Three dimensional flow

Types of Fluid Flow

➢Rotational flow – A flow is said to be rotational if the fluid particles

while moving in the flow direction rotate about their mass centre.

➢Irrotational flow – A flow is said to be rotational if the fluid particles

while moving in the flow direction do not rotate about their mass
➢The true irrotational flow exits only in the case of ideal fluid for
which no tangential or shear stress occur
➢The flow of low viscosity fluid may be considered as irrotational

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Types of Fluid Flow

❑ Laminar flow – The flow is said to be laminar when the various fluid
particles move in layers (or laminae) with one layer of fluid sliding
smoothly over an adjacent layer

❑ Viscosity plays a significant role

❑ Flow of a viscous fluid may be treated as laminar flow

❑ Turbulent flow – The fluid particles move in an entirely haphazard

or disorderly manner that results in rapid and continuous mixing of
fluid leading to momentum transfer as the flow occurs

❑Eddies of vortices of different sizes and shapes are present which

move over large distances.

❑These eddies causes fluctuations in velocities and pressures

which are functions of time
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Types of Fluid Flow

Are all turbulent flows unsteady?

If temporal mean values of velocities and pressure

considered over a large time span are constant then
the turbulent flow can also be considered as a steady

The occurrence of turbulent flow is more frequent

that laminar flow

Flow in natural streams, artificial channels, water

supply pipes, sewers etc are the best examples of
turbulent flow
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Flow Pattern Description
➢ The flow pattern description helps to understand the physical
aspects of flow
➢ It helps to understand the effect of governing parameters such
as geometry of flow system and flow parameters (velocity of
flow, density of fluid, viscosity of fluid etc.) on the flow physics

The flow pattern may be described by

❑Stream tubes
❑Path lines
❑Vorticity contours
The vorticity contours and wake structures are being recently used by many
researchers for exploring the physical phenomenon [Sewatkar et al. 2011
(Physics of Fluids) and Sewatkar et al. 2011 (journal of Fluid Mechanics)
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

v V


0 X
Streamline is an imaginary curve drawn through a flowing fluid
such that a tangent to it at any point gives the direction of the
velocity of flow at that point.
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Mathematical representation of streamline

v dy
= tan  = dy and dx are the y and x components
of the differential displacement along
u dx the streamline in the vicinity of P

dx dy
= ; or (udy − vdx) = 0
u v

For three dimensional flow

dx dy dz
= =
u v w
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Characteristics Streamline

There can be no component of the velocity at right angles to the

streamline and hence there can be no flow across any

In steady flow since there is no change in the direction of the

velocity vector at any point, the flow pattern is not changing

In unsteady flow since there is continuous change in the

direction of the velocity vector at all points, the flow pattern is
continuously alters. Hence, the streamline pattern in such a
case is called instantaneous streamline pattern

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Streamline Pattern for single Square Cylinder

Steady flow around square cylinder at Re = 20

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Streamline Pattern for single Square Cylinder

Steady flow around square cylinder at Re = 80

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Streamlines Pattern for In-line Square Cylinders

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Stream Tube

➢ A stream tube is a tube imagined to be formed by a group of

streamlines passing through a small closed curve, which may or
may not be circular

➢ All the characteristics of stream lines are equally applicable to

stream tube
➢There can be flow in or out at the ends but flow can not be
across the tube
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Path line

Path line is the line traced by a single fluid particle as it moves over a
period of time

Path line provides direction of a same fluid particle at different

successive instances, while streamline provides direction of different
fluid particles at same instant

For steady flow path-lines and streamlines are identical

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Streak line

Streak line is the line traced by the fluid particles passing through a
fixed point in the flow system

Please refer to the figure discussed on the black board in the


For steady flow streak-lines, path-lines and streamlines are identical

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Streak line

Dye visualization for flow around in-line square cylinders

at gap ratio = 0.5 and Re = 100
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Wake is the region in the flow at which the streamwise velocity

is less than free stream velocity (Zdravkovich, 1997)


