Program Outline
Participation Requirements
15 - 28 January 2020
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS) is an organization
for human resources development mainly in overseas countries to promote technical cooperation through
training, experts dispatch and other programs. Through those programs, we aim at contributing to the mutual
economic growth of developing countries and Japan as well as enhancing friendly relations among those
AOTS was established in 1959 with the support of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (which is
the present Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: METI) as Japan’s first technical cooperation
organization on a private sector basis. More than 194,000 individuals from 171 countries have undergone our
training in Japan, while the cumulative attendance at our overseas programs till the end of fiscal 2018
exceeded 204,000.
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development (BIOD) is one of the management
training courses that is conducted by the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable
Partnerships (AOTS). In the context that the concept of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)* has become
common in society, the importance of the private sector in society is being focused on closely and people are
greatly interested in creating a new business model that enables companies both to realize their own goals and
to solve social issues. Derived from this background, this program is designed for participants from all the
developing countries to enhance their sense of intuition, ability to plan, and leadership, all of which are
necessary for creating business innovation to solve social issues. It also aims at developing managerial talent
to promote a changing organizational climate and culture.
* SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): The international target from 2016 to 2030 mentioned in the “2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which was adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at a UN Summit. It
consists of 17 Goals and 169 Targets to realize Sustainable Development.
Please refer to “[Table 3] List of Target Countries and Regions” of this program outline.
22 participants
business partners of Japanese companies, companies planning to deal with Japanese companies, the
priority for selection becomes higher.)
(1) Participants shall attend all the events in the curriculum provided for each management training program.
(2) Family members are not allowed to accompany participants on their journey in Japan.
(3) Participants shall not request AOTS to arrange, nor arrange by themselves, any additional programs, and
shall leave Japan and return to their home country soon after the completion of the program.
(4) In the case of applications from other than Japanese-affiliated companies or local companies that hold
local capital, the priority for selection becomes lower.
(5) Those who work in the national government (agency) or the local government (agency) are not eligible to
participate in the AOTS management training programs, since the programs are mainly targeted at the
people working in the companies/organizations in the private sector.
(6) The number of participants from the same host company in Japan or the same sending company from
overseas may be limited if there are more applicants than AOTS can accept.
The application procedures differ depending on whether an overseas company makes the application via
AOTS’s overseas office and collaborating organization or a Japanese host company in Japan makes the
application. Please see below for details.
[Application Documents]
(1) AOTS Training Application Form and Applicant’s Personal Record
(AOTS official form: Handwriting shall be avoided.)
(2) Medical Check Sheet (AOTS official form: Handwriting shall be avoided.)
(3) 2 copies of the applicant’s photo (4 cm×3 cm) (Please write the applicant’s name on the back.)
(4) A brochure of the applicant’s company/organization
(5) Photocopy of the applicant’s passport
*If the applicant doesn’t possess a passport, an election card, a driver’s license or a photo ID issued by a
public organization in the home country containing his or her full name (written in Roman block letter)
and date of birth should be submitted instead.
(6) Pre-Training Report and Questionnaire
(7) Overseas Travel Insurance Consent Form
(8) About the handling of Personal Information Concerning Trainees (AOTS official form)
*The applicant’s signature is needed for authorization to proceed. In the absence of agreement, or failure
of submission, course participation will not be granted.
(9) About the Benefits of Management Training Program (AOTS official form)
*In principle, a representative of the applicant’s employer shall fill in the questionnaires.
*The form is attached to the end of the outline.
(10) Enquiry into Training Contract (For Japanese Joint-Venture-Companies and Companies exclusively
funded by Japanese Enterprises)
*A soft copy of the application documents will not be accepted.
**AOTS may ask the applicants to submit additional documents such as official registration document and the
latest financial statement of the company/organization etc. other than above listed, if necessary.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
The formats are available from AOTS Overseas Office listed in Item 10 or Overseas Collaborating
Organizations. Please ask them.
