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BA DR 014 12 19 EN Dulcotrol DWCa EN

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Assembly and operating instructions

with measuring /control unit DACb



DULCOTROL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Please enter the identity code of your device here.
These operating instructions allow you to install and calibrate the measuring plate. All other work is described in the oper‐
ating instructions for the individual components. These operating instructions are only valid if used in conjunction with the
operating instructions for the individual components, which can be found on the manufacturer’s homepage.
Please carefully read these operating instructions before use. · Do not discard.
The operator shall be liable for any damage caused by installation or operating errors.
The latest version of the operating instructions are available on our homepage.

Part no. 984397 Version: BA DR 014 12/19 EN

Supplemental directives

General non-discriminatory approach In order to make it easier to read, this document uses the male
form in grammatical structures but with an implied neutral sense.
The document is always aimed equally at women, men and
gender-neutral persons. We kindly ask readers for their under‐
standing in this simplification of the text.

Supplementary information
Please read the supplementary information in its entirety.


This provides important information relating to the

correct operation of the unit or is intended to make
your work easier.

Warning information
Warning information includes detailed descriptions of the haz‐
ardous situation, see Ä Chapter 2.1 ‘Labelling of Warning Informa‐
tion’ on page 9.
The following symbols are used to highlight instructions, links, lists,
results and other elements in this document:

Tab. 1: More symbols

Symbol Description
Action, step by step.

⇨ Outcome of an action.
Links to elements or sections of these instructions or other applicable documents.
n List without set order.
[Button] Display element (e.g. indicators).
Operating element (e.g. button, switch).
‘Display/GUI’ Screen elements (e.g. buttons, assignment of function keys).
CODE Presentation of software elements and/or texts.

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® meas‐
uring and control panels........................................................ 6
2 Safety and responsibility....................................................... 9
2.1 Labelling of Warning Information.................................. 9
2.2 General Safety Information......................................... 10
2.3 Information in the event of an emergency.................. 13
2.4 Intended Use.............................................................. 14
2.5 User qualification........................................................ 15
3 About this product............................................................... 16
3.1 DULCOTROL® measuring and control stations.......... 16
4 Storage and Transport........................................................ 20
5 Overview of the measuring point........................................ 21
5.1 DULCOTROL® Measuring and Control Station with
Bypass Fitting DGMa.................................................. 21
5.2 DULCOTROL® Measuring and Control Station with
Bypass Fitting DLG III................................................. 22
5.3 Installation Diagram for DULCOTROL® Measuring
and Control Station..................................................... 24
6 Assembling the measuring point......................................... 25
6.1 Assembly (mechanical)............................................... 25
6.1.1 Measuring point....................................................... 27
6.1.2 Accessories............................................................. 28
7 Installing Sensors in the Bypass Fitting DGMa................... 29
7.1 Fitting the DGMa with Sensors................................... 30
7.2 Electrical Installation of the Sensors........................... 31
7.3 Adjusting the Flow Sensor Switching Point................ 32
8 Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV................ 33
8.1 Fitting the DLG with sensors....................................... 34
8.2 Hydraulic Installation................................................... 36
8.3 Electrical Installation of the Sensors........................... 36
8.4 Starting Up the DLG................................................... 37
9 Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the
measuring points................................................................. 38
9.1 Identity code for “sample water” designated “H”......... 39
9.2 Electrical installation of the measuring and control
station......................................................................... 39
9.2.1 Wiring diagram for DACb and measuring plate....... 42
9.2.2 Wiring diagram for DACb and measuring plate - flu‐
oride......................................................................... 43
9.2.3 Wiring diagram for DACb and measuring plate -
Conductive conductivity........................................... 44
9.2.4 Wiring diagram for DACb, DCC and measuring
plate - Inductive conductivity.................................... 45
9.3 Hydraulic Test Run after Installation........................... 46
10 Starting-up Sensors............................................................ 48
10.1 Preparation of Sensors............................................. 48
10.2 Sampling from the Bypass Fitting............................. 49
10.3 Calibrating the Sensors............................................ 50
10.4 Calibrating the Fluoride Sensor................................ 50

Table of contents

10.5 Removing and Fitting the Bypass Fitting Cup for

Calibration................................................................. 51
11 User interface of the controllers.......................................... 52
11.1 Operating concept.................................................... 52
11.1.1 Display and keys.................................................... 52
11.1.2 Functions of the keys ............................................ 56
11.1.3 Changes the set operating language..................... 57
11.1.4 Acknowledge fault or warning message ............... 57
11.1.5 Key Lock ............................................................... 58
11.1.6 Measured variables and measuring inputs............ 58
11.2 Operating diagram for measured variable: Inductive
conductivity............................................................... 59
11.2.1 Overview of equipment/Operating elements.......... 59
11.2.2 Entering values...................................................... 60
11.2.3 Adjusting display contrast...................................... 60
11.2.4 Continuous display................................................ 60
11.2.5 Information display................................................. 61
11.2.6 Password............................................................... 62
12 Commissioning the controller diaLog DACb....................... 63
12.1 Commissioning......................................................... 63
12.1.1 Switch-on behaviour during commissioning.......... 63
12.1.2 Adjusting the backlight and contrast of the con‐
troller display.......................................................... 64
12.1.3 Resetting the operating language.......................... 64
12.1.4 Defining metering and control processes.............. 64
12.1.5 Calibrating conductive conductivity, sensor
parameter adjustment............................................ 65
13 Commissioning the Compact Controller for Inductive Con‐
ductivity............................................................................... 66
13.1 Measured variables.................................................. 66
14 Configuration of the controllers........................................... 68
14.1 Configuration of the Compact Controllers DCCa...... 68
14.2 Configuring the diaLog controller DACb................... 68
15 Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb............................... 70
15.1 Calibration................................................................. 70
15.1.1 Calibrating the pH Sensor...................................... 71
15.1.2 Calibrating the ORP Sensor.................................. 84
15.1.3 Calibrating the Fluoride Sensor............................. 88
15.1.4 Calibration of Amperometric Sensors.................... 93
15.1.5 Calibrating the oxygen sensor............................... 99
15.1.6 Measured value [mA general] calibration............ 107
15.1.7 Calibrating Conductivity [mA]............................... 107
15.1.8 Calibrating conductive conductivity...................... 108
15.1.9 Calibrating temperature....................................... 111
16 Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conduc‐
tivity................................................................................... 112
16.1 Calibrating [CAL] the conductivity sensor............... 112
16.1.1 Calibration of the cell constant............................. 113
16.1.2 Calibration of the temperature coefficient............ 115
16.1.3 Calibrating the zero point..................................... 116