Flow across single cylinder at Re = 80

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Gap ratio = 5 Gap ratio = 4

Flow across large number of cylinders at Re = 80, (Sewatkar et

al. 2009, Physics of Fluids)
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Gap ratio = 3 Gap ratio = 1

Flow across large number of cylinders at Re = 80 (Sewatkar

et al. 2009, Physics of Fluids)
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Basic Principles of Fluid Flow

Principle of Conservation of Mass Continuity Equation

Principle of Conservation of Momentum Momentum Equation

Fluid Mechanics

Principle of Conservation of Energy Energy Equation

Heat Transfer

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation
Continuity equation is the mathematical expression for law of
conservation of mass

Fixed region

 Rate of increase or 
decrease of fluid mass  =  Rate of mass flow    Rate of mass flow 
  at the entrance  at the exit 
 within fixed region     

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

C C’
ρ = density of fluid

B B’
D u
δy D’
δx A’

Mass of fluid passing per unit time through the face

Z normal to X-axis and having point P in it
= (  u y z )
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

Mass of fluid passing per unit time through the face

ABCD in X-direction
    x 
= (  u y z ) + (  u y z )  −  
 x  2 
Mass of fluid passing per unit time through the face
A’B’C’D’ in X-direction
    x 
= (  u y z ) + (  u y z )   
 x  2 
Net mass of fluid that has remained in the parallelepiped
per unit time along X-direction
    x      x 
= (  u y z ) − (  u y z )    − (  u y z ) + ( u y z )   
 x  2   x  2 

= − (  u ) x y z
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates
Net mass of fluid that has remained in the parallelepiped
per unit time along Y-direction

=− (  v) x y z

Net mass of fluid that has remained in the parallelepiped

per unit time along Z-direction

= − (  w) x y z

Net total mass of fluid that has remained in the

parallelepiped per unit time

 (  u ) (  v) (  w) 
= − + +   x y z Equation A
 x y z 

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

Mass of fluid in the parallelepiped at any instant

=  ( x y z )
Rate of increase of mass of fluid in the parallelepiped with time
 
=  ( x y z ) = ( x y z ) Equation B
t t
Equate Equation A and B
   (  u )  (  v) (  w) 
( x y z ) = −  + +   x y z
t  x y z 
The most general form
  (  u ) (  v) (  w)
+ + + =0 of continuity equation
t x y z applicable to all types
of flows

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

(  u ) (  v) (  w)
For steady flow + + =0
x y z

u v w
For incompressible fluid + + =0
x y z

In vector notation the generalized equation is written as

 ( V ) = 0

Home work : Obtain the generalized continuity equation for spherical

and cylindrical coordinates
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

Continuity equation for two dimensional flow

  (  u ) (  v)
+ + =0 Generalized 2D continuity equation
t x y

 (  u )  (  v)
+ =0 2D continuity equation for steady flow
x y

 (u )  (v)
+ =0 2D continuity equation for steady flow of
x y an incompressible fluid

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation in Cartesian Coordinates

Continuity equation for one dimensional flow

  (  u )
+ =0 Generalized 1D continuity equation
t x

( u)
=0 1D continuity equation for steady flow

=0 1D continuity equation for steady flow of
dx an incompressible fluid

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation for 1D flow
( u)
❑ One-dimensional Steady flow continuity equation =0

❑ This equation does not involve cross sectional area of flow

passage and hence applicable to only flow passage area is

❑ One-dimensional flow can also be assumed for non-uniform

flow passage area if the flow velocity at each section is uniform

❑ For such a situation the continuity equation can be derived as


Thus, for steady flow of an incompressible fluid discharge at any

section is constant C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Continuity Equation for 1D flow

