A. Background of Study
There were many factors that made students difficult in mastering speaking.
Brown (2021) stated that lack of practice opportunities, insufficient chances to
practice speaking, especially in real-life situations, can impede fluency
development. Taylor (2017) motivation and interest, a lack of intrinsic motivation
or interest in the language can diminish students' willingness to engage in speaking
practicepractice and anxiety and fear of judgment. Students often experience
anxiety about speaking, fearing negative evaluation from peers or instructors
(Smith, 2020). These are factors that hamper students master in English speaking.
To address these challenges, this study investigates the use of the Speak Pal
application as a tool to actively involve students in speaking practice and enhance
their motivation and confidence. This application involves students actively by
providing a feature that can be used so that communication practice can run
pleasantly according to students' interests and talents. Using this application as a
modern learning media will encourage students to think critically to find and
practice speaking and gain direct experience. Speak Pal is a free app that helps
people learn and speak English by providing a platform for finding language
partners and practicing conversation Speak is the first and only app that lets you
get real conversational practice without needing a live tutor on the other end.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher tried to know the Students
Perception using Speak Pal application to increase Students ability at SMA Negeri
1 Panyabungan Selatan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal.
Based on the background above, the researcher would like to formulate the
research questions as follow :
1. What are students’ perceptions of using the Speak Pal application for
learning English?
2. How is students’ perceptions use of the speak Pal app?
C. Objectives of Study
Based on the research problem about the researcher aims is to find out the
improvement of students' speaking after using Speak Pal of the second years
students of SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan Selatan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal.
D. Significances of Study
Theoretical significance
This research is limited to the use of the Speak Pal application in teaching
speaking, focusing on basic and intermediate levels of English. This study will be
conducted with second-year students of SMA Negeri 1 Panyabungan Selatan,
located in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal.
F. Keyterms
1. Speaking
2. Speak Pal
1. Definition of Perception
a. Individuals can infer others' attitudes, emotions, and internal states from
observable behavior.
2. Process of Perception
Walgito stated that there are four stages of perception, namely: a) Physical
process, namely the process of capturing a stimulus by the senses or receptor. b)
Physiological processes, namely the stimulus received by the sense organs is
continued by sensory nerves to the brain. c) Psychological process, namely the
process of emerging individual awareness regarding stimuli received by
receptors." d) The results of the perception process, namely in the form of
responses and behavior.
In addition , Pareek stated that the process of perception occurs through six stages,
namely: a) The process of receiving stimulation, namely receiving stimulation or
data from various sources through the five senses. b) The process of selecting
stimuli, namely selecting stimuli that are accepted. c) The organizing process,
namely the stimulus received next organized in some form. d) Interpretation
process, namely giving meaning to various data and information received. e)
Checking process, namely after the data is received and interpreted, si The
recipient takes some action to check whether the interpretation is right or wrong.f)
Reaction process, namely acting in relation to what has been perceived. Based on
this opinion, the process of perception occurs namely the process of receiving,
selecting, organizing, checking and react to stimuli that hit the five senses. Apart
from that, there are physical, physiological, psychological processes and the
results of the perception process.
2. Types of Perception
d) Perception through the sense of taste, obtained from the sense of taste,
namely the tongue. The stimuli are liquids.
e) Perception through the sense of touch, obtained from the tactile sense.
3. Aspects of Perception
According to Rokeach and Hamka in Walgito, there are three aspects of
The result of the perception process carried out by different individuals even if
the object is the same. This is due to factors influencing this perception.
Walgito pointed out that there are factors that influence individual perception,
a) Internal factors are everything that exists inside a person and this comes
from two things, namely physical and psychological conditions. Physical
condition includes physical health, while psychological conditions include
elements experiences, feelings, thinking skills and motivation.
a) Age factor, i.e. the Muller effect occurs with age. The layer illusion
decreases and is influenced by training.
b) Educational factor, i.e. how the learning process influences the process of
human cognition. c) Culture, that is, culture influences the process of
perception People grow and live in their environment and culture, so different
people may interpret things differently. It is exactly this living environment
that shapes this culture which had a great impact on his perception. Based on
this description, it can be concluded that the factors are: Factors that influence
perception include internal factors, factors external, age factors, educational
factors, cultural factors, where These also include personal factors.
