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There are four Bunds in District Dadu and MNV Drain also cross from District Dadu.

Larkana Sehwan Bund:

 The Larkana Sehwan Bund extends from mile 36/5 to mile 87.
 The total length of the Bund is 50.5 miles.

Jurisdiction Details:

1. Southern Division Dadu:

o Jurisdiction spans from mile 36/5 to mile 77/2.
o Total length under Southern Division Dadu: 40.7 miles.

2. Shahbaz Division Sehwan:

o Jurisdiction spans from mile 77/2 to mile 87.
o Total length under Shahbaz Division Sehwan: 10.3 miles.

Flood Protective (FP) Bund:

 The FP Bund extends from RD 0 to RD 335.

 The total length of the FP Bund is 67 miles.

Jurisdiction Details:

1. Southern Division Dadu:

o Jurisdiction spans from RD 0 to RD 220.
o Total length under Southern Division Dadu: 44 miles.

2. Rice Canal Larkana:

o Jurisdiction spans from RD 220 to RD 335.
o Total length under Rice Canal Larkana: 23 miles.

Superio Bund:

 The Superio Bund extends from RD 0 to RD 95.

 The total length of the Superio Bund is 19 miles.

Jurisdiction Details:

 The entire length of the Superio Bund, from RD 0 to RD 95, falls under the jurisdiction of
the Rice Canal Larkana.
Gaj Diversion Bund:

 The Gaj Diversion Bund, also known as the Bolder Bund, extends for a total of 32 RD.
 The total length of the Gaj Diversion Bund is 6.4 miles.

Jurisdiction Details:

 The entire length of the Gaj Diversion Bund, totaling 6.4 miles (32 RD), falls under the
jurisdiction of the Southern Division, Dadu.

MNV Drain:

 Total Length: 67 miles.

 Details: The MNV Drain extends from RD-0 to RD-335 and starts from Hamal Lake
District Kambar Shahdadkot and ends in Manchar Lake.

LARKANA SEHWAN BUND (L.S BUND). As per the report of the Irrigation Department network,
the bund was constructed during the early thirties as part of the Lloyd Barrage Scheme to
protect the barrage command area and the irrigation network of the Sukkur Barrage from river
spills. During the super flood of 2010, the entire length of the bunds was under close
observation. Proper patrolling, ample quantities of Abkalani material, reserve stock of stone
and machinery, and all other relevant pre-Abkalani arrangements were adopted before the
rising water level in the river.

The Pat Loop Bund has remained a vulnerable point for the last three decades
as the river has formed its main course at a 90-degree angle to the bund, resulting in heavy
scouring and erosion at various points. Due to the Dadu Moro Bridge affluxes, the
embankment was seriously threatened from mile 38/4 to 41/4, 48/0 to 50/0, and 58/0 to 77/2.
The serious wave wash action caused by eastern winds led to severe damage to the bund from
mile 77/2 to 102/0, especially at the toe and river-side front slope of the bund, which was badly
eroded from mile 84/0 to 92/0. Two leaks occurred along the LS Bund at mile 95/2 and 99/7.
However, after taking extensive technical efforts, the situation was brought under control.

Almost the entire bund was eroded due to river action. The river's main course
shifted towards the Pat Loop Bund, necessitating the strengthening and construction of stone
pitching at vulnerable reaches at various times. Therefore, during this period, the work has
been completed from mile 38/6 to 41/7 and 52/0 to 77/2. Now, the IRC proposal for the
remaining portion of the LS Bund from Mile 36/5 to 38/6 and 41/7 to 52/0 has been submitted
for approval.




1 Wadha Rabi Minor 36/5
2 D.O Soomro 45/0
3 Narif Left Minor 46/0
4 Nagia Minor 48/0
5 Rabi Lakhair Minor 50/0
6 D.O-521 62/0
7 D.O-530 63/0
8 D.O-540 64/0
9 D.O-545 65/0
10 D.O Kalhoro 66/0
11 Purano Dero Minor 68/0
12 Dawach Minor 70/0
13 Moundar Minor 73/0
14 Gulab Shaikh Minor 77/2

FLOOD PROTECTIVE BUND (F.P BUND). The Flood Protective Bund was constructed during
the early thirties as part of the Lloyd Barrage scheme to protect the Barrage command area
and Irrigation Network of Sukkur Barrage from hilly torrential floods. The total length of the
Flood Protective Bund from the 0 point to RD 335 is 67 miles, out of which RD-0 to RD-220,
which is 44 miles, falls under the jurisdiction of the Southern Division, Dadu, and from RD-220
to RD-335, which is 23 miles.

