Product information
Product Name : Scentinel® A Gas Odorant
Material : 1119674, 1119564, 1106807, 1098462, 1102596, 1086453,
1098407, 1086452, 1102264, 1072060, 1098463, 1103512,
1070006, 1024777, 1024776, 1024775, 1024774, 1029441,
1029442, 1029443, 1029444, 1029445
Emergency telephone:
866.442.9628 (North America)
1.832.813.4984 (International)
CHEMTREC 800.424.9300 or 703.527.3887(int'l)
Asia: CHEMWATCH (+612 9186 1132) China: 0532 8388 9090
EUROPE: BIG +32.14.584545 (phone) or +32.14583516 (telefax)
Mexico CHEMTREC 01-800-681-9531 (24 hours)
South America SOS-Cotec Inside Brazil: 0800.111.767 Outside Brazil: +55.19.3467.1600
Argentina: +(54)-1159839431
Be aware that the stenching chemical added to gas to make it detectable may not warn of a gas leak
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Scentinel® A Gas Odorant
Version 3.0 Revision Date 2021-08-18
or the presence of propane or natural gas to all persons in every instance.
• Odor intensity may fade or be eliminated for a variety of chemical and physical causes, including
the oxidation of rusting pipes, adsorption into or sticking onto the interior of pipes or appliances, or
absorption into liquids.
• Contact with soil in underground leaks may de-odorize or remove odorant from the gas.
• Some people have a diminished ability, or inability to smell the stench. Factors that negatively
affect a person’s sense of smell include age, gender, medical conditions, and alcohol/tobacco usage.
• The stench of odorized gas may not awaken sleeping persons.
• Other odors may mask or hide the stench.
• Exposure to the odor for even a short period of time, may cause nasal fatigue, where a person can
no longer smell the stench.
Gas detectors listed by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) can be used as an extra measure of
safety for detecting gas leaks, especially under conditions where the odorant alone may not provide
an adequate warning. Gas detectors emit a loud, shrill sound when gas is present and do not
depend on sense of smell. Because the odor intensity can fade or people may have problems with
their sense of smell, we recommend installing, per manufacturer’s instructions, one or more
combustible gas detectors, in suitable locations to ensure adequate coverage to detect gas leaks.
Educate yourself, your employees, and your customers with the content of this warning and other
important facts associated with the so-called “odor-fade phenomenon.”
Emergency Overview
Form: liquid Physical state: liquid Color: Colorless Odor: Repulsive
Hazards : Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Harmful if swallowed.
Harmful if inhaled. Causes serious eye damage. May cause an
allergic skin reaction. May be harmful if swallowed and enters
airways. Very toxic to aquatic life. Very toxic to aquatic life with
long lasting effects.
: Flammable liquids, Category 1
Acute toxicity, Category 4, Oral
Acute toxicity, Category 4, Inhalation
Serious eye damage/eye irritation, Category 1
Skin sensitization, Category 1
Aspiration hazard, Category 2
Short-term (acute) aquatic hazard, Category 1
Long-term (chronic) aquatic hazard, Category 1
Synonyms : ETSH
Ethyl Mercaptan
General advice : Move out of dangerous area. Consult a physician. Show this
material safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. Material
may produce a serious, potentially fatal pneumonia if
swallowed or vomited.
In case of skin contact : If on skin, rinse well with water. If on clothes, remove clothes.
In case of eye contact : Small amounts splashed into eyes can cause irreversible
tissue damage and blindness. In the case of contact with eyes,
rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical
advice. Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital.
Remove contact lenses. Protect unharmed eye. Keep eye
wide open while rinsing. If eye irritation persists, consult a
Specific hazards during fire : Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water
fighting courses.
Fire and explosion : Do not spray on a naked flame or any incandescent material.
protection Take necessary action to avoid static electricity discharge
(which might cause ignition of organic vapors). Use only
explosion-proof equipment. Keep away from open flames, hot
surfaces and sources of ignition.
Environmental precautions : Prevent product from entering drains. Prevent further leakage
or spillage if safe to do so. If the product contaminates rivers
and lakes or drains inform respective authorities.
Methods for cleaning up : Contain spillage, and then collect with non-combustible
absorbent material, (e.g. sand, earth, diatomaceous earth,
vermiculite) and place in container for disposal according to
local / national regulations (see section 13).
Advice on safe handling : Avoid formation of aerosol. Do not breathe vapors/dust. Avoid
exposure - obtain special instructions before use. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes. For personal protection see
section 8. Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited
in the application area. Take precautionary measures against
static discharges. Provide sufficient air exchange and/or
exhaust in work rooms. Open drum carefully as content may
be under pressure. To avoid spills during handling keep bottle
on a metal tray. Dispose of rinse water in accordance with
local and national regulations. Persons susceptible to skin
sensitization problems or asthma, allergies, chronic or
recurrent respiratory disease should not be employed in any
process in which this mixture is being used.
Requirements for storage : No smoking. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-
areas and containers ventilated place. Containers which are opened must be
carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Observe label precautions. Electrical installations / working
materials must comply with the technological safety standards.
Components Basis Value Control parameters Note
Ethyl Mercaptan CN OEL PC-TWA 1 mg/m3
Not applicable
Engineering measures
Adequate ventilation to control airborned concentrations below the exposure guidelines/limits.
Consider the potential hazards of this material (see Section 2), applicable exposure limits, job
activities, and other substances in the work place when designing engineering controls and selecting
personal protective equipment. If engineering controls or work practices are not adequate to prevent
exposure to harmful levels of this material, the personal protective equipment listed below is
recommended. The user should read and understand all instructions and limitations supplied with
the equipment since protection is usually provided for a limited time or under certain circumstances.