The application documents will be forwarded to the AOTS Screening Committee, which will meet on 5
December 2019, for official approval of participation. Those who have successfully passed the screening
process will be notified when they receive the invitation documents.
Notes: If the number of participants is less than 20 as of 5 November 2019, AOTS will cancel or postpone this
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
This program is designed for the participants to enhance their sense of intuition, ability to plan, and leadership,
all of which are necessary for creating business innovation to solve social issues. It also aims at developing
managerial talent to promote a changing organizational climate and culture.
(1) To understand the characteristics and roles required of owners or executives for producing business
(2) To learn the managerial methods for creating and promoting business innovation strategically.
(3) To learn the methods of organization development and human resource development for making business
innovation happen.
(4) To make a concrete action plan for producing business innovation.
[1st Step]
Participants will come to understand the characteristics of innovation required in both developing and
developed countries for solving social issues and the role of managers for producing innovation through
lectures and company visits. Participants will also learn how to design a corporate philosophy and vision, and
how to plot an administrative strategy and business plan.
[2nd Step]
Participants will consider the way an organization encourages people to produce innovation, and learn specific
organization and human resource development methods and ideas for changing the culture and climate of an
organization through lectures and company visits.
[3rd Step]
Participants will learn about Japanese companies that are trying to produce innovation, including organization
development and human resource development, through company visits. Through discussions with owners,
executives or senior managers of Japanese companies, participants will also consider how they can apply the
methods for innovation conducted in Japanese companies to that of developing countries, including the
possibilities to cooperate with Japanese companies.
[4th Step]
Participants will make presentations about their action plans for producing business innovation, based on what
they have learned during the training program.
The course will usually consist of a three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. Group
Discussion may take place after dinner. Please see the Tentative Schedule for further details.
15 – 28 January, 2020
All lectures, discussions, and company visits and exercises will be conducted in English or Japanese with
translation into English. In principle, the program documents and training materials will be prepared in
Dr. Toshiyuki Yamanaka
CEO, Global Dynamics Co., Ltd since 2010
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
Tentative Schedule
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
14 Jan.
( Arrival in Japan)
16 [Lecture] [Lecture]
(Thu.) 2030 SDGs Game Overview of Business Innovation
21 [Lecture]
(Tue.) Activation of Organization by Organizational Development (2)
[Visit] Example of Business Innovation in Japanese Companies
Study Tour [Visit] Example of Good “Challenging” Management in Japanese SMEs
[Visit] Example of Organizational Activation by Organization Development, etc.
Day off
Day off
27 [Lecture]
Preparation for Presentation
(Mon.) Lecture by Japanese Corporate Director
Final Presentation
(Departure from Japan)
Remarks: (1) The above schedule is subject to change for the convenience of lecturers and cooperating companies, or
for other unavoidable reasons.
(2) Several group discussion sessions will be arranged in the evening.
(3) Though Saturdays and Sundays are day off in general, lectures may be scheduled if deemed necessary.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
Participants in principle are requested to arrive in Japan the day before the commencement of the training
program and leave Japan the day after the final day of the program.
8-1) Outline
AOTS training programs are financed by Official Development Assistance (ODA) subsidies from the Japanese
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) together with the Participation Fee from the participants
The Training Costs will vary in accordance with the actual airfare and participants’ staying days. Therefore,
the Participation Fee will be finalized after their arrival in Japan by submitting the actual air ticket and the
receipt. The international Travel Expenses have an upper limit called Standard Airfare Limits, which depend
on the country and the region as shown in Table 2.
The Estimates of the Participation Fee for the countries of Category 1* and for the countries in Category 2*
are shown in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. Please refer to Table 3 “List of Target Countries and Regions” for the
classification of category 1 and category 2.
Participants will be requested to pay the Participation Fee in Japanese Yen in cash to AOTS after their arrival
in Japan.
*Please note that the subsidy from the Japanese government will be applicable from the day before the
commencement of the training program to the final day of the training program in principle.
