Keyboard UnitK2 - Sow
Keyboard UnitK2 - Sow
Keyboard UnitK2 - Sow
Session 1 Begin by explaining the concept of chord. Explain also that chords can be
Card 1 nice (concords) and nasty (discords). Don't spend too much energy getting
them to play with the correct fingers. Technique isn't what we are
teaching in this unit. Explain that spacing the fingers out a little is all that
is needed to play a chord. The rugrats theme could be played at this stage,
which uses consecutive 3rds.
5 minute exercise : all pupils try to play the 4 chords
Now try it with a style
Demonstrate how the 4 chords can be varied. Something simple like playing
them 4 times to a set rhythm will do. Elicit answers from the class on how
it can be made more interesting.
Go through the hints section and let the class experiment with their own
Allow 15 minutes at the end of the lesson to have a first performance with
appraisals of each others music. Complete performances may not be
needed but just enough for the class to suggest ways they might improve
the music.
Session 2 Revise work done last session and go through chords again.
Card 1 They should now try to improve the work they started in the last session.
It might be useful to stop the work about 20 minutes into the lesson and
listen to a few at random to make sure everybody is on the right track.
At end of lesson allow 20 minutes for final performances. Award merits
and record if necessary.
Session 3 Go through 3 note chords (triads). Get the class to equate tri to mean 3 of
Card 2 something (triangle, tricycle etc.). Demonstrate the chord of F and why it
is called the chord of F (F is the lowest note, the root of the chord - root
of a tree is the most important part… without it the tree would fall over!).
Explain how if the three fingers are held in the same position and moved up
to the right, the chord of G is found. Do the same with the chord of Am.
At this stage, don't go into why it is called minor. If someone asks, minor
sounds sad! Get them all to play the chords one after the other SLOWLY.
Go round the class checking that they can all do it. Introduce a style to
accompany the chords and ask them to try it with a strong beat. A dance
beat will do.
They can now start to make up their own music using 3 note chords in the
same way they did in card 1.
1st performances at the end.
Session 4 Same drill as session 2
Card 2
Session 5 Explain how to use the auto chord function in minute detail so everybody is
Card 3 very clear how to do it. The next few cards really depend on a good
understanding of this so it is best to get it right now.
Go through the example and go round making sure everybody can do it.
Allow the class to work at their own pace, ticking the box in the worksheet
when they can do it.
Session 6 Explain the concept of playing minor automatic chords. Make sure
Card 4 everybody can play the example (A minor). Let the class work at their own
pace playing minor chords and marking in the worksheet the name of the
chord. This shouldn't take the class very long, so move straight onto the
next card.
Session 7 Some may have started this last session. The class simply have to play the
Card 5 chord sequences. There are hidden tunes occasionally which are :
2 - Dream dream dream, (and many others!)
5 - Love is all around
8 - Yesterday
Session 8 Assessment can be done in this session or earlier if ready.
Card 6 This card has longer chord sequences. Encourage them to start using the
features of the keyboard such as fills and intro/endings.