Davis (1989), through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), states that two
primary factors influence technology acceptance: perceived usefulness and
perceived easy of use Students who find apps like Speak Pal easy to use and
effective in enhancing their speaking abilities are more likely to use them
consistently. Mosa, Naz’ri, and Shaffiei (2016) found that students' positive
perceptions of educational apps can increase their comfort and confidence in
learning. These perceptions are often influenced by aspects of the app’s interface,
the relevance of the content provided, and interactive features that support
practical language skills. After discussing perception, directly explain its relevance
to students’ engagement with Speak Pal to strengthen the connection.
1. Speaking Ability
According to Brown (1994) adds that speaking relies not only on linguistic
knowledge but also on sociolinguistic competence, where social context plays a
crucial role in how we communicate. Hedge (2000) lights that speaking is a
process of meaning construction involving direct interaction between the speaker
and listener, requiring real-time responses and adaptation. According to Ur (2000)
elaborates that speaking involves a range of sub-skills, including pronunciation,
grammar, and vocabulary, all contributing to effective communication. Nunan
(2003) emphasizes that speaking can encompass spontaneous conversation as well
as more planned and formal discourse, indicating variation in how we
communicate depending on the situation. Additionally, Richards and Schmidt
(2002) state that speaking is often viewed as a primary indicator of a person's
language ability, as it involves the direct use of language in social contexts. Also ,
McDonough and Shaw (2003) stress the importance of practice and experience in
developing speaking skills, showing that interaction-based learning can enhance
confidence and fluency.
Goh and Burans (2012) defines that interaction-based learning can enhance
confidence and fluency in speaking. It also means speaking having been seen even
though not produced by individual himself to communicate with others.
b. Novice Level
At this level, speakers can use basic phrases and vocabulary for simple
interactions. Their ability to communicate is limited, often relying on
memorized expressions.
c. Intermediate Level
Speakers can handle a wider range of topics and produce more complex
sentences. They can express opinions and engage in conversations but may
still struggle with fluency and accuracy.
Bailey (2005) mentions that main strategies for teaching speaking include
conversation simulation, role-playing, and group interaction. Meanwhile, Levy
(2009) suggests the use of technology-based apps, like Speak Pal, as tools that can
complement speaking practice by offering direct feedback. Practicing with apps
gives students the opportunity to practice independently in a more comfortable and
flexible setting, free from the pressure that may arise in a classroom environment.
The Relationship Between Students’ Perceptions, Use of Speak Pal, and Speaking
Skills Improvemen. Based on Davis's (1989) TAM theory, the conceptual
framework of this study focuses on the relationship between students’ perceptions
of the Speak Pal app. and the improvement of their speaking skills. Positive
perceptions of the app’s ease of use and benefits are expected to increase its usage
frequency, which ultimately enhances students' speaking skills. Positive
perceptions of Speak Pal may form from enjoyable learning experiences, user-
friendly features, and the app’s relevance to students’ needs. According to
Fishbein and Ajzen (1975), individuals' perceptions are shaped by the experiences
and information they acquire. If students find that Speak Pal aids them in
improving their speaking, a positive perception will form and motivate them to use
the app consistently. The utilization of modern learning media and mobile
application technology can enhance language learning through increased flexibility
and accessibility (Kukulska, 2005).
A study by Ehsani and Knodt (1998) found that using digital apps for foreign
language learning can help students improve their speaking skills through
immediate feedback. In their research, Walker and White (2013) found that
technology-based apps provide students with the opportunity to practice speaking
independently and develop their abilities through interactive learning. Mahmudah,
R., & Daulay, S. H. (2024). ELSA Speak Application as an Innovation to Improve
English Pronunciations of Speaking Skills: Student’s Perception. This study
discusses the ELSA Speak app as a tool to enhance pronunciation in English. The
findings reveal that such applications positively impact the speaking abilities of
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. (Source: ANCOLT International
Proceeding on Language Teaching). Huang, X., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Using
English Learning Apps to Enhance Speaking Skills: A Case Study on Multimodal
Learning. This research investigates technology-based applications for improving
speaking skills, using qualitative and quantitative analysis. It demonstrates that
tools like Speak Pal and English Fluency effectively support speaking practice.
