Grade 3 Maths ST
Grade 3 Maths ST
Grade 3 Maths ST
Ministry of Education
English for Ethhiopia Student’s Book Grade 3
English for Ethiopia
Student’s Book
Grade 3
Grade 3 English Student’s Book 3 Price
English for Ethiopia
Student’s Book
Grade 3
Ministry of Education
Section One: Listening
Activity 1
Look at the following pictures. Tell the names of the pictures to your friend.
1 2
3 4
Activity 2
Example: “chair”
Activity 3
Read aloud the following words. Match those words with the pictures.
1 3
Activity 4
You are ready to listen to a story. What do you think the story will be about?
List down three things and tell to your partners.
Activity 5
Now you are going to listen to the story. After you listen to it once, discuss
the following questions in pairs.
Activity 6
Look at the things in the following picture of a school. List down two objects
which are found in the story you listened to but not found in the picture.
Activity 7
Now, you are going to listen to the story for the second time. As you listen,
match the words and ideas on the right with those on the left.
Activity 8
Copy the following table on your Exercise book. Based on the story, answer
the following questions by putting a tick mark (√) in the table.
Activity 9
There are two pictures of schools below. One is a picture of the school in
the story and the other one is another school. Look at them and answer the
questions set after the pictures.
Activity 10
Visiting your school compound, complete the following paragraph.
Activity 11
Try drawing your school compound in your exercise book. Indicate all
facilities and services in the school as much as you can. Show the picture
you drew to your partner.
Activity 12
Go in front of your classmates, and speak about your school in English. Use
the model in Activity 10, to structure/outline your speech.
Activity 13
Look at the picture of a modern school. Describe the picture to your partner.
Use the frame below the picture to describe the school in writing.
Activity 1
As you look at the pictures of the following objects, read them aloud. Your
teacher may also show you a flash card containing the pictures of those
Activity 2
Ask oral questions about each object below and let your partner answer. See
the pictures of Hanna and Mengistu below asking one another as example.
Activity 3
Look at the pictures in Activity 2 and take turns to play the dialogue below.
When you speak, indicate the right picture with your finger.
Activity 4
Match each question with the correct answer. Write the questions and
answers in your exercise book. The answers are supported with pictures.
Activity 5
Your teacher will show you five pictures of classroom and school objects.
Name the objects as the teacher shows you one by one. Then write down the
spelling of each in your exercise book.
Activity 6
Use the example below and, first write out sentences on the importance
of the following classroom and school objects. Then make a short speech
using the sentences you wrote to your class.
A. Chair
B. Table
C. Window
Activity 7
Now match your answers with the pictures given below.
1 2
3 4
10 Grade 3 English Student’s Book
Unit 1 My School
Activity 1
Tell the meanings of the following words to your partner in your local
Activity 2
Match the above words with the pictures given below.
1 2
3 4
Activity 3
Before you read the passage below, guess the meanings of the following
words and tell to your partner. Then match those words with the pictures
given below.
A. Meeting
B. Laboratory
C. Halls
1 2 3
Activity 4
Now read the following passage and underline the words you spoke the
meaning of above.
At School
At school we learn. Students, teachers, and other administrative staff
make up the school’s community. It is a place of getting education. At
school, we find laboratories, libraries, halls, cafes, and restrooms.
Laboratories have chemicals. Libraries have books. Halls are used for
meeting. We drink tea at cafes. A school can have many gates. But one
of these gates is a main gate.
Activity 5
Read the above text again and fill in the following table with the correct
information from the passage.
Activity 6
Below you find words from the passage above in the wrong order. Reorder
them and make up sentences. See the example done for you.
Activity 7
Complete the sentences given below using the most appropriate word for
the given sentence from the list.
Activity 8
Look at the following pictures. Match those pictures with some of the names
of objects given in the table above for Activity 7.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Activity 1
See Activity 7 above, the list of school and classroom objects given in the
Table. First let your teacher read them aloud for you. Then, you read them
aloud or pronounce them. Imitate your teacher.
Activity 2
Write out (with the correct spelling) words for the following pictures.
1 2 3
4 5
Activity 3
Below in the box are given words taken from the listening and reading story
in this unit. Use the most appropriate word to fill in the following blank
Section 5: Grammar
Activity 1
Use “May I” expression. Ask permissions for use of the following classroom
objects. Use the example given below.
Activity 2
Take turns to role play the dialogues you constructed in Activity 1 above.
Activity 3
Study the notes given in the box above and ask as much permission as
possible to get the following services. Use “Can, “Could” and “May”.
3. Speak in French...............................................................................
Section 6: Writing
Activity 1
Listen to the following ten words read out loud by your teacher and write
down the words you hear with correct spelling. The words refer to common
school and classroom materials.
1. ..................................... 6. .....................................
2. ..................................... 7. .....................................
3. ..................................... 8. .....................................
4. ..................................... 9. .....................................
5. ..................................... 10. ...................................
Activity 2
Complete the following words with the missing letter/spelling to make them
correctly spelled words.
Example: school :
1. d_re_to_
2. c_as_room
3. de_k
4. p_ri_d
Activity 3
Make up three complete sentences of your own. Each sentence must have
only three words. Write down the sentences in the table below. Use the
given classroom materials to make up sentences. See the example.
Activity 1
Before you listen to the text, answer the following questions. Work in pairs
or groups.
Activity 2
As you listen to the text, answer the following questions. Then, tell your
answers to the class.
3. What do parents buy for their children for the new year’s
Activity 3
The teacher reads aloud the text for the second time. After you have
listened to the text, answer the following questions. Work in groups and
tell your answers to the class.