During the flood, the protective bund was breached at 30 points in 1995. After
the flood, restoration work was carried out and successfully completed following the
completion of all code formalities.

During the monsoon season of 2020, heavy rains fell on the Khairthar Mountains
Range in the catchments of Nai Gaj and other local Nais. This resulted in the mighty Nai Gaj
becoming active, reaching its ever-maximum gauge of 25.0 ft on August 7th, 2020. The gushing
water of Nai Gaj struck against the Gaj Diversion Bund with tremendous velocity, initially
attaching to the core wall and causing severe damage.

After the breach occurred in the Gaj Diversion Bund, the gushing water traveled
straight towards the F.P. Bund with huge velocity and breached the F.P. Bund at 8 points: 25/0,
42.0, 42.5, 43.0, 51.0, 51.5, 52.0, and 75.0 on August 8th, 2020. After making all technical efforts
and continuous struggle, these breaches were plugged by deploying heavy earth-moving
machinery, utilizing Abklani material, and all available human resources within a short time.

During the 2021 monsoon season, the mighty Nai Gaj arrived with a gauge of
25.0 feet on July 16th, 2021. The damages to the Gaj Diversion Bund were more extensive, and
this gushing water again directly struck the F.P. Bund with huge pressure. As a result, the F.P.
Bund was breached at RD 50.0, and the floodwater entered the barrage command area. All the
breaches were fully plugged by earthwork.

To address the damage, an International Rescue Committee (IRC) proposal for

strengthening, earthwork, and stone pitching work from RD-20.0 to 75.0 along the F.P. Bund in
Southern Dadu Division, Dadu, was prepared and submitted to the government for approval. It
was subsequently approved under the Annual Development Program.

Again, during the year 2022 monsoon season, the mighty Nia arrived with a
gauge of 21.00 feet on July 18th, 2022. Additionally, high flash floods occurred with raining
water from the hill torrent area during July, August, and September 2022. However, the
floodwater passed safely along the F.P. Bund in the jurisdiction of Southern Dadu Division.
Currently, the aforementioned ADP work is progressing satisfactorily, with 60% physical
progress, and it is expected to be completed within the stipulated period.



1 Cross Chinni Minor 20
2 Bahadur Shahani 25
3 Shahnawaz Bozdar 34
4 Shahmir Rodhnani 38
5 Qasim Rodhnani 40
6 Muhbat Rodhnani 45
7 Qasim Jamali 75
8 Abdul Latif Qureshi 113


1 Top Width of 20 feet 40 feet ensured 20 feet New Bund is
Bund proposed.
2 Elevation of Bund RL=132-138.25 RL=134-140.27 Strenght of Bund is
feet feet improved.
3 Height of Bund 16.00 height from GL to Top Bund Strenght of Bund is
4 Stone Pitching Stone Pitching is provided with side Strenght of Bund is
slope 1:2 River Side along F.P Bund improved from Flash
from RD-20.0 to 75.0 Flood water
GAJ DIVERSION BUND (BOLDER BUND): The Gaj Diversion Bund is a boulder bund with a
length of 32 RDs (6.4 miles). Its main objective is to divert the flow of Nai Gaj, the most furious
and mighty hill torrent emerging from the Khirthar Hills in Dadu District, towards Manchhar
Lake away from the path of the F.P. Bund. Along the western boundary of Sindh, there runs a
range of hills known as the Khirthar Hills, which joins with the Quetta hills in the north. These
hills bring rainwater, carried by various Nais, with the largest being Nai Gaj, which originates in
Balochistan. After running for about 100 miles, it enters Sindh province, crossing the Khirthar
Range at Gorge (Upper Bombh). The Nai Gaj flows for about 17 miles through gorges before
entering the Kachho Plain in Taluka Johi, flooding about 200 square miles on its way to its
destination, Manchhar Lake. The mountain catchment area of the Nai Gaj covers an area of
2750 square miles and is almost completely barren. The climate is influenced by western El
Niño weather and monsoons. Heavy rainfall in the catchments causes relatively short but
intense flash floods. The quantum of rainwater flowed towards the area, now commanded by
the Sukkur Barrage Right Bank Canal network. To protect this area from floodwater, the
Boulder Bund (Gaj Diversion Bund) was constructed near "Lower Bombh," where the Nai Gaj
water enters the plain Kachho area.

