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Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance

May 2024
United States Navy Ethos
We are the United States Navy, our Nation's sea power - ready guardians of peace, victorious
in war.

We are professional Sailors and Civilians - a diverse and agile force exemplifying the highest
standards of service to our Nation, at home and abroad, at sea and ashore.

Integrity is the foundation of our conduct; respect for others is fundamental to our character;
decisive leadership is crucial to our success.

We are a team, disciplined and well-prepared, committed to mission accomplishment. We do

not waver in our dedication and accountability to our Shipmates and families.

We are patriots, forged by the Navy's core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. In
times of war and peace, our actions reflect our proud heritage and tradition.

We defend our Nation and prevail in the face of adversity with strength, determination, and

We are the United States Navy.

The Sailor's Creed

I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of

America and I will
obey the orders of those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend
freedom and democracy around the world.

I proudly serve my country's Navy combat team with Honor,

Courage, and Commitment.

I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 2 of 40


Seaman Recruit to Master Chief Roadmap

The educational roadmap below will assist Sailors in the Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance community through the process
of pursuing professional development and advanced education using various military and civilian resources e.g. PQS program;
JST Joint Service Transcript; E-Learning; Navy College Network; etc. Successful leadership is the key to military readiness and
will always require a high degree of technical skill, professional knowledge, and intellectual development.

What is a Career Roadmap for Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance?

Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance roadmaps are just what the name implies - a roadmap through the Enlisted Learning and
Development Continuum from Seaman Recruit through Master Chief. The principal focus is to standardize a program Navy wide
by featuring the existing skills necessary to be successful in the Navy. The ultimate goal of a roadmap is to produce a functional
and competent Sailor.

What is the Enlisted Learning and Development Continuum?

Enlisted Learning and Development Continuum is the formal title given to the curriculum and process building on the foundation
of Sailorization beginning in our Delayed Entry Program through Recruit Training Command and throughout your entire career.
The continuum combines skill training, professional education, well-rounded assignments, and voluntary education. As you
progress through your career, early-on skill training diminishes while professional military education gradually increases.
Experience is the ever-present constant determining the rate at which a Sailor trades skill training for professional development.

Do Sailors have to follow the Roadmap?

Yes. The Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance roadmap includes the four areas encompassed by the Continuum in
Professional Military Education to include; Navy Professional Military Education (NPME), Joint Professional Military Education
(JPME), Leadership and Advanced Education.
Some training and education is mandatory (Recruit Training, CTM “A” School at the Center for Information Warfare Training
located in Pensacola, Florida, E-Learning, etc.). Some may be directed by your chain of command (Microsoft Excel and
PowerPoint courses), and the remainder is voluntary (MNP, E-Learning, college courses, etc.). Sailors are advised to seek out
mentors, including your Command Master Chief, Senior Enlisted Advisor, Leading Chief Petty Officer, Leading Petty Officer and
Command Career Counselor, and to make use of your Navy College Virtual Education Center (VEC) or OCONUS Education
Office's vast resources. All are uniquely qualified to help you along the way.


CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 3 of 40

Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (CTM). CTMs perform a variety of duties associated with the maintenance and operations of
cryptologic communications systems at sea with limited shore requirements. Apprentice and Journeyman CTMs typically provide
deployed cryptologic support functions to surface and submarine combatants in either a PCS or TAD status. Due to lack of CTM
opportunities ashore, it is common for apprentice and journeymen CTMs to work out of rate while on shore duty. Master level CTMs
have extremely limited sea duty and should be taking on challenging duties such as 3M Coordinators Afloat via Sea Special Programs
when in-rate Staff Duty or EMO/AEMO opportunities are not available.
26-30 CTMCM 18.6 Yrs CSEL 36 8thSea or Shore Tour
Billet: SEA/SEL, Staff.
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,
23-26 CTMCM 18.6 Yrs CSEL 36 7thSea or Shore Tour
CTMCS 17.7 Billet: Sea Special Projects,
Duty: Ship, NIOC, TYCOM,
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,
20-23 CTMCM 18.6 Yrs CSEL 36 6thSea or Shore Tour
CTMCS 17.7 Billet: Sea Special Projects,
SEA/SEL, Staff duty.
Duty: Ship, NIOC, TYCOM,
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,
16-20 CTMCS 17.7 Yrs LDO, CWO, OCS, 36 5thSea or Shore Tour
CTMC 15 MECP, CSEL,3M Billet: 3MC Afloat, SEA/SEL
Coordinator Afloat, Instructor, Staff Duty.
Recruit Division Duty: Ship, NIOC, TYCOM,
Commander Duty CIWT, No. FLT, NSW, NPC.
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,
12-16 CTMC 15 Yrs 36 4thSea or Shore Tour
Billet: DEPT LCPO, 3MC
Afloat, Instructor, Installations
Chief, Staff Duty, RDC.
Duty: Ship, NIOC, TYCOM,
Qualification: IW, SW, AW,SG,
8-12 CTMC 15 Yrs 36 3rdSea or Shore Tour
CTM1 6.6 Billet: DIV LCPO, 3MC Afloat,
Instructor, Installation Team
Leader, Recruiting, RDC.
Duty: Ship, NIOC, CIWT,
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,

Revised: September 2023
4-8 CTM1 6.6 Yrs STA-21, OCS, MECP, 36 1st or 2ndSea Tour (36+ Months)
CTM2 3.4 Recruiting Duty, or 1st or 2nd Shore Tour (36
CTM3 1.9 Recruit Division Months)
Commander Duty Billet: Sea Special Programs,
WCS, Installation Team Leader,
LPO, Recruiter, Instructor.
Duty: Ship, NIOC, CIWT,
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,
1-4 CTM2 3.4 Yrs Naval Academy, 48/24 (C27A 1st Sea Tour /1st Shore Tour (24
CTM3 1.9 NROTC has a 60 month Months if it proceeds 1st Sea
Prescribed Sea Tour)
Tour) Billet: Collection System Tech.,
WCS, Sub Maint Tech and/or Sub
Maintenance Supervisor.
Duty: Ship, NIOC.
Qualification: IW, SW, AW, SG,
1+/- CTMSN 1.2 Yrs N/A Recruit Training, CTM “A”
CTMSA School, CTM “C” School (NEC
Accession awarded).


1. “A” School required.

2. CTMs perform jobs in two functional areas: Fleet or Shore electronic maintenance (shore electronic maintenance
requirements are extremely limited). Opportunities to diversify between functional areas are sometimes limited.
Sea/Shore flow for CTMs is typically at least 48/36months. Special duty assignments will vary depending on billet type
and location. Duty that supports submarines is 60 months for first Sea tour.

a. CTM E7 and above may have multiple back-to-back shore rotations due to limited sea duty opportunities.

3. Fleet Electronic Support (FES) billets attached to Direct Support commands are considered sea duty billets providing
real-time support to deployed combatants. CTMs on these tours maintain and prepare systems for shipboard installation,
perform shipboard installation, and provide deployed maintenance support.

4. Subsurface FES (NIOC Hawaii/NIOD Groton) duty is considered arduous, and extremely challenging. CTMs have
the opportunity to re-tour multiple times with the submarine community due to their technical expertise and corporate

5. Career-enhancing shore tours should be positions in which enlisted leaders develop and mentor subordinates with an
emphasis on career progression, continuing technical expertise, and leadership development. Senior CTM leadership
opportunities while on shore are Staff duty at the OPNAV, TYCOM, FLEET, and NAVPERSCOM levels, NIOC,

6. The limited amount of career-enhancing sea duty tours should include department/division LCPO, Installation
Coordinator, 3MC Afloat, Shipboard Division LCPO, or PRECOM duties for any platform. Challenging command-level
collaterals and other qualifications that promote command’s mission should be obtained where possible.

Revised: September 2023
7. The CTM rating is participating in a pilot with SUBFOR. The CTMs PCS to Submarines during the pilot will be defining the Best
and Fully Qualified standard for PCS Subsurface CTMs. Watch and Warfare Qualifications may deviate from the norm as CTMs
integrate into the Submarine Force.

8. Enlisted Information Warfare is not mandatory, but should remain a factor of consideration when identifying Best
Qualified candidates for advancement. Opportunity to qualify EIWS may be limited for CTMs serving outside the
NAVIFOR domain. Refer to COMNAVIFORINST 1414.1(series) for information related to the EIWS program.
Selection Boards should view other warfare qualifications as a noteworthy achievement.

9. Refer to Enlisted Selection Board Precept for general items not specific to CTM.

NOTE: College degrees are valued as continuing education, as well as certification(s) in Information Technology
standards (e.g., Security+, Network+, CISSP, etc.) and USMAP. Some tours have availability to complete Defense
Acquisition University (DAU) courses. Completing any of these are demonstrations of member’s willingness to grow
and improve their abilities.

Considerations for advancement from E6 to E7

1. Sea Assignments: At the E6 level, PCS sea duty tours are onboard surface or subsurface platforms or provide direct
support to surface or subsurface platforms. Duty with Special Projects/NSW/DEVGRU/Joint Communications Unit
(JCU) are also considered sea duty where candidates are carefully screened prior to assignment.

a. PCS Afloat Surface INC-E or INC-F

 Primary Responsibility: Leading Petty Officer (LPO),Work Center Supervisor (WCS)
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NEC C26B(INC-E), or C28B(INC-F), or NAVEDTRA 43367-
(Series) 301, NAVEDTRA 43367-2(Series) 310, 311, 312, or 313, and Combat Systems Training
Team (CSTT) member
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NEC C26C(INC-E), or C28C(INC-F), or NAVEDTRA 43367-
(Series) 302, NAVEDTRA 43367-2(Series) 315
 Fully Qualified qualifications: ESWS, Officer-of-the-Deck in Port (OOD I/P).
 Best Qualified qualification: Watch Supervisor Underway (U/W), Combat Systems Officer of the
Watch (CSOOW), Anti-Terrorism Watch Officer (ATTWO), Damage Control Training Team
(DCTT), Repair Locker Leader, Visit-Board-Search-Seizure (VBSS) team, Air or Surface Warfare
Coordinator, Combat Information Center Watch Officer (CICWO), etc., with documented impact,
Assistant Watch Bill Coordinator or equivalent, Duty Department Head or equivalent
 Maintenance Duties: 3MA with documented department or command impact
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD) review and/or Rating
Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

b. Direct Support Surface or Submarine

 Primary Responsibility: Leading Petty Officer (LPO), Team Leader, Work Center Supervisor (WCS)
(These Positions may limit deployment opportunities) Maintenance Supervisor with documented
deployments and mission impact
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NEC C27C(subsurface), or C38B(surface), or NAVEDTRA
43367-(Series) 301(Both), NAVEDTRA 43367-2(Series) 302(surface), 306(subsurface)
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NEC C27D(subsurface), or C38C(surface), or NAVEDTRA
43367-(Series) 302(Both), NAVEDTRA 43367-2(Series) 305(surface), 308(subsurface)
 Fully Qualified qualifications: ESWS(surface), or SG(subsurface), and Quarterdeck watch
 Best Qualified qualification: EIWS, Assistant Duty Section Leader, Watchbill Coordinator or
 Maintenance Duties: 3MA with documented department or command impact
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD) review and/or Rating
Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

