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7hydraulics in Pipeline Transport Logistics

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Hydraulics in pipeline
transport logistics
7 lecture

teacher: PhD Hajiyeva I.Y

In hydromechanics, there are two methods for studying fluid
motion: the Lagrange method and the Euler method.
The Lagrange method consists in studying the motion of each individual
particle of a liquid. The motion is determined by the position of the fluid particle as
a function of time t. The motion of the particle will be determined if the coordinates
x, y, and z are determined at a given time t, which makes it possible to plot the
trajectory of the fluid particle. The values x, y, and z are Lagrange variables, and
their changes over time dt allows to get the value of dx, dy, and dz, and then the

𝒅𝒔=√ 𝒅𝒙 + 𝒅𝒚 + 𝒅𝒛 𝟐 𝟐 𝟐
Velocity projections on coordinate axes
are determined by dependencies,

and the local speed

The Lagrange method reduces to the definition of a
family of trajectories of motion of particles of a moving
Considering that to establish the motion of the current
lines coincide with the trajectory of moving particles, we
can write

This expression is called the current line equation.

The Lagrange method has not found wide application in
hydraulics due to its relative complexity.
The Euler method is based on the study of the
velocity field, (i.e., the value of the magnitude and
velocities at all points of the space occupied by a moving
Euler variables are velocity values, , which are
determined depending on the coordinates of the points of
space and time, i.e.
The Euler method has found wide
application in hydromechanics. It allows to
determine the velocity at any time, but at
the same time does not allow you to study
the movement of a single particle of liquid.
Hydraulic fluid flow model
The entire fluid flow is represented as a set of
separate elementary streams of liquid that do not mix
with each other, with an infinitesimal cross-section
within which the local velocity of the liquid can be
considered constant.
The jet model of fluid flow was introduced by
Current line
In a moving fluid, we
conditionally choose a line so
that at each point its velocity is
directed tangentially.
A current line is a curve
that has the property that at a
given time the velocity vectors
at any point of it coincide in
the direction of tangents
• At the same time interval, the differential equation of the current line
will be written:

• The current lines cannot intersect at one point. Otherwise, it would

mean that a particle passing through a given point must have several
vectors of instantaneous local velocity at the same time, which
contradicts the physical meaning
Properties of the current line:
- the current lines never intersect;
- depend on the nature of the movement;
- coincides with the trajectory in stationary
Elements of the jet flow model:
a - current line, b - current tube
• A current line is a curve drawn
inside a moving fluid so that the
velocity vector at each point is
directed tangentially to this
• A current tube is a collection of
current lines drawn through each
point of a closed elementary
circuit. b

• An elementary trickle is a part of

the flow enclosed inside the a

current tube (the contents of the

Properties of an elementary trickle:
1. The fluid velocities at any point of the living
section can be considered the same (since the section
is infinitesimal).

2. The walls of the elementary trickle are impervious

to liquid (liquid can only move along the trickle).
Hydraulic fluid flow
• The live section (𝝎) is the cross section of the flow
perpendicular to all current lines.
• Wetted perimeter (𝛘) is that part of the perimeter of the
living section that comes into contact with solid walls,
forming a wetted surface.
• Hydraulic radius (R) - the ratio of the area of the living
section to the wetted perimeter.
• The flow rate of a liquid (Q) is its volume flowing
through a live section of the flow per unit of time.
• The average velocity (v) is a constant imaginary
velocity, moving with which elementary trickle of
flow would give the same flow rate as at real
speeds; in fact, this is the ratio of flow to the area of
the living section:
• Units: [м3/sec; м3/hour; l/sec; l/min].

m  Q
• Units of mass flow:
[кq/sec; кq/hour; кq/min; t/sec; t/hour]
dQa dt  dFa dL
 dL 
dQa  dFav  
 dt 

Volume of liquid - dQadt and dL.dFav,

Very short time - dt
The distance - dL
Section а-а;
The average cross-sectional area – dFav
The average velocity -

We will reduce indefinitely the

time interval dt. Then in the limit, for
dt → 0,

dQa  va dFa
Since the section of the elementary
stream was chosen arbitrarily:

dQ  vdF
This equation is called the flow
equation for an elementary trickle.
The total flow rate Q of the fluid for the entire flow
as a whole can be defined as the sum of the elementary
flow rates of all the individual jets that make up the

Q   dQ   vdF
All fluid particles move at the same speed, this
imaginary fictitious speed is called the average flow
velocity (vav).
Fluid flow rate equation: Q  vср

From this expression

Q vdF
v ср  

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