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Department of Building, Energy and Environmental Engineering

Ram pump hydraulic air test

Pressure conditions and flow measurements
Experimental research and case study

Paula María Arizcun Zúñiga


Student thesis, Advanced level (Master degree, one year), 15 HE

Energy Systems
Master Programme in Energy Systems

Supervisors: Roland Forsberg and Abolfazl Hayati

Examiner: Nawzad Mardan
This study consists of the development of a ram pump, which will allow the
pumping of water without the need of external energy sources. It is considered an analysis
of interest since, once it is finished; it can be applied in reality improving and facilitating
different activities related to agriculture and health.

Previous studies have been made related to the ram pump; however, in this case, it
is intended to understand the system that has been built in the laboratory in order to find
the best combination of parameters that will lead to obtain the highest possible efficiency.

The study will be carried out by studying scientific literature and by experimenting
in the laboratory. Encompassing the experimental and literary field, it is expected to
understand perfectly the advantages and disadvantages of the ram pump in order to
determine if it is worth it to install in certain places.

After the study, the most favourable parameters for the operation of the
Bruzaholms Bruk pump have been obtained. It has been found that the use of a longer
drive pipe favours the operation of the system, as it is possible to obtain a higher
efficiency, although it must be taken into account that the mentioned length needs to be
controlled, as it could reduce the working rhythm of the pump. It has also been seen that
the pump gives better results if the impulse valve is completely opened. Finally, it has
been proven that, as long as the height difference between the two tanks is enough,
increasing the height of the water source will favour the operation of the system.

Keywords: ram pump, water hammer, pressure, efficiency, installation, drive

pipe, delivery pipe, impulse valve.

Nomenclature Units

a Celerity m/s
c Velocity of sound in fluid m/s
D Inside diameter of the drive pipe mm
e Thickness of the drive pipe mm
H Height of the discharge deposit m
h Height of the feeding deposit height m
K Coefficient function of the elasticity modulus
of the pipe material kg/m2
L Length of the drive pipe m
N Number of strokes of the impulse valve per minute times/min
q Pumped water flow l/s
Q Inlet water flow l/s
tc Critical time s

The realization of this project has been possible thanks to the availability of the
laboratory of the University of Gavle, where the work of Mikael Sundberg, Maria Bergh
and Rickard Larsson has been very useful. Besides, thanks to Roland Forsberg and Abolfazl
Hayati for the supervision of the work and the correction of all those aspects that can be
improved. And last but not least, I would like to thank Lennart Berg, for lending the ram
pump to carry out the study.

Table of contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................ 1

1.1. Background .......................................................................... 1

1.2. Literature review ................................................................... 1

1.3. Aim ................................................................................... 2

1.4. Limitation............................................................................ 2

1.5. Approach ............................................................................ 2

2. Theory .................................................................................. 5

2.1. The ram pump ...................................................................... 5

2.2. Water hammer...................................................................... 6

2.2.1. Closing time of a valve ....................................................... 7

2.2.2. Value of celerity ............................................................... 7
2.2.3. The water hammer applied to engineering ............................... 8
2.3. Structure ............................................................................. 8

2.4. Operation ............................................................................ 9

2.5. Material and size .................................................................. 12

2.6. Installation ......................................................................... 13

2.7. Efficiency of the ram pump ..................................................... 14

2.8. Problems ........................................................................... 15

2.9. Reliability of the pump .......................................................... 16

3. Method ................................................................................ 17

3.1. Building of the system ........................................................... 17

3.2. Measurements..................................................................... 22

3.2.1. Drive pipe length............................................................ 22

3.2.2. Heights variation ............................................................ 22
3.2.3. Efficiency varying H/h ..................................................... 22
3.2.4. Valve position ............................................................... 23
3.2.5. Pressure (static vs. dynamic) .............................................. 23
4. Results ................................................................................ 25

4.1. Drive pipe length ................................................................. 25

4.2. Heights variation ................................................................. 27

4.3. Efficiency varying H/h .......................................................... 28

4.4. Impulse valve position ........................................................... 28

4.5. Pressure (static vs. dynamic) ................................................... 29

5. Discussion ............................................................................ 31

6. Conclusions .......................................................................... 33

6.1. Study results ....................................................................... 33

6.2. Outlook ............................................................................ 33

6.3. Perspectives ....................................................................... 33

References .................................................................................... 35

Appendix A. Measurements varying the length of the drive pipe ................... 37

Appendix B. Measurements varying the heights of the tanks ......................... 39

Table index
Table 1. Efficiency of the ram pump depending on the height ............................... 14
Table 2. Specifications of ram pumps of the Bruzaholms Bruk Company .................... 17
Table 3. Capacity examples of ram pumps (Buzaholms Bruk) ............................... 18
Table 4. Established parameters when varying H/h ......................................... 23
Table 5. Established parameters when changing the impulse valve opening ................. 23
Table 6. Flow results when varying the length of the drive pipe (L) ......................... 25
Table 7. Efficiency results when varying the drive pipe length (L)........................... 26
Table 8. Flow results when having inlet height 0.4 m and varying the discharge height .. 27
Table 9. Flow results when having inlet height 0.6 m and varying the discharge height .. 27
Table 10. Flow results when having inlet height 0.8 m and varying the discharge height . 28
Table 11. Efficiency results when varying H/h .............................................. 28
Table 12. Efficiency depending on the impulse valve position ............................... 29
Table 13. Data when varying the length of the drive pipe................................... 37
Table 14. Data when varying H for h = 0.4 m ............................................. 39
Table 15. Data when varying H for h = 0.6 m ............................................. 40
Table 16. Data when varying H for h = 0.8 m ............................................. 41

Figures index
Figure 1. Ram pump ............................................................................ 5
Figure 2. Typical construction of a ram pump (Abate and Botrel (2002)) .................... 8
Figure 3. Ram pump operation step 1 .......................................................... 9
Figure 4. Ram pump operation step 2 ........................................................ 10
Figure 5. Ram pump operation step 3 ........................................................ 11
Figure 6. Ram pump operation step 4 ........................................................ 11
Figure 7. Ram pump operation step 5 ........................................................ 12
Figure 8. Celerity vs. Pipe material (Benavides Muñoz (2008)) ............................. 13
Figure 9. Ram pump from Bruzaholms Bruk ................................................. 18
Figure 10. Discharge deposit .................................................................. 19
Figure 11. Sensor MPx1500GSX CASE 867F (Motorola Semiconductor Technical Data) . 20
Figure 12. Electronic circuit for the sensors .................................................. 21
Figure 13. Lifting machine.................................................................... 21
Figure 14. Pressure signal (V – time) ......................................................... 29

1. Introduction

1.1. Background
The access to a water source is a basic need for people; however, one of the main
problems that undeveloped countries have to face is the impossibility of supplying quality
water in enough quantity for both the rural sector as well as for the urban-marginal sector.
This is because there are some areas where the access to electricity is not possible, so the
prospect of pumping water is not an easy task.

One way to solve this problem is the use of a water hammer pump (ram pump). If
there is a water source localized anywhere, this water could be pumped up to a certain
height, so it could be used for field work or even for people's consumption.

The ram pump is a cyclic hydraulic pump that uses kinetic and potential energy, as
well as the phenomenon known as water hammer in order to raise part of the water to a
higher level. Therefore, no other energy contribution is necessary. This way, it would be
possible to use this technology to provide water in certain areas.

1.2. Literature review

When developing this project, a case study has been carried out in order to find
information about ram pumps and know where there is a study gap to fill. A lot of
information has been found about ram pumps, more specifically, about its installation,
materials, its operating principle, etc.