Revised: September 2023
c. Naval Special Warfare (TIO/DEVGRU)
 Primary Responsibility: Inventory Control, Leading Petty Officer (LPO) or equivalent
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 301
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 302
 Fully Qualified qualifications: EXWS, Quarterdeck watch
 Best Qualified qualification: Assistant Duty Section Leader, Watchbill Coordinator or equivalent.
 Supports rating community evolutions (e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD) review and/or Rating
Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG))

2. Shore Assignments: At the E6 level, Shore duty billets are primarily at a NIOC, NIOD, CIWT, IWTC, IWTG,
NCTAMS, HOPPER DET, White House Communications Agency (WHCA), Personnel Exchange Program (PEP) and at
National shore sites. Occasionally, there are limited special shore duty requirements at Recruit Training Command
(RTC) and Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC), which candidates are carefully screened prior to assignment.
 Primary Responsibility: Leading Petty Officer (LPO) or equivalent
o Instructor/Recruit Division Commander with documented instructional time, (Course Supervisor)
o Recruiter or equivalent with mission and leadership impact
o Regional Maintenance Center Field Maintenance Technician with documented impact on
shipboard/regional activities
o Information Warfare Training Group (IWTG) duty assignment with documented fleet support and
training as well as technician development and mentoring
o White House Communications Agency: Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC)
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NAVEDTRA 43367-B 301
 C37 Fully Qualified rating qualification: NEC C37B or NAVEDTRA 43367-2A 307
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-B 302
 C37 Best Qualified rating qualification: NEC C37C or NAVEDTRA 43367-2A 309
 Fully Qualified qualifications: Quarterdeck watch, MTS/ATS as applicable
 Best Qualified qualification: EIWS, Assistant Duty Section Leader, Assistant Watch Bill Coordinator
or equivalent
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD) review and/or Rating
Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

Considerations for advancement from E7 to E8

1. Sea Assignments: At the E7 level, sea duty tours are onboard 7th Fleet, or surface and subsurface direct support
attached to Fleet Electronic Support (FES). Duty with Special Projects/NSW/DEVGRU/Joint Communications Unit
(JCU) is also considered sea duty where candidates are carefully screened prior to assignment.

a. PCS Afloat Surface 3MC, INC-E, or INC-F

 Primary Responsibility: Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) or equivalent
o DEPT/DIV/Directorate/Detachment/Operations Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) with
documented Cryptology readiness assessment results
o 3M Coordinator with documented 3M Inspection results
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NEC C26C(INC-E), or C28C(INC-F), or NAVEDTRA 43367-
(Series) 302, NAVEDTRA 43367-2(Series) 315, Combat Systems Training Team (CSTT) member, or
43241-(Series) 307 (3MC)
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 303
 Fully Qualified qualifications: ESWS, Officer-of-the-Deck in Port (OOD I/P), Duty Dept. Head or
 Best Qualified qualification: Duty Section Leader, Combat Systems Officer of the Watch (CSOOW),
Anti-Terrorism Watch Officer (ATTWO), Damage Control Training Team (DCTT), Repair Locker
Leader, Visit-Board-Search-Seizure (VBSS) team, Air or Surface Warfare Coordinator, Combat
Information Center Watch Officer (CICWO), etc., with documented impact

Revised: September 2023
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD), Advancement Exam
Readiness Review (AERR) review and/or Rating Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

b. Direct Support Surface or Submarine

 Primary Responsibility: Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) or equivalent
o DEPT/DIV/Directorate/Detachment/Operations Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) with
documented results
o 3M Coordinator with documented 3M Inspection results
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NEC C27D (subsurface), C38C(surface) or NAVEDTRA 43367-
(Series) 302(Both), NAVEDTRA 43367-2(Series) 305 (surface), 308(subsurface)
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 303(Both)
 Fully Qualified qualifications: N/A
 Best Qualified qualification: EIWS, Duty Section Leader, Assistant Command Duty Officer,
Command Duty Officer or equivalent
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD), Advancement Exam
Readiness Review (AERR) review and/or Rating Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

c. Naval Special Warfare (TIO/DEVGRU)

 Primary Responsibility: Maintenance Manager, Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) or equivalent
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 302
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 303
 Fully Qualified qualifications: EXWS, Command Duty Officer
 Best Qualified qualification: Command Duty Officer, or equivalent
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD), Advancement Exam
Readiness Review (AERR) review and/or Rating Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

d. Carrier Strike Group

 Primary Responsibility: Provide daily updates to leadership in regards to system and mission area
readiness; maintain material readiness standard and long range maintenance planning support for
platforms within AOR.
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NEC C28C, or NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 302, NAVEDTRA
43367-2(Series) 315
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 303;
 Fully Qualified qualifications: Command Duty Officer/Staff Duty Officer equivalent
 Best Qualified qualification: NAVEDTRA 43357-(Series), EIWS
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD), Advancement Exam
Readiness Review (AERR) review and/or Rating Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

2. Shore Assignments: At the E7 level, Shore duty billets are primarily at a SURFPAC, AIRLANT, NIOC, NIOD,
IWTC, IWTG, NCTAMS, White House Communications Agency (WHCA), HOPPER DET and at National shore sites.
Occasionally, there are a few special shore duty requirements at Recruit Training Command (RTC) and Navy Recruiting
Command (CNRC), candidates are carefully screened prior to assignment. CTM E7 and above may have multiple back-
to-back shore rotations due to the limited amount of Sea Duty billets.
 Primary Responsibility: Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) or equivalent
o Instructor/Recruit Division Commander with documented impact
o Recruiter or equivalent with mission and leadership impact
o Regional Maintenance Center Field Maintenance Technician with documented impact on
shipboard/regional activities
o Information Warfare Training Group (IWTG) duty assignment with documented fleet support and
training as well as technician development and mentoring
o White House Communications Agency: Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (NCOIC)

Revised: September 2023
 Fully Qualified rating qualifications: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 302
 Best Qualified rating qualification: NAVEDTRA 43367-(Series) 303
 Fully Qualified qualifications: MTS/ATS as applicable
 Best Qualified qualification: EIWS, Duty Section Leader, Command Duty Officer or equivalent
 Supports rating community evolutions [e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis (JDTA),
Training Requirement Review (TRR), Occupational Standards (OCCSTD), Advancement Exam
Readiness Review (AERR) review and/or Rating Strategy Council/Working Group (RSC/WG)]

Considerations for advancement from E8 to E9

1. Shore Assignments: At the E8 level, shore duty tours are primarily at NAVIFOR, SURFLANT, NPC, NIOC, CIWT,
and IWTC. Special consideration should be given to those serving at NAVIFOR, SURFLANT and NPC staffs with
documented leadership and community-wide impact.
 Strong documented leadership results serving as a SEL/Joint Service SEL, Dept. Leading Chief Petty
Officer (DLCPO), Rating Detailer, TYCOM or other key leadership positions, Instructor/Recruit
Division Commander and/or Staff Action Officer
 Qualifications such as Command Duty Officer(CDO), Assistant Command Duty Officer (ACDO),
Staff Duty Officer(SDO), Section Leader and/or Senior Enlisted Watchbill Coordinator
 Master Training Specialist (MTS)/Afloat Training Specialist (ATS) and enlisted warfare qualifications
are expected when available at the command
 Supports rating community evolutions (e.g. PQS development, Joint Duty Task Analysis, Training
Requirement Review(TRR), Occupational Standard(OCCSTD) review, Rating Strategy
Council/Working Group(RSC/WG) and/or Advancement Exam Readiness Review)
 Senior Enlisted Academy

2. Sea Assignments: At the E8 level, sea duty tours are surface and subsurface direct support attached to Fleet Electronic
Support (FES).
 Complete a tour as DLCPO or 3MC with documented leadership/INSURV/OFRP Certifications,
Assistant EMO and/or Equipment Manager
 Qualifications such as CDO, ACDO, SDO, Section Leader, Senior Enlisted Watchbill Coordinator,
CSOOW, EOOW, Conning Officer, JOOD, etc., or any shipboard training team with documented
 MTS/ATS and enlisted warfare qualifications are expected when available at the command
 Documented passing 3M inspection scores (if tour is 3M Coordinator)
 Supports rating community evolutions (e.g. PQS development, JDTA, TRR, OCCSTD review,
RSC/WG and/or Advancement Exam Readiness Review)
 Senior Enlisted Academy

Revised: September 2023
Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance
Petty Officer First Class

(Schools, courses and assignments directly related to occupation)
Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE ID Date Completed
CTM "A" School IWTC Corry Station A‑102‑0109 13 weeks


Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE/ACE ID Date Completed
21 weeks
"G" School
Submarine Carry-On Equipment Technician (C27A); A-102-3132 A‑102‑3132
IWTC Corry Station (13 Weeks)
Pipeline 2 (A‑102‑8484,A‑102‑5599)
"G" School
(8 Weeks)
15 weeks
"G" School
Surface Cryptologic Carry-On Program (CCOP) Technician A‑102‑3131
IWTC Corry Station (13 Weeks)
(C38A); A-102-3131 Pipeline (A‑102‑8484,A‑102‑3144)
"G" School
(2 Weeks)
10 weeks
"G" School
Ship’s Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment E (SSEE Inc IWTC Corry Station, A‑102‑1313
(2 Weeks)
E) Maintainer (C26A); A-102-1313 Pipeline IWTC San Diego (A‑102‑3144,A‑102‑5888)
"G" School
(8 Weeks)
14 weeks
"G" School
Ship's Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment F (SSEE Inc F) A‑102‑1314
IWTC Corry Station (2 Weeks)
Maintainer (C28A); A-102-1314 Pipeline (A‑102‑3144,A‑102‑5900)
"G" School
(12 Weeks)
Cryptologic Installation Methods, Practices and Procedures
IWTC Corry Station A‑102‑8484 13 weeks
(CRIMP); A-102-3132 and A-102-3131 Pipeline
Cryptologic Antenna Maintenance; A-102-1313, A-102-1314, IWTC Corry Station, U‑CTM‑5144 (RRL),
2 weeks
and A-102-3131 Pipeline IWTC San Diego A‑102‑3144 (legacy)
2 NIWTG Dam Neck, VA
Raven Maintenance MTT S‑531‑2431 1 week
SST-Core Maintenance MTT 2 NIWTG Dam Neck, VA S‑531‑2429 2 weeks
Advanced Shipboard Fire Fighter 1 Various V‑4N‑0001/J‑495‑0419 4 days
1 Various
Shipboard Aircraft Fire Fighting Course J‑495‑0413 1 day
1 - Reserve opportunities may exist, contact Reserve Forces Code N7 for authorization.
2 - Must be volunteer for Submarine Duty


CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 10 of 40

Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE/ACE ID Date Completed
10 weeks
"G" School
C26A - Ship’s Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment E IWTC Corry Station, A‑102‑1313
(2 Weeks)
(SSEE Inc E) Maintainer 2 IWTC San Diego (A‑102‑3144,A‑102‑5888)
"G" School
(8 Weeks)
C26B - Cryptologic Systems Maintenance Instructor/Assessor

C26C - Cryptologic Systems Maintenance Director 11

21 weeks
"G" School
C27A - Submarine Carry-On Equipment Technician 4 IWTC Corry Station (13 Weeks)
"G" School
(8 Weeks)
14 weeks
"G" School
C28A - Ship's Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment F A‑102‑1314
IWTC Corry Station (2 Weeks)
(SSEE Inc F) Maintainer 5 (A‑102‑3144,A‑102‑5900)
"G" School
(12 Weeks)
C28B - AN/SSQ-130 Cryptologic Systems Maintenance
Instructor and Assessor 12
C28C - AN/SSQ-130 Cryptologic System Maintenance Director

C37A - Cryptologic Infrastructure Maintenance Technician 14 IWTC Corry Station A‑102‑8484 13 weeks
C37C - Cryptologic Infrastructure Maintenance Director 16
15 weeks
"G" School
C38A - Surface Cryptologic Carry-On Program (CCOP) A‑102‑3131
IWTC Corry Station (13 Weeks)
Technician 7 (A‑102‑8484,A‑102‑3144)
"G" School
(2 Weeks)
771B - Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Tactical Information
NSW Center K‑431‑7002
Operations (TIO) Operator 1
803R - Recruiter 1 NATTC, Pensacola, FL S‑501‑0020 33 days
805A - Instructor 1 Various Locations A‑012‑0077 19 days
1 Norfolk, VA / San Diego,
811A - 3-M Systems Coordinator/Inspector J‑500‑0029 2 weeks
8RDC - Recruit/Assistant Recruit Company Commander/Recruit
Great Lakes, IL A‑012‑0037 87 days
C27B - Submarine Carry-On Equipment (COE) Privileged
Access Technician 17
C27C - Submarine Carry-On Equipment (COE) Supervisor 18
C27D - Submarine Carry-On Equipment (COE) Team Leader 19
C37B - Cryptologic Infrastructure Maintenance Supervisor 15
C38B - Surface Cryptologic Carry-On Program (CCOP) Installer

C38C - Surface Cryptologic Carry-On Program (CCOP) Director


1 - Reserve opportunities may exist, contact Reserve Forces Code N7 for authorization.
2 - C26A is awarded by completing Cryptologic Antenna Maintenance (A-102-3144) and Ship's Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment E (SSEE INC-
E) Maintenance (A-102-5888).
3 - C26B is awarded by completing 24 months of Cryptologic Systems tour experience and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 310 for CVN or
NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 311 for all other platforms.
4 - C27A is awarded by completing Cryptologic Installation, Practices and Procedures (CRIMP) (A-102-8484) and SNOOP Maintenance (A-102-5599).
5 - C28A is awarded by completing Cryptologic Antenna Maintenance (A-102-3144) and Ship's Signal Exploitation Equipment Increment F (SSEE INC-F)
Maintenance (A-102-5900).
7 - C38A is awarded by completing Cryptologic Installation, Practices and Procedures (CRIMP) (A-102-8484) and Cryptologic Antenna Maintenance (A-
11 - C26C is awarded by completing 24 months of Cryptologic Systems tour experience and PQS NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 315
12 - C28B is awarded by completing 24 months of Cryptologic Systems tour experience with NEC code C28A and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA
43367-2B 312 for CVN or NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 313 for all other platforms.
13 - C28C is awarded by completing 24 months of Cryptologic Systems tour experience with NEC code C28B and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA
43367-2B 315.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 11 of 40

14 - 1: C37A is awarded by compling five modules of the KG-175D and one module of KIV-7M on Navy eLearning (NeL). Course module IDs are
NAVWARKGl 75D-l.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and NA VW AR-KIV7M-1.0. 2: Member certificates should be presented by 19WT CRIMP Course Supervisor
prior to graduation and routed to CIWT N732 Training Manager. CTM Rating Lead for CIWT shall forward the NEC code request to NAVPERSCOM,
mill_nec_request@navy.mil for each individual.
15 - C37B is awarded by completing 24 months of Cryptologic Infrastructure tour experience with NEC C37A, and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA
43367-2B 307.
16 - 1. C37C is awarded by completing 24 months of Cryptologic Infrastructure tour experience with NEC C37B, and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA
43367-2B 309. 2. CTMs Qualified C37C must continuously complete required sustaining DoD Cyber IT/CS qualification requirements, Commanding
Officers should make recommendations for removal of the NEC code based on the member’s non-compliance with SECNAV M-5239.2. Submit
NAVPERS 1221/6 with Commanding Officer’s recommendation to PERS-4013 for removal of NEC code C37C. The NEC C37A should be reassigned if
C37C is removed for this reason.
17 - 1. C27B is awarded by completing Position Six level 2 requirements established in COMNAVIFORINST S3502.3, Section 5 - Maintenance
Qualification Requirements, Subsection 2 - Level 2 Requirements Steps (a) - (d). 2. Personnel disqualified for submarines may, at the discretion of the
ECM, be recoded to 0000. 3. Personnel not assigned to a C27x billet for greater than 36 months are no longer eligible to retain this NEC code, PERS-
408 will submit NAVPERS 1221/6 to PERS 4013 for removal of this NEC code. 4. Member must continuously complete required sustaining DoD Cyber
IT/CS qualification requirements; Commanding Officers should make recommendations for removal of the NEC code based on the member’s non-
compliance with SECNAV M-5239.2; submit NAVPERS 1221/6 with Commanding Officer’s recommendation to PERS-4014 for removal of this NEC code
if compliance is not sustained; NEC code C27A shall be reassigned if C27B is removed for this reason.
18 - 1. C27C is awarded by completing 18 months of COE experience with NEC C27B, and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 306. 2. Personnel
disqualified for submarines may, at the discretion of the ECM, be recoded to 0000. 3. Personnel not assigned to a C27x billet for greater than 36 months
are no longer eligible to retain this NEC code; PERS-408 will submit NAVPERS 1221/6 to PERS 4013 for removal of NEC code. 4. Member must
continuously complete required sustaining DoD Cyber IT/CS qualification requirements; Commanding Officers should make recommendations for
removal of the NEC code based on the member’s non-compliance with SECNAV M-5239.2; submit NAVPERS 1221/6 with Commanding Officer’s
recommendation to PERS-4013 for removal of this NEC code if compliance is not sustained; NEC code C27B should be reassigned if C27C is removed
for this reason.
19 - 1. C27D is awarded by completing 18 months of COE experience with NEC C27C, and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 308. 2. Personnel
disqualified for submarines may, at the discretion of the ECM, be recoded to 0000. 3. Personnel not assigned to a C27x billet for greater than 36 months
are no longer eligible to retain this NEC code; PERS-408 will submit NAVPERS 1221/6 to PERS 4013 for removal of NEC code.
20 - 1. C38C is awarded by completing 24 months of CCOP experience with NEC C38B, and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 305. 2. Member
must continuously complete required sustaining DoD Cyber IT/CS qualification requirements; Commanding Officers should make recommendations for
removal of the NEC code based on the member’s non-compliance with SECNAV M-5239.2; submit NAVPERS 1221/6 with Commanding Officer’s
recommendation to PERS-4013 for removal of this NEC code if compliance is not sustained; NEC code C38B should be reassigned if C38C is removed
for this reason.
21 - 1. C38B is awarded by completing 24 months of CCOP experience with NEC C38A, and completion of PQS NAVEDTRA 43367-2B 302. 2. Member
must continuously complete required sustaining DoD Cyber IT/CS qualification requirements; Commanding Officers should make recommendations for
removal of the NEC code based on the member’s non-compliance with SECNAV M-5239.2; submit NAVPERS 1221/6 with Commanding Officer’s
recommendation to PERS-4013 for removal of this NEC code if compliance is not sustained; NEC code C38AB should be reassigned if C38B is removed
for this reason.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 12 of 40

Cryptologic Technicians (Maintenance) (CTM) maintain, configure, and install intelligence, tactical cryptologic and
ancillary systems used to conduct Information and Cyberspace Operations; design, install, test, certify, troubleshoot, and
repair or replace: tactical cryptologic systems, physical security systems, electrical and electronic equipment, antennas,
computer systems, networks, and ancillary equipment; implement Information Assurance (IA) policy; manage organizational
level maintenance; coordinate repair of command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance systems in support of surface, subsurface, air, special warfare, and national consumers.


CVN, LCC, LHD, LHA, LPD, CG, and DDG Platforms:

Norfolk, VA
San Diego, CA
Everett, WA
Mayport, FL
Pearl Harbor, HI
Yokosuka, Japan
Gaeta, Italy
Rota, Spain

NIOD Digby, England
IWTC San Diego, CA
ONI SP NAVEUR Naples, Italy
NCSA SCTR Naples, Italy
IWTC CS Pensacola, FL
IWTC Norfolk, VA
ONI SP San Diego, CA
CIWT DET Fort Gordon, GA
CIWT HQ Pensacola, FL
NIOD Groton, CT
Instructor Duty
NSA/CSS Ft Meade, MD
Recruiting Duty
RDC/RTC Great Lakes, IL
Special Programs (Sea/Shore Special Programs)
NRLSITEDT Port Hueneme, CA
VQFIT Whidbey Island, WA
NIOC Hawaii NIOC Fort Gordon
NIOC Texas
NIOC San Diego, CA
NIOC Sugar Grove, WV
NIOC Yokosuka, Japan
NIOD Groton, CT
NIOC Maryland

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 13 of 40

(Completed at reporting 60 day Career Development Board)

Command Address QD Phone


Mobilization UIC:
Naval Reserve Activity:

Division Officer: Phone Number:

Leading Chief Petty Officer: Phone Number:

Leading Petty Officer: Phone Number:

Sponsor/Mentor: Phone Number:
Depart/Division Career
Counselor: Phone Number:

Date of Initial Entry to Military Service (DIEMS): Date of Initial Entry Reserve Forces (DIERF):
Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD):
ADSD: Report Date: EAOS/EOS: PRD: SEA / SHORE: /

PAYGRADE E6 (3 Years time in service required to be eligible for advancement to E7)

Date Advanced: Eligible Advancement Date: Number of times up:
HYT Date: Security Clearance Level: Date Last updated:
Command INDOC complete:


