ENR Top 225 International & Global Contractors 2007
ENR Top 225 International & Global Contractors 2007
ENR Top 225 International & Global Contractors 2007
This annual issue ranks the 225 largest construction contracting firms from around the world. It
also ranks the largest firms in a wide variety of market sectors and geographic markets: Building,
Manufacturing, Power, Water, Industrial/Petroleum, Transportation, Hazardous Waste,
Sewer/Waste and Telecommunications. In addition, readers will get insights from executives of
these top firms about the markets and issues affecting the industry around the world. This and
other ENR survey issues are used as reference tools throughout the industry. Companies are
ranked according to construction revenue generated in 2006 in US$ millions.
Main story:
"Firms Are Now More Selective" Excerpt-The international construction market continues to
flourish, as business remains strong for developed countries, and developing countries
increasingly invest their own money and foreign investors’ cash in infrastructure.
- The 2007 Top 225 International Contractors (with description about how to use the tables)
- The 2007 Top 225 Global Contractors (with descriptions about how to use the tables)
- The 2007 Top 225 At a Glance: Volume, Profitability, Professional Staff, Backlog, Market
Analysis, International Regions
- Top 10 by Market: Building, Manufacturing, Power, Water, Transportation, Hazardous Waste,
Sewer/Waste, Telecommunications
- Top 20 Non-US Firms in International Construction Management/Program Management Fees
- Top 20 Non-US in Total CM/PM Fees
- Top 10 By Region: Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, Europe, U.S., Canada
- How the Top 225 International Contractors Shared the 2005 Market
- Where to Find The Top 225 International Contractors
- Where to Find The Top 225 Global Contractors
- Top International Contractors- Subsidiaries by Rank
- Where the Top International Contractors Worked - By Country
"Where the 2007 Top 225 Contractors Worked"—lists the countries in which these firms had work
or offices during 2006.
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al contractors the rare opportunity to be
The international construction market continues to
choosy, allowing them to seek out higher
flourish, as business remains strong for developed coun- margins and a steadier cash flow. Many
are finding it in public-private partner-
tries, and developing countries increasingly invest their ships (PPPs). “There is not a single coun-
own money and foreign investors’ cash in infrastructure. try not looking at the potential for PPP,”
says Herbert Lütkestratkötter, chief exec-
This has led to a boom time for contractors working utive officer of Hochtief.
around the world. But it also has led to this group’s home countries soared to “Still the U.K. is by far and away the
uncertainty, as materials and qualified $224.43 billion, up 18.5% from $189.41 strongest [PPP market],” says Stuart Gra-
personnel remain in short supply. billion in 2005. These firms also enjoyed ham, Skanska’s and CEO. Having started
The strength of the overall interna- prosperity at home, as their combined in the U.K., PPPs are spreading east and
tional market can be seen in the interna- domestic revenue rose 14.2% in 2006 to south across Europe, adds Ian Tyler,
tional revenue totals for ENR’s Top 225 $426.26 billion from $373.42 billion in CEO of Balfour Beatty Group.
International Contractors. Combined 2005. There are now good PPP opportuni-
revenue in 2006 from projects outside The hot market has given internation- ties in France, says Ken Reid, an execu-
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struggling to maintain quality, he adds. Many major clients understand this 8 SPAIN 30.2 4,798.4
“I’ve never seen situation like it.” volatility and are making their own ad- 36 U.S. 22.7 3,597.3
In achieving his margin target for justments. “The construction boom has 6 ITALY 13.8 2,193.6
Skanska, Graham sees inflation as the already significantly affected equipment 2 BRAZIL 9.5 1,502.0
biggest challenge, noting that construction and material cost, as well as labor cost, 5 FRANCE 8.5 1,345.0
inflation “embraces the entire world econ- bringing with it the possibility of longer 19 CHINA 4.9 783.0
omy” and is affecting larger jobs bid more delivery times and lower quality,” says Sei 21 OTHER 10.4 1,650.5
than a few years ago before prices rocketed. Tange, senior general manager of global
For some contractors, selectivity is a marketing division at Japan’s JGC. Cli-
way to avoid risk. “Clients prefer lump- ents are moving away from lump-sum full- U.S.
sum contracts, which are bringing major turnkey contracts toward contracts like Total Revenue: $29.1 billion Up 16.6%
risks to the contractor. This issue forces cost-plus-fee plus incentives, open-book FIRMS COUNTRY % OF TOTAL $ MILLION
us to select the clients very carefully,” says estimates and conversion from reim- 4 GERMANY 30.9 9,006.3
Ali Baru Alsirt, management representa- bursable to lump-sum, he says. 4 U.K. 19.4 5,648.7
tive of Turkey’s Nurol Construction and The hot international market may 1 SWEDEN 17.4 5,079.7
Trading Co. Inc. pose other problems for big clients. “In 6 FRANCE 11.5 3,355.0
However, the market is becoming the current, buoyant, market, there are 11 JAPAN 7.9 2,311.0
more volatile as materials and labor costs, many new entrants that may not have the 5 SPAIN 3.5 1,016.2
and currency fluctuations spark worry. track record, credibility and quality ethos 23 OTHER 9.3 2,713.3
“Price estimation is becoming more and of established [engineering-procurement-
more difficult,” says Erdem Arioglu, board construction] contractors,” says Peter bid lists to ‘peer’ international EPC com-
member at Turkey’s Yapi Merkezi. He Warner, executive vice president, Petro- petition,” and may have to settle for sec-
notes that the value of the U.S. dollar, fac Engineering & Construction. “This ond-tier bidders.
“the main currency of international con- creates potential difficulties for our cus- Many old-line international contrac-
struction contracts,” dropped against the tomers who are unable to prequalify their tors see Chinese and Indian contractors
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rapidly becoming a force in the market- tight Chinese government controls, “the last year, says Mike Adams, Bechtel Civil
place. “Chinese and Indian domestic con- value of [the Chinese Rinminbi] contin- president. Otherwise, “China is not a big
tractors may emerge as international bid- uously grows, which weakens Chinese market for foreign contractors,” he notes.
ders in the near future after accumulating construction contractors’ advantage in In East Asia, “We are currently in a
sufficient expertise in their own countries the area of low costs of labor and China- holding position...awaiting suitable fu-
in particular,” says JGC’s Tange. made materials and equipment,” says ture large projects to materialize,” says
Hao Yucheng, deputy general manager Reid. Hong Kong has been “relatively
New Faces of China Weihai International Econom- quiet…over the last four or five years,” he
Many Chinese contractors readily agree ic & Technical Cooperative Co. adds. Tyler says Hong Kong is “stable”
with this assessment. “It is in recent years Regionally, China remains an unat- while Macau is “very busy” and Singa-
that we have experienced great changes, tractive market to many international pore is undergoing “substantial growth.”
from a labor export service to project contractors. But Hochtief is developing a In India, Hochtief is attracted by “sig-
management...from EPC to BOT,” says worldwide logistics operation in China to nificant construction activity in high-pro-
Lin Rongxin, president of China Civil procure resources and has a joint venture file office building and residential,” says
Engineering Construction Corp. He says with a materials testing company, says Lütkestratkötter. Hochtief already has
the major barriers for many Chinese con- Lütkestratkötter. “There are significant had one job there under its own name.
tractors in the international market now shortages...due to the boom in construc- Bouygues is “still pondering” the market,
are more regulatory than technological. tion worldwide.” says Cote. Bureaucracy worries him. But
One major advantage for Chinese Bechtel Inc. also is supplying global with India having no giant state-owned
contractors may be eroding. Despite projects from China, spending $1 billion contractors, unlike in China, “we should
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be competing in a more fair way,” he says. ment services in the area. Hochtief is also enough strength,” says Hao of China Wei-
The Middle East, particularly in the targeting airport PPPs. hai. “When a person’s physical safety can-
oil-producing countries, continues to But security concerns loom, especial- not be guaranteed, the business opportu-
boom, as countries invest more wealth ly in Iraq and Afghanistan. “The govern- nity is zero.” China Weihai withdrew
locally. After 9/11, “surplus funds from ment of Afghanistan does not have from Afghanistan over safety.
petro-dollars of countries in the region
have been invested locally or in neighbor- Top 10 by Market
ing countries of this territory in infra- Building 5 CONSOLIDATED CONTRACTORS INT’L CO. SAL
Top 10 with revenue of $38.4 bil., of $59.5 bil. total
structure or building construction proj- 6 PETROFAC LTD.
ects, creating a big boom in the con-
struction sector,” says Erdem Arioglu, 3 BOVIS LEND LEASE 9 BILFINGER BERGER AG
board member at Turkey’s Yapi Merkezi. 4 STRABAG SE 10 GRUPO ACS
The petroleum market remains the 5 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENG’G CORP. Transportation
region’s cash cow. In Saudi Arabia, JGC 6 ROYAL BAM GROUP NV Top 10 with revenue of $36.5 bil., of $59.0 bil. total
is constructing the main facilities for an
integrated refining and petrochemical 9 BILFINGER BERGER AG 3 STRABAG SE
complex, part of the Rabigh Project for 10 PCL CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES INC. 4 HOCHTIEF AG
Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical. Manufacturing 5 ROYAL BAM GROUP NV
And in Qatar, it is working on the Pearl Top 10 with revenue of $5.6 bil., of $7.5 bil. total 6 BECHTEL
After working in North Africa and
other parts of the Middle East, Russia’s 4 TAIKISHA LTD. 10 OBAYASHI CORP.
