Raster & Vector Data
Raster & Vector Data
Raster & Vector Data
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Pixel – Discrete – Continuous – Spatial Resolution –
Multiple Layers of Data
RASTER DATA • Raster data is a geographic data type that stores
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data as a grid of pixels of a regular size.
• Each pixel is linked to a specific coordinate, which
represents a physical position in the world.
• Each pixel value represents an area on the Earth's
• Raster data can be categorical or continuous:
• Discrete: For example, land use
• Continuous: For example, elevation
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RASTER DATA Discrete data values are distinct, separate
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values that are often categorical or nominal
in nature, such as land cover types or land
Continuous data values, on the other hand,
are numeric and represent measurements
that can take on any value within a range.
use categories.
Examples of continuous data in raster GIS
Discrete data is typically represented by include elevation or temperature data.
integer values in raster data, with each Continuous data is typically represented by
unique value representing a different floating point values in raster data, with
category or class. For example, a raster layer each pixel value representing a continuous
that represents land cover types might measurement of the variable being
assign the value of 1 to forests, 2 to measured.
agricultural land, and 3 to urban areas.
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Real World – Geometrical Shapes – Coordinate Pairs – Point –
Polygon – Vertex
VECTOR DATA • Vector data is a type of geographic data that
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represents objects in the real world using
geometric shapes.
• Vector data is created by digitizing base
data and storing information in x, y
• It is made up of individual points recorded as
coordinate pairs, which represent a physical
position in the world.
• For example, a city may be represented by
a point, a road may be represented by a
collection of lines, and a state may be
represented as a polygon.
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VECTOR DATA Point data is most
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commonly used to
Line (or arc) data is used to
represent linear features.
Polygons are used to
represent areas such as the
represent nonadjacent Common examples would boundary of a city (on a
features and to represent be rivers, trails, and streets. large scale map), lake, or
discrete data points. Line features only have one forest. Polygon features are
Points have zero dimension and therefore two dimensional and
dimensions, therefore you can only be used to therefore can be used to
can measure neither measure length. measure the area and
length or area with this perimeter of a geographic
dataset. feature.
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• https://wwhttps://www.caliper.com/glossary/what-is-raster-data.htmw.caliper.com/glossary/what-is-
• https://www.geographyrealm.com/geodatabases-explored-vector-and-raster-
• https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Raster-and-Vector-data-types-as-representative-of-real-world-
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