8-2) Breakdown
The Training Costs are the total amount of expenses to invite a participant to a training program in Japan. It is
the sum of 1. Allowance Costs, 2. Course Implementation Costs, and 3. Domestic Travel Allowance. The
Participation Fee, the amount that participants should bear, consists of Contribution to Allowance Costs and
Contribution to Course Implementation Costs.
1. Allowance Cost
Allowance cost is composed of the following items.
The Contribution to Allowance Costs for the participants from the countries in Category 1 is 1/3 of the
Allowance Costs. Participants from the countries in Category 2 do not have to pay the Contribution to
Allowance Costs.
AOTS would like to ask the participants to support us by giving us ¥30,000 per participant as Contribution
to AOTS’s Administration Cost.
This contribution is not obligatory, however, it would be highly appreciated if you could understand the
purpose of the contribution and give us the above amount of money in addition to the Participation Fee.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
(Japanese Yen)
Training Costs T otal Amount ODA Subsidy
1. Allowance Costs 265,094 176,729 88,365
<Breakdown of Allowance Cost> <Breakdown> [2/3] [1/3]
(1) International T ravel Expenses 107,300
(2) Accommodation and Meal Allowances
a. [at the AOTS Kenshu Center]
@ 8,180 x 1 day (Arrival Day) = 8,180
@ 9,020 x 12 days = 108,240
[during the study tour]
b. Meal Allowance
@ 2,620 x 2 day(s) = 5,240
c. Accommodation Allowance
@ 10,267 x 2 day(s) = 20,534
(3) Personal Allowance
@ 1,040 x 15 days = 15,600
* T he maximum amount of airfare claimable to subsidize the air ticket's purchase. T he air ticket should be
purchased by the participant. AOT S will subsidize the amount in accordance with its rules & regulations.
* : those amounts highlighted in grey will be paid in kind. [1.-(2)-a. /1.-(2)-c.]
* : those amounts highlighted in yellow will be paid in cash to participants by AOT S
[1.-(1) /1.-(2)-b. /1.-(3) /3.]
* International travel expenses subsidy will be provided if the air ticket and its receipt satisfy the required
conditions; they are not provided if the conditions are not satisfied or the participant is travelling
on a free ticket.
In the event that the international travel expenses subsidy will not be provided, the amount of 1.-(1) in the
above figure will be zero and therefore, the "Allowance Costs" and "T otal Cost" will change accordingly.
* T he above mentioned are the amounts adopted 10 percent Japanese consumption tax (Its enforcement is
scheduled on 1 October 2019). However, the amounts of AOT S Domestic T ravel Allowance in Japan
remain unchanged since the railway fares adopted 10 percent consumption tax are not announced by the
railway companies in Japan presently.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
(Japanese Yen)
Training Costs T otal Amount ODA Subsidy
1. Allowance Costs 263,774 263,774 0
<Breakdown of Allowance Cost> <Breakdown> [3/3] [None]
(1) International T ravel Expenses 126,100
(2) Accommodation and Meal Allowances
a. [at the AOTS Kenshu Center]
@ 8,180 x 1 day (Arrival Day) = 8,180
@ 9,020 x 10 days = 90,200
[during the study tour]
b. Meal Allowance
@ 2,620 x 2 day(s) = 5,240
c. Accommodation Allowance
@ 10,267 x 2 day(s) = 20,534
(3) Personal Allowance
@ 1,040 x 13 days = 13,520
* T he maximum amount of airfare claimable to subsidize the air ticket's purchase. T he air ticket should be
purchased by the participant. AOT S will subsidize the amount in accordance with its rules & regulations.
* : those amounts highlighted in grey will be paid in kind. [1.-(2)-a. /1.-(2)-c.]
* : those amounts highlighted in yellow will be paid in cash to participants by AOT S
[1.-(1) /1.-(2)-b. /1.-(3) /3.]