PJSC Stroytransgaz also is finding suc- 5 SHIMIZU CORP. Hazardous Waste
cess in Saudi Arabia, says Leonid V. Bok- 6 KAJIMA CORP. Top 10 with revenue of $566.1 mil., of $606.3 mil. total
hanovsky, first vice president. In March, 7 EIFFAGE 1 WASHINGTON GROUP INTERNATIONAL INC.
the firm recently signed its first major
Saudi contract, a 217-km oil pipeline for 10 ALBERICI CORP. 4 DONGFANG ELECTRIC CORP.
Saudi Aramco. Power 5 JACOBS
But some construction firms have had Top 10 with revenue of $7.9 bil., of 14.5 bil. total 6 BECHTEL
difficulties penetrating the Saudi market. 1 CHIYODA CORP. 7 SKANSKA AB
“Being local is a must in Saudi Arabia,”
says Samer Arafa, executive vice president 4 GRUPO ACS 10 FLUOR CORP.
of Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd., Saudi 5 FOSTER WHEELER LTD. Sewer/Waste
Arabia. “Except for the mega-construc- 6 BOUYGUES Top 10 with revenue of $1.8 bil., of $2.9 bil. total
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Deaths and kidnappings have plagued nificant infrastructure needs,” says Adams for,” says Reid of Bilfinger+Berger. Re-
Turkish firms, says Taner Soyak, general of Bechtel. European Union accession ceiving “a lot of EU money,” Poland
director of Turkey’s Soyak Construction countries provide opportunities, “but offers “plenty of opportunities but the
and Trading. One such victim of violence they are actually quite difficult…you have public sector is still difficult.”
is Turkey’s Kolin Construction Co., to be very careful which clients you work Poland has “an enormous program for
which has built 400-km of roads in Af-
ghanistan, often under extreme condi- The Top 20 Non-U.S. Firms in International
tions, says Kemal Kologlu, general coor- Construction Management/Program Management Fees*
dinator. He laments that seven Kolin AGENCY CM PROGRAM MGMT. TOTAL
engineers and workers were killed there 1 BOVIS LEND LEASE, Harrow, U.K. 694.0 422.0 1116.0
in four years. 2 HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany 0.0 249.7 249.7
Turkey’s Nurol is another contractor 3 DAR AL-HANDASAH CONSULTANTS (SHAIR & PARTNERS), Cairo, Egypt 135.0 55.0 190.0
that is wary of war-torn markets. In Iraq, 4 WORLEYPARSONS LTD., North Sydney, Australia 32.4 123.4 155.7
“the security level could not [have] been 5 HATCH GROUP, Mississauga, Canada 68.7 71.5 140.2
brought to a minimum required level in 6 SHANGHAI ELECTRIC GROUP CO. LTD., Shanghai, China 136.8 1.3 138.1
most of the regions, and corruption 7 BALFOUR BEATTY PLC, London, U.K. 12.0 100.0 112.0
became a serious problem in the other 8 ARCADIS NV, Arnhem, The Netherlands 0.0 95.0 95.0
regions,” says Alsirt. 9 ATKINS, Epsom, U.K. 46.0 7.0 53.0
10 RAMBOLL GRUPPEN A/S, Virum, Denmark 35.3 17.7 53.0
are major opportunities from “the devel- 6 DAR AL-HANDASAH CONSULTANTS (SHAIR & PARTNERS), Cairo, Egypt 135.0 55.0 190.0
7 ATKINS, Epsom, U.K. 96.7 69.8 166.5
opment of new hydrocarbon fields [and]
8 WORLEYPARSONS LTD., North Sydney, Australia 32.4 132.0 164.4
the new trunk pipelines in the North-
9 CHINA POWER ENGINEERING CONSLTG. GROUP CO., Beijing, China 141.4 0.0 141.4
west, Eastern Siberia, and the Far East
10 ARCADIS NV, Arnhem, The Netherlands 0.0 139.0 139.0
of Russia,” says Bokhanovsky of Stroy- 11 BALFOUR BEATTY PLC, London, U.K. 15.0 107.0 122.0
transgaz. 12 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ, St. Leonards , Australia 98.4 12.8 111.2
In the former Soviet Republics, oil 13 RAMBOLL GRUPPEN A/S, Virum, Denmark 63.1 22.7 85.8
and gas continues to be a major market. 14 YOOSHIN ENGINEERING CORP., Seoul, S. Korea 72.7 0.0 72.7
Petrofac E&C is working in Kazakhstan 15 SHANDONG ELECTRIC POWER CONSTRUCTION CORP., Jinan City, China 0.0 66.4 66.4
on both the major onshore process facil- 16 MOUCHEL PARKMAN, West Byfleet, U.K. 0.0 64.0 64.0
ities at Kashagan for Agip KCO and sour 17 STANTEC INC., Edmonton, Canada 24.4 25.1 49.5
gas processing developments at Karacha- 18 HANMIPARSONS, Seoul, S. Korea 39.4 9.3 48.7
19 CECI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC., Taipei, Taiwan 42.0 0.0 42.0
ganak for KPO, says Warner.
20 SKANSKA AB, Solna, Sweden 27.1 13.8 40.9
Farther west, “a lot of capital is flow-
ing into Eastern Europe to fund its sig-
The Arab Contractors. The Egyptian gov- 8 BOVIS LEND LEASE 2 SKANSKA AB
ernment has been encouraging a busi-
ness-friendly climate, and this has result- Africa 5 KAJIMA CORP.
ed in a boom of the foreign direct in- Top 10 with revenue of $7.7 bil., of $18.0 bil. total 6 BALFOUR BEATTY PLC
vestments pumped in Egypt, he says. 1 TECHNIP 7 SAMSUNG CORP.
and U.S. contractors with high prices, 7 BECHTEL 1 PCL CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES INC.
while ignoring African contractors,” 8 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENG’G CORP. 2 BOUYGUES
Youssef complains. m 9 SALINI COSTRUTTORI SPA
Latin America/Caribbean
Top 10 with revenue of $9.1 bil., of $15.7 bil. total 6 BECHTEL
Top 225
The inter national market is booming. Rising oil prices have HOW TO USE THE TABLES © POWER=thermal and hydroelectric powerplants, waste-to-energy plants, transmis-
sion lines, substations, cogeneration plants, etc.
fueled a frenzy not just in petroleum projects, but in infrastruc- © COMPANIES are ranked according to construction revenue generated outside of each © WATER SUPPLY=dams, reservoirs, transmission pipelines, distribution mains, irriga-
company’s home country in 2006 in U.S. $ millions. Firms not ranked last year are des- tion canals, desalination and drinking water treatment plants, pumping stations, etc.
ture and building projects in oil-rich nations. In addition, foreign ignated **. Some markets may not add up to 100% due to omission of “other” miscel- © SEWERAGE/SOLID WASTE=sanitary and storm sewers, treatment plants, pumping
laneous market category and rounding. NA=Not available. †=Includes revenue of sub- plants, incinerators, industrial waste facilities, etc.
investors have been using public-private partnerships to fund sidiaries, which now are available through www.enr.com. © INDUSTRIAL PROCESS=pulp and paper mills, steel mills, nonferrous metal refineries,
© FIGURES Include prime contracts, shares of joint ventures, subcontracts, design-con- pharmaceutical plants, chemical plants, food and other processing plants, etc.
infrastructure in both developing and developed countries. This struct contracts and construction management “at-risk” contracts when a firm’s risks © PETROLEUM=refineries, petrochemical plants, offshore facilities, pipelines, etc.
