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Journal 6
Thin-Walled Structures
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1. Introduction based on the stress range 𝛥𝜎 and fatigue life N assessment regardless
of the effect of static strength of CSS. It should be mentioned that the
Modern complex steel structures, the components of which are above conclusions were based on research on CSSs.
mainly connected by welding, are widely used in civil engineering, Recently, high-strength steels (HSSs) have been increasingly used in
and the maritime, aerospace, and automotive industries, among others. engineering construction to reduce structural weight and are expected
During welding, the connections are prone to defects such as porosity, to exhibit better mechanical performance in terms of strength, ductility,
oxide slag, and cracks, and are subject to inherent residual stresses toughness, and fatigue (e.g. Miki 2002 [6], Bjorhovde 2004 [7], Zhao
in the weld metal and heat-affected zone (HAZ). The change in the et al. 2014 [8], Lillemae and Remes 2016 [9], Ban and Shi 2018 [10],
weld toe’s geometric profile can also increase the stress concentration Li et al. 2018 [11], Hai et al. 2018 [12]). This promotes the use of
effect (SCF). Consequently, welded connections in steel structures un- thin-walled structures. Although there is no uniform international def-
der fluctuating loads are vulnerable to fatigue fractures (Hobbacher
inition for HSSs, steels with yield strength 𝑓y ≥ 460 MPa are generally
2008 [1]).
regarded as HSSs. Steels with 𝑓y ≥ 690 MPa are regarded as ultra or
In the 1970s, extensive research (Fisher 1977 [2]) had been con-
advanced HSSs. For conciseness, they are collectively referred to as
ducted on the fatigue performance of welded steel structures fabricated
HSS herein. The chemical compositions and smelting processes of HSSs
using conventional strength steels (CSSs, with yield strength f y of
are quite different from those of conventional strength steels (CSSs).
approximately 235 to 355 MPa). The results show that owing to the
This produces differences in mechanical properties, including fatigue
influence of the welding residual stress, the fatigue strength of CSS
welded connections is more closely related to the stress range in fatigue performance that deserves further investigation for future engineering
loadings rather than other factors, and the static strengths of CSSs have applications. Presently, the research on welded HSSs mostly focuses on
little influence on their fatigue strengths. The studies on the fatigue their static strength (e.g. Liu et al. 2018 [13], Chiew et al. 2019 [14])
properties of CSS connections also reveal that the slope m of the S– with relatively limited research on fatigue strength (Amraei et al.
N regression curves is nearly 3.0. Therefore, all current fatigue codes, 2017 [15], Harati et al. 2017 [16], Heroin et al. 2019 [17], Sebestova
such as in Eurocode 3 [3], AASHTO’s (American Association of State et al. 2020 [18]). The continued capability of current design codes for
Highway and Transportation Officials) Bridge Design Specifications [4], predicting the fatigue resistance of HSS connections requires further
and the Chinese Code for welded steel structures [5], select 𝑚 = 3.0 investigation. It is necessary to study further on the comparison of
as the standard slope to derive separate S–N curves for each welding fatigue performance for welded HSS connections with various yield
detail. Various details reflect the different residual stress conditions strength (e.g. f y ranging from 460 MPa to 960 MPa).
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X.-L. Zhao).
Received 7 November 2020; Received in revised form 21 March 2021; Accepted 17 May 2021
Available online 26 May 2021
0263-8231/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
It is found that the welding quality and surface condition (e.g. ge- in the welding process with qualified strength-matching welding con-
ometrical imperfections, roughness, cut method) has a significant in- sumables (wire and flux) and a proprietary gas mix of 80% CO2 and
fluence on the improvement of HSS fatigue performance (Remes et al. 20% Ar as the gas shield by a qualified professional steel structure man-
2013 [19], Ahiale 2014 [20], Lillemae-Avi et al. 2018 [21]). It is ufacturer. Q550 adopted the FCAW welding for the similar mechanical
reported that considerable yield-limit-dependent increase in the fatigue performance of the grinding weld between FCAW and GMAW [28]. The
strength was observed for high quality welds, while no benefit from preheating temperature before welding was maintained near 100 ◦ C
higher base metal strength for low quality HSS butt joints (Lillemae and the welding current and voltage were varied from 215 to 320 A
and Remes 2016 [9]). Also the surface condition (such as edges from and 26 to 31 V, respectively. Anti-deformation treatment was adopted
machined, laser cut, plasma cut or oxygen cut) when fabricate the before welding process to reduce possible geometrical imperfections,
connection may have a great influence on the fatigue resistance (Sperle such as angular misalignment. Fig. 1 and Table 2 present the welding
2008 [22], Stenberg 2016 [23]). parameters used in the process.