* International travel expenses subsidy will be provided if the air ticket and its receipt satisfy the required
conditions; they are not provided if the conditions are not satisfied or the participant is travelling
on a free ticket.
In the event that the international travel expenses subsidy will not be provided, the amount of 1.-(1) in the
above figure will be zero and therefore, the "Allowance Costs" and "T otal Cost" will change accordingly.
* T he above mentioned are the amounts adopted 10 percent Japanese consumption tax (Its enforcement is
scheduled on 1 October 2019). However, the amounts of AOT S Domestic T ravel Allowance in Japan
remain unchanged since the railway fares adopted 10 percent consumption tax are not announced by the
railway companies in Japan presently.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
Area Country Place of Departure Place of Arrival Airfare Limit Area Country Place of Departure Place of Arrival Airfare Limit
Indonesia Jakarta Tokyo/Osaka 122,600 Pakistan Karachi Tokyo 117,600
Nagoya 130,700 Osaka 134,700
Surabaya Tokyo/Osaka 130,800 Nagoya 111,700
Nagoya 130,800 Islamabad Tokyo 117,600
Manado Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 140,000 Osaka 134,700
Medan Tokyo/Osaka 119,100 Nagoya 111,700
Nagoya 121,400 Lahore Tokyo 130,700
South Asia
Yogyakarta Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 135,600 Osaka 149,700
*Cambodia Phnom Penh Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 96,400 Nagoya 124,100
Singapore Singapore Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 81,000 *Bangladesh Dhaka Tokyo 126,100
South East Asia
Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya
*Myanmar Yangon Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 119,800 Brazil Sao Paulo Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 259,100
*Laos Vientiane Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 111,800 Brasilia Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya 378,700
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
2. Method of Reimbursement:
During the training program in Japan, participants should present to AOTS their air tickets and submit official
receipts of air ticket purchase for reimbursement. The sum of the following items (1) and (2) will be subsidized.
In principle, an economy class air ticket purchased for a round-trip on the standard route according to the
criteria of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is defined as the standard airfare to be covered.
(1) Actual round-trip airfare within the Standard Airfare Limits (the limits of AOTS’s standard round-trip airfare
amount) specified for the respective area (country).
(2) The departure tax, airport tax and other taxes indispensable to the usual flight route defined by IATA subject
to the submission of evidence.
[NOTE] A participant is not allowed to overstay at city(ies) of a third country between participant’s home
country and Japan by any reasons other than flight convenience. In such case, AOTS might not
reimburse the International Travel Expenses to the participant.
3. Official Receipts:
AOTS will confirm the air ticket and official receipt and calculate the actual yen value of the air ticket with the
exchange rate on the date of the ticket’s issue.
(1) AOTS can only accept the official receipts duly issued by the issuer in which a breakdown of the total airfare
is explicitly described, such as airfare, tax (the departure tax, airport tax and other taxes indispensable to the
usual flight route defined by IATA) and commission. It should also contain the name of the issuer’s
representative, address, telephone number and facsimile number.
(2) Neither Invoice nor Calculation Sheet will be accepted as the receipt. However, an Invoice/Calculation Sheet
using the letter-head of the air ticket issuer stating the word “Received” or “Paid” and including the
signature of the air ticket issuer may be accepted.
* If any participant fails to submit the official receipt duly issued by the relevant airline company or
travel agent, the participant will not receive any subsidy towards his/her airfare and will be required to
pay the full amount of the Participation Fee in cash to AOTS.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
AOTS handles personally identifiable information we have obtained from the applicant as follows:
(1) Administrator of Personally Identifiable Information: General Manager, General Affairs & Planning
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS)
Group in charge: General Affairs Group, General Affairs & Planning Department, AOTS
Tel: 81-3-3888-8211 E-mail:
(2) Use of Personally Identifiable Information
Personally identifiable information provided by the participant will only be used for the screening of the
participants and the implementation of the training program. It will not be used for any other purposes or
beyond the scope required by laws and regulations of Japan.