are similar to those of a general contractor. Figures also include the value of installed
has allowed contractors working in the international market to equipment when a firm has prime responsibility for specifying and procuring it within
© TRANSPORTATION=airports, bridges, roads, canals, locks, dredging, marine facilities,
1 1 HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany† 17,598.9 19,795.0 25,973.5 53 0 1 1 1 2 21 0 3 31 24 CEGELEC, Nanterre, France† 1,795.0 3,904.0 3,956.0 25 8 16 4 1 28 6 0 6
2 2 SKANSKA AB, Solna, Sweden† 12,347.1 15,722.2 18,219.6 60 1 1 1 3 7 24 0 1 32 28 OBAYASHI CORP., Tokyo, Japan† 1,779.0 12,462.0 10,120.0 8 4 0 4 6 1 74 0 0
3 3 VINCI, Rueil-Malmaison, France† 11,065.0 32,699.0 29,197.0 19 0 4 2 0 4 54 0 3 33 36 IMPREGILO SPA, Milan, Italy† 1,714.0 3,333.0 5,851.0 1 0 0 47 11 0 30 0 0
4 4 STRABAG SE, Vienna, Austria† 10,799.0 13,502.0 11,050.0 35 10 0 3 0 8 40 0 4 34 38 CB&I, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A.† 1,678.0 3,125.0 4,429.0 0 0 1 0 0 99 0 0 0
5 5 BOUYGUES, Paris, France† 9,576.0 24,960.0 30,053.0 24 0 5 1 2 0 66 0 0 35 35 TAKENAKA CORP., Osaka, Japan† 1,649.0 11,293.0 10,751.0 6 72 0 0 0 0 15 0 0
6 7 BECHTEL, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A.† 8,931.0 15,367.0 13,904.0 0 0 3 0 0 60 35 0 0 36 ** MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.† 1,606.6 3,087.6 6,557.6 0 0 19 0 0 81 0 0 0
7 9 TECHNIP, Paris La Defense, France† 8,084.0 8,245.0 7,714.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 37 40 TECHINT GROUP, Milan, Italy† 1,414.1 1,576.1 1,843.0 0 9 7 2 0 75 6 0 2
8 6 KBR, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.† 7,426.4 8,150.2 3,697.7 5 0 0 0 0 12 10 0 0 38 33 SACYR VALLEHERMOSO, Madrid, Spain† 1,361.0 6,912.0 7,864.0 30 0 0 8 2 0 56 0 0
9 10 BILFINGER BERGER AG, Mannheim, Germany† 6,553.0 9,967.0 12,563.0 27 0 7 0 2 21 43 0 0 39 37 SHIMIZU CORP., Tokyo, Japan† 1,343.2 12,672.6 13,271.6 10 37 0 0 0 5 48 0 0
10 8 FLUOR CORP., Irving, Texas, U.S.A.† 6,338.5 11,273.7 19,276.2 11 1 1 0 0 81 0 0 4 40 39 TOYO ENGINEERING CORP., Chiba, Japan† 1,332.0 1,791.0 3,026.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
11 11 ROYAL BAM GROUP NV, Bunnik, The Netherlands† 5,892.0 10,844.0 NA 44 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 41 48 LEIGHTON HOLDINGS LTD., St. Leonards, NSW, Australia† 1,263.0 7,608.0 7,792.0 12 0 0 0 0 10 32 0 1
12 13 BOVIS LEND LEASE, Harrow, Middlesex, U.K.† 5,680.0 8,353.0 10,829.0 87 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 5 42 ** JAN DE NUL GROUP, Hofstade/Aalst, Belgium 1,252.8 1,461.8 2,334.4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0
13 17 CONSOLIDATED CONTRACTORS INT’L CO., Athens, Greece† 3,941.2 3,941.2 5,386.5 11 0 0 5 2 73 8 0 0 43 54 HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTR. CO., Seoul, S. Korea 1,246.1 5,444.2 9,341.0 7 0 57 0 0 20 17 0 0
14 45 CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Beijing, China† 3,380.7 14,734.4 20,513.5 6 0 0 0 1 0 88 0 0 44 47 ENKA CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRY CO., Istanbul, Turkey† 1,245.9 1,324.1 3,462.4 45 5 0 2 0 33 16 0 0
15 15 JGC CORP., Yokohama, Japan 3,159.0 3,804.0 1,738.0 0 0 0 0 0 99 1 0 0 45 41 JOANNOU & PARASKEVAIDES (OVERSEAS) GROUP, Guernsey, U.K. 1,192.7 1,192.7 2,791.8 42 0 1 2 1 13 42 0 0
16 18 CHIYODA CORP., Yokohama, Japan† 3,053.0 3,517.0 4,150.0 0 0 99 0 0 1 0 0 0 46 49 BESIX SA, Brussels, Belgium† 1,190.6 1,645.7 1,800.5 31 0 0 0 7 18 40 0 0
17 16 GRUPO ACS, Madrid, Spain† 3,004.0 18,526.6 NA 0 0 21 0 8 46 23 0 2 47 63 TECNICAS REUNIDAS SA, Madrid, Spain† 1,130.0 1,666.0 2,700.0 0 0 2 0 0 98 0 0 0
18 20 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENG’G CORP., Beijing, China† 2,956.1 16,146.9 24,608.8 91 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 48 74 SAMSUNG CORP., Sungnam-si, S. Korea† 1,113.3 5,654.0 8,037.0 11 77 0 0 0 8 4 0 0
19 22 PCL CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES, Denver, Colo., U.S.A.† 2,527.0 4,110.0 4,827.0 64 0 1 2 0 18 15 0 0 49 ** SAMSUNG ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea† 1,079.0 2,018.0 3,163.0 1 13 0 0 0 85 0 0 0
20 19 BALFOUR BEATTY PLC, London, U.K.† 2,380.0 9,073.0 9,962.0 35 1 17 1 2 2 42 0 0 50 56 SOLETANCHE BACHY, Nanterre, France† 982.0 1,385.0 1,450.0 11 3 17 17 8 2 43 0 0
21 21 CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT, Sao Paulo, Brazil† 2,267.0 3,493.0 6,177.0 17 0 10 17 4 8 44 0 0 51 68 SINOHYDRO CORP., Beijing, China† 979.8 5,107.5 5,811.3 21 2 38 16 1 0 21 0 0
22 44 FCC, FOMENTO DE CONSTR. Y CONTRATAS, Madrid, Spain† 2,155.3 11,894.2 NA 25 0 5 8 7 0 51 0 4 52 42 GS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, Seoul, S. Korea† 961.9 6,177.6 9,817.2 0 9 0 0 0 87 1 0 0
23 23 KAJIMA CORP., Tokyo, Japan† 2,150.6 13,981.4 14,582.2 48 19 1 0 3 5 23 0 0 53 ** ORASCOM CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES (OCI), Cairo, Egypt† 954.9 1,496.4 900.0 34 5 0 3 0 51 3 0 1
24 31 TAISEI CORP., Tokyo, Japan† 2,069.0 14,176.0 14,343.0 33 8 16 4 0 0 38 0 0 54 53 ABEINSA, Sevilla, Spain† 951.8 1,744.8 1,316.9 2 0 78 0 3 7 2 0 8
25 12 FERROVIAL AGROMAN SA, Madrid, Spain† 2,027.0 6,523.0 7,031.0 17 0 0 21 0 0 61 0 0 55 50 CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY INDUS. CORP., Beijing, China† 939.0 1,415.0 5,813.0 11 5 37 5 0 9 12 0 5
26 26 EIFFAGE, Asnieres-sur-Seine, France† 2,010.0 13,970.0 12,645.0 27 19 22 0 0 5 25 0 1 56 ** MAIRE TECNIMONT, Rome, Italy† 885.7 1,240.4 2,989.7 0 0 2 0 0 98 0 0 0
27 32 FOSTER WHEELER LTD., Clinton, N.J., U.S.A.† 1,920.0 2,022.0 3,287.0 0 0 28 0 0 69 0 1 0 57 66 ARABIAN CONSTRUCTION CO., Beirut, Lebanon† 872.2 886.0 2,177.8 71 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0
28 30 JACOBS, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. 1,886.7 3,987.4 9,830.2 0 5 3 0 0 74 15 2 0 58 ** DAEWOO E&C CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea† 864.8 6,011.9 9,086.0 6 0 37 1 0 55 1 0 0
29 29 PETROFAC LTD., Jersey, Channel Islands, U.K.† 1,863.9 1,863.9 2,793.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 59 57 ASTALDI SPA, Rome, Italy† 842.1 1,344.8 4,163.0 0 0 0 8 3 1 87 0 0
30 34 OHL SA (OBRASCON HUARTE LAIN SA), Madrid, Spain† 1,801.4 4,325.0 4,739.2 26 0 0 2 1 0 48 0 0 60 55 VEIDEKKE ASA, Oslo, Norway† 805.4 2,138.9 1,651.2 80 1 1 0 0 1 17 0 0
38 m ENR m August 20, 2007 enr.com enr.com August 20, 2007 m ENR m 39
Top 225
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Top 225
111 127 NUROL CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING CO., Ankara, Turkey† 220.0 651.0 475.0 68 2 0 9 8 0 12 0 0
112 ** SSANGYONG ENGINEERING & CONSTR. CO., Seoul, S. Korea† 211.0 1,642.6 NA 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
113 100 THE ARAB CONTRACTORS (O.A.O & CO.), Cairo, Egypt† 206.7 1,243.7 1,044.8 23 0 5 4 13 0 55 0 0
114 164 HANJIN HEAVY INDUSTRIES & CONSTR. CO., Seoul, S. Korea 205.0 1,348.0 2,047.9 0 0 0 6 0 0 94 0 0
115 114 SHANDONG ELECTRIC POWER CONSTR., Jinan City, China† 201.4 1,318.7 3,756.7 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
116 ** HEBERGER BAU AG, Schifferstadt, Germany† 200.7 463.2 402.7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
117 195 CENGIZ CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND TRADE, Istanbul, Turkey† 198.3 799.4 3,020.0 0 0 0 2 0 0 32 0 0
118 121 CADDELL CONSTRUCTION CO. INC., Montgomery, Ala., U.S.A. 196.1 360.7 133.3 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
119 118 SUMITOMO MITSUI CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan† 196.0 3,858.0 3,522.0 34 11 3 0 0 26 21 0 0
120 125 STFA CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Istanbul, Turkey 188.2 214.5 481.9 26 0 25 3 0 0 45 0 0
121 113 GAP INSAAT YATIRIM VE DIS TICARET AS, Istanbul, Turkey† 187.9 187.9 281.5 89 0 0 0 0 7 4 0 0