Activity 1
In pairs, ask and answer questions about what your parents buy for you in
September. Play the role, turn by turn. Follow the example given.
Activity 2
In pairs ask and answer questions about the days of the week. Change your
roles, turn by turn.
Activity 3
What day comes before or after the given day? Give the correct day of the
week in the blank spaces given below. First do it individually. Then, show
your answers to your partner.
1. ........................,Monday
2. Tuesday,........................,
3. Thursday,........................
4. Saturday,........................,
Activity 4
Complete the names of the days of the week in the following balloons.
Work in groups of three or five. Also, the teacher will sing a song on the
days of the week. Sing the song with the teacher.
Activity 5
Answer the following questions in pairs /groups.
Activity 1
Before you read the text given below, answer the following questions.
The first month of the Ethiopian New Year is September. The last
month of the year is Pagumen. October, November, December and
January are dry months. Crops are harvested during these months.
In February, March, and April there are shower rains in most of the
regions. During this time crops like wheat and barley are grown. They
are harvested in the last days of April.
May is usually sunny. There will be only little rains. June, July, and
August are rainy months. Almost all crops grow during this season.
There may be heavy rains followed by floods.
Activity 2
As you read the passage, answer the following questions. Then compare
your answers with your neighbor’s. Sing the song of the months of the year
with the teacher.
Activity 3
After you have read the passage, answer the following questions. Work in
groups. Then, tell your answers to the class.
Activity 4
Study the months given below – Can you correctly pronounce them? Your
teacher will say them aloud to you. Say after him.
Activity 5
Discuss what you understand from the song given below. Sing the song with
Activity 6
In pairs ask and answer questions. Do this as many times as there are
Activity 7
In the following table, write the months. Then show your sentences to your
neighbor. Then, say out the months after your teacher.
1. September 2. 3.
4. 5. January 6.
7. 8. 9. May
10. 11. July 12.
Activity 8
Which Month comes before or after the other? Complete the following blank
spaces. Work in pairs or groups.
1. September, October,............................
2. December, January,............................
4. ............................ August
Activity 9
Answer the following questions in groups. Report your answers to the
Activity 10
Ask and answer questions about the days in a month. Work in pairs. Play
the role, turn by turn.
B: They :.........................................................
Activity 1
In the table below, you have months in the first column. From the passage
find out situations as in the example and write them in the second hand
column. Work in pairs. Then, tell your answers to the class.
Months Situations/season
September flower
Activity 2
The words in column A are taken from the reading and listening texts.
Match them with their meanings given in column B. Then show your answers
to your teacher.
1.shower rain a. area
2.heavy b. gathering crops
3.flood c. water formed after rain
4.dry d. difficult to lift
5.harvesting e. without water or rain
f. little rain
Activity 3
Complete the following sentences by the words given below. You may use a
word twice.
Activity 4
Answer the following questions in groups. Tell your answers to the class.
Time Conjunctions
Activity 1
What comes before or after what? Answer the following questions
individually. Then, compare your answers with the answers of your group
Activity 2
Complete the following sentences by the time conjunctions (before
(before and
after).. Work individually.
after) individually.
Activity 1
What do your parents buy for you every September. Write a five sentence
paragraph. Follow the given example. First, do it individually. Then show it
to your group members.
Activity 2
Write five sentences about what you like to buy for the New Year’s Holiday?
Write your sentences in the space given below. Then show your sentences
to your group members.
Activity 1
Look at the pictures. Then, answer the questions by writing. Then, discuss
your answers in pairs.
Activity 2
Ask your parents or someone who knows about traffic lights. Or, refer to
a book or website/Internet about traffic lights and answer the following
questions orally with your partner.
Activity 3
Look at the traffic light pictures given. Can you math the following colors
of traffic light with their meanings?
Activity 4
Match the following pictures with the right words they represent.
1 2
3 4
34 Grade 3 English Student’s Book
Unit 3 The Traffic Signs
Activity 5
Now, listen to the passage for the first time. Then, match the words and
ideas on the right with those on the left.
1. intersections A. running in a red traffic light
1. signals B. number of colors of signals
2. complete stop C. green light
3. use of traffic signals D. colors
4. flow of cars E. Traffic
5. go F. red light
6. three G. control traffic
7. dangerous H. place of crossing or convergence
Activity 6
Look at the pictures below. Identify those pictures that show respect for
traffic lights and those pictures that do not respect traffic lights rules.
Grade 3 English Student’s Book 35
Unit 3 The Traffic Signs
Activity 7
The following words in Column A are taken from the passage you listened
to. Listen to the passage again and match the words with their most
appropriate meanings given in column B. Write down your answers in your
exercise book.
1. complete A. motorist
2. traffic B. full
3. indicates C. walker
5. drivers E. show
Activity 8
Now listen to the passage for the third and last time and say whether the
sentences in the table are true or false.
Activity 9
Interview any traffic policeman around your village. Find out what each of
the following road signs and symbols mean for drivers.
2. .............................................................
3. .............................................................
4. .............................................................
5. .............................................................
Activity 1
Your teacher will show you different flash cards that contain different
traffic light colors. As you look at the cards, first read the words aloud.
Then write down the meaning of each color.
Activity 2
Look at the pictures of colors on the right and match them with their
names on the left.
1. Red a.
2. Blue b.
3. Yellow c.
4. Green d.
5. Orange e.
6. Purple f.
Activity 3
Take turn with your partner to practice the dialogue below about the
meanings of traffic light colors.
Activity 1
Before you read the passage, talk about the following questions in groups
of three.
Activity 2
Look at the pictures below and match them with the following words.