Table of contents

17 Maintenance..................................................................... 119
17.1 General................................................................... 119
17.2 DGMa: Replacing the Modules............................... 120
18 Troubleshooting................................................................ 122
19 Decommissioning and disposal........................................ 124
19.1 Temporary Decommissioning (Less Than 4
Weeks).................................................................... 124
19.2 Temporary Decommissioning (Longer Than 4
Weeks).................................................................... 124
19.3 Final decommissioning........................................... 125
20 Technical data and operating parameters........................ 126
20.1 Flow and operational test of flow control................ 128
21 Spare parts and accessories............................................ 129
21.1 Spare parts............................................................. 129
21.2 Accessories............................................................ 134
22 EU Declaration of Conformity .......................................... 135
23 Index................................................................................. 136

Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring and control panels

1 Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring

and control panels
Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring and control panels
DWCa DULCOTROL measuring and control system
P Potable water (for "sample water” H,1 or 2)
W Waste water (for “sample water” H, 4, 5 or 7)
Sample water
1 Potable water / product water, T< 45 °C
2 Rinsing water / industrial water / process water, T< 45 °C
4 Clear waste water
5 Waste water with solid particle fraction, turbid
7 Waste water with fluoride and pH < 7
H Hot water to max. 65 °C, at max. 2 bar (measured variables C1, P0, R0, L0 only).
Channel 1, measured variable 1
C0 Free chlorine < pH 8
C1 Free chlorine > pH 8 and/or contaminated water
G0 Total chlorine (free and combined chlorine)
P0 pH
D0 Chlorine dioxide
I0 Chlorite
L0 Conductivity
Z0 Ozone
F0 Fluoride (pH min.= 5.5, pH max. = 8.5)
H0 Hydrogen peroxide
A0 Peracetic acid
X0 Dissolved oxygen
Channel 2, measured variable 2 (optional) **
00 none
C0 Free chlorine < pH 8
C1 Free chlorine pH value > 8.0 and/or contaminated water
G0 Total chlorine (free and combined chlorine)
P0 pH
D0 Chlorine dioxide
I0 Chlorite
L0 Conductivity

Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring and control panels

Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring and control panels
Z0 Ozone
F0 Fluoride
H0 Hydrogen peroxide
A0 Peracetic acid
X0 Dissolved oxygen
Measurement - Control
9 All measured variables can be bidirectionally controlled
Communication interface
0 None
A Modbus RTU, terminal
4 Profibus DPV1, terminal
E LAN with web server, connection via M12 D coded
G Profinet (2xM12)
D DULCOnneX (is not on the main plate, but available in a separate
Data logger
1 Data logger with measured value display on SD card
Hardware extension
1 Protective RC circuit for output relay
Sensor equipment
0 With sensors
1 Without sensors
0 Plate-mounted, with ProMinent logo
B Assembly kit without plate, with ProMinent logo
Sample water preparation
0 none
1 with filter (not for measured variable D0, Z0)
01 CE (Standard)
Documentation language*
EN German
EN English
FR French
IT Italian
NL Dutch
ES Spanish
PL Polish

Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring and control panels

Identity code ordering system for DULCOTROL® measuring and control panels
SV Swedish
HU Hungarian
PT Portuguese
CS Czech
* All EU languages + other languages are available.
** A third measured variable can be retrofitted on site if the DGMa is fitted, an additional module is avail‐
able. With the DLGIII: An amperometric measured variable and up to two measured variables with PG13.5
connector are possible.

Safety and responsibility

2 Safety and responsibility

2.1 Labelling of Warning Information
Introduction These operating instructions provide information on the technical
data and functions of the product. These operating instructions pro‐
vide detailed warning information and are provided as clear step-
by-step instructions.
The warning information and notes are categorised according to
the following scheme. A number of different symbols are used to
denote different situations. The symbols shown here serve only as

Nature and source of the danger
Consequence: Fatal or very serious injuries.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
Description of hazard
– Denotes an immediate threatening danger. If
the situation is disregarded, it will result in fatal
or very serious injuries.

Nature and source of the danger
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
– Denotes a possibly hazardous situation. If the
situation is disregarded, it could result in fatal
or very serious injuries.

Nature and source of the danger
Possible consequence: Slight or minor injuries.
Material damage.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
– Denotes a possibly hazardous situation. If the
situation is disregarded, it could result in slight
or minor injuries. May also be used as a
warning about material damage.

Nature and source of the danger
Damage to the product or its surroundings.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
– Denotes a possibly damaging situation. If the
situation is disregarded, the product or an
object in its vicinity could be damaged.

Safety and responsibility

Type of information
Hints on use and additional information.
Source of the information. Additional measures.
– Denotes hints on use and other useful informa‐
tion. It does not indicate a hazardous or dam‐
aging situation.

2.2 General Safety Information

Failure of the control and impact on the process
Cause: If the controller or other parts of the meas‐
uring plate fail, then the process, in the bypass of
which the measuring plate is working, will no
longer be measured and regulated.
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
ries. The process, in the bypass of which the
measuring plate is working, will become out of con‐
trol and could cause harmful reactions.
Measure: It is the responsibility of the operator
and/or manufacturer of the entire system in which
the measuring plate is installed to take appropriate
measures to ensure that the failure of the meas‐
uring plate or of individual components of the
measuring plate do not have a damaging effect on
the entire process and/or the overall system.
These measures can include, for example:
– Redundant design of the measuring and con‐
trol station.
– Connection of an appropriate alarm device to
the measuring plate and/or the controller.
– The alarm relay on the controller could be set
to [fail save] and be evaluated as an overall
alarm for the process.
– Installation of additional safety systems from
active or passive system components, with the
purpose of making the technical systems safer
for operators and users.

Operation in areas with an explosive atmosphere
Possibility of an explosion
Do not operate the systems in areas where there is
a risk of explosion. The system is not intended for
operation in areas at risk from explosion. The
system itself does not present a risk of explosion.

Safety and responsibility

Pumping flammable media
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Pumping flammable media is not permitted.
Observe the material safety data sheet for the

Live parts
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
– Disconnect the system from the power supply
before opening the housing of a component.
– If the housing of the pump, controller, terminal
box or other components is broken, ruptured or
obviously damaged, immediately switch off the
system and arrange for its repair.
– Only carry out set-up / maintenance / repair
and service work when the system is shut
down and the electrical power disconnected.
Calibration and maintenance work on the sen‐
sors represents an exception to this. This work
can be carried out while the system is live.
Please also observe the information in the
operating instructions for the sensors and con‐
– Check that the seals are sitting correctly after
closing the housing of the pump, controller or
terminal box
We fundamentally recommend the use of appro‐
priate residual current circuit breakers (RCCB) or
other residual current devices (RCD) providing
they can be installed sensibly and professionally
within the electrical installation. Please adhere to
all national standards and regulations.