122 ** CHINA OVERSEAS ENGINEERING GROUP CO. LTD., Beijing, China† 185.4 209.2 312.2 48 0 0 0 20 9 19 0 0
123 157 VECO CORP., Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.† 183.2 241.7 346.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
124 ** YAPI MERKEZI INSAAT VE SANAYI AS, Istanbul, Turkey† 181.0 421.7 253.7 0 6 0 14 0 7 73 0 0
125 143 TIC HOLDINGS INC., Steamboat Springs, Colo., U.S.A.† 175.1 1,685.3 2,344.0 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 0 0
126 129 QINGDAO CONSTRUCTION GROUP CORP., Qingdao City, China† 175.0 1,088.0 1,006.0 91 0 0 5 0 1 3 0 0
127 112 ALBERICI CORP., St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.† 172.2 864.2 1,563.2 0 90 1 0 3 6 0 0 0
128 150 HAZINEDAROGLU CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Istanbul, Turkey† 171.0 284.3 153.6 80 0 0 17 0 0 3 0 0
129 140 B.L. HARBERT INTERNATIONAL, Birmingham, Ala., U.S.A. 167.9 437.7 465.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
130 156 KHARAFI NATIONAL WLL, Safat, Kuwait† 165.0 673.0 906.0 68 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 3
131 117 HEEREMA FABRICATION GRP. BV, Zwyndrecht, The Netherlands† 163.0 319.0 210.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
132 109 THE SHAW GROUP INC., Baton Rouge, La., U.S.A.† 160.2 3,423.0 7,148.8 4 0 21 0 1 61 3 8 0
133 59 NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 156.4 3,949.3 3,380.8 34 3 1 1 20 0 41 0 0
134 122 TODINI COSTRUZIONI GENERALI SPA, Rome, Italy† 156.0 452.1 490.5 0 0 0 10 0 0 90 0 0
135 110 PERINI CORP., Framingham, Mass., U.S.A.† 155.0 3,043.0 3,596.0 87 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
136 ** KOLIN TURIZM, INSAAT, SANAYI VE TICARET AS, Ankara, Turkey 154.8 398.7 196.6 2 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 0
137 154 CGC OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Beijing, China† 154.8 157.2 439.6 5 0 0 28 0 0 67 0 0
138 107 DONGFANG ELECTRIC CORP., Chengdu, Sichuan, China† 153.0 2,803.0 2,015.0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 33 0
139 146 DESCON ENGINEERING LTD., Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan† 151.0 302.0 214.6 0 20 10 0 0 70 0 0 0
140 142 CHINA JIANGSU INT’L ECON-TECH. COOP., Nanjing, China† 150.6 253.3 392.1 79 0 0 0 10 8 4 0 0
141 174 MAK-YOL CONSTR. INDUS. TOURISM & TRADING, Istanbul, Turkey† 150.0 285.3 195.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
142 141 GRANIT CONSTRUCTION STOCK CO., Skopje, Rep. of Macedonia 149.3 238.7 246.8 6 0 0 0 0 0 94 0 0
143 130 CHINA WANBAO ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China 142.7 142.7 142.7 0 0 13 0 0 0 56 0 0
144 147 ZHEJIANG CONSTR. INVESTMENT GROUP, Hangzhou, China† 142.1 2,715.3 3,053.2 70 0 0 3 0 22 5 0 0
145 139 CHINA NONFERROUS METAL IND. FRGN. ENG’G & CONST., Beijing, China 139.9 139.9 1,048.2 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
146 132 SOCIETA ITALIANA PER CONDOTTE D’ACQUA SPA, Rome, Italy† 138.3 895.0 393.8 0 0 0 57 0 0 43 0 0
147 138 CHINA NAT’L MACHINERY IMPORT & EXPORT CORP., Beijing, China 137.7 137.7 110.2 0 61 39 0 0 0 0 0 0
148 ** SHANGHAI ELECTRIC GROUP CO. LTD., Shanghai, China† 136.8 341.7 1,858.4 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
149 135 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES INC., Chesterfield, Mo., U.S.A. 134.0 579.8 573.8 0 0 0 0 74 26 0 0 0
150 160 CHINA GEZHOUBA GROUP CORP., Yichang City, China† 129.5 1,208.6 2,102.3 0 0 58 35 0 0 7 0 0
151 128 ITALIAN-THAI DEVELOPMENT PCL, Bangkok, Thailand† 123.0 769.0 1,080.0 6 0 0 74 1 0 20 0 0
152 148 LAYNE CHRISTENSEN CO., Mission Woods, Kan., U.S.A.† 122.8 680.9 811.0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0
153 136 PREZIOSO SAS, St. Clair Du Rhone, France† 122.0 202.0 180.0 0 0 8 0 0 92 0 0 0
154 153 CHINA DALIAN INT’L COOP’N (GROUP) HOLDINGS, Dalian, China 120.7 266.4 273.5 59 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0
155 159 CHINA HENAN INT’L COOPERATION GRP. CO., Zhengzhou, China 120.2 120.2 165.1 0 0 1 11 0 0 80 0 0
156 158 ZACHRY CONSTRUCTION CORP., San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. 111.7 1,660.8 1,650.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
157 188 AECON GROUP INC., Toronto, Ontario, Canada† 110.6 984.9 NA 35 0 26 0 0 0 39 0 0
158 152 CHINA ZHONGYUAN ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China 110.3 110.3 30.3 11 0 87 0 0 1 1 0 0
159 ** CHINA PETROLEUM PIPELINE BUREAU, Langfang City, China† 108.8 1,003.9 2,075.6 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
160 145 DOGUS INSAAT VE TICARET AS, Istanbul, Turkey 105.9 192.6 691.4 0 0 0 0 5 0 95 0 0
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161 ** SEPCOIII ELECTRIC POWER CONSTRUCTION, Weifang City, China 105.0 333.1 2,011.2 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
162 172 TODA CORP., Tokyo, Japan† 105.0 3,834.0 3,540.0 25 63 0 0 0 12 0 0 0
163 162 CHINA SHANGHAI SFECO, Shanghai, China† 102.8 113.8 122.8 6 1 67 0 0 2 24 0 0
164 151 SUMMA TURIZM YATIRIMCILIGI AS, Ankara, Turkey† 101.7 101.7 125.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
165 ** THE LAUREN CORP., Abilene, Texas, U.S.A.† 100.0 209.0 156.0 0 0 4 1 0 95 0 0 0
166 155 ENERGOPROJEKT HOLDING, Belgrade, Serbia† 96.8 184.5 412.3 66 0 10 0 0 0 24 0 0
167 ** BARAN GROUP LTD., Beit Dagan, Israel† 96.0 215.0 251.0 4 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 89
168 180 BEIJING CONSTRUCTION ENG’G GROUP CO., Beijing, China† 95.4 2,782.5 3,558.4 88 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
169 165 LOTTE ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO., Seoul, S. Korea† 87.6 3,398.7 6,454.8 90 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 0
170 168 TURNER INDUSTRIES GROUP LLC, Baton Rouge, La., U.S.A.† 86.5 1,486.6 413.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
171 163 NANTONG CONSTRUCTION GROUP JOINT-STOCK CO., Nantong, China† 86.2 572.5 540.6 28 5 9 0 0 58 0 0 0
172 190 GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK CORP. LLC, Oak Brook, Ill., U.S.A.† 85.9 377.2 443.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
173 192 BE&K INC., Birmingham, Ala., U.S.A.† 85.0 1,158.1 1,850.0 4 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0
174 178 PRIMORIS CORP., Lake Forest, Calif., U.S.A..† 85.0 501.0 NA 0 0 24 0 0 76 0 0 0
175 111 STRUCTURE TONE, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.† 84.0 2,862.0 4,021.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
176 184 HENSEL PHELPS CONSTR. CO., Greeley, Colo., U.S.A. 82.4 2,130.9 2,635.4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
177 181 CHINA JIANGSU CONSTRUCTION CORP., Nanjing, China 80.5 275.5 300.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
178 ** M.A. MORTENSON CO., Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. 79.5 1,406.3 1,492.8 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
179 ** WEIHAI INTERNATIONAL ECO. & TECH. COOP. CO. LTD., Weihai, China 78.9 78.9 143.4 90 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0
180 191 TUTOR-SALIBA CORP., Sylmar, Calif., U.S.A.† 78.0 739.0 2,773.0 53 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0
181 186 DICK CONSTRUCTION CO., Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A.† 77.0 608.0 615.0 86 0 1 0 13 0 0 0 0
182 166 STELLAR, Jacksonville, Fla., U.S.A. 76.0 545.0 510.0 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 0
183 161 SOYAK CO., Istanbul, Turkey† 75.4 498.5 440.0 91 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0
184 126 ALARKO CONTRACTING GROUP, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey 71.9 333.2 54.8 0 0 0 0 0 39 61 0 0
185 202 BEIJING UNI-CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO., Beijing, China† 66.0 1,158.3 495.7 99 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