The first point to study is the water hammer, which is the phenomenon that allows
the ram pump to work. This process has been explained by Romero, J. M. (2014) and
Rodríguez, D. A. (2016) in a very accurate way. The first author develops part of his
work around the parameters that must be taken into account when studying the water
hammer, such as the closing time of a valve or the celerity, while the second author
focuses more on the effect that this phenomenon has on the structure, explaining that the
elasticity of the drive pipe is incorporated in the propagation velocity of the pressure

Research articles in which new designs of ram pumps are presented have also been
found. As for example, the study carried out by Ortega, J. (2013), in which a ram pump is
developed for the irrigation of an agricultural farm. Or the analysis performed by
Inthachot, M. et al. (2015) for the installation of a ram pump in Northern Thailand. Also,
a project in which a ram pump is designed, and then various tests are carried out in order
to determine the hydraulic performance of the designed pump, is presented by Yang K. et
al. (2014).

A very important issue in which Espinosa, M. J. and Villota D. E. (2011) focus on

is the operation of the pump, this means, which are the sequences that form the operating
cycle of the system.

In order to finish covering the theoretical study, the materials and sizes of the
systems have been studied, and the work of Shuaibu, M. (2007) and Arapa, J. B (2015) has
been taken into account, which explains that the materials that form the system will
determine, to a large extent, the correct operation of the pump and the achievement of
the expected efficiency.

Although the operation of the ram pump has been studied theoretically by many
scientists, each pump works differently in practice, depending on numerous parameters.
Thus, there are no general rules that can be applied to the ram pump, so it is necessary to
carry out experiments with each pump to determine which is its operation point, which
will depend on the size, the place and way of installation, etc.

1.3. Aim
The aim of this thesis is to study and analyse how the ram pump works, thus, it
will be possible to establish the best combination of variables to obtain the maximum
efficiency of the pump. In this way, it will be possible to implement this concrete system,
if necessary, taking full advantage of the water source.

1.4. Limitation
In the development of the thesis there have been some limitations that must be
taken into account. First of all, the system had to be constructed in the laboratory; this
took more than one month, this greatly reduced the time that the experimental analysis
could be developed. Secondly, the system presents certain restrictions when measuring,
such as the difficulty in maintaining a constant water level in the feeding tank. This means
that the reliability of those measurements is not absolute.

1.5. Approach
The project has been developed with one part of qualitative analysis and another
part of quantitative analysis. First of all, a case study has been developed, in which the
causes and effects of the phenomena occurred during the operation of the pump has been
related. In addition, an experimental study has been carried out, in which different

variables were altered in order to see which combination of variables leads to highest
efficiency of the pump.

2. Theory

2.1. The ram pump

The ram pump is a hydraulic machine that uses the energy of a quantity of water
located at some height over the pump in order to raise part of that water to a higher
height, without using electricity or any fossil fuel. In Figure 1 it is possible to see the
scheme of the analyzed system.

Figure 1. Ram pump

The water with which the pump is fed descends by gravity through the load pipe to
the pump body in order to create an overpressure due to the continuous opening and
closing of a valve. This overpressure is the origin of the physic phenomenon known as
“water hammer”, which is the principle for the pump operation (José María Romero
Guerrero (2014)).

In relation with the ram pump it is possible to highlight some advantages:

- One of them is that the ram pump needs a really low maintenance. It only
requires the replacement of small rubber elements and also make sure that they
do not reach the valves: small stones, leaves and mud from the water intake.
- Besides, the lifespan of a well-made ram pump can exceed largely, with a little
maintenance, forty years or more (Campaña Calero and Guamán Alarcón
(2011)). Actually, there are some ram pumps in The UK that have been
working for more than one hundred years.
- Furthermore, it is an economical technology, as once the pump is paid there is
no need of any other costs, except for its maintenance that, as said before, it is

- The system can continue working despite the low temperatures since, as the
water is in continuous movement, it becomes difficult to freeze.
- It can work under water it is not very deep, as if it is submerged too much the
water exerts a pressure on the pump that makes it stop.
- It has an energy efficiency that, depending on the design of the pump, can vary
between 50 % and 85 %
- And finally, as it has been said before, the ramp pump is an eco-friendly
technology, as it operates without any external energy source, such as
electricity or fossil fuel. It just needs a water source that is located at a slightly
higher level.

However, despite the advantages that the ram pump presents, the disadvantages of
the system in question must also be taken into account:

- Only around 10 % of the water that arrives to the ram pump will be used.
- This technology does not work at the same speed as a centrifugal pump. The
operation of the pump is slow; a small ram pump can pump an average of 23
litres per hour.
- The water source must be adapted so that it is at a higher height.

2.2. Water hammer

The water hammer occurs when the pressure of a fluid in a pipe suddenly varies
due to the closing or opening of a key, tap or valve. It can also be produced by the start up
or detention of a motor or a hydraulic pump. During the abrupt fluctuation of the
pressure, the liquid flows along the pipe at a speed known as propagation of shock wave.

When the kinetic energy that provides the water in motion is stopped, it causes a
quick increase of pressure, which causes elastic deformations in the liquid and in the walls
of the pipe. This phenomenon, in general, is considered undesirable, so security devices
are often installed in order to avoid this effect (Kamil Urbanowicz (2017)).

This phenomenon was studied for the first time as part of his hydro aerodynamic
investigations, which constitute the theoretical basis for the further understanding of the
operation of the water hammer, by the Russian scientist Nikolai Zhukovski (1847-1921).
In 1889, Zhukovski defined the water hammer as the pressure variation in the water pipes
caused by the sudden increase or decrease of the liquid speed.

2.2.1. Closing time of a valve
The calculation of overpressures depends in the closing time of a valve. Both,
theory and practice show that the maximum possible overpressures are reached when the
closing of the valve is slower than the wave in its go and back movement until the valve
that stops the fluid pass. This time is known as critical time, and it is reached by next


tc: critical time (s)

L: length of the drive pipe (m)
c: velocity of sound in fluid (m/s)

Thus, considering the critical time, it is possible to regard the closing time of a
valve. The closing of the valve will be fast if the closing time of the valve is lower than the
critical time. In this case, the pressure wave does not have the time to move to the origin,
reflect and return to the valve before the cycle ends. On the other hand, the closing of the
valve will be slow if the closing time of the valve is higher than the critical time. Here, the
maximum pressure will be lower than in the previous case because the pressure wave
arrives to the valve before half a cycle is completed, so the pressure increase is prevented.

2.2.2. Value of celerity

The celerity (a) is the velocity of propagation of the pressure wave through the
water contained in the pipe, so its dimension equation is [L·T-1]. Its value is determined
from the continuity equation and depends fundamentally on the geometric and mechanical
characteristics of the conduction, as well as the compressibility of the water.

An expression that allows a fast evaluation of the celerity value when the fluid that
circulates is water was proposed by Lorenzo Allievi:


K: Coefficient function of the elasticity modulus (E) of the pipe material.

Its units are kg/m2. It mainly represents the effect of the inertia of the pump. It
can be calculated as follows:
D: Inside diameter of the pipe (mm)
e: Thickness of the pipe (mm)

It is also possible to obtain the celerity from tables.

2.2.3. The water hammer applied to engineering

From the point of view of engineering, this phenomenon cannot be observed as
harmful in all cases. For example, the water hammer is the main principle for the
operation of the ram pump, as it creates an overpressure that will later be used to drive
the fluid to a highest point.