Stream tube

A = area at central plane
V = velocity at mid plane
ρ = density of fluid

Mass of fluid passing through mid plane

M =  AV

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation for 1D flow
Mass of fluid entering through plane NM per unit time

  s
=   AV − (  AV ) 
 s 2
Mass of fluid entering through plane N’M’ per unit time

  s
=   AV + (  AV ) 
 s 2
Net mass of fluid that has remained in the fluid element per unit time

= − (  AV ) s
Mass of fluid element =  A s

Rate of increase of mass of fluid element = (  A) s
Continuity Equation for 1D flow
 
− (  AV ) s = (  A) s
s t

 
(  A) + (  AV ) = 0
t s

For steady flow (  AV ) = 0  AV = Constant

1 AV
1 1 =  2 A2V2 = 3 A3V2
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Continuity Equation for 1D flow

For incompressible fluid

AV = constant 1 1 = A2V2 = A3V3 = constant



AV = q is the dischage or volumetric flow

➢This equation is applicable to steady one dimensional flow of an

incompressible fluid

➢Thus, for steady flow of an incompressible fluid discharge at any

section is constant
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Continuity Equation for 1D flow
Continuity equation
1 1 = A2V2 = A3V3 = constant
➢Derived for stream tube having small cross sectional areas A1, A2, A3 etc
having velocities V1, V2 and V3; which are assumed to be uniform over a
particular section

➢However, the above equation can also be applied to flow passages of large
areas, even if velocity is not uniform over a particular section i. e. it varies
from point to point over a section

dA1, dA2, dA3

v1, v2 and v3

dQ1, dQ2, dQ3….


C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Continuity Equation for 1D flow

dQ1 = v1dA1 , dQ2 = v2 dA2 , dQ3 = v3dA3 ........

Q = v1dA1 + v2 dA2 +v3dA3 ........

Q =  vdA

If V is the mean velocity at a particular section

Q = AV Where V =  vdA Mean velocity

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

3.1 An incompressible fluid flows steadily through two pipes of
diameter 15 cm and 20 cm which combine to discharge in a pipe of
30 cm diameter. If average velocities in 15 cm and 20 cm diameter
pipes are 2 m/s and 3 m/s respectively, find the average velocity in
30 cm diameter pipe

3.2. Determine which of the following pairs of velocity components satisfy

continuity equation for two dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid

a) u = Cx ; v = −Cy
b) u = 3x − y; v = 2 x + 3 y
c) u = x + y; v = x 2 − y
d) u = A sin xy; v = − A sin xy
e) u = 2 x 2 + 3 y 2 ; v = −3xy
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

3.3 Determine unknown velocity component so that those satisfy

the continuity equation. Make suitable assumptions.

a) u = 2 x 2 ; v = xyz; w = ?
b) u = 2 x 2 + 2 xy; w = z 3 − 4 xz − 2 yz; v = ?

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA


Consider the cube with 1 m edges parallel to the

coordinate axes located in the first quadrant with
one corner at the origin. By using the velocity
distribution of .

V = (5 x)i + (5 y ) j − (10 z )k

Find the flow through each face and show that no

mass is accumulated within the cube if fluid is of
constant density.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Acceleration of Fluid Particle
Rate of change of velocity

du dv dw
ax = lim ; a y = lim ; az = lim ;
dt →0 dt dt →0 dt dt →0 dt

We known u = f ( x, y , z , t )
Total derivative of u using partial derivative is

du u dx u dy u dz u dt
= + + +
dt x dt y dt z dt t dt

dx dy dz
lim = u , lim = v , lim = w
dt →0 dt dt →0 dt dt →0 dt

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Acceleration of Fluid Particle

Thus du u u u u
lim =u +v +w +
dt →0 dt x y z t

u u u u
ax = u + v + w +
x y z t
Similarly v v v v
ay = u + v + w +
x y z t
w w w w
az = u +v +w +
x y z t
In vector notation the acceleration of a fluid particle is written as:

a = V .V
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Acceleration of Fluid Particle
u v w
t t t

