Industrial Manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Industrial Manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Industrial Manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Nitrile rubbers. India has consuming this rubber for over four decades,
products requiring oil resistance properties. The picture changed rapidly since
temperatures was used for making products like rice dehusking rolls. Today
that time two attempts have been made by scientists world over to study the
structure of natural rubber, elasticity of natural rubber and then try to synthesis
a rubber that can do the job of natural rubber. During the World War II(1941),
these attempts got the boost, when allies realized that natural rubber comes
from East Asia was under the threat of Japanese aggressiveness and that wars
cannot be fought without rubber i.e. rubber tyres etc. Synthetic rubber
like cold polymerization, oil extensions etc. Synthetic rubbers which can fully
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
or partially replace the natural rubbers are generally termed as general purpose
those properties deficient in the natural rubber such as resistance to oil, heat,
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
specialized rubber which are not produced in India. Presently the synthetic
general purpose rubbers like SBR, PBR in country. Though the SBR
production came in India 1963 by “Synthetics and Chemicals Ltd” it did not
grow with demand on natural rubber with its sustained growth supported the
Company Name Type Trade Name
Synthetics & Chemicals
SBR 40,000 Synaprene
APAR Industries ltd. NBR 10,000 Aparene
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
A. Butadiene
in West. Even today in our country we are using alcohol as starting material
B. Acrylonitrile
catalyst HCN
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Catalyst (HCN)
Water 23.2%
pH <6
as under :
Adiponitrile 30 - 60%
X-Pyrolidene 2 - 30%
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
but the above process is used in India by the only producer, i.e. IPCL.
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Today the commercial grades are available with 16 – 50% of the
polarity in the molecule. The influence of this group enhances the properties
vulcanizates. However low temperature (Tg value) properties are affected with
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
butadiene and acrylonitrile together. The stainless steel reactors are mirror
is through the digital control system. Thus the addition of all ingredients and
reactions are automatically controlled. This ensures the excellent quality with
I ) Emulsion process :
II) Solution process--- this process has found limited applications so far
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
1. Initiation
2. Propagation
RO - CH2 - CH = CH - CH2 * + CH2= CH - CH = CH2
----> RO - CH2 - CH = CH - CH2 - CH2- CH = CH - CH2* + CH2 =CH
represented as
3. Termination
- || | |
RO* + S -C - N + H2O ----------------> ROOH + CS2 + NH
| |
(From Hydroperoxides) R R
Polymerization Reaction
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Serum Recycle
Wash Water Recycle
Finished Product
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Figure Index
1. Butadine Storage .
2. ACN storage .
3. Reactor .
4. Flash Tank .
5. Stripper .
7. Coagulation tank .
8. Conversion tank .
12. Shredder .
13. Dryer .
14. Baler .
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
control the molecular weight of the polymer according to the grade, the
residual monomers are removed. Then the latex is stabilized and coagulated
into fine crumbs by the addition of various coagulating agents like alum,
acids, and salts. This is then washed, dewatered, and finally dried crumbs are
compacted to form the bales. Nitrile rubbers are available in several forms
acrylonitrile at 50c for cold and 500c for hot process. Redox system of initiator
is used for cold while for hot process K2 SO8 is used. The monomer or is used
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
for cold while for hot process K2 SO8 is used. The monomer ratio and the
other things like amount and nature of modifiers and emulsifiers. The
properties are obtained in the product. The unreacted monomers are stripped
from latex and recovered for the reuse in the stripper column. Following
1. polymerization temperature
2. emulsifier
3. modifier
1. Polymerization temperature
temperature, the less branched and crosslinked is the rubber and lower will be
polymer varies little over the rang of polymerization temperature from -200c
to 1000c. By contrast, the balance between cis-1,4, and trans- 1,4 structure is
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
acrylonirtile unit has little effect upon the microstructure of the enchained
vulcanizate from cold process have been attributed to the greater structural
2. Effect of emulsifier
emulsion. The emulsifying agents are used for this purpose. It has two
second is the hydrophilic due to the polar end (e.g. sodium or potassium
CMC. above which they are insoluble and forms insoluble spherical structures
shows no tendency to gel even down to 50C due to their branched structure
their calcium and magnesium salts are more soluble. Therefore they shows
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
less tendency to be precipitated from hard water. For synthetic soap, rate of
polymerization increases linearly with the square root of the soap level.
3. Modifier
These are mercaptans, which are used to control molecular weight and
acts as a reaction transferring agent in the free radical reaction. It does not
polymerization recipe, both polymer plasticity and gel content falls sharply.