Based on a reasonable weld quality, it is well known that the fatigue
strength of welded connections is affected by the stress concentration 2.3. Mechanical property tests procedures of HSS butt-welded connections
due to change in geometry and residual stress after welding (Hobbacher
2008 [1]). methods to improve fatigue life of welded connections The assessment of the mechanical properties of HSS butt connec-
include: (i) Grinding of butt weld cap flush to the surface to improve tions includes (1) monotonic tensile tests, (2) cold bending tests, (3)
the weld profile (e.g. fatigue strength (FAT) increases from 90 to 112 Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact tests, and (4) hardness tests. Visual
in Eurocode 3 for butt welded plates); (ii) Remelting of the weld toe by inspection and ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) of butt connec-
TIG, plasma or laser dressing to improve the weld profile; (iii) Peening tions were conducted ahead of the mechanical tests to guarantee the
(hammer-, needle-, shot-, brush-peening or ultrasonic treatment) to re- weld quality. All the test specimens were subsequently machined from
duces the residual stress (Haagensen and Maddox 2006 [24]); (iv) FRP the butt-welded plate using the wire cut technique to avoid additional
strengthening to reduce stress ranges (e.g. Nakamura et al. 2009 [25], heat input, as shown in Fig. 1.
Tong et al. 2020 [26]). This paper presents a direct comparison of
(1) Monotonic tensile tests
fatigue strength of four types of steel grades ranging from 460 MPa to
As prescribed by the requirements specified in ASTM E8 [29],
960 MPa based on 114 fatigue tests. It adopts the method of grinding
the tensile tests were conducted on an INSTRON universal testing
butt weld cap flush to the surface to eliminate the influence of weld
machine to evaluate the tensile properties of the weld connections.
profile to focus on the influence of yield strength.
Three identical specimens were prepared for each HSS in the tensile
Four typical HSSs, with grades of 460, 550, 690, and 960 MPa, were
tests. The corresponding test for HSS base metal was also performed
selected to investigate their fatigue performance through high-cycle fa-
for comparison.
tigue tests in this study. Basic mechanical experiments including static
(2) Cold bending tests
tensile tests, bend tests, hardness distribution tests, and Charpy impact
During one continuous bend, cold bending tests for the ductility
tests, were also conducted ahead of the fatigue test to compare their
of welded connections provide an effective means of evaluating the
respective properties. Key factors affecting the fatigue performance of
quality of HSS weld metals by their ability to resist cracking or the
HSS butt-welded connections have been discussed, and corresponding
emergence of other surface irregularities, thereby further reflecting
S–N curves are proposed for future HSS fatigue design.
their plastic deformation capacity and possible internal defects. For a
thinner 10 mm HSS plate, a side-bend test is substituted for the required
2. Experimental setup of High-Strength Structural Steel (HSS) tests
face- and root-bend tests that are more suitable for a thicker 20 mm HSS
plate, as prescribed in ASTM E8 and shown in Fig. 1.
2.1. HSS materials
(3) Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact tests
CVN test specimens were extracted from HSS butt connections with
The HSS materials used in this study were Q460C, Q550D, Q690D,
the V-notch located in the weld metal as shown in Fig. 1. The impact
and Q960D, which have broad application prospects in engineering
specimens for the HSS base metal were also fabricated for comparison
construction. The influence of the steel thickness t (10 mm and 20 mm)
with the corresponding weld metal ones. These impact tests were con-
is also taken into consideration. Table 1 presents the chemical compo-
sitions of the materials studied. ducted in the following temperature sequence: −40, −20, 0 and 20 ◦ C.