Use OPNAVINST 1040.11(ser) & Career Counselor Handbook NAVPERS 15878
(E6) Reason for Convening/Discussion Items: (Upon completion update (CIMS) Career Information Management System)

Reporting (within 60 days for active duty or four drill weekends for SELRES) (Date Conducted):
24 Month: 48 Month: 60 Month:
Family Care Plan: Mil to Mil:
Sailor 360: Special Program: Member Request:
HYT 24 months (Date): HYT Waiver Date: Approve Disapprove
C-WAY-REEN 18 months to EAOS/EOS: Career Waypoint not approved:
Rating Conversion: Navy Formal Training Schools Request ("A"/"C"etc):
Transfer: Separation: Fleet Reserve Retirement Options:
Physical Fitness Test Failure: Career Status Bonus (election message received):
Overseas Tour Extension Incentives Program (OTEIP):

Advancement Center: Visit MNP Advancement & Promotion page located under the Career & Life Events Tab
(Items to collect/discuss: Bibliography for Advancement, Enlisted Advancement Exam Strategy Guide, Profile Sheets)

Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Program Application & Administration Manual OPNAVINST 1420.1(series):
Commissioning Programs Applications: (prior to submission, command endorsement):
Naval Academy: Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS):
Limited Duty Officer:
Officer Candidate School: Seaman to Admiral 21 (STA-21):
Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program (MECP): Medical Service Corps In-service Procurement:

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 14 of 40


Step 1 - Review your Official Record to see what documentation, qualifications, etc. may be missing or requiring an
update. This should be accomplished every six months after promotion to Second Class. However, it is imperative that
this is accomplished six months prior to a selection board. Check the following three major sections to verify your Official
a. BUPERS Online: BUPERS Online (https://www.bol.navy.mil) is your main tool to ensure your record is up to date
and helps you to be proactive in making the most of your promotion opportunity. You should review your:
1. Official Military Personnel File (OMPF): All active duty and reserve personnel having a BOL account, a CAC
(with appropriate certificates) and a CAC-enabled computer can now view their OMPF online by selecting the
OMPF option on the BOL main menu page.
2. Check your Performance Summary Record (PSR) and Enlisted Summary Record (ESR) on
https://www.bol.navy.mil, click on the "ODC, OSR, PSR, ESR" link.
b. Electronic Service Record (ESR) Self-Service ESR: This can be viewed at (https://nsips.nmci.navy.mil) or on the
Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) ESR server onboard ship.
c. Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ): Log in to My Navy Portal (MNP) and review your entire ETJ making sure that
each section is correct. If not, clicking on "Data Problems" at the bottom of each page which will guide you on how
to make corrections or updates.
d. US Navy Awards website: Log in to https://www.bol.navy.mil/, and click NPC command document services to
review any awards through Navy Department of Awards Web Service (NDAWS) you may qualify for but were
unaware of.
e. Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS): To log in to PRIMS, first log in to My Navy Portal
(MNP) at https://www.mnp.navy.mil. PRIMS can be accessed under the "Performance" tab.
f. EOSH: The Federal Agency Employee Occupational Safety and Health (EOSH) Toolkit is available at
https://www.osha.gov/dep/fap/eosh_toolkit.html. It provides a one-stop-shop website that includes "just in time"
information about maintaining a safe and healthful workplace.

Step 2 - Submit appropriate missing documents to the selection board.

a. Selection board packages provide candidates the opportunity to submit any documents missing from the sections
of their records which are viewed by the selection boards. MILPERSMAN 1070-080 specifies which documents
from the enlisted permanent personnel record are provided to the selection board for review. Any documents the
member has verified as missing from those sections of their permanent personnel record may be submitted as a
selection board package.
b. For submissions directly to the board and for those circumstances where the eligible candidate cannot get their
official record updated and confirmed prior to the selection board convening date:
From the BOL main menu, select "Navy Personnel Command Document Services," Start Process, Selection
Board and LTB. On-screen instructions will direct the submitter thereafter. Submissions should be prepared
with attachments (if applicable), prior to initiating their LTB. There is no save and return function between BOL
sessions. Submitters will receive an e-mail confirmation regarding the status of their submitted LTB.
Submission and subsequent receipt acknowledgement for LTBs submitted via ESSBD or other means does
not constitute confirmation of eligibility for the boards to which LTBs are submitted. If required, a full visual
user guide is available at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/advancement-and-promotion.
c. Ensure official record reflects any individual augmentation mission (awards, evals, NEC, etc).

NOTE: It is highly recommended that if corrections or updates are made, review your OMPF to confirm

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 15 of 40

Step 3 - After reviewing your service record - such as evaluations, awards, qualifications, etc. - start reviewing what you
can do to improve yourself, such as:
a. Request a Career Development Board (CDB) through your chain of command.
b. Take a good, hard look at the type of Collateral Duties you are assigned. Review your command collateral duties
instruction and talk with your COC and / or appear before the CDB. Take the tough command duties that provide
the most involvement in the command as a whole and that have direct Sailor support.
c. Review your current level of education to see how far along you are in earning a college degree and pursue non-
resident Navy courses to expand your level of knowledge. Complete the Navy e-Learning courses on MNP that
are recommended in this document. Check Navy COOL (https://www.cool.osd.mil/usn/) for any related credentials
for which you may be qualified.
d. Check out OTHER Learning Opportunities to add to your service record, such as the CANTRAC Volume I
(Training Facilities) and CANTRAC Volume II (Course Descriptions) at

Step 4 - Review qualifications that your rating values or requires for advancement and create a plan to earn these
important pieces in the professional growth and advancement puzzle. Read the applicable NAVADMIN for additional
dates and information, and review previous selection board precepts.

Step 5 - Prepare for the next CPO Advancement Exam cycle in January for Active Duty & February for Reserves as
soon as the Bibliography References are posted six months prior in July. Use the Navy Advancement Center info and
website listed above in the advancement section.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 16 of 40


Sea/Shore General Qualifications Watch Standing Qualifications Report Date Date
(N/A if not required)

43511-E, CSOSS Operation and Watches, 301, CSOSS Technician

43511-E, CSOSS Operation and Watches, 302, CSOSS Area Supervisor
43511-E, CSOSS Operation and Watches, 303, CSOOW
43511-E, CSOSS Operation and Watches, 305, CSTT Safety Observer
43511-E, CSOSS Operation and Watches, 306, CSTT Exercise Initiator
43511-E, CSOSS Operation and Watches, 307, CSTT Exercise Evaluator
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 301, Basic DC Communications
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 302, Basic First-Aid
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 303, Basic Firefighting
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 304, Fire Watch Stander
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 305, Basic CBR Defense
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 306, Basic DC
43241-P, 3M, 301, Maintenance Person
43241-P, 3M, 302, RPPO
43241-P, 3M, 303, WCS
43241-P, 3M, 304, LCPO/Division Officer
43241-P, 3M, 305, Department 3M Assistant
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 307, Advanced DC
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 308, Team Leader
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 309, Advanced CBR Defense
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 310, Advanced First-Aid/Stretcher Bearer
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 311, AFFF Transfer Station Operator
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 312, Repair Party Investigator
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 313, Scene Leader
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 319, Repair Party Electrician
43119-M, Damage Control (DC), 320, DCTT Member
43397-F, Deck Watches Inport, 303, Petty Officer of the Watch (POOW)
43397-F, Deck Watches Inport, 304, Duty Master-At-Arms (DMAA)
43397-F, Deck Watches Inport, 305, Junior Officer of the Deck (JOOD) In-Port
43397-F, Deck Watches Inport, 306, Officer of the Deck (OOD) In-Port
43398-14B, Aegis Weapons System Warfare Coordinator, 302, SUWC
43462-2A, KMI, 301, Local Element (Using)
43466-D, Security Force Weapons, 301, M9 Service Pistol Operator
43466-D, Security Force Weapons, 305, M500 Shotgun Operator
43466-D, Security Force Weapons, 308, M16 (Series) Rifle Operator
304 M240B Medium Machine Gun Operator
43466-D, Security Force Weapons, 315, M-2 .50 Caliber Heavy Machinegun Operator
43466-D, Security Force Weapons, 322, Clearing Barrel Supervisor
43548, SNOOPIE Team, 301, SNOOPIE Team Lookout
43548, SNOOPIE Team, 302, SNOOPIE Team Recorder
43548, SNOOPIE Team, 303, SNOOPIE Team Photographer
43548, SNOOPIE Team, 304, SNOOPIE Team Leader

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 17 of 40

Mandatory warfare qualification for enlisted Sailors assigned to designated warfare qualifying commands:
Warfare qualification programs Report Date Date
(N/A if not required)

Aviation Warfare Specialist

Expeditionary Warfare Specialist
Information Warfare Specialist
Submarine Warfare Specialist
Surface Warfare Specialist

Rate Specific/Department Qualifications (Add) Report Date Date
(N/A if not required)

43367-C, CTM CC, 302, Journeyman Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (CTM)

43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 301, Cryptologic Systems Installation Technician
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 302, Surface Cryptologic Carry-On Program Installer
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 303, Subsurface Cryptologic Carry-On Equipment Maintenance
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 305, Surface Cryptologic Carry-On Program Maintainer
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 306, Subsurface Cryptologic Carry-On Equipment Maintenance
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 307, Intelligence Communications (IC) Network Supervisor
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 308, Subsurface Cryptologic Carry-On Equipment Team
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 309, Intelligence Communications (IC) Network Administrator
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 310, AN/SSQ-137 Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment
(SSEE) Increment Echo (Inc E) (CVN) Technician
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 311, AN/SSQ-137 Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment
(SSEE) Increment Echo (Inc E) Technician
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 312, AN/SSQ-130 Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment
(SSEE) Increment Foxtrot (Inc F) (CVN) Technician
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 313, AN/SSQ-130 Ships Signal Exploitation Equipment
(SSEE) Increment Foxtrot (Inc F) Technician
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 314, In-Flight Cryptologic Systems Maintenance Technician
43367-2B, CTM CRY Systems, 315, Ships Signal Exploitation Space (SSES) Senior
Maintenance Technician

Notes on Qualifications:

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 18 of 40


Navy Retention and Career Development Tools are web-based applications designed to support and enhance Sailor
career management, retention and professional/personal development. Specifically, these tools are designed to assist in Sailor
professionalization, advancement, retention, cross rating, and transitioning. Use of these tool allows Career Counselors to
provide better guidance on education, professional growth, career requirements and opportunities to individuals in the Navy and
for Sailors to take an active role in their professional development and career management. These tools include:

Navy COOL - https://www.cool.osd.mil/usn/

USMAP - https://usmap.osd.mil/
MilGears - https://milgears.osd.mil/

Navy Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (Navy COOL): Navy COOL assists Sailors (active & reserve) by funding the
certification & licensing exams that map their Navy education, training, experience, and competencies to industry/civilian-
recognized credentials and occupational equivalents. Sailors may obtain funding for credential examinations, renewals,
maintenance fees, and other mandatory examination administrative fees.