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

Safety and responsibility

Unexpected start-up
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
– Unexpected start-up of the DULCOTROL®
measuring/control station after failure or mal‐
function of the control/power supply or as a
deliberate action due to a control process.
– Danger due to unexpected actions of the sys‐
– Disconnect the DULCOTROL® measuring/
control station from the power supply in the
event of malfunction/failure of the control or
power supply.
– When the system is switched on after an inter‐
ruption to the power supply and/or after a long
period of operation without feed chemical,
make allowance for the run in periods of the
sensor. Limit the maximum capacity of the
metering pump so that no dangerous over‐
dosing can occur during the run in period.

Operating error / Unauthorised access
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
– Measure: Ensure that there can be no unau‐
thorised access to the unit.
– Ensure that the unit is only operated by ade‐
quately qualified and technically expert per‐
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for controllers and fittings and any other units,
such as sensors, sample water pumps ...
– The operator is responsible for ensuring that
personnel are qualified.

Lightning strike on outdoor installations
Danger due to overvoltage resulting from a lighting
strike on outdoor installations, which are con‐
nected to the DULCOTROL® measuring/control
– Do not use the DULCOTROL® measuring/
control station directly or indirectly outdoors.
– Ensure there is sufficient earthing potential
when installing electrical components.

Safety and responsibility

Effects of chemicals in the event of a leak
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
– Measure: Make sure that the system is
installed correctly and regularly check it for
leak-tightness, wear and the brittleness of
hoses and connectors and lines caused by the
effects of chemicals.
– Ensure that the unit is only operated by ade‐
quately qualified and technically expert per‐
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for controllers and fittings and any other units,
such as sensors, sample water pumps ...
– The operator is responsible for ensuring that
personnel are qualified.

Hydraulic leaks
Bear in mind the material resistance of all wetted
materials of all units (see for example the ProMi‐
nent Resistance List in the product catalogue or at
Take appropriate measures to ensure that there is
no danger to personnel, products or equipment in
the event of hydraulic leaks. An appropriate
measure might include a sufficiently large floor

Indoors or protective covering

Protect the DULCOTROL® measuring/control sta‐
tion from direct sunlight and other UV sources
The unit is only intended for use indoors. When
using outdoors, provide a protective housing to
offer protection against the weather, lighting and
the sun's rays (UV radiation) etc.

2.3 Information in the event of an emergency

n Electrical emergency: Switch off the measuring/control station
via the main switch or at the position specified by the operator.
n Hydraulic emergency: Hydraulically isolate the measuring/
control station via the ball valve(s) and observe the instructions
in the safety data sheet for the feed chemical.

Safety and responsibility

2.4 Intended Use

n The unit is only intended for measuring or controlling a meas‐
uring parameter in aqueous media, within the measuring range
of the sensors used and in accordance with the identity code
and specifications on the unit's nameplate.
n Compare the identity code on the nameplate with the identity
code in the overview and the applications stated there.
n The unit is not intended for measuring or regulating gaseous or
solid media.
n Only use the unit in accordance with the technical data and
specifications provided in these operating instructions and in
the operating instructions for the individual components!
n You are obliged to observe the information contained in the
operating instructions at the different phases of the device's
service life (such as assembly, installation, etc.).
n Do not use the unit outdoors.
n All other uses or a modification of the unit are only permitted
with the written authorisation of the manufacturer.
n Only allow adequately qualified personnel to operate the unit,
see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15. The oper‐
ator of the unit is responsible for ensuring that personnel are

Safety and responsibility

2.5 User qualification

Danger of injury with inadequately qualified per‐
The operator of the system / equipment is respon‐
sible for ensuring that the qualifications are ful‐
If inadequately qualified personnel work on the unit
or loiter in the hazard zone of the unit, this could
result in dangers that could cause serious injuries
and material damage.
– All work on the unit should therefore only be
conducted by qualified personnel.
– Unqualified personnel should be kept away
from the hazard zone.
The pertinent accident prevention regulations, as
well as all other generally acknowledged safety
regulations, must be adhered to.

Training Definition
Instructed personnel An instructed person is deemed to be a person who has been instructed and,
if required, trained in the tasks assigned to him and possible dangers that
could result from improper behaviour, as well as having been instructed in the
required protective equipment and protective measures.
Trained user A trained user is a person who fulfils the requirements made of an instructed
person and who has also received additional training specific to the system
from the manufacturer or another authorised distribution partner.
Trained, qualified per‐ A trained, qualified employee is deemed to be a person who is able to assess
sonnel the tasks assigned to him and recognize possible hazards based on his
training, knowledge and experience, as well as knowledge of pertinent regula‐
tions. A trained, qualified employee must be able to perform the tasks
assigned to him independently with the assistance of drawing documentation
and parts lists. The assessment of a person's technical training can also be
based on several years of work in the relevant field.
Electrical technician An electrical technician is able to complete work on electrical systems and rec‐
ognise and avoid possible dangers independently based on his technical
training and experience as well as knowledge of pertinent standards and regu‐
lations. An electrical technician must be able to perform the tasks assigned to
him independently with the assistance of drawing documentation, parts lists,
terminal and circuit diagrams. The electrical technician must be specifically
trained for the working environment in which the electrical technician is
employed and be conversant with the relevant standards and regulations.
Service The Service department refers to service technicians, who have received
proven training and have been authorised by the manufacturer to work on the

About this product

3 About this product

3.1 DULCOTROL® measuring and control stations
DULCOTROL® measuring and control stations are online process
measuring/control stations mounted on a PE plate installed in a
process water bypass. One or two measured variables can be
measured or regulated depending on the version ordered. The
sensor types and measuring fittings are coordinated to the sample
water specified.
With the DULCOTROL® DWC product range, the term "sample
water" is defined as follows:
n Potable/product water treatment: water similar to potable
water, as in the production of potable water, but also in the pro‐
duction of beverages or food.
n Rinsing/process/industrial water: this includes all rinsing pro‐
cesses in the food and beverage industry, which aim to clean
and disinfect pipework, vessels and machinery and/or highly
contaminated process or industrial process water.
With the DULCOTROL® DWC product range, a distinction is made
between the following types of waste water:
n Waste water, clear
n Waste water with solid particle fraction, turbid
n Waste water with fluoride fraction, clear or turbid, pH < 7
The power supply to all electrically operated components is pro‐
vided via a terminal box with manually operated switches.

Scope of delivery Check the scope of delivery against the delivery note and identity

Further applicable documents (oper‐ The operating instructions for the components below also apply
ating instructions) where these components form part of the scope of delivery of the
measuring plate supplied.