The ‘‘Q’’ in the HSS steel grade name, e.g., ‘‘Q960D’’, signifies that Each impact test was repeated with 3 identical specimens that were
the nominal yield strength 𝑓𝑦,𝑛 of the HSS is 960 MPa according to cooled in a temperature conditioning chamber using liquid nitrogen
Chinese steel-manufacturing naming rules. ‘‘D’’ in the steel grade name and ethanol.
indicates that the minimum requirements of Charpy impact energy is (4) Vickers hardness distribution tests
34 J at the testing temperature of −20 ◦ C, and similarly, ‘‘C’’ indicates The hardness test using a pyramidal indenter determines the resis-
a Charpy impact energy of 47 J at 0 ◦ C. For simplicity, the steel grade tance to penetration of HSS butt connections. This measures the plastic
names in the following text are abbreviated as, for example, ‘‘Q960-10’’, deformation surrounding the indention region and presents the change
which represents the Q960D HSS with a thickness of 10 mm and its test in hardness distribution, which reflects the effect of heat input during
specimens. The other HSSs are similarly abbreviated. the welding process and the evolution of the grain size and phase
constitution at the microstructural level. The Vickers hardness test was
2.2. HSS welding procedure qualification performed on the weld metal (WM)-HAZ-base metal (BM) regions at
a certain distance from the surface of the HSS butt connections. The
The mechanical performance of HSS welded connections is closely specimens for the hardness test were prepared using a metallographic
related to the weld’s quality. Therefore, reasonable welding parameters polishing procedure before testing.
are first determined by a welding procedure qualification (WPQ) to
ensure a stable welding quality ahead of fabrication of HSS butt-welded 2.4. High-cycle fatigue test procedures
specimens for later tests in accordance with the guidelines given in the
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code — Steel [27]. Based on the qualified WPQ welding parameters, HSS fatigue spec-
The HSS butt-welded connections were fabricated using two pieces imens were sampled from butt-welded HSS plates by mechanical cut
of steel plate with a double V-groove weld, as presented in Fig. 1. The processing as shown in Fig. 2. The weld bead height that extends
multi-pass manual gas metal arc welding (GMAW) method was adopted above the base metal surface is ground off to a smooth surface to
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
Table 1
Chemical composition of high strength structural steel (HSS) (wt%).
No. Categories C Cr Al Si Mn P S Ni Cu Nb V B
1 Q460-10 0.17 0.020 0.034 0.35 1.51 0.021 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.036 0.028 0.0016
2 Q460-20 0.14 0.06 0.033 0.28 1.53 0.011 0.0014 0.01 0.01 0.032 0.040 0.0004
3 Q550-20 0.08 0.038 0.036 0.23 1.85 0.010 0.002 0.01 0.01 0.053 0.003 0.0014
4 Q690-10 0.14 0.21 0.032 0.30 1.23 0.014 0.0006 0.01 0.02 0.013 0.004 0.0019
5 Q690-20 0.14 0.50 0.034 0.29 1.24 0.014 0.0022 0.02 0.01 0.013 0.005 0.0017
6 Q960-10 0.15 0.20 0.056 0.22 1.2 0.004 0.003 0.02 0.03 0.018 0.04 0.002
Table 2
Welding parameters employed in the manufacture of the HSS butt-welded connections.
No. HSS Welding methods Welding wire Current (A) Voltage (V) Weld speed (mm/min)
1 Q460 GMAW THQ-60D 𝛷1.2 240–280 28.5–30.6 241
2 Q550 FCAW CHT91K2 𝛷1.2 215–230 28.0–29.0 290
3 Q690 GMAW THQ-70-1 𝛷1.2 230–257 28.1–28.8 263
4 Q960 GMAW ER120S 𝛷1.0 270–320 26.5–30.0 203
eliminate the stress concentration effect in the weld toe. The geomet- 3. Results and discussion of mechanical properties of HSS butt-
rical imperfections (such as misalignment and angular misalignment) welded connections
of the welds have been measured and satisfied the B90 quality level
which is suitable for bearing fatigue loadings as prescribed in the ISO 3.1. Tensile tests
5817 [30], with relatively limited imperfections. The surface condi-
tion of specimens are evaluated N6 level (roughness Ra 0.8) by the In the monotonic tensile test of HSS butt connections, the final
definition in the ISO 1302 [31], while through the grinding by the fracture positions of the Q460 specimens were closer to the BM region,
weld bead remover and the cut by wire electrical discharge machining while Q550, Q690 and Q960D were broken in the WM region or HAZ.
