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Micom P211 Three-Phase Motor Protection Relay: Energy Automation & Information

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MiCOM P211
Three-phase Motor
Protection Relay

Energy Automation & Information
MiCOM P211
Three-phase Motor Protection Relay
with Communication Facility

Main features · Star / delta logic control · 6 LEDs indicating trip or trigger state
· Reaccelleration logic (emergency of the relay
· Motor protection for MV motors
and larger LV units against: restart). Binary input may be · 5 button keypad to configure the
- thermal overload [49], configured to enable a motor relay
- loss of load (undercurrent) [37], selfstarting, when automatic standby-
· Up to 4 programmable output relays
- loss of phase, switching scheme operates or voltage
(3 N/O +1 C/O)
- unbalance [46], interruption takes place
· Control logic in case of motor power · Programmable contact input S1-S2
- excessive temperature inside
supply failure. User selectable time which enable blocking, resetting of
the motor [38],
period for motor selfstarting up to trip latching, instantaneous tripping
- earthfault (option) [50N/51N],
3s for 230V AC. of the motor, activating of inertia
- short-circuit fault [50/51]
motor logic and trigerring of motor
- prolonged starting [38] (including · True RMS measurement of phase reaccelleration , blocking of remote
inertia motor criteria), currents from 10Hz to 1000Hz command via RS485
- stalled rotor / mechanical jam · Measurement of earthfault current
[51LR], · Programmable contact input T1-T2
from 40 to 70Hz (MV application) which enable blocking, resetting of
- number of startings [66].
· Record of last motor starting trip latching or connection of PTC
· Optional communication parameters (max. current, duration) sensors
facility via Modbus RTU
· Immunity to transient voltage dips or · Programmable voltage input V1-C
protocol, through halfduplex interruptions, which benefits
communication port RS485 (2 wires: (options) which enable instantaneous
specifically when stand by-switching tripping of the relay, closing of
"+", "-"), enabling: scheme operates CB/contactor, or activating outputs in
- readout of phase current values,
· Connection of motor phase wires to maintenance state
motor thermal state and earthfault
the relay: · Programmable voltage inputs V2-C
current value, the relay inputs and
- through terminals IL1, IL2, IL3. (option) which enable blocking,
outputs state, the max. current and
This applies to MV and LV high reseting of latch or warning signals,
duration of the most recent starting,
power motor applications, instantaneous tripping of the relay,
- remote reset of warning signals
- by their interleaving through guiding monitoring of CB/contactor,
and latched output relays,
channels in the housing (L1, L2, L3). activating of trigerring of motor
- remote control of circuit-breaker This applies to motor applications of reaccelleration
or contactor via RS485, LV low power motors
- readout of protection trigger · Overload pre-warning if a set
· Connection of residual current threshold is exceeded
and trip state. transformer to the relay's screw (flashing LED “I>" )
· Local control of CB/contactor through terminals
the relay’s binary input · Setting tamper-proof feature (seal of
· Optional control of voltage presence the front panel cover and user
· Flush or DIN rail mounted case on the busbar (LV applications) defined password)
Protection features (direct measurement of motor Emergency start-up
temperature). When required by security conditions or
Overload (49) Since PTC sensors represent some startup process, a logic input can be
The protection feature is based on thermal inertia, dynamic changes of used to allow motor start-up. If the input
mathematical model of motor thermal motor temperature shall be detected by is energised, then the thermal image
image. The model utilises a heating motor thermal image feature. function will be disabled (set to 0%).
constant time values. It is input to the relay
by means of T parameter, which
Opening the loop (increase of the
circuit's resistance) is registered by the Reaccelleration function
describes the maximum period of time relay as the result of PTC sensors This function is used for the motors'
when actual motor current value is allowed operation. selfstarting. If there is no voltage on the
to reach a sixfold increase of its nominal busbar (controlled via binary input: S1-
value. Cooling constant time value is Earthfault (50N/51N) (option) S2 or V2-C) this function is trigerred.
calculated on the basis of the heating Earthfault protection is performed thanks Calculation of the time delay
constant. Configuring procedure of the to the relay's connection to an external (authorization time of reaccelleration) is
model includes setting of the motor base
current (nominal motor current) and T .  core balanced transformer or filter of
current zero sequence component,
commenced . If voltage returns again to
the busbar before the timing is
There are 2 thresholds. The first one for based on CT’s Holmgreen arrangement. completed, the reaccelleration time
alarm and the second one for trip. Zero sequence component is applied to delay for close command is calculated.
It is possible to set a separate threshold separate current terminals of the relay. After that time motor is started.
("theta forbid start") which is activated after Setting parameters of this protection are If P211 is supplied from AC auxiliary
trip command and up to this threshold the current threshold, and DT delay. voltage of the busbar, the maximum
trip signal is present. This feature prevents authorization time of reacceleration is
from close command. limited down to 3s for 230VAC (after
Short circuit fault (50/51)
If current threshold is set above current switching the auxiliary voltage off, P211
Undercurrent (37) value of motor starting, then a short- works correctly for not less than 3s).
It is based on undercurrent protection circuit feature is enabled. This feature is Such feature is very useful for contactor
with time delay tI<. Configuring used exclusively in applications where a LV application.
procedure of this protection facility circuit-breaker exists as a switching
includes setting of the triggering device and is capable to trip short-circuit Technical Data
threshold at which undercurrent state is current.
detected, and time delay. This feature Analogue inputs
In applications where a contactor is used
benefits specifically when detecting drive the short-circuit protection must not be · Setting range of base current (IB )
failures or no-load running of a pomp. enabled. Protection against short-circuit (options)
faults is then performed by external fuses. 0.37-0.75A; step: 0.01A
Unbalance (46) 0.75-1.5A; step: 0.01A
Running motors at unbalance or loss of Excessive long start (38) 1.5-3A; step: 0.1A
phase conditions results in overheating, If the motor is subject to heavy load, this 3-6A; step: 0.1A
even at current values below the function allows monitoring of the duration 5-10A; step: 0.1A
nominal. Principle of operation is based of the motor's start-up phase. The detection 10-20A; step: 0.1A (rail only)
on monitoring of the percentage of the of the start-up is based on current criteria 20-40A; step: 0.1A (rail only)
current unbalance in the three only. If start-up phase is too long (greater 40-80A; step: 0.1A (rail only)
subsequent phases L1, L2, L3 (A,B,C): than time delay tIstart) there is trip For DIN rail mounted version of the
command or alarm signal. relay it is possible to widen the relay
current range downwards, by multiple
Blocked rotor while running interleaves of motor phase feeders
where: through the guiding channels in the
or at start-up (50S/51LR)
LX is L1, L2, L3 respectively. relay housing. These guiding channels
During normal motor opertation, an
Configuring procedure of this protection constitute primary side of internal
overcurrent threshold detects rotor stalling,
facility includes setting of the max. value CTs'. E.g. fivefold interleaves of motor
and the time delay setting (tIstall) is
of current unbalance, and DT delay. phase feeders through the channels
will change the measuring range of
During motor start-up, a locked rotor is
Loss of phase the relay from 3-6A down to 0.6-
detected with the help of a speed switch
This feature monitors phase current 1.2A.
signal, connected via the logic input S1-S2
It is also possible to widen the relay