People Picture
1. Traffic police
2. Driver
3. Teacher
4. Student
5. Pilot
Grade 3 English Student’s Book 39
Unit 3 The Traffic Signs
Activity 3
Now read the following passage and check if the answers you gave above
in Activity 1 are correct. Discuss your answers in pairs.
Activity 4
Look at the picture of a traffic police Tell your partner what the traffic
police is doing. Now read the passage again and fill the table below with
the correct information.
Until 1912, human traffic policemen often used a complex whistle system
to direct traffic. The system was confusing and ineffective. It was boring
but also dangerous. To avoid these problems, classic traffic lights were
invented. Classic traffic lights are pre-programmed, inflexible. They do
not adapt to the rapid changing traffic situation. This causes damage to
the economy and to the environment. During peak hours vehicles and
pedestrians need equal chances to pass, while at off-peak times there’s no
need to stop.
Compared to classic traffic lights, smart traffic light takes into consideration
the traffic situation. It triggers the lights to react as needed in a timely
manner. This is because all the traffic lights will be connected to each
other through a communication platform.
Activity 5
Answer the following comprehension questions in one or two words.
6. Which system of traffic lights, the classic or the smart one, is more com-
fortable to drive?
7. Who controlled the traffic system before the invention of traffic lights?
Activity 6
Take turns and retell the story of the reading passage to your partner. Use
the illustrations below to help you remember the main points of the text.
Activity 7
Now your teacher will read aloud five sentences in which there are names
of colors. As you listen write down the spelling of those names of color in
your exercise book.
Activity 1
Match the words given below with their contextual meanings, as they are
used in the passage above.
1. accident a. means
2. pass b. song
3. platform c. go
4. classic d. old
5. adapt e. crash
f. die
g. adjust
Activity 2
Look at the following words taken from the above passage. Find at least
one word with an opposite meaning to each of the given words. The jumbled
sentences given below may give you hints.
1. boring .......................
2. before .......................
3. classic .......................
4. rapid .......................
5. requently .......................
Activity 1
Study the examples below. Look at also the pictures. Then write out in the
spaces given below what you have and what you don’t have.
Martha Derartu
1. I......................... Phone.
2. I. ......................... lunch bag.
3. I ......................... dinner yesterday.
4. I ......................... English textbook.
5. I ......................... mobile charger.
6. I ......................... laptop.
7. I ......................... raincoat.
8. I ......................... new jeans trousers.
9. I ......................... two oxen.
10. I ......................... three chickens
Activity 2
Look at the following pictures. Put a tick mark in front of the item you have
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
Activity 3
Make up ten possible correct sentences from the following substitution
table. Your teacher may give you an example.
Bontu a friend.
Students a gown
a uniform
a training yesterday
Activity 1
Using the words given below (taken from the listening and reading stories
above) write up five sentence of your own.
1. accident
2. traffic police
3. pass
4. signal
5. obey
Activity 2
Make up ten sentences of your own using have/has/had/does not have/do
not have/did not have.
1. ...................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................................................
9. ...................................................................................................................
10. ...................................................................................................................
Before you listen to the text, answer the following questions in groups.
Your teacher will read aloud the text to you.
Activity 2
Do you know the meanings of the following words? Your teacher will tell
you their meanings. Write their meanings in your exercise books.
Activity 3
As you listen, try to complete the table given below. The teacher reads
aloud the text for the second time. Then, compare your answers with that
of your group members.
Activity 4
After you have listened to the text, answer the following questions. Your
teacher will read aloud the text for the third time. Work in groups. Then
report your answers to the class.
1. Where do the Blue Nile and the White Nile Rivers meet?
6. What are the main points of the listening text? Discuss in groups.
Activity 5
In groups, find the following rivers in the map.
Names of rivers:
1. Abay
2. Baro
3. Genale
4. Tekeze
5. Webe shebele
6. Awash
Activity 6
In groups, answer the following questions by looking at the above map.
Report your answers to the class.
4. How are these rivers or streams useful to the people in your area?
Activity 1
Practise asking and answering the following questions. Play the roles, turn
by turn.
Hana: ..............................................................
Activity 1
Before you read the passage, answer the following questions in groups.
Then compare your answers with your neighbour’s.
Activity 2
As you read the following passage, complete the table below.
Name of river
Originates in
Uses are
Ends in
This river is used for irrigation. It is used to grow banana, orange, sugar cane, etc.
It is also used for drinking. The Koka Dam is constructed from this river. This
dam was constructed during the Haile Silassie regime. It generates about 400
megawatt electric power.
Activity 3
After you have read the passage, answer the following questions. Then
tell your answers to the class.
1. Where does the Awash River originate?
2. Where does it end?
3. In what ways is the river useful to the people nearby?
4. When was the Koka Dam constructed?
5. How many Megawatt electric power does it generate?
Activity 4 you write down some other points discussed in the passage?
6. Can
Activity 4
In groups, complete the following table about Ethiopian rivers. This task
is a homework. You may ask other people or your Geography teachers for
the answers.
1. Abay
2. Baro
3. Tekeze
Activity 1
The following words are taken from the listening and reading passages.
Match them with their meanings.
1. begins A. generate
Activity 2
Complete the following sentences by the words given in the box. Work
individually, then, compare your answers with your neighbour’s.
Activity 3
Study the meanings of the following words as they are used in the passage.
Activity 4
Complete the following sentences by the words given below. Work in pairs
or groups. Then show your answers to another group.
1. There is a small .................... in our village. We get drinking water from it.
Activity 5
Complete the following sentences by the words given below. Work in pairs.
Then compare your answers with the answers of another pair.
Activity 6
Complete the following sentences by the words given below. Work in groups.
Then compare your answers with that of your group members’.
Activity 1
Read the following sentences and do the activity given below.
