1983 I.P. No 11 Sponsorship 1
1983 I.P. No 11 Sponsorship 1
1983 I.P. No 11 Sponsorship 1
Am I
willing to share my experience, strength and
As we grow in the Program we learn to hope? Am I willing to make a commitment?
be more open and honest with others. 1.P. No. 11
After having decided to become a spon-
Remember: Just for today I will have sor, where do we go from here? We feel it is
faith in someone in N.A. who believes in me important to realize that our own recovery
and wants to help me in my recovery. comes first. We believe that the basic purpose
of sponsorship is to help the addict through
HOW DO WE USE A SPONSOR? the Twelve Steps of Recovery. It becomes