This document was designed to ensure ASU personnel perform
their duties correctly
Checkpoint Organization/Structure
Player Icons
ASU personnel are required to follow the section of the uniform guidelines that
state “Not Allowed”, whilst other than that they are free to wear any other piece of
clothing that you have access to, whilst the CR team is simply providing a
suggestion to what you should wear.
- ASU BDU - Formal Hat - ASU BDU - Formal Hat - ASU Formals - ASU BDU
- ASU Riot - Formals - Tactical Cap - Formals - Formal Hat - Beanie/Cap
Helmet - Medium Vest - Any Vest
- Heavy Vest
- MFD (tablet)
- AR/SMG - AR/SMG - Weapons
- Glock - Glock - X7 Taser
- X7 Taser - X7 Taser - Any tools
- Clipboard - Clipboard
- Riot Shield
● [Combative Skills]
All ASU personnel are expected to be familiar with the combat system within
in-game. This means all personnel should have a reasonable level of combat in
order to protect the academy efficiently and effectively
● [Professionalism]
As ASU you have the ability to guard gates and give off a persona that is influential
to new players as well as HCPD as a whole. With this you must act respectfully and
mindfully in game and within the discord.
We recommend all officers use grammar at all times whilst on duty. This is
expected as long as you are in the division.
All Academy Security Unit trainees are expected to keep a positive player
interaction with new/existing players. All ASU personnel should understand that
welcoming and engaging with new players is essential for keeping a positive
community experience.
least 4-5 or more ASU in game and at the gate
only be used when we have at least 7-8 or
more ASU officers online and at the gate.
10 or more ASU officers online and at the gate
Creating a “wall formation”
As ASU personnel, you have the ability to authorize civilians, and there is a simple
procedure that you must follow to ensure the authorization is successful.
As stated above, you have the ability to authorize civilians, as long as they have a base
access card. (Unless they’re a chief rank and/or owner)
Firstly you must ensure the civilian actually has a base access card before you begin
anything else. If for whatever reason they equip the card and it’s hard to read, invisible or
not working; please ask them to reset & come back.
- Whenever a Chief Rank or owner enters the academy, they’re not required to do the
civilian processing procedure; you can authorize them as soon as you see them. If they say
they don’t want to be authorized, then you don’t need to authorize them.
You must always authorize a civilian before they enter the red box (checkpoint), otherwise
they’ll become wanted.
If someone has a wanted level and is approaching the checkpoint, you must detain
immediately. Afterwards check their priors and history to make your decision to
cite/arrest them.
At all times, the checkpoint must be under control. ASU has the highest authority at the
checkpoint, meaning they have the right to retain order to ensure the protection and
regulations at the gate.
[Minimum Capacity]
There must be at least 5 ASU personnel officers at the gate at all times; this should double
whenever there is a raid in progress. If there are less than this for whatever reason, then
events should be canceled and everyone should respond.
ASU personnel should ensure they communicate with one another and those within
other divisions / departments so then the gate is properly organized and defended.
The highest ranking officer (security supervisor and above) should act as the supervisor of
the gate and ensure the checkpoint is under control at all times; there are no exceptions.
Whenever a riot has appeared on your screen and has been activated, all ASU personnel
should report to the gate as quickly as possible.
As soon as criminals are raiding the academy, all officers must head to the gate
immediately to apprehend the criminals in charge of the raid. It is recommended to use
various tactics like shield walls, sniper towers, etc.
All officers should keep in mind that if the civilians are in the civilian spawn whilst
committing a crime, then SWAT/ASU personnel are permitted to cross the metal gates to
arrest the criminal. (For example: a civilian shooting from the sky scrapers in civilian
It is extremely recommended to not go past the gate by yourself. Ensure you always have
a team with you at all times when crossing the metal gates. You should NOT be passing
the metal gates for no reason.
The code name, description and when to use it can be seen below
- This code means “Raid Started” this means whenever someone has said this code
everyone should report to the checkpoint. Code Teal can be utilized whenever a raid has
started. After this code has been utilized, all ASU should report to the gate.
- This code means “Checkpoint Position Assignment”. Whenever this code is stated,
be on alert for whoever is the checkpoint commander to assign positions and duties.
- This code means “Initiate Lockdown”. This code can be utilized whenever there is a
substantial amount of raiders which would result in the need for a gate lockdown. (5+
- This code means “A supervisor is required”. If for some reason a higher up/supervisor
is required at a certain location, then you can utilize this code to request a higher up.
● This code means “VIP Protection” Code purple is primarily for CR and HQ
personnel, with a maximum of four guards per VIP.
Everyone within this unit must be respectful at all times, regardless of your rank you must
address others as “Sir / Ma’am” or by their rank.
This section is about the three different types of icons that are displayed above a player’s
username. See the image for a visual example and the text below of what the icon means.
If a player is inside the academy, has a base access card but doesn't have "authorization".
You’re then still entitled to arrest the suspect.
This is because it will still be considered as trespassing; everyone must get authorization
in order to enter the academy.
This icon means that a Civilian has accepted a "Delivery Job" from the "Job Centre" at the
civilian spawn (left side). Having this icons shows they can enter the academy without
trouble, as they are delivering parcels around the academy for in-game rewards (cash).
It's important to note that players with this icon cannot get arrested or cited and get a
temporary authorization for a little bit to complete their delivery job.
This document is for public use. All documentation updates require approval from
the Chief of Police.