Rate of change of velocity with respect to time at a particular point

Local or temporal acceleration

u u u
u ;v ;w ;
x y z
Increase in velocity due to change in
v v v
u ;v ;w ; position of particle
x y z
w w w Convective of spatial acceleration
u ;v ;w ;
x y z
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Tangential and Normal Accelerations
➢ Like velocity acceleration is also a vector

➢ However, acceleration has no fixed orientation with streamline

s O
as dθ
δV δVn

Let Vs and Vn be the components of velocity along tangential and

normal directions C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Tangential and Normal Accelerations

Vs = f1 ( s, n, t ) and Vn = f 2 ( s, n, t )

The accelerations in tangential and normal directions may be

expressed as:

dVs dVn
as = lim and an = lim
dt → 0 dt dt → 0 dt

The tangential component is due to change in the magnitude of

velocity along the streamline

The normal component is due to change in the direction of velocity


C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Tangential and Normal Accelerations
dVs Vs ds Vs dn Vs dt
= + +
dt s dt n dt t dt
dVn Vn ds Vn dn Vn dt
= + +
dt s dt n dt t dt
ds dn
We know lim = Vs and lim = Vn
dt →0 dt dt →0 dt

dVs Vs Vs Vs

lim = as =Vs +Vn +
dt →0 dt s n t
dVn Vn Vn Vn
lim = an = Vs +Vn +
dt →0 dt s n t
Tangential and Normal Accelerations

For a given streamline Vn = 0

Vs Vs
as =Vs +
s t
Vn Vn
an = Vs +
s t
Note that though Vn = 0 is not equal to zero
Vn is zero at any point on the streamline but at any
other point on the streamline the component of the
velocity in the direction parallel to the of Vn need not be
always zero
Tangential and Normal Accelerations
s Vn
d = =
r V
Vn Vn V Vs
or = = = (since V = Vs )
s s r r

Vs2 Vn
an = +
r t

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Tangential and Normal Accelerations
Local tangential acceleration Zero
t for

Local normal acceleration flow
Vs Convective tangential acceleration
Vn Vs2 Convective normal acceleration
Vs =
s r
as =Vs
For steady flow
an =
Tangential and Normal Accelerations

Straight streamline, r= Hence no normal acceleration

Convective normal acceleration is developed only of the flow is along

curved path so that streamline are curved

Straight and parallel streamlines

➢ Convective tangential acceleration is zero

➢Thus, No acceleration

Straight and converging streamlines

➢Convective tangential acceleration is non-zero

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Tangential and Normal Accelerations
Curved equidistance streamlines
Convective tangential acceleration is
zero and only normal convective
acceleration will be there

Curved and converging streamlines

Convective tangential acceleration

Convective normal acceleration will
be there

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Rotational and Irrotational Flow
Fundamental Motions of a Fluid Particles

❑Linear Translation or Pure Translation

❑Linear Deformation
❑Angular Deformation

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Rotational and Irrotational Flow
The rotation of fluid particle may be defined in terms of Component of
Rotation about three mutually perpendicular axes.

u+ y

δθ2 A’
v v+ x
P(x,yz) u δx

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Rotational and Irrotational Flow
We can write
PA = lim θ = s/r
 t →0  t

 v  
 v + x  x  − v   t
   
PA = lim
 t →0  x t
Thus, PA =
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Rotational and Irrotational Flow
 2
 PB = lim θ = s/r
 t →0  t

 u  
−  u +  y  − u   t
  y  
PB = lim
 t →0  y t
Thus, PB =−
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Rotational and Irrotational Flow
The component of rotation – the average angular velocity of two
infinitesimally linear elements in the particle that are perpendicular to
each other and to the axis of rotation (In this case Z axis)

Thus, Component of Rotation about Z axis

 z = (PA +  PB )

1  v u  1  w v  1  u w 
z =  −  x =  −  y =  − 
2  x y  2  y z  2  z x 

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Rotational and Irrotational Flow

