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Revision date: 08/11/2018 Revision: 1


Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/830 of 28 May 2015.

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1. Product identifier

Product name OMNICIDE FG II

Product number OMNICIDE FG II

Container size 5L, 25L, 200L

1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Identified uses Detergent. Disinfectant.

Uses advised against For professional users only.

1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Tel: +44 (0) 02476639739
Fax: +44 (0) 02476639717
Email: sales@coventrychemicals.com

Contact person For content of safety data sheet:, sds@coventrychemicals.com

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency telephone +44 (0) 1865407333 (Strictly for emergencies only: incidents involving damage to human
health and/or the environment)

National emergency telephone In case of a medical emergency following exposure to a chemical call NHS Direct in England
number or Wales 0845 46 47 or NHS 24 in Scotland 08454 24 24 24

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

Classification (EC 1272/2008)
Physical hazards Not Classified

Health hazards Acute Tox. 4 - H302 Acute Tox. 3 - H331 Skin Corr. 1B - H314 Eye Dam. 1 - H318 Resp.
Sens. 1 - H334 Skin Sens. 1 - H317 STOT SE 3 - H335

Environmental hazards Aquatic Acute 1 - H400 Aquatic Chronic 3 - H412

2.2. Label elements


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Signal word Danger

Hazard statements H302 Harmful if swallowed.

H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H331 Toxic if inhaled.
H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Precautionary statements P260 Do not breathe vapour/ spray.

P280 Wear protective clothing, gloves, eye and face protection.
P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with water or shower.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTRE/doctor if you feel unwell.
P501 Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with local regulations.



Supplementary precautionary P261 Avoid breathing vapour/ spray.

statements P264 Wash contaminated skin thoroughly after handling.
P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
P273 Avoid release to the environment.
P284 [In case of inadequate ventilation] wear respiratory protection.
P284 During fumigation/spraying wear suitable respiratory equipment.
P301+P310 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/ doctor.
P301+P330+P331 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.
P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P312 Call a POISON CENTRE/doctor if you feel unwell.
P321 Specific treatment (see medical advice on this label).
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P342+P311 If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER/ doctor.
P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
P391 Collect spillage.
P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/ attention.
P403+P233 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P405 Store locked up.

2.3. Other hazards

This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.2. Mixtures

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CAS number: 111-30-8 EC number: 203-856-5 REACH registration number: 01-
M factor (Acute) = 1

Classification Classification (67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC)

Acute Tox. 3 - H301 T;R23/25 C;R34 R42/43 N;R50
Acute Tox. 2 - H330
Skin Corr. 1B - H314
Eye Dam. 1 - H318
Resp. Sens. 1 - H334
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
STOT SE 3 - H335
Aquatic Acute 1 - H400
Aquatic Chronic 2 - H411


CAS number: 68391-01-5 EC number: 269-919-4
M factor (Acute) = 10

Classification Classification (67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC)

Acute Tox. 4 - H302 C;R34 Xn;R21/22 N;R50
Acute Tox. 4 - H312
Skin Corr. 1B - H314
Eye Dam. 1 - H318
Aquatic Acute 1 - H400

The Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1. Description of first aid measures

General information Get medical attention immediately. Provide eyewash station and safety shower. Show this
Safety Data Sheet to the medical personnel.

Inhalation Remove affected person from source of contamination. Keep affected person warm and at
rest. Get medical attention if symptoms are severe or persist. Show this Safety Data Sheet to
the medical personnel.

Ingestion Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Do not induce vomiting. Remove
person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water.
Give plenty of water to drink. Get medical attention immediately.

Skin contact Remove affected person from source of contamination. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash
skin thoroughly with soap and water. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical
attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing.

Eye contact Remove affected person from source of contamination. Rinse immediately with plenty of
water. Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least
15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Continue to rinse.

Protection of first aiders First aid personnel should wear appropriate protective equipment during any rescue.

4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed

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General information The severity of the symptoms described will vary dependent on the concentration and the
length of exposure. Chemical burns must be treated by a physician. Get medical attention

Inhalation The product contains a sensitising substance. May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or
breathing difficulties if inhaled. Severe irritation of nose and throat. Vapours may cause
headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea.

