Schizophr Bull-2012-Yücel-316-30
Schizophr Bull-2012-Yücel-316-30
Schizophr Bull-2012-Yücel-316-30
316–330, 2012
Advance Access publication on July 25, 2010
Murat Yücel*,1,2, Emre Bora1, Dan I. Lubman2,3, Nadia Solowij4,5, Warrick J. Brewer2, Sue M. Cotton2, Philippe Conus6,
Michael J. Takagi1,2, Alex Fornito1, Stephen J. Wood1, Patrick D. McGorry2, and Christos Pantelis1
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne and Melbourne Health, National Neuroscience
Facility, Alan Gilbert Building, 161 Barry Street, Carlton South, Victoria 3053, Australia; 2Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Centre for
Cannabis use is highly prevalent among people with schizo- Key words: schizophrenia/psychosis/marijuana/drug/
phrenia, and coupled with impaired cognition, is thought to neuropsychology/comorbidity
heighten the risk of illness onset. However, while heavy
cannabis use has been associated with cognitive deficits
in long-term users, studies among patients with schizophre-
nia have been contradictory. This article consists of 2 stud- Introduction
ies. In Study I, a meta-analysis of 10 studies comprising Rates of substance use disorders among individuals with
572 patients with established schizophrenia (with and with- schizophrenia are higher than the general population,1–3
out comorbid cannabis use) was conducted. Patients with with cannabis being the most commonly abused illicit
a history of cannabis use were found to have superior neuro- drug.4 While cannabis use has been associated with poorer
psychological functioning. This finding was largely driven treatment outcomes, including symptom exacerbation,5–7
by studies that included patients with a lifetime history of whether it is also associated with cognitive deficits remains
cannabis use rather than current or recent use. In Study II, contentious. Cannabis use among healthy users has been
we examined the neuropsychological performance of 85 associated with cognitive impairments,8–12 including resid-
patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and 43 healthy ual deficits in memory and attention, even several days
nonusing controls. Relative to controls, FEP patients with following abstinence.13–16 Our studies in individuals with
a history of cannabis use (FEP 1 CANN; n 5 59) dis- no medical or psychiatric history have shown that long-
played only selective neuropsychological impairments while term cannabis use is associated with structural brain
those without a history (FEP 2 CANN; n 5 26) displayed abnormalities and subthreshold psychotic symptoms
generalized deficits. When directly compared, FEP 1 in a dose-dependent manner.8 However, among patients
CANN patients performed better on tests of visual mem- with schizophrenia, the association is less clear. While
ory, working memory, and executive functioning. Patients acute administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to
with early onset cannabis use had less neuropsychological patients with schizophrenia exacerbates symptoms and
impairment than patients with later onset use. Together, cognitive impairments and may have enduring effects,17
these findings suggest that patients with schizophrenia or cannabis has also been found to have some beneficial
FEP with a history of cannabis use have superior neuropsy- effects on cognition, at least in certain subgroups of
chological functioning compared with nonusing patients. patients.18–20 Thus, while cannabis use is traditionally as-
This association between better cognitive performance sociated with cognitive impairment, the relationship is
and cannabis use in schizophrenia may be driven by a sub- more complex in the case of schizophrenia.
group of ‘‘neurocognitively less impaired’’ patients, who Although a recent meta-analysis conducted by Potvin
only developed psychosis after a relatively early initiation and colleagues21 supports this notion, their analysis does
into cannabis use. not include studies conducted after 2006 and is not
Ó The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved.
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Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Schizophrenia
focused on cannabis specifically but includes patients each study. We used global scores of cognition from
with polysubstance abuse. Here, we present 2 studies the Study I of Løberg et al29 because their classification
that aim to clarify the nature of the association between of cognitive domains differed from the MATRICS.
