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Chapter 1

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This chapter presented an introduction of the research. The part of this

chapter were: the research backround, the research question, the research
objective, the significance of the research, the action hypothesis and the
definition of key terms.

A. Research Backround

There are numerous abilities in English, including speaking,

listening, writing, and reading. Speaking is a language talent that enhances
students' verbal communication and thought expression. In this era of
globalisation, speaking English is crucial for effective communication. The
international community therefore agrees that English is the international
vernacular. Speaking is also the ability that enables us to effectively
communicate with others. It can be interpreted that communication can be
productive when someone has a goal or a desire to accomplish something,
such as providing direction, resolving problems, or gaining clarity. 1
Tarigan also explains that speaking is a behavioural skill that speakers can
acquire through repeated and consistent practise. 2 It is possible to say that
speaking skills are the foundation of communication. Speaking is an
essential English skill for conveying information and also asking inquiries.
This demonstrates that both the speaker and the audience can communicate
and comprehend the topic..

Recognising the significance of oral communication to society, the

Indonesian government mandated English language instruction in
Indonesian schools. According to Indonesian Government Regulation No.
32 of 2013, English is a foreign language that is highly beneficial in

Jeffrey D. Ford, Laurie W. Ford, The Four Conversations: Daily Communications that gets
Results, (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009), p. 6
Tarigan, H.G, Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Metode Pembelajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa.
(Bandung: Angkasa, 1990), 134.
Indonesia, particularly in public relations. 3 In addition, English must be
taught in every educational institution because it will be assessed alongside
other subjects on national examinations.4

Since English has become an international language, speaking

ability plays an important role in cross-cultural communication. Speaking
also explains in the al Qur‟an which in Q.S Ar-Rahman 3-4:

The meaning: “ Created man, (and) taught him eloquence.”(QS. Ar-

Rahman verse 3-4)5

According to the above verses of the Quran, Allah SWT created

man and taught humans how to communicate effectively. It signifies that
the ability to speak comes from God. As humans, they should have a
decent speech because God has taught us good things in life.

Speaking is the most difficult skill for the majority of English

language learners to master, and they are not yet proficient in oral
communication.6 There are several problems that students face when
expressing their ideas through oral communication. One of the obstacles is
students' lack of confidence. As for the problems found in previous
research. According to Widiati&Cahyono (2006), students feel nervous to
express their ideas when speaking in class. Besides that students lack

Government Regulation of Indonesia, No. 32 Year 2013, about The Changes on the Government
Regulation of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 about National Education Standard, Article 77J
and 77K, pp. 10 – 12, Retrieved from (sindikker.dikti.go.id) on 15 July 2019
Government Regulation of Indonesia, No. 32 Year 2013, about The Changes on the Government
Regulation of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 about National Education Standard, Article 70, pp.
16 - 17
Al-Qur’an, 3-4
Zhang, S, 2009: The Role of Input, Interaction, and Output in The Development of Oral Fluency.”
Journal of Teaching English Language, 2(4),91- 100. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/elt.v2n4p91.
understanding about the topic, still lack confidence, and poor relationships
between students and teachers. According to Adit (2019), it found that
some students were afraid to speak and quiet because they were afraid to
make mistakes when speaking. Moreover, when students have problems in
speaking or make mistakes, their classmates will laugh at them and
criticize them. Consequently, it can affect their mentality in speaking
English. Therefore, teachers need to using cooperative learning can help
improve their skills and provide many opportunities to communicate the
effectiveness of the process in all types of language classes. So that
students become more active during the learning process.

According to zhang (2010), teachers have several options for

enhancing students' speaking abilities, including jigsaw, think pair and
share (TPS), numbered heads together (NHT), talking stick, and create a
match. According to Rusman, Jigsaw is a cooperative learning model that
emphasises small-group pupil collaboration. Tiny units. 7 According to M
Sunita (2014: 62) think pair share is a learning model learning model
where students think independently about the problems given by the
teacher then discuss with a partner and share the results of the discussion
with friends in the class. According to Aris Shoimin (2013: 107)
Numbered Head Together (NHT) is a model that refers to student group
learning, each member has a part of the task (question) with different
numbers. According to Carol Locust (in Ramadhan 2010) stated that
Talking Stick is a learning model that is carried out with the help of a
stick, where students who hold the stick are required to answer questions
given by the teacher after students have studied the main material. the
subject matter. According to Suprijono, the cooperative learning paradigm
of the Make a Match type is one in which pairs are found using cards.
through playing cards. Where the card comprises both question cards and

Rusman, Model-Model Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan Profesionalisme Guru, (Jakarta : PT Raja
Grafindo Persada, 2011), h. 217
answer cards for these questions.8 So, Based on the explanation above, the
researcher used the talking stick method to enchancing students' speaking

Talking stick is a form of cooperative learning in which sticks and

music are used to facilitate learning activities. Methods could be utilised to
improve speaking, writing, listening, and reading. After providing students
with learning materials, the instructor plays specific music and passes the
baton or stretches from one student to the next. The student holding the
stick will then respond to the query.9

According to Knockwood (1992), the Talking Stick is a fragment

of wood utilised in Talking Stick ceremonies. Anyone with a talking stick
may speak for as long as necessary without fear of interruption by
criticism or inquiries. The talking stick may be a stick, a wooden marker,
or something comparable. The use of a talking stick is an effective method
for establishing communication between individuals. Students can use
these strategies to practise their attention skills.