186 199 CONSTRUCOES E COMERCIO CAMARGO CORREA, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil† 63.3 1,069.4 1,665.3 0 0 43 20 0 0 37 0 0
187 197 CHINA WU YI CORP. LTD., Fuzhou, Fujian, China† 61.3 244.3 364.8 59 0 0 11 0 0 30 0 0
188 189 JIANGSU NANTONG NO. 3 CONSTRUCTION GRP., Haimen, China† 59.8 809.4 1,722.6 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
189 183 CHINA PETROLEUM PIPELINE ENG’G CORP., Langfang City, China† 58.2 75.7 17.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
190 ** ASRC ENERGY SERVICES, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.† 57.7 540.5 48.3 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
191 137 WESTON SOLUTIONS INC., West Chester, Pa., U.S.A.† 57.2 216.1 310.0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
192 185 CHINA HUANQIU CONTRACTING & ENG’G CORP., Beijing, China† 57.1 191.4 941.3 1 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0
193 204 CHINA JIANGXI CORP. FOR INT’L ECO. & TECH. COOP’N, Nanchang, China† 56.4 61.3 164.0 18 0 1 80 0 0 0 0 0
194 182 TORCON INC., Red Bank, N.J., U.S.A. 56.0 434.0 669.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
195 200 AL-ARRAB CONTRACTING CO. LTD., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia† 55.0 181.6 640.1 93 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
196 ** FLATIRON CONSTRUCTION, Longmont, Colo., U.S.A.† 53.0 626.8 853.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
197 179 CHINA NAT’L COMPLETE PLANT IMP. & EXP. CORP., Beijing, China† 53.0 53.0 56.4 70 0 17 1 0 12 0 0 0
198 203 RASEN CONSTRUCTION & INVESTMENT INC., Istanbul, Turkey† 52.8 52.8 398.1 67 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0
199 218 CCC GROUP INC., San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. 51.7 340.1 286.9 0 0 0 0 0 68 0 0 0
200 ** KAYI INSAAT SAN. VE TIC AS, Istanbul, Turkey† 51.2 52.3 273.4 80 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
201 206 CHINA CHONGQING INT’L CONSTRUCTION CORP., Chongqing, China† 50.4 113.1 40.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
202 175 TSO, Chelles, France† 48.9 177.8 130.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
203 106 QUATTROGEMINI LTD., Espoo, Finland† 47.4 90.6 141.8 34 59 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
204 176 WALBRIDGE ALDINGER, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.† 45.0 900.0 1,250.0 22 67 0 0 0 0 11 0 0
205 219 ESER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADE CO. INC., Ankara, Turkey 44.8 48.5 27.3 0 0 0 98 0 0 2 0 0
206 ** SHANDONG HONG CHANG ROAD & BRIDGE ENG’G CO., Weifang City, China† 43.7 116.9 62.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
207 201 THE BECK GROUP, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.† 43.4 778.1 527.1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
208 ** BARTON MALOW CO., Southfield, Mich., U.S.A.† 41.3 1,377.4 1,400.0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
209 196 MANHATTAN CONSTRUCTION CO., Tulsa, Okla., U.S.A.† 41.0 1,020.5 1,357.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
210 ** ASKA CONSTRUCTION CO., Ankara, Turkey 40.0 45.3 387.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
Top 225
211 209 SHANGHAI TUNNEL ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Shanghai, China† 38.4 531.0 1,225.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
212 225 MICHELS CORP., Brownsville, Wis., U.S.A.† 36.8 565.7 565.7 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0
213 205 THE FACILITY GROUP, Smyrna, Ga., U.S.A.† 35.2 336.8 590.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
214 ** SANTOS CMI CONSTRUCTION INC., Quito, Ecuador† 34.4 49.9 21.7 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
215 220 DAEWOO ENGINEERING CO., Seongnam City, S. Korea 33.8 224.8 329.0 0 0 8 6 0 86 0 0 0
216 ** CHINA LIAONING INT’L ECO. & TECH. COOP. GROUP, Shenyang, China† 33.6 47.5 23.8 3 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0
217 ** THE YATES COS. INC., Philadelphia, Miss., U.S.A.† 33.2 2,235.2 1,722.3 33 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0
218 177 BIRD CONSTRUCTION INCOME FUND, Toronto, Ontario, Canada† 33.0 467.0 569.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
219 193 GUANGDONG XINGUANG INT’L GROUP, Guangzhou, China† 32.3 438.1 348.4 85 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0
220 211 POMERLEAU, Montreal, Quebec, Canada† 30.6 565.6 668.4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
221 ** MUSHRIF TRADING & CONTRACTING CO., KSCC, Kuwait, Kuwait† 30.5 176.2 1,798.5 13 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0
222 ** WHARTON-SMITH INC., Lake Monroe, Fla., U.S.A.† 29.5 251.8 292.5 0 0 0 30 70 0 0 0 0
223 171 DAY & ZIMMERMANN GROUP, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.† 28.0 961.0 427.0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
224 ** LEASE CRUTCHER LEWIS, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A. 26.6 334.9 559.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
225 221 GRANDI LAVORI FINCOSIT SPA, Rome, Italy† 24.8 493.2 216.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
Top 225
It was not all that long ago that a billion-dollar-a-year construc- HOW TO USE THE TABLES © POWER=thermal and hydroelectric powerplants, waste-to-energy plants, transmis-
sion lines, substations, cogeneration plants, etc.
© COMPANIES are ranked on the Top Global Contractors list by their total 2006 con-
tion company was a rarity. Now, with expanding markets both at struction contracting revenue, both at home and abroad. This differs from the Top
© WATER SUPPLY=dams, reservoirs, transmission pipelines, distribution mains, irriga-
tion canals, desalination and drinking water treatment plants, pumping stations, etc.
home and abroad along with too many acquisitions to count, International Contractors ranking (pp. 38-40, 42-44), which ranks firms based only on
© SEWERAGE/SOLID WASTE=sanitary and storm sewers, treatment plants, pumping
revenue from projects outside their home countries. Revenue is in U.S. $ millions (*).
plants, incinerators, industrial waste facilities, etc.
industry firms from around the world are generating billion-dol- Firms not ranked last year are designated **. Markets may not add up to 100% due to
© INDUSTRIAL PROCESS=pulp and paper mills, steel mills, nonferrous metal refiner-
omission of “other” miscellaneous market category and rounding.
lar revenue figures on a routine basis. On ENR’s Top 225 Glob- © FIGURES: Includes prime contracts, shares of joint ventures, subcontracts, design-
ies, pharmaceutical plants, chemical plants, food and other processing plants, etc.
construct contracts and construction management “at-risk” contracts when a firm’s © PETROLEUM=refineries, petrochemical plants, offshore facilities, pipelines, etc.
al Contractors list, 21 companies topped $10 billion in revenue risks are similar to those of a general contractor. Figures also include the value of © TRANSPORTATION=airports, bridges, roads, canals, locks, dredging, marine facilities,
installed equipment when a firm has prime responsibility for specifying and procuring piers, railroads, tunnels, etc.
in 2006, and 131 firms from all corners of the world exceeded the it within the scope of a construction contract. © HAZARDOUS WASTE=chemical and nuclear waste treatment, asbestos and lead
© GENERAL BUILDING=commercial buildings, offices, stores, educational facilities, abatement, etc.
$1-billion mark. The group amassed $651.15 billion in total rev- government buildings, hospitals, medical facilities, hotels, apartments, housing, etc. © TELECOMMUNICATIONS=transmission lines and cabling, towers and antennae, Web
enue in 2006, up 15.7% from $562.84 billion in 2005. © MANUFACTURING=auto assembly, electronic assembly, textile plants, etc. hotels, etc.
