BEE Question Bank
BEE Question Bank
BEE Question Bank
Course Outcomes: After learning the contents of this paper the student must be able to
Understand and analyze basic Electrical circuits
Study the working principles of Electrical Machines and Transformers
Introduce components of Low Voltage Electrical Installations.
D.C. Circuits: Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), voltage and current sources, KVL&KCL, analysis of simple
circuits with dc excitation. Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Theorems. Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and
RC circuits.
A.C. Circuits: Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values, phasor representation, real power,
reactive power, apparent power, power factor, Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC
combinations (series and parallel), resonance in series R-L-C circuit. Three-phase balanced circuits, voltage and current
relations in star and delta connections.
Transformers: Ideal and practical transformer, equivalent circuit, losses in transformers, regulation and efficiency.
Auto-transformer and three-phase transformer connections.
Electrical Machines: Construction and working principle of dc machine, performance characteristics of dc shunt
machine. Generation of rotating magnetic field, Construction and working of a three-phase induction motor,
Significance of torque-slip characteristics. Single-phase induction motor, Construction and working. Construction and
working of synchronous generator.
Electrical Installations: Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of
Wires and Cables, Earthing. Types of Batteries, Important Characteristics for Batteries. Elementary calculations for
energy consumption, power factor improvement and battery backup.
1. D.P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2019.
2. MS Naidu and S Kamakshaiah, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2008.
1. P. Ramana, M. Suryakalavathi, G.T. Chandrasheker, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, S. Chand, 2nd Edition,
2. D. C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2009
3. M. S. Sukhija, T. K. Nagsarkar, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, Oxford, 1st Edition,
4. Abhijit Chakrabarthi, Sudipta Debnath, Chandan Kumar Chanda, “Basic Electrical Engineering”,
Book-II MS Naidu and S Kamakshaiah, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition
Reference Text Book
P. Ramana, M. Suryakalavathi, G.T. Chandrasheker, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, S. Chand,
2 nd Edition, 2019
Unit Topic No of Classes
DC Circuits 1-32 2-16 73-86 6
AC Circuits 127-1752 225-236 188-209 6
Transformers 289-340 409-414 360-367
Electrical 367-499 365-374 533-565 7
IV Machines
Electrical 513-541 407-414 568-574 6
V Installation
No of Theory Classes
Total no of Classes
5 Define Plastic?
4 Demonstrate SuperpositionTheorem
1 For the circuit shown in figure, evaluate the total current,individual currents in each
branch. Find the total power consumed
4 By using nodal analysis find the current flowing through 3 ohms resistor.
5 By using loop analysis find the current flowing through 5 ohms resistor.
1 Find the Average value, RMS value and form factor of the saw- tooth wave shown
2 Discuss in detail the difference between the core type and shell type transformer.
3 a) Derive an emf equation of a single phase transformer. b) The maximum flux density
in the core of 250/3000 Volts 50 Hz single phase transformer is 1.2 webers per square
meter. If the emf per turn is 8 volts determine primary and secondary
turns and area of the core
4 A 1-φ phase transformer takes 10A on no-load at a power factor of 0.1. The turn’s ratio
is 4:1. If a load is supplied by the secondary at 200 A, and a power factor of 0.8, find the
primary current, and the power factor. Neglect the internal voltage
drops in a transformer and also draw the phasor diagram.
5 (a) The design requirement of a 11,000 / 415 V, 50 Hz, single phase, core-type
transformer are approximate emf/ turn is 15 V, maximum flux density 1.5 T. Find a
suitable number of primary, and secondary turns and the net cross sectional area
of the core. (b) Explain different losses in case of transformer.
2 Define MCB
3 Define MCCB
4 Define ELCB
1. Find the power supplied by different sources using KCL and KVL equations in the
following given circuit shown in figure 1. [15]
Figure: 1
2. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent with respect to the terminals ‘a-b’ for the circuit in the
following figure 2. [15]
Figure: 2
3. a) What is the phasor diagram, draw the phasor diagrams of RL parallel circuit
under steady state conditions?
b) Two loads in parallel are supplied by a single phase 230 V, 50-Hz
supply: Load A: 10 kVA at 0.8 power factor leading
Load B: 15 kW at 0.8 power factor lagging
Find the real power, reactive power and line current drawn from the supply by the
combined load. [7+8]
6. a) Describe the operation of auto transformer? How does the current flow in
different parts of its winding?
b) What are the distinguished features of Y-Y and ∆-Y three phase transformers? [8+7]
8.a) Describe the PVC cables of different types and their sizes which are used for low voltage
b) What are the important features of ELCB, where it is used for protection? [8+7]
Code No: 151AG
B.Tech I Year I Semester Examinations, July - 2021
(Common to EEE, CSE, IT, CSIT, ITE, CE(SE), CSE(CS), CSE(DS), CSE(Networks))
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal
Figure: 1
Figure: 2
density in the core is 1.2 Wb/m2. Calculate the number of turns on secondary, area of
cross section and maximum flux in the core. [6+9]
6.a) Explain the different 3-phase transformers connections with neat diagram.
