3 Operating The DP Vessel
3 Operating The DP Vessel
3 Operating The DP Vessel
• What this means is that the DP system will react to disturbances in these 3 axis, or the dynamic movement of the vessel,
when comparing them to the desired position set-point, which is determined by the DP Operator.
• Therefore it is quite apparent that at early design stages of any DP vessel thrust capability of the chosen propulsion, and
manoeuvring system, is key. It must be sufficient, with redundancy, to maintain the required position in the most extreme
weather conditions likely to force the vessel to move around these 3 axis, that may be expected in the vessels chosen
operating area.
Essentially a computer/operator controlled ability for a vessel to maintain her position in a seaway.
As the vessel moves in a seaway, and is affected by the other environmental forces impacting upon her, so the
positioning system counteracts these forces dynamically, to maintain the operator settings i.e. position and heading.
DP can be set-up for 3 main conditions;
1. to remain static, holding the vessel position when engaged in operations such as diving and drilling.
2. dynamic in relation to a moving object, such as follow mode, for pipe-lay, rock dumping or ROV survey operations.
3. dynamic in relation to a waypoint, or series of waypoints, such as auto-track mode, for the above or short in-field
For Operator, you can assume Watch-keeper, as we are required to maintain not only the DP Watch but also a full
Navigational Watch; even when the vessel is sat on DP, she is still considered under way.
The first DP vessel is subject to some debate. In the early 60’s a drill-ship “Cuss 1” had 4 azimuth propellers fitted, and
drilled a well in 900+ meters of water, with the thrusters controlled manually. However a Shell vessel “Eureka” came out
in 1961 fitted with a basic analogue computer interfaced with a taut wire reference system to maintain position
Class 1: No part of the DP system offers any redundancy i.e. a single component failure could lead to a loss of position.
Risk due to failure; MINOR
Class 2: Equipment does have redundancy so no single fault in any active system will lead to failure and position loss
i.e. thrusters, generators, switchboards, position references, sensors. However loss of static equipment could lead to
position loss i.e. cables, pipelines, valves. Risk due to failure: MAJOR
Class 3: Essentially a step up from Class 2 with regards compartmentalisation. Some equipment will have further
redundancy such as additional gyro’s, reference systems (extra DGPS say) or additional L/O pump, SWC pump,
steering motors for an individual thruster. The main requirement for Class 3 is to ensure that any one compartment –
Engine Room, switchboard room, DP control station (main bridge) – can be lost due to fire or flood, and the vessel still
maintain station. Risk due to failure: FATAL
Types of DP Vessels
Types of DP Vessel
Types of DP Vessel
Types of DP Vessel
Anemometer Issues.
Swirling wind (eddying), helicopter down-draft, pipe-line venting, line squalls, water-spouts, etc can all produce errant readings
on the anemometer that can have major detrimental effects on DP. A simple, but bold, solution once the Operator has
recognised the issue, is to simply de-select the anemometer from DP. No wind information is better than wrong information in
this case.
We have looked at propulsion, compasses, motion and wind sensors. So how does DP know where it is?
On initial set up DP will be given a position set-point by the Operator to maintain. This set-point is either in standard
Lat/Long, but more commonly in Northings/Eastings from a datum point.
DP then must be given references to maintain this position. These are known as Position Reference Systems (PRS)
DGPS (Differential GPS) A standard GPS signal that is intercepted, has a differential correction applied thereby
increasing its accuracy to 10cm. This correction is based on distance of the GPS signal to a known position of the diff
signal station. This correction is provided to the subscribers receiver by private companies such as Fugro, Veripos,
IALA, InMarsat, Spotbeam. Cost is per annum of approx’ $100,000.
Acoustic Referencing can be used by placing transponders on the seabed either singular or in groups depending on
water depth. These transponders are sending and receiving a signal to/from a transducer head below the vessels hull.
Single transponder use (SSBL – Super Short Base Line) is suitable to maximum 1000m water depth. For greater depths
groups of 3, 4 or 5 are set out in arrays (LBL – Long Base Line). Here the transponders transmit and receive between
each other, and the transducer head on pre-set frequencies.
Taut Wire is a reference used in shallower waters up to 450m. A weight is set on the seabed connected to a wire that is
spooled on to a tension winch. As the vessel moves so the offset angle and distance is measured by a head mounted
gimbal sensor.
Radius/Radascan are microwave based signals sent from the unit on the DP vessel to a target receiver mounted on
the structure it wishes to DP from. It is a relative motion based system.
Fan Beam/Cy-Scan use a laser pulse that is sent from a unit fitted to the DP vessel, and rebounded by way of a
reflector system mounted on the structure the vessel is alongside. Like the microwave system, this is relative
motion based.
Microwave PRS
Taut Wire
Gimbal Sensor
Clump Weight
DGPS. Masking, scintillation, solar flaring, multipath, latitude/time- lack of visible satellites, correction station issues,
HDOP/VDOP (Horizontal/Vertical Dilution Of Position).
ACCOUSTICS. Software issues, incorrect sound profile set-up, noise – thruster/propeller wash, overboard discharge,
cetacean, loss of transponder.
LINE OF SIGHT. Fanbeam lens/reflector dirt, sun, flaring, fog/heavy rain, excessive vessel movement, false target.
POSITION DROP-OUT. Term used for loss of all references. DP will continue to position vessel based on the model built
up; it is the DP equivalent of Dead Reckoning. Length of time the vessel will remain on station is dependant on the
strength/quality of model.