The following certifications and licenses are applicable to the CTM-Cryptologic Technician Maintenance rating. They may
require additional education, training or experience.

For more information about these credentials, visit NAVY COOL at https://www.cool.osd.mil/usn/.

Target Date
Certifying Agency Credential Title
Paygrade Completed
Certifying Technical Employee Competence Basic Electricity and Electronics - Alternating
(CertTEC) Current (BEE-AC)
Certifying Technical Employee Competence
E4 Basic Electricity and Electronics - Analog (BEE-A)
Certifying Technical Employee Competence
E4 Basic Electricity and Electronics - Digital (BEE-D)
Certifying Technical Employee Competence Basic Electricity and Electronics - Direct Current
(CertTEC) (BEE-DC)
E4 Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Computing Technology Industry Association
E2 CompTIA A+
Computing Technology Industry Association
E2 CompTIA Network+
Computing Technology Industry Association
E2 CompTIA Security+
E4 ETA International (ETA) Associate Electronics Technician (CETa)
E4 ETA International (ETA) Electronics Module AC (EM2)
E4 ETA International (ETA) Electronics Module Analog (EM3)
E4 ETA International (ETA) Electronics Module Comprehensive (EM5)
E4 ETA International (ETA) Electronics Module DC (EM1)
E4 ETA International (ETA) Electronics Module Digital (EM4)
E2 ETA International (ETA) Fiber Optics Installer (FOI)
E2 ETA International (ETA) Fiber Optics Technician (FOT)
General Communications Technician - Level 1
E4 ETA International (ETA)
General Communications Technician - Level 2
E5 ETA International (ETA)
E2 ETA International (ETA) Information Technology Security (ITS)
E5 ETA International (ETA) Network Systems Technician (NST)
International Society of Certified Electronics Certified Electronics Technician - Associate-Level
Technicians (ISCET) (Associate CET)
Transportation Worker Identification Credential
E4 Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 19 of 40

Out of Rate Certifications and Licensure

Academic Degrees – You are now eligible for credentials towards an earned academic degree.

Cross-Rated Sailors – If you have cross-rated, you now are eligible for credentials related to your prior rating.

Off-Duty or Command-Sponsored Training – You are now eligible for credentials for documented training that fully prepares you
for a credential.

Navy Reservists – You may now be eligible for funding of credentials related to your civilian occupation.

Prior Other-Service Enlisted Occupation - If you are Navy enlisted (Active or Reserve), you may now be eligible for funding for
credentials related to prior other-Service (Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) enlisted occupation.

Collateral Duty/Out of Rate Assignments - Credentials are also available in these collateral duties/out of rate assignments in
which you are serving in or have served in.

Credentials Earned & Maintained Prior to Joining the Navy - If you are Navy enlisted (Active or Reserve), you may now be
eligible for funding for credentials that were earned, and maintained, prior to your enlistment in the Navy. The certification or
license must have relevance to the needs of the Navy, and must appear on Navy COOL, although it does not need to show the
Navy Bucks icon to be funded.

* See the Additional Funding Opportunities section on any rating page on Navy COOL for further details.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 20 of 40

Leader Credentialing: The following certifications and licenses are applicable to enlisted Leaders (E4 and above). They may
require additional education, training or experience.

Certifying Agency Credential Title
Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence
American Society for Quality (ASQ)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Quality Engineer (CQE)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Master Black Belt Certification (MBB)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Quality Auditor Certification (CQA)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB)
Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) CompTIA Project+
McAfee Institute Certified Executive Leader (CEL)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Access (Office
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Excel (Office 2016)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Excel Associate
Microsoft Corporation
(Office 2019)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Excel Expert (Office
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Microsoft Access
Microsoft Corporation
Expert (Office 2019)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Corporation
Expert (Office 2019)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Microsoft Word
Microsoft Corporation
Expert (Office 2019)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Outlook (Office
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Outlook Associate
Microsoft Corporation
(Office 2019)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): PowerPoint (Office
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): PowerPoint
Microsoft Corporation
Associate (Office 2019)
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Word (Office 2016)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Word Associate
Microsoft Corporation
(Office 2019)
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Word Expert (Office
Microsoft Corporation
PeopleCert Lean Six Sigma - IASSC Certified Black Belt (ICBB)
PeopleCert Lean Six Sigma - IASSC Certified Green Belt (ICGB)
PeopleCert Lean Six Sigma - IASSC Certified Yellow Belt (ICYB)
Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)
Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA)
Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)
Project Management Institute (PMI) Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)
Project Management Institute (PMI) Program Management Professional (PgMP)
Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP)

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 21 of 40

United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP): USMAP is available to most active duty occupations and is
certified by the U.S. Department of Labor. This is the largest apprenticeship program operating in the U.S. and is recognized by
all 50 states. Completion of one of these programs would qualify you as a journeyman, which could mean a significantly higher
starting salary in the civilian work force. Most programs require 5-8 years to complete but are transferable if you decide to leave
the service prior to completion. USMAP opportunities also exist for SELRES with orders over 12 months.

The following USMAP apprenticeships are applicable to the CTM-Cryptologic Technician Maintenance rating.

For more information about these apprenticeships, visit USMAP at https://usmap.osd.mil/index.htm.

Computer Operator
Cyber Database Administrator
Electric-Motor Repairer
Electronics Technician
Fiber Technician
Internetworking Technician
Network Operations Specialist
Radio Mechanic
Station Installer And Repairer
System Administrator

MilGears: MilGears leverages the COOL platform to provide Service members with a personalized, self-assessment of the
individual’s military training & experience and off-duty education & credentialing, for the purposes of providing
recommendations and next steps to pursue and achieve industry credentialing, in-service advancement, and ultimately post-
service employment. Use MilGears to build a comprehensive record that captures all the learning, experience, and related skills
you’ve gained to support preparation for career advancement. MilGears will provides multiple search methods to find
credentials that can help build your subject matter expertise related to your military career, as well as prepare you for a career
after transition. Use your time in service to pursue certifications, education, and experience that can help you achieve your goals.

Of the several tools found on MilGears, the two most common that Sailors would use are the Engage My Career Tool and the
Quick Explorer Tool.


The Engage My Career (EMC) Tool, available from the MilGears home page, analyzes your unique history to provide
customized results. The EMC Tool looks at what you've done in the military to date by guiding you through a series of questions
that collect information such as: your rating, pay grade, duty station history, training, NECs, qualifications (applicable to Mariner
careers), and civilian education or credentials. The EMC Tool then takes this information and helps you determine your best path
forward by showing you the possible occupation options you may be eligible for based on your current experience.

Customized output includes:

Civilian occupations that may be attainable or nearly attainable.

Apprenticeships, certifications, and education that can help you fill training gaps or that could make you more competitive
in the job market.
How You Stack Up - a detailed view of how you compare to the typical requirements for civilian occupations and
Next Steps - recommendations to fill gaps to enter an occupational field.


The Quick Explorer Tool, available from the MilGears home page, allows Service members to explore occupations without
uploading personal information.

The following areas are available for exploration:

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 22 of 40

Credentials - explore pathways related to a specific credential such as a degree, a certification, a USMAP apprenticeship
or a federal license.
Career Goals - explore pathways based on career goals through job family, industry and more.
Military Occupation - explore pathways by MOC to view ‘best-fit’ pathways based your military occupation. Pathways
include academic, industry, apprenticeship, cross-rate opportunities, and post-service employment opportunities.
Interests - answer a series of questions designed to discover your personal interests and connect them to career

For more information about these MilGears tools, visit https://milgears.osd.mil/.

**These Navy Retention and Career Development Tools web-based applications may be available to Sailors who
change their Navy affiliation from the Navy active component to affiliation with the Navy Reserve component.**

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 23 of 40


The following post military occupations are similar to the CTM-Cryptologic Technician Maintenance Rating. For more information
about these occupations, visit NAVY COOL at https://www.cool.osd.mil/usn/.

Occupation (Civilian Employer)

Audio and Video Technicians
Broadcast Technicians
Computer Network Support Specialists
Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians
Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment
First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers
Information Security Analysts
Network and Computer Systems Administrators
Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installers and Repairers
Sound Engineering Technicians
Telecommunications Engineering Specialists
Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers

Occupation (Federal Employer)

0856 - Electronics Technical Series
1541 - Cryptanalysis Series
2210 - Information Technology Management Series
2602 - Electronic Measurement Equipment Mechanic
2604 - Electronics Mechanic
2606 - Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic
2608 - Electronic Digital Computer Mechanic
2610 - Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic
2854 - Electrical Equipment Repairing
9944 - Electronics Technician

SkillBridge: The Navy's SkillBridge program is an opportunity for Sailors to gain valuable civilian work experience through
specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service. SkillBridge connects Sailors with
DOD approved industry partners in real-world job experiences. For Sailors SkillBridge provides an invaluable chance to work
and learn in civilian career areas. For DOD approved industry partners SkillBridge is an opportunity to access and leverage the
world’s most highly trained and motivated workforce at no cost. Sailors participating in SkillBridge receive their military
compensation and benefits, and industry partners provide the training and work experience.

Each Navy command establishes local SkillBridge participation procedures.

For more information about these SkillBridge opportunities, visit https://skillbridge.osd.mil/index.htm.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 24 of 40

AC to AC and TAR to TAR - Continue Navy career on Active Duty.
E6 and below with less than 14 years of service will require a C-Way Application to be approved for reenlistment or extension.

Once C-Way application is approved, the Sailor should request to Reenlist or Extend with the appropriate form.

REENLIST / EXTEND: Request Chit/Form:

Career Waypoints-Reenlistment Approval:
School as a Reenlistment Incentive:
Prior Service Reenlistment Eligibility - Reserve (PRISE-R):
MyNavy Assignments (MNA):
Medical/Dental Screening:
Command Recommendation (evaluation): Bonus: Ceremony:
See MILPERSMAN 1306-1505: Sailors may complete a component change from the Reserve Component (RC) to AC
(RC2AC/TAR). This not only leverages existing skill sets that reside in the RC population to improve and maintain AC
community health, but also provides qualified Sailors with an opportunity to resume or begin a career in the AC/TAR. This
component change refers to a permanent transfer from RC2AC/TAR. This voluntary program enables qualified, eligible enlisted
RC Sailors to submit applications in Career Waypoints (C-WAY) based on available quotas published on the Bureau of Naval
Personnel (BUPERS), Enlisted Community Manager (BUPERS-32) webpage at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-
If you have any questions or concerns, contact your unit or NOSC career counselor.

RC to RC - Continue your Navy career as a Reservist.