Skin and body protection : Choose body protection in relation to its type, to the
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Scentinel® A Gas Odorant
Version 3.0 Revision Date 2021-08-18
concentration and amount of dangerous substances, and to the
specific work-place. Wear as appropriate:. Remove and wash
contaminated clothing before re-use. Skin should be washed
after contact. Complete head face and neck protection.
Rubber apron. Footwear protecting against chemicals.
Hygiene measures : When using do not eat or drink. When using do not smoke.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.
Safety data
Flash point : -48°C (-54°F)
Method: ASTM D 93
Oxidizing properties : No
pH : Not applicable
Evaporation rate : 1
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Scentinel® A Gas Odorant
Version 3.0 Revision Date 2021-08-18
Chemical stability : This material is considered stable under normal ambient and
anticipated storage and handling conditions of temperature
and pressure.
Materials to avoid : May react with oxygen and strong oxidizing agents, such as
chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, etc.
Hazardous decomposition : Carbon oxides
products Sulfur oxides
Skin irritation
Ethyl Mercaptan : slight irritation.
Eye irritation
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Scentinel® A Gas Odorant
Version 3.0 Revision Date 2021-08-18
Ethyl Mercaptan : Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Ethyl Mercaptan : The product is a skin sensitizer, sub-category 1B.
Information given is based on data obtained from similar
Genotoxicity in vitro
Ethyl Mercaptan : Test Type: Ames test
Metabolic activation: with and without metabolic activation
Method: Mutagenicity (Escherichia coli - reverse mutation
Genotoxicity in vivo
Ethyl Mercaptan : Test Type: Micronucleus test
Species: Mouse
Method: Mutagenicity (micronucleus test)
Result: negative
Reproductive toxicity
Ethyl Mercaptan : Species: Rat
Sex: male and female
Application Route: Oral diet
Dose: 0, 10, 50, 200 mg/kg
Exposure time: 42-53 days
Number of exposures: once daily
Method: OECD Guideline 422
NOAEL Parent: 200 mg/kg
NOAEL F1: 50 mg/kg
Information given is based on data obtained from similar
Developmental Toxicity
Ethyl Mercaptan : Species: Rat
Application Route: Inhalation
Dose: 0, 0.037, 0.28, or 0.56 mg/L
Number of exposures: 6 hrs/d
Test period: GD 6-19
Method: OECD Guideline 414
NOAEL Teratogenicity: > 0.56 mg/l
Information given is based on data obtained from similar
Species: Rat
Application Route: Inhalation
Dose: 0, 10, 100, 200 ppm
Number of exposures: 6 hrs/d
Test period: GD 6-19
Method: OECD Guideline 414
NOAEL Teratogenicity: > 200 ppm
NOAEL Maternal: > 200 ppm
Information given is based on data obtained from similar
Aspiration toxicity
CMR effects
Ethyl Mercaptan : Carcinogenicity: Not available
Mutagenicity: Not mutagenic in Ames Test.
Teratogenicity: Animal testing did not show any effects on
fetal development.
Reproductive toxicity: Animal testing did not show any effects
on fertility.
Toxicity to fish
Toxicity to algae
ethanethiol : M-Factor (Acute Aquat. Tox.) 10
Additional ecological : Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Ecotoxicology Assessment
Notification status
Europe REACH : This product is in full compliance according to REACH
regulation 1907/2006/EC.
Switzerland CH INV : On the inventory, or in compliance with the inventory
United States of America (USA) : On or in compliance with the active portion of the
TSCA TSCA inventory
Canada DSL : All components of this product are on the Canadian
Australia AICS : On the inventory, or in compliance with the inventory
New Zealand NZIoC : On the inventory, or in compliance with the inventory
Japan ENCS : On the inventory, or in compliance with the inventory
Korea KECI : All substances in this product were registered, notified
to be registered, or exempted from registration by
CPChem through an Only Representative according to
K-REACH regulations. Importation of this product is
permitted if the Korean Importer of Record was
included on CPChem’s notifications or if the Importer of
Record themselves notified the substances.
Further information
Legacy SDS Number : 25580
Significant changes since the last version are highlighted in the margin. This version replaces all
previous versions.
Key or legend to abbreviations and acronyms used in the safety data sheet
ACGIH American Conference of LD50 Lethal Dose 50%
Government Industrial Hygienists
AICS Australia, Inventory of Chemical LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect
Substances Level
DSL Canada, Domestic Substances NFPA National Fire Protection Agency
NDSL Canada, Non-Domestic NIOSH National Institute for Occupational
Substances List Safety & Health
CNS Central Nervous System NTP National Toxicology Program
CAS Chemical Abstract Service NZloC New Zealand Inventory of
EC50 Effective Concentration NOAEL No Observable Adverse Effect
EC50 Effective Concentration 50% NOEC No Observed Effect Concentration
EGEST EOSCA Generic Exposure OSHA Occupational Safety & Health
Scenario Tool Administration
EOSCA European Oilfield Specialty PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
Chemicals Association
EINECS European Inventory of Existing PICCS Philippines Inventory of
Chemical Substances Commercial Chemical Substances
MAK Germany Maximum Concentration PRNT Presumed Not Toxic
GHS Globally Harmonized System RCRA Resource Conservation Recovery
>= Greater Than or Equal To STEL Short-term Exposure Limit
IC50 Inhibition Concentration 50% SARA Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act.
IARC International Agency for Research TLV Threshold Limit Value
on Cancer
IECSC Inventory of Existing Chemical TWA Time Weighted Average
Substances in China
ENCS Japan, Inventory of Existing and TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act
New Chemical Substances
KECI Korea, Existing Chemical UVCB Unknown or Variable Composition,
Inventory Complex Reaction Products, and