VOTING. DP will determine the most suitable reference to use as the main for positioning, depending on strength. For
example where a vessel is sitting on 3 x independent reference systems such as 1 x DGPS, 1 x HiPAP, and 1 x
Fanbeam, DP will select the most accurate and make that the lead, or preference reference – normally it would be
DGPS. The DPO must remain aware that in the event he is using, for example, 2 x DGPS, and 1 x HiPAP then the DP
voting will again chose DGPS, due to numbers, but if an error occurs to DGPS then DP will not reject it as it is likely that
the error will occur on both DGPS receivers. In this case the Operator must recognise the issue, de-select DGPS, and
leaving him with only 1 x reliable reference the vessel is out of class and must suspend DP operations.
A very important setting within the DP system is known as Gain. This can also be called sensitivity. Quite simply this
can be described as the relationship, in setting terms, between vessel positioning and the resultant power used to
maintain that position.
There are 3 main settings, Low, Medium and High. Each setting will determine DP response time and power applied to a
position offset.
There is also a High Precision setting that can be applied to each of the 3 main settings; i.e. Medium Gain, with High
We can also see a Relaxed Gain setting, and, in Kongsberg systems, a Green DP mode. Here you can set a specific
radius for the vessel to move within before DP will react to correct position. Fuel saving is the big advantage here, rather
than accurate positioning.
It is essential that any DPO is fully familiar with their vessel’s gain settings -v- reaction, as incorrect setting can lead to
problems. If for example the DPO select High Gain, in HP mode , thinking that it will improve the position accuracy then,
conditions depending, we can see hunting, surging, and ramping up effect on thrusters and engines, which will result in
less accurate positioning as well as excessive fuel use. Likewise if conditions are marginal and we become too relaxed
then a Low Gain setting can lead to obvious problems of positioning in that the vessel reacts too slow to a drift off
situation, which can impact on the operation greatly.
Setting Up on DP
Con the vessel manually to known co-ordinates.
Stop her, settle her down, then take control in joy-stick mode.
Joy Stick
Set Up cont’
Once you have chosen the desired heading, with vessel nicely stabilized you start to give control to DP. There is no
specific order, it depends on the environmental forces you are facing and the work-scope. You must ensure gyro, MRU,
and anemometers are selected accordingly, and your position reference is steady.
My own preference is to select auto heading first, so DP will now maintain heading that you have set, while you remain
in control of fore/aft and athwartships movement. Next I will keep fore/aft control allowing DP to take care of any
athwartship movement by selecting auto sway. Finally I give DP full control by selecting auto surge; at this time the auto
position button will illuminate. One can stop and settle vessel and select auto position straight away i.e. going directly
into DP.
First Hour
Now that the vessel is set up on DP in your desired position, with all necessary tools assigned, the first hour is vital.
This is when the watch-keeper must ensure all controllers, sensors, references, thrusters and power management
systems are performing as required. During this time DP will form the station keeping model.
This is basically a memory bank of data that DP will store of everything effecting the vessel, and react accordingly using
the tools above. The longer the vessel remains on station and conditions remain stable then the better the model.
Minimum model time required is 30 minutes. A simple sailor-type analogy for what is meant by the model is to liken it to
a helmsman taking the wheel of a conventionally conned vessel; it takes him time to get the “feel of her” before he can
improve the accuracy of the course required. The importance of the DP model is redundancy; in the event of some form
of sensor, or reference loss (known as position drop-out) DP will maintain station from the model, giving the operator
some time before the vessel will gradually drift off set-point.
We now carry out our pre-operational trial, with assistance from the ECR. During this time we test DP proving the
sensors, references, thrusters and power management through a series of heading changes fore/aft moves athwartship
moves, boxes, etc. Basically assuring the bridge watch that DP is set up as desired and 100% reliable.
Once trials are complete and system is set up as required the model continues to build increasing the system accuracy
by fine tuning itself continuously. We now set our watch system of hour on/hour off the desk with a Senior DPO and
Junior DPO on watch at any one time, who continually monitor DP and instruct the system to move the vessel or alter
heading as operations require.
DP Capability Plot.
These come with the vessels DP Operator handbook. They will be set out for a range of weather and current conditions,
giving a diagrammatic view of what performance the Operator can expect from the vessel in these conditions. A Far
more effective and accurate tool for the DP Operator is the on-line capability plot. This is a visual display, calculated by
DP with Operator input required for sea state and raw current, that provides a live indication of the vessels capabilities.
DP Footprint
These are a realistic presentation of a vessels station-keeping ability, and differ from the handbook capability plot in that
they are real time data based. They are compiled by the DPO, with the purpose of building up a performance log of the
vessel in given conditions for reference purposes.
DP Consequence Analysis
With regard propulsion and power configuration, DP can provide the Operator with an online consequence analysis, of a
worst case single-point failure. This software must be running continuously when a vessel is operating in DP Class 2 or
3. The software will re-calculate every minute using 3 criteria; power available/ in use, propulsion in use, and
environmental forces acting on the ship.
Initially the software will determine where, or what the worst case is.
It will then simulate this failure, providing information on the potential outcome.
If the failure is likely to cause any issue on the ability of the vessel to hold position or heading, this will be presented to
the Operator in the form of an alarm “consequence analysis drift-off alarm”
This will then prompt the Operator to fully assess the situation, and take effective corrective action.