If the component of rotation for all the axes is zero the flow is said
to be irrotational else it is rotational
Thus, for flow to be irrotational

x = 0 w v
y z

y = 0 u w
z x

z = 0 v u
x y

The rotation of fluid is always associated with shear stress

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Circulation and Vorticity
The flow along a closed curve is called circulation i. e. flow in
eddied and vortices

Mathematically, circulation is the line integral, taken around a

closed curve, of the tangential component of velocity vector

ds  =  V cos  ds
α C

 =  (udx + vdy + wdz )

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Circulation and Vorticity
Circulation around an elementary rectangle
 u  y 
 u + 
 y 2 

v  x   v  x 
 u  v + 
 v −   x 2 
 x 2 

 u  y 
 u − 
 y 2 

 u  y 
Circulation along AB =  u −  x
 y 2 
C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Circulation and Vorticity

 v  x 
Circulation along BC =  v +  y
 x 2 

 u  y 
Circulation along CD =−  u +  x
 y 2 

 v  x 
−v −
Circulation along DA =  y
 x 2 

What ever may be the shape of the curve the circulation must be
equal to the sum of the circulation around the elementary surfaces
of which it consists, provided the boundary of the curve is wholly
in the fluid

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Circulation and Vorticity
 = AB + BC + CD + DA

 u  y   v  x   u  y   v  x 
 = u −   x +  v +   y −  u +   x −  v −  y
 y 2   x 2   y 2   x 2 

 v u 
 = −   x y
 x y 

The vorticity at any is defined as the ratio of the circulation around

an infinitesimal closed curve at any point to the area of the curve

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Circulation and Vorticity
Thus, vorticity is given as

 = =

 v u 
 = = − 
 x y 
 = 2z
Some facts about Vorticity

Vorticity is the vector quantity whose direction is perpendicular to

the plane of the small curve round which the circulation is
 x = 2x  y = 2 y  z = 2 z

If vorticity is zero at all points in a region then the flow in that

region is said to be irrotational.

In vector notation vorticity may be written as

 =  V  = curl V

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Simple Bluff Body Flow
Velocity Potential

The velocity potential Φ (phi) is defined as a scalar function of space

and time such that its negative derivative with respect to any
direction gives the velocity in that direction

Mathematically, if Φ = f(x, y, z, t)

  
u=− ; v=− and w = −
x y w

The negative sign indicates that Φ decreases with an increase in

values of x, y, z, Thus, flow is always in the direction of decreasing Φ.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Velocity Potential
For steady flow of incompressible fluid continuity equation is
u v w
+ + =0
x y z
           
− + − + −  = 0
x  x  y  y  z  z 
 2  2  2
+ 2 + 2 =0 Laplace Equation  2 = 0
x 2
y z

Any function Φ which satisfies the Laplace equation is the possible

case of flow

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Velocity Potential
Further, for a rotational flow components of rotation are given as:

1  w v  1   2  2 
x =  −  x =  − + 
2  y z  2  yz zy 

1  u w  1   2  2 
y =  −  y =  − + 
2  z x  2  zx xz 

1  v u  1   2  2 
z =  −  z =  − +
2  x y  
2  xy yx 

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Velocity Potential
If Φ is a continuous function

 2  2  2  2  2  2
= = =
yz zy zx xz xy yx

❑ Thus, any function that satisfies Laplace equation is possible case

of irrotational flow since continuity is satisfied

❑ Velocity potential exists only for irrotational flows of fluids.