This is why it is very interesting, in the design of the ram pump, that the impulse
valve closes as quickly as possible, to create a higher overpressure.

2.3. Structure
As for the structure of the pump, it is a simple unit with two principal parts: the
delivery valve and the impulse valve, the second one is the centrepiece. There is also an air
or pressure chamber, connected to an air valve, and two pipes jointed to the set: the drive
pipe and the delivery one. The lower area, where the water arrives, is known as the ram.
All these components can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Typical construction of a ram pump (Abate and Botrel (2002))

The air valve allows an air flow to enter the body of the pump. This way, it is
possible to replace the air that has been absorbed by the water during the cycle due to the
high pressure and mixing in the air chamber.
Depending on the size of the pump, it would be able to accept more or less flow.
In addition, the pump size is also a determining factor when it comes to establish the
relation between the height of the water inflow and the height of the water outflow.

2.4. Operation
It is extremely important to understand the operation of the ram pump in order to
carry out a good design of the system that meets the expectations. This operation can be
separated into four different steps, as Shuaibu Ndache (2007) clearly describes. It is very
important that, at the beginning, both, the impulse valve and the delivery valve, are is an
open and a closed position respectively.

Step 1

Water flows through the drive pipe until it reaches the ram pump body, at this
point, the water starts to exit through the impulse valve (point 3 in Figure 3), that is in an
opened position when the system starts to work. At this time the delivery valve (point 4 in
Figure 3) is closed, and there is not any pressure in the tank, so no water is being pumped
through the delivery pipe to the final deposit.

Figure 3. Ram pump operation step 1

Step 2

The water that is arriving in the ram pump body through the drive pipe acquires a
greater speed and momentum. There is a moment in which the water pushes the impulse
valve until it is closed. When the impulse valve closes all the weight and momentum of the
water suddenly stops. Because of this, a pressure spike is created in the impulse valve. This
high pressure pushes part of the water through the delivery valve (point 4 in Figure 4),
which was initially closed, and through the air chamber, where the air volume continues
expanding in order to equalize pressure, pushing part of the water through the delivery
pipe. The created pressure, due to the closing of the impulse valve, pushes the other part
of the water through the drive pipe, here, the water moves at the speed of sound.

Figure 4. Ram pump operation step 2

Step 3

After some water went back through the drive pipe due to the water hammer
phenomena, a “normal” pressure wave goes again through the drive pipe to the impulse
valve. Depending on the pressure in this moment, it is possible that the delivery valve
stays lightly opened, enabling water to go in the air chamber (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Ram pump operation step 3

Step 4

When the “normal” pressure wave arrives to the impulse valve, a lower pressure
wave moves up the drive pipe again. This causes that the valves are subjected to a much
lower pressure than before, thereby, the impulse valve can be opened again and the
delivery valve can be closed (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Ram pump operation step 4

Step 5

After step 4, a “normal” pressure wave travels down the drive pipe again, and the
cycle starts again (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Ram pump operation step 5
This cycle is repeated again and again to a rhythm that is determined by different
parameters of the installation. It must be taken into account that the slower the operation,
the more water is used and pumped. (José María Romero Guerrero (2014); Matthias
Inthachot et al. (2015)).

Because of the cyclic opening and closing of both, the delivery and the impulse
valve, the operation of the pump is intermittent. However, the air chamber transforms the
intermittent flow into a quite steady one (Shuaibu Ndache (2007)).

2.5. Material and size

To obtain an efficient ram pump one of the most important decisions is the choice
of the correct material. When making this decision, some different factors must be taken
into account, such as the availability or the cost of those materials. Nevertheless, the final
decision must be taken regarding the material properties. In general, materials that are
able to prolong the pump life as much as possible will be selected.

The ram pump is composed by some different parts, so various materials will be
used for each one of those parts. In the case of the delivery pipe, a huge variety of material
can be used, for example galvanized steel, PVC, rubber, etc. Any of these materials can be
used as long as the diameters of the pipes are adequate. The decision lies in the resistance,
the flow rate and the height that is being searched (Bryan Smith (2017)).

On the other hand, the drive pipe should be constructed with a rigid, strong and
resistant material, as the fluid from the water source will pass through this pipe, and it
should reach enough speed to close the impulse valve and create the over pressure of the
water hammer. A part from its good properties, galvanised steel is a really common

option because, as it can be seen in Figure 8, celerity has relation with the pipe’s
characteristics, and it is the parameter that determines the growth of the produced over

Figure 8. Celerity vs. Pipe material (Benavides Muñoz (2008))

As Watt (1975) explains, and ideal installation, composed by completely rigid and
inelastic materials, is able, in comparison with other materials, to increase the produced
pressure, in the case that there were an instantaneous reduction in velocity.

2.6. Installation
The importance of the drive pipe when carrying out the installation of the system
is explained by Lorenzo Gutiérrez (2014), as depending on the size and material of the
drive pipe, the height of pumping and the pumped flow will change. The angle of
inclination of the drive pipe must be between 10º and 45º with the horizontal. The feed
rate of the ram will depend on the diameter of the mentioned pipe. It must be kept in
mind that the water that accelerates in the drive pipe is the one that causes the "water
hammer", so it must have the correct length, inclination and diameter, without curves or
constrictions that can cause load losses due to friction.

As an example, a small pump, with an air chamber diameter of 100 mm, and a
height of 200 mm, is able to move a flow rate of 560 litres per day, collecting water at a
height of 0.8 m, and expelling it at 5 meters, what means a height increase of 4.2 m. This
is one of the smallest pumps, that can reach less height, but a large ram pump can be able
to raise the water up to 2 km above the level of the pump (Bruzaholms Bruk).

In addition, the effect of the installation of the pump on its efficiency is explicated,
in a very accurate way, by Lorenzo Gutiérrez (2014). There are some alternatives for
improving the efficiency of the traditional systems of water drive based on the hydraulic
ram, such as the installation of some pumps in series or in parallel. In those areas where
water is a scarce resource and the demand is not very high, it is possible to install some
ram pumps in series with the objective of taking advantage of the water spilled by the
impulse valve of the previous pump. It is possible to install at least three rams in series,
although it should be noted that the size of the successive rams will be smaller than the
previous ones. In the case that the source of water is abundant, or at least not scarce, and
the demand for water is high, it is recommendable to place several rams in parallel fed by
a single feeding pipe. Besides, it is good to consider that if one of the pumps stops working
it is possible to continue with the supply thanks to the other pumps placed in series or

The efficiency when using more than one pump, either in series or in parallel, will
be higher, as this type of installation presents some advantages in the operation of the
system. First of all, if the flow of supply declines as a result of a period of drought or
because the driest season of the year is taking place, it is possible to stop some pumps with
the objective of remaining the installation in operation, although reducing the flow of
delivery. Secondly, it is possible to do some maintenance tasks without switching off all
the system, but executing those labours going from pump to pump. And last but not least,
it will be easier to move the pumps from one place to another to build a new system when
some small ram pumps are used instead of a big one.

Installations in which more than one pump is used have numerous advantages, as
already mentioned above. However, the main disadvantage of this type of installation must
be taken into account: the economic factor; since the initial cost of these systems will be
higher due to the number of used pumps, although the diameter of these is smaller.

2.7. Efficiency of the ram pump

The efficiency of a ram pump depends mainly on the installation of the pump and,
more specifically of the relationship between the height of pumping (H) and the height of
the water source (h).