(WEDM) from the butt plates. Boundary marks were also made before The recorded tensile stress–strain curves of the HSS connections are
the fatigue test to distinguish the fracture locations in the WM, HAZ
presented in Fig. 3. The tensile properties of HSS base materials (BM)
and BM. The width of WM is measured before grinding, and the range
and WM are listed for comparison in Table 3.
of HAZ can be roughly confirmed by combination of the distribution
As presented in Fig. 3 and Table 3, all the tensile strengths of the
of hardness (shown in Section 3.4) and the calculation of distance
butt connections exceeded the specified minimum of the corresponding
from the weld fusion boundary using Equation (3.15) in AWS Welding
HSS base metal, which satisfies the requirements for tension testing
Handbook [32].
The fatigue specimens of HSS butt-welded connections were loaded according to the specified code [33].
with an MTS Landmark 809 hydraulic servo fatigue testing machine Each stage of the tensile process was analyzed as follows:
that has a dynamic capacity of maximum axial load of 200 kN and (1) Linear elastic stage and yield stage
an actuator displacement limit within ±80 mm. The stress ratio R As shown in Fig. 3, the curves of different HSSs coincide in the
between the minimum and maximum tensile stress 𝜎min /𝜎max in the elastic stage, which indicates that the elastic modulus E of HSS, gov-
cyclic sinusoidal fatigue loading was 0.1, and the loading frequency was erned by Hooke’s law, is similar to that of CSS, which is around
set to 15 Hz with 2 million preset maximum load cycles. The maximum 200,000 MPa. Most HSS base metals have a relatively obvious yield
nominal stress 𝜎max in the fatigue test is approximately 0.6 𝑓y to 0.7 𝑓y , plateau before hardening, while the yield plateau become gradually
which is within the elastic range of all HSS materials. All experiments insignificant in butt-welded connections with an increase in steel grade
were conducted at room temperature. (i.e. the nominal yield strength 𝑓𝑦 ).
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
Table 3
Mechanical properties of HSS base metal.
No. Categories Measured yield strength Measured tensile strength Yield ratio (BM) Elongation (BM) Measured tensile Minimum requirements of
(BM) 𝑓𝑦,𝑚 /MPa (BM) 𝑓𝑢 /MPa 𝑓𝑦,𝑚 ∕𝑓𝑢 𝛿/% strength 𝑓𝑢 (WM)/MPa tensile strength 𝑓𝑢 (for
BM&WM)/MPa [33]
1 Q460-10 481 710 0.68 22.2 751 550
2 Q460-20 495 623 0.79 35.6 626 550
3 Q550-20 704 762 0.92 28.2 733 640
4 Q690-10 801 842 0.95 18.8 817 770
5 Q690-20 771 822 0.94 25.2 811 770
6 Q960-10 1033 1071 0.96 14.5 1019 980
Fig. 3. Measured stress–strain curves of HSS base metals and butt-welded connections.
3.2. Cold bending tests
Cold bending tests can evaluate the quality of HSS butt-weld con-
(2) Strain-hardening stage nections by their ductility to resist cracking and the emergence of other
The strain-hardening stage of HSS butt connections starts in the surface irregularities, which reflect their plastic deformation ability
yield stage and ends at the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) point. In and verify the welding surface quality. The bending results show that
this stage, the stress on HSS butt connections increases owing to the the welded connections of Q460, Q550 and Q690 steels exhibit good
material elongating through plastic deformation. bending performance without cracks or surface irregularities being
visible on the convex bend surface under optical observation. There
Yield ratio. With the increase in steel grades, the yield ratio (the are no specifications of bending requirements in the certification sheet
ratio of yield strength to tensile strength) of HSS base metal increased for Q960 base material, this is, a bending test is unnecessary for both
significantly from 0.68 to 0.95, which indicates a decrease in the plastic the base and weld metals. However, the bending test for the Q960 butt-
deformation. weld still was conducted. It was found that the face bend of the Q960
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L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
Table 4
HSS fatigue specimens for high-cycle fatigue tests.