Ingestion This product is strongly corrosive. May be harmful if swallowed and enters airways. Small
amounts may cause serious damage. Overexposure may cause the following adverse effects:
Nausea, vomiting. Diarrhoea. Headache. Drowsiness, dizziness, disorientation, vertigo.

Skin contact May be harmful in contact with skin. May cause serious chemical burns to the skin.

Eye contact This product is strongly irritating. May cause blurred vision and serious eye damage. May
cause serious eye damage. Redness. Irritation. Corneal damage.

4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes for the doctor When breathing is difficult, properly trained personnel may assist affected person by
administering oxygen.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1. Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media The product is not flammable. Use fire-extinguishing media suitable for the surrounding fire.
Use foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder or water fog to extinguish.

5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

Specific hazards Thermal decomposition or combustion products may include the following substances: Toxic
gases or vapours. Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (CO2). In case of fire and/or
explosion do not breathe fumes.

Hazardous combustion Oxides of carbon. Oxides of nitrogen.


5.3. Advice for firefighters

Protective actions during Control run-off water by containing and keeping it out of sewers and watercourses.

Special protective equipment Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriate protective
for firefighters clothing.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Personal precautions Ensure procedures and training for emergency decontamination and disposal are in place. No
action shall be taken without appropriate training or involving any personal risk. Wear
protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. Keep unnecessary and
unprotected personnel away from the spillage. If leakage cannot be stopped, evacuate area.
Provide adequate ventilation.

6.2. Environmental precautions

Environmental precautions Avoid or minimise the creation of any environmental contamination. Collect and dispose of
spillage as indicated in Section 13. Do not discharge into drains or watercourses or onto the

6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

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Methods for cleaning up Do not touch or walk into spilled material. Stop leak if safe to do so. Absorb in vermiculite, dry
sand or earth and place into containers. Flush contaminated area with plenty of water. Avoid
the spillage or runoff entering drains, sewers or watercourses.

6.4. Reference to other sections

Reference to other sections See Section 1 for emergency contact information. For personal protection, see Section 8. See
Section 11 for additional information on health hazards. For waste disposal, see Section 13.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Usage precautions Provide adequate ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. Use approved respirator if air
contamination is above an acceptable level. Avoid spilling. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact. Wear protective clothing
as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet.

Advice on general Good personal hygiene procedures should be implemented. Do not eat, drink or smoke when
occupational hygiene using this product. Wash promptly with soap and water if skin becomes contaminated. Take
off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.

7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage precautions Store in tightly-closed, original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep away
from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. Keep
away from food and drink.

Storage class Corrosive storage.

7.3. Specific end use(s)

Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/Personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Occupational exposure limits
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 0.05 ppm 0.2 mg/m³
Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 0.05 ppm 0.2 mg/m³
WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit
Sen = Capable of causing occupational asthma.


DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term local effects: 0.21 mg/m³

Workers - Inhalation; Short term local effects: 0.42 mg/m³
Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 6.25 mg/kg/day

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.003 mg/l

- marine water; 0.00025 mg/l
- Intermittent release; 0.006 mg/l
- STP; 0.8 mg/l
- Sediment (Freshwater); 0.091 mg/kg
- Sediment (Marinewater); 0.009 mg/kg
- Soil; 0.18 mg/kg

8.2. Exposure controls

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Protective equipment

Appropriate engineering Provide adequate ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. Observe any occupational
controls exposure limits for the product or ingredients.

Eye/face protection Eyewear complying with an approved standard should be worn if a risk assessment indicates
eye contact is possible. The following protection should be worn: Chemical splash goggles or
face shield. Personal protective equipment for eye and face protection should comply with
European Standard EN166.

Hand protection Wear protective gloves. To protect hands from chemicals, gloves should comply with
European Standard EN374. It is recommended that gloves are made of the following material:
Nitrile rubber. It should be noted that liquid may penetrate the gloves. Frequent changes are
recommended. The most suitable glove should be chosen in consultation with the glove
supplier/manufacturer, who can provide information about the breakthrough time of the glove

Other skin and body Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact. For the greatest
protection protection, clothing should include anti-static overalls, boots and gloves.

Hygiene measures Provide eyewash station and safety shower. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this
product. Wash at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet.
Promptly remove any clothing that becomes contaminated. Wash promptly with soap and
water if skin becomes contaminated. Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin.