Table 1. Efficiency of the ram pump depending on the height

H/h 2 3 4 6 8 10 12
0.85 0.81 0.76 0.67 0.57 0.43 0.23

As it can be seen in the table above, the height of pumping must not exceed more
than 12 times the height of the feeding tank. This efficiency can be calculated as shown in
the next equation:


q: pumped flow (l/s)

: efficiency
Q: feeding flow (l/s)
h: height of the water source (m)
H: height of pumping (m)

2.8. Problems
It may happen that after the design and installation of the ram pump this does not
work as expected. It is important to take this possibility into account, as well as the
solutions that could arise in order to deal with the different difficulties (Bryan Smith
The ram does not start

It is possible that once all the system is built, the pump is activated but it does not
start working.

The most common reason is because the size of the impulse valve is not the correct
one. Regarding this point, it is very important to take into account that the check valve
and the drive pipe must have the same size. This issue can also be caused by the using of a
PVC valve or a metal check valve that is spring-loaded instead of using a free-swinging
check valve.

It could also be because the level difference between the pump and the water
source is not enough. If this difference is not enough, the feed water will not acquire the
adequate speed and it will not be able to close the impulse valve so that the pump can
operate properly.

The last option is that the air has not been expelled from the system.

The pump works for some cycles and stops

It can also happen that when the ram pump is activated by the water source it starts
working throughout some cycles and then it stops running.

Normally, this is because the drive pipe is too long or too short related to the ram
pump size, this can interfere with the pressure wave, typical of the water hammer.

Another reason why the pump may present this problem is because at the
beginning of the operation the delivery valve is not closed. If the valve is not correctly
closed the pressure wave will not be able to go back through the drive pipe and the pump
cannot work as expected.

The ram starts working really fast and then stops

Another problem which may need to be faced is that the pump operates very fast
during some cycles and then it stops.

The main reason for this behaviour is that there may be a crack or a sharp edge in
the air chamber. This is the reason why the choice of materials in the construction of a ram
pump is very important, as explained above.

This particular failure usually occurs in ram pumps in which the air chamber is
fabricated with PVC. However, it is not common that this happens in ram pumps that are
made with galvanised steel.

2.9. Reliability of the pump

Unfortunately, there is no formula that indicates the reliability of the ram pump,
this means that it is not possible to calculate theoretically how long it can work without
stopping, apart from the maintenance tasks that must be performed from time to time, as
it has been said before.

Basically, it can be said that the ram pump has a reliability that is, in general, high.
Although it essentially depends on the size of the pump and the materials that are used in
its manufacturing and installation.

3. Method
In this section, all the tasks that have been carried out in the experimental study of
the pump will be explained.

3.1. Building of the system

The system has been built in the laboratory of the University of Gävle in order to
develop an experimental study of the ram pump. The elements that have been used to
assemble the set are: a ram pump, three tanks, four pipes, two pressure sensors, a
computer, a lifting machine and two weights. Below, the use that has been given to each
of the elements will be explained.

The pump that has been used to develop the measurements that will be included
later in this report belongs to the company Bruzaholms Bruk. This company offers a
variety of ram pumps, which can pump a certain water flow depending on its size. The
size will also determine the maximum height that the pumped water can reach. The
pumps offered by the already mentioned company are shown in Table 2 accompanied by
their characteristics.

Table 2. Specifications of ram pumps of the Bruzaholms Bruk Company

Size Inlet water per Drive pipe diameter Delivery pipe diameter Weight
minute (l) (kg)
inches mm inches mm
1 1–4 1/2 13 1/4 6 6
2 2.5 – 7 3/4 19 3/8 10 12
3 6 – 15 1 25 1/2 13 16
4 10 – 26 5/4 32 1/2 13 21
5 20 – 50 2 51 3/4 19 42
6 45 – 90 5/2 63 1 25 73
7 110 – 150 3 76 5/4 32 108

In addition, in Table 3 it is possible to see examples of the capacity of some of the

pumps offered by the same company. And in Figure 8 the design of these pumps is shown.

Table 3. Capacity examples of ram pumps (Buzaholms Bruk)
Size Water source height (m) Pumped water height (m) Flow rate (l/day)
1 0.8 5 560
3 1.2 9 1100
6 2 25 7200
7 2 6 30000

Figure 9. Ram pump from Bruzaholms Bruk

The pump used in the tests is the first one shown in Table 2. It has a weight of
about 6 kg and, as can be seen in Table 3, it is capable of pumping up to 560 litres of
water per day at a height of 5 meters over the pump. This is the main element in the

As it has been said before, three water tanks have been used. On the one hand
there is the tank that simulates the source of water, it will always be located at a height
higher than that of the pump, and it will be continuously filled with a hose connected to
the network. It is important that the water level in this tank remains constant. In order to
achieve this, a water outlet has been included, and it will only be used in the event that the
water exceeds the maximum level. The second tank is the one where the pumped water
arrives, this is the discharge deposit, and it can be seen in Figure 10. It has an entrance,
which is connected to the pump, and an outlet, through which the water that reaches this
deposit circulates, this way, the volume of pumped water can be measured.

Figure 10. Discharge deposit

Finally, there is a third tank, which is responsible for collecting the water that
leaves the pump through the impulse valve.

In order to connect the different parts of the system four pipes have been used.
One of them is the one that connects the water network with the first tank, so that the
"water source” of the system is always full and can supply the pump at any moment.
Another pipe has been used to regulate the water level in the first tank, which, as already
mentioned, it is very important that it is always the same. This second pipe will go from
the first tank to the water discharge point. For these two first pipes common hoses have
been used, since their function that is just to circulate water at a normal speed and
pressure. The third pipe that has been used is the drive pipe, which connects the feeding
tank with the pump. It is a very important part within the system, since the correct
development of the water hammer will depend, in part, on the characteristics of this pipe.
The diameter of the drive pipe will be determined by the size of the pump, in this case it is
of 20 mm, however, the length of this can vary, so that if it becomes longer the water that
circulates through it can acquire more speed and momentum, but if it is too long the
pump could stop working. If the drive pipe is too short, it could happen that the pressure
wave produced by the water hammer does not have enough time to travel and ensure the
proper functioning of the pump. It is also very important to take into account the material
that is used for this pipe since, as mentioned above, it is necessary that the water
circulating through it acquires sufficient speed to produce the water hammer. In addition,
the pressure inside the drive pipe will be quite high, so a material that is able to support
this pressure will be needed. And finally there is the delivery pipe, which is the pipe that
connects the pump outlet with the inlet of the tank that collects the pumped water. The
length of this pipe will also vary as the tests progress, since the higher the water is
pumped, the longer it will be. In this case a PVC pipe has been chosen, since the pump
that is been used is a small one, and the pressure inside will not be too high and the PVC
will be able to resist without problems. The diameter of the delivery pipe is 18 mm.

The two sensors that have been installed in the system are used to measure the
pressure at the inlet and outlet of the pump. The sensors can be seen in Figure 10, they
are from Motorola, more specifically, from the MPx5100 series (Motorola Semiconductor
Technical Data).

Figure 11. Sensor MPx1500GSX CASE 867F

(Motorola Semiconductor Technical Data)

These sensors are connected, through an electronic circuit (Figure 12), to a

computer, which allows seeing the signal emitted by the sensors in order to interpret how
the pressure waves act inside the system and, therefore, how the pump works. This is
possible thanks to the use of the computer program labVIEW (Laboratory Virtual
Instrument Engineering Workbench).

Figure 12. Electronic circuit for the sensors

An important factor that must be taken into account is that the signal collected by
the sensors is shown in the form of voltage; however, pressure signal is needed, so the
following formula should be used in order to change voltage into pressure.

