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Cultivation of Foxtail Millet

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lecture-11 Cultivation practices of kodo millet or

Context :-

• Introduction
• Area and distribution
• Economic importance
• Climatic requirement
• Soil requirement
• Varieties
• Time, method of sowing and spacing
• Nutrient management
• Irrigation
• Weeding
• Disease and pest management
• Harvesting
• Yield and yield attributes
lecture-11 Introduction
Botanical name:Setaria italic

Family: Poaceae

Chromosome number: 2n = 18

Origin: China
lecture-11 Area and distribution
Foxtail millet is grown in cooler, droughtier regions
than other millets (Koch, 2002). It is widely grown
throughout China, India, Russia, Africa, and the
United States. In the United States, foxtail millet is
mainly grown in the northern and western Great
Plains, Midwest, the Dakotas, Colorado, Kansas,
Nebraska, and Wyoming (Oelke, 1990; Baltensperger,
lecture-11 Economic importance
• In the United States,foxtail millet is primarily grown for hay.
• It is a general source of vital nutrients for the
strengthening of muscles and bones.
• Foxtail Millet is rich in Vitamin B12 which is essential for
maintaining a healthy heart, smooth functioning of the
nervous system, and in general good for skin and hair
• A diet including Foxtail Millet may improve glycemic
control and reduce insulin, cholesterol and fasting
glucose in Type-2 diabetes patients.
• Foxtail Millet is rich in natural iron which helps reduce
muscular spasms and eases out restless syndrome.
lecture-11 Climate and soil

Foxtail can be grown in tropics as well as temperate

regions both under low and moderate rainfall. The
crop can be grown even at an altitude of2000 m
and 50-75 cm annual rainfall. Foxtail grows well on
well-drained loamy soils. They will not tolerate
water-logged soils or extreme drought.
lecture-11 Seed and sowing

• Season
• Land Preparation:
• Seed rate: 8-10 kg/ha (line sowing)
15 kg/ha (broadcasting)
• Seed treatment: Seed treated with Ceresan @ 3 g/
kg of seed.
• Method of Sowing: Broadcasting and line sowing.
• Spacing- 25-30 cm between rows and 8-10 cm
between plants within a row
lecture-11 Manures and fertilisers

The crop is usually manured with 5 to 10 t/ha FYM

about a month before sowing. Generally fertilizer
recommendations to get a good crop are 40 kg
nitrogen, 20 kg P2O5 and 20 kg K2O per hectare.
All the fertilizers should be applied as a basal dose
at a time of sowing.
lecture-11 Weed Control

Two to three weedings with hand hoe are sufficient

to keep the weeds in control.Post-emergence
application of 2, 4-D sodium salt (80%) @ 1.0 kg a.i.
/ha at 20-25 DAS. Isoproturon @ 1.0 kg a.i. /ha as
pre-emergence spray is also effective in weeds
lecture-11 Water management

Kakun sown during Kharif season does not require

any irrigation. However, if dry spell prevails for
longer period, then first irrigation at 25-30 DAS
and second irrigation at 40-45 DAS must be
given to boost the yields.
lecture-11 Cropping systems
• Inter cropping
AndhraPradesh:Foxtailmillet+ground nut (2:1 ratio)
Foxtail millet + cotton (5:1 ratio) - Rayal seema regions.
Foxtail millet + pigeon pea in 5:1 row ratio.
• Relay cropping
Andhra Pradesh: Ifmonsoon is early, sow foxtail millet at 45
cm row spacing and introduce Rabi jowar as relay crop when
foxtail millet is nearing maturity.
• Sequence cropping
Foxtail millet-mustard, foxtail millet-green gram, foxtail millet-
pigeon pea and foxtail millet-sunflower are profitable than
one crop offoxtail millet.
lecture-11 Plant protection
Downy mildew
Control: Spray of 0.2% solution of Mancozeb 75 WP may help to
control the disease and seed treatment is also helps in controlling
the disease.
Kernel smut
Control: Seed treated with thiram or ceresan @ 2.5 g/kg of seed and
soaking seeds in hot water at 55 oC for 7-12 minutes and the crop
rotation is also helps in controlling the disease.
Insect-pests management:
Shoot fly: Apply Phorate @15 kg/ha (10% granules) in the soil at the
time of field preparation or Carbofuran (Furadan) 3% granules @ 30
kg/ha in furrows or as broadcast before sowing.
lecture-11 Harvesting
The crop matures in 80-100 days. The crop is
harvested when the earheads are dry, either by
cutting the whole plant by sickle or the ears
separately. The crop is usually harvested during
Kharif season from September to October and Rabi
season from January to February.
Yield: Grain-15-18 qtl/ha, Straw-20-40 qtl/ha.
lecture-11 References
• http://millets.dacfw.nic.in/POP%20Foxtail.html
• http://www.aicrpsm.res.in/Research/
• https://slurrpfarm.com/pages/foxtail
• https://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/foxtail-

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