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Npa422d Pfs3 E19 v3.3 Manual

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NPA 422D

Operating Manual

Avana Electrosystems Pvt Ltd

Plot No. N1, 4 th Cross, 1 st Stage,
Peenya Industrial Estate
Bangalore – 560058 (INDIA)
Operating Manual NPA 422D

Revision History
SL. No. Date Ver Change Details
1 20 Aug 12 V1.0 Initial Release
2 22nd Aug 12 V1.1 Spelling & Grammatical corrections
3 5th Sept 12 V1.2 Relay photo changed
4 15th Jun 13 V1.3 Communication details for IEC60870-5-103 is added
5 31st Aug 13 V1.4 CB Fail, Fault history and event record details added
6 31st Dec 13 V2.0 IDMT with ARR wiring diagram included
7 5th Oct 15 V2.1 Correction in TC description
8 3rd Oct 18 V2.2 Grammatical Correction
9 6th Nov 19 V3.0 DI setting, supervision, ER are revised
10 3 Sept 2020 V3.1 ARR timing diagram included and some correction is the
functionality is done.
11 1st Jun 22 V3,2 Directional relay feature added
12 29th Sept 22 V3.3 Some minor correction in formatting is added


1. Introduction

2. Features

3. User interface

4. Communication

5. Terminal diagram

6. Standard Compliance

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1. Introduction
The Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Relay is used to provide time graded over current and
earth fault protection. The protection is required for Feeders, Transformers, Motors, Capacitors etc.,

The relay measures the true RMS current of each line and compares with user selected threshold, if
line current exceeds the threshold, fault picks up and operating time starts. After expiry of operating
time relay initiate trip signal to circuit breaker. Various parameters of the relay can be selected by
the user

Directional Over current Protection (50 / 51 / 67)

Protection Directional Earth fault protection (50N / 51N / 67N)
Breaker Failure (50BF)
Monitoring Trip Circuit Supervision (95)
CT Supervision
Front USB Port
Communication Rear RS485 Port (Modbus) or
Rear RS485 Port (IEC60870-5-103)
Auto reclosure
Automation Programmable LED
functions Programmable Digital input
Programmable Digital output

The protection setting range for phase over current & earth fault elements are different. The low set and
high set settings are independently selected for phase over current & earth fault protection elements,
Relay has been tested for different applicable IEC standards, listed in standard compliance section.

NPA 422D is microprocessor based Numerical Relay, the internal block diagram is shown below. The
current input from the line CT is scaled down to a level where it can be measured by electronic circuitry
without changing its profile. The scaled down input is fed to analog circuitry which will do the filtering
and signal conditioning. The filtered signal is feed to microprocessor for converting in to corresponding
digital values. The proven protection algorithms are stored in the microprocessor.

The algorithm calculates true RMS value of each line current then calculates operating time based on the
fault current. After completion of operating time microprocessor initiate output contacts, potential free
output contacts are used to operate trip circuit of the circuit breaker, interlocking and alarming purpose.

The internal power supply unit converts the applied aux. supply in to different voltage levels which are
required for electronic circuitry. The proper isolation between input and output is provided. The power
supply unit is provided with special filtering circuits required for stable performance in substation

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2. Features
2.1 Over current Protection
Relay has three level of over current protection, O/c IDMT (I>) Protection, High set 1 (I>>) Protection with
definite time delay and Instantaneous High set 2 (I>>>). The settings are site programmable. The O/c I>
protection can be programmed for definite time delay OR IDMT characteristic. The TMS required for IDMT
to provide time graded protection is adjustable. The relay has inbuilt inrush blocking algorithm.