Finally, there is the lifting machine (Figure 13), which allows varying the height of
the tank that simulates the water source, and the two weights. One of them is located
under the tank that collects the water expelled by the impulse valve, this way; it is possible
to measure the volume of "lost" water. The other weight is used to measure the water
that has been pumped.

Figure 13. Lifting machine

3.2. Measurements
Taking measurements is one of the most important parts, since the final results
will depend on this activity. The variables that have been measured in the tests are:
pressure in the inlet and outlet of the pump, height of the water source, height of the
pumped water, flow of water that enters the pump, flow of pumped water, pumped
volume, “lost” volume, volume that enters the pump, valve opening, etc.

For each experiment at least 3 samples have been taken in order to make sure that
the results that are obtained are reliable. All these measurements will be shown in
Appendixes A and B. The values of flow and efficiency that are shown in the results have
been obtained from the average of the values that have been measured during the tests.

3.2.1. Drive pipe length

Various measurements have been taken with three different lengths of the drive
pipe. The length of the drive pipe will affect the speed and momentum of the water flow
that enters the pump, thus, when the water hammer occurs, the pressure wave that is
formed inside the pump will have greater or lower pressure value, varying the water flow
that is pumped. In addition, the operating speed of the pump will also vary.
The drive pipes that have been used in this case have been of 1.61 m, 2.07 m and
2.56 m. In all the cases the height of the inlet water flow (h) has been constant, with a
value of 0.8 meters, while the height of the deposit where the pumped water arrives (H)
has been getting different values, from 3 to 5 meters.

3.2.2. Heights variation

Several experiments, in which the height of the feeding tank (h) and the height of
the discharge tank (H) have been varying, have been carried out in this section. The
feeding tank has been placed in three different positions, at 0.4 m, 0.6 m and 0.8 m, while
the position of the discharge tank has varied from 1 meter to 6 meters. The length of the
drive pipe stays constant, with a value of 2.07 meters, as well as the diameter of the drive
pipe and the one of the delivery pipe, that are 0.021 m and 0.018 m, respectively.

The aim of these measurements is to observe the behaviour of the system in terms
of efficiency, water resource use and working rhythm of the ram pump.

3.2.3. Efficiency varying H/h

Before, in Table 1, the theoretical relationship between the efficiency of the ram
pump and the ratio of heights (H/h) has been shown. In this case, the measurements have

been carried out in the laboratory in order to see how much the theory presented
approaches to reality.

Due to the available means in the laboratory, it is very difficult to obtain accurate
heights ratios such as those shown in the table in the theory part, so the measured ratios
have been 2, 3.75, 4.375, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 10 and 12. Although they are not exactly the same
as those with which they want to be compared, it will be sufficient to have an approximate
idea of the similarity between theoretical and practical values.

In order to obtain the mentioned height ratios the feeding deposit height (h) as
well as the discharge deposit height (H) have been changed. A part from this, the
parameters that have been used can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4. Established parameters when varying H/h

Drive pipe length, L (m ) 2.07
Drive pipe diameter (m) 0.021
Delivery pipe diameter (m) 0.018

3.2.4. Valve position

Another study that has been carried out has been to observe how the system
behaves before the variation in the opening of the impulse valve of the ram pump. The
purpose of these experimental tests is to verify if having all the same parameters, the
results will vary when opening or closing said valve.

In this case, the measurements have been taken with some established parameters,
such as the height of the feeding tank (h), the height of the discharge deposit (H), the
length of the drive pipe, the diameter of the drive pipe and the diameter of the delivery
pipe (Table 5).

Table 5. Established parameters when changing the impulse valve opening

h (m) 0.8
H (m) 4
Drive pipe length, L (m ) 2.07
Drive pipe diameter (m) 0.021
Delivery pipe diameter (m) 0.018

3.2.5. Pressure (static vs. dynamic)

In the tests carried out in the laboratory, the behaviour of the pressure has been
observed in the inlet of the pump as well as in the outlet. Thanks to the LabVIEW

program it is possible to perform an analysis about the pressure difference that occurs in
the static part and in the dynamic part of the pump operation.

The samples are registered in the program each second, with a frequency of 104 Hz
as the program was working correctly with this frequency, although it would be enough to
register the data with a frequency of 100 Hz. It must be taken into account that the
pressure values that have been obtained are the average of the values measured during 10
seconds in each test.

4. Results
In this section, the results that have been obtained after the development of the
different tests in the laboratory will be shown.

4.1. Drive pipe length

It is possible to see, in Table 6, the results that have been obtained in the
laboratory when the length of the drive pipe has been changed. The data that has been
taken are the flow of pumped water, the flow of inlet water and the number of strokes of
the impulse valve. Moreover, the efficiency is obtained from Equation (4).

Table 6. Flow results when varying the length of the drive pipe (L)
Drive pipe length, L (m) h (m) H (m) q (l/s) Q (l/s) N (times/min)

1.61 0.0111 0.0817 0.5083 154

2.07 0.8 3 0.0123 0.0858 0.5369 130
2.56 0.0116 0.0773 0.5626 125

1.61 0.0102 0.0882 0.5048 158

2.07 0.8 3,5 0.0096 0.0825 0.5101 131
2.56 0.0097 0.0764 0.5568 127

1.61 0.0088 0.0893 0.4944 162

2.07 0.8 4 0.0079 0.0794 0.5008 134
2.56 0.0080 0.0757 0.5276 130

1.61 0.0071 0.0895 0.4470 163

2.07 0.8 4,5 0.0067 0.0835 0.4495 136
2.56 0.0074 0.0821 0.5078 130

1.61 0.0062 0.0890 0.4364 164

2.07 0.8 5 0.0059 0.0829 0.4479 136
2.56 0.0059 0.0754 0.4914 131

When varying the length of the drive pipe, it can be seen (Table 6) that for each
rank of measurements the efficiency is higher when the length of the drive pipe is also
higher. This means, in all the cases the highest efficiency is the one in which the drive pipe
measures 2.56 meters. In the same way, the efficiency of the system when the drive pipe
measures 2.07 meters is greater than when it measures 1.61 meters.
It is also interesting to observe how the number of strokes is higher when the drive
pipe is shorter. In all the cases shown above, the system in which the drive pipe measures
1.61 meters, the impulse valve gives about 30 more strokes than in the system in which it
measures 2.56 meters. This is because, as the pressure wave has less space to return
through the drive pipe, the cycles are shorter.

Table 7. Efficiency results when varying the drive pipe length (L)
Drive pipe length (m) h (m) H (m)
3 0.5083 13.5540
3.5 0.5048 11.5374
1.61 0.8 4 0.4944 9.8887
4.5 0.4470 7.9471
5 0.4364 6.9818
3 0.5369 14.3168
3.5 0.4861 11.6590
2.07 0.8 4 0.4764 10.0166
4.5 0.4495 7.9917
5 0.4479 7.1665
3 0.5626 15.0039
3.5 0.5568 12.7274
2.56 0.8 4 0.5276 10.5523
4.5 0.5078 9.0274
5 0.4914 7.8617

Table 7 shows the same results as Table 6 but in a different order, so it is easier to
see how the efficiency evolves for the same length of the drive pipe. In Table 7 it can be
seen that for the same length of the drive pipe, while the height of the discharge deposit
grows, the efficiency is reduced. In the case of the drive pipe of 2.56 meters, the
efficiency goes from 0.5626 when H=3 m to 0.4914 when H=5 m. The same thing
happens when L is 1.61 m or 2.56 m, the efficiency grows as H does.