cannabis use and cognitive impairments observed in
schizophrenia. The first study comprises a meta-analysis Meta-analytical Procedure. For each cognitive test, ef-
of empirical investigations of cannabis effects on cogni- fect size (Cohen’s d) and SE were calculated. Effect sizes
tion in patients with established schizophrenia. In the were defined as the mean difference between the schizo-
second study, we compared the neuropsychological func- phrenia patients’ and healthy controls’ performance
tioning of patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) divided by the pooled SD. Effect sizes were weighted us-
with and without a history of cannabis use as well as ing the inverse variance method. A random effects model
healthy controls with no substance use history. was used. Homogeneity of the mean-weighted effect sizes
was tested using the Q-test, while publication bias was
assessed using Egger’s test. Only instances where there
Study I: Meta-analysis of Findings To Date were heterogeneity or publication biases are described
Methods in the Results. Meta-analyses were performed using
M. Yücel et al.
Table 1. Studies that Investigated Cannabis Use and Cognition Association in Schizophrenia
Studies Sample Cannabis Criteria Cannabis Use Other Drugs Cognitive Tests Results
Lifetime history
Joyal et al27 16 SCZ þ Cannabis abuse or No information regarding TMT-A, TMT-B, WCST, Impaired WCST, COWAT
SUD dependency Not all the abstinence and duration/ COWAT, RCFT, WAIS in nonusers Fewer
patients use cannabis but onset of cannabis use PA, Porteus Maze, Go/ neurological soft signs
14 SCZ cannabis was the preferred No Go
SUD substance for the sample
Stirling 24 SCZ þ Cannabis use prior to onset No information regarding Design memory, verbal SCZ þ CANN better in
et al33 CANN of psychosis abstinence and duration/ fluency, WAIS OA, BD, 7/9 measures SCZ
onset of cannabis use PC, PA, face recognition CANN more deficit
39 SCZ memory schizophrenia and more
CANN neurological soft signs
Jockers- 19 SCZ þ At least 0.5 g daily For 2 y Abstinence, at least 4 wk Alcohol excluded, CPT-IP, TMT-A, TMT-B, SCZ þ CANN performs
Scherubl CANN prior to onset (weekly urine screenings) SCZ no other WCST, WMS-R verbal better than SCZ
et al19 substance abuse and visual memory, CANN in some cognitive
20 SCZ WAIS-R (BD, PA, domains. Regular use
CANN DSST, Comprehension) before 17 associated with
39 HC even better performance
Sevy et al32 14 SCZ þ Cannabis abuse or No information regarding Cannabis main substance, WRAT, CPT-IP, CVLT, No difference No impact of
CANN dependency 0.5 g/day, abstinence and duration/ 7 alcohol abuse, 3 cocaine DS (backward and alcohol
>4 d of the week. Only onset of cannabis use abuse Nicotine use is forward), TMT-A,
13 SCZ 1 subject used in last 2 mo 78% started prior to onset more in SCZ þ CANN TMT-B, COWAT
CANN of psychosis (semantic and
phonemic), IGT
Løberg 13 SCZ þ History of cannabis abuse No information regarding All abuse cannabis 8 Memory, attention, SCZ þ CANN performs
et al29 CANN or dependency abstinence and duration/ additional substance psychomotor speed, better except memory
(Study I) onset of cannabis use abuse mainly general abilities, and
18 SCZ amphetamine executive function
CANN domains based on
various test
Schnell 35 SCZ þ Cannabis abuse or Minimum 3 wk abstinence No other substances AVLT, LNS, DSST, SCZ þ CANN better in
et al20 CANN dependency All started (self and medical reports except nicotine TMT-B, MWT-B, WM, executive functions,
prior to onset of illness and urine screening) Age CPT, Verbal fluency, and verbal memory. High
34 SCZ (average 6 y) of onset = 17 Duration = Dual processing frequency use was
CANN 8.5 y Frequency/month = task associated with even
53 joints better performance
Studies Sample Cannabis Criteria Cannabis Use Other Drugs Cognitive Tests Results
Current/recent use
Potvin 44 SCZ þ Abuse or dependence No information regarding 12 cocaine, 17 PAL, MOT SCZ þ CANN better in
et al28 CANN Not all the patients use abstinence and duration/ polysubstance MOT No difference for
cannabis but cannabis onset of cannabis use PAL. However, SCZ þ