O/C low-set (I>) 20 to 200% in steps of 1%

IDMT characteristic curve (I>) 3.0s / 1.3s / 0.6s Normal Inverse
1.5s Very Inverse
0.8s / 0.6s Extremely Inverse
13.3s Long Inverse
TMS 0.02 to 1.0 in steps of 0.01
Def time Low set (I>) 0 to 25s in steps 0.1s (0 – Inst)
O/C High-set 1 (I>>) 20 to 4000% in steps of 10%
Def time High-set 1 (I>>) 0 to 25s in steps of 0.01s (0 – Inst)
O/C High-set 2 (I>>>) 20 to 4000% in steps of 10%

2.2 Earth fault current Protection

Relay has three level of earth fault protection, E/f IDMT (Io>) Protection, High-set 1 (Io>>) Protection with
definite time delay and Instantaneous High-set 2 (Io>>>). The settings are site programmable. The Earth
fault Io> protection can be programmed for definite time delay OR IDMT characteristic. The TMS required
for IDMT to provide time graded protection is adjustable. The relay has inbuilt inrush blocking algorithm.

E/F low-set (Io>) 5 to 80% in steps of 1%

IDMT characteristic curve (Io>) 3.0s / 1.3s / 0.6s Normal Inverse
1.5s Very Inverse
0.8s / 0.6s Extremely Inverse
13.3s Long Inverse
TMS 0.02 to 1.0 in steps of 0.01
Def time Low set (Io>) 0 to 25s in steps 0.1s (0 – Inst)
E/F High-set 1 (Io>>) 10 to 2000% in steps of 10%
Def time High-set 1 (Io>>) 0 to 25s in steps of 0.01s (0 – Inst)
E/F High-set 2 (Io>>>) 10 to 2000% in steps of 10%

2.3 Definite Operating Time

The relay takes definite time selected by the user to trip the relay. The relay operating time starts once
relay protection element picks up. The selected operating time will be constant irrespective of magnitude
of fault current. The low-set and High-set 1 protection can be programmable for definite time delay.

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2.4 Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT).
Relay operating time depends on the magnitude of fault current; the operating time is inversely
proportional to magnitude of fault current. NPA 422 is provided with different types of IEC operating
characteristics as listed below.

t : Operating time in secs
T : Time multiplier setting (TMS)
t = (k * T) / (I/IRef) α – 1 I : Input current / Fault current
IRef : Set current
k & α are Curve constants (Refer table below)

Curve constants as per IEC

Sl. No. Curves / Operating characteristics k α
1 3.0s Normal Inverse 0.14 0.02
2 1.3s Normal Inverse 0.061 0.02
3 0.6s Normal Inverse 0.028 0.02
4 1.5s Very Inverse 13.5 1
5 0.8s Extremely Inverse 80 2
6 0.6s Extremely Inverse 60 2
7 13.3s Long inverse 120 1

Operating time in seconds at TMS 1.00 for different Curves at different multiples of set value.
2 x Set 5 x Set 10 x Set 20 x Set
In sec In sec In sec In sec
3.0s Normal Inverse 10.0 4.28 2.97 2.27
1.3s Normal Inverse 4.35 4.00 1.29 0.98
0.6s Normal Inverse 2.01 0.86 0.59 0.45
1.5s Very Inverse 13.50 3.38 1.50 0.71
0.8s Extremely Inverse 26.67 3.33 0.81 0.20
0.6s Extremely Inverse 20.0 2.50 0.61 0.15
13.3s Long inverse 120.0 30.0 13.33 6.32

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2.5 Directional Over current / Earth fault feature
NPD 422D Provide directional protection for over current and earth fault protection element. The relay
needs voltage input to decide the direction of operation. The torque angle for over current and ear fault
are independently settable. The directional feature can be enabled / Disabled.

Torque angle for Over Current:

-90 deg to +90 deg

Torque angle for Earth Fault:

-90 deg to +90 deg

The direction element of particular phase over current will decided based on the respective overcurrent
and voltage element of other two phase, similarly for other over current elements. (ex. For R phase over
current directional element will utilize Y-B voltage). The Open delta voltage required to decide the
directional zone for Earth fault element will be derived internally. Operating for Over current and Earth
fault element will be indicated by respective LED’s. Dedicated one common N/O contact is provided to
indicate Phase reversal, Input Voltage fail (any or all) and Voltage connected in reversal along with
dedicated LED indication.