In addition, in the Table above it is possible to see the water resource use that the
ram pump offers. In the laboratory tests it has been possible to achieve a water use of 15
%, having the discharge tank at 3 meters and the feeding tank at 0.8 meters. It can also be
seen that the use of water is lower when the drive pipe is shorter.

4.2. Heights variation
In the following tables (Table 8, Table 9 and Table 10), it is possible to see two
main things; first of all, that the number of strokes is higher when the height of the
discharge deposit increases. And secondly, that the efficiency of the system is higher when
the difference between the two deposits is lower.

Table 8. Flow results when having inlet height 0.4 m and varying the discharge height
h (m) H (m) Q (l/s) q (l/s) N (times/min)
1 0.0765 0.0103 0.3354 64
1.5 0.0768 0.0068 0.3325 70
2 0.0774 0.0047 0.3024 74
2.5 0.0765 0.0034 0.2752 71
3 0.0762 0.0027 0.2656 73
3.5 0.0761 0.0021 0.2408 74
4 0.0749 0.0015 0.1975 75
4.5 0.0755 0.0012 0.1849 73
5 0.0745 0.0009 0.1556 74
5.5 0.0744 0.0004 0.0783 75
6 0.0748 0.0002 0.0421 76

Table 9. Flow results when having inlet height 0.6 m and varying the discharge height
h (m) H (m) Q (l/s) q (l/s) N (times/min)
1 - - - -
1.5 0.0814 0.0137 0.4198 98
2 0.0817 0.0141 0.5770 99
2.5 0.0749 0.0099 0.5510 104
3 0.0862 0.0092 0.5315 105
3.5 0.0908 0.0079 0.5101 107
4 0.0838 0.0062 0.4937 108
4.5 0.0878 0.0052 0.4470 109
5 0.0921 0.0046 0.4136 110
5.5 0.0800 0.0032 0.3702 113
6 0.0783 0.0023 0.2951 113

Table 10. Flow results when having inlet height 0.8 m and varying the discharge height
h (m) H (m) Q (l/s) q (l/s) N (times/min)
1 - - - -
1.5 - - - -
2 - - - -
2.5 0.0872 0.0148 0.5304 127
3 0.0858 0.0123 0.5369 128
0.8 3.5 0.0825 0.0096 0.5100 131
4 0.0789 0.0075 0.4764 134
4.5 0.0835 0.0067 0.4495 136
5 0.0829 0.0059 0.4479 136
5.5 0.0826 0.0053 0.4411 138
6 0.0847 0.0047 0.4162 140

Comparing these three tables it can be observed that the range of efficiencies has
different variations: when h is 0.4 meters it goes from 0.3354 to 0.0421, when h is 0.6
meters it goes from 0.4198 to 0.2951 and when h is 0.8 meters it goes from 0.5304 to
It is important to take into account that in Table 9 the system could not work
when the height of the discharge deposit was 1 meter. In like manner, the system did not
work when h was 0.8 meters and the discharge tank varied between 1 and 2 meters (Table

4.3. Efficiency varying H/h

Table 11 shows how the efficiency of the system evolves while the difference
between the deposits varies. The maximum efficiency that has been achieved is 0.5368,
while the minimum is 0.1648. Normally, the pump should work when there is a ratio of
heights of 2; however, in this case it has not been possible for the pump to work.

Table 11. Efficiency results when varying H/h

H/h 2 3.75 4.375 5 6.25 7.5 10 12
- 0.5368 0.5067 0.4763 0.4479 0.4204 0.2409 0.1648

4.4. Impulse valve position

The analysis of the operation of the pump varying the opening of the impulse valve
(Table 12) has shown that, although the efficiency is somewhat higher when having the
valve completely open, the values in the three positions are very similar.

Table 12. Efficiency depending on the impulse valve position
h (m) H (m) Valve position q (l/s) Q (l/s) q (l/day)
opened 0.00823 0.08532 0.48217 711.072
0.8 4 half opened 0.00727 0.07604 0.47785 628.128
almost closed 0.00664 0.06935 0.47886 576.696

However, it must be taken into account that the flow of water pumped is slightly
higher when the valve is opened, which indicates that the pump works faster.

4.5. Pressure (static vs. dynamic)

In Figure 14 the signal that the system offers when h is 0.8 meters, H is 3.5 meters
and L is 2.07 meters is shown. The red line refers the input of the pump, while the white
one refers to the output. This signal is measured in volts, but these values will be later
transformed into Pa with Equation 5.

Figure 14. Pressure signal (V – time)

It is possible to see the difference between the static part and the dynamic part of
the pump operation. The first part of the plot, the straight line, shows the static pressure
that is in the drive pipe, around 1 kPa; then, there is a peak, that occurs when the impulse
valve hits, at this point, the maximum pressure that is reached is 107 KPa. After this, the
signal goes down again with the characteristic variation of the water hammer.

The pressure in the outlet of the pump is slightly lower than that in the inlet, this
can be due to the fact that the velocity of the water in the outlet is somehow higher, so
that the water can go up, this can cause the pressure to decrease lightly.

5. Discussion
It has been observed that the efficiency of the ram pump is higher when the drive
pipe is larger. This is because the water that goes through the drive pipe to the pump
acquires more speed and momentum and, in this way, when the impulse valve is closed,
the stopping of the water is more abrupt, what makes that the pressure spike that is
produced in the impulse valve is higher. As this pressure is higher, the amount of water
that is pushed through the delivery pipe is also bigger. In this manner, it can be declared
that having a larger pipe is beneficial to the system, although it may happen that, if the
drive pipe is too long, he cycles are so slow that the pump cannot operate correctly.

Besides, the number of strokes of the impulse valve is higher when the drive pipe is
shorter. A priori this is not a problem, however, over the years, the impulse valve will be
more harmed if it has had more strokes.

It can be said that the water use is not really high; nonetheless, considering that a
7.86 % of the water resource can be used and pumped to a height of 5 meters without any
electricity use is a very interesting point. Especially if the source of water is very abundant
and, even more, if the water that exists through the impulse valve can be reused.

It has also been seen that the height at which the feed tank is located has a
noticeable effect on the efficiency of the system, since the higher the deposit is, the higher
the speed of the water that reaches the pump; so the pressure will be bigger and the
pumped water too. Anyway, it must be taken into account that if the height difference is
not enough the system may could not start to work. Besides, it may not be worth it
installing the whole system to raise the water less than 3 meters.

It has been also possible to observe that there is a notable difference between the
theoretical and experimental calculations, since the efficiency obtained by means of
theoretical calculations for H/h=2 is 0.85 whereas, in practice, the pump has not been
able to work in these conditions. In addition, for H/h=12, only an efficiency of 0.1648
has been achieved, while in the theory it is said that it can reach 0.23.

As mentioned before, it has been observed that the pump works faster when the
impulse valve is completely opened, and this may be an important advantage when
analysing how much water is pumped per day in each one of the three cases, as it can be
seen that with the impulse valve opened, the ram pump is able to pump almost 83 litres
more per day than when the valve is half opened, and around 134 litres more per day than
when the valve is almost closed.

6. Conclusions

6.1. Study results

It can be concluded that the ram pump is a technology that offers many
possibilities, especially, in those places where there is no access to electricity and it is
necessary to pump water since, although the percentage of water use is not too high, the
difference between the heights that can be achieved is very favourable. In addition, by
installing more pumps in series or in parallel it is possible to increase the efficiency of the
system significantly.