32 SCZ was the preferred CANN patients who use
CANN substance for the cocaine are more
sample Last 6 mo impaired in PAL. Non
cocaine user but SCZ þ
CANN patients are better
than SCZ CANN in
Løberg 13 SCZ þ Current cannabis abuse No information regarding All abuse cannabis 10 Global cognition score In acute admission, SCZ þ
et al29 CANN or dependency Acute abstinence and duration/ also abuse other based on various CANN performs worse,
(Study II) admission with onset of cannabis use substances (4 cognitive tests in follow-up they
13 SCZ schizophrenia or amphetamine, 3 longitudinal study, significantly improved
CANN schizophrenia like cocaine, 4 alcohol) 3 mo follow-up SCZ CANN no change
psychoses in follow-up
Note: TMT-A, Trial Making Test—Part A; TMT-B, Trial Making Test—Part B; TMT B/A, Trial Making Test—Part B minus Part A; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task;
COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Task; RCFT, Rey Complex Figure Test; PAL, Paired Associate Learning; MOT, Motor Screening; OA, Object Assembly; BD,
Block Design; PC, Picture Completion; PA, Picture Arrangement; DS, Digit Span; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; CPT-
IP, Continuous Performance Task—Indentical Pairs; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Task; IGT, Iowa Gambling Task; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task;
LNS, Letter Number Sequencing; DMST, Delayed Matching to Sample Test; MWT-B, Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatztest—Form B; HC, Healthy Control; SUD, Substance Use
Disorder; FEP, First-Episode Psychosis; SCZ, Schizophrenia; DSST, digit symbol substitution task. Superscript numbers refer to the relevant reference number in the
citations list.
Table 2. NIMH-MATRICS Cognitive Domains however, when recent use vs lifetime defining studies
was examined separately, there was no evidence for het-
Cognitive Domain Cognitive Test erogeneous distribution of effect sizes. SCZ þ CANN
patients performed significantly better than SCZ
Processing Speed Phonetic fluency, semantic fluency, Trail-
Making Test, Symbol Coding, Motor
CANN only within the lifetime defining studies (d =
Screening Task, Stroop 0.65) but not in those studies with recent use criteria
Attention Continuous Performance Test, Dual (d = 0.09).
Processing Task
Working Memory Digit span, Letter Number Sequencing, Visual Memory. Three studies assessed visual memory.
Wechsler Memory Scale—Revised Again, SCZ þ CANN patients performed better than
Verbal Memory SCZ CANN patients (d = 0.45).
Reasoning and WAIS Block Design, Object Assembly,
Problem Picture Arrangement, Porteus Maze, Verbal Memory. Four studies reported verbal memory
Solving Wisconsin Card Sorting Test measures. There was no significant between-group differ-
Verbal Learning California Verbal Learning Test, Rey ence for verbal memory (d = 0.0). The Q-test showed ev-
and Memory Auditory Verbal Learning Test
Table 3. Mean-Weighted Effect Sizes for Cognitive Domains for Cannabis Using and Nonusing Schizophrenia Patients Defined by
Lifetime Use Vs Current or Recent Use Criteria
Global cognition 10 223 349 0.35 0.09 to 0.61 2.63 .009 17.13* 0.34
Lifetime 6 121 138 0.55 0.30 to 0.80 4.29 .001 3.95
Current/recent 4 102 211 0.03 0.30 to 0.37 0.20 .84 4.59
Attention 3 68 67 0.26 0.08 to 0.61 1.51 .13 0.50 0.26
Processing speed 8 192 322 0.40 0.11 to 0.69 2.75 .006 14.62* 0.39
Lifetime 5 103 124 0.65 0.38 to 0.92 4.70 .001 1.72
Current/recent 3 89 198 0.09 0.34 to 0.52 0.42 .67 4.87
Visual memory 3 87 91 0.45 0.13 to 0.77 2.76 .006 2.24 0.98
Verbal memory 4 101 184 0.0 0.51 to 0.51 0 .99 10.1* 0.75
Lifetime 3 78 67 0.18 0.32 to 0.77 0.63 .53 4.78
Planning 4 81 122 0.47 0.05 to 0.90 2.20 .03 5.92 0.39
Lifetime 3 59 73 0.67 0.31 to 1.03 3.65 .001 1.20
Working memory 4 94 213 0.13 0.40 to 0.55 0.48 .63 11.58* 0.61
Lifetime 2 49 47 0.64 0.22 to 1.05 3.00 .003 0.16
Current/recent 2 45 166 0.28 0.61 to 0.06 1.62 .10 0.12
Note: Bold values indicate comparisons that were significantly different between the SCZ þ CANN and the SCZ CANN groups.