Submit reenlistment request utilizing NAVRES 1160/1 Drilling Reservist Reenlistment Worksheet.
REENLIST / EXTEND: Request Chit/Form:
School as a Reenlistment Incentive:
MyNavy Assignments (MNA):
Medical/Dental Screening:
Command Recommendation (evaluation): Bonus: Ceremony:
The Career Intermission Program allows Officers and Enlisted Sailors to transfer out of the active component (AC/TAR) and into
the Individual Ready Reserve for a period of one to three years to pursue personal or professional obligations outside the Navy,
while providing a means for their seamless return to active duty.
For additional information, go to: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-

AC/TAR to Secretary of the Navy Tours with Industry

This program provides a venue for exceptional Sailors to experience innovative business practices. Navy fellows are fully
immersed in company practices and will be actively engaged in projects and company operations. Past fellows were assigned
to companies including VMware, Qualcomm, Apple, Incorporation, Boeing, Tesla, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, GE Digital,
Amazon, FedEx, Northrup Grumman, Space X, LinkedIn and USAA.
For additional information go to: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Talent-Management/.

Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC)

The Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC) Recall Program is a voluntary and temporary recall program for RC personnel to serve as
production recruiters in support of the Navy Prior Service recruiting mission. Personnel eligible to volunteer for a Definite (also
termed as “temporary”) Recall to Active Duty (ACDU) as a CANREC are Reserve Component (RC) members, specifically
Selected Reserve (SELRES), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR-ASP), and Voluntary Training Unit (VTU) personnel.
For additional information, go to:

Career Waypoints-Reenlistment:
The Command Career Counselor is your local advocate to assist you with the Career Waypoints application process.
E3-E6 Sailors with less than 14 years of service must submit a Career Waypoints application, regardless of reenlistment
intentions. Sailors who do not desire to reenlist will submit an "intends to separate" application. Sailors not eligible for
reenlistment will submit a "not eligible" application.
The Career Waypoints system automatically generates most of the applications needed by Sailors. Applications must be
submitted no later than 16 months prior to expiration of active/reserve obligated service (EAOS/EOS) or as extended
(SEAOS/SEOS). Sailors with less than 24 months of contract time remaining at their projected rotation date (PRD) will
submit an application 15 months prior to their PRD. In either case, the Career Waypoints system will automatically generate
CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 25 of 40
applications for Sailors 18 months prior to either timeframe. Applications required outside of the established C-Way gates
can be submitted as Special Circumstance applications. Examples of when these may be needed include OBLISERVE for
special duty, decommissioning or homeport shift.
The C-Way 3-2-1 Process aligns career decisions with the detailing process. Soft End of Active/Reserve Obligated Service
(SEAOS/SEOS)/End of Active/Reserve Obligated Service (EAOS/EOS) applications are created by C-Way at the 18 month
from S/EAOS/EOS mark and must be submitted by the Command Career Counselor at the 16 month mark. This provides
time for the Career Counselor to validate the Sailor's information and to ascertain the Sailors career intentions. The first C-
Way review gate occurs from 16 to 13 months from S/EAOS/EOS with career choice options of in-rate, conversion, and
Selected Reserve. The second review gate occurs from 12 to 9 months from S/EAOS/EOS with career choice options of
conversion and Selected Reserve. From 8 months to 4 months to S/EAOS/EOS the Sailor can only choose Selected
Reserve affiliation.
Monthly reenlistment quotas are limited and must be reserved for our best and brightest Sailors who desire to Stay Navy.
Sailors must choose one of the following based on their desires and qualifications:
Reenlist-in-rate, Willing to Convert
Convert only
AC to AC or TAR to TAR
RC to RC
AC/TAR to CIP (Intermission)
AC/TAR to Tour w/ Industry
SELRES option
Canvasser Recruiter
Intend to separate
Not eligible

In February 2014, C-Way delivered auto-approval capabilities to provide reenlistment decisions on S/EAOS/EOS applications
more quickly for eligible ratings. This changed the monthly processing of reenlistment applications as described below.
If you are in an, "open" rating or a "balanced" rating in an undermanned year group or an E6, you are eligible for
reenlistment, and your application is submitted with correct data it will be auto-approved and returned immediately, and you
can reenlist.
If you are in a "competitive" rating or a balanced rating but not an undermanned year group, then your application will be
processed through the monthly Rack and Stack process. Applications submitted in one month are processed in Rack and
Stack the following month.
For Nuclear ratings, all applications are reviewed by enlisted community managers on an ongoing basis throughout the
processing month.
If required data is missing (evaluations, Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) data, security clearance etc.) the application
will be denied with a note to your career counselor regarding what needs to be fixed. It is critical the Command Career
Counselor reviews these notes to ensure Sailors are not disadvantaged in their opportunities for retention.
Upon completion of the monthly process, Career Waypoints results will be available to command users via the Monthly
report section of the Career Waypoint system.
For additional guidance, see MILPERSMAN 1160-140, NAVADMIN 231/17, and your Career Counselor
Or call My Navy Call Center: (833) 330-MNCC or (901) 874-MNCC; or askmncc@navy.mil

Targeted Reentry Program (TRP)

NAVADMIN 047/18 empowers COs with the ability to identify and recommend SELRES on active duty/Definite Recall (ACDU)
and Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR) enlisted personnel, who are the best and brightest, the option for
expedited reentry to Active Duty in the Navy.
Golden Ticket – Sailors are guaranteed an expedited return to ACDU within one year from separation from ACDU. Sailors
who do not use their Golden Ticket within one year are automatically convert to a Silver Ticket for one additional year.
Sailors must remain fully qualified.
Silver Ticket – Sailors are afforded an expedited return to ACDU within two years from separation date. This opportunity is
subject to Needs of the Navy (NOTN) and provided the Sailor remains fully qualified.

Upon completion of the monthly process, Career Waypoints results will be available to command users via the Monthly report
section of the Career Waypoints system.
For additional guidance, see MILPERSMAN 1001-260, NAVADMIN 231/17, and your Career Counselor
Or call My Navy Call Center: (833) 330-MNCC or (901) 874-MNCC; or askmncc@navy.mil

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 26 of 40

15 Months 12 Months 9 Months 6 Months Orders Received
Career Waypoint Career Waypoint Career Waypoint Accept Orders Screening

Exception Family Member Exception Family Member Medical/Dental Reverse Sponsor Obligate

MNA MNA MNA Relocation (FFSC) Bonus

Mil to Mil Eval SRB SRB

Family Care Plan

Continuous Overseas Tours (COT)

Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program (OTEIP)

12 Months 9 Months 6 Months 3 Months Orders Received

(verify account access) (extend in current field) (apply for billets) (apply for billets)

Family Care Plan Start Eval

Mil to Mil Reverse Sponsor

Incentives/EOS opportunities

For additional assistance in transfer and relocation, go to the Military OneSource website:
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/ and visit your Fleet and Family Support Center on base.

18 -12 months 6 months 90 days 30 days
TAP* MED/DEN Copy of Records Copy of Records

Complete DD 2648 Relocation Official Record CD TSC

Transition Planning Relocation Services (FFSC) Arrange Ceremony MED/DEN

Annual Statement of Service History

(ASOSH) Reserve Affiliation Request Leave / PTDY DD 214*

Reserve Only


*Upon demobilization, SELRES will need Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and DD-214; DD-214 is not required for
Reserve Retirements.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 27 of 40

Participate in a year-round physical fitness program to meet Navy fitness and BCA standards. Review and verify accuracy of
PFA data in PRIMS within 60 days of the PFA cycle. (PRIMS is accessible through your My Navy Portal Account)
Height Weight If Required (AC BCA )
Last 2 PRT Cycles: Forearm Plank / Push-ups / Run/Swim/Cardio /
Overall Score /
List date (if) any PRT/BCA failure(s) over the last 5 years /
List if any Medical Waiver(s) /
For more information on Navy Fitness, visit: https://www.mnp.navy.mil

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 28 of 40

(Resident and non-resident coursework designed to enhance a Sailor's general military professional knowledge and abilities)

EDUCATION: (Prior to considering any pursuit of off duty education or program enrollment call the
Navy College Virtual Education Center (NCVEC) 877-838-1659 or Visit your overseas Navy College Office.)

Education Plan Completed (Navy College Office/NCVEC)

Current Education Level

Degree Goal

** Various degree options are available in the Advanced Education section. **

Goal: Date: AA/AS BA/BS Master

(Credits to earn a degree - AA/AS: 60 SH/90 QH, BA/BS: 120 SH/180, QH, Master /Doctorate: Variable based on program)

Number of current credits American Council on Education (ACE) recommended credits

Joint Service Transcripts (JST)

HS Transcripts College Transcripts

Date Degree Obtained: AA/AS BA/BS Master Doctorate

For entry into JST, have your College/University send official transcripts to:
Naval Education and Training Command N644
JST Operation Center
6490 Saufley Field Road
Pensacola, FL 32509
Email: JST@DODED.mil

VOLUNTARY EDUCATION: Links to study guides, exam preparations, and practice tests
are located on the DANTES website https://www.dantes.doded.mil/

Academic skills NCPACE CLEP DSST



CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 29 of 40

Course Date
Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE ID
Length Completed
Water front/
Advanced Leader Development Course 4 NELD-05 4 days
Flightline/ Various
Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) for
Navy e-Learning NETCPDC-PMK-EE-E7-1.0
ADAMS for Supervisors Various Locations S-501-0120 8 hrs
ADAMS for Facilitators Various Locations S-501-0110 16 hrs
Ethics Training Command Delivered
Required General Military Training Topics For FY23 (Delivery determined by command discretion) 1
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Awareness (SAPR)3 Command Delivered CPPD-GMT-SAPRA-2.0
DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge MNP DOD-CAC-2023.0
Counterintelligence and Insider Threat Awareness and Command Delivered/
Reporting MNP
Suicide Prevention3 Command Delivered CPPD-GMT-SAP-1.0
Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Resolution Options Command Delivered CPPD-GMT-EOSH-1.0
Operations Security (OPSEC) and Controlled Unclassified Command Delivered/ NOST-USOPSEC-4.0 and
Information (CUI) MNP TWMS-686564
Command Delivered/
Domestic Abuse OPNAV-GMT-DVPAH-1.0
Records Management DOR-RM-010-1.2
1 - Verify GMT topics on the My Navy Portal (MNP) GMT webpage
3 - The recommended method of delivery for SAPR and Suicide Prevention annual training is via face-to-face, small group facilitated discussions
4 - See Enlisted Leader Development (ELD) information included before the References section


Course Date
Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE ID
Length Completed