About this product

Tab. 2: diaLog DACb controller

Hardware design: Part number Identity code for the diaLog DACa
Basic expansion unit, measured variable mV/mA 1103483 DACBW006VA400001101000
measuring input, without communication
Extended expansion unit, 2x Conductive conductivity/ 1103484 DACBW006L3400001101000
temperature, without communication
Basic expansion unit, measured variable mV/mA 1103485 DACBW006VA4000A1101000
measuring input, with Modbus RTU
Extended expansion unit, 2x Conductive conductivity/ 1103486 DACBW006L34000A1101000
temperature, with Modbus RTU
Basic expansion unit, measured variable mV/mA 1103487 DACBW006VA4000B1101000
measuring input, with Profibus DPV1
Extended expansion unit, 2x Conductive conductivity/ 1103488 DACBW006L34000B1101000
temperature, with Profibus DPV1
Basic expansion unit, measured variable mV/mA 1103489 DACBW006VA4000E1101000
measuring input, with LAN web server
Extended expansion unit, 2x Conductive conductivity/ 1103490 DACBW006L34000E1101000
temperature, with LAN web server
Basic expansion unit, measured variable mV/mA 1103497 DACBW006VA4000G1101000
measuring input, with Profinet
Extended expansion unit, 2x Conductive conductivity/ 1103498 DACBW006L34000G1101000
temperature, with Profinet

Tab. 3: Compact controller

Hardware design: Identity code for the Compact controller:
Compact controller for inductive conductivity DDCaW006L60010

About this product

Tab. 4: Sensors
Measured variable Sample water Sensor type Order number
Free chlorine with a pH 1 CLE 3-mA-0.5 ppm 792927
value < 8
Free chlorine with a pH 1 CBR 1-mA-0.5 ppm 1038016
value > 8
Free chlorine 2 CBR 1-mA-2 ppm 1038015
Free chlorine H CLO 2-mA-2 ppm 1033878
Total chlorine 1 CTE 1-mA-0.5 ppm 740686
Total chlorine 2 BCR 1-mA-2 ppm 1040115
pH 1 1 PHEP 112 SE 150041
pH 2 PHER 112 SE 1001586
ORP 1 RHEP-Pt-SE 150094
ORP 2 RHER-Pt-SE 1002534
ORP combined with ozone 1/2 RHEP-Au-SE 1003875
Chlorine dioxide 1 CDE 2-mA-0.5 ppm 792930
Chlorine dioxide 2 CDR 1-mA-2 ppm 1033393
Chlorite 1/2 CLT 1-mA-0.5 ppm 1021596
Conductivity, conductive 1 LFTK 1 DE 1002822
Conductivity, inductive 2 ICT 5 1095248
Ozone 1/2 OZE 3-mA-2 ppm 792957
Fluoride 1/2 FLEP 010-SE/FLEP 0100-SE 1028279
(temperature-corrected) Reference electrode REFP- 1018458
Pt 100 SE 305063
Transmitter 4 ... 20 mA FPV1 1028280
Hydrogen peroxide 1 H2O2 sensor PEROX-H2.10 792976
PEROX transducer V2 1047979
Pt 100 SE temperature 305063
Hydrogen peroxide 2 PER 1-mA-2000 ppm 1022510
Peracetic acid 1 PAA 1-mA-200 ppm 1022506
Peracetic acid 2 PAA 1-mA-2000 ppm 1022507
Dissolved oxygen 1/2 DO3-mA-20ppm 1094609

About this product

Tab. 5: Sensor types for the defined specifications "measured variable" and "sample water" for the waste
water ("W") application
Measured variable Sample water Sensor type Order number
pH 4 PHEP 112 SE 150041
pH 5 PHER 112 SE 1001586
pH 6 PHEX 112 SE 305096
pH 7 PHEF 012 SE 1010511
ORP 4 RHEP-Pt-SE 150094
ORP 5 RHER-Pt-SE 1002534
ORP 6 RHEX-Pt-SE 305097
ORP combined with ozone 1/2 RHEP-Au-SE 1003875
Fluoride 4/5/7 FLEP 010-SE / FLEP 0100-SE 1028279
Transmitter 4 ... 20 mA FP 100 1031331
Reference electrode REFP-SE 1018458
Conductivity, inductive 4/5/6/7 ICT 1 1023244
Total chlorine 4/5 BCR 1-mA-2 ppm 1040115
Free chlorine 4/5 CBR 1-mA-2 ppm 1038015
Free chlorine H CLO 2-mA-2 ppm 1033878
Hydrogen peroxide 4/5 H2O2 sensor PEROX-H2.10 P 792976
PEROX transducer V2 1047979
Pt 100 SE temperature sensor 305063
Dissolved oxygen 4/5 DO 1-mA-20 ppm 1020532
Ozone 4/5 OZE 3-mA-2 ppm 792957
Chlorine dioxide 4/5 CDR 1-mA-2 ppm 1033393
Peracetic acid 4/5 PAA 1-mA-200 ppm 1022506

Storage and Transport

4 Storage and Transport

Danger of material damage
The device can be damaged by incorrect or
improper storage or transportation!
– The unit should only be stored or transported in
a well packaged state - preferably in its original
– The packaged unit should also only be stored
or transported in accordance with the stipu‐
lated storage conditions.
– The packaged unit should be protected from
moisture and the ingress of chemicals.

Packaging material
Dispose of packaging material in an environmen‐
tally responsible way. All packaging components
carry the corresponding recycling code .

Ambient conditions for storage and

transport CAUTION!
– Prior to storage or transport, ensure that the
system is free from feed chemical and water
– Flush out the wetted components including the
hoses using clean pure water
– Store and transport the system in its original
– Also protect the packaged systems against
damp, exposure to chemicals and mechanical
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for fittings and other units, such as sensors, fil‐
ters, metering pumps ...

Storage temperature: + 5 ... 55 °C

Air humidity: < 90 % relative humidity, non-condensing
Humidity: None. Avoid rain and condensation.
Other: No dust, no direct sunlight.

If the system is stored as an assembly with other
components, then the storage and transport condi‐
tions should be appropriate for the component with
the least resistance to external influences.

Storage period There is no limit to the storage period if no sensors are fitted.

Transport weight The transport weight depends on the configuration of the meas‐
uring plate and is between 8 ... 13 kg.

Overview of the measuring point

5 Overview of the measuring point

5.1 DULCOTROL® Measuring and Control Station with Bypass Fitting DGMa





7. A2020

Fig. 1: Bypass fitting DGMa

1. Controller 6. Sampling tap
2. Main switch 7. Potential equalisation pin
3. Flow control 8. Stopcock / flow adjustment
4. Bypass fitting DGMa 9. Filter
5. Stopcock
The DULCOTROL® measuring and control station with a modular
bypass fitting, type flow sensor DGMa, is optimised for clear water
and consists of 1 or 2 controllers, 1 ... 4 sensors and the bypass
fitting DGMa with integral flow control, for inserting the sensors. A
filter can optionally be fitted on the sample water input. Various
stopcocks enable the flow to be stopped or adjusted and the
system bled. The stopcocks are labelled on the plate.

The bypass fitting contains a potential equalisation pin (stainless

steel pin) for reference potential equalisation of the liquid, enabling
measurements with potential equalisation. Electrically wire the
potential equalisation pin to the controller, if necessary.
The bypass fitting has a sampling tap for extracting a sample of
water or for draining the bypass fitting.
The power supply to all electrically operated components is pro‐
vided via a terminal box with manually operated switches.