2.6 Trip coil Supervision (Optional)

NPA 422D - PFS3 Relay has facility to supervise the trip coil of CB in both Pre-close & post close
conditions. Supervising current thro trip coil is of 5 to 6mA. Internal a fixed delay of 500ms is provided for
operation TC supervision element in order to avoid the mal-operations during CB operation. TC
supervision is sensed through optically hence avoids mal-operation due to noise & protects internal
circuit. The TC supervision facility can be disabled through HMI. Separate LED and output contact can be
configured of TC fail indication. The TC sense circuit rating is same as that of relay aux rating. Typical
connection for trip coil supervision is given below. It can also be used to monitor Master Trip Relay coil.

2.7 Auto Reclose relay (Optional Feature)

The ARR module performs the Auto reclosing function and used in unmanned / remote sub stations. The
initial circuit breaker closing will be done by the Manual Closing using TNC switch provided on the panel.
Relay tripping on over current / Earth fault ARR module initiate / starts dead timer. In dead time / period
is provided to allow the system to clear its fault such as allowing time to burn fall down the wet tree
branch, allow burn / fall down any animal which felt on the line. ARR module extend re-closing of circuit
breaker through its closing contact, simultaneously reclaim time starts. If fault exist / persist and relay
tripped before the completion of reclaim timer, relay initiate trip and starts next dead time cycle, else
relay recovers its normal condition. If the fault persist even after the completion last dead time relay
treats as permanent fault and operate lockout output contact. The operation of breaker will be monitored
before extending each closing command. In case of improper operation of breaker during this stage relay
extends the lock out signal.

Two digital inputs (DI) are used to sense the Breaker status through (52a/52b) aux. contact and Breaker
spring charge status, which are required before CB closing. The DI rating is to be specified during ordering.
DI5 and DI6 are dedicatedly used for Auto reclose.
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Digital Input 5 is used to sense CB Status,

DI5 CB Status checked before extending close command to CB 52a / 52b can be selected in the
relay HMI, 52a = CB Status & 52b = ! CB Status
Digital Input 6 is used to sense CB Spring charge completion
Spring charge status checked before extending Re-close (Open on Trip & Close after Charge)

The relay has dedicated lockout contact; the relay will operate lockout contact on following status.

1. CB fails to open after OC or EF trip

2. Fault sensing during Dead time due to any ab-normal condition such as failure of CB or any means
of flow of fault current.
3. CB Fail to close,
4. OC/EF Trip on last Re-close / Permanent fault
5. Spring charge contact is open during time of CB Close (indicating failure of spring charge)

Max. Recloses (1-4) 4 (Selectable) / Disable

Dead time (1-4) 1 to 250s in Steps of 1s
Reclaim time 10 to 250s in Steps of 1s
CB Contact (for CB Monitoring) 52a / 52b

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2.8 Circuit Breaker Failure (Optional)

NPA 422 with CB failure detection as optional feature, The CB failure has dedicated 1-NO contact for
tripping other breaker or alarm purpose. The contact rating is same as that of Trip contact. The relay
continuously monitors the line currents even after extending the trip signal. If CB fail to open and fault
current exist even after trip signal from the relay, CB fail module pick up and CB fail contact operates after
expiry of CB fail delay. The function can be made enable / disable. The delay is configurable.

CB Fail Monitoring Enable / Disable

CB Fail Delay 100 to 500ms in Steps of 10ms

2.9 Programmable LED Indication

Relay is provided with Seven Programmable LEDs to indicate the different fault levels; The LED functions
are described in user interface. As default relay LEDs are programmed as below. One Blank sticker will be
provided to paste on existing LED inscription with new LED inscription.