values. Any phase current of a value
below 0.1xIB (where I is motor nominal
(if set to this function). If during start-up
phase S1-S2 input is not shorted (it means
current range upwards, by using
current) is recognised by the relay as external CTs'. In such the case it is
that the motor is stopped) the time delay
a lost phase. The relay trips a motor after recommended to use the relay version
setting (tIstall) is calculated.
a set DT delay. of 3-6A setting range. The CTs’ should
This protection can be set to trip or alarm.
have rated over-current factor of at
Over-temperature (38) least 10 (they should transform
Number of startings (66)
The relay may co-operate with motors current up to 10 In).
The max. number of motor's startings can
fitted with PTC sensors. PTC’s may be Should you need any assistance with
be defined, within a user-defined period
linked in a serial loop of max 6 sensors. purchasing the proper CTs', please
of time.
This feature protects motor against slow contact the relay manufacturer.
variations of temperature, taking into
account ambient and cooling conditions
· Frequency range: · Time delay setting range Earthfault Io>T:
- phase current measurement (0.00 - 2.50)s in steps of 0.01s · current threshold range Io>
(10 - 1000)Hz - for Ion=1A
· Operation: trip or alarm
- earthfault current measurement (0.01A - 0.5)A; step: 0.01A
(40 - 70)Hz Unbalance tI<: - for Ion=5A
· Current threshold range (0.05 - 2.5)A; step: 0.01A
Protection features
(15 - 50)% in steps of 1% · Time delay setting range
Overload (thermal replica): · Time delay setting range (0.02 - 99.9)s in steps of 0.01s
· Tripping time range at 6xIB (0.02 - 99.9)s in steps of 0.01s
(0.2 - 50)s; step: 0.1s · Operation: trip or alarm
· Operation: trip or alarm
· Threshold for alarm:
Excessive long start Number of start-up
(50-120)%; step: 1%
· Time delay setting range for · allowed start-up number
· Threshold for trip: 100% (fixed) prolonged starting tIstart 1-5
(0.02 - 99.9)s in steps of 0.01s
· Threshold for forbid start: · The time for start-up calculation
Blocked rotor Treference
(30-99)%; step: 1%
· Current threshold range (10-7200)s; step: 10s
· trip: latched or not latched (1.0 - 12.0)xIB; step: 1xIB
· The blocking time after operation
Undercurrent tI<: · Time delay setting range
number of start-up (lock time)
for stalled rotor tIstall
· Current threshold range I< (0.02 - 99.9)s in steps of 0.01s (10-7200)s; step: 10s
(30 - 90)% in steps of 1% · Operation: trip or alarm · Operation: trip or alarm
· Time delay setting range
(0.02 - 99.9)s in steps of 0.01s Loss of phase: Accuracy
· Operation: trip or alarm · Time delay setting range
· Current and time accuracy: 10%
(0.02 - 99.9)s in steps of 0.01s
Short-circuit tI>>:
· Current threshold range I>> Burden for current input
(2 -12)xI in steps of 1xI
Phase: <0.3VA for In=5A
Earth: <0.5VA for Ion=5A
<0.1VA for Ion=1A