Categories Number of total Number of fractured Number of run-out
specimens specimens specimens
Q460-10 18 11 7
Q460-20 18 14 4
Q550-20 18 12 6
Q690-10 20 16 4
Q690-20 20 14 6
Q960-10 20 17 3
Sum 114 84 30
Fig. 5. Microstructures of HSS observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM, 1000x) [34].
in the fatigue fracture surface of HSS butt-welded connections owing lg 𝑁 = −𝑚 lg 𝛥𝜎 + 𝐶 − 2𝑠𝑑 (3)
to the initial defect easily appearing on the edge during the welding where C = lg 𝐶0 , m and 𝐶0 are the material fatigue parameters to be
process and the residual stress at the end edge of the component being determined, and N is the number of cycles to failure (i.e., the fatigue
relatively relieved compared to that in the middle region. This renders life) for the HSS specimen; N is always plotted along the abscissa. 𝛥𝜎
the middle region the most vulnerable region in the HSS butt-welded is the nominal stress range applied in fatigue loading, and is acquired
connections. The main micro crack propagated semi-elliptically to form by dividing the force range 𝛥F by the original cross-sectional area S of
the final fracture. the specimens. 𝛥𝜎 is usually plotted along the ordinate.
(3) Type III. Owing to the distribution pattern of initial possible The linear form can be derived from the logarithm of both sides
defects resulting from the welding process, the fatigue fracture may of Eq. (1), as shown in Eq. (2). C = lg𝐶0 ; m and C are the inverse of the
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
Fig. 7. Typical fracture surface and distribution of crack location for HSS butt-welded connections.
slope and intercept of the S–N line, respectively. In most current codes, The S–N mean curves, abbreviated as ‘‘Mean’’ or ‘‘𝑃𝑠 = 50%’’ as
a fixed slope 𝑚 = 3.0 is always recommended because the natural slop mentioned above, are derived from Eq. (2) with a survival probability
of the fatigue S–N curves of CSSs is indeed closer to 3.0. However, of 50%, reflecting the average fatigue performance.
whether 𝑚 = 3.0 is still reasonable for HSS should be discussed further. The S–N design curves, abbreviated as ‘‘Mean-2sd’’ or ‘‘𝑃𝑠 = 97.7%’’,
A linear regression analysis based on the least square regression are derived from Eq. (3) with a survival probability of 97.7% and can
method (LSRM) was adopted to derive the S–N mean curve using be used for engineering design.
lgN as the dependent variable and lg 𝛥𝜎 as the independent variable, (4) Fatigue strength (FAT or 𝛥𝜎E )
with a survival probability of 𝑃s = 50%. In current fatigue codes for The fatigue strength (abbreviated as FAT) is the corresponding
engineering designs, however, the S–N curves are recommended with nominal stress range 𝛥𝜎 at a specified fatigue life (2 million cycles
a survival probability of 𝑃s = 97.7% that can be obtained by subtracting commonly adopted), according to the S–N curves.
the standard deviation (sd) from the mean of S–N curve twice by Based on the above, the S–N (𝑃𝑠 = 50%) curves and S-N (𝑃𝑠 = 97.7%)
considering the dispersion of the fatigue life N, as shown in Eq. (3). curves were obtained based on both the SMNA and SMFA (𝑚 = 3.0), as
shown in Fig. 8. The SDFA and GDFA are also used to compare the
4.2.2. Related definitions fatigue strengths among HSSs with the same yield strength 𝑓𝑦,𝑚 (such
Before discussing the S–N features of HSS, some definitions are as Q460-10, Q460-20 and Q460-All). The fatigue strengths 𝛥𝜎E of each
explained in advance, for clarity and convenience. S–N curve for HSS butt-welded connections are listed in Table 5.