*P < .05.
Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Schizophrenia
to have also included patients who had a past history of based on a medical record review and structured clinical
cannabis use. interview using the Positive and Negative Syndrome
Thus, there are no FEP studies that have examined Scale,44 SCID-I/NP41 and the Royal Park Multi-diagnos-
cognitive functioning in FEP patients with a lifetime his- tic Instrument for Psychosis (McGorry et al45). For con-
tory of cannabis use. In our second study, we report on trols, we used the SCID-I (nonpatient edition). Of the 59
such a sample. Additionally, given that the age of canna- patients classified as cannabis users (FEP þ CANN), 55
bis use onset has been found to be an important moder- met criteria for past or current cannabis abuse or depen-
ator of the association between cannabis use and dence. Thirty-two of the FEP þ CANN had started to use
psychotic illness,34–37 we investigated the impact of age cannabis at 16 years of age or earlier (FEP þ CAN-
of cannabis use onset on cognitive functioning. N[early]) and 27 had started at age 17 or thereafter
(FEP þ CANN[later]). We chose to compare those
who had commenced using cannabis before or after
Study II: New Data in FEP Patients ages 16–17 years on the basis of previous literature sug-
gesting that exposure to cannabis prior to this period of
Methods adolescence has relatively greater adverse consequences
These domains reflect 5 of 6 dimensions in the MATRICS Table 4. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patient and
battery.30 In order to facilitate comparison with the meta- Control Groups
analysis in Study I, tasks that were, and those that were
not reflected in the MATRICS battery were allocated to
a relevant domain following a consensus agreement be-
tween 2 authors (E.B. and M.Y.). Number 43 (33/10) 59 (43/16) 26 (15/11) .44
General Intellectual Ability. Performance on the Na- Age 21.6 (5.8) 20.7 (2.8) 20.6 (3.5) .49
tional Adult Reading Test was used to estimate premorbid Education 12.3 (1.4) 10.9 (1.8) 11.6 (2.0) .001a
IQ.48 The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised PANSS positive 24.7 (6.3) 21.8 (6.5) .06
(WAIS-R) was used to estimate current IQ.49 PANSS negative 20.7 (7.4) 20.9 (8.2) .93
Processing Speed. The Trail-Making Test (Part A) and GAF-premorbid 70.1 (13.5) 76.2 (12.0) .20
Digit Symbol Coding were used as measures of process- GAF-entry 29.9 (8.5) 31.7 (7.5) .32
ing speed.49,50
Table 5. Mean Z Scores and Between-Group Differences for Cannabis Using and Nonusing FEP Groups
General Intelligence
Current IQ 54 1.65 (1.40)* 20 2.39 (0.96)* .07 0.40
Premorbid IQ 41 0.50 (1.14) 16 0.57 (1.24) .83 0.06
Verbal Memory
RAVLT—total 40 0.73 (0.88)* 19 1.05 (1.17)* .21 0.33
RAVLT—recall 40 0.65 (0.96)* 19 1.09 (1.24)* .15 0.44
Logical Memory 41 1.33 (0.85)* 16 1.59 (0.80)* .21 0.30
Visual Memory
Visual PA—total errors 47 0.17 (0.99) 23 0.59 (1.08)* .10 0.50
Visual Reproduction 35 0.19 (0.70) 19 0.71 (1.17)* .05 0.60
Spatial Recognition 49 0.39 (1.01) 23 0.83 (1.39)* .18 0.39
Pattern Recognition 49 1.04 (1.20)* 23 1.65 (1.50)* .09 0.47
Processing Speed
Note: Corrected for age and gender differences; ES, effect size (Cohen’s d; unadjusted values); Asterisks reflect that these measures are
significantly different to healthy controls. ‘‘p’’ represents the P values for comparisons between the FEP þ CANN and FEP CANN
groups. Values in parentheses represent the SD of z scores. SWM, Spatial Working Memory; ToL, Tower of London. Additional
abbreviations are explained in the footnote to table 1. Bold values indicate comparisons that were significantly different between the
FEP þ CANN and the FEP CANN groups.
in SWM-errors but not in SWM-strategy or Spatial Span. to 0.39). Similarly, no significant differences were found
FEP þ CANN patients did not differ from controls on the between the alcohol-using and nonusing FEP þ CANN
ToL task involving planning and reasoning. patients (d ranged from 0.10 to þ0.54).