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
The vulcanizing agents are usually sulfur compounds, which react with
the polymer to produce a cross-linked material in which the linkages are -C-Sx
-C-. The cross links may be mono-, di-, or polysulfidic. The type of linkage is
rubber from several hours to a few minutes. In addition, less sulfur is needed
is not well understood, in spite of much research, but presumably involves the
reactive sites within the rubber molecule, linking the large molecules into a
tight network structure. Most accelerators contain nitrogen and sulfur. Two-
donor systems are more appropriate. Semi-EV and EV cure systems play a
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
special role in NBR vulcanization and provide high heat resistance & low
(0.5phr). Cadmium oxide (0.25phr.) provides very high heat resistant however
as ZnO or Zinc Peroxides. Curing of NBR is also common for achieving better
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
However peroxide cures give lower tensile, tear, swell resistance &
with NR, SBR, ZnO at 3-5 phr. level & stearic acid at a 1-2 phr. level are
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Pure rubber (natural or synthetic) is usually not suitable for use. The
acrylonitrile rubbers are used when low temperature and dynamic properties
are important. Activation system generally used contains 3-5 phr of zinc oxide
with 1-2 phr of stearic acid. This system is used along with sulphur donor
vulcanization system. With peroxide curing system cynurate (Tac) can be used
as activator.
reinforcing system. When used alone, low reinforcing carbon blacks are
preferred as the highly reinforcing blacks which tend to stiffen the uncured
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
with the less reinforcing fillers. Non-black application will require the use of
reinforcing silicas of various types of calcium carbonates hard clays, talc and
black barring compression set and resilience. Nitrile rubbers needs proper
choice of antioxidants to perform under heat, air and ozone. Ozone resistance
Pure rubber (natural or synthetic) is usually not suitable for use. The
shown in Table .
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
Ingredient Parts
Rubber 100.0
Sulfur 2.0
Zinc oxide 5.0
Stearic acid 3.0
Accelerator 1.5
Loading or filling pigment 50
Reclaim, softeners, extenders, colors, blowing As required
agents, antioxidants, antiozonants, odorants,
b) Mooney value 20 ML - 80 ML
e) X-linked polymers
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
physicals. Carbon blacks and silica fillers are major fillers used for improving
physicals. In carbon black one can use right from SAF. ISAF mix , down
upto MT blacks. Fine particle blacks are difficult to disperse and gives tough
compounds to process. Thus softer and medium blacks like FEF, GPF, SRF,
MTS are used. FEF is selected as the name indicates for Fast Extrusions.
3. Curatives :
1.5, Sulphur 1.5. For improved compression set, heat resistance EV systems
are used. EV cures affect tear and flex properties of the vulcanizate.
sulphur, tend to 'bloom' because of the high dosage, but this can be reduced or
even eliminated by simultaneous use of MBT, MBTS or CBS. Then too, the
another thiuram disulphide. NBR can be cured with peroxides giving better
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
heat and compression set properties. The following characteristics are attained
elevated temperatures,
c) High modulus
e) Moderate tear resistance at room temperature and very low values at higher
g) Low compression set especially in hot air at high temperatures and in hot
4. Selection of Plasticizers :
Nitrile Rubbers are polar (due to ACN) and hence only aromatic/highly
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
avoided as it would tend to 'exdue' from the vulcanizate. The recent trend is
supply DBP/silicate blend (e.g. E-2 Mix DBP from C.P. Hall) to facilitate easy
NBR is a polar rubber and hence for better compatibility only aromatic
plasticizers and its compounds (with high polarity) are used. The plasticizers
have far reaching effect on NBR vulcanizate. The mol. wt. also has an
acid or phosphoric acid are most suitable in compounding NBR. These can be
All plasticizers decrease the viscosity and the elastic recovery forces of
unvulcanized NBR and these increase with increasing easing amounts. The
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
general, they strongly reduce the resilience of the vulcanized compounds and
thus exert a most favorable effect on processibility; that is to say, they improve
Stearic acid, wool fat and some others of this group are relatively
poorly compatible and, therefore, may readily sweat out if sued in too high
holds, as has been said, for petroleum plasticizers which are high in aliphatics.
group. They work by solvation, in the previously given sense, swelling the
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
copolymers (10,000-300,000 cp) also serve very well. Being the same type of
material, they do not tend to sweat out when used in large amounts and thus
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
of no exception. The only care taken during mixing is the addition of sulphur
breakdown and dispersion are required for both calendaring and extrusion,
In extrusion the screw and barrel should be at about 60-700c with head at
about 900c and die in the region of 120oc. While for calendaring conditions,
Top roll ------ 75-85o c Middle roll------ 60-70o c Bottom roll----- 75-85o c
operating conditions.
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
39% ACN ,For Fuel ,Oil, High Temp and Oil Drilling application .
40% ACN, For Fuel ,Oil, High Temp and Freon resistance application.
45% ACN, For Fuel, Freon and High Temp. Service products.
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
useful for adhesives, high hardness products, leather like products etc.
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
resistance to fuels and oils with increased abrasion resistance. Hence it is used
hose, oil seals, ('O' rings), 'V' packings, crash pads, hydraulic hoses, power
manufacturing water pipe insulations, cots & aprons, gaskets & friction material.
solvent handling hoses and Belts, Rice Rolls, Printing Rolls, Adhesive, Shoe
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
So our country has been using the NBR and it should gather higher uses
advancements in the field and NBR technology are also taking place like
2) Halogenated NBR
should replace the applications of some inferior rubbers, also new applications
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Industrial manufacturing of Nitrile Rubber
C.M. Blow & C. Hepburn : " Rubber Technology and Manufacture "
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