Respiratory protection Respiratory protection complying with an approved standard should be worn if a risk
assessment indicates inhalation of contaminants is possible. Wear a full facepiece respirator
fitted with the following cartridge: Gas filter, type A2.

Environmental exposure Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they
controls comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases, fume
scrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be necessary to
reduce emissions to acceptable levels.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Appearance Liquid.

Colour Colourless.

Odour Characteristic. Unperfumed.

pH pH (concentrated solution): 4.7-5.3

Relative density ~ 1.030 @ 20°C

Solubility(ies) Soluble in water.

Explosive under the influence Not considered to be explosive.

of a flame

Oxidising properties The mixture itself has not been tested but none of the ingredient substances meet the criteria
for classification as oxidising.

Comments Information given is applicable to the product as supplied.

9.2. Other information

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Other information None.

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity
Reactivity Under normal conditions of storage and use, no hazardous reactions will occur.

10.2. Chemical stability

Stability Stable at normal ambient temperatures.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Possibility of hazardous The following materials may react with the product: Amines.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Conditions to avoid Avoid excessive heat for prolonged periods of time. Avoid exposure to high temperatures or
direct sunlight.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Materials to avoid Avoid contact with the following materials: Ammonia or amines. Strong acids. Strong oxidising
agents. Strong alkalis. Aluminium. Iron. Mild steel. Copper. Carbon steel.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

Hazardous decomposition Thermal decomposition or combustion products may include the following substances:
products Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (CO2). Nitrous gases (NOx).

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Toxicological effects Information given is based on data of the components and of similar products.

Acute toxicity - oral

Notes (oral LD₅₀) Harmful if swallowed. Calculation method.

ATE oral (mg/kg) 485.11

Acute toxicity - dermal

Notes (dermal LD₅₀) Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 11,111.11

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Notes (inhalation LC₅₀) Toxic if inhaled. Calculation method.

ATE inhalation (dusts/mists 0.75


Skin corrosion/irritation
Skin corrosion/irritation Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.

Serious eye damage/irritation

Serious eye damage/irritation Corrosivity to eyes is assumed.

Respiratory sensitisation
Respiratory sensitisation May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.

Skin sensitisation
Skin sensitisation May cause sensitisation by skin contact. May cause an allergic skin reaction.

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Germ cell mutagenicity

Genotoxicity - in vitro This substance has no evidence of mutagenic properties.

Carcinogenicity Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.

Reproductive toxicity
Reproductive toxicity - fertility Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Does not contain any
substances known to be toxic to reproduction.

Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure

STOT - single exposure May cause respiratory irritation.

Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure

STOT - repeated exposure Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.

Inhalation Vapours may irritate throat/respiratory system. A single exposure may cause the following
adverse effects: Coughing. Difficulty in breathing. May cause damage to mucous membranes
in nose, throat, lungs and bronchial system. May cause sensitisation by inhalation.

Ingestion Harmful if swallowed. May cause nausea, headache, dizziness and intoxication. May cause
burns in mucous membranes, throat, oesophagus and stomach.

Skin contact Causes burns. Harmful in contact with skin. May be absorbed through the skin. May cause
sensitisation by skin contact.

Eye contact Causes burns. Vapour or spray in the eyes may cause irritation and smarting. A single
exposure may cause the following adverse effects: Severe irritation, burning, tearing and
blurred vision. Corneal damage.

Acute and chronic health May cause respiratory system irritation.


Target organs No specific target organs known.

Toxicological information on ingredients.


Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 77.0


Species Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 77.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 2,001.0


Species Rabbit

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 2,001.0

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Acute toxicity inhalation 0.11

(LC₅₀ dust/mist mg/l)

Species Rat

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ATE inhalation 0.11

(dusts/mists mg/l)

SECTION 12: Ecological information

Ecotoxicity The product contains a substance which may have hazardous effects on the environment.
Very toxic to aquatic life. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

12.1. Toxicity
Toxicity The product contains a substance which is harmful to aquatic organisms.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Acute aquatic toxicity

LE(C)₅₀ 0.1 < L(E)C50 ≤ 1

M factor (Acute) 1

Acute toxicity - fish LC₅₀, 96 hours: 10 mg/l, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
REACH dossier information.

Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₅₀, 48 hours: 14.87 mg/l, Daphnia magna

invertebrates REACH dossier information.