Overview of the measuring point

5.2 DULCOTROL® Measuring and Control Station with Bypass Fitting DLG III
2. 2a.




7. 6.


Fig. 2: Bypass fitting DLG III

1. Controller 5a. Bypass fitting DLG with drain valve (depending
2. Terminal box with main switch (depending on on the design of the measuring plate)
the design of the measuring plate) 6. Stopcock/flow adjustment device
2a. Main switch (depending on the design of the 7. Stopcock
measuring plate) 8. Filter
3. Sampling tap 9. Potential equalisation pin
4. Sensor
5. Bypass fitting DLG with magnetic stirrer
(depending on the design of the measuring
The DULCOTROL® measuring and control station with a modular
bypass fitting, flow sensor DLG III or DLG IV, is optimised for turbid
waste water and industrial process water and consists of 1 or 2
controllers, 1 ... 4 sensors and the bypass fitting DLG III (1 ... 3
sensors) or DLG IV (4 sensors) with integrated flow control. A filter
can optionally be fitted on the sample water input. Various stop‐
cocks enable the flow to be stopped or adjusted and the system
bled. The stopcocks are labelled on the plate.

Overview of the measuring point

The bypass fitting contains a potential equalisation pin (stainless

steel pin) for reference potential equalisation of the liquid, enabling
measurements with potential equalisation. Electrically wire the
potential equalisation pin to the controller, if necessary.
The bypass fitting has a sampling tap for extracting a sample of
water or for draining the bypass fitting.
The power supply to all electrically operated components is pro‐
vided via a terminal box with manually operated switches.

Overview of the measuring point

5.3 Installation Diagram for DULCOTROL® Measuring and Control Station

Schematic diagram of the components of a
DULCOTROL® measuring and control station, installed outside of
the measuring plate, in the order shown here, see original ProMi‐
nent accessories. The accessories illustrated are required
depending on the application.

The installation sequence is binding and to be
adhered to.


3. 4. 5. 6.



Fig. 3: Installation diagram

1 Stopcock (supplied on site) 2 Process line
3 Heat exchanger (supplied on site) 4 Temperature control with shut-off valve. Not
included in the scope of delivery but necessary on
site at media temperatures of > 45 °C
5 Dirt filter (optional for pressure reducer) (to be pro‐ 6 Pressure reducer (only operate with dirt filter) (to
vided on site) be provided on site)
7 Dirt filter (optional via ID code) 8 Measuring plate
9 Free flow 10 Sample water pump "vonTaine" (to be provided
on site)

Assembling the measuring point

6 Assembling the measuring point

n User qualification, mechanical installation: trained and qualified
personnel, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15

Failure of the control and impact on the process
Cause: If the controller or other parts of the meas‐
uring plate fail, then the process, in the bypass of
which the measuring plate is working, will no
longer be measured and regulated.
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
ries. The process, in the bypass of which the
measuring plate is working, will become out of con‐
trol and could cause harmful reactions.
Measure: It is the responsibility of the operator
and/or manufacturer of the entire system in which
the measuring plate is installed to take appropriate
measures to ensure that the failure of the meas‐
uring plate or of individual components of the
measuring plate do not have a damaging effect on
the entire process and/or the overall system.
These measures can include, for example:
– Redundant design of the measuring and con‐
trol station.
– Connection of an appropriate alarm device to
the measuring plate and/or the controller.
– The alarm relay on the controller could be set
to [fail save] and be evaluated as an overall
alarm for the process.
– Installation of additional safety systems from
active or passive system components, with the
purpose of making the technical systems safer
for operators and users.

– Please also observe the operating instructions
for fittings and any other units, such as sen‐
sors, sample water pumps ...

6.1 Assembly (mechanical)

– Live parts.
– Bear in mind any concealed installations when
drilling holes to secure the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station.

Assembling the measuring point

– Remove any water from the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station and
the supplied components before assembly if
feed chemicals are being used, which should
not come into contact with water.
– Fix the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station per‐
pendicular and upright on a wall or a stable
mounting system. Pay attention to the load-
bearing capacity of the wall or the mounting
– Ensure that the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station is
easily accessible.

Possibility of over-metering the feed chemicals.
– Should the float of the flow module become
stuck due to dirt, the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station can
– A filter may be required depending on the type
and quality of the sample water.
– Should the circulating pump not pump, the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station can
– Lock the controller via the potential-free con‐
tact of the circulating pump. In the event of the
circulating pump being "OFF", the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station
switches to ‘PAUSE’ via the controller's pause
– Alternatively the metering pumps can be
switched in such a way that the metering
pumps only work together with the circulating

Assembling the measuring point

6.1.1 Measuring point

Select the mounting height so that:
n The controller's LCD display can be easily read
n The controller cover can still be parked in the "Park position"
n There is still space for maintenance work underneath the
bypass fitting
n There is sufficient room outside of the plate to fit accessories
The following drilling dimensions should be observed:

Fig. 4: Drilling template

The selection of the measuring plate depends on the bypass fitting
used and the number of controllers used.
The following applies in principle:
n with 1 controller: Size 1
n with 2 controllers: Size 2

Labelling 1 controller 2 controllers

A 745 mm 800 mm
B 595 mm 800 mm
C 705 mm 760 mm
D 555 mm 760 mm

Secure the DULCOTROL® measuring/control station, as close as

possible to the point of injection using hanger bolts. Leave an ade‐
quate gap from the wall for the cables on the back of the plate.

Assembling the measuring point

10 mm

1 2
4 3 3 4


Fig. 5: Hanger bolt

1. Rawlplug (design depending on the substrate and in line with
the rawlplug manufacturer's instructions)
2. Hanger bolt
3. Washer
4. Hexagonal nut

6.1.2 Accessories
Supplied with accessories: Fit any accessories supplied, such as heat exchanger, sample
water pump, pressure reducer or filter, in accordance with their
operating instructions upstream of the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station (in the direction of flow).

The installation sequence is binding and to be

adhered to.

Installing Sensors in the Bypass Fitting DGMa

7 Installing Sensors in the Bypass Fitting DGMa

n User qualification, mechanical installation: trained qualified per‐
sonnel, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15
n User qualification, hydraulic installation: trained qualified per‐
sonnel, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15
n User qualification, electrical installation: Electrical technician,
see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

– Observe the maximum permissible operating
parameters for the entire installation (e.g. pres‐
sure, temperature, flow).
– In this respect, consider the lowest maximum
permissible operating parameters for the parts
of the DULCOTROL® measuring/control station
and the integrated sensors; see their operating
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for any other units, such as sensors, sample
water pumps ...
– Bear in mind the direction of flow of the sample
– Do not exceed the maximum operating pres‐
– Fit an appropriate pressure reducer if unavoid‐
– Danger due to pressurised media. Before
working on the hydraulic part of the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station,
ensure in a controlled manner that this part is
at atmospheric pressure using the sampling
– Wear safety goggles.