L1 R-Ph O/C I> / I0> TRIP L5 O/C Dir. L9

L2 Y-Ph O/C I>> / I0>> TRIP L6 E/F Dir. L10
L3 B-Ph O/C Alarm L7 VT Fail L11
L4 Earth fault Relay Healthy L8 VT Reverse L12

Refer “PFS3-E19-Optional Features Guide.xlsx “excel sheet for both

programmable Contact & LED PFS3-E19-Optional
Features Guide.xlsx

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2.10 Programmable Output Contacts / Digital Output
Relay is provided with max of nine contacts out of which seven output contacts are programmable;
Different contact combinations are available. The required contact combination is to be specified during
ordering. The contact functions are described in user interface. Default relay contacts are programmed as

Contact Contact Factory Default

Terminal Programmability
designation Type Contact Function
13 & 14 C1 NO Trip (O/C & E/F) Non-Programmable
15 & 16 C2 NO Alarm (O/C & E/F)
17, 18 & 20 C3 C/O E/F Alarm Programmable
19, 22 & 21 C4 C/O Trip interlock
23 & 24 NA NC Relay-supervision Non-Programmable
37, 36 & 38 C5 C/O Operate for DI-1
39 & 40 C6 NO Operate for DI-2
41& 42 C7 NO Operate for DI-3
43 & 44 C8 NO Operate for DI-4

Contact Durability
Loaded 1,00,000 operations
Un-loaded 10,000,000 operations

Contact Rating
Contact Make & Carry Breaking
2500VA, Maximum 10A or 250V AC
C1, C2, C3, C4 2500VA, Maximum 10A or 250V AC
300W(Resistive), Maximum 10A or 220V DC
& Supervision 1000W, Maximum 10A or 220V DC
150W(Inductive), Maximum 10A or 220V DC
1250VA, Maximum 5A or 250V AC
C5, C6, C7, C8 1250VA, Maximum 5A or 250V AC
100W(Resistive), Maximum 5A or 220V DC
& Alarm 300W, Maximum 5A or 220V DC
50W(Inductive), Maximum 5A or 220V DC

Refer “PFS3-E19-Optional Features Guide.xlsx “excel sheet for both

programmable Contact & LED PFS3-E19-Optional
Features Guide.xlsx
2.11 Digital Input
The relay has 6 digitals of potential type, the relay output contacts can be programmed for these digital
inputs. DI1 to DI4 have independent supply polarities and DI5 and DI6 -Ve polarity is common. The voltage
rating of DI is to be specified during ordering. The DIs are continuously rated

The Pickup voltage of Digital inputs.

24 / 30V DC 110V DC 220V DC
Rated Rated Rated
Specific Requirement where DI 1 to DI 4 App. 70 to 80V
Trip coil (TC) monitoring App. 40 to
App. 10 to 15V
through DI is required, DI 5 & DI 6 50V App. 120 to 130V
(DI1 to DI4 can be used)
App. 40 to
General Requirement DI 1 to DI 6 App. 10 to 15V App. 120 to 130V

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These DI’s can be used to monitor the transformer fault status, as trip circuit supervision, as Master Trip
relay coil monitoring, other protection device trip status etc. the status of DI can be monitor in HMI which
required at time of commissioning. Each DI has setting of operate delay and reset delay.

The relay recognizes the DI after the expiry of selected respective operated delay after DI energize. The
relay will reset if the DI is de-energized. Similarly, the relay recognizes the DI after the expiry of selected
respective reset delay after DI de-energize. The relay will reset if the DI is energized.

Digital Input 6 Nos. (Potential type)

Operating Delay 0.1 to 25s in Steps of 0.1s
Reset Delay 0.1 to 25s in Steps of 0.1s

Refer “PFS3-E19-Optional Features Guide.xlsx “excel sheet for both

programmable Contact & LED PFS3-E19-Optional
Features Guide.xlsx

2.12 Setting Group selection

The relay is provided with two setting groups for protection element settings. Any one of two groups can
be activated for relay protection. Both group setting can be done independently. The group selection /
toggling can be done through DI2 also.

2.13 Relay rating & CT connection

The relay current rating 1A or 5A can be selected at site through relay HMI. The current input connection
will be remained unchanged. A dedicated CT is provided for earth fault / residual current sensing. All
current input common terminal is to shorted properly; a brass shorting will be provided along with the
relay. The relay displays the line current in terms of primary current; the relay has the provision to set
primary current of line CT in the HMI. The minimum current measured by the relay 0.05A, the requires to
measure wide range of current hence the protection graded CT are used. The measured values are for
reference only.