The method of talking sticks is appropriate for use in junior high

schools and Islamic junior high schools. Initially, students feel content,
relaxed, and intrigued. The outcome makes it simpler for instructors to
guide students through the learning process. Second, students are more
engaged in activities such as responding to teacher queries, listening and
speaking, and collaborating with peers. So that they do not become tired
with the learning process. And they can also boost their self-confidence of
English learning.

The talking stick method is also a means of encouraging

instructors' creativity and accountability. Teachers take the learning
process more seriously and can plan it meticulously. This method is also
Agus Suprijono, Cooperative Learning Teori dan Aplikasi Paikem, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar,
2013), hlm. 94.
Dr. Rustiyarso, M. Si. Dan Tri Wijaya, M. Pd. Panduan dan Aplikasi Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,
ideal because the instructor employs the material in class in a relaxed and
enjoyable manner. And the existence of feedback between instructors and
students' interactions. Thus, the educational procedure is simple to

Based on the findings of the preliminary study, the researcher

observed eighth-grade MTs Baitul ArqomBalung. There are multiple
issues. Initially, the researcher identified a number of obstacles, such as a
lack of interest in acquiring English. So that students have difficulty
comprehending English themselves. In addition to talents in speaking,
listening, reading, and writing. Second, the researcher discovered
difficulties in students' speaking abilities, resulting in very poor speaking
abilities. Thirdly, the researcher discovered a lack of speaking precision
and practise. Due to a lack of interest in acquiring or speaking English
texts or about English-related topics. This is also due to the teacher's
expertise in selecting and teaching methods for speaking skills. So that
they have difficulty both orally and in writing using language. In addition
to difficulties with speaking, writing, reading, and vocabulary, they may
also encounter difficulties with listening.10

To overcome the problems above, the teacher as a informant must

provide several new methods or ways to train and improve students'
speaking skills. When they are motivated, they can automatically improve
their speaking skills. Therefore the researcher use a musical talking stick in
this study. Besides cooperative learning talking stick is also interesting in
the learning process. Where talking stick can increase teacher creativity
talking stick can also make students more active in the learning process.
Furthermore, the researcher believes that the use of the musical talking
stick method is easy for students to improve their speaking abilities.

Based on explanation above, the research is interest to conduct on

MTs Baitul ArqomBalung with the tittle: Enhancing The Students’
Observation in MTs Baitul Arqom Balung lor- Balung-Jember, 18 January 2023
Speaking Ability by Using Talking Stick at 8th Grade of MTs Baitul

B. Research Question
Based on the research background above, the researcher formulates
her research questions: How do the use of talking stick improve the
speaking ability of students at 8th grade of MTs Baitul ArqomBalung?
C. Research Objective
Based on the research questions above, the objective of this study:
To determine the enhancing of students' speaking ability by using talking
stick at 8th grade of MTs Baitul ArqomBalung
D. Significance of The Research
The author hopes that this research can provide various meanings
to this research: Theoritical significance and Practical significance
1. Theoritical significance
This research is anticipated to provide knowledge and
insight for those interested in the effect of using talking sticks to
improve speaking skills. In addition, it is anticipated that the results
of this study will serve as motivation, enrich theory, and serve as a
reference for future education related to enhancing eighth-grade
students' speaking abilities.
2. Practical significance
a) For students, This research is expected to bring students'
interest and enjoyment in learning English by using talking
sticks but also to increase their speaking abilities.
b) For English teacher, This research is expected to provide
benefits and additional experience and knowledge for
teachers who can provide them with new strategies in
improving students' speaking abilities. The use of talking
sticks is a new alternative to improve students' speaking
abilities, and students will enjoy the learning process.
c) For the other researchers, This research is expected to
provide information related to improving students' speaking
abilities with talking sticks. And can also be a reference for
further research on related topics.
E. Action Hypothesis
The action hypothesis of this classroom research is enhancing
students’ speaking ability by using talking stick at 8 th grade of MTs Baitul
F. Definition of Key Terms
1. Speaking ability
Speaking is one of the four language abilities (reading,
writing, and speaking is a means of expressing our opinions about
what we will express. Speaking skills are observable directly and
empirically, followed by the precision and efficacy of listening
skills in decision-making. Consequently, the reliability and validity
of oral exams are compromised.11
2. Talking stick
The talking stick method is a method of learning using a
stick. The student who receives the stick must answer the question,
topic and speak through it teacher. Students can be enjoy the
learning process.
Talking stick were the first method used by Native
Americans to invite all people to speak or express their opinions at
forums (tribal meetings).12 Talking Stick is a method of using
sticks as teaching materials. Whoever has a stick must answer the
teacher's questions after the student has learned the material path.13
3. Classroom Action Research (CAR)

Suharsimi Arikunto, Evaluasi Program Pendidikan (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2004), 3.
ArisShoimin, 68 Pembelajaran, 197.
Aris Shoimin, 68 Pembelajaran Inovatif dalam Kurikulum 2013(Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz
Media,2014), 198
Kurt Lewin, an American social psychologist, was the first
to introduce classroom action research. Stephen Kemmis, Robin
McTaggart, John Elliot, and Dave Ebbutt, among others, expanded
upon Kurt Lewin's central concepts.14 According to Kemmis and
McTaggart, cited by David Nunan, Classroom Action Research is a
group activity; therefore, descriptive research conducted by a
teacher in his or her own classroom, without the participation of
others, that aims to increase our understanding rather than change
the phenomenon under investigation would not be considered
action research by these commentators.15

Subyantoro, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Semarang: CV. WidyaKarya, 2009), p.3
David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learning, (Australia: Cambridge University Press,
1992), p.18

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