Logger Settings
Logger Settings
Logger Settings
Version 13.1
Advanced Logic Technology sa Mount Sopris Instruments Co., Inc.
www.alt.lu v21.04.14
Table of Contents
1 General Information
LoggerSettings is a standalone utility to manage your logging tools (i.e. tool configuration
files) and configure the logger (OPAL, SCOUT PRO, SCOUT, MATRIX, ALTLOGGER, BBOX…) for
a variety of software and hardware parameters.
The application’s user interface shows a tree control and property sheets with changing
contents according to the selected option from the tree control.
When starting the application the “About LoggerSettings” page showing the application
version and build number will be displayed (Figure 1-1).
The application will detect automatically if a logger has been connected and updates the
tree control with additional options as necessary. A logger can be connected at any time via
a USB cable.
The “Check for Updates” option gives access to the latest release version of the software. An
internet connection is required to have this functionality operational.
2 3-Tool Manager
2 Software Options
In the Software Options page User can change the system units and presentation styles of
the displays in the acquisition software’s dashboard (Figure 2-1):
System Units:
Select Metric or Imperial units
Define the number of decimals for the depth and speed displays
LED Displays:
Select a new colour for background and text of the dashboard panel displays.
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3 – Tool Manager 3
Acquisition Panel:
Set the text of the default message that will be displayed in the display of the Acquisition
panel. As an option you can chose to have the message flashing.
Additional headers:
Some default headers can be added automatically at file import into WellCAD software. By
checking the corresponding boxes user has the option to add:
• a “Tool Diagram” - tool stack diagram highlighting the offset position of each
measured channels
• a “Tool Calibration” table – table listing all sensor calibration factors
• “Tool parameters” – acoustic televiewer settings & commands used for the record
including the full wave form preview
External Connections:
If you want to allow other computers to connect their browsers to your PC select either the
All option or Restrict the access to a subnet by entering a corresponding address mask using
the wildcard 255. E.g. an IP address of 123.456.789.255 would allow access of computers
having the first three blocks of digits 123.456.789 in their IP address.
4 3-Tool Manager
3 Tool Manager
ALT/MSI logging systems use tool configuration files (*.TOL,*.TOOL, *.SUB and *.STACK) to
control settings for each type of logging tool and tool mode. The configuration files and their
associated files like calibrations, headers and WellCAD templates are managed from the Tool
Manager page (Figure 3.1). Users must use this page to import, export or remove
configuration files!
Note: Copying and pasting tool configurations between folders using Windows File Explorer
should be avoided in order to guarantee correct operation.
The Tool Manager page displays a tree control showing the installed tool configurations.
Three major groups can be identified:
My Stacks:
Contains all final tool stack configurations. Please note that a bottom sub with a tool top is
already a tool stack.
My Subs:
All sub files you received from the tool vendor are stored here. Sub files contain only the
configuration of an individual element (e.g. tool top, tool body, bottom plug, inline
centralizer,…) incorporated in the final tool stack.
Standalone Tools:
Listed are all standalone tools (i.e. non stackable tools).
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3 – Tool Manager 5
For tools having a bitmap associated a preview of the tool sub / stack is displayed (Figure 3-
2). When clicking on the Details (Figure 3-3) button a list with the final dimensions of a tool
stack / sub is shown instead of the tool sketch.
6 3-Tool Manager
The tool configuration files supplied with the logging equipment can be installed in
different ways:
- Drag and drop the configuration files on “LoggerSettings” icon visible on your
computer’s desktop.
Note that multiple tool configuration files can be installed all at once when they are
grouped into a single folder. Drag and drop the folder containing the files on Logger
Settings icon.
- Drag and drop the configuration files into the “Tool Manager” window
- Alternatively click on the Import button (Figure 3-4) and use the file Open dialog box
to browse for your configuration files (i.e. *.TOL, *.TOOL, *.SUB , *.STACK, *.WCH,
*WDT, *.BMP files).