(1) Slope m-natural and slope m-fixed fitting approaches
In a slope m-natural fitting approach (SMNA), both C and m are 4.2.3. Effect of the steel grades (yield strength 𝑓𝑦 ) on fatigue strength 𝛥𝜎𝐸
determined using the least square regression method. The results of the of HSS butt-welded connections
SMNA reflect the natural features of the S–N curves. Table 5 and Fig. 9 present the comparison of FAT of HSS butt
In a slope m-fixed fitting approach (SMFA), the slope m is preset connections under the slope m-natural fitting approach (SMNA) and the
to be a fixed number (always an integer, such as 3.0), and only slope m-fixed fitting approach (SMFA).
the intercept C is determined in the regression. The results of the (1) Slope m-natural fitting approach (SMNA)
SMFA can be used for easy comparison among different HSSs and can Fig. 9 shows that the slope m of the S–N curves varies greatly
conveniently be used for design applications. among different HSSs, with the slope m close to 5.0 for Q460 and
(2) Fitting approach based on single data and group data Q550 and close to 3.0 for Q690 and Q960. Fatigue strength (FAT)
In a fitting approach based on single data (SDFA), HSSs with the of HSS butt-welded connections is 165 MPa for Q460-10, 212 MPa
same nominal yield strength 𝑓𝑦,𝑚 but different thickness values (t ) are for Q460-20, 247 MPa for Q550-20, 130 MPa for Q690-10, 169 MPa
fitted separately. for Q690-20, and 125 MPa for Q960-10, respectively. The FAT values
In a fitting approach based on group data (GDFA), HSSs with the are significantly (11.6% to 120.5%) higher than the 112 MPa value
same 𝑓𝑦,𝑚 but different thickness values (t ) are grouped to create a in Eurocode 3. It also shows that the fatigue strength of HSS butt-
fitting. The group data for Q460-10 and Q460-20 are expressed as welded connections first increases and then decreases, along with the
Q460-All for brevity; similar codes are used for other Q690 groups. increase in HSS steel grade. The much higher FAT of Q550-20 than
(3) S–N mean curve and mean-2sd curve other HSSs may benefit from its significantly higher impact toughness
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
(as mentioned in Section 3.3) which is closely linked to the fracture acknowledged conclusion that for CSSs the fatigue strength of a thick
toughness in fatigue performance. plate is lower than that of a thinner plate, which may result from the
For HSS pairs of the same grade but different plate thicknesses, such higher sensitivity of the thin HSS plate to welding heat input.
as Q460-10 and Q460-20 as well as Q690-10 and Q690-20, the FAT of
thick plate (e.g., 212 MPa for Q460-20) is larger than the FAT of thin Previous studies reported that the static strength of CSSs has little
plate (e.g., 165 MPa for Q460-10). This is different from the widely influence on their fatigue performance but these studies do not reveal
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Table 5
Fatigue strength (FAT) obtained via different fitting methods (Unit: MPa).
Categories Natural fitting SMNA Fixed slope fitting SMFA Eurocode 3
m mean mean-2sd m mean mean-2sd m mean-2sd
Q460-10 4.7 224 165 3.0 182 114 3.0 112
Q460-20 6.3 250 212 3.0 189 133 3.0 112
Q460-All 5.4 237 190 3.0 186 125 3.0 112
Q550-20 5.0 284 247 3.0 252 200 3.0 112
Q690-10 2.6 172 130 3.0 185 146 3.0 112
Q690-20 4.3 202 169 3.0 166 126 3.0 112
Q690-All 3.3 185 143 3.0 176 133 3.0 112
Q960-10 2.99 154 125 3.0 154 126 3.0 112
Fig. 10. HSS fatigue data in this study and those from previous researches for HSS
Fig. 9. Comparison of fatigue strength of HSS butt-welded connections. butt-welded connections.
that the static strength (yield strength) of CSSs is generally concen- Q960:lgN = –3.0 lg 𝛥𝜎 + 12.599 (mean-2sd); FAT = 126 MPa.
trated between 235–355 MPa with a small spectrum near 100 MPa, (2) SMFA approach (𝑚 = 3.0)
which confirms the limited influence of the grades of the steel on its All HSS: lgN = –3.0 lg 𝛥𝜎 + 12.592 (mean-2sd); FAT = 125 MPa.
fatigue properties. However, with the increase in steel grade from 235 However, it must be pointed out that this approach is conservative, but
MPa to 960 MPa, the static strength range of HSSs can reach 700 MPa, simple and consistent with the current design for CSSs.
which certainly produces a difference that cannot be ignored in the Fig. 10 presents the FAT 125 with HSS fatigue data in this study
fatigue assessment. and those from previous researches [18,20], it is confirmed that FAT
(2) Slope m-fixed approach (SMFA) 125 are suitable to evaluate the HSS smooth butt connections.
