Stiles-1996 - Block Construction - Early Focal
Stiles-1996 - Block Construction - Early Focal
Stiles-1996 - Block Construction - Early Focal
Spatial construction skills were assessed in children with left (LH) or right (RH)
hemisphere focal brain injury and control children. Children copied simple and com-
plex block models which were rated on accuracy and spatial strategy. The accuracy
of simple and complex constructions for 4- to 5-year-old children with LH injury
was indistinguishable from 4-year-old controls. However, although they were able
to produce accurate complex constructions, the processes used by children with
LH injury differed from those of normal children. On both simple and complex
constructions, 4- to 5-year-old children with RH injury showed evidence of develop-
mental delay. For both accuracy and process measures, children with RH injury
performed at a level comparable to normal children at 3 years. A second group of
children with LH and RH injury were tested at 5 to 6 years of age. Both lesion groups
were indistinguishable from 4-year-old controls in terms of accuracy. However, both
children with LH and RH injury used different spatial processes than did controls.
This study emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between products of behav-
ior and the processes which underlie them. It is in the dissociation of products and
process of behavior that the subtle spatial construction deficits in this population
of brain-injured subjects is revealed. 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
This research was supported by NICHHD Grant 5-R01-HD25077, NINDS Grant 5-P50-
NS22343, and by NIDCD Grant 5-P50-DC01289. The authors thank the parents and children
for their participation in the study, as well as Lisa Johnson, Trixie Maulion, and Robert Riss-
man for assistance in data transcription. Address reprint requests to Joan Stiles, Department
of Psychology 0109, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093.
0278-2626/96 $18.00
Copyright 1996 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
pattern is integrated and the organized relational structure of the array influ-
ences what is encoded. In studies of adults, it has been well documented
that injury to left hemisphere brain regions interferes selectively with visual
segmenting processes and injury to right hemisphere brain regions interferes
selectively with visual integration processes (e.g. Warrington et al., 1966;
Gainotti & Tiacci, 1970; Swindell et al., 1988; Robertson and Delis, 1986;
Delis et al., 1988).
Recent studies have shown that pre- or perinatal injury to right and left
hemisphere brain regions results in patterns of selective deficits of spatial
analytic processing in children that are similar to those observed in adult
patients (Stiles-Davis et al., 1985, 1988; Stiles & Nass, 1991; Stiles & Thal,
1993). Specifically, children with LH injury have difficulty encoding pattern
features or details, while children with injury to RH areas have difficulty
with the configural aspects of spatial analytic processing. While these profiles
of deficit observed among children are consistent with those reported for
adults, these same studies report that the impairment observed among chil-
dren appears to be less severe and that children appear to be able to compen-
sate for their deficits more readily than adults.
Most studies of spatial deficits following early injury have focused on
children in the school-age period. However, we have reported one study
which examined spatial analytic processing among preschool-aged children
(Stiles & Nass, 1991). In that study, we showed that children as young as
3 years of age with both LH and RH injury are impaired on tasks involving
spontaneous block play. In these tasks, children were given small sets of
blocks and encouraged to build with them. Children with LH injury were
delayed in their constructional activity in that they produced much simpler
constructions than those of normally developing children. Children with RH
injury initially produced simpler constructions, and later produced anoma-
lous disordered heaps of blocks. Although the spontaneous play task pro-
vided clear evidence of specific deficit, the unstructured nature of the task
allowed us to provide only limited descriptions of the children’s behavior.
Furthermore, possible changes in the children’s construction abilities beyond
age 4 were not assessed.
The current study examined in greater detail the performance of 4- to 6-
year-old children on a more highly structured spatial grouping task. In this
study, children were asked to copy a series of six block constructions. Provid-
ing the children with a specific set of models made it possible to analyze
the children’s spatial grouping behaviors more precisely. In the current study,
the children’s construction activities were analyzed in terms of both what
they produced and how they produced them. Models included both simple
and complex constructions, with construction difficulty operationally defined
on the basis of a sample of data from normal children.