I am
They are
He/ She is
Activity 2
Complete the following sentences by looking at the pictures given below.
Then, work with your classmates.
Activity 3
Write sentences about what students are doing in class. Then tell your
sentences to your teacher.
Activity 4
a b
c d
Activity 5
Match the following sentences with the activities presented in pictures.
Work in pairs or groups.
c d e
f g h
Activity 6
Write complete sentences on each of the following activities. Then, read
out your sentences to the class.
1 2
3 4
Activity 7
Complete the sentences below by the following quantifiers. First work
individually. Later, compare your answers with your classmate’s answers.
Activity 8
What objects do you see in class? Report what you see in class to the
teacher. The teacher lists down the objects on the blackboard.
Your teacher writes sentences using the quantities you give him. Then,
write your sentences.
Activity 9
Activity 1
In pairs or groups, write five sentences about the uses of water. Use the
given notes. Then read out your sentences to the class. Finally write the
correct sentences in your notebook.
Write 5 sentences.
Activity 1
You are going to listen to a passage. Before you listen, look at the following
pictures of plants. Which one is a picture of coffee plant? Identify all plant
Activity 2
With a partner, take turns and ask and answer the following questions
about your likes and dislikes. Give your answers using “Yes, I do.” or “No,
I don’t.”
Activity 3
Now, you will listen to a story about coffee plant. As you listen, match the
words and ideas on the right with those on the left.
Column A Column B
1. Ethiopia A. Brazil
2. Yemen B. Popular drink and one of the major
exports commodities.
3. More production of coffee beans C. One of the coffee dependent
4. Country that is leading producer D. Coffee drunk in earliest times.
and exporter of coffee
5. USA E. The origin of coffee
6. Coffee F. Developing countries
7. The leading coffee producing G. Latin America
Activity 4
The following words in Column A are taken from the listening story. Listen
to the story again, and match the words with their most appropriate
meanings given in column B. Write down answers in your exercise books.
Activity 5
Match the pictures below with the appropriate word.
1 2
3 4
Activity 6
Now you will listen to the story for the third time. Answer the following
questions by putting a tick (√) in the table.
Activity 1
Look at the picture below. In pairs, tell each other what you see in the
picture. What is happening? Who is making coffee? Who is drinking coffee?
What different objects do you see in the picture?
Activity 2
Look at the picture of Munaand Tulu talking. With a partner, take turns
and practice the dialogue between Muna and Tulu. Then together with your
partner prepare your own dialog based on the model dialogue. Your topic
can be either “coffee” or “milk”.
Model dialogue
Muna: That’s true. Tea is good too, but I prefer coffee to tea.
Tulu: I also prefer coffee. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day,
Muna: I…usually drink between 1 and 4. Four is probably too much but
some days I just need to get a lot of stuff done. So, that’s when I
drink a lot of coffee. How about you?
Tulu: Four is probably reasonable. Um, lately I don’t even finish one cup.
I used to drink many cups before. I don’t know!
Now, you write your dialogue (student A and student B) in your exercise
A. _____________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________
A. _____________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________
A. _____________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________
A. _____________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________
Activity 3
Talk about your likes and dislikes using the phrases and examples given
below in the box.
• Drinking juice
• Watching film
• Drinking coffee
• Telling lies
• Being absent from school
Activity 4
Match the actions given below with the pictures that describe the actions.
Actions Pictures
1. Drinking juice
2. Watching film
3. Drinking coffee
B c
70 Grade 3 English Student’s Book
Unit 5 Cash Crops
Activity 5
Take turns with your partner to practice the following phone conversation
between Bezabih and Sebele on likes and dislikes as you see on the picture.
Bezabih: Oh, Sorry! It does not matter! We can make it another time.
Bezabih: Bye!
Activity 6
Look at the picture first. Then, study the following story about the Ethiopian
coffee ceremony. Then, go to the front of your class and orally describe the
Ethiopian coffee ceremony to your classmates. You may outline your speech
using the frame presented in the following story.
are then put into a special vessel. The vessel contains boiled water. It
will be left on an open flame a couple of minutes until it is well mixed
with the hot water. After grinding, the coffee is put through a sieve
several times. The boiling pot “Jebena” in Amharic language is usually
made of pottery. It has a spherical base, a neck and pouring spout and
a built-in semi-circular handle. The Jebena also has a straw lid.
Thank you!
Activity 7
Describe the three stages of serving traditional coffee mentioned in the
passage above in the three languages. Fill in the table.
Activity 8
Look at the illustration of a boiling pot or “Jebena” below for making coffee.
Study also the description of “Jebena” presented again. Based on the two
sources, prepare a short speech that describes Jebena to your classmates.
Present the speech or make a short speech to the whole class.
Activity 1
Before you read the passage, talk about the following questions in groups
of three.
Activity 2
The pictures below consist of both major cash crops and minor crops in
Ethiopia. Put a “Yes” mark for major cash crops and a “No “mark for minor
or non- cash crops. Give your reason to your partner. Discuss your answers
with your teacher.
1 2 3
4 5
Cash Crops
A cash crop or profit crop is an agricultural crop. It is grown to sell
for profit. It is typically purchased by parties separate from a farm.
The term is used to differentiate marketed crops from subsistence
crops. Subsistence crops are those fed to the producer’s own livestock
or grown as food for the producer’s family. Some examples of cash
crops in Ethiopia are coffee, pulses and oilseed, flowers, cotton, grains,
sorghum, millet, and corn.
In earlier times cash crops were usually only a small (but vital) part of
a farm’s total yield, while today, especially in developed countries and
among smallholders almost all crops are mainly grown for revenue.
In the least developed countries, cash crops are usually crops which
attract demand in more developed nations, and hence have some
export value.