(Source: Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences). Riswandi, D.
(2016). Learning English Speaking through YouTube as Media. This study
highlights the effectiveness of online platforms such as YouTube in teaching
English speaking. While not specific to Speak Pal, its technological approach is
highly relevant. (Source: e-Journal Hamzanwadi). Ellis, R., & Bliuc, A. (2019).
Student Perceptions of Online Media in Language Learning. This article explores
students' views on online media, including language learning apps, in supporting
speaking skills development. (Source: ResearchGate). Moghavvemi, S., et all
(2018). The Effectiveness of Online Tools in Enhancing English Speaking
Competence. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of online tools and
platforms, such as Zoom and Google Hangouts, in English language learning.
(Source: Journal of Language Learning.
A. Research Design
The research design employed in this study is a analysis study, which allows an in-
depth exploration of a phenomenon within a specific context, in this case, the use
of the Speak Pal application among students at SMAN 1 Panyabungan Selatan.
Through this case study, the researcher hopes to gain a clear picture of how this
application is used, the benefits students perceive, and the challenges they face
during the learning process.
This case study involves a detailed analysis of a group of students who have used
the Speak Pal application in their English language learning. The study is
descriptive as it aims to provide a detailed account of students' perceptions of the
application without attempting to compare or test specific variables.
Data collection took place during English language lessons, specifically during
sessions where the Speak Pal application was used as a learning medium. The
researcher observed the interactions between students and the application during
class activities, both in-class and during independent practice outside of class. The
study also notes the impact of using the application on students' speaking skills in
the classroom context.
C. Source of Data
The subjects of this research were 30 students from grade second year at
SMAN 1 Panyabungan Selatan, who had used the Speak Pal application to
improve their speaking skills in English. The selection of students was done using
purposive sampling. Purposive sampling was chosen because the researcher
wanted to ensure that all selected subjects had experience using the application for
at least one month prior to the study.
The students selected as subjects for the research were those who had become
accustomed to using the application during English learning sessions at school. As
a result, these students had sufficient experience with the application, enabling
them to provide in-depth insights into the benefits and challenges they encountered
while using the app to improve their speaking skills.
Data collection for this research was done using a combination of three main
techniques in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The combination
of these techniques was employed to gather comprehensive and accurate data
regarding students' perceptions of the Speak Pal application.
1. In-depth Interviews
2. Questionnaires
3. Observations
c. The level of student engagement in the learning process using the application.
These observations provided direct data on how students used the application
and interacted with it during the learning process.
E. Research Instruments
The instruments used in this study consist of several tools designed to collect
data from various sources. These instruments include:
1. Interview Guide
3. Observation Sheet
The observation sheet is used to record details during classroom sessions when
students are using the Speak Pal application. This sheet notes various aspects, such
as student engagement, any technical issues encountered, and how the application
was used during the learning activities.
1. Interview Transcription
2. Data Coding
After transcription, the interview data will be coded using thematic codes. This
process involves grouping responses into main themes that emerge, such as ease of
use, benefits of the application, and challenges faced by students.
The researcher will identify key themes that emerge from the interview and
observation data. These themes will be grouped and analyzed to provide a clear
picture of how students perceive the Speak Pal application and its impact on their
speaking skills.
4. Questionnaire Analysis
1. Data Triangulation
2. Member Checking
3. Peer Review
The research instruments and collected data will be reviewed by peers to ensure
the validity and reliability of the research.
C. Research Ethics
This research will be conducted with strict adherence to ethical principles. The
following measures will be taken to maintain the ethics of the research:
1. Informed Consent
Before the research begins, students will be provided with an explanation of the
research's purpose and benefits, as well as how their data will be used. They will
be asked to sign a consent form to participate in the research.
2. Confidentiality
All data collected during the research will be kept confidential. Students'
identities and other personal information will be kept private to protect their
3. Right to Participate
Students have the right to withdraw from the research at any time without any
consequences. They also have the right to refuse to answer any questions they do
not wish to answer.
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