Installing Sensors in the Bypass Fitting DGMa

7.1 Fitting the DGMa with Sensors

Fitting sensor with PG 13.5 connector: 1. Remove the upper blanking plug from a module
2. With pH/ORP sensors: remove the sensor from its transport
protection container.
3. Screw in the sensor.
With the DULCOTEST® Perox sensor, screw the flow resister
of an in-line probe housing module into the module from

Amperometric sensors with

Ø = 25 mm Sensitive sensors are not ready mounted but sup‐
plied loose with the measuring plate in their orig‐
inal packaging.
Push the sensor slowly into the in-line probe
housing, as the sensor diaphragm can otherwise

The sensor is filled with electrolyte and the dia‐
phragm cap is screwed on tightly.
Accessories: Mounting kit, part number 815079.
Refer to the operating instructions for the respec‐
tive sensor.

1. Remove the upper blanking plug from a 25-mm module

2. Push the O-ring (4) first, then the assembly washer (5) onto
the sensor (3) from below
3. Push the holding bolt (1) from above onto the sensor (3)
4. Carefully push the sensor (3) into the module
5. Tighten the holding bolt (1)
2 6. Carefully push the flow resister (6) down into the module



Fig. 6: Fitting the sensors

Installing Sensors in the Bypass Fitting DGMa

7.2 Electrical Installation of the Sensors

The bypass fitting can be fitted with different sensors. All the dif‐
ferent types of sensors listed here can be fitted but do not have to

Electrical installation of the flow

sensor Only wire protective low voltage (SELV in accord‐
ance with EN 60335-1) to the flow sensor.
The cable needs to have a diameter of 4 mm, so
that the cable connector achieves degree of pro‐
tection IP 65.

1. Hold the top part of the flow sensor and turn it a quarter-turn
counter-clockwise (bayonet fitting).
2. Loosen the clamping screw on the M12 threaded connector
and feed the cable through the alarm device
3. Remove 2 cm from the cable sheath
4. Isolate the ends of the wires
5. Fit the cable end sleeves
6. Connect the flow sensor to an alarm device as per the table:

Terminal Contact
1 NC
2 Root (C)
3 N/O

Technical data for the reed switch, potential-free:

n Switching power max. 3 W
n Switching voltage, max. 42 V protective low voltage
n Switching current max. 0.25 A
7. Bring approx. 5 cm of the cable into the flow sensor and
tighten the clamping screw on the M12 threaded connector
8. Push the top part of the sensor fully into the housing and
tighten it carefully in a clockwise direction until it can go no
further, ensuring that the nibs of the bayonet fixing do not
break off

Electrical installation of the ampero‐ 1. Turn the top part of the sensor a quarter turn counter-clock‐
metric sensors wise and remove it
2. Loosen the clamping screw on the M12 threaded connector
and feed through the measuring line from the control device

Installing Sensors in the Bypass Fitting DGMa

3. Strip the cable ends, fit the cable ends with cable end
sleeves (⌀ max = 0.5 mm2) and connect the cable ends to the
2-wire connector: 1 = plus, 2 = minus
4. Insert approx. 5 cm of the measuring line into the sensor
5. Tighten the clamping screw on the threaded connector
6. Push the top part of the sensor right into the sensor shaft and
tighten it clockwise up to the stop


Fig. 7: 2-wire connection

Electrical installation of the ORP and Screw the measuring line coming from the controller onto the
pH sensor respective sensor.

7.3 Adjusting the Flow Sensor Switching Point

The flow sensor should switch when the flow falls;
the flow sensor is connected as an N/C (Term. 1 -
Term. 2 = NC - C):

1. Use the ball valve to adjust the flow to 50 l/h

2. Hold the flow sensor in place and loosen the mounting clip a
3. Press the float down to 40 l/h using the flow sensor,
ð The connected alarm device should switch off
4. Hold the flow sensor in this position and tighten the mounting
5. Lower the flow for test purposes
ð The alarm device should switch off
6. Check the threaded connector for leak-tightness

Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV

8 Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV

n User qualification, mechanical installation: trained qualified per‐
sonnel, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15
n User qualification, hydraulic installation: trained qualified per‐
sonnel, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15
n User qualification, electrical installation: Electrical technician,
see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

– Observe the maximum permissible operating
parameters for the entire installation (e.g. pres‐
sure, temperature, flow).
– In this respect, consider the lowest maximum
permissible operating parameters for the parts
of the DULCOTROL® measuring/control station
and the integrated sensors; see their operating
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for any other units, such as sensors, sample
water pumps ...
– Bear in mind the direction of flow of the sample
– Do not exceed the maximum operating pres‐
– Fit an appropriate pressure reducer if unavoid‐
– Danger due to pressurised media. Before
working on the hydraulic part of the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station,
ensure in a controlled manner that this part is
at atmospheric pressure using the sampling
– Wear safety goggles.

Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV

8.1 Fitting the DLG with sensors

Installing sensor with PG 13.5 con‐
nector: Shaft diameter < 12 mm
You can fit sensors with a shaft diameter of up to
14 mm. It is essential that you fit an O-ring with a
clamp disc to seal sensors with a shaft diameter of
< 12 mm.

Use an Allen key (width 10 mm) for dismantling to

ensure that the blanking threaded connector is not

1. Use the Allen key to unscrew a blanking threaded connector

out of the top of the in-line probe housing

Always read the assembly instructions provided by
the sensor manufacturer
Never use a tool to install sensors with a glass
shaft. With sensors with a glass shaft, this can
cause tension in the glass shaft, which could irrep‐
arably damage the sensor.

2. Manually screw the sensor back into the in-line probe

housing until leak-tight

Amperometric sensors with

Ø = 25 mm Sensors with ⌀ = 25 mm
You can only fit sensors with ⌀ = 25 mm (e.g.
chlorine sensor type CLE 3) with the corre‐
sponding mounting kit (Accessories, part number

Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV




Fig. 8: Amperometric sensor

1. Threaded sleeve
2. Clamp disc
3. Sensor
4. O-ring
5. Washer
6. Bypass fitting

The sensor is filled with electrolyte and the dia‐
phragm cap is screwed on tightly.
Accessories: Mounting kit, part number 815079.
Refer to the operating instructions for the respec‐
tive sensor.

1. Unscrew a large blanking threaded connector out of the top

of the in-line probe housing

Blanking threaded connector

Retain the blanking threaded connector. You
can use the blanking threaded connector to
reseal the in-line probe housing at a later
stage. You can then operate the in-line probe
housing without a sensor.