Prices for major cash crops are set in commodity markets with global
scope. A consequence of this is that a nation, region, or individual
producer relying on such a crop may suffer low prices should a bumper
crop elsewhere lead to excess supply on the global markets. This system
has been criticized by traditional farmers. Coffee is an example of a
product that has been susceptible to significant commodity futures
price variations.
Activity 3
Now as you read the following passage about cash crops, fill in the correct
missing information in the table below
Activity 4
Read the passage again and decide if the following sentences are “True” or
“False” according to information in the passage.
5. In the past cash crops were only parts of a farmer’s total produce.
9. Traditional farmers like the way prices are set for cash crops.
Activity 5
Based on the information in the passage above, answer the following
comprehension questions in short phrases. Write down your answers in
your exercise book.
2. Who do you think benefits from global setting of price for cash crops?
3. Why do you think these days almost all cash crops are produced for
Activity 1
Match the words given below with their contextual meanings, as they are
used in the passage above. See the words in bold in the reading text.
1. profit a. objected
2. typically b. income
3. vital c. mainly
4. developed d. opposite of developing
5. global scope e. the high quality
6. excess f. too much
7. criticized g. appreciated
h. internationally
Section 5: Grammar
Activity 1
Look at the illustrations and the examples below. Which nouns are singular
and which are plural. Put a “tick” mark in the table.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Activity 2
Match the plural nouns on the right with the pictures on the left.
Activity 3
Change the above plural nouns into singular.
Section 6: Writing
Activity 1
Using the words given below (taken from the listening and reading passages
above) write up five sentence of your own.
1. profit
2. sell
3. coffee
4. vital
5. ceremony
Activity 2
Make up ten sentences of your own using singular and plural nouns given
below and the right verbs with them.
1. ........................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................
3. .........................................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................................
5. ........................................................................................................
6. .........................................................................................................
Activity 3
Make up five sentences of your own about one of the cash crops you prefer.
Activity 1
The teacher will read aloud a listening text to you. Before you listen, answer
the following questions. Work in groups.
3. The teacher will explain the meanings of the following words to you:
Cut effect
burn shelter
Activity 2
As you listen, write down the effects of cutting down trees.
Activity 3
Activity 1
What other uses of trees do you know? How are trees useful to your
parents?By asking people in your village, collect some information about
the uses of trees. Tell to the class next period.
Activity 2
Practice reading aloud the following dialogue in groups.
This is Wakjira.
Activity 3
Practise introducing someone to a friend.
Saying “Bye”
Activity 4
In pairs, practise saying “bye” to someone. The teacher will show you how
to say out the following dialogues.
Shibiru: Bye.
Activity 5
Activity 1
Before you read the text below, answer the following questions in groups.
Then report your answers to the class.
1. What are the effects of cutting trees? List down the effects.
Activity 2
Read the the passage next page. and answer the questions given below.
First read the text individually. Then answer the questions in groups.
Cutting Trees
Cutting trees has many bad effects. Cutting trees results in change
of climate. The soil will be washed away. The area will be dry. It
then becomes hot. There will not be rain. So, there will be shortage
of water. The land becomes barren. It does not grow crops. Also,
wild animals cannot live in this area. So there will be hunger.
People will also migrate to other places. Finally, the area will not be
attractive. So tourists will not come to that area.
Activity 3
Activity 1
Guess the meanings of the following words as they are used in the passage.
Then, match them with the meanings given.
Word Meanings
4. attractive d. effects
Activity 2
Individually, complete the following sentences by the words given below.
Then compare your answers with the answers of your neighbour.
Activity 3
The following words are taken from the reading passage. Use these words
to complete the following sentences.
Activity 1
Study the following comparisons. The teacher will explain the comparison
to you.
Activity 1
Write five sentences on the uses of water. Use the information in the
following diagram. Afterwards, show your sentences to your teacher.
a. for drinking
b. for washing clothes
Uses of water c. for cooking food.
d. for growing crops.
e. for swimming
f. for transportation
Activity 2
By using the notes given below, write sentences.
The Uses of Forests: to protect soil erosion
to have good rainfall
to get firewood
to prepare medicines
to make furniture like chairs and tables
they are homes for wild animals
Activity 1
Before you listen to a story about Ethiopian national flag, look at the
national flags of different countries listed below, and answer the questions.
2. Which countries have flags with green, yellow, and red colors?
5. Do you look at any similarity between Djiboutian flag and the Somali’s
Activity 2
Take turns with a partner to practice the “Where are you from?” game.
See the example given.
Activity 3
Look at the following Ethiopian national flag and describe it to your partner.
Use the frame below to help you describe the flag. Ask your parents or
refer to a book in the library about the meanings of the three colors of the
national flag.
Activity 4
What colors does the regional state (where you live) flag have from top
to down? Explain to your partner the meanings of each color. If you do
not know ask anyone or refer to books and other sources and find out the
correct information.
Activity 5
Now, you will listen to a story about the national flag of Ethiopia. As you
listen, match the words in column A with the definitions and descriptions
given in column B. and ideas on the right with those on the left. As you
listen to the story look also at the picture of the Ethiopian national flag
given here.
1. Green A. The first official national flag was adopted.
2. Tri-color B. Shows the unity of nations , nationalities and people of Ethiopia
3. The star C. The shape of the emblem.
4. The rays D. Represents sacrifice for freedom and equality
from the star
Activity 6
The following words are taken from the listening story above. Complete the
blank spaces in the sentences with the most appropriate word from the list.
Activity 7
Now you will listen to the story again. Answer the following questions
according to the passage by putting a tick (√) mark in the table.