1 1 VINCI, Rueil-Malmaison, France 32,699.0 11,065.0 29,197.0 18 0 6 3 0 3 42 0 4 31 31 GS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, Seoul, S. Korea 6,177.6 961.9 9,817.2 38 18 2 0 4 24 10 0 1
2 2 BOUYGUES, Paris, France 24,960.0 9,576.0 30,053.0 33 0 7 1 1 1 55 0 1 32 ** DAEWOO E&C CO. LTD., Seoul, S. Korea 6,011.9 864.8 9,086.0 56 0 10 1 3 9 20 1 0
3 4 CHINA RAILWAY ENGINEERING CORP., Beijing, China 21,295.9 658.3 27,694.6 8 0 0 0 0 3 72 0 0 33 34 SAMSUNG CORP., Sungnam-si, S. Korea 5,654.0 1,113.3 8,037.0 43 36 1 1 0 4 14 0 0
4 3 HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany 19,795.0 17,598.9 25,973.5 55 0 1 1 1 2 20 0 3 34 36 HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTR. CO., Seoul, S. Korea 5,444.2 1,246.1 9,341.0 49 0 18 3 1 6 23 0 0
5 8 GRUPO ACS, Madrid, Spain 18,526.6 3,004.0 NA 20 0 12 2 14 17 33 0 1 35 39 SINOHYDRO CORP., Beijing, China 5,107.5 979.8 5,811.3 6 2 72 10 1 0 7 0 0
6 7 CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORP., Beijing, China 17,326.8 414.8 22,353.0 7 0 1 6 5 0 79 0 0 36 42 KIEWIT CORP., Omaha, Neb., U.S.A. 4,525.4 684.6 3,705.5 10 2 11 8 4 15 49 0 0
7 12 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENG’G CORP., Beijing, China 16,146.9 2,956.1 24,608.8 76 3 2 0 1 3 7 0 0 37 48 OHL SA (OBRASCON HUARTE LAIN SA), Madrid, Spain 4,325.0 1,801.4 4,739.2 32 0 0 3 1 0 53 0 0
8 5 SKANSKA AB, Solna, Sweden 15,722.2 12,347.1 18,219.6 62 1 2 1 2 7 22 0 1 38 46 PCL CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES, Denver, Colo., U.S.A. 4,110.0 2,527.0 4,827.0 58 0 4 4 1 17 15 0 0
9 6 BECHTEL, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. 15,367.0 8,931.0 13,904.0 1 0 19 0 0 39 21 13 7 39 45 JACOBS, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. 3,987.4 1,886.7 9,830.2 1 5 1 1 1 68 15 10 0
10 20 CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Beijing, China 14,734.4 3,380.7 20,513.5 1 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 40 43 NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 3,949.3 156.4 3,380.8 60 11 2 5 3 0 10 5 0
11 10 TAISEI CORP., Tokyo, Japan 14,176.0 2,069.0 14,343.0 58 10 2 3 2 0 18 0 0 41 68 CONSOLIDATED CONTRACTORS INT’L CO., Athens, Greece 3,941.2 3,941.2 5,386.5 11 0 0 5 2 73 8 0 0
12 9 KAJIMA CORP., Tokyo, Japan 13,981.4 2,150.6 14,582.2 57 14 2 2 2 3 9 0 2 42 41 CEGELEC, Nanterre, France 3,904.0 1,795.0 3,956.0 29 9 18 4 0 21 7 0 5
13 19 EIFFAGE, Asnieres-sur-Seine, France 13,970.0 2,010.0 12,645.0 30 10 18 0 2 1 25 0 1 43 38 SUMITOMO MITSUI CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Tokyo, Japan 3,858.0 196.0 3,522.0 65 4 0 2 3 5 18 0 0
14 15 STRABAG SE, Vienna, Austria 13,502.0 10,799.0 11,050.0 37 8 8 2 0 7 33 0 4 44 37 TODA CORP., Tokyo, Japan 3,834.0 105.0 3,540.0 68 7 0 4 3 5 11 0 0
15 14 SHIMIZU CORP., Tokyo, Japan 12,672.6 1,343.2 13,271.6 55 17 1 1 2 6 11 0 1 45 44 JGC CORP., Yokohama, Japan 3,804.0 3,159.0 1,738.0 0 0 1 0 0 97 1 1 0
16 13 OBAYASHI CORP., Tokyo, Japan 12,462.0 1,779.0 10,120.0 56 11 1 1 3 5 20 1 0 46 ** MAEDA CORP., Tokyo, Japan 3,601.0 292.0 3,588.0 65 0 7 2 1 0 21 0 0
17 24 FCC, FOMENTO DE CONSTR. Y CONTRATAS, Madrid, Spain 11,894.2 2,155.3 NA 35 0 4 6 7 3 43 0 1 47 54 LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD., Mumbai, India 3,587.0 582.0 6,607.0 17 5 21 6 0 29 13 0 0
18 26 CHINA METALLURGICAL GROUP CORP., Beijing, China 11,628.0 307.0 23,158.0 14 5 1 0 0 73 3 0 0 48 53 CHIYODA CORP., Yokohama, Japan 3,517.0 3,053.0 4,150.0 0 2 87 0 0 11 0 0 0
19 18 TAKENAKA CORP., Osaka, Japan 11,293.0 1,649.0 10,751.0 70 20 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 49 57 CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT, Sao Paulo, Brazil 3,493.0 2,267.0 6,177.0 15 1 12 12 4 18 37 0 0
20 17 FLUOR CORP., Irving, Texas, U.S.A. 11,273.7 6,338.5 19,276.2 20 4 8 0 0 57 3 6 3 50 65 THE SHAW GROUP INC., Baton Rouge, La., U.S.A. 3,423.0 160.2 7,148.8 21 0 37 2 3 20 1 16 0
21 21 ROYAL BAM GROUP NV, Bunnik, The Netherlands 10,844.0 5,892.0 NA 51 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 51 50 LOTTE ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO., Seoul, S. Korea 3,398.7 87.6 6,454.8 84 0 0 0 1 2 10 0 0
22 25 BILFINGER BERGER AG, Mannheim, Germany 9,967.0 6,553.0 12,563.0 33 0 8 0 3 21 35 0 0 52 47 WHITING-TURNER CONTRACTING CO., Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. 3,339.0 0.0 4,500.0 81 4 0 0 1 8 5 0 1
23 22 BALFOUR BEATTY PLC, London, U.K. 9,073.0 2,380.0 9,962.0 43 1 11 6 1 1 35 0 1 53 51 IMPREGILO SPA, Milan, Italy 3,333.0 1,714.0 5,851.0 2 0 0 25 14 0 54 0 0
24 28 BOVIS LEND LEASE, Harrow, Middlesex, U.K. 8,353.0 5,680.0 10,829.0 89 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 54 63 SK ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION, Seoul, S. Korea 3,264.4 649.9 4,610.9 43 0 2 1 1 30 13 0 10
25 27 TECHNIP, Paris La Defense, France 8,245.0 8,084.0 7,714.0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 55 49 CLARK GROUP, Bethesda, Md., U.S.A. 3,259.4 0.0 3,371.4 77 0 0 0 0 1 16 0 0
26 23 KBR, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 8,150.2 7,426.4 3,697.7 8 0 0 0 0 14 9 0 0 56 75 ED. ZUBLIN AG, Stuttgart, Germany 3,200.0 730.0 3,100.0 53 7 5 8 6 11 5 0 0
27 29 LEIGHTON HOLDINGS LTD., St. Leonards, NSW, Australia 7,608.0 1,263.0 7,792.0 17 2 2 2 3 7 30 1 7 57 70 CB&I, The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.A. 3,125.0 1,678.0 4,429.0 0 0 2 4 0 94 0 0 0
28 33 SACYR VALLEHERMOSO, Madrid, Spain 6,912.0 1,361.0 7,864.0 43 0 1 3 6 0 42 0 0 58 ** MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. 3,087.6 1,606.6 6,557.6 0 0 52 0 0 46 0 3 0
29 16 FERROVIAL AGROMAN SA, Madrid, Spain 6,523.0 2,027.0 7,031.0 34 0 1 13 0 2 49 0 1 59 83 PERINI CORP., Framingham, Mass., U.S.A. 3,043.0 155.0 3,596.0 81 5 3 0 1 2 8 0 0
30 35 SHANGHAI CONSTR. (GROUP) GENERAL CO., Shanghai, China 6,276.3 580.0 6,282.5 63 8 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 60 52 WASHINGTON GROUP INTERNATIONAL, Boise, Idaho, U.S.A. 3,014.2 690.6 3,304.1 3 4 23 4 0 14 11 40 0
46 m ENR m August 20, 2007 enr.com enr.com August 20, 2007 m ENR m 47
Top 225
Top 225
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Top 225
211 223 L.F. DRISCOLL CO., Bala Cynwyd, Pa., U.S.A. 517.2 0.0 542.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
212 192 AMES CONSTRUCTION INC., Burnsville, Minn., U.S.A. 517.1 0.0 576.1 19 0 1 6 14 17 43 0 0
213 184 POWER CONSTRUCTION CO. LLC, Schaumburg, Ill., U.S.A. 512.0 0.0 600.0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
214 201 MCGOUGH COS., St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. 510.8 0.0 771.0 86 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 3
215 204 RIZZANI DE ECCHER SPA, Pozzuolo del Friuli, Udine, Italy 502.0 382.7 869.0 30 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0
216 216 PRIMORIS CORP., Lake Forest, Calif., U.S.A.. 501.0 85.0 NA 16 0 16 12 5 51 0 0 0
217 183 SOYAK CO., Istanbul, Turkey 498.5 75.4 440.0 87 0 9 1 0 3 0 0 0
218 ** MOSS & ASSOCIATES LLC, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., U.S.A. 497.9 3.5 399.7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
219 209 MATRIX SERVICE CO., Tulsa, Okla., U.S.A. 493.9 15.8 355.0 0 0 11 0 1 85 0 0 0
220 213 GRANDI LAVORI FINCOSIT SPA, Rome, Italy 493.2 24.8 216.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0
221 ** CLANCY & THEYS CONSTRUCTION CO., Raleigh, N.C., U.S.A. 491.8 0.0 541.8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
222 ** MIRAX GROUP, Moscow, Russia 491.0 0.0 NA 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
223 130 RSEA ENGINEERING CORP., Taipei, Taiwan 489.6 12.1 214.7 24 0 4 0 1 0 71 0 0
224 ** WEEKS MARINE INC., Cranford, N.J., U.S.A. 485.9 21.1 513.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0
225 ** MCCONNELL DOWELL CORP., Burwood East, Victoria, Australia 484.0 248.2 791.9 0 0 37 10 2 22 29 0 0
Bilfinger Berger AG
Bovis Lend Lease
Bechtel China Communications Construction Grp.
China National Chemical Eng'g Grp. Ed. Zublin AG
Enka Construction & Industry Co. EIFFAGE
Granit Construction Stock Co. FCC, Fomento de Constr. y Contratas
Maire Tecnimont Grupo ACS
SKE Group Grupo Isolux Corsan SA
VINCI Insituform Technologies Inc.
Washington Group International Jacobs
ARMENIA Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Fluor Corp. Prezioso SAS
Royal BAM Group nv
Balfour Beatty plc Soletanche Bachy
Baran Group Ltd. STRABAG SE
Bauer AG Takenaka Corp.
Bilfinger Berger AG Techint Group
Bovis Lend Lease The Facility Group
Ed. Zublin AG VINCI
FCC, Fomento de Constr. y Contratas
Fluor Corp. BULGARIA
Royal BAM Group nv Bechtel
SKE Group Dogus Insaat Ve Ticaret AS
Techint Group Ed. Zublin AG
The Shaw Group Inc. FCC, Fomento de Constr. y Contratas
VINCI Fluor Corp.
AZERBAIJAN Granit Construction Stock Co.
Bechtel Hazama Corp.