Although there is no exact procedure to determine the best combination of

parameters to get the highest efficiency from the ram pump, it has been possible to
experiment in the laboratory, and it has been found that using a longer drive pipe favours
the operation of the system and contributes to obtain greater efficiency. But it must be
taken into account that the length of the drive pipe needs to be controlled so it does not
reduce the working rhythm of the pump. It has also been seen that the studied pump
operates better with the impulse valve completely opened. However, it is very important
to consider that all these observations are not general, but they serve in particular for the
pump that has been analyzed.

It could also be said that the results obtained after the weeks of study have been
favourable regarding the objectives that had been posed at the beginning, since it has been
possible to understand the operation of the ram pump and, more specifically, it has been
possible to analyze how the studied ram pump responds the different combination of

6.2. Outlook
After carrying out the study of the ram pump of Bruzaholms Bruk Company, it has
been seen that the study could continue and improve by carrying out more tests in which
the height of the feeding tank could be increased, as well as the length of the drive pipe.
However, this would require more space in the laboratory and a new lifting machine, but
it would be very interesting to determine how high the system is capable of pumping
water and if the water use is enough to make it worthwhile in a specific situation.

6.3. Perspectives
In a future work it could be possible to study how the efficiency of this concrete
system could be increased by the addition of new ram pumps considering, of course,
different combination of parameters and installation.
In addition, it can be said that where a ram pump works, there is a monument to
saving fossil fuels, as water is the only thing that this pump needs to operate. It would also
be so interesting to think statistically how much fossil fuel would be saved if the motor
pumps were replaced by rams pumps where possible as, in terms of taking care of the
environment, this would be a very important step.


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Appendix A. Measurements varying the length of the drive pipe
In Appendix A it is possible to see all the data that has been taken when changing
the length of the drive pipe (L).

Table 13. Data when varying the length of the drive pipe
L (m) h H Time N Pumped Lost Inlet q Q 100*q/Q
(m) (m) (min) (times/min) water water water (l/s) (l/s)
(kg) (kg) (kg)
0 5 154 3.329 21.096 24.425 0.0111 0.0814 0.5112 13.6309
3 5 154 3.322 21.193 24.515 0.0111 0.0817 0.5082 13.5513
5 154 3.319 21.303 24.622 0.0111 0.0821 0.5055 13.4805
5 158 3.096 23.500 26.596 0.0103 0.0887 0.5093 11.6408
3.5 5 157 3.013 23.386 26.399 0.0100 0.0880 0.4993 11.4132
5 158 3.047 23.317 26.364 0.0102 0.0879 0.5056 11.5576
1 0 5 161 2.496 24.182 26.678 0.0083 0.0889 0.4678 9.3560
4 5 162 2.814 24.095 26.909 0.0094 0.0897 0.5229 10.4575
1.61 0.8 5 162 2.634 24.113 26.747 0.0088 0.0892 0.4924 9.8478
5 163 2.063 24.765 26.828 0.0069 0.0894 0.4325 7.6897
4.5 5 163 2.201 24.631 26.832 0.0073 0.0894 0.4614 8.2029
5 163 2.135 24.725 26.860 0.0071 0.0895 0.4471 7.9486
5 164 1.924 24.632 26.556 0.0064 0.0885 0.4528 7.2451
5 5 164 1.857 25.003 26.860 0.0062 0.0895 0.4321 6.9136
5 164 1.810 24.320 26.130 0.0060 0.0871 0.4329 6.9259
5 130 3.576 22.113 25.689 0.0119 0.0856 0.5220 13.9204
3 5 130 3.732 21.997 25.729 0.0124 0.0858 0.5439 14.5050
5 131 3.753 22.088 25.841 0.0125 0.0861 0.5446 14.5234
5 131 2.914 21.776 24.690 0.0097 0.0823 0.5164 11.8023
3.5 5 132 2.746 21.854 24.600 0.0092 0.0820 0.4884 11.1626
5 131 2.994 21.938 24.931 0.0100 0.0831 0.5253 12.0069
2.07 0.8 5 135 2.415 21.995 24.410 0.0081 0.0814 0.4947 9.8935
4 5 134 2.226 21.201 23.427 0.0074 0.0781 0.4751 9.5019
5 134 2.513 21.067 23.579 0.0084 0.0786 0.5328 10.6556
5 136 2.132 23.019 25.151 0.0071 0.0838 0.4768 8.4768
4.5 5 136 1.989 23.854 25.843 0.0066 0.0861 0.4329 7.6965
5 136 1.882 22.240 24.122 0.0063 0.0804 0.4389 7.8021
5 137 1.805 23.265 25.070 0.0060 0.0836 0.4499 7.1984
5 5 136 1.765 22.964 24.729 0.0059 0.0824 0.4462 7.1385
5 136 1.774 22.993 24.767 0.0059 0.0826 0.4476 7.1622
5 125 3.491 19.635 23.126 0.0116 0.0771 0.5661 15.0956
3 5 125 3.421 19.854 23.275 0.0114 0.0776 0.5512 14.6982
5 125 3.528 19.653 23.181 0.0118 0.0773 0.5707 15.2194
5 128 2.996 19.963 22.959 0.0100 0.0765 0.5709 13.0493

3.5 5 127 2.827 20.158 22.985 0.0094 0.0766 0.5381 12.2993
5 127 2.931 19.906 22.837 0.0098 0.0761 0.5615 12.8344
5 130 2.426 20.578 23.004 0.0081 0.0767 0.5273 10.5460
4 5 130 2.279 20.269 22.548 0.0076 0.0752 0.5054 10.1073
2.56 0.8 5 129 2.483 20.083 22.566 0.0083 0.0752 0.5502 11.0033
5 129 2.283 22.231 24.514 0.0076 0.0817 0.5239 9.3130
4.5 5 130 2.184 22.704 24.888 0.0073 0.0830 0.4936 8.7753
5 130 2.202 22.271 24.473 0.0073 0.0816 0.5061 8.9977
5 131 1.654 20.804 22.458 0.0055 0.0749 0.4603 7.3649
5 5 131 1.844 20.877 22.721 0.0061 0.0757 0.5072 8.1158
5 132 1.836 20.833 22.669 0.0061 0.0756 0.5062 8.0992

Appendix B. Measurements varying the heights of the tanks
In this appendix, all the measurements that have been taken during the test where
the heights of both deposits were changed are shown. It is possible to see different
parameters, such as the flows, the efficiency or the number of strokes that the impulse
valve gives.