100.0 5.0 103.0


L1 [%]
23.0 23.0
I> L3 [S]




A1 A2 13 14 21 22 T1 T2 S2 S1 / 01 2 /

Fig. 1: 35 mm DIN rail housing Fig. 2: Flush mounted housing

and panel cut-out details
& ' ( )* !!" # + , + -.


L1 [%]
I> L3 [S]



3 45 6 3
Auxiliary supply voltage Connections Insulation
· Auxiliary supply voltage (options) Threaded terminal ends M3, with wire Voltage test
(24 - 48)V AC/DC 7
protection for conductor cross-sections Between independent circuits
(60 - 240)V AC/DC 7
- up to 4mm single-core or 2 kV AC, 50Hz, 60s
· Reset time of output relays - up to 2.5mm finely stranded Between contact circuits
on supply voltage interruption 1 kV AC, 50Hz, 60s
5.2s at 230V AC Environmental Conditions Insulation resistance
2.95s at 230V DC · Degree of device protection >100MW
1.2s at 110V AC - Case: IP 40 Impulse voltage withstand test between
0.75s at 110V DC - Terminals: IP 20 independent circuits
0.065s at 24V AC - Front panel 5 kV
0.06s at 24V DC for flush mounted case: IP54
· Supply voltage tolerance
· Ambient temperature: Mechanical Robustness
(0.8 - 1.1)Vx
Operating temp. (-20 ¸ +60)°C Vibration test:
· Burden
Storage temp. (-25 ¸ 70)°C Acc. to IEC 255-21-1 class 1
Relay outputs · Ambient humidity range Frequency range during operation:
Relative humidity to preclude any 10 to 60Hz, 0.035mm
· Up to 4 output relays (3 NO, 1CO) condensation: 95% at 40°C 60 to 150Hz, 0.5g
· Contact capacity: Frequency range during transport:
Making, continuously: 5 A Conformity statement 10 to 150Hz, 1g
Breaking: EC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Shock response and withstand test,
5A (220V AC, cosj=0.4) EC Low Voltage Directive bump test:
0.1A (220V DC, L/R=40ms) 73/23/EEC Acc. to IEC 255-21-2 class 1
Acceleration 5g/15g
· Mechanical durability International Standard
EN 60255-6