The LoggerSettings application recognizes the loaded files and installs them automatically
in their designated locations displayed in the tree structure of the Tool Manager page
(Figure 3-4).
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The application checks the validity of the imported files. A red icon in front of an entry in
the tree control indicates that the configuration is invalid or must be updated (see also
section 3.4). Yellow icons are shown for newly added items.
8 3-Tool Manager
Any removed tools will be moved into a subfolder named Tools.Trash located in
application’s folder (C:\Logger\Tool.Trash\).
The drop down list located at the bottom of the Tool Manager window suggests different
actions to remediate the tool configuration issues:
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In this example QLStandalone tool configuration files are invalid and must be corrected.
Click on “Proceed” for the next step.
From the “Update QL-Standalone Tools” dialog box (Figure 3-9), select from the drop
down list the tool configuration file to update and then chose the tool top type to allocate
to this specific tool. User must confirm the wiring of the tool top mounted physically on
the tool as detailed in the tool top wiring section. Click on “Update” to confirm your tool
top configuration.
Repeat the operation for all tool configuration files available from the drop down list.
Note: The acquisition system configures the power/coms and auxiliary lines based on the
tool top wiring defined by the User. Improper settings may damage the tool or degrade the
tool telemetry performance. Contact ALT in case of any doubt or question.
When no tool tops are defined for a family of QL-tools (Figure 3-10), the user will need to
create the required tool top configurations. This can be done by selecting either “Add Tool
Tops for QLxx-xx Subs”- Proceed or by clicking on the “Add Tool Top” button:
10 3-Tool Manager
- define a mechanical description for the tool joint top and bottom
- assign a serial number or a description to identify the new tool top
- define the tool top wiring mode1
- click on OK to confirm your settings and to create the new tool top
The newly created tool tops are now displayed in a “Tool Top” folder (Figure 3-12) and are
highlighted with a yellow icon.
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3 – Tool Manager 11
Figure 3-12 Tool top folder listing the new tool tops created
The “Clone Tool Top” button can be used to duplicate an existing tool top configuration.
User will be asked to assign a reference number or a description for the duplicated tool top
(Figure 3-13).
12 3-Tool Manager
Click on the Import button or simply drag and drop the *.WCH or *.WDT files to install
them in the Tool manager repository. If headers or templates are included in previously
exported stack configuration folder (see paragraph 3.2) they will automatically be
extracted and placed in the Templates and Headers group.
In order to edit a header design or layout template simply double left click on the
corresponding icon in the tree control to start HeadCAD or WellCAD.
To apply a header or templates simply click the corresponding button in the Acquisition
panel in the Logger dashboard or when configuring the tool stack in the Tool Stack Factory
of the Logger.
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3 – Tool Manager 13
Figure 3-15 Click on the eStore button to access the external storage
By default you will be directed to the …/Logger / Support / eStore folder under the
installation path of the LoggerSuite software and the following dialog box will be displayed
(Figure 3-16).
Figure 3-16 eStore content – select and click OK to add it to the current Tool Manager stock
All QL subs and standalone tools found in the repository will be listed. The eStore does not
keep tool stacks as they are custom built.
In order to add subs to the Tool Manager simply select the corresponding item or family of
entries and click on OK.
Should you wish to access another external tool repository click the Change button and
enter a local or network path into the corresponding dialog box (Figure 3-17).
14 3-Tool Manager
It is also possible to enter the (http/https) address of a network web server. In this case
you may be prompted for a user name and password.
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3 – Tool Manager 15
To add one or multiple items to an existing group simply select the corresponding item(s)
and right click on it. Select Add to... from the displayed context menu.
In a similar way you can remove items from groups (select the item(s) within the group,
right click on one of the selected entries and choose Ungroup) or suspend an entire group
(select a group, right click and select Ungroup).
16 4 – Winch Manager
4 Winch Manager
In order to configure your logger the device must be connected to the computer.
The Winch Manager page allows the user to manage winch/logging truck hardware
configurations (Figure 4-1).