b) The core of a 100 kVA, 11000/550V, 50 Hz, single phase core type transformer has a
cross section of 20cm × 20 cm. Determine i) the number of H.V. and L.V turns per phase
and ii) the e.m.f. per turn, if the maximum core density is 1.3 tesla. [8+7]
Figure 1
Figure 2
4.a) Derive the relation between phase voltage and line voltage of a balanced three phase star
connected system.
b) A circuit consisting of three branches, Z 2 is in parallel with Z3 the combination is in
series with Z1 having the values Z1=5+j15, Z2 =2.5+j5 and Z3=2-j8 connected across
single phase, 100 V, 50 Hz supply. Find i) I1, I2 and I3 ii) V1 and V2. [8+7]
JNTUH Used Papers Jun
5.a) The emf per turn of a 1-, 2200/220 V, 50 Hz transformer is approximately 12V.
i) The number of primary and secondary turns, and
ii) The net cross-sectional area of core for a maximum flux density of 1.5 T?
b) Explain the losses in a Transformer; also derive the maximum efficiency condition of a
transformer. [8+7]
6.a) Explain the significance of torque-slip and characteristics of 3-phase induction motor.
b) Why three phase induction motor not rotating at synchronous speed, explain. [8+7]
Code No: 181AB R22
(10 Marks)
(50 Marks)
2.a) State and explain Thevenin’s theorem.
b) For the bridge network shown in figure below, find the current in the 5 resistor, and its
direction, by using Thevenin’s theorem. [5+5]
3. a) Derive an expression for transient current in R-L series circuit excited by a d.c source.
b) Explain the V-I relation of R, L and C elements. [6+4]
Time t
(msec) 0
The following table gives the corresponding values of current and time for a half cycle
of alternating current.
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
i (A) 0 7 14 23 40 56 68 76 60 5 0
Assuming the negative half cycle is identical in shape to the positive half cycle, plot the
waveform and find (a) the frequency of the supply, (b) the instantaneous values of
current after 1.25 ms and 3.8 ms, (c) the peak or maximum value, (d) the mean or
average value, and (e) the r.m.s value of the waveform. [10]
5. a) Derive an expression for resonance frequency of R-L-C series circuit connected to an
alternating supply of variable frequency.
b) A coil has an inductance of 40 mH and negligible resistance. Calculate its inductive
reactance and the resulting current if connected to a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. [6+4]
8.a) Explain the constructional details of a d.c machine. Explain the working of a d.c
b) Draw the various characteristics of a d.c shunt motor. [6+4]
9.a) Explain the working of a 3-phase Induction motor with a neat sketch.
b) The stator of a 3-phase, 4-pole induction motor is connected to a 50 Hz supply. The
rotor runs at 1455 rev/min at full load. Determine (i) the synchronous speed and (ii) the
slip at full load. [6+4]
10.a) Explain the working of (i) SFU (Switch Fuse Unit) (ii) ELCB.
b) What are the advantages of improving the power factor of a system? [6+4]
11.a) What are the differences between primary cells and secondary batteries?
b) Explain different types of wires used in domestic as well as commercial buildings.
Code No: 151AG
B.Tech I Year I Semester Examinations, May/June - 2019
(25 Marks)
1.a) State Thevenin’s theorem. [2]
b) What is meant by apparent power? [2]
c) Why the copper losses are more in a transformer? [2]
d) What is necessity of rotating magnetic field in the induction motor? [2]
e) What is the difference between fuse unit and switch fuse unit? [2]
f) What is meant by capacitor charging current, obtain its expression in terms of its time
constant in case of R-C circuit? [3]
g) An alternating voltage e 300 sin t , what is its instantaneous voltage at t = 5 ms
and 10 ms for 50 Hz frequency? [3]
h) What is the difference between ideal transformer and practical transformer? [3]
i) What are the advantages of armature winding placing in its stator? [3]
j) What are the characteristics of batteries for longer life? [3]
(50 Marks)
2.a) State Kirchhoff Current Law and Voltage law, determine the values for IX and VY in the
following given circuit shown in figure 1.
Figure: 1
b) In the following given circuit shown in figure 2, calculate i) v1, v2 and ii) power
delivered to R1, R2 and R3. [5+5]
Figure: 2
3.a) Find the Norton equivalent circuit of the following given circuit shown in figure 3 with
respect to the terminals ‘a-b’?
Figure: 3
b) State and explain superposition theorem. [5+5]
6.a) Draw and explain the phasor diagram of single phase transformer on lagging load.
b) A 50 kVA, 1000/10000 V, 50Hz single phase transformer has iron loss of 1200W. The
copper loss with 5 A in the high voltage winding is 500 W. Calculate the efficiency at
i) 25 %, ii) 50 % iii) 100 % of normal load at power factor of 0.8. [5+5]
7.a) Describe the principle of operation of auto transformer, what is the saving of copper in
this transformer when compared with two winding transformer?
b) Discuss the various three phase transformer groups and their significance? [5+5]
8.a) Describe the constructional details of three phase slip ring induction motor.
b) Describe the torque speed characteristics of separately excited dc motor. [5+5]
9.a) What are the various losses occurs in the three phase induction motor in their operation?
b) Describe briefly construction details of any three phase synchronous generator? [5+5]