QSL Boletin
QSL Boletin
QSL Boletin
standards and – in January 2005 – will meet every QSL 365* 365 @ 2100 RPM 385 @ 1900 RPM 1200 LB-FT @ 1500 RPM
Tier 3/Stage IIIA emissions standard without cooled QSL 350* 350 @ 2100 RPM 370 @ 1900 RPM 1133 LB-FT @ 1400 RPM
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), aftertreatment or added QSL 340* 340 @ 2200 RPM 350 @ 2000 RPM 1133 LB-FT @ 1400 RPM
hardware. The advanced QSL engine platform will be QSL 340 340 @ 1800 RPM 340 @ 1800 RPM 1133 LB-FT @ 1400 RPM
carried forward to Tier 4/Stage IV through 2015. QSL 330 330 @ 2100 RPM 350 @ 1900 RPM 1133 LB-FT @ 1400 RPM
QSL 330 330 @ 1800 RPM 330 @ 1800 RPM 1075 LB-FT @ 1400 RPM
QSL 300**
300 @ 2100 RPM
performance in every piece of machinery. Full-authority QSL 280** 280 @ 1800 RPM 280 @ 1800 RPM 950 LB-FT @ 1400 RPM
electronic engine controls combine with the high-pressure *Indicates a restricted rating.
**Indicates continuous/water management ratings.
fuel system, 24-valve design and centered injectors for All ratings are intermittent unless otherwise noted. Additional ratings may
be available. Check with your Cummins distributor or dealer.
one of the highest power-to-weight ratios in its class.
■ Full-Authority Electronic Controls – Provide seamless Three simple steps explain everything you need to know:
integration with other components to optimize engine
operation and deliver critical information. Step One: Full coverage on all Cummins industrial engines
and branded components with unlimited hours during the first
■ Integrated Block Design – Fluid circuits are integrated,
year of operation. This includes Cummins branded electrics
replacing hoses and eliminating potential leaks.
such as alternators, starters, etc.
High-capacity cooling and lube systems lower
temperatures, increasing engine life. Step Two: Full coverage is extended for the second year, up
■ Wastegated HX40 Turbocharger – Wastegated design to 2,000 hours of operation. Total hours are cumulative from
optimizes operation across the torque curve with the time the engine goes in service.
improved response.
Step Three: Major components coverage including block,
■ 24-Valve Cylinder Head – Four valves per cylinder for
crankshaft, camshaft and rods on all products for the third year
increased power with faster response at every rpm.
or up to 10,000 hours of operation. Total hours are cumulative
■ Low-Tension Belt Arrangement – Provides maximum from the time the engine goes in service.
power output through the accessory drive.
■ Integrated Cold-Start Aid – For improved Encompass Protection Plans.
low-temperature start-ups.
Unlike plans offered by other diesel manufacturers, Encompass
■ Heavy-Duty Roller Followers – Cam roller followers give
gives you a choice of hourly or unlimited plans and options that
the QSL superior durability and cam life.
include parts only, parts and labor, or parts, labor and travel
coverage. Encompass protection plans are available for your
Options. QSL engine with your choice of up to five years of extended
■ Extended service filters let you go beyond the 500-hour coverage with unlimited hours. Yearly plans with 7-year
standard oil change interval. coverage for up to 6,000 hours of operation are available.
■ Multiple accessory drive options.
These plans cover all Cummins-manufactured components.
■ Rear Engine Power Take-Off (REPTO). Maintenance components are included through the end of
■ A compression brake, the structurally reinforced QSL the third year.
engine block and heavy-duty roller followers give you the
Encompass protection plans may be purchased up to
capacity you need.
six months after the in-service date of your engine. Ask your
Cummins distributor for pricing. For details, see Bulletins
3624422, 3624423, 3624424 and 3624570.
Torque (lb-ft)
Torque (lb-ft)
Power (hp)
Power (hp)
Power (hp)
300 HP/1075@1400 FR 91524 330 HP/1075@1400 FR 91522 330 HP/1133@1400 FR 91521
Torque (lb-ft)
Torque (lb-ft)
Torque (lb-ft)
Power (hp)
Power (hp)
Power (hp)
Torque (lb-ft)
Power (hp)
Power (hp)