In Fig. 9, it can be seen that under the regression with a fixed slope
of 𝑚 = 3.0, the FAT values of different HSS butt-weld connections are 4.3. Factors affecting the fatigue strength of HSS butt-welded connections
much closer to each other with a relatively small difference (e.g., 125,
133, 126 MPa for Q460, Q690, and Q960, respectively), and all FATs (1) The influence of steel grade on HSS fatigue strength
are larger than the FAT value in Eurocode 3 for CSSs (112 MPa). The fatigue performance of HSS butt connections is better than
The FAT results of SMFA are quite different from results of slope m- that of the CSS butt connections. The fatigue enhancement effect due
natural fitting approach (SMNA). However, it is consistent with the to the increased strength (e.g., the steel grade) can be attributed to
existing fatigue design for welded CSSs, and is simple but conservative two reasons. The first is the addition of more alloying elements to
to reflect the enhancement effect in fatigue strength for HSS butt-weld the HSS that are expected to provide desirable mechanical properties
connections. with regard to strength, hardness, toughness, and weldability, as well
(3) Recommended S–N curves for the fatigue design of HSS butt- as better fatigue performance. The change in chemical composition
weld connections in this test also includes a reduction in the content of detrimental elements (such
In the previous fatigue design code, the slope m is always an integer as carbon and sulfur). The second reason is the improvement in the
(e.g. 3), which is convenient for application in the design process. As thermal process technologies used in steel manufacturing. Heat treat-
for HSS, a number that is a multiple of 0.5 seems to be more reasonable ment and cold working refine the grain size and phase constitution
for slope m, rather than a number that is a multiple of 1.0, to reflect the of HSSs microstructurally, thereby leading to significant differences in
fatigue characteristics due to a relatively wider strength spectrum. The mechanical behaviors compared to CSSs.
S–N design curves and corresponding fatigue strength (FAT at 2 million It should be noted that the most essential factors that directly
cycles) for HSS studied are recommended below using two approaches. contribute to the fatigue performance according to the fracture me-
(1) SMNA approach chanics theory, are the fracture mechanical parameters (such as c and
Q460:lgN = –5.5 lg 𝛥𝜎 + 18.876 (mean-2sd); FAT = 193 MPa; m governed by the Paris law for crack growth), which lead to a lower
Q550:lgN = –5.0 lg 𝛥𝜎 + 18.276 (mean-2sd); FAT = 247 MPa; fatigue-crack growth rate (e.g., a higher crack-resistance capacity) for
Q690:lgN = –3.5 lg 𝛥𝜎 + 13.926 (mean-2sd); FAT = 151 MPa; HSS butt connections and relatively longer fatigue life. In particular,
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
(1) In the mechanical test, the yield ratio of HSS increased sig-
nificantly from 0.68 to 0.95, and the plasticity of butt-welded HSS
connections also decreased by 11∼63% (11% for Q500-20, 63% for
Q690-20, others in the middle range) when compared to that of its
corresponding base metal. For the weld metal of all HSSs studied, the
impact toughness is always less than (e.g. 42∼65% in −40 ◦ C, 14∼46%
in 20 ◦ C) that of the corresponding base metal. The CVN impact
energy of both HSS base and weld metals is much higher (e.g. about
35∼208% higher in −40 ◦ C) than the values specified in the code at
all testing temperatures; thus, the HSSs studied exhibit good impact
toughness. The hardness of the HSS base metal increases about 51% as
the steel grade increases from 460 MPa to 960 MPa. The HSS weld
metal demonstrated greater hardness (about 21∼34% higher) when
compared to its base metal, while the softening HAZ was found due to
the formation of granular bainite (coarse grain) rather than the normal
bainite and martensite.