To create a new winch configuration, click on “Add” button and fill the edit boxes on the
right side of the page:
- Give a description for your winch configuration
- Select the wireline type from the drop down list and enter the length.
If your wireline is not listed click on the square symbol at the right to access to
the wirelines table (Figure 4-2). The wirelines table summarizes the pre-defined
wirelines and their physical properties. By clicking on + or – buttons user can add or
remove a wireline description and properties.
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4 – Winch Manager 17
Cable head:
- Select the cable head type from the drop down list
- Select a cable head wiring configuration. More information about cable head wiring
and pin assignation used by the Logger can be found by clicking on the square
symbol (Figure 4-3).
Warning: make sure that physical wiring of your cable head and pin assignation of the
Logger match the wiring mode displayed in the “Wiring Diagram” page. Improper wiring of
your set-up may damage the tool.
18 4 – Winch Manager
Depth encoder:
- Select from the list or create a new depth encoder configuration for your specific
- To create a new depth encoder configuration click on the square symbol . In
the encoder page click on “New” to add a new device (Figures 4-4 & 4-5).
Figure 4-5 Adding a new encoder device and settings for SCOUT PRO
Give a description and define the resolution (pulses/turn) of your depth encoder to define a
new device. This value must be an integer, that is it cannot have any decimal place values.
This is the number of pulses from the encoder per wheel revolution. Quadrature encoders
will be read by the system at four times their pulse per revolution number. For a 200 pulse
per revolution encoder the system actually sees 800 pulses per revolution.
See also sections 6.3 Manual determination of Depth Encoder settings and 6.4 Standard
Depth Encoder settings for winches from Mount Sopris Instruments.
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4 – Winch Manager 19
For SCOUT PRO The depth encoder settings are defined through LoggerSettings
application and must be configured to suit the depth encoder specifications.
Mode Depth encoder wiring mode:
Quadrature (2 wires): two channel output encoder A , B
Quadrature (4 wires): four channel output encoder A , B and inverted A- , B-
Power Power Voltage selection: 5 or 12V
To Disable Power – select NO
PullUP Pull-up voltage selection: 5 or 12 V
The “Delete” option offers the possibility to remove some unused depth encoder
- Once the depth encoder configuration is defined enter the Wheel Circumference in
meters, this may be a non-integer number like 0.3333 or 1.23456.
- Press the Reset button to zero the depth. Pull cable from the winch to test the
depth settings (Figure 4-6).
- Click on Reverse Direction if the depth is incremented in the wrong direction. Note
that the depth should increase when the tool is going down and the reverse.
- In the wheel section user has the option to define the depth driving wheel
circumference. To define the depth wheel circumference - if unknown - follow the
instructions given below:
1. Click on Reset
2. Pull let’s say 10m of cable
3. Edit the length of the pulled cable (10m in this instance)
4. Click on Compute to get the corresponding wheel circumference
5. Click on OK to validate the depth direction and calibration
20 4 – Winch Manager
Tension Gauge:
- Enter the units for the Tension display into the corresponding edit box
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- Start the calibration of the Tension load cell by hanging the cable head without
load over a cable sheave.
Enter a value of 0 into the Ref 1 edit box (Figure 4-7). Click on the Sample button
to update the Reading box with a value measured by the system.
Hang a load of known weight on the end of the cable and enter the weight (or
tension value it causes) into the Ref 2 edit box. Click on the corresponding
Sample button to update the Reading box with a value measured by the system.
- Once the calibration is completed the system computes the calibration factors
for the tension display.
When your computer detects the connected hardware, the Serial Number of your Matrix
system and version numbers for System controller, Modem controller and PSU (Power
Supply Unit) controller will be displayed (Figure 4-8).
Click on the + icon in the tree control on the left pane of the dialog box to expand the tree
for each topic.
Use the Read and Write buttons to retrieve and update the settings of the connected
system. Click on Export to write the settings into a file or use the Import button to load a
system configuration.