2.14 Password Protected Settings

Relay is provided with password protected relay access. The relay allows the editing / viewing setting only
after matching of password. The relay password can be changed by the user. The relay password function
can be disabled by selecting the ‘000’ password at Global setting. In case of password missing relay
password can be broken with special code <007>.

2.15 Total Trip counter

The total trip counter module of the relay stores total trip executed by the relay; the value will be stored
in Non-volatile memory. Total trips can be checked just by pressing the <down> key, the total trip
checking does not require password authentication. The relay has facility to reset total trip counter with
password facility, in Global setting.

2.16 Fault History Recording

Relay records ten latest fault history with date and time stamping. Password authentication is not
required to view Fault history, each fault history record will latch all phase value, type of fault, date and
time of occurrence.

Fault history consists of Type of fault, Date & time of fault, and O/c and Earth fault value during the fault.
The fault value can be downloaded through front USB port and Rear Modbus port.

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On pressing <Down> key at “Monitoring Mode” relay shows total trip counts and followed by fault
history, On pressing <Enter> key all phase current values will be displayed, as shown below.

R: 0A Y: 0A
B: 0A E: 0A


F1 G1 12:00:44 R: 52A Y: 0A
EF > 08/01/20 B: 0A E:

F1 to F10 – Total 10 Faults can be viewed

F10 G1 17:00:06 R: 120A Y: 0A

R-EF>> 22/01/20 B: 0A E: 120A

2.17 Event records

Relay is provided with latest 25 event records with date and time stamping. Each event record will store
date and time of event occurrence. Following events are stored in the relays.

Event records consist of Type of event, Date & time of event, the event records can be downloaded
through front USB port and Rear Modbus port. All events are viewed at LCD through navigation. The
event status is recorded in bit format event type Digital input, LED Indication, Contacts Indication Optional
Feature Pick-up and Trip status are stored in pickup and drop off information, pickup indicated by “1” and
drop off indicated by “0”

On pressing <Up> key at “Monitoring Mode” relay shows event history. On pressing <Enter> key all
functional events will be displayed.

R: 0A Y: 0A
B: 0A E: 0A

E1 17:12:25 DI :_0____ C :_0___ PU/TR : _ _ _ _ _

16/02/20 L : 0_ _ _ _ _ OP :_____ GE : _ _ 1_ _

E1 to E25 –Total 25 events can be viewed

E25 DI :_0____ C :_0___ PU/TR : _ _ _ _ _

09:25:51 L : 0_ _ _ _ _ OP :_____ GE : _ _ 1_ _

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Sl. No. Identification Event detail
1 Power-On-Reset On powering the relay unit
2 Device-Reset Device Reset on fault
3 Setting-Change Protection Setting-Change
4 Password-Change Password-Change
5 R-Ph O/c R Phase O/c fault pickup / drop off
6 Y-Ph O/c Y Phase O/c fault pickup / drop off
7 B-Ph. O/c B Phase O/c fault pickup / drop off
8 E/F Earth fault pickup / drop off
9 Trip I> IDMT Trip condition
10 Trip I>> High set -1 Trip condition
11 Trip I>>> High set -2 Trip condition
12 TC-Fail / TC-Healthy Trip circuit fault status
13 CB-Fail Protection element Operated
14 Lockout Lockout contact operated
15 DI-1 to DI-6 Digital Input DI1 to DI6 Applied / Removed
16 C2 to C8 Output contact operation C1 to C8 Operated/Release

Event records format

Screen Description Display Status bit Position
Digital input DI DI6 DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1
LED Indication L L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1

Contacts Indication C C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2
Optional feature OP LO BF TC


Pick-up and Trip PU/TR
3 Trip Trip Trip E/F O/C O/C R-O/C
General events GE SS SC PC PR FR