(2) The fracture surface can be divided into four regions that exhibit
varied fatigue behaviors during the fatigue process: crack initiation
Fig. 11. Relationship between the fatigue strength and yield ratio for HSS butt-welded
region I, stable crack propagation region II, rapid propagation region
III, and final fracture region IV. The cracks in butt-welded HSS connec-
tions were mostly initiated at the edge near the weld metal or HAZ.
the changes in chemical composition and the microstructural refine- Ratchet marks (or fatigue steps) can be observed in some rare cases
ment of HSSs lead to an increase in static strength performance and when multiple fatigue cracks initiate at different planes.
fatigue performance, and the two performance indicators are indirectly (3) Under SMNA natural fitting, the natural slope m of the S–N
correlated. curve of HSS butt-welded connections varied from 3 to 5. The FATs of
(2) The influence of stress concentration effects due to geometric HSS butt-welded connections are considerably higher (about 12∼121%)
discontinuities on HSS fatigue strength than those of butt-welded CSS connections. While in slope m-fixed
For the butt connections with the same geometric dimensions, the fitting approach (SMFA) with m of 3.0, FAT for HSS butt-welded
local stress concentration factors (SCFs) due to geometrical discontinu- connections was also higher (about 12%∼79%) than the FAT of 112
ities at the weld toe are the same regardless of the materials (HSS or given in the Eurocode 3 for butt-welded connections.
CSS). (4) Two approaches were recommended for fatigue design of butt-
(3) The influence of welding residual stress, to which HSS butt- welded HSS connections. One was based on different slope (m) for
welded connections may be more sensitive different steel grades, which produces a FAT of 193, 247, 151 and
By comparing the fracture locations of HSS specimens, it was found 126 MPa for Q460, Q550, Q690 and Q960, respectively. The other was
that the fatigue fractures are all located at the weld or HAZ region.
based on a fixed slope (m) of 3 with a FAT of 125, which is simple but
From previous study [41] on residual stress distribution in H-section
more conservative.
members using HSSs, the welding residual stress increases with the HSS
steel grade up to 600 MPa.
For CSS weld connections, the yield ratio (the ratio of yield strength CRediT authorship contribution statement
to tensile strength) of the base metal is relatively low (below 0.85,
e.g. 0.6 for Q235). After the local residual stress exceeds the yield
Lewei Tong: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Investigation,
strength of the CSS base metal, the weld connections continue to retain
Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Valida-
a good plastic deformation capacity and strength-bearing ability. For
tion, Writing - review & editing. Lichao Niu: Conceptualization, Data
HSS welded connections, the yield ratio of the base metal is much
curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Vali-
higher, up to 0.85–0.95. As noted, the ratio increases with the steel
dation, Visualization, Roles/Writing - original draft, Writing - review
grades, up to 0.95, for Q960-10. The yield strength 𝑓y is much closer
to the tensile strength 𝑓u with highly limited strain development 𝜀u , & editing. Zhenzhen Ren: Data curation, Investigation, Methodology,
which means that the margin between a yield state and a final fracture Software, Writing - review & editing. Xiao-Ling Zhao: Conceptual-
is much smaller. Micro cracks may initiate in some HSS weld regions ization, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision,
where the residual stress is close to its yield strength when subject to Validation, Writing - review & editing.
fatigue loading. Consequently, the improvement in fatigue strength for
HSS connections will be restricted to some extent (see Fig. 11). Declaration of competing interest
From the analysis above, it can be extrapolated that the fatigue
strength of HSS butt-welded connections can be significantly increased
by post-weld heat treatment [42,43] because the effect resulting from The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
the reduction in residual stress is more beneficial in HSS than in CSS. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
More research is needed to verify this aspect. influence the work reported in this paper.
5. Conclusions
This study experimentally researched the mechanical properties and
fatigue performance of butt-welded connections made of four kinds of The authors are grateful for the support from the National Natural
HSSs with nominal yield strengths of 460, 550, 690, and 960 MPa. The Science Foundation of China (No. 51778457) and from the Shang-
plate thickness (10 and 20 mm) was also taken into consideration. The hai Civil Engineering Peak Discipline Program of Shanghai Municipal
main conclusions can be summarized as follows: Education Commission, China (No. TMGFXK-2015).
L. Tong, L. Niu, Z. Ren et al. Thin-Walled Structures 165 (2021) 107956
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