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 30 of 40

Course Date
Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE ID
Length Completed
Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE)
Navy e-Learning NETCPDC-PMK-EE-SM-1.0
Study Material
Military Requirements for Chief Petty Officer Navy e-Learning
Basic Enlisted Professional Military Education (BEPME) Navy e-Learning Military DON/ PME 20 hrs
Block 1 Basic EPME - Introduction Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B1
Block 2 Basic EPME - Navy History and Heritage Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B2
Block 3 Basic EPME - The Navy Professional Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B3
Block 4 Basic EPME - Organization and Guidance Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B4
Block 5 Basic EPME - Planning Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B5
Block 6 Basic EPME - Regional Expertise and Cultural
Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B6
Block 7 Basic EPME - Technology for the Warfighter Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B7
Block 8 Basic EPME - Conclusion Navy e-Learning NWC-EPME-BASIC-B8
Navy Reserve Fundamentals for Active Duty Course Navy e-Learning NAVRESFOR-NRF-3.0 10 hrs
Evaluation and Fitness Reports Navy e-Learning 002EF01
Demonstrating Ethical Leadership Navy e-Learning NCSC-ILC-01-0004
Nutrition Navy e-Learning NMHCI2107V2.1 1 hour
Culture Navy e-Learning Foreign Language and Culture 45 hrs
Fleet and Family
21st Century CONSEP (Mid-Career) 2 days
Service Center
Recommended General Military Training Topics For FY23 (Delivery determined by command discretion) 1
Influence Awareness - Countering Disinformation JKO J3ST-US1396
2 Command
Antiterrorism Level I Awareness CENSECFOR-AT-010-1.0
Delivered/ MNP
Department of the Navy Annual Privacy Training (Biennial) Command Delivered DON-PRIV-2.0 45-60 min
Energy - Enabling Combat Operations Navy e-Learning NPS-E-ECO-1.0
Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE)
Combating Trafficking of Persons (CTIP) General Awareness3 DOD-CTIP-5.0
Delivered/ MNP
Operational Risk Management (ORM) Command Delivered NSC-ORM-TCRM-2.0
Command Comprises 12 Touchpoint
Personal Financial Management
Delivered/ MNP Courses
Sexual Health and Responsibility Command Delivered CPPD-GMT-SHR-1.0
Traumatic Brain Injury Training for Service Members Command Delivered 30 min
1 - Verify GMT topics on MyNavy Portal GMT webpage
2 - Required annually for personnel with less than 3 years of service and triennially for personnel with > 3 years of service (next due triennially for all
hands in FY22).
3 - Required for all new Sailors during their first year of service.

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 31 of 40

Course Date
Course Title Course Location CIN/CSE ID
Length Completed
SCI Security and Emergency Destruction NSANET NSGTP 683‑11‑00‑01 Mod 11
(NEETS) Module 01, Matter, Energy, and Direct
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14173A‑N‑M1‑MEADC‑1.0
Current - NAVEDTRA 14173A
(NEETS) Module 02, Alternating Current and
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14174A‑N‑M2‑ACAT‑1.0
Transformers - NAVEDTRA 14174A
(NEETS) Module 04, Electrical Conductors,
Wiring Techniques, and Schematic Reading - Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14176A‑N‑M4‑ECWTASR‑1.0
(NEETS) Module 06, Electronic Emission,
Tubes, and Power Supplies - NAVEDTRA Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14178A‑N‑M6‑EETAPS‑1.0
(NEETS) Module 07, Solid-State Devices and
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14179A‑N‑M7‑SSDAPS‑1.0
Power Supplies - NAVEDTRA 14179
(NEETS) Module 08, Amplifiers - NAVEDTRA
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14180A‑N‑M8‑A‑1.0
(NEETS) Module 10, Wave Propagation,
Transmission Lines, and Antennas - NAVEDTRA Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14182A‑N‑M10‑WPTLAA‑2.0
(NEETS) Module 11, Microwave Principles -
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14183A‑N‑M11‑MP‑1.0
(NEETS) Module 12, Modulation - NAVEDTRA
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14184A‑N‑M12‑M‑2.0
(NEETS) Module 13, Number Systems and
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14185A‑N‑M13‑NSALC‑1.0
Logic Circuits - NAVEDTRA 14185A
(NEETS) MODULE 14, Introduction to
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14186‑N‑M14‑ITM‑1.0
Microelectronics - NAVEDTRA 14186
(NEETS) MODULE 16, Test Equipment -
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14188A‑N‑M16‑TE‑1.0
(NEETS) Module 17, Radio-Frequency
Communications Principles - NAVEDTRA Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14189A‑N‑M17‑RFCP‑2.0
(NEETS) Module 18, Radar Principles -
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14190A‑N‑M18‑RP‑1.0
(NEETS) MODULE 21, Test Methods and
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14193A‑N‑M21‑TMAP‑1.0
Practices - NAVEDTRA 14193A
(NEETS) Module 22, Digital Computing -
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14194A‑N‑M22‑DC‑2.0
(NEETS) Module 24, Fiber Optics - NAVEDTRA
Navy e-Learning NRTC‑NAVEDTRA‑14196A‑N‑M24‑FO‑2.0
Traffic Analysis NSANET TA‑103
Applicable USSIDs NSANET Various
CompTIA A+ Commercial Trng
Society of
Certified Electronics Technician - Associate Level
CompTIA Network+ Commercial Trng
Sensitive Security Information, Certified (SSI) Navy COOL
Certified Electronics Technician - Journeyman-
Level - Audio
Certified Network Computer Technician (CNCT)
(ETA-I) (Navy
Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (CTM) Rate Self-
Training Manual paced

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 32 of 40

The goal of the Chief of Naval Operations Professional Reading Program (CNO PRP) is to contribute to a culture dedicated to
warfighting and learning, while simultaneously supporting the personal and professional development of Sailors beyond that of
their primary designator or rating. For additional information on the CNO PRP visit https://www.navy.mil/CNO-Professional-

Title Completed
Visit https://www.navy.mil/CNO-Reading-Program/ for more information.
To Rule the Waves by Bruce Jones
A Brief Guide to Maritime Strategy by James Holmes
China as a 21st Century Naval Power by Michael. A. McDevitt
Not One Inch by Mary E. Sarotte
The Sailor’s Bookshelf: Fifty Books to Know the Sea by Adm. James G. Stavridis, USN (Ret.)
Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War by Paul Scharre
Fortune Favors Boldness by Vice Adm. Barry M. Costello, USN (Ret.)
The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy's Finest Hour by James Hornfischer
World War II at Sea: A Global History by Craig Symonds
Ashley’s War: The Untold Story of a Team of Women Soldiers on the Special Ops Battlefield by Gayle T. Lemmon
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck


Title Completed
Blind Man’s Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew
Crypto by Steven Levy
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy
The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America's Most Secret Agency by James Bamford
MacArthur's ULTRA: codebreaking and the war against Japan by Edward J. Drea
Double-edged secrets: US naval intelligence operations in the Pacific during World War II by W. J. Holmes
Seizing the enigma: the race to break the German U-boat codes by David Kahn

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 33 of 40


Note: Prior to considering any pursuit of off duty education or program enrollment contact the Navy College Virtual
Education Center (NCVEC) or visit your Overseas Navy College Office.

You must complete the Tuition Assistance Training before your first course will be approved.

Complete the online courses at the Navy College Website: http://www.navycollege.navy.mil/

How do I get started?

You already have. All your training up to this point is part of your Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance Roadmap. Now that
you have made the first steps you will need to sit down and formulate a plan. This plan will work best if you start out discussing
your options with your Leading Chief Petty Officer, Leading Petty Officer, Mentor, or Career Counselor. They will help you
understand all of the basics. Then your next step is to contact the Navy College Virtual Education Center or visit your Overseas
Navy College Office. Then your counselors will be able to help you formalize your plan and make sure that it makes sense for
both you and the Navy. To aid you in your conversation with these professionals, here are a few questions that you may want to

What credits do you have? What non-college courses have you taken? Where do you want to go? What field of study, or what
kind of degree? What program will help me get there: Traditional or Online? What are my next steps: Transfer credits, take
exams, have experience evaluated, or sign up for new courses?


Recommended Associates' degrees for the Seaman

Mass Communication/Media Studies
Computer and Information Systems
Security/Auditing/Information Assurance
Industrial Technology/Technician
Business Administration and Management, General
Information Technology


Recommended Bachelors/Masters degrees for the

Business Administration and Management, General
Computer and Information Systems
Security/Auditing/Information Assurance
Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
Computer Science
Engineering Technologies/Technicians, General
Information Technology
Engineering Science

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 34 of 40


The Navy College Program & Web Page:

The Navy College Program (NCP) provides opportunities to Sailors to earn college degrees by providing academic credit for
Navy training, work experience, and off-duty education. The NCP mission is to enable Sailors to obtain a college degree while
on active duty. In support of the four R's - Recruiting, Readiness, Retention, and Respect - the NCP signifies Navy's commitment
to education by improving enlistment appeal; demonstrating Navy service and achieving a college degree are compatible;
helping Sailors apply themselves to new situations and challenges and better preparing them for advancement; building up
Sailors' self-image; and producing higher quality Sailors.
More information is available online at: https://www.navycollege.navy.mil

Tuition Assistance (TA):

NAVADMIN 114/19 limit changes as of 1 October 2019: TA provides funds for eligible active-duty personnel to attend approved
educational institutions on an off-duty basis to earn a high school diploma, vocational/technical certificate, or college degree. TA
pays for tuition. TA will pay for the following amount per career: 120 semester hours, or 180-quarter hours or 1800 clock hours or
a combination of semester, quarter and clock hours. TA will pay the following amounts per fiscal year: 12 semester hours, not to
exceed $250/credit for semester hours or 18-quarter hours not-to-exceed $166.67/credit for quarter hours or, 180 clock hours
not-to-exceed $16.67/clock hours or a combination of semester, quarter and clock hours.

More information is available online at: https://www.navycollege.navy.mil

Joint Service Transcripts (JST)

JSTs are official military transcripts which are used by colleges to validate your actual credited training. Every Sailor has a
transcript already and access to it is free.
More information is available online at: https://jst.doded.mil/

The American Council on Education (ACE)

ACE has reviewed every course listed in the OCCUPATIONAL Roadmap and determined what type of collegiate level credit is
recommended. The ACE identifier, listed with each course, is a source to validate the information and to check for changes as
they occur.
Updates can be found at http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/Military-Guide-Online.aspx.

Vocational Certificates
Vocational Certificates are available from most community colleges. Most of your military training can be counted toward their
degree programs, but they will still require residency credits and approximately 40-75 credit hours. These certificates can be as
valuable as the apprenticeship program in the civilian work force.