BOUYGUES Hazinedaroglu Construction Group
CEGELEC OHL SA (Obrascon Huarte Lain SA)
Cengiz Construction Industry and Trade Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd.
Consolidated Contractors Int'l Co. SACYR Vallehermoso
Kolin Turizm, Insaat, Sanayi ve Ticaret AS Salini Costruttori SpA
Mak-Yol Constr. Indus. Tourism & Trading SKE Group
McConnell Dowell Corp. STRABAG SE
McDermott International Taisei Corp.
OHL SA (Obrascon Huarte Lain SA) Techint Group
Petrofac Ltd. Tekfen Construction & Installation Co.
Tekfen Construction & Installation Co. Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi AS
Todini Costruzioni Generali SpA
Washington Group International CZECH REP.
Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi AS ABB Lummus Global
Bauer AG
BELARUS Bilfinger Berger AG
Foster Wheeler Ltd. BOUYGUES
PJSC Stroytransgaz Bovis Lend Lease
BELGIUM China National Machinery Indus. Corp.
AMEC plc Earth Tech Inc.
Baran Group Ltd. Ed. Zublin AG
Baran Group Ltd. Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co.
Bilfinger Berger AG China Metallurgical Group Corp.
China Communications Construction Grp. China National Machinery Indus. Corp.
China HuanQiu Contracting & Eng'g Corp. China Railway Engineering Corp.
China Metallurgical Group Corp. China Shanghai SFECO
China National Chemical Eng'g Grp. Fluor Corp.
China National Machinery Indus. Corp. Hazama Corp.
China Nonferrous Metal Ind. Frgn. Eng'g & Const. Sinohydro Corp.
China Railway Engineering Corp.
China State Construction Eng'g Corp.
China Wanbao Engineering Corp. ALGERIA
CTCI Corp. Abeinsa
Daewoo E&C Co. Ltd. Aska Construction Co.
Dongfang Electric Corp. Astaldi SpA
Fluor Corp. Bauer AG
Foster Wheeler Ltd. Bechtel
GS Engineering & Construction BESIX SA
Harbin Power Engineering Co. Ltd. Bilfinger Berger AG
Hazama Corp. BOUYGUES
HOCHTIEF AG C.M.C. di Ravenna
Italian-Thai Development PCL Caddell Construction Co. Inc.
JGC Corp. CB&I
Kajima Corp. CEGELEC
Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi AS Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi AS
Zhongyuan Petroleum Explor. Bureau
Astaldi SpA Abeinsa
BESIX SA Bilfinger Berger AG
China Communications Construction Grp. CGC Overseas Construction Co. Ltd.
China Int'l Water & Electric Corp. (CWE) China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Coop.
China Nat'l Complete Plant Imp. & Exp. Corp. China National Machinery Indus. Corp.
China Overseas Engineering Group Co. Ltd. China Nat'l Complete Plant Imp. & Exp. Corp.
China Railway Engineering Corp. China Overseas Engineering Group Co. Ltd.
Dogus Insaat Ve Ticaret AS Construtora Norberto Odebrecht
EIFFAGE E. Pihl & Son AS
Grupo ACS Enka Construction & Industry Co.
Grupo Isolux Corsan SA Fluor Corp.
Jacobs Grupo Isolux Corsan SA
Mak-Yol Constr. Indus. Tourism & Trading Layne Christensen Co.
Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) Petrofac Ltd.
Salini Costruttori SpA Qingdao Construction Group Corp.
SKE Group The Arab Contractors (O.A.O & Co.)
Soletanche Bachy VINCI
Techint Group
Tekfen Construction & Installation Co. TUNISIA
The Arab Contractors (O.A.O & Co.) Bechtel
NIGER China Int'l Water & Electric Corp. (CWE)
China Communications Construction Grp. Grupo ACS
McDermott International Jan De Nul Group
SKE Group Petrofac Ltd.
STFA Construction Group
SUDAN Taisei Corp.
B.L. Harbert International TECHNIP
Bauer AG The Arab Contractors (O.A.O & Co.)
C.M.C. di Ravenna Todini Costruzioni Generali SpA
China Chongqing Int'l Construction Corp. VINCI
China Communications Construction Grp.
China Int'l Water & Electric Corp. (CWE) H. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN AFRICA
China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Coop.
China National Machinery Indus. Corp. ANGOLA
China Overseas Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Bauer AG
China Petroleum Eng'g & Constr. (Group) Corp. Beijing Construction Eng'g Group Co.
China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau CB&I
China Petroleum Pipeline Eng'g Corp. CEGELEC
China Railway Construction Corp. CGC Overseas Construction Co. Ltd.
China Wanbao Engineering Corp. China Communications Construction Grp.
GAP Insaat Yatirim ve Dis Ticaret AS China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Coop.
Harbin Power Engineering Co. Ltd. China National Chemical Eng'g Grp.
Jan De Nul Group China National Machinery Indus. Corp.
Nantong Construction Group Joint-Stock Co. China Overseas Engineering Group Co. Ltd.
Petrofac Ltd. China Railway Construction Corp.
PJSC Stroytransgaz China Railway Engineering Corp.
Shandong Electric Power Constr. Construcoes e Comercio Camargo Correa
Shandong Hong Chang Road & Bridge Eng'g Co. Construtora Norberto Odebrecht
Sinohydro Corp. Fluor Corp.
The Arab Contractors (O.A.O & Co.) Grupo ACS
China No. 5 Metallurgical Construction Corp. McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd.
China North Metallurgical Construction Corp. McConnell Dowell Contructors Ltd.
Chongqing Iron & Steel Designing Inst. McConnell Dowell New Caledonia
Continuous Casting Tech. Eng'g Co. Ltd. of China McConnell Dowell S.E.A. Pte Ltd.
Maanshan Iron & Steel Design & Research Inst. McConnell Dowell Thai Ltd.
MCC Enterprise (Singapore) Pte Ltd. PT McConnell Dowell Indonesia
MCC Offices (Indonesia, Japan, Los Angeles, 105 CH2M HILL Cos.
Vietnam) CH2M Hill Canada Ltd.
MCC Offices (Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan, S. CH2M Hill Constructors Inc.
Africa) CH2M Hill Hanford
Metallurgical Constr. Co. (Nigeria) Ltd. CH2M Hill Inc.
Metallurgical Constr. Co. of Zimbabwe (Private) CH2M Hill Industrial Design & Construction Inc.
Ltd. CH2M Hill International
Metallurgical Construction Corp. (Thailand) Co. Lockwood Greene Inc.
Ltd. Operations Management International Inc.
Nanhua International Eng'g Co. Ltd 106 Construtora Andrade Gutierrez SA
PMCC Holding Sdn Bhd/Malaysia Zagope
Qinhuangdao Eng'g & Res. Inst. of Metall. Ind. 108 ABB Lummus Global
Shanghai Baogang Metallurgical Constr. Corp. ABB Lummus Global BV
Shanghai MCC Hospital ABB Lummus Global GmbH
Shengyang Inst. of Geotech. Investig. of Metal. ABB Lummus Global Heat Transfer BV
Ind. ABB Lummus Global Inc.
Wuhan Iron & Steel Eng'g Design & Research ABB Lummus Global spol sro
Inst. ABB Lummus Global, Singapore
Wuhan Metallurgical Constr. Res. Inst. Lummus Alizera Ltd.
Wuhan Surveying Geotech. Res. Inst. of Metal. 109 WorleyParsons Ltd.
Ind. WorleyParsons Europe Ltd.
Zhong Ye Inc. (Guam) WorleyParsons Group Inc.
96 C.M.C. di Ravenna WorleyParsons International Inc.
Consorzio Alta Velocita' CAVET WorleyParsons MEG Ltd.
Rodano Consortile Scarl WorleyParsons Services Pty Ltd.
97 China Int'l Water & Electric Corp. (CWE) 110 CTCI Corp.
China Int'l Water & Electric (Beijing) Corp. Advanced Control & System Inc.
China Int'l Water & Electric (Fujian) Corp. CIMAS Engineering Co. Ltd.
China Int'l Water & Electric (Shanghai) Corp. CTCI (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
CWE Huashui Hydropower Dev't Corp. CTCI Overeas Co. Ltd.
Hongkong Resources Engineering Co. Ltd. E & C Engineering Corp.
98 CITIC Construction JingDing Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd.
CITIC International Contracting Inc. Resources Engineering Service Inc.
CITIC International Cooperation Co. Ltd. ShangDing Engineering & Construction Ltd.
99 Maeda Corp. Sino Environmental Service Corp.
MKK Technologies Inc. 111 Nurol Construction and Trading Co.
Thai Maeda Corp. Mensel International Contracting
100 Contracting & Trading Co. Nurol Algers
Buildings & Roads Co. (BARCO) WLL Nurol Energy Inc.
C.A.T. International Ltd. Qatar WLL Nurol LLC
Contracting & Trading Co. Nurol Machinery Inc.
Mothercat Ltd. Nigeria Nurol Real Estate Inc
Niger Construction Ltd. (NIGERCAT) 112 Ssangyong Engineering & Constr. Co.
103 Mercury Engineering Awabed Ssangyong Contracting Co. Ltd.
Mercury Ireland Ssangyong Engineering & Construction (America)
Mercury Libya Inc.
Mercury Middle East Ssangyong Konstruksi Indonesia
Mercury Poland Ssangyong Residences (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Mercury Russia 113 The Arab Contractors (O.A.O & Co.)