Event display information has 6 different statuses, each event contains all above-mentioned status.
Event Types Indication Details
Digital input 1 Represents Pickup of respective Event type
LED Indication
Contacts Indication
0 Represents Drop off of respective Event type
Optional feature _ Resents there is no change in event with respective to
Pick-up and Trip (underscore) previous respective event type.
In gen events only indication will be 0 or 1, it does not contain No change
General Events

Abbreviation of event indication

SS - Supply Supervision PC - Password change LO - Lockout TC - TC Supervision
SC - Setting Change PR - Power Reset BF - Breaker Failure FR - Fault Reset

2.18 Power supply supervision (Optional feature)

As optional feature relay is provided by power supply supervision facility. The relay monitors the
connected auxiliary supply and if the supply is below 70% (App.) relay extends the alarm and same will be
saved in event record.

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2.19 Technical specifications
Current In 1A or 5A
Auxiliary supply 18 to 60V DC or 80 to 265V AC/DC

Continuous 4 times rated current

3 Seconds 20 times rated current
1 Second 50 times rated current

Current input 1A 0.05VA (max.)

Burden Current input 5A 0.1VA (max.)
Aux supply 7W at Un-operated / 10W at Operated condition

Indication LCD 16x2 Alphanumeric type with back light,

LED 7 Red LED Programmable
1 Green LED Relay healthy

Current pickup 100% to 110%

Drop-off / pick-up Above 90%
Accuracy Operating Time ±5% or ±30ms whichever is higher
±7.5% or ±30ms for VI & EI curves
High set operating 95% to 105% of setting

Weight 750gms. (approx.)

Case Size 96x160x188 mm (Width x Height x Depth)
Details Installation Draw out casing, with CT terminal shorting
92x138 (in mm) Additional mounting hole
Panel cutout
required as shown in diagram

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3. User interface
Relay provides user friendly Human Machine Interface (HMI), relay has six snap switches used to navigate
settings, accept settings, test output contacts etc., the alphanumeric 2-line LCD provides easy
understanding of settings and operations. The relay displays the acceptable setting ranges on left-bottom
corner of respective setting window. Relay will not accept the setting beyond the specified range and

A - PC Cover Locking Knob (Gently tightened by hand)

B - Lock for Draw-Out Relay, it should be taken to Horizontal position to draw out relay from the case
C - Panel Mounting Screw
D - LCD Display Alphanumeric type
E - LED Indicator
F – Functional Keys for HMI navigation
G - USB Port type – B for front end communication
H - Handle to Draw-Out relay from case, place hand downwards / upward before placing PC cover

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R: 0A Y: 0A
B: 0A E: 0A

>O/C E/F O/C >E/F O/C E/F O/C E/F



(20-200) 100% (5-80) 20%


1.3s NI 1.3s NI 0**


(0.02-1) (0.02-1) (100-500) 500ms TO CLEAR COUNTS


I >>
(10-2000) 0500% 10:15:14
(20-4000) 1000%


(0.1-25) 10.0s (10-9999) 0100/1
(0-25) 0.00s (0-25) 0.00s

I >>> Io >>> DIGITAL INPUT >C2 0x000F

(20-4000) 1000% (10-2000) 0500% C3 0x000F


ENABLE ENABLE (0.1-25) 0.1s L2 0x0002


-90° TO 90° 45° (20-4000) 1000% (0.1-25) 0.1s




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(1-4) 1




(10-250) 010s (1-247) 001





“Monitoring Mode” (Where the relay displays the all phase current values)
<EDIT> : To enter into “Setting Mode”
<UP> : To view the Event records,
<DOWN> : To view Trip count and to view Fault History,
<ENTER> : To change / select Active group (G1/G2),
<TEST> : To test the selected output contacts of the relay to operate.
(Selected output contacts will be operated for a duration of 5 to 7 sec)
<RESET> : To reset the entire relay from its present operation
“Setting mode” (Where the relay setting options / values appears)
<EDIT> : To exit from “Setting Mode”
<UP> : To select / scroll the setting Options / Change the setting values
(On pressing once, value increment by one unit, on pressing continuously,
value increment by multiples)
<DOWN> : To select / scroll the setting Options / Change the setting values
(On pressing once, value decrement by one unit, on pressing continuously,
value decrement by multiples)
<ENTER> : To accept selected Option / Changed values.
<RESET> : To reset the entire relay from its present operation

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4. Communication
4.1 USB communication
NPA 422 is provided with Front USB port for uploading and downloading relay settings, downloading relay
fault history and event records. A dedicated software avana- Quick Connect is to be installed to access
the relay details.