Activity 1
Study the following dialogue about the Ethiopian national flag. As you look
at the picture, practice the dialog between Beshir and Medina about the
flag. Take turns with a partner
Model Dialogue
Beshir: Hey Medina, may I ask you some questions about the Ethiopian
national flag?
Medina: Yes, of course!
Beshir: Great! Then, how many colors
make up the flag?
Medina: That is very simple! Just three
Beshir: Can you list down the names
of the colors as they appear from top
to down?
Medina, Yes: green, yellow, and red.
Beshir: That is absolutely true! What
does the green color symbolize or show
Medina: Development, labor and fertility,
Beshir: What about the yellow color?
Medina: Hope, justice and equality!
Beshir: Last, and the red color?
Medina: Patriotism, sacrifice for freedom and equality.
Beshir: Thanks! That is great, Medina!
Activity 2
Describe orally to your partner the purposes of a national flag using the
notes given in the box below. Use the speech frame given below to make
your speech well organized and simple.
Dear my classmates,
Activity 1
Before you read the passage below, guess the answers of the following
questions. Look also at the pictures given below. Write down your answers
in your exercise book.
3.Do you observe a flag ceremony (flag raising, lowering or flag saluting) at
your school? When is it?
Activity 2
Now as you read the following story about the Ethiopian national flag and
its background, fill in the correct missing information in the table below.
The Ethiopian
National Flag
The first official flag of Ethiopia was established by Emperor Menilek II on
October 6, 1897. His flag bore on the yellow stripe the first letter of his name
in Amharic script.
Activity 3
Read the passage again and decide if the following sentences are “True” or
“False” according to the information in the passage.
1 A red star at the top was introduced to the then existing flag of Ethiopia by
the Marxist government.
2 Mengistu Hailemariam was the president of the Marxist government.
3 Menilek’s flag bore on the yellow stripe the first letter of his name in Amharic
4 Central blue disk with a yellow outlined and rayed star was introduced to the
national flag of the tricolor by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
5 The February 6, 1996 constitution was the constitution of the Peoples’
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Activity 4
Now answer the following comprehension questions based on the information
in the passage you have read. Write down your answers in your exercise
1. Why do you think some of the features of the Ethiopian national flag change
through time?
2. Do we still have a red star in the Ethiopian national flag today?
3. What does the word “His” refer to in the first paragraph second line?
4. Has the base three colors of the national flag changed through time? Or,
their order of appearance?
5. Can you list events, holidays or ceremonies when and where the Ethiopian
national flag is flown?
Activity 1
Match the words given below with their contextual meanings, as they are
used in the passage above. Look at the words in bold in the reading text.
1. led a. in the middle
2. established b. marks
3. bore c. issued
4. symbols d. carried
5. central f. removed
6. overthrew g. managed
7. adopted i. Introduced
Section 5: Grammar
Activity 1
Study the following table carefully. Write out as many sentences as you
can from the chart in the spaces provided after the chart.
I eat Examples:
You eat
She eats orange.
She eats
He eats
They eat
It eats
Activity 2
Tell the time from the following clock chart using simple present tense by
answering “What is the time now? Or, what time is it now?”
Activity 3
Use the substitution table. Write five sentences showing general truth
simple present tense in your exercise book.
Activity 4
Look at Alfred’s dailyroutine in the chart below. Answer activities 1, 2 &
3 given in the chart. Write down your answer in your exercise book. Then,
describe your daily activities in one paragraph using simple present tense
and following Alfred as an example.
Activity 5
Make up six simple present tense sentences using the verbs below (all
taken from the listening and reading texts above) about the meanings of
the colors of the Ethiopian flag.
Signal Show
Designate Indicate
Symbolize Represent
1. .........................................................................................................................
2. ..........................................................................................................................
3. ..........................................................................................................................
4. ..........................................................................................................................
5. ..........................................................................................................................
+ Subject+Verb(s/es)+Object
Section 6: Writing
Activity 1
Using the words given below (taken from the listening and reading stories),
write up five sentence of your own about the meanings of the colors of the
Ethiopian National Flag.
Activity 2
Copy the table below into your exercise book. Write one major activity that
you do regularly on each day of the week. Use simple present tense. Use an
appropriate verb in each sentence.
Activity 1
Before you listen to the text, work in groups to answer the following
questions. Then, tell your answers to the class.
Activity 2
As you listen to the text, say True or False.
1. Cleaning our environment is not useful.
2. Common cold is caused by unclean environment.
3. Dirty places are attractive.
4. Tourists do not like clean places.
Activity 3
After you have listened to the text for the second time, answer the following
questions. First, work individually. Then, compare your answers with your
“Wh” questions
Activity 1
A. Read aloud the following dialogue turn by turn with your classmate.
Betru: There are cows, sheep, goats, and horses. How about in your
B. In the same way, in pairs, ask each other about what animals are found
in your areas.
Activity 2
Name the following animals. Your teacher will show you other pictures.
1 2 3
Activity 3
What animals live in your area? In groups, write down the names of these
animals. Ask people or find their names in a dictionary.
1 2
4 5
Activity 4
What are the health benefits of having a clean environment? Discuss in
groups and tell the benefits to the class.
Activity 5
Is your school clean? Why?/ Why not? Discuss in groups.
Activity 1
Before you read the story, answer the following questions in groups:
4. Do you know tortoise and rabbit? What do you know about them?
Activity 2
By reading the story again, answer the following questions.
Once up on a time a rabbit and tortoise held a running race. The referee
was a fox. The running began. The rabbit started running far ahead of
the tortoise. But the tortoise was far behind her.