The purpose of the Gaj Diversion Bund is to divert the high-velocity water falling
from the Khirthar Mountains to reduce its velocity before it directly hits the F.P. Bund. This
diversion helps prevent breaches in the F.P. Bund, which could lead to flooding in cities,
populated villages, agricultural lands, infrastructure, and sensitive installations. Incidents of
floods have caused heavy damage in the past, such as in 1976, 1995, 2020, and 2021.

The recorded gauge of Nai Gaj was 25.0 feet on August 7th, 2020, with an
estimated discharge of 300,000-350,000 cusecs during recent rains in the provinces of
Balochistan and Sindh, followed by gushing currents of water falling from mountainous areas
of Balochistan and Sindh Province via Nai Gaj, damaging the Core Wall, Toe Wall, and Panels
locally called Teer Bhit at RD=2+400 to 3+000. The core wall contained the heavy velocity of Nai
Gaj floodwater, resulting in the boulder bund being damaged at various portions/reaches and
washed away at RD 11+700 to 15+100. In order to avoid damage in the future, it is mandatory
to construct the Core Wall/Retaining Wall in place of the Boulder Bund.
According to the recovery efforts, an IRC Proposal for a Retaining Wall along the
Gaj Diversion Bund in Southern Dadu Division was prepared and submitted to the government
for approval. It was subsequently approved under the Annual Development Program.
Currently, the aforementioned ADP work is progressing satisfactorily, with 95% physical
progress, and it is expected to be completed within the stipulated date of completion.


S# Name of Sluice RD Off-Takes Design Area Settled in Cares.

1 Raj Wah (Karo Wah) 0.634 1422 Cusecs 16440 Acres
2 Nao Wah 1.750 1494 Cusecs 8929 Acres
3 Gul Muhammad Wah 9.600 4150 Cusecs 19400 Acres
4 Sukh Nai 1.340 5272 Cusecs 12398 Acres
5 Panjlow 11.700 5801 Cusecs 31458 Acres
6 Haji Khan 14.000 18861 Cusecs 5173 Acres
7 Gaj Nai 17.500 880 Cusecs 14494 Acres
8 Additional Pipe 21.075 27 Pipe --
9 Sajan ji Wahi 22.375 200 Cusecs 2004 Acres


S# Name of Nai Direct Hit at RD

01 Naig Nai RD-0.0 to 10.00 Manchhar Lake
02 Angai Nai RD-10.00 to 15.00
03 Khandhari Nai RD-25.0
04 Halili Nai RD-25.0 to 30.0
05 Nari Nai RD-40.00
06 Taki Nai RD-40.00 to 45.00
07 Soal Nai RD-30.0, 45.0, 50.0 & 75.0
08 Gaj Nai RD-95.0, 105.0,113.0 & 145.0
09 Suk Nai RD-185.0 to 195.0

STRENGHTENING / EARTH WORK FROM RD-11+700 to 15+100 = 3400 feet)



1 Top Width of Bund 8feet 8 feet Strenght of Bund is
improved from Flash Flood
2 Elevation of Bund RD=343.100 to 363.50 feet Strenght of Bund is
improved from Flash
3 Height of Bund 28.5 height of Bund Strenght of Bund is
improved from Flash
4 Stone Pitching Stone Pitching is provided with side Strenght of Bund is
slope 1:2 River Side & Side Slope 1:1 improved from Flash Flood
Land Side along Gaj Diversion Bund water

SUPERIO BUND TOTAL LENGTH OF SUPERIO BUND: The Superior Bund was constructed in the
year 1932 as a second defense line of the F.P. Bund. Its purpose is to protect the densely
populated cities of KN Shah and Mehar, as well as the cultivable command area of the Sukkur
Barrage Right Bank Region, from the hill torrents running off the Khirthar Mountain Range.

These bunds start from RD-0 to RD-95 (19 miles) located in Talukas Warah,
Mehar, and KN Shah. This bund faced heavy floods in 1995, 2007, 2010, and 2022. It is
constructed parallel to the eastern side of the MNV drain and acts as the 3rd line of defense
against hill torrents. It protects the most fertile agricultural land, i.e., the command area of Rice
Canal and its off-taking channels, the Indus Highway, big towns such as Nasirabad, Mehar,
Khairpur Nathan Shah, and numerous small villages, including many private as well as
government properties located in the area.