❑ Hence irrotational flow is often called potential flow.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Stream Function

The stream function Ψ (psi) is defined as a scalar function of space

and time such that its partial derivative with respect to any direction
gives the velocity component at right angles (in the counter
clockwise direction) to this direction
Mathematically, if Ψ = f(x, y, t)
 
= v; =−u
x y

(x+δx, y+δy)
v Flow across the curve ACB in x-direction
= −u y
(x, y) A u
Flow across the curve ACB in y-direction
= v x
Stream Function
If dΨ is assumed to represent the total flow across ACB

d = −u y + v x Equation A

If fluid is homogeneous and incompressible the flow across ADB

or any other curve must be same as that across ACB

For steady flow the fundamental definition of stream function

suggests that Ψ = f(x, y)

 
d = x+ y Equation B
x y

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Stream Function
Compare A and B

 
= v and = −u
x y
Thus, the assumption that dΨ is the flow across two points is valid
and stream function can be used for determination of flow between
two points if the stream functions at these points is known.

Compare the above equations with the equations for velocity potential

   
− =u =− and − =v=
x y y x

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Stream Function

   
= and - = Cauchy-Riemann Equations
x y y x

1  v u 
Further, we know that z =  − 
2  x y 

1           1   2  2 
z =   − −  =  2 + 2 
2  x  x  y  y   2  x y  equation

For irrotational flow

 2  2
+ 2 =0 Laplace equation for Ψ
x 2
Stream Function
Further, the continuity equation for steady flow of incompressible
fluid is
u v
+ =0
x y

       
− +  =0
x  y  y  x 

 2  2
xy yx
Thus if Ψ is the continuous function and its second derivative exists it
can be a possible case of flow since it satisfies the continuity

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Streamlines, Equipotential Lines and Flow Net

Property of stream function – The difference of its values at two pints

gives the flow across any line joining the two points.

Thus, if two points are on same streamline and since there is no

flow across the streamline, the values of stream function at these
two points will be same i. e. Ψ1 = Ψ2

Thus, a streamline can be represented by Ψ = constant

Similarly, Φ = constant represents a curve for which velocity potential

is constant; such a curve is called equipotential line.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

Streamlines, Equipotential Lines and Flow Net

Consider the slope of streamline and equipotential line at

intersection in a flow domain
  
For Φ = constant y  x  −u u
slope = = = =
x    −v v
 y 
 
  
y  x  v
= v
For Ψ = constant slope = = =−
x    −u u
 y 
 

The product of slopes of two lines is -1, which means streamline and
equipotential line intersect orthogonally
Streamlines, Equipotential Lines and Flow Net

Equipotential Φ = C6
lines Φ = C5
Φ = C4 Ψ = C1
Φ = C3 Ψ = C2 Streamlines
Φ = C2 Ψ = C3
Φ = C1 Ψ = C4
Ψ = C5
Vs Ψ = C6

Streamlines, Equipotential Lines and Flow Net
We know
− = Vn Vn = 0
n Φ is constant along n-direction

− = Vs The flow is along streamline as Φ is
s not constant along s-direction

− = Vn = 0 No flow in the direction
s normal to streamline but the
flow is always along

 streamline
= −Vs
n C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA
Assignment – Prepare a
descriptive note on the
methods of drawing the flow
net and attach it in your lab
practice journal.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA


Two large circular plates are kept at a distance y0 apart

and contain an incompressible fluid in between. If the
bottom plate is fixed and top plate is moved downward at
a constant velocity of V0, estimate the velocity at which
the fluid moves at a radial distance of r.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA


A 2.0 m long diffuser 20 cm in diameter at the upstream

end has 80 cm diameter at the downstream end. At a
certain instant the discharge through the diffuser is
observed to be 200 liters/s of water and is found to
increase uniformly at a rate of 50 liters/s per second.
Estimate the local, convective and total acceleration at a
section 1.5 m from the upstream end.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA


For two-dimensional incompressible flow,

show that the flow rate per unit width
between two streamlines is equal to the
difference between the values of stream
function corresponding to these streamlines.

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA


The velocity profile as a function of radius is given as;

u = um 1 − (r / R) 

where R is the radius of the pipe and um is the

maximum velocity. Calculate the average or mean
velocity for n = 1/5 and n = ½ in terms of um

C. M. Sewatkar, Faculty, Mech. Engg. Dept., GCOEARA

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