FEP CANN vs FEP þ CANN. FEP þ CANN patients Age of Onset of Cannabis Use. When comparing the non-
tended to perform better than FEP CANN patients but cannabis-using patients (FEP CANN) with early onset
this difference was significant only for 3 variables (table 5; (16 years; FEP þ CANN[early]) and later onset (17
figure 2). On verbal and nonverbal memory, between- years; FEP þ CANN[later]) cannabis-using patients, we
group differences were small to moderate (d ranged found group differences for 4 cognitive tests (SWM-errors,
from 0.3 to 0.6) and FEP þ CANN performed signifi- ToL, Pattern Recognition, and Spatial Recognition). The
cantly better on visual reproduction. For the working FEP CANN patients did not differ from FEP þ CANN
memory domain, small to medium effect sizes were ob- [later] on any cognitive tests (figure 3). FEP þ CAN-
served and a between-group difference for SWM-errors N[early] patients performed significantly better than
reached significance (ie, with FEP þ CANN performing FEP CANN on all 4 of the above cognitive tests and
better). For executive functioning, a significant between- better than FEP þ CANN[later] on 2 tests (Pattern Recog-
group difference with a large effect size (d = 0.90) was nition and Spatial Recognition). The FEP þ CANN[early]
observed for the ToL test (again with FEP þ CANN per- group were younger than the FEP þ CANN[later] group
forming better). (table 6) but did not differ in duration or monthly quantity
of cannabis use, diagnosis, treatment, or antipsychotic lev-
Comorbid Substance Use. ANCOVA analyses were con- els (based on chlorpromazine equivalents; see table 6).
ducted to examine the effect of additional illicit substance
use (over lifetime) on cognition in the FEP þ CANN Recency of Cannabis Use. FEP patients who had used
patients. FEP þ CANN patients who also used amphet- cannabis in the previous week were more impaired on
amines (n = 12) did not perform significantly differently Logical Memory compared with patients who were absti-
to the remaining (nonamphetamine using) FEP þ CANN nent for greater than 1 month prior to testing (P = .04).
patients on any cognitive measure (d ranged from 0.50 There were no significant correlations between cognition
Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Schizophrenia
and other cannabis use parameters (frequency, quantity, domains. Unlike most previous studies, we also examined
and duration of use). the effect of variables such as recency and frequency of
use and age of onset of cannabis use. The findings
Associations between Clinical Variables and Cognition. In were consistent with Study I and demonstrated that
both FEP groups, the Positive and Negative Syndrome FEP patients who used cannabis (especially those who
Scale negative symptoms score was negatively correlated used prior to age 17) also performed better than nonusing
with Digit Symbol Coding (FEP þ CANN: r = .41, patients in some domains and were less impaired relative
P = .006, FEP CANN: r = .58, P = .02) and Current to healthy controls on cognitive domains, including vi-
IQ (FEP þ CANN: r = .43, P = .002, FEP CANN: r = sual memory, working memory, planning, and reasoning.
.55, P = .01). The positive symptoms score was not sig- When age of onset of cannabis use was considered, supe-
nificantly correlated with any cognitive measure. rior cognitive performance in cannabis-using patients
relative to nonusing patients was only observed among
Discussion those who started using cannabis at an early age (16
In Study I, we demonstrated that regular cannabis use years). Together, the findings of our meta-analysis and
was associated with better cognitive performance in empirical study suggest that comorbid cannabis use is as-
schizophrenia. Cannabis-using patients performed mod- sociated with a superior cognitive profile in schizophrenia-
erately better than nonusing patients on measures of spectrum disorders.