Data were analyzed in two ways. In the first study, performance of chil-
dren at 4 to 5 years of age was examined. This age was selected because it
is the point at which children from both the LH and RH injury groups in
the earlier spontaneous grouping study began to attempt to generate construc-
tions more complex than single stacks and lines. Careful analysis of how
the children approach the problem of copying the model will provide bet-
ter insight into the nature of the underlying deficits in the groups. The se-
cond study examined the performance of an older group of children with
LH and RH injury. The purpose of these studies was to examine how the
children’s building strategies change over time. Studying behavior of dif-
ferent ages will allow us to begin to address questions about the extent to
which children are able to compensate for their spatial analytic deficits over
Age at test
Subject Sex Lesion site Birth history and lesion onseta,b Seizures in years–months IQc
RH1 F Rt. temporal, parietal Presumed neonatal onset No 3–9 Bayley: 113
RH2 M Rt. frontal, temporal, parietal PPN: blood clot noted in placenta Yes 4–0 Not available
RH3 M Rt. frontal, parietal PPN: hemi noted 6 months No 4–4 WPPSI: 102
RH4 F Rt. parietal Surgery for congenital heart defect Yes 4–7 WPPSI: 84
on Day 1 of life.
RH5 F Rt. subcortical only, temporal, pari- PPN: left hemi No 4–9 WPPSI-R: 94
etal, occipital
RH6 F Rt. frontal, temporal, parietal, occip- Presumed neonatal onset Yes 5–1 WPPSI-R: 66
RH7 M Rt. temporal, parietal Labor induced at 41 weeks No 5–4 WPPSI: 109
PPN: hemi noted at 3 months
Mean age 5 4–6 Mean IQ 5 94.7
LH1 F Lft. infarct to middle and posterior Possible gestational diabetes No 3–11 Not available
cerebral artery PPN: apneic spells Day 1 of life
hemi noted at 3 months
LH2 M Lft. frontal, temporal parietal Presumed neonatal onset No 4–0 WPPSI: 115
LH3 M Lft. frontal and subcortical Presumed neonatal onset No 4–1 WPPSI-R: 99
LH4 F Lft. parietal PPN: hemi noted at 6.5 months No 4–5 WPPSI-R: 116
LH5 M Lft. parietal PPN: hemi noted at 7 months No 4–7 Bayley: 102
LH6 M Lft. temporal, parietal and subcor- PPN: Cesarean delivery, hemi noted No 4–9 WPPSI: 93
tical at age 1.
LH7 M Lft. temporal Cord around neck No 5–0 WPPSI-R: 93
LH8 F Lft. frontal PPN: neonatal seizures Yes 5–1 WISC-R: 68
LH9 M Lft. temporal, parietal Presumed neonatal onset No 5–2 WPPSI-R: 81
Mean age 5 4–5 Mean IQ 5 95.9
PPN, pre- or perinatal.
Unless otherwise noted, subject was born following a normal, full-term pregnancy and without birth complications.
WPPSI-R/WPPSI-III, Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence—Revised; Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence—
Third Edition. Bayley, Bayley Infant Intelligence Scales.
Product. The accuracy of each construction was rated with a score of 0 or 2. A score of
2 indicated an accurate, and a score of 0 indicated an inaccurate construction. The scoring
criteria are described in Fig. 1. The number of constructions which earned full credit for
accuracy, or 2 points, was tallied separately for the three configurally simple constructions
and the three configurally complex constructions, giving each subject two overall product
Process. The spatial strategy, or process, used by the subjects to generate each block con-
struction was rated on the basis of an established scoring system (see Stiles and Nass, 1991,
and Stiles, 1988). Each construction was described as either a Process I, II, or III. A Process
I strategy was defined as the use of a simple reiterative relation in a single direction, such as
a stack or a line. A Process II strategy was defined as the use of sequential combinations of
blocks in more than one way or in more than one direction, such as the production of a line
and then a stack. A Process III strategy was defined as the use of a combination of blocks in
more than one way or in more than one direction, where a subject shifted back and forth
between the parts of his or her construction. These strategies differ largely on the basis of
complexity, with each successive level building upon the previous level.
Construction Accuracy
The results of this study comparing normal children with the two lesion
groups, suggested that overall, children with RH injury produce less accurate
block constructions when compared to children with LH injury and 48-
month-old controls. The accuracy of children with LH injury was found to be
indistinguishable from that observed in a 48-month-old control population.
Data from the accuracy measure were analyzed using a two-way mixed-
design ANOVA, with Group (LH injury, RH injury, and 48-month-old
control) as the between-subjects factor and Construction type (simple and
complex) as the within-subjects factors. The dependent variable for the con-
structions was the total number of 2-point constructions (with a maximum
of three) produced by the subject. The dependent variable for the complex
constructions was the total number of 2-point constructions (with a maxi-
mum of three) produced by the subject. Tukey Unequal N Honestly Signifi-
cant Difference (HSD) tests were used for all multiple comparisons (p ,
The results suggest a significant main effect for Construction Type (F(1,
29) 5 10.9, p , .002) and for Group (F(2, 29) 5 12.2, p , .0001). Although
the Construction Type 3 Group interaction was not statistically significant,
the findings for the simple and complex constructions are presented sepa-
rately for purposes of clarity (see Fig. 2A). Tukey unequal N HSD tests
showed that children with LH injury and 48-month-old controls were sig-
nificantly more accurate in their production of both simple and complex con-
structions than were children with RH injury. There was no difference be-
tween the accuracy of children with LH injury and 48-month-old controls
on either the simple or complex constructions. These findings suggest that
on measures of block construction accuracy, children with LH injury demon-
strate a profile similar to that seen in a group of slightly younger controls.
Children with RH injury demonstrate a profile of accuracy that is signifi-
cantly inferior to the other groups.
Process Strategy
Children’s spatial processing strategies were examined using χ2 analyses
measuring the total number of Process I, Process II, and Process III strategies
FIG. 2. (A) The mean accuracy score for simple and complex constructions for 4- to 5-
year-old children with LH and RH injury and 48-month-old controls. ( ) RH (N 5 7), (h)
LH (N 5 9), ( ) 48-month control (N 5 16). (B) The proportion of 4- to 5-year-old children
with LH and RH injury and 48-month-old controls who used Process I, II, or III in the produc-
tion of simple and complex constructions. (m) RH (N 5 7), (●) LH (N 5 9), (h) 48-month
control (N 5 16).
A marginally significant effect was found between the process types of chil-
dren with LH and RH injury (χ2 (2) 5 5.33, p , .07). The results of these
separate χ2s reveal that the types of processes used by children with LH
injury do not differ from those of the 48-month-old controls. However, a
significant difference between children with RH injury and 48-month-old
controls was revealed, (χ2(2) 5 8.25, p , .01). The observed frequencies
of the types of processes used in the production of the simple constructions
suggested that children with RH injury use different spatial strategies than
48-month-old controls.
For the complex constructions, the χ2 analysis revealed a significant effect
of group (χ2 (4) 5 21.1, p , .0003). Again, separate χ2 analyses were per-
formed in order to compare the performance of the two lesion groups and the
48-month-old controls. Separate χ2 analyses revealed significant differences
between children with LH injury and 48-month-old controls (χ2(2) 5 9.5,
p , .008) and between children with RH injury and 48-month-old controls
(χ2 (2) 5 8.9, p , .05). A significant difference was also found between the
process types used by children with LH and RH injury (χ2 (2) 5 7.6, p ,
.02). These findings suggest that for the complex constructions, children with
both LH and RH injury adopt spatial strategies that not only are unlike those
seen in a group of 48-month-old normal children, but are unlike one ano-
FIG. 3. (A) The mean accuracy score for simple and complex constructions for 4- to 5-
year-old children with LH and RH injury and 48-, 36- and 24-month-old controls. ( ) RH
(N 5 7), (h) LH (N 5 9), ( ) 48-month control (N 5 16), ( ) 36-month control (N 5 16),
(■) 24-month control (N 5 16). (B) The proportion of 4- to 5-year-old children with LH and
RH injury and 48-, 36-, and 24-month-old controls who used Process I, II, or III in the produc-
tion of simple and complex constructions. (m) RH (N 5 7), (●) LH (N 5 9), (h) 48-month
control (N 5 16), (e) 36-month control (N 5 16), ( ) 24-month control (N 5 16).