2. Push the O-ring (4) from below over the sensor (3) up to the
clamp disc (2)
3. Push the washer (5) from below over the sensor up to the O-
ring (4)
4. Insert the sensor into the in-line probe housing
5. Screw the sensor with the threaded sleeve (1) to the in-line
probe housing until liquid-tight

Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV

8.2 Hydraulic Installation

Free flow
Make sure that there is no overpressure > 1 bar
and also no negative pressure at the outlet of the
DLG. Overpressure damages the DLG. Negative
pressure damages the sensors fitted.

1. Use the hose connection set 8/5 mm (DLG III A) to seal the
sample water line or as an adhesive connection between
PVC-U pipe d16 and the adhesive connection d16
2. If fitted: Seal the backflushing line (inner diameter of the hose
4 - 6 mm)

8.3 Electrical Installation of the Sensors

The bypass fitting can be fitted with different sensors. All the dif‐
ferent types of sensors listed here can be fitted but do not have to

Electrical installation of the flow

sensor Only wire protective low voltage (SELV in accord‐
ance with EN 60335-1) to the flow sensor.
The cable needs to have a diameter of 4 mm, so
that the cable connector achieves degree of pro‐
tection IP 65.

1. Hold the top part of the flow sensor and turn it a quarter-turn
counter-clockwise (bayonet fitting).
2. Loosen the clamping screw on the M12 threaded connector
and feed the cable through the alarm device
3. Remove 2 cm from the cable sheath
4. Isolate the ends of the wires
5. Fit the cable end sleeves
6. Connect the flow sensor to an alarm device as per the table:

Terminal Contact
1 NC
2 Root (C)
3 N/O

Technical data for the reed switch, potential-free:

n Switching power max. 3 W
n Switching voltage, max. 42 V protective low voltage
n Switching current max. 0.25 A
7. Bring approx. 5 cm of the cable into the flow sensor and
tighten the clamping screw on the M12 threaded connector
8. Push the top part of the sensor fully into the housing and
tighten it carefully in a clockwise direction until it can go no
further, ensuring that the nibs of the bayonet fixing do not
break off

Installing sensors in the bypass fitting DLG III/IV

Electrical installation of the ampero‐ 1. Turn the top part of the sensor a quarter turn counter-clock‐
metric sensors wise and remove it
2. Loosen the clamping screw on the M12 threaded connector
and feed through the measuring line from the control device
3. Strip the cable ends, fit the cable ends with cable end
sleeves (⌀ max = 0.5 mm2) and connect the cable ends to the
2-wire connector: 1 = plus, 2 = minus
4. Insert approx. 5 cm of the measuring line into the sensor
5. Tighten the clamping screw on the threaded connector
6. Push the top part of the sensor right into the sensor shaft and
tighten it clockwise up to the stop


Fig. 9: 2-wire connection

Electrical installation of the ORP and Screw the measuring line coming from the controller onto the
pH sensor respective sensor.

8.4 Starting Up the DLG

Flow control
The ball in the ball cage of the DLG III is only a
visual display and does not replace the electrical
flow control with measuring and control functions.

You can adjust the inlet side of the flow of the DLG III using the
regulating tap. The working range is reached when the white ball is
visible in the ball cage.

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9 Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the

measuring points
n User qualification, mechanical installation: trained and qualified
personnel Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15
n User qualification, hydraulic installation: trained and qualified
personnel Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15
n User qualification, electrical installation: Electrical technician
Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualification’ on page 15

Failure of the control and impact on the process
Cause: If the controller or other parts of the meas‐
uring plate fail, then the process, in the bypass of
which the measuring plate is working, will no
longer be measured and regulated.
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
ries. The process, in the bypass of which the
measuring plate is working, will become out of con‐
trol and could cause harmful reactions.
Measure: It is the responsibility of the operator
and/or manufacturer of the entire system in which
the measuring plate is installed to take appropriate
measures to ensure that the failure of the meas‐
uring plate or of individual components of the
measuring plate do not have a damaging effect on
the entire process and/or the overall system.
These measures can include, for example:
– Redundant design of the measuring and con‐
trol station.
– Connection of an appropriate alarm device to
the measuring plate and/or the controller.
– The alarm relay on the controller could be set
to [fail save] and be evaluated as an overall
alarm for the process.
– Installation of additional safety systems from
active or passive system components, with the
purpose of making the technical systems safer
for operators and users.

– Please also observe the operating instructions
for fittings and any other units, such as sen‐
sors, sample water pumps ... !

Strain relief and decoupling of all connections
Provide all components with suitable strain relief,
decouplings and/or other protection devices to
avoid damage to connections, like pipework,
cables etc. between the measuring plate and the
place of installation.

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9.1 Identity code for “sample water” designated “H”

The following applies to the identity code for “sample water” desig‐
nated “H” for hot water up to max. 65 °C:

max. permitted water pressure, at 65 °C 2 bar

Danger of scalding
People in the vicinity can be scalded should hot
water spray out of the hydraulic components.
– Take appropriate protection measures, e.g.
protective glasses and protective clothing.

If sensors are ordered separately, only use sen‐

sors suitable for use with temperatures of at least
65 °C and pressures of at least 2 bar.

9.2 Electrical installation of the measuring and control station

Live parts
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
– Switch off the system until de-energised before
opening the housing of the controller and/or
terminal box.
– If the housing of the controller and/or terminal
box is ruptured or obviously damaged, immedi‐
ately switch off the system and have it
– Only carry out set-up / maintenance / repair
and service work when the system is shut
down and the electrical power disconnected.
Calibration and maintenance work on the sen‐
sors represents an exception to this. This can
also be done when the system is live. Please
also observe the information in the operating
instructions for the sensors and controller.
– Check that the seals are sitting correctly after
closing the housing of the controller and/or ter‐
minal box.
We always recommend using appropriate residual
current circuit breakers (RCCB) or other residual
current devices (RCD) provided they can be
installed sensibly and professionally within the
electrical installation. Please adhere to all national
standards and regulations.

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

Defective control by incorrect measured values
Cause: Electrical faults are coupled into the control
circuit via the sample medium.
Consequence: Defective control by incorrect meas‐
ured values. The measuring fault can lead to an
uncontrolled control circuit.
Measure: Do not fit any sources of EMC interfer‐
ence into the water circulation system and close to
the system.
Perform regular comparative measurements with a
galvanically isolated measuring device.
Provide for potential separation of the power
supply from the measuring device to the power cir‐
cuit of the voltage to be measured or a potential
separation in the measuring signal path.
Connect the system to its own power supply, if
Fit a power repeater, if needed.

Note the electrical connection values on the nameplate of the

measuring and control station. The cable ends of the connecting
lines of the sensors are labelled according to the measured vari‐

– Please also observe the operating instructions

for the controllers and fittings and any other
units, such as sensors, sample water pumps ...

