Cohesive Device
Cohesive Device
Cohesive Device
Cohesive devices
[cohesion] is the network of lexical, grammatical, and other relations which provide links between various parts of a text. These relations or ties organize and, to some extent create a text, for instance by requiring the reader to interpret words and expressions by reference to other words and expressions in the surrounding sentences and paragraphs. Cohesion is a surface relation; it connects together the actual words or expressions that we can see or hear. (Baker, 1992: 180). The theoretical terms for the linguistics resources which link one part of a text with another are what Halliday and Hasan regard as reference, substitution and ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion (Halliday and Hasan, 1985: 48) The process of activation of a text by relating it to a context of use is what we call discourse. The text is the observable product of the writers or speakers discourse. The text above comes from an advertisement. We can identify cohesive devices. First, we observe the repetition of the same word , BMW . It is used for commercial reasons. Another cohesive device is lexical chains created by words which associate with each other: doctor, animal, zoology, hedgehog or BMW, engineers, road, driving machine. Another type of cohesive relationships that is present in this text is so-called referring expressions, the pronouns: it, this, them.
it was Doctor Doolittle who talked to animal it is the engineers at the BMW
This operates on the same. (the concept is the identified noun) This encourages them to jump( a warning call; animals;) it will be resounding success(the concpt of WAIL) All this examples are anaphoric relations. In the beginning of the text, we observe a parallelism, essential feature for an
advertisement. In childrens fiction, it was Doctor Doolittle who talked to animal. Today, thanks to doctors at the Bavarian Institute of Zoology it is the engineers at the BMW.
However, this text is curious. Firstly, because it was created for April FoolsDay (The Guardian, 1 April 1977) and the model is " Available from April 1. Secondly, the use of colloquial expression to parallel the formal one creates a humorous effect.
Most of the major banking in Britain will issue a colour hologram of William Shakespeare featuring cheque cards from the beginning of next month.
Most of the major banks in Britain from the beginning of next month will issue cheque cards featuring a colour hologram of William Shakespeare.
before: `Incomparably beyond and above us all! Whether still on earth or now in heaven, her spirit is at home with God!' I don't know if it be a peculiarity in me, but I am seldom otherwise than happy while watching in the chamber of death, should no frenzied or despairing mourner share the duty with me. I see a repose that neither earth nor hell can break, and I feel an assurance of the endless and shadow less hereafter--the Eternity they have entered--where life is boundless in its duration, and love in its sympathy, and joy in its fullness. I noticed on that occasion how much selfishness there is even in a love like Mr. Linton's, when he so regretted Catherine's blessed release! To be sure, one might have doubted, after the wayward and impatient existence she had led, whether she merited a haven of peace at last. One might doubt in seasons of cold reflection; but not then, in the presence of her corpse. It asserted its own tranquility, which seemed a pledge of equal quiet to its former inhabitant. According to Hodge and Kress, modality shows the speaker`s or writer`s `affinity` to the statement, so any utterance has the property of `modality` or is `modalised`. Sometimes, the readers need to have awareness on their reading by mean of considering the reliability and certainty of the narrator. In this sense, we observe in the selected passage that Mrs. Dean is one of the participating characters; she is the inside person even she is neither a member of the Earnshaw nor the Linton, but she can tell the stories as if she stays with them all the time. In the first and the second paragraphs, Mrs. Dean can portray movements of both the new born Catherine and the old Linton to Mr. Lockwood. The narration of Mrs. Dean is the epistemic modality, notion presented by Simpson in his work Language though Literature, because most of verbs in the narrative suggest a notion of knowledge, belief and cognitive. The utterance from the first paragraph:` in my eyes` , shows us the use of subjective modality. Mrs. Dean can describe in details a childish behavior of an infant that `it might have wailed out of life`. This expression suggests that Mrs. Dean does not only see what the baby girl does, but she can also explain how much the girl cries. Intonation patterns is a way of manifesting various degrees of affinity, present in our fragment :` An unwelcomed infant it was, poor thing!`. High affinity is expressed by intonation and an utterance that contains the word `poor`. In the last paragraph, Mrs. Dean mentions to the death, the eternity, or the life in the next world with a strong belief. She reveals her personal opinion with confidence as `I feel` and `I noticed`.
Both of these expressions lead the readers see that Mrs. Dean has not a confusion and hesitation on a state of death and eternity at all. Similarly, mentioning to other peoples reactions towards Catherines life after death as `one might have doubted` and `One might doubt` displays Mrs. Deans ego. The concept of intertextuality reminds us that each text exists in relation to others. Parts of the last paragraph illustrate manifest intertextuality, using indirect representation of discourse. For example, the statements I instinctively echoed the words she had uttered a few hours before: `Incomparably beyond and above us all!` Whether still on earth or now in heaven, her spirit is at home with God! and `--the Eternity they have entered--where life is boundless in its duration, and love in its sympathy, and joy in its fullness.` suggest us their intertextual relations with passages from Bible.