22 4 – Winch Manager
Depth Encoder:
Note: Do not connect your encoder until you are sure that the correct operating voltage has
been set.
The Encoder page (Figure 4-9) provides information about the installed encoders. Up to two
devices are supported. From the tree view select the encoder device for which you would
like to change the settings.
Click the Read button to load the stored settings from your system.
Three modes of encoders are supported:
Quadrature (2 wires) where there are A and B signal wires;
Quadrature (4 wires) where there are A, B, /A, and /B signal wires;
Up/Down Pulses where there are CW, CCW, /CW, and /CCW signal wires.
Reverse direction changes the counting direction without rewiring the encoder
The encoder power can be selected to be either 5V or 12V depending on the
encoder type. Be sure this is set correctly or the encoder can be damaged.
This can be On to connect a pull-up resistor between Power and the signal line for
those encoders requiring it or Off.
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4 – Winch Manager 23
Resolution [pulses/turn]: This value must be an integer, that is it cannot have any
decimal place values. Also, it cannot exceed 10,000. This is the number of pulses
from the encoder per wheel revolution. Quadrature encoders will be read by the
system at four times their pulse per revolution number. For a 200 pulse per
revolution encoder the system sees actually 800 pulses per revolution.
See also sections 6.3 Manual determination of Depth Encoder settings and 6.4
Standard Depth Encoder settings for winches from Mount Sopris Instruments.
Test Reset: Press the button to zero the depth. Pull cable from the winch to test the
Click Write when finished to transfer the new settings to the system.
Tension Gauge:
If a tension device is connected to the Matrix system, calibration of the device can be
accomplished in the Tension gauge section. Up to two devices are supported and can be
calibrated separately (Figure 4-10). From the tree view select the encoder device for which
you would like to change the settings (Figure 4-11).
24 4 – Winch Manager
Click the Wireline branch in the tree control on the left pane of the dialog box (Figure 4-12)
to adjust the settings according to your cable characteristics.
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4 – Winch Manager 25
Length: Enter the Length of the wireline in meters or feet according to the system
units selected.
Reference: Select the correct wireline reference from the drop down list. Some
standard Rochester cable types and corresponding references can be found in Table
1 below.
For non-standard cables, select Unknown and fill the remaining fields. The
resistance per unit length is the determining factor when using the Rochester
Reference number.
26 4 – Winch Manager
Click Write when finished to transfer the new settings to the system.
Note: The wireline selection is used to calculate the voltage drop on the wireline and
therefore the tool power supply voltage. This has no effect on the telemetry settings.
www.alt.lu v21.04.14
5Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. – Upgrading Logger Firmware
During the upgrade procedure the dialog box shown in Figure 5-2 will be displayed providing
information on the upgrade status.
Note: Do not turn off the computer or logging system and do not disconnect any cable until
the upgrade procedure is completely finished.
6 - Appendix 29
6 Appendix
To get an overview of the installed modems select the ALT, MSI or Third Party branches
(Figure 6-1 to 6-3).
If it becomes necessary to change the installed modems either by adding a new one or
removing an already installed one, it will be necessary to export the current
configuration, send the exported file to your vendor (ALT or Mount Sopris Instruments)
and install the updated file you will receive from your vendor. Please contact ALT or
Mount Sopris Instruments for information about available modems.
30 6 - Appendix
The Patchers page (Figure 6-4) displays the status of several hardware settings. No
information can be edited here.
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6 - Appendix 31
6.3 Standard Depth Encoder settings for winches from Mount Sopris
The settings below for the MX family winches yield an encoder resolution of 4 /2400 =
0.0016666 meters. This is because four transitions are detected (and counted) for each full
pulse from Quadrature encoders.
The encoder sends 200 pulses per revolution. The Matrix records four (pulse transitions)
times 200 (pulses) per revolution.
The wheel circumference is 1/3 meter. Therefore, three wheel revolutions results in an
effective circumference of one meter. (Wheel Circumference divided by Integer Encoder
pulses per turn).
32 Index
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Index 33
Yellow icons, 7