Refer User Manual.pdf for details, avana_Quick_Conn

ect User Manual.pdf

4.2 MODBUS Open Protocol Communication

NPA 422 is provided with MODBUS communication over RS485 physical layer. MODBUS is standard
popular industrial open protocol; the relay (slave) can be connected to any master device which supports
MODBUS in RTU mode. The memory mapping required to connect the relay with SCADA system is
provided with this manual. The relay has RS485 driver which is capable of connecting maximum of 32
devices. Relay has facility for sett device address and baud rate. In case of communicating relay with PC a
RS485 to RS232 or RS485 to USB converter is required. Typical connection is shown below

RS485 to RS232 / USB converter

Rear Port (Specified) MODBUS / IEC60870-5-103

Baud rate 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400
Device address 1 to 247
Parity None / Odd / Even

Refer avana- MODBUS Memory mapping for communication. PFS3-E19,MODBUS

Memory Mapping.xlsx

4.3 IEC 60870-5-103

NPA 422 is provided with IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol, this is standard protocol used for
power protection systems. The communication is over RS485. The relay (slave) can be connected to any
master device which supports IEC60870-5-103 Master. The relay has RS485 driver which is capable of
connecting maximum of 32 devices. Relay has facility for sett device address and baud rate.

Refer NPA 422 IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol manual. NPA422_IEC_60870-


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5. Terminal diagram

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6. Standard Compliance
IEC 60255-5; 2000: Insulation requirement test
500V DC for 1min to each circuit and exposed conductive parts & Independent circuits
2kV AC for 1min between each circuit and exposed conductive parts & Independent circuits
5kV peak, 5 positive and 5 negative Impulses of wave shape 1.2/50 use for 10 secs

IEC 60255-1; 2009: Common Requirements

Burden on Aux supply and Current input, contact performance: Contact resistance, Insulation resistance
of contacts, Make & carry, Breaking capacity (AC) test breaking capacity (DC) test and maximum current
carrying capacity, Thermal requirement test, by passing the 2 times rated current for 4 hrs.

IEC 60255-151; 2009: Functional Requirements for over current relays

Characteristic performance and accuracy test, Pickup and reset values, Operating time characteristic test,
IDMT curves, reset time test, Overshoot time test

IEC 60255-22-1; 2007 : HFD Test / Damped Oscillatory test

1MHz damped sinusoidal surges of amplitudes ± 0.5kV, ± 1.0kV & ± 2.5kV in common mode and ± 0.25kV,
± 0.5kV, ± 1.0kV & ± 2.5kV in differential mode by superimposing the noise on auxiliary supply line and
current input line through the coupling / decoupling network.

IEC 60255-22-4; 2008 : Electrical Fast Transient test

Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) of amplitudes ± 0.5kV, ± 1.0kV & ± 2.0kV by superimposing the transient on
auxiliary supply line and current input line through the coupling / decoupling network.

IEC 60255-21-1; 1988 : Vibration, shock, bump and seismic test

Vibration response and Vibration endurance test at X, Y, Z axis, frequency range 10 to 150Hz

IEC 60068-1/2-2007: Climatic test

Dry heat test- Relay energized condition at 55֯ C for 16 hrs.
Cold test - Relay energized condition at -5֯ C for 16 hrs.

IEC 60529:2013: Ingress protection test

IP54 (Dust protection)-Protection against ingress of solid foreign objects
IP54 (Water protection)-Protection against ingress of water, Spray nozzle, water flow rate 10Lts/min ±5%
and at a distance of 0.5m.

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