AOTS (Japan)
Application from overseas countries: 30-1, Senju-Azuma 1-Chome, Adachi-ku,
Tokyo 120-8534, Japan
Overseas Cooperation Group Tel: 81-3-3888-8256
Fax: 81-3-3888-8264
Application from host companies Hakutsuru Bldg. 4F, Ginza 5-12-5, Chuo-ku,
in Japan: Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Training Administration Group Tel: 81-3-3549-3051
Fax: 81-3-3549-3055
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
Please fill in the following items by using a personal computer or similar equipment in English. Handwriting
should be avoided. AOTS will duplicate and distribute it to lecturers and other participants as a reference material
for the group discussion and the presentations to be held during the program.
1. Your name
2. Your country
3. Name of your
4. Outline of your
(preferably attach an
organization brochure)
(preferably attach an
organizational chart,
indicating your
7. Does your
organization currently
try to generate
innovation to solve
any social issues?
Provide an outline of
this and how it is
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
9. What kind of
mind-set or leadership
of managers do you
think to be necessary
for producing
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
2W English
About the Benefits of Management Training Program
Concerning the benefits of the management training program, please answer the following questions. Your
individual answers will remain confidential.
Name of training course (may be in acronym names, such as SHOP and BIOD):
Company name:
Question 1:
The management training program receives financial support from Official Development Assistance (ODA). Is
there a difference in benefits by utilizing the AOTS training program compared to other cases where a training
program on the same subject is provided by your own or an external agency of human resource development?
Tick the following statement that applies to you (multiple answers allowed).
□ Understanding in the subject of the training program increases further.
□ Motivation improves further.
□ Understanding of Japan increases further.
□ Communication ability improves further.
□ The stability of the work force in the company improves further.
□ Others: [ ]
Question 2:
Are you going to use what is learned from the AOTS training in your company after the participants return? Tick
the following statement that applies to you.
□ Yes, I am.
□ No, I am not.
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]
The Program on Business Innovation and Organization Development [BIOD]
Question 3:
(For a representative)
If you have ticked “Yes, I am” in the above Question 2, please answer the following question. When you use what
is learned from the AOTS training in your company, how many managers and workers would receive the benefits
of this during the year after the training? Please provide your rough estimate below.
About people
Question 4:
If you have ticked “Yes, I am” in the above Question 2, please answer the following question. When you use what
is learned from the AOTS training, what benefits do you expect? Tick the following statement that applies to you
(multiple answers allowed).
□ A reduced load to the environment and energy saving will be realized.
□ Technology development and product design and development will be possible in the home country.
□ Production capacity will expand. [About ]%
□ Productivity will increase. [About ]%
□ Product and service quality will improve. [About ]%
□ Costs will be reduced. [About ]%
□ Market will be extended.
□ Others [ ]
Question 5:
Please provide the sales amounts of your company.
Actual sales for the last fiscal year [ ] USD * 1 USD = 112 JPY
Estimated sales for this fiscal year [ ] USD * 1 USD = 112 JPY
Question 6:
The AOTS training program costs about 6,000 USD per person to run the course. Do you think the AOTS training
programs produce enough benefits to justify the expense (6,000 USD)? Tick the following statement that applies
to you.
□ Yes
□ No
Question 7:
The following question is relevant to the above Question 6. Supposing that the expense (6,000 USD) is defined as
“1”, describe the benefits obtained from the AOTS training program in numerical value. Roughly assess the
benefits for the next five years after the training. Tick the following statement that applies to you. A very rough
estimate is fine. Your response is highly appreciated.
□ Below 1.0 => Provide a specific value [ ]
□ 1.0 or above and below 1.5
□ 1.5 or above and below 2.0
□ 2.0 or above and below 2.5
□ 2.5 or above and below 3.0
□ 3.0 or above => Provide a specific value [ ]
End of document
The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships [AOTS]