global cognition, visual memory, processing speed, work- Several explanations regarding the nature of the asso-
ing memory, planning, and reasoning. This difference ciation between pre-illness onset cannabis use and subse-
was largely driven by studies that included patients quent development of schizophrenia have been
with a lifetime history of cannabis use rather than just suggested. One explanation is that cannabis is a risk fac-
those with current or recent use. Consistent with previous tor that precipitates (but does not cause) the onset of psy-
studies, cannabis use was associated with a younger age chosis in genetically predisposed individuals.61 However,
of psychosis onset, male sex, and more positive symp- there is also evidence that cannabis use prior to illness
toms.7,36,58–60 Study II examined the effect of regular onset is ‘‘causally’’ related to the development of subse-
cannabis use on cognition in FEP patients. Cognitive per- quent psychosis in vulnerable individuals.62–64 Similarly,
formance of FEP patients with a history of cannabis use several recent systematic reviews have indicated that can-
was compared with FEP patients without a history of nabis may double the risk of later developing a psychotic
substance use and healthy controls on 6 cognitive illness and that this association is dose dependent.34,63,65
M. Yücel et al.
However, few previous studies have considered the role we did not find any current or premorbid Global Assess-
of cognition. Our findings raise a number of further ment of Functioning (GAF) differences between FEP
questions concerning the relationship between cannabis, users and nonusers in our study.
cognition, and schizophrenia. While the FEP patients with a cannabis use history
Some authors have suggested a neuroprotective role were generally superior in their cognitive profile to those
of cannabis66 to explain the association between cannabis without a history of cannabis use, the former group was
use and enhanced cognition in schizophrenia patients.19,67 not homogeneous. Indeed, the cognitive profile was
Other authors suggest that, in the short-term, cannabi- markedly different depending on the age of onset of can-
noids could stimulate prefrontal neurotransmission to nabis use, with the early onset group having superior cog-
enhance cognitive functions,22,34,67,68 but in the long- nition, which cannot be explained by differences in the
term, repeated administration is detrimental.12 However, duration or dosage of cannabis used. This finding is
these postulates remain speculative and further work is somewhat against expectation and is counterintuitive
necessary. It is well recognized that acute administration given the associations between cannabis use and cogni-
of THC impairs rather than enhances cognitive perfor- tion in healthy controls (ie, worse cognition in those
mance in both healthy controls12,17 and patients with psy- with early onset use12). It is possible that in the FEP
chosis17,69, suggesting that acute neuroprotective effects group with comorbid cannabis use (characterized by
of THC are unlikely. Findings of our meta-analysis and only relatively mild cognitive impairments), early onset
FEP study also provide evidence regarding adverse cannabis use increased the risk for developing psychosis,
effects of recent cannabis use, which may partly mask thereby facilitating the transition to frank psychosis that
the positive association between lifetime cannabis might otherwise not have occurred. That is, early canna-
use and better cognition. Another possibility is that bis use may induce psychosis onset in less cognitively vul-
cannabis-using patients had superior social skills in order nerable individuals. Schnell and colleagues20 as well as
to be able to acquire and sustain a drug habit,12,21 which Løberg and colleagues29 have proposed a similar hypoth-
is also reflected in their cognition. Few studies have esis. Support for this comes from findings that early onset
directly examined this possibility, and this notion is of cannabis use in adolescence, particularly before the age
not always supported by the extant data70; however, of 15, is associated with greater risk for the subsequent
Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Schizophrenia
Table 6. Cannabis Use and Clinical Characteristics of Patient Groups Based on Age of Onset of Cannabis Use
FEP CANN (n = 26) FEP þ CANN[later] (n = 27) FEP þ CAN[early] (n = 32) P Value
Age (y) 20.6 (3.5) 22.2 (2.6) 19.5 (2.5) .003a
Gender (male/female) 15/11 20/7 23/9 .39
Education 11.1 (1.6) 11.0 (1.5) 11.5 (1.5) .52
GAF-premorbid 74.8 (11.7) 64.9 (14.3) 75.8 (10.4) .06
GAF-entry 32.4 (7.5) 31.2 (6.3) 27.9 (8.9) .34
Cannabis Use
Age of Onset (y) 17.9 (1.0) 14.4 (1.6) <.001
Duration (y) 3.9 (2.4) 4.8 (2.3) .13
Quantity (g/month) 11.5 (15.8) 20.8 (21.5) .10
Diagnosis .68
Schizophreniform 8 (31%) 8 (30%) 11 (34%)
Schizophrenia 7 (27%) 11 (41%) 12 (38%)
Note: GAF, Global Assessment of Functioning. Additional abbreviations are explained in the footnote to table 1.
