Quality Checklist For Site Works: 15 Plastering Preparation Task
Quality Checklist For Site Works: 15 Plastering Preparation Task
Quality Checklist For Site Works: 15 Plastering Preparation Task
CL : 15-A
Sl.N Description YES NO NA
x Is format CL:13-A & CL:014-A for Surveying complied with?
1 Check for COMPLETION OF PRECEDING ACTIVITIES like fixing of service Conduits, Water Supply & sanitation lines, etc.
2 Was the Materials to be used in plastering Tested (or MTC Reviewed) and Approved?
3 Mortar Machine available with spares & connected to water supply
4 Gypsum material is within expiry date?
5 Whether chicken mesh (Is Chicken / Fibre Mesh is fixed on the junction of RCC & Masonary work) and Corner beads used as per
6 Door, Window frames / Sub frames fixed properly (Checked for Plumb, Line, level Warping etc.)
7 Check for MORTAR MIX PROPORTION & Check for Surface of mortar mixing and addition of water profing compond if required.
8 Joints between Masonary & RCC Beam / Column filled properly with Non-Shrink grout & cured
9 Joint between Masonary & Door, window frame has been filled
10 All concrete surfaces were hacked properly before plastering. (50 no's / sq.ft.)
11 Is the whole surface is made free from Dirt, Dust, Oil, Grease, Masking tape, Patra Patti, Nails, Algae etc. and cleaned properly ?