However, thinking that it cannot reach her, the rabbit wanted to take
rest for some time. She gets very much relaxed. Unfortunately, the rabbit
soon fell in deep sleep. The tortoise arrived. It then left the rabbit behind
and ran fast and arrived at the finishing line.
Later, the rabbit woke up. But she could not see the tortoise around.
Finally, it saw the tortoise receiving the trophy from the fox. The rabbit
became angry but could not do anything.
Activity 3
Can you describe a rabbit and tortoise? Work in pairs to describe these
Activity 1
Can you pronounce the following words? The teacher will say them aloud to
the class. Repeat after him.
Activity 2
List down other new words you find in the reading passage. Your teacher
will tell you the meanings of these words. Copy their meanings in your
Activity 3
6. Derartu Tullu has __________many trophies for winning the ten thou-
sand meter running race.
7. When I knocked at the door, my sister could not open the door for me.
She was in _______________sleep.
Activity 4
Reorder the following letters to make words.
1. enucl _____________
2. udsetr____________
3. robad_____________
4. ytdri______________
5. ereng _____________
6. edks _____________
7. eabtl _____________
8. owinwd ___________
9. npe ______________
Activity 1
Find sentences in the reading passage about keeping the surrounding clean
and write them in your exercise book.
Activity 2
Reorder the following words that will give you complete sentences. Work
individually. Then compare your answers with your neighbour’s.
2./ coming/teacher/our/English/is/
3. /is/riding/a/bicycle/Merima/
5. /students/homework/the/doing/their/are/
7. going//to/the/school/girls/and/boys/are/
8. your/keep/clean/always/environment/
9. basket/dirty/a/put/materials/in /a/
10. like/clean/tourists/areas/
Activity 3
Write three sentences on how you clean your environment. Use the following
words. First study their meanings.
Pick up dirt
plant flowers
grow grass
plant trees
1. I plant flowers.
Activity 1
Before you listen to a story about respecting each other, discuss the
following questions.
1. Look at the two posters below. What do you learn from the poster on the
2. Please complete the poster on the right and read out what you wrote to
your partner.
3. What is respect?
4. Do you think all people have the same belief and choice?
5. Is it good to respect other’s religion?
6. Is it good to respect your friend’s interest?
7. What do you feel if other students do not respect your interest?
8. Do you respect your parents, brothers and sisters? How?
My name is………………………………….. B
I go to ………………………………. School
Activity 2
Activity 3
First Look at the following proverb. Next, discuss the following questions
with your partner.
1. What is a proverb?
Activity 4
Now, you will listen to a story about “Respect”. Before you start listening
read the questions. Then, as you listen, choose the best answer according
to the text.
Activity 5
Identify the main ideas of the listening story you listened to above by using
the outline given in the box.
Activity 6
The following words are taken from the listening story you listened to above.
Complete the blank spaces in the sentences with the most appropriate word
from the list.
Sentences to be completed
Activity 7
You have already listened to the story several times, recall the details in
the story and say True or False.
Activity 8
In addition to what is mentioned in the listening story there are also other
forms of respect. Look at the pictures below and match them with the types
of respect given on the box.
1 2
4 5
Activity 1
Respecting others begin from knowing others’ interest. List down some
points regarding the following topics. Then, take turns with your partner
or classmate to share ideas with. Or, make conversations.
Activity 2
Look at the following picture and discuss in a group of three the questions
set after the picture.
Activity 3
Study the following dialogue. Look at also the picture showing a teacher
and Bekele, a student holding conversations in class. Then take turns to
role play the parts with a partner.
Activity 4
Look at again the conversation above between the teacher and the student,
Bekele. Which words and phrases show respect or politeness? Write down
those words and phrases in your exercise book.
Activity 1
Before you read the passage below about respect, answer the following
questions individually and then discuss your answers with a partner. Write
down your answers in your exercise book.
Activity 2
Now as you read the following story about mutual respect, fill in the correct
missing information in the table below.
Respect of Others
1. Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement
of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of respect to others.
Furthermore, appropriate respect must be shown to people who impact our
lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers,
authority figures, etc.
2. One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening
to another person’s point of view is an excellent way of respect. Most
noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree
with them.
3. Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views.
Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration.
Respecting other people’s religions is certainly a sign of showing mature
4. Everyone must respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals
with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of respect
should be given to such people. People of authority can be of various
categories. These are boss, police officer, religious leader, teacher, etc.
5. In conclusion, respect is a major aspect of human socialization. It is certainly
a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behavior is vital for
human survival.
Activity 3
Read the passage again and decide if the following sentences are “True” or
“False” according to the passage. Put a “tick” mark in the box.
Activity 4
You have read the above text many times. Now answer the following
comprehension questions in short sentences. Write down your answers in
your exercise book.
Activity 5
Complete the following outline with the correct information from the
passage above.
Activity 1
Match the words given below with their contextual meanings, as they are
used in the passage above. See the words in bold in the reading text.
1. respect a. main/important
2. furthermore b. deep, sincere
3. fellow c. speak out freely
4. express d. belongs to the same group
5. mature e. important position
6. authority f. in addition to
7. major g. give due regard, honour
h. express way
Activity 2
Refer to two monolingual dictionaries and make a list of all synonyms below
you find for the word “respect”. A synonym is a word which has nearly the
same meaning or concept with another word. Example: synonyms to the
word “fast” can be “quick, speedy, rapid, etc”
Section 5: Grammar
Activity 1
Copy the worksheet into your exercise book below. Then following the
example given in the worksheet, change the sentences into simple future
tense and write your answers in your exercise book.
Grammar Worksheet
Complete each sentences by changing the verbs in the brackets.