Measuring plate The cable ends of the connecting lines of the sensors are labelled
according to the measured variable. The cable ends are labelled
by a cable marker defined as follows for the respective measured

Measured variable Controller, label Sensor type Cable, label

Conductive conductivity Conductivity LFTK1 Pre-installed
Inductive conductivity Conductivity ICT Pre-installed
Chlorine CL CLE, CTE CL
Bromine Br BCR BR
Chlorine dioxide CLO2 CDE, CDP CD
Chlorite Chlorite CLT CT
Ozone O3 OZE OZ
Peracetic acid PES/PAA PAA PA
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 PER PE
Dissolved oxygen O2 DO3 Pre-installed

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

Measured variable Controller, label Sensor type Cable, label

Temperature Temperature PT PT
Fluoride Fluoride FLE F

1. Install a mains cable on the terminal box.

2. Wire up all inputs and outputs not yet connected as per the
wiring diagrams.

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9.2.1 Wiring diagram for DACb and measuring plate

Main switch with housing

Main board
Module A Module C
mA signal


A residual current circuit breaker (30 mA)

measure is recommended
or another suitable

Sample water



Fig. 10: Wiring diagram, measuring plate

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9.2.2 Wiring diagram for DACb and measuring plate - fluoride

Main switch with housing

Main board
Module A

A residual current circuit breaker (30 mA)


measure is recommended
or another suitable

Magnetic stirrer
(supplied loose)
Sample water


Fig. 11: Wiring diagram for measuring plate, complete, fluoride

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9.2.3 Wiring diagram for DACb and measuring plate - Conductive conductivity

Main switch with housing

Main board Module C
Module A

A residual current circuit breaker (30 mA)


measure is recommended
or another suitable

Sample water Temperature



Fig. 12: Wiring diagram for measuring plate, Conductive conductivity

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9.2.4 Wiring diagram for DACb, DCC and measuring plate - Inductive conductivity

Main switch with housing

measure is recommended
or another suitable
A residual current circuit breaker (30 mA)

Module C

mA signal Temperature
Module A

Sample water
Main board



Fig. 13: Wiring diagram for measuring plate, Inductive conductivity

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

9.3 Hydraulic Test Run after Installation

Warning of escaping feed chemical
Feed chemical can escape in the event that the
hose lines are incorrectly installed.
– Only use original hoses with the specified hose
– Avoid reducing the hose sizes.

Permissible operating conditions

The values for the permissible hydraulic operating
conditions are given on the nameplate.

If not yet fitted: Fitting the hose lines 1. Cut off the ends of the hoses (6) so that they are straight.
2. Unscrew the union nut (5) and push over the hose together
with the clamp ring (4).
3. Push the hose end (6) up to the stop over the nozzle (3).
4. Tighten the union nut (5).
5. Pull on the hose (6) and tighten up the union nut (5).

1 Connector
2 Seal
3 Nozzle
2 4 Clamp ring
3 5 Union nut
6 Hose line


Fig. 14: Installing the hose line

Hydraulic installation, bypass fitting

with pipework

Decoupling the measuring plate from oscillations,
vibrations etc.
Put in place appropriate measures to decouple the
measuring plate and on-site pipework from oscilla‐
tions, vibrations, load, bending stress etc., which
can be transmitted by the glued pipes onto the
measuring plate. The operator is responsible for
selecting the appropriate measures.

Electrically and hydraulically assembling and installing the measuring points

Free flow
Make sure that the system pressure specified on
the nameplate is not exceeded and that there is no
negative pressure.

Adhering the sample water lines

The manufacturer's specification for the different
materials, such as pipes, adhesive, straight unions
etc., is essential for the design of the adhesive.



Fig. 15: Bypass fitting straight union (1)

Glue the sample water lines provided on site with the straight
unions of the bypass fitting. Refer to the drawing for sizing.

Connect the additional hydraulic com‐ Pay attention to the operating instructions provided for the addi‐
ponents outside of the plate (optional) tional operational components outside of the plate when hydrauli‐
cally connecting them.

After successful installation, a hydraulic test run of the

DULCOTROL® measuring/control station is essential.
n Check the sampling tap. Make sure that the sampling tap is
closed, otherwise sample water will escape.
n Check all threaded connectors prior to initial commissioning.
n Open the stopcock/ball valve on the inlet and outlet side.
n Check the system for leak-tightness. Do not allow any liquids to
Should liquid escape: check the system and repair the leak.

Starting-up Sensors

10 Starting-up Sensors
n User qualification: trained user, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User quali‐
fication’ on page 15

Sensor run-in periods
This can result in hazardous incorrect metering.
– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Observe the sensor operating instructions
– Calibrate the sensor after commissioning

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

– The sampling tap must be closed, otherwise
sample water can escape.
– The sample water should be free from air bub‐
bles to ensure reliable measurement and con‐
trol. Should the sample water carry air with it
as a result of the process, then suitable means
must be used to separate out the air.
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for controllers and fittings and any other units,
such as sensors, sample water pumps ...

Maximum permissible operating pressure: 1 bar at maximum 45 °C

or see

10.1 Preparation of Sensors

1. Tighten all threaded connectors and check that the threaded
connectors are leak-tight.
2. Check the positions of all shut-off valves. The position of the
shut-off valves has to guarantee that the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station is tight and that
there is a flow of sample water.

Starting-up Sensors

3. Plug the mains plug into the sockets provided and switch on
the mains voltage.
4. Check the operating conditions, as described in the operating
instructions for the sensors, as follows:
n Flow
n Pressure
n Temperature
n pH
n Concentration of feed chemical
Adjust these values so that the values are within the sensor's
5. To condition the amperometric sensors, make sure that there
is electrical power to the sensors, that there is a flow of
chemical to be measured and that the appropriate run in
period given in the operating instructions for the sensor has
ð The sensor signal should be stable in terms of time after
Only then can the measuring point be calibrated. The
operating conditions have to remain as constant as pos‐
sible during this.
6. Calibrate the measuring points, as described in the operating
instructions supplied for the respective controller fitted.
7. The operating instructions supplied for the respective sensor
fitted provide detailed information on commissioning the sen‐

10.2 Sampling from the Bypass Fitting

Bleeding of the DLG

Remove sufficient sample water before taking a
sample to fully bleed the measuring point with
measuring and control stations fitted with DLG
bypass fitting. There should be no air in the bypass
fitting during sampling.

Sampling for calibration

When taking a sample to calibrate a sensor, make
sure that sufficient sample water is removed before
sampling in order to rule out particles of dirt, for‐
eign bodies etc. in the actual sample. Properly dis‐
pose of the sample water that is removed.

The sampling points are labelled on the measuring and control

plate. The extraction of sample water is only permitted at these
sampling points. The extraction of sample water at other points on
the measuring and control station can lead to incorrect results, for
instance during calibration.

Starting-up Sensors

10.3 Calibrating the Sensors

All sensors are calibrated, as described in the operