PROGRAMMES Dept Course/Programmes O'Level Subjects UTME Combination Code Compulsory Elective Schoo of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) Agricultural Economics and AEC Farm Management Agricultural Extension and CHE AEX English Language, MAT PHY Rural Development BIO/AGR CRP Crop Production Mathematics, Biology/Agriculture Science, HRT Horticulture Chemistry and any one of APT Animal Production Physics, Geography, Soil Science and Land Economics. At least a Pass in SLM Management Physics is required. CHE MAT PHY Water Resources, BIO/AGR GEO ECO WAF Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology English Language, Mathematics, CHE FST Food Science Technology MAT PHY Biology/Agriculture Science, BIO/AGR Chemistry and Physics School of Electrical and Engineering Technology (SEET) CPE Computer Engineering English Language, Electrical/Electronics Mathematics, Physics, EEE Engineering Chemistry and any one of MAT CHE MCE Mechatronics Engineering Further Mathematics, Biology, PHY Telecommunication Geography or Technical TME Drawing. Engineering School of Infrastructure, Process Engineering and Technology (SIPET) ABE Agricultural and Bioresources English Language, MAT CHE Engineering Mathematics, PHY Biology/Agriculture Science, Physics, Chemistry. CHE Chemical Engineering English Language, MEE Mechanical Engineering Mathematics, Physics, Material and Metallurgical Chemistry and any one of MME Further Mathematics, Biology, Engineering Petroleum and Gas Geography or Technical PGE Drawing. Engineering English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one of CIE Civil Engineering Further Mathematics, Geography, Technical Drawing, Building Technology, Biology/Agricultural Science. School of Innovative Technology (SIT) English Language, PHY CHE Mathematics, MAT ETS Entrepreneurship GOV AGR Economics/Commerce and any ECO/COM BIO GEO two Social/Science Subjects English Language, Logistics and Transport Mathematics, Physics, LTM Management Economics, Geography and at least pass in Chemistry/Biology. English Language, CHE ECO MAT PHY Mathematics, Physics, BIO Project Management Economics and any other PMT Technology Science or Social Science subject and at least pass in Chemistry/Biology. School of Environmental Technology (SET) English Language, ARC Architecture Mathematics, Physics and any two from Chemistry, Biology, CHE GEO PHY MAT Geography, Economics, BIO ECO BDT Building Technology Technical Drawing, Building Construction. English Language, Mathematics, Economics and PHY CHE Estate Management and any two from Chemistry, EMV MAT ECO GEO BIO Valuation Biology/Agricultural Science, AGR Geography, Technical Drawing, Physics, Building Construction. QTS Quantity Surveying English Language, PHY MAT CHE GEO Mathematics, Physics and any BIO ECO two from Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Technical Drawing. English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Surveying and CHE GEO SVG Geography and any one from PHY MAT Geoinformatics BIO ECO Chemistry, Biology, Technical Drawing, Economics. English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two of Physics, Chemistry, ECO PHY URP Urban and Regional Planning MAT GEO Economics, Biology, CHE Agricultural Science, Technical Drawing School of Information and Communication Technology (SICT) English Language, CPT Computer Science Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one of Biology, Geography, Computer MAT PHY BIO CHE Studies, Data Processing or CSS Cyber Security Science Information and Communication Technology English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science and any one of Chemistry, IFT Information Technology Geography, Economics, Computer Studies, Data Processing or Information and GEO CHE Communication Technology MAT PHY ECO AGR English Language, BIO Mathematics, Physics, Geography and any one of Information Science and IMS Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Media Studies Computer Studies, Data Processing or Information and Communication Technology School of Life Sciences (SLS) BCH Biochemistry English Language, Mathematics, Physics, MCB Microbiology Chemistry and Biology English Language, ANB Animal Biology BIO CHE PHY MAT Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and any other PLB Plant Biology Science subject. At least a Pass in Physics is required School of Physical Sciences (SPS) CHM Chemistry English Language, CHE PHY BIO Mathematics, Chemistry, MAT Physics and either Biology or Agricultural Science English Language, CHE PHY Mathematics, Chemistry, GEL Geology MAT BIO Physics and any one of Biology GEO or Geography English Language, Mathematics, Physics, MAT BIO Geography and any one of GRY Geography GEO CHE PHY Biology, Chemistry, AGR Agricultural Science, Economics or Government English Language, Mathematics, Physics, GPH Applied Geophysics Chemistry with any of Biology, Agricultural Science, PHY MAT CHE BIO Geography, Computer Studies, Data Processing or Information PHY Physics and Communication Technology English Language, MAT Mathematics Mathematics, Physics, with any two of Chemistry, Further CHE ECO MAT PHY Mathematics, Economics, GEO STA Statistics Biology/Agricultural Science, Geography, Technical Drawing School of Science and Technology Education (SSTE) English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other MAT PHY EDT Educational Technology relevant subject from Biology, CHE BIO Geography, AGR/TE Agricultural/Technical Education English Language, Industrial and Technology Mathematics, Physics and any CHE BIO ITE MAT PHY Education other two relevant Science AGR GEO and/or Technical subjects English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Geography and any one of GEO CHE Library and Information LIS Chemistry, Biology, Economics, MAT PHY ECO AGR Science Computer Studies, Data BIO Processing or Information and Communication Technology English Language, CHE MAT EDB Biology Education BIO Mathematics, Chemistry, PHY EDC Chemistry Education Physics and any other from CHE MAT PHY GEO ECO Biology/Agricultural Science or BIO AGR Geography MAT PHY EDG Geography Education GEO CHE ECO BIO/AGR PHY CHE EDM Mathematics Education MAT BIO MAT CHE EDP Physics Education PHY GEO ECO BIO/AGR
Juramli, J. (2016) - Transitivitas Pada Teks Daqaaiqul Akhbar Telaah Fungsi Ideasional Dalam Kajian Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik. Litera Jurnal Litera Bahasa Dan Sastra, 1 (2) .