College credits by Testing CLEP, DSST

Testing can replace the requirement to attend most of the college courses listed in the Occupational Roadmap. Base Education
Centers offer CLEP and DSST exams for active duty military at no cost. They also offer a comprehensive list of "credit-by-exam"
tests. Additionally, many of the tests have study guides available. These tests are available at the base education center or
through the base library system. For specific testing locations visit the DANTES website.
Navy College Program: https://www.navycollege.navy.mil/information-for-sailors/pre-college-testing-and-college-credit.htm
DANTES: http://www.dantes.doded.mil/examinations/earn-college-credit/earn-college-credit.html

College Entrance Exams Testing ACT, SAT

The ACT and SAT are both standardized tests that help colleges evaluate candidates. Many colleges require that students
submit test results as part of the admission application process. Since Sailors are considered transfer students, these tests are
not generally required for admission. However, some Sailors must take the tests to enter specific military programs.
Navy College Program (ACT SAT): http://www.navycollege.navy.mil/information-for-sailors/college-entrance-exams.htm
DANTES (ACT SAT): http://www.dantes.doded.mil/examinations/college-admissions/act.html

CTM - Cryptologic Technician - Maintenance - E6 Page 35 of 40


ELD describes all aspects of enlisted leadership skills training, character development, decision
making, self-awareness and ethics. It occurs when a member participates in leader development
activities, formal education, reading or viewing leadership-related material, discussing leadership
issues, observing leaders in action, and performing as a leader. Effective leader development
includes both formal training and self-directed study and reflection. Navy leaders progress along the
general paths shown in the graphic below. Our Navy will produce leaders and teams who learn
rapidly, make high-quality decisions, and control the high end of maritime conflict.
For more information, see the NETC Enlisted Leadership Development page: https://www.netc.navy.mil/ELD
Foundational Leader Development (E-3/4)
Welcome and Introduction 2.0 Start-up 3.0 Start-up
Know Your Role Managing Self Build Winning Teams
1.1 RA&A 2.1 Behavioral Ethics and Decision-making 3.1 Climate of Inclusion
1.2 Ethics Foundation 2.2 Destructive Behaviors and Moral Courage 3.2 Heritage Brief
Lunch Lunch 3.3 Putting It All Together
Know Yourself 2.3 Navigating Stress and Building Toughness 3.4 Wrap-up
1.3 Self-awareness Primer22 Leading Others
1.4 Self-awareness 2.4 Operationalizing Leader Development
1.5 Wrap-up 2.5 Communication and Feedback
2.6 Wrap-up

Intermediate Leader Development (E-5)

Welcome and Introduction 2.0 Start-up 3.0 Start-up
Know Your Role Managing Self Build Winning Teams
1.1 RA&A 2.1 Behavioral Ethics and Decision-making 3.1 Climate of Inclusion
1.2 Ethics Foundation 2.2 Destructive Behaviors and Moral Courage 3.2 Heritage Brief
Lunch Lunch 3.3 Putting It All Together
Know Yourself 2.3 Navigating Stress and Building Toughness 3.4 Wrap-up
1.3 Self-awareness Primer22 Leading Others
1.4 Self-awareness 2.4 Operationalizing Leader Development
1.5 Wrap-up 2.5 Communication and Feedback
2.6 Wrap-up

Advanced Leader Development (E-6)

Know the Goal 2.0 Start-up 3.0 Start-up 4.0 Start-up
1.0 Welcome/Introduction Manage Your Self Lead Others Build Winning Teams
Know Your Role 2.1 Behavioral Ethics and 3.1 Operationalizing Leader 4.1 Climate of Inclusion
1.1 RA&A Decision-making Development 4.2 Building a Resilient
1.2 Ethics Foundation 2.2 Destructive Behaviors 3.2 Communicating Command
Lunch and Moral Courage Feedback 4.3 Team Conflict
Know Yourself Lunch Lunch Lunch
1.3 Self-awareness 2.3 Navigating Stress and 3.3 My Navy Coaching 4.4 Capstone
Primer22 Building Toughness 3.4 Counseling and 4.5 Leader Philosophy
1.4 Self-awareness 2.4 Wrap-up Mentoring 4.6 Putting it All Together
1.5 Wrap-up 3.5 Wrap-Up 4.7 Graduation

Chief Petty Officer Development (E-7)

Introduction/Start-up Start-up/Reflection Start-up/Reflection
Case Study 1 Self-Awareness Module Power
Responsibility, Authority & Accountability Ethics II Influence
Lunch Lunch Lunch
Ehtics I Ethical Decision Making Bathsheba
Leadership Philosophy (Primer) Decision Making in Crisis Case Study 2
Impromptu Speaking Life Boat Exercise Ethical Resilience
Wrap-up Wrap-up Wrap-up
Start-up/Reflection Start-up/Reflection
Sailorization Profession of Arms
Toughness Inclusion
Lunch Leadership Philosophies
Emotional Survival Lunch
Deliberate Communications Guest Speaker (CMC Q&;A)
Feedback Course Wrap-up/Graduation
Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling & Advocating

Navy Enlisted Learning and Development Programs:

Learning and Development Roadmap for Enlisted Sailors, OPNAVINST 1500.77(series)
Navy Enlisted Retention and Career Development Program, OPNAVINST 1040.11(series)
Career Counselor Handbook, NAVPERS 15878L
Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Programs OPNAVINST 1740.3(series) (Sponsor assigned
within 10 days of orders received / Indoctrination completed as soon as possible and practicable
but NLT 90 days)
Command Sponsorship of Dependents at Overseas Duty Stations MILPERSMAN 1300-150 to
Navy Enlisted Warfare Qualification Programs OPNAVINST 1414.9 (series)
Master Training Specialists (MTS) Program NETCINST 1500.2(series)
Command Master Chief Program OPNAVINST 1306.2 (series)
Reenlistments and Extensions:
Agreement of Enlisted Naval Reservist, and Fleet Reservists Inductees to Remain on Active Duty
Extension of Enlistments MILPERSMAN 1160-040
Overseas Tour Extension Incentives Program (OTEIP) MILPERSMAN 1306-300
Consecutive Overseas Tours (COT) Leave Travel Entitlement Policy MILPERSMAN 1050-410
Career WayPoints - Reenlistment MILPERSMAN 1160-140
Reenlistment Ceremony MILPERSMAN 1160-020
Leave of Military Personnel MILPERSMAN 1050-040
Required Counseling Upon Enlistment and Reenlistment MILPERSMAN 1160-031
Selective Reenlistment Bonus (Use Latest SRB NAVADMIN)
Selective Training and Reenlistment (STAR) Program MILPERSMAN 1160-100
Assignment to School as a Reenlistment Incentive MILPERSMAN 1306-1006
Reserve Enlisted Incentives RESPERSMAN 1100-020 and current ALNAVRESFOR Message
Reenlistments and Extensions for Sailors in a Drilling Status RESPERSMAN 1160-010
Satisfactory Participation in the Navy Reserve RESPERSMAN 1001-010
Fleet Reserve and Retirements:
Casualties and Survivor Benefits (SBP) MILPERSMAN 1770-010 to 1770-280 OPNAVINST
Disability Retirement MILPERSMAN 1850-010 to 1850-040
Fleet Reserve and Retirement MILPERSMAN 1800-010 to 1800-070
Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Shipment Entitlement Policy and Household Goods (HHG)
Shipment and Storage Entitlement Policy MILPERSMAN 4050-010 to 4050-020
Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) Authorization for Job/House Hunting MILPERSMAN 1320-220
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) OPNAVINST 1900.2(series) (Initiate a DD-2648E-1 NLT 90
Days Prior to Separation and attend workshop 12 months prior to separation/Fleet
Reserve/Retirement date)
Enlisted Administrative Separations:
Separation by Reason of Alcohol Rehabilitation Failure MILPERSMAN 1910-152
Separation by Reason of Misconduct -Drug Abuse MILPERSMAN 1910-146
Separation by Reason of Convenience of the Government -Early release to further education
Administrative Separation (ADSEP) Policy and General Information MILPERSMAN 1910-010 to
Fraudulent Enlistment MILPERSMAN 1910-134
High Year Tenure (HYT) MILPERSMAN 1160-120
Misconduct (various reasons) MILPERSMAN 1910-138/140/142
Department of the Navy (DON) Policy on Parenthood and Pregnancy SECNAVINST
1000.10(series) & MILPERSMAN 1910-124
Separation by Reason of Convenience of the Government -Personality Disorder MILPERSMAN
Separation by Reason of Physical Fitness Assessment (PA) Failure MILPERSMAN 1910-170
Separation by Reason of Misconduct - Commission of a Serious Offense MILPERSMAN 1910-142
Separation by Reason of Unsatisfactory Performance MILPERSMAN 1910-156

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Advancement & Service Schools:
Advancement Manual for Enlisted Personnel of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Navy Reserve
BUPERSINST 1430.16(series)
Accelerated Advancement of Recruit Training Class "A" School Graduates, and Ceremonial Guard
Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Program Application & Administration Manual OPNAVINST
Service Schools MILPERSMAN 1306-600/602/604/608
Class "A" School & Rating Entry Requirements MILPERSMAN 1306-618
Retesting with Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) version of the Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) MILPERSMAN 1236-010
Professional Apprenticeship Tracks Program (PACT) MILPERSMAN 1306-611
Prior Service Reenlistment Eligibility – Reserve (PRISE-R) MILPERSMAN 1133-061
Education Advancement & Service Schools:
Joint Chiefs Professional Military Education (PME) Manual 1805.01
Voluntary Education (VOLED) for Navy Sailors OPNAVINST 1560.9(series)
Navy Voluntary Education Program NETCINST 1560.3(series)
Navy Credentialing Programs OPNAVINST 1540.56
Administration of the United Services Military Apprenticeship Programs (USMAP) OPNAVINST
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Anti-Extremism:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: https://diversity.defense.gov
DOD Diversity and inclusion Management Program DODI 1020.05(series)
Other Quick References:
Awards Manual (SECNAVINST 1650.1(Series)
Change in Rating MILPERSMAN 1440-010 to 1440-040
Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual (SECNAV M-5216.5
Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control OPNAVINST 5350.4(series)
Exchange of Duty (SWAPS) MILPERSMAN 1306-700
First-Term Personnel Assignment Policy MILPERSMAN 1306-126
Individual Augmentation (IA) Policy and Procedures OPNAVINST 1001.24(series)
Military Couple and Single Parent Assignment Policy MILPERSMAN 1300-1000
Military Pay MILPERSMAN 7220-010 to 7220-410
Navy Performance Evaluation System BUPERSINST 1610.10 (Series)
Overseas Extensions MILPERSMAN 1300-310
Physical Readiness Program OPNAVINST 6110.1(series) / MILPERSMAN 6100-6199
Reassignment for Humanitarian Reasons (HUMS) MILPERSMAN 1300-500
Standardized Policy and Procedures for the Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS) Programs
OPNAVINST 1001.20 (series)
Operational Risk Management OPNAVINST 3500.39C
Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) Catalog NAVEDTRA 43100-6M
Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards
NAVPERS 18068F Volume 1 & 2

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