Post hoc tests; FEP þ CANN[later] vs FEP þ CANN[early] P = .002; FEP þ CANN[later] vs FEP CANN P = .12; FEP þ
CANN[early] vs FEP CANN P = .36.
development of psychotic disorders, even after control- port our hypothesis of less severe cognitive impairment
ling for preexisting psychotic symptoms.46 It is possible in a subgroup of neurocognitively less vulnerable
that these individuals would have remained asymptom- patients, with more frequent and heavy use of cannabis
atic or would have been symptomatic only in subsequent necessary to induce psychosis.
years, if they did not abuse cannabis. This notion is con- Our findings should be interpreted in the context of
sistent with Jockers-Scherubl et al19 who found an asso- several limitations. First, while the preceding discussion
ciation between earlier onset of cannabis use and better raises several alternative explanations for the association
cognition in schizophrenia. Such a notion could also help between cannabis use and cognition in schizophrenia, the
explain why cessation of substance use after the first on- cross-sectional nature of the studies considered prevents
set of psychosis significantly increases the probability of firm conclusions being drawn. Longitudinal studies are
remission and improves long-term outcomes in FEP necessary to better understand causal interactions be-
patients.71 Interestingly, a recent study also found fewer tween relevant factors.
neurological soft signs in heavy cannabis-using FEP Second, our findings of poorer cognitive performance
patients, supporting the notion that these patients have in patients without comorbid cannabis use could relate to
less neurological impairment.72 a sampling bias, whereby the FEP CANN group may
Other factors might also influence the association include a greater proportion of ‘‘deficit syndrome’’
between cannabis use and cognitive deficits in schizo- patients or patients with poorer premorbid functioning,
phrenia, including dosage and frequency of use and cu- worse cognition,73 and lower substance use.74 However,
mulative exposure. Interestingly, while higher frequency the fact that the FEP þ CANN group in our Study II did
of cannabis use could be expected to be associated with not differ from the FEP CANN group in terms of pos-
poorer cognition, the only 2 studies that have examined itive or negative symptoms, suggests that the latter group
frequency of use in schizophrenia patients found the op- cannot be readily identified as deficit syndrome type.
posite effect (ie, better performance).20,67 While some Furthermore, prepsychotic GAF scores and education
authors propose that such results relate to the neuropro- did not differ between the 2 FEP groups. Consequently,
tective effects of cannabis,19,66,67 the findings also sup- our findings do not support this contention, but more
M. Yücel et al.
detailed measures of premorbid functioning are required after an early initiation of cannabis use (ie, during early
to conclusively address this issue. adolescence). However, longitudinal studies in high-risk
Third, given the high rates of cannabis use in FEP and populations are needed to test this notion more deci-
the relationship between cannabis use and the develop- sively. Together, these findings suggest that a subgroup
ment of psychotic symptoms, it is important to consider of psychotic patients may show improved outcomes
what proportion of the FEP þ CANN group had a can- (ie, partial recovery of cognitive functioning and less dis-
nabis-induced psychosis. The diagnostic criteria for sub- ability) if their cannabis use can be controlled. Moreover,
stance-induced psychosis have recently been criticized,75 our findings support the notion that, in some vulnerable
as a diagnosis of cannabis-induced psychosis is unlikely individuals, abstinence from cannabis abuse could poten-
to be made if psychotic symptoms are still apparent 1 tially prevent the development of psychosis.
month following intoxication. Therefore, better cognitive
performance, early onset use, and improvement with
abstinence may be partially explained by inclusion of Funding
FEP þ CANN patients with a cannabis-induced psycho- National Health and Medical Research Council
sis rather than an actual schizophrenia-spectrum disor- (NHMRC) of Australia (Grant 236175, 459111,
Impact of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Schizophrenia
8. Yücel M, Solowij N, Respondek C, et al. Regional brain ab- among first-episode patients with schizophrenia-spectrum
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tioning of long-term heavy cannabis users seeking treatment. in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2003;63:
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