104 McConnell Dowell Corp. Arab Contractors (OAO) Nigeria Ltd.Co.
Dutco McConnell Dowell Middle East LLC Arab Contractors Botswana Ltd. Co.
Electrix Ltd. Arab Contractors Co. for Utility Maintenance
Electrix Pty Ltd. Arab Contractors Ghana Ltd. Co.
McConnell Dowell (American Samoa) Ltd. Arab Contractors Griven Ltd. Co.
McConnell Dowell (Fiji) Ltd. Arab Contractors Investments Co.
134 Todini Costruzioni Generali SpA Gezhouba Group's No. 2 Engineering Co. Ltd.
CGS SpA Gezhouba Group's No. 5 Engineering Co. Ltd.
Corso del Popolo SpA Gezhouba Group's No. 6 Engineering Co. Ltd.
Todini Central Asia Gezhouba Stock Co. Ltd.
135 Perini Corp. 151 Italian-Thai Development PCL
Cherry Hill Construction Inc. IOT Joint Venture
James A. Cummings Inc. ITD-NCC Joint Venture
Perini Building Co. Inc. ITD-NSC Joint Venture
Perini Management Services Inc. ITD-VIS Joint Venture
Rudolph and Sletten Inc. ITO Joint Venture
137 CGC Overseas Construction Co. Ltd. 152 Layne Christensen Co.
CGC Nigeria Ltd. International Directional Services
CGCOC Algeria Ltd. Layne De Mexico
CGCOC Angola Ltd. Reynolds Inc.
CGCOC Cameroon Ltd. Reynolds Inliner
CGCOC Ethiopia Ltd. Stanley Mining Services
CGCOC Saudi Arabia Ltd. Vibration Technology
CGCOC Tchad Ltd. 153 Prezioso SAS
138 Dongfang Electric Corp. Prezioso Angola
Dongfang Boiler Works Prezioso Congo
Dongfang Electrical Machinery Prezioso Gulf Coatings
Dongfang Steam Turbine Works Prezioso Nigeria
Dongfeng Electrical Machinery Robison Prezioso
Zhongzhou Steam Turbine Works Technilor
139 Descon Engineering Ltd. 157 Aecon Group Inc.
Descon Corp. Ltd. Aecon Buildings
Descon Engineering AbuDhabi Aecon Civil and Utilities
Descon Engineering Qatar LLC Aecon Concessions
Gray Mackenzie Engineering Services LLC Aecon Industrial
JGC - Descon Ltd. 159 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
Olayan Descon China Petroleum Pipeline Coating Co. Ltd.
Presson Descon International Ltd. China Petroleum Pipeline Crossing Co.
Tawoos Descon Engineering LLC China Petroleum Pipeline Liaoyang Pipe Mill
140 China Jiangsu Int'l Econ-Tech. Coop. China Petroleum Pipeline Manufacture Co.
Construction Co. China Petroleum Pipeline Material & Equipment
Continental Engineering Co. Co.
East African Co. China Petroleum Pipeline NDT Co.
Overseas Engineering Co. China Petroleum Pipeline Operation Co.
Zhong Jiang(s) International Pte Ltd. China Petroleum Pipeline Technique Co.
141 Mak-Yol Constr. Indus. Tourism & Trading China Petroleum Longway Consultant Co. Ltd.
Atlas Madencilik Taahhut ve Deniz Ticaret AS China Petroleum No. 5 Pipeline Construction Co.
Makenerji AS China Petroleum Pipeline Scientific Research and
Makliman Isletmeleri AS Dev't Inst.
Mak-Tur Turizm ve Seyahat Isletmeleri Ticaret AS 162 Toda Corp.
Mak-Yapi Insaat Turizm ve Ticaret AS Construtora Toda do Brasil SA
144 Zhejiang Constr. Investment Group Thai Toda Corp.
Asia Construction Holding Ltd. Toda America Inc.
China Zhejiang Construction Group (H.K.) Co. Toda Construction (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Ltd. Toda Corp. (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Sarl Groupe de Construction et D'investment du 163 China Shanghai SFECO
Zhejiang Federal Asia Shanghai Import & Export Co. Ltd.
Societe de Constr. et de Commerce du Group de Shanghai Golden Gate Co.
Constr. du Zhejiang-Benin Shanghai Int'l Engineering Co.
Zhejiang Construction Investment (S) Pte Ltd. Shanghai Jinnan Co. Ltd.
146 Societa Italiana Per Condotte D'Acqua SpA Shanghai Offshore Oil Co.
Condotte America Inc. Shanghai SFECO Real Estate Dev't Co.
148 Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. Shanghai SFECO Trading Co.
Shanghai Electric Power Generation Group 164 Summa Turizm Yatirimciligi AS
150 China Gezhouba Group Corp. Summa Moldova SA
CGGC International Summa Romania SA
Gezhouba Group's No. 1 Engineering Co. Ltd. 165 The Lauren Corp.
Superway Engineering Investigation Co. Ltd. 197 China Nat'l Complete Plant Imp. & Exp. Corp.
190 ASRC Energy Services
AES - Engineering Alaska COMPLANT Equipment Imp. & Exp. Co.
AES - Exploration & Production Technology Dept. I for International Eng'g Project
AES - Houston Contracting Co. Dept. II for International Eng'g Project
AES - Lynx Express Investment Management Dept.
AES - Omega 198 Rasen Construction & Investment Inc.
AES - Operations and Maintenance K&Y Construction & Trade Co.
AES - Tri-Ocean Soyak International Constr. Inv. Inc.
Natchiq Sakhalin LLC 200 Kayi Insaat San. Ve Tic AS
191 Weston Solutions Inc. Bilyap Insaat AS
MEC Analytical Systems Inc. Kayi Filiali Actaha
Moorstein Inc. Kayi Filiali Shymkent
Weston APG LLC OOO Kasa Stroy
Weston International Holdings Inc. 201 China Chongqing Int'l Construction Corp.
Weston Maumee LLC Africa Co. Ltd.
Weston of New Jersey Inc. Changxing Co.
Weston Solutions (Delaware) Inc. Chengzheng Consulting Co. Ltd.
Weston Solutions (IPR) Inc. Jordan Co. Ltd.
Weston Solutions Global (BVI) Dubai Ltd. No. 1 Engineering Co.
Weston Solutions Global Inc. No. 2 Engineering Co.
Weston Solutions Global Inc. No. 3 Engineering Co.
Weston Solutions Global TCN (BVI) Ltd. No. 5 Engineering Co.
Weston Solutions India Private Ltd. Sudan Co. Ltd.
Weston Solutions of Michigan Inc. Uganda Co. Ltd.
Weston Solutions of Missouri Inc. 202 TSO
Weston Solutions of New York Inc. Egyfrail
Weston Westminster LLC Qualitrack Ltd.
Weston-BAMC LLC Railsource Ltd.
Weston-North Beach LLC S.E.A. Track Co. Ltd.
Weston-South Beach LLC Seatown - TSO JV Ltd.
192 China HuanQiu Contracting & Eng'g Corp. Sifel
Huanqiu Project Management (Beijing) Co. Ltd. TSO Catenaires
North China Plng. & Design Inst. of China 203 Quattrogemini Ltd.
Huanqiu Contr. & Eng'g Co. Ltd. Quattro LLC
Sembawang Huanqiu Eng'g Co. Ltd. Quattrogemini Eesti OU
Shanghai Chemical Industry Design Inst. Co. Ltd. Quattroservices Oy
193 China Jiangxi Corp. For Int'l Eco. & Tech. Coop'n Rakennusgemini Oy
China Jiangxi Corp. for Int'l Eco. & Tech. Coop'n Stroigemini LLC
(Zambia) Ltd. 204 Walbridge Aldinger
China JiangXi Engineering (Ghana) Ltd. Belding Walbridge
China Jiangxi Int'l (Liberia) Ltd. Walbridge Canada
China JiangXi Int'l (Namibia) CC Walbridge de Mexico
China Jiangxi Int'l (Uganda) Ltd. Walbridge RB
Jiangxi Int'l (Ethiopia) PLC Walbridge Southern Holding
Jiangxi Int'l (Zimbabwe) (Pvt) Ltd. 206 Shandong Hong Chang Road & Bridge Eng'g Co.
JX International Engineering (Zambia) Ltd. Nasnii Zam Road & Bridge Eng'g Co. Ltd.
Three C (Zambia) Ltd. Teligong Road & Bridge Eng'g Co. Ltd.
Zhong Gan Engineering & Constr. (Pty) Ltd. Teshang For Engineering Services Co. Ltd.
195 Al-Arrab Contracting Co. Ltd. 207 The Beck Group
Al-Arrab Contracting Co., Jordan HC Beck Ltd.
Al-Arrab Electromechanical Contracting Co., The Beck Internacional de Mexico
UAE 208 Barton Malow Co.
Al-Arrab General Contracting Co., UAE Barton Malow Design
Al-Arrab Trading & Contracting Co., Qatar 209 Manhattan Construction Co.
Specialized Electromechanical Contracting Co. Cantera Concrete Co.
196 Flatiron Construction M.J. Cantera Concrete Co.
FCI Constructors Inc. Manhattan Environmental
Flatiron Constructors Inc. 211 ShangHai Tunnel Engineering Co. Ltd.
Interbeton Inc. Shanghai Tunnel Engineering (Hongkong) Co.
Terno Inc. Ltd.
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