Construction Accuracy
The same analyses as previously reported were used to assess the accuracy
of 5-year-old children with LH injury, RH injury and 48-month-old controls
on both simple and complex block constructions. The main effects for both
Group and Construction Type were not significant. Tukey unequal N HSD
tests revealed that there were no differences among the accuracy of the three
groups on simple constructions. The results are presented in Fig. 4. Similarly,
there were no differences among the accuracy of the groups on the complex
constructions. Taken together, these results suggest that by age 5 to 6 years,
children with LH and RH injury were indistinguishable from 48-month-old
controls with respect to the accuracy of their block constructions.
Summary of Neurological and Behavioral Data for 5- to 6-Year-Old Children with RH and LH Injury
Age at test
Subject Sex Lesion site Birth history and lesion onseta,b Seizures in years–months IQc
RH4 F Rt. parietal Surgery for congenital heart defect Yes 5–7** WPPSI: 84
on Day 1 of life.
RH8 F Rt. parietal, temporal PPN: seizures on Day 1 of life No 5–7 WPPSI: 110
RH9 F Rt. frontal, parietal PPN: cord wrapped around neck, Yes 5–8 Not available
emergency cesarean section, sei-
zures on Day 1 of life.
RH3 M Rt. frontal, parietal PPN: hemi noted 6 months No 5–9** WPPSI: 102
RH10 F Rt. frontal, temporal, parietal, occip- PPN: seizures in infancy, diagnosis Yes 5–9 WPPSI: 78
ital at 4 months
RH11 M Rt. frontal, temporal, parietal PPN: cord wrapped around neck, No 6–2 WISC-R: 123
hemi noted in early infancy
Mean age 5 5–9 Mean IQ 5 99.4
LH11 F Lft. frontal, temporal, parietal, oc- PPN: Difficult labor, hemi noted at No 5–4 WPPSI: 83
cipital 5 months
LH12 F Lft. MCA Normal delivery, stroke following Yes 5–4 WPPSI-R: 97
head trauma at 6.5 months
LH6 M Lft. temporal, parietal and subcor- PPN: cesarean delivery, hemi noted No 5–9** WPPSI: 93
tical at age 1.
LH3 M Lft. frontal and subcortical Presumed neonatal onset No 5–5** WPPSI-R: 99
LH10 F Lft. temporal PPN: Hemi noted in early No 6–0 WPPSI: 107
Mean age 5 5–6 Mean IQ 5 95.8
PPN, pre- or perinatal.
Unless otherwise noted, subject was born following a normal, full-term pregnancy and without birth complications.
WPPSI-R/WPPSI-III, Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence—Revised; Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence—
Third Edition. Bayley, Bayley Infant Intelligence Scales.
FIG. 4. (A) The mean accuracy score for simple and complex constructions for 5- to 6-
year-old children with LH and RH injury and 48-month-old controls. ( ) 5-year RH (N 5
6), (h) 5-year LH (N 5 5), ( ) 48-month control (N 5 16). (B) The proportion of 5- to 6-
year-old children with LH and RH injury and 48-month-old controls who used Process I, II,
or III in the production of simple and complex constructions. (n) 5-year RH (N 5 6), (s)
5-year LH (N 5 5), (h) 48-month control (N 5 16).
Process Strategy
The process profiles of children with LH injury, RH injury and 48-month-
old controls were compared using a χ2 analysis. For the simple constructions,
none of the children with LH or RH injury used Process III strategies, conse-
quently this variable was omitted from the analysis. Using a χ2 analysis with
a contingency correction, no differences were found among the three groups
with respect to the types of process profiles used. For the complex construc-
tions, none of the children with LH or RH injury used Process I, consequently
this variable was omitted from the analysis and χ2 analyses were conducted
using a contingency correction. In terms of the complex constructions, sig-
nificant differences were revealed among the process profiles of the two le-
sion groups when compared to a 48-month-old control group. Children with
RH injury were shown to adopt a significantly different process profile than
48-month-old controls (χ2 (2) 5 11.35, p , .0008). Children with LH injury
were shown to adopt a marginally different process profile than 48-month-
old controls (χ2(2) 5 3.17, p 5 .07). These findings suggest that despite the
similarity to 48-month-old controls on measures of accuracy, children with
LH and RH injury demonstrate differences on measures of process well into
the school-age years.
This study examined the effects of early left and right hemisphere injury
on the performance of 4- to 6-year-old children in a simple block modeling
task. The overall findings are consistent with our earlier report on spontane-
ous block play in 3- and 4-year-old children (Stiles & Nass, 1991; Stiles
1988). The current study elaborates the earlier findings by both extending
the age of test into the early school-age period, and by introducing a more
structured task that allowed us to look in greater detail at both the product
and process of the children’s construction behaviors. Indeed it is in the com-
parison of what the children produced and how they produced it that provided
the best description of deficit and recovery for spatial analytic functioning
following early brain injury.
The data provide quite different performance profiles for children with
early occurring left and right posterior brain injury. By 4 to 5 years of age,
the performance of children with LH injury was indistinguishable from 48-
month-old normal controls on the products measure for both the simple and
the complex constructions. This is consistent with our earlier report on spon-
taneous grouping in which the LH injury group showed evidence of delay
at 3 years, but appeared to catch up by age 4 (Stiles & Nass, 1991). The
process measure assessment of the simple constructions also yielded similar
profiles for the LH injury and normal control groups. However, the process
profiles for the LH injury group on the complex constructions diverged from
those of normal 48-month-old controls. The children with LH injury ap-
peared to use simpler processes to produce these more complex construc-
tions. However, using only the single age comparison group, it was not possi-
ble to determine whether this profile represented deviation from normal
development or simply delay.
The children with RH injury presented quite a different profile from the
children with LH injury and from normal controls. Their performance on
both the product and the process measures was significantly different from
both groups for both the simple and the complex constructions. However,
as was the case with the interpretation of data from the group with LH injury,
the single age control group does not allow us to determine whether the
profile is indicative of deviation or delay.
In order to address this issue of deviance versus delay, a second set of
analyses was conducted which included three groups of normally developing
children, ages 24, 36, and 48 months. Data from each of the lesion groups
were compared separately with these three groups. Considering first the data
from the normal children, a clear developmental profile is found. With in-
creasing age the children’s constructions became progressively more accu-
rate, with simple constructions being mastered earlier than complex construc-
tions. The way in which children organized constructions also changed with
age. Older children use more complex processes than younger children, and
all children are more likely to use simpler strategies when making simple
constructions than when making complex ones.
Given the earlier analyses which showed children with LH injury were
as accurate in their productions as 48-month-old normal controls, it was not
surprising to find that for both simple and complex constructions the LH
group was significantly more accurate in their constructions when compared
to the 24- and 36-month-old, but not the 48-month-old controls. A similar
pattern is evident on the process measures for the simple constructions. When
the constructions were simple, children with LH injury produced them accu-
rately and in the same way as the oldest normal children. However, data
from the process measure for the complex constructions showed significant
differences between children with LH injury and all three groups of controls.
Thus, while children with LH injury were able to produce accurate complex
constructions, the way they approached the task differed from normal chil-
dren, in that the children with LH injury used simple procedures to generate
complex constructions. These data are inconsistent with a profile of delay in
that none of the normally developing groups demonstrated this dissociation
between product and process. The impairment is subtle and reflects a devia-
tion from the usual developmental trajectory for spatial analytic processing.
Evidence for subtle, ongoing impairment is seen in the ways in which the
children with LH injury approach the task of solving spatial analytic prob-
Data comparing the performance of children with RH injury with the
younger normal controls provide a very different profile from the children
with LH injury. On both the product and the process measures, the children
with RH injury showed evidence of marked developmental delay. Perfor-
mance across all measures indicated that the group of children with RH in-
jury performed at a level most comparable to normal children at 36 months
of age. This pattern was consistent for both the simple and the complex
Finally, analyses of the data from an older group of children with early
focal lesions showed continued evidence of subtle impairment. Children with
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