Chronic aquatic toxicity

Chronic toxicity - fish early NOEC, 97 days: 1.6 mg/l, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)
life stage

Chronic toxicity - aquatic NOEC, 21 days: 5 mg/l, Daphnia magna

invertebrates REACH dossier information.


Acute aquatic toxicity

LE(C)₅₀ 0.01 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.1

M factor (Acute) 10

Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₅₀, 48 hours: 0.016 mg/l, Daphnia magna


12.2. Persistence and degradability

Persistence and degradability The product is readily biodegradable. The surfactant(s) contained in this product
complies(comply) with the biodegradability criteria as laid down in Regulation (EC) No.
648/2004 on detergents. Data to support this assertion are held at the disposal of the
competent authorities of the Member States and will be made available to them at their direct
request, or at the request of a detergent manufacturer.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Persistence and The substance is readily biodegradable.



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Persistence and The substance is readily biodegradable.


12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Bioaccumulative potential No data available on bioaccumulation. The product does not contain any substances
expected to be bioaccumulating.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Bioaccumulative potential REACH dossier information. The product is not bioaccumulating.

Partition coefficient REACH dossier information. log Pow: -0.36

12.4. Mobility in soil

Mobility The product is water-soluble and may spread in water systems.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Henry's law constant REACH dossier information. 0.011 Pa m³/mol @ 25°C

Surface tension REACH dossier information. ~ 68 mN/m @ 20°C

12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment

Results of PBT and vPvB This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Results of PBT and vPvB This substance is not classified as PBT or vPvB according to current EU criteria.

12.6. Other adverse effects

Other adverse effects Not known.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Other adverse effects Not available.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods

General information Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the
local Waste Disposal Authority. Do not discharge into drains or watercourses or onto the

Disposal methods This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Empty containers or liners
may retain some product residues and hence be potentially hazardous. Dispose of waste to
licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the local Waste Disposal

SECTION 14: Transport information

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14.1. UN number
UN No. (ADR/RID) 1760

UN No. (IMDG) 1760

UN No. (ICAO) 1760

14.2. UN proper shipping name





14.3. Transport hazard class(es)

ADR/RID class 8

ADR/RID label 8

IMDG class 8

ICAO class/division 8

Transport labels

14.4. Packing group

ADR/RID packing group II

IMDG packing group II

ICAO packing group II

14.5. Environmental hazards

Environmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutant

14.6. Special precautions for user

EmS F-A, S-B

Emergency Action Code 2X

Hazard Identification Number 80


Tunnel restriction code (E)

14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code
SECTION 15: Regulatory information

Revision date: 08/11/2018 Revision: 1


15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
National regulations The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No. 2677) (as
Control of Pollution (Special Waste) Regulations 1980 (as amended).
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment
Regulations 2009 (SI 2009 No. 1348) (as amended) ["CDG 2009"].
EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits.
The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009
No. 716).
The Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005.

EU legislation Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) (as amended).
Commission Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 of 20 May 2010.
Commission Directive 2000/39/EC of 8 June 2000 establishing a first list of indicative
occupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC on the
protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at
work (as amended).
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (as
Commission Decision 2000/532/EC as amended by Decision 2001/118/EC establishing a list
of wastes and hazardous waste pursuant to Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and
Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste with amendments.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/830 of 28 May 2015.

Guidance CHIP for everyone HSG228.

ECHA Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria.
ECHA Guidance on the compilation of safety data sheets.
Technical Guidance WM2: Hazardous Waste.
Introduction to Local Exhaust Ventilation HS(G)37.

15.2. Chemical safety assessment

Currently we do not have information from our suppliers about this.

SECTION 16: Other information

Abbreviations and acronyms DNEL: Derived No Effect Level.

used in the safety data sheet PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic substance.
PNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration.
MARPOL 73/78: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as
modified by the Protocol of 1978.
vPvB: Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative.

Revision date 08/11/2018

Revision 1

SDS number 21950

Risk phrases in full R20/22 Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.

R23/25 Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.
R34 Causes burns.
R37 Irritating to respiratory system.
R42/43 May cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact.
R50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

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Hazard statements in full H301 Toxic if swallowed.

H302 Harmful if swallowed.
H312 Harmful in contact with skin.
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H330 Fatal if inhaled.
H331 Toxic if inhaled.
H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.


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