I Mental capacity
Anticipation, deliberation, drawing conclusions, creativity, helicopter Indications for CL68 competences in the FMS2019 scales
view, environmental awareness, judgement, political sensitivity,
problem analysis, vision, business insight. The scores per scale are as follows:
Very low 0 thru 7
Low 8 thru 15
II Performance
Below average 16 thru 19
Ambition, concentration, discipline, goal orientation, energy, quality
Average 20 thru 22
orientation, performance motivation, productivity, result orientation,
Above average 23 thru 26
tenacity, self-development, integrity, loyalty.
High 27 thru 34
Very high 35 thru 42
III Personal effectiveness
Decisiveness, perseverance, daring, stability, initiative, dealing with Positive indications:
uncertainty, independence, entrepreneurship, stress-resistance, 3 x scores of 35 or higher
resilience. 2 x scores of 27 to 34
1 x score of 23 to 26
IV Influencing behaviour
Verbal presentation, verbal fluency, networking, open- Negative indications:
heartedness,impact, persuasiveness, sociability. 3 x scores of 7 or lower
2 x scores of 8 to 15
1 x score of 16 to 19
V Relational behaviour
Adaptability, coaching ability, compassion, empathy, flexibility, No clear indication by 20 thru 22.
customer orientation, listening, negotiating, building relationships,
cooperation, tact. When the occasion arises, the positive and negative indication may be
subtracted from one another up to arrive at a single score. It should, however,
VI Management and leadership be realised that this score represents two (or three) aspects of one
Charisma, delegation, assertiveness, group oriented leadership, competence and this should be explained in detail in the report.
individual oriented leadership, motivation of subordinates, dealing
with diversity, development of subordinates, organisational
Behavioural indicators
sensitivity, management identification.
5 negative and 5 positive for every of the 68 competences
Step 1. The client, which can be the customer, the advisor or the participant, determines the competencies to be assessed. For this purpose you can use:
a. The alphabetical list of competencies with definitions “Competency list for Expert System”
b. The list in which competencies are divided into clusters “FMS Competencies in clusters”. This is an aid to ensure that the choice of competencies is well
distributed across the different clusters.
c. The overview of positive and negative behavioral indicators per competency, “FMS Behavioral Indicators of 68 Competencies”.
Step 2. The participant takes the FMS 2019 test. This results in scores on 8 scales. See “Explanation of TalenttestPro and expert system”. The raw scores on the
scales are converted into a standard score of -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 or 3. (For a “pie slice presentation” of the results, the range would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 can be
used, but that is not what this instruction is about!)
Step 3. The standard score for each desired competency is multiplied by the indication per desired competency, after which addition takes place and a
positive or negative indication power is created expressed as a percentage. This process is described in “FMS 2019 instruction expert system”
Step 4. An assessment list can be created per competency on a 7-point scale, possibly displayed in a number of bars. It could look like this:
Rating 7 “strong point of possible surplus value” at +75% or higher
Rating 6 “good” with a score of +50% to +74%
Rating 5 “more than sufficient” from +25% to +49%
Rating 4 “sufficient” from 0% to +24%
Rating 3 “moderate, development point” from -33% to -1%
Rating 2 “insufficient” from -66% to -34%
Rating 1 “weak (and possibly unsuitable for the intended position”) at a percentage of -100% to -67%
The latter must initially be checked manually, so that we do justice to our own assessment based on the entire assessment. Sending this type of assessment
to the customer based solely on the Talent Test is (still) too pretentious. Collect data first.
Below, the competencies are arranged in a number of clusters, which more or less form a unit.
A number of positive and a number of negative behavioral indicators are identified for each competency.
Cluster 1- Brainpower
1. Anticipate
• has a clear picture of how things will turn out
• comes up with scenarios
• makes decisions depend on perceived opportunities and threats
• has a “point on the horizon”
• anticipates possible outcomes
• is not surprised by unexpected situations
• can improvise smoothly and effectively
• lets things take their course
• rigidly follows a plan once set out
• does not look beyond the here and now
• does not anticipate possible situations that may arise
• does not intervene in time when something threatens to go wrong
P.S.: I see that I have the competence indicators in Dutch, but not in English (will have them translated a.s.a.p.)
FMS2019 Scoring instruction for competences with the pre-determined indications.
1. Choose which competences you wish to test. It is wiser to choose neither toomany nor too few competences. 8 to 12 is a reasonable number. To get a
wider picture, it is recommended not to choose too many competences from the same cluster,
2. Determine the score S for each test scale. S may vary between -3 and +3.
3. Look up the appropriate indication I for the competences to be assessed. I may vary between -1.5 and +1.5.
4. Multiply S by I, but, for I, only use the strength of the positive or negative indication. So , for instance not : -3 x -0.5, but -3 x 0.5. Minus times minus equals
plus, after all, and that is not the idea.
5. If a competence has multiple indications, add the products of S x I together. This gives the rough index R.
6. Divide R by the maximum obtainable (positive or negative) indication M and express this as a percentage. Thus: R/Mx100. We call this percentage indication K.
A practical example:
Candidate C is being assessed for the position of policy advisor/project leader at a housing corporation. The following competences were chosen in consultation
with the client.
Judgement, creativity, motivating subordinates, organizational sensitivity, goal orientation, networking, efficiency, persuasiveness, integrity, political sensitivity,
Judgement: IN: R=+1x0.5=0.5, M= +3x0.5=1.5, Therefore K+ is 0.5/1.5=335. (C’s score on AU does not matter since it is positive and only a negative indication
Motivating subordinates: EX and PS: R(+1x1) + (-2x1)=1. The sum is a negative indication so we look at M- and this is 6. So, K- is 1/6=17%, this is largely due to
PSand can be investigated further.
Organisational sensitivity: no indication K=0. After all, both EX and IN are positive and here only a negative indication count.
Networking: EX and VB: R=(+1x1) + (-2x1.5)=-2. M=6, therefore K_=33%. This is mainly due to C’s rather solitary disposition and not to his personality or
extraversion. To be further investigated.
Weet niet precies wat deze afkortingen betekenen dus kan geen engelse versie maken
1. Expert
2. Candidate
Spider web (preset profile and candidate profile)
1. match/suited for the job (chosen profile: sales, management, etc.)
2. Job satisfaction (average : autonomy, relations and competence)
3. developability competences (for every competence : a line under the score from red – orange -green)