1. My dad (craft) will craft a boat.
2. He (mow) ..........................the grass.
3. I (watch)............................ television in the morning.
4. Sam (pick) ......................... up his journal every day.
5. We (serve)........................... lunch at 12:30.
6. I (pack) ......................... my bags.
7. Grandma (bake)...................... the best cookies.
8. He (paint) .......................the house.
9. Emma (hike)...................... up the mountain.
10. The train (stop) New York.
11. I (wave )..................... to my sister.
12. Sara (cook)....................breakfast every morning.
13. Gemechu (live) Bahir Dar.
14. Paul (play).................... the piano at the concert.
Activity 2
Study again the above worksheet and convert all the sentences into simple
present tense.
Activity 3
Study the following substitution table. Then discuss with your partner the
difference you find between simple present and simple future tenses. Write
down your answers in your exercise book
He Bus Pens
She Sells Magazines
The boy Keeps Coins
Urgessa eats Candy
The woman collects stamps
We Buy Chocolates
They Sell Sweets
Kelbessa and Urgessa Keep Biscuits
The boys Love Noodles
The women collect recipes
Activity 4
Study again the two substitution tables. See also below the definition of
a substitution table. Then as homework write out ten possible sentences
from each table of substitution. Write your answers in your exercise book.
Activity 5
Below you find another substitution table. Write out five possible sentences
from the table and show your sentences to your partner.
Section 6: Writing
Activity 1
Using the words given below (taken from the listening and reading stories
above) write up six sentence of your own about self-respect and mutual
1. Respect
2. value
3. disgrace
4. Listen to
5. Cooperation
6. Positive
7. Human
Living together is a human value.
Activity 2
Write a short paragraph about a person you respect. How do you treat him
or her? How does that person treat you?
Activity 1
A. Before you listen to the text, learn the meanings of the following words.
Your teacher will give you their meanings.
water pot coffee pot clay pot clay tray flower pot cooking dish
Activity 2
Match the following words with the pictures given below.
water pot coffee pot clay pot clay tray flower pot cooking dish
1 2
Activity 3
Your teacher will read aloud a listening text. As you listen to the text, say
True or False. Compare your answers with your neighbor’s.
5. Which of the above pictures does the listening text discuss about?
Activity 4
Your teacher will read aloud the text to you. After you have listened to the
text for the second time, answer the following questions.
3. Do you know how a coffee pot is made? Can you try it by yourself?
Activity 1
Compare water pot and Clay kettle. Discuss their differences in groups.
1 2
Activity 2
Look at the pictures below. Can you tell the differences and similarities
between a clay pot and a bucket made of plastic?
1 2
Activity 3
In groups, discuss the similarities and differences of the following pairs of
items. Report the similarities and differences to the class.
Activity 1
Before you read the following passage, answer the questions in groups.
Then tell your answers to your teacher.
1. What is pottery?
2. What kind of objects do you know?
3. Who makes these objects?
4. Are there women in your area who make these objects?
Activity 2
As you read the passage, answer the following questions.
She has two children called Debritu and Misanesh. Debritu is 9 years old. But
Misanesh is only five years old.
Woizero Haregua did not have any income before. She has not yet got the pension
of her husband, Ato Ayalew. As she had not any income, she was not able to
bring up her children.
As time passed, she learned how to make pots from other pot makers. She then
started making clay pots to the surrounding people.
She buys clay soil from the surrounding farmers.
She uses the soil for producing coffee pot, flower
pot (vase), clay tray, clay dish, and water pot.
Some other times Woizero Haregua prepares local beer (Tella) for her customers.
She has few customers. They call her to prepare tella for holidays or for a wedding
ceremony. She earns about 400 birr.
Woizero Haregua sends her daughters to school. Her first daughter, Debritu is a
Grade Four student but Misanesh is a Grade One student. Sometimes they go to
class without eating their breakfast. Because of this, they become sleepy in class.
Sometimes they may not even get lunch.
Activity 3
After you have read the passage, answer the following questions. Work
in groups. Report your answers to the class. The teacher will give you the
correct answers.
Activity 1
Match the following words with their functions. Work in pairs or groups.
Words Functions
1. clay tray a. for preparing coffee
2. cooking dish b. for eating food
3. coffee pot c. for cooking food
Activity 2
The following words are taken from the reading and listening texts. Match
these words with their meanings. You should refer to the reading.
Words Meanings
1. rural a. free time
2. income b. near place (area)
3. pension c. Small amount of food eaten in the morning
4. breakfast d. money
5. prepare e. make
6. holiday f. money given to old workers
7. wedding ceremony g. out of city
8. funeral ceremony h. ceremony for the dead
9. bring up i. ceremony for marriage
10. surrounding j. to grow
11. taste k. The goodness or badness of something
A study the following sentences. The teacher will explain the following
Taye is as tall as Teklay.
Fufa is shorter than Ahemed.
Samrawit is taller than Shewaye.
Tamiru is as old as Dawit.
Activity 1
Then, the teacher takes three students among the class. The teacher
compares the students and writes sentences on the board.
In the same way, in pairs, compare other students in class and write your
sentences below.
Activity 2
Complete the following sentences by the words given in brackets. Work in
pairs or groups.
Activity 1
Grade three students’ age, weight, and height are given in the table below.
Write five sentences by comparing and contrasting them. Work in groups.
Follow the given example. Then, show your sentences to your teacher.
Beshatu 9 13 1.05
Semira 8 12 1.20
Fasika 10 14 1.4
Soressa 9 12 1.20
7. ......................................
Comparative markers
Activity 2
In pairs, compare two of your classmates and write short sentences.
Activity 3
Compare and contrast the following two objects. Your comparison should
include: size, weight, height, functions, body features, the material used to
produce them, etc. Write your sentences in your exercise book.
1 2