Table 14. Data when varying H for h = 0.4 m

h H Time N Pumped Lost water Inlet water q (l/s) Q (l/s) 100*q/Q
(m) (m) (min) (times/min) water (kg) (kg) (kg)
5 63 3.156 19.633 22.789 0.0105 0.0760 0.3462 13.8488
1 5 65 3.005 19.974 22.979 0.0100 0.0766 0.3269 13.0772
5 64 3.073 19.997 23.07 0.0102 0.0769 0.3330 13.3203
5 71 2.157 21.036 23.193 0.0072 0.0773 0.3488 9.3002
1.5 5 70 1.996 20.942 22.938 0.0067 0.0765 0.3263 8.7017
5 70 1.973 20.992 22.965 0.0066 0.0766 0.3222 8.5913
5 74 1.524 21.797 23.321 0.0051 0.0777 0.3267 6.5349
2 5 74 1.301 21.819 23.12 0.0043 0.0771 0.2814 5.6272
5 74 1.387 21.811 23.198 0.0046 0.0773 0.2989 5.9790
5 70 0.997 21.864 22.861 0.0033 0.0762 0.2726 4.3611
2.5 5 71 1.043 21.873 22.916 0.0035 0.0764 0.2845 4.5514
5 71 0.99 22.053 23.043 0.0033 0.0768 0.2685 4.2963
5 73 0.8157 21.969 22.7847 0.0027 0.0759 0.2685 3.5800
3 5 73 0.8023 21.977 22.7793 0.0027 0.0759 0.2642 3.5221
5 74 0.809 22.162 22.971 0.0027 0.0766 0.2641 3.5218
5 74 0.616 22.098 22.714 0.0021 0.0757 0.2373 2.7120
3.5 5 74 0.607 22.199 22.806 0.0020 0.0760 0.2329 2.6616
5 74 0.661 22.285 22.946 0.0022 0.0765 0.2521 2.8807
5 74 0.428 21.896 22.324 0.0014 0.0744 0.1917 1.9172
4 5 75 0.47 22.145 22.615 0.0016 0.0754 0.2078 2.0783
5 75 0.434 22.067 22.501 0.0014 0.0750 0.1929 1.9288
5 72 0.369 22.261 22.63 0.0012 0.0754 0.1834 1.6306
4.5 5 73 0.385 22.313 22.698 0.0013 0.0757 0.1908 1.6962
5 74 0.362 22.224 22.586 0.0012 0.0753 0.1803 1.6028
5 74 0.274 22.134 22.408 0.0009 0.0747 0.1528 1.2228
5 5 74 0.281 21.971 22.252 0.0009 0.0742 0.1579 1.2628
5 74 0.279 22.075 22.354 0.0009 0.0745 0.1560 1.2481
5 75 0.116 22.005 22.121 0.0004 0.0737 0.0721 0.5244
5.5 5 75 0.132 22.184 22.316 0.0004 0.0744 0.0813 0.5915
5 76 0.133 22.345 22.478 0.0004 0.0749 0.0814 0.5917
5 77 0.074 22.442 22.516 0.0002 0.0751 0.0493 0.3287
6 5 76 0.059 22.366 22.425 0.0002 0.0748 0.0395 0.2631
5 76 0.056 22.332 22.388 0.0002 0.0746 0.0375 0.2501
Table 15. Data when varying H for h = 0.6 m
h (m) H Time N Pumped Lost Inlet q (l/s) Q 100*q/Q
(m) (min) (times/min) water water water (l/s)
(kg) (kg) (kg)
1 5 - - - - - - - -
5 97 4.036 20.464 24.500 0.0135 0.0817 0.4118 16.4735
1.5 5 98 4.177 20.298 24.475 0.0139 0.0816 0.4267 17.0664
5 99 4.093 20.216 24.309 0.0136 0.0810 0.4209 16.8374
5 99 4.254 20.302 24.556 0.0142 0.0819 0.5775 17.3237
2 5 100 4.199 20.233 24.432 0.0140 0.0814 0.5729 17.1865
5 99 4.279 20.290 24.569 0.0143 0.0819 0.5805 17.4163
5 103 2.901 19.709 22.610 0.0097 0.0754 0.5346 12.8306
2.5 5 104 2.968 19.502 22.470 0.0099 0.0749 0.5504 13.2087
5 104 3.050 19.314 22.364 0.0102 0.0745 0.5682 13.6379
5 105 2.716 23.118 25.834 0.0091 0.0861 0.5257 10.5133
3 5 105 2.739 23.056 25.795 0.0091 0.0860 0.5309 10.6183
5 106 2.787 23.124 25.911 0.0093 0.0864 0.5378 10.7567
5 107 2.457 24.867 27.324 0.0082 0.0911 0.5245 8.9921
3.5 5 107 2.316 24.831 27.147 0.0077 0.0905 0.4977 8.5313
5 107 2.369 24.842 27.211 0.0079 0.0907 0.5079 8.7074
5 108 1.794 23.101 24.895 0.0060 0.0830 0.4804 7.2063
4 5 108 1.883 23.244 25.127 0.0063 0.0838 0.4996 7.4939
5 109 1.907 23.471 25.377 0.0064 0.0846 0.5009 7.5130
5 109 1.574 24.576 26.150 0.0052 0.0872 0.4514 6.0191
4.5 5 110 1.626 24.630 26.256 0.0054 0.0875 0.4645 6.1929
5 109 1.508 25.082 26.590 0.0050 0.0886 0.4253 5.6710
5 110 1.342 26.247 27.589 0.0045 0.0920 0.4054 4.8643
5 5 110 1.409 26.193 27.602 0.0047 0.0920 0.4254 5.1047
5 111 1.364 26.358 27.722 0.0045 0.0924 0.4100 4.9196
5 113 1.102 22.871 23.973 0.0037 0.0799 0.4214 4.5968
5.5 5 113 0.982 23.214 24.196 0.0033 0.0807 0.3720 4.0585
5 113 0.823 22.999 23.822 0.0027 0.0794 0.3167 3.4548
5 113 0.713 22.854 23.567 0.0024 0.0786 0.3025 3.0254
6 5 114 0.675 22.765 23.440 0.0023 0.0781 0.2880 2.8797
5 113 0.691 22.751 23.442 0.0023 0.0781 0.2948 2.9477

Table 16. Data when varying H for h = 0.8 m
h (m) H Time N Pumped Lost Inlet q (l/s) Q 100*q/Q
(m) (min) (times/min) water water water (l/s)
(kg) (kg) (kg)
1 - - - - - - - - -
1.5 - - - - - - - - -
2 - - - - - - - - -
5 128 4.523 21.693 26.216 0.0151 0.0874 0.5392 17.2528
2.5 5 129 4.419 21.685 26.104 0.0147 0.0870 0.5290 16.9284
5 127 4.378 21.782 26.16 0.0146 0.0872 0.523 16.7355
5 130 3.576 22.113 25.689 0.0119 0.0856 0.5220 13.9204
3 5 130 3.732 21.997 25.729 0.0124 0.0858 0.5439 14.5050
5 131 3.753 22.088 25.841 0.0125 0.0861 0.5446 14.5234
5 131 2.914 21.776 24.690 0.0097 0.0823 0.5164 11.8023
3.5 5 132 2.746 21.854 24.600 0.0092 0.0820 0.4884 11.1626
5 131 2.994 21.938 24.931 0.0100 0.0831 0.5253 12.0069
5 135 2.415 21.995 24.410 0.0081 0.0814 0.4947 9.8935
4 5 134 2.226 21.201 23.427 0.0074 0.0781 0.4751 9.5019
5 134 2.513 21.067 23.579 0.0084 0.0786 0.5328 10.6556
5 136 2.132 23.019 25.151 0.0071 0.0838 0.4768 8.4768
4.5 5 136 1.989 23.854 25.843 0.0066 0.0861 0.4329 7.6965
5 136 1.882 22.240 24.122 0.0063 0.0804 0.4389 7.8021
5 137 1.805 23.265 25.070 0.0060 0.0836 0.4499 7.1984
5 5 136 1.765 22.964 24.729 0.0059 0.0824 0.4462 7.1385
5 136 1.774 22.993 24.767 0.0059 0.0826 0.4476 7.1622
5 139 1.624 23.231 24.855 0.0054 0.0829 0.4492 6.5339
5.5 5 1340 1.573 23.129 24.702 0.0052 0.0823 0.4378 6.3679
5 138 1.573 23.21 24.783 0.0052 0.0826 0.4364 6.3471
5 140 1.403 24.128 25.531 0.0047 0.0851 0.4121 5.4953
6 5 141 1.394 24.036 25.430 0.0046 0.0848 0.4111 5.4817
5 140 1.433 23.836 25.269 0.0048 0.0842 0.4253 5.671


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