· Switching capacity
Electromagnetic Compatibility External CTs’ specification
(EMC) P211 may co-operate with external CTs',
Inputs designed for protection applications.
· Binary inputs S1-S2 and T1-T2: Interface suppression
The accuracy limit factor should be at
- controlled by an external contact According to EN 55011, level A least P10 (eg. 5VA 5P10 or 30VA
· Binary inputs V1-C and V2-C 10P10, etc.).
- controlled by Vx voltage Creepage distances CT's power should be greater than a sum
· PTC sensor input (if T1-T2 configured and clearances of power of analogue inputs and burden
as PTC input) Per IEC 255-5 group C of current circuit at the relay's terminals
- max resistance in cold state: (resistance of wires, terminals, etc.).
1500 Ohm If a range greater than 10xIn is used,
- trip resistance: Immunity
then a CT of rated power greater than
(3700 - 4000) Ohm Electrostatic discharge calculated should be matched, in order
- reset resistance: EN 61000-4-2 level 3 for the accuracy limit factor at real load
(1900 - 2100) Ohm Radiated electromagnetic energy to be sufficient (that is greater than
EN 61000-4-3 level 2 maximum setting).
Radiotelephone radiated Recommended CTs’ may be ordered
Weight electromagnetic energy with the relay from the relay
~0.6kg EN 50204 level 3 manufacturer.
Electrical fast transient/burst
Housing EN 61000-4-4 level 3
35mm DIN rail or flush mounted Surge test
EN 61000-4-5 level 3
1 MHz burst disturbance test
Communication Acc. to IEC 255-22-1 level 3
· RS485 halfduplex link Voltage dips and interruptions
(2 wires "+", "-") Acc. to EN 61000-4-11
· Protocol Modbus RTU Conducted disturbance inducted by
· Data rate (1200-19200) bps radio frequency fields
Acc. to EN 61000-4-6 level 3

Connection diagram

Fig. 3. Connection diagram

Ordering information
Ordering No.
806 0 0 1

Housing version
35 mm DIN rail 0
flush mounted 1
Relay hardware version
A, standard 1
B, standard plus additional input Io>, RS485 2
C, standard plus additional input Io>, RS485 and I/O card (2xBI: V1-C, V2-C and 2xBO: P3, P4) 3
Auxiliary supply Vx
60 ¸ 230V AC/DC 0
24 ¸ 48V AC/DC 1
Rated earthfault current Ion
1A (only version B or C) 0
5A (only version B or C) 1
no Ion input (only version A) 2
Voltage 230VAC presence control (only version C) 6
Measuring range I (setting of a nominal current of the motor)
1.5 ¸ 3A 0
3 ¸ 6A 1
5 ¸ 10A 2
10 ¸ 20A (only DIN rail housing) 3
20 ¸ 40A (only DIN rail housing) 4
40 ¸ 80A (only DIN rail housing) 5
0.75 ¸ 1.5A 6
0.37 ¸ 0.75A 7
Note: It is possible to modify the current range of relay if external current transformers are used.
Should you require any assistance with choosing the proper CTs', please contact the relay manufacturer.
Details concerning the recommended CTs' may be found in an individual publication.
Please contact: pcb-gee.poland@areva-td.com

L1 L2 L3 N


^ _ ` _ acb d e f d J K
m npo q F G NN kl [[ B C
:; LM YZ
MiCOM P211
3 phase
<= QR UV

Fig. 4: Example of application - MiCOM P211, version C, DIN rail mounted case -
(star / delta arrangement of motor starting)
Fig. 5: Example of application - MiCOM P211, version A, DIN rail mounted case
(star / delta arrangement of motor starting)
L1 L2 L3 N


MiCOM P211

3 phase

t uv w u
ghi j


L1 L2 L3 N


Trip Alarm

13 14 23 24 42 41 V2 V1 C

P1 P2 P3 P4

MiCOM P211
k K L S1 S2 T1 T2 TR+ TR- A2 A1
RS 485



3 phase

Fig. 6: Example of application - MiCOM P211, version C,

DIN rail mounted case, control via RS 485 link
Fig. 7: Example of application - MiCOM P211, version A,
flush mounted case

L1 L2 L3 N



1 3 5 13 14 21 22 A1 A2

P1 P2

MiCOM P211
2 4 6 S1 S2 T1 T2


3 phase

Your contact:

Printed in Poland
Publication: P211EnBr_V6F

Transmission & Distribution Energy Automation & Information, Le Sextant, 3 avenue Andr é Malraux, 92300 Levallois-Perret. France
Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 49 20 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 49 24 85 energy-automation.information@tde.alstom.com www.tde.alstom.com
Contact Centre on line 24 hours a day: +44 (0) 1785 25 00 70

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