During the flood of 2010, after the breaching of the F.P. Bund at RD-340, the
Superior Bund was overtopped, causing heavy flooding in KN Shah City and adjoining areas of
Talukas Mehar & KN Shah. The floodwater stagnated for more than three months in the area.
Once again, KN Shah City is affected by flooding during the monsoon season of 2022, due to
heavy rain in this region, which recorded the highest ever maximum in the history of 65-70

Keeping in view previous experiences, it was advised to construct a Rink Bund / River-
acting Bund to avoid the same situation and protect Taluka KN Shah from floods in the future.
The already existing bank from RD-13 to 0 in Nara District and Khuda Wah District RD-0 to 34 was
converted into a Flood-acting Bund. The proposed alignment from Nara District via Khuda Wah
District to Johi Branch, with a total length of 47 RDs (9.4 miles), opposite K.N Shah city, was
considered feasible.

In light of the above observations, the higher-ups were approached to accord emergency
permission under Class Rule No. 16-(i)(b)(viii) of SPPRA Rules. The competent authority had
accorded permission for the execution of the above emergent work in August 2023. Accordingly,
the work was awarded to M/S Najamuddin Chandio & Co, a government contractor, and
immediately work was started on a war footing basis. Substantial physical progress, up to 70%,
has already been achieved.
MAIN NARA VALLEY (MNV) DRAIN: M.N.V Drain RD 0 to 335 (67 Miles) starts from Taluka Warah
of District Shahdadkot & drains into Manchar lake of District Dadu. It carries hill torrents & water
from sub drains (Sim Nalas).

During the Super flood of 1995 water from Hill torrents after over topping F.P Bund
damaged M.N.V drain breached it at various places during 2010 flood. The Right Bank of M.N.V
Drain was completely washed away & the left bank developed 19 breaches. These 19 breaches
are partly responsible for the 2010 flood in District Dadu.


S# RD Remarks
1 0+000 Head Bridge on Manchhar Lake
2 16+300 Bhan Chinni Bridge
3 48+600 Kamal Khan Bridge
4 69+000 LLB Aqueduct
5 88+000 Johi Dadu Bridge
6 104+000 Pahore Tail Bridge
7 123+000 Walwani Bridge
8 158+000 Phulji Bridge
9 194+000 Kakar Bridge
10 214+000 Johi Branch LLB Aqueduct
11 345+600 Hamal Lake



01 Low Flood Upto 3.5 lacs Cusecs.
02 Medium Flood From 3.5 Lacs to 5.00 Lacs Cusecs.
03 High Flood From 4.00 Lacs to 7.00 lacs Cusecs.
04 Very High Flood From 7.00 Lacs to 9.00 Lacs
05 Super Flood From 9.00 Lacs Cusecs and above.

Lessons learnt from the flood 2010 / Rain flood 2011 and 2021 and 2022.

I. The Irrigation department needs to concentrate on maintenance of bunds and tree

II. We failed to seek the support of civil society & public as such.
III. Keeping in view the disaster profile of district Dadu, sufficient funds should be available
in the District Emergency Pool for immediate needs.
IV. Provincial Govt. should plan for constructing Ring Bunds around major towns of the
district, especially because this district faces threats from two sides.

 Citizens of the district.

 Livestock
 Public Properties
 Barrage Command Area (Agriculture Land)
 Protective Bunds/dykes
 Public Properties
 Railway Stations & Railway tracks.
 Sui Gas Installations
 All Government Offices
 WAPDA /SEPCO Installations
 Telephone Exchanges/Network.
 Oil /Gas fields.
 PPL Pipeline
 Bridges
 All public places: -
 Schools/Colleges Male & Female
 Hospitals
 Petrol Pumps
The following measures were taken to ensure the integrity and functionality of the bunds:

1. Proper Patrolling:

o Continuous monitoring and patrolling were carried out along the entire length
of the bunds to identify and address any weaknesses or breaches promptly.

2. Ample Quantity of Abkalani Material:

o Sufficient Abkalani material was stocked to reinforce the bunds and to be used
in case of emergency repairs.

3. Reserve Stock of Stone and Machinery:

o A reserve stock of stone and necessary machinery was maintained to facilitate

quick repair and reinforcement works as required.

4. Pre-Abkalani Arrangements:

o Comprehensive pre-Abkalani arrangements were adopted before the rise in

water levels in the river. These measures included:

 Strengthening the bunds with additional material.

 Ensuring all patrolling teams were adequately equipped.

 Establishing communication lines for rapid response.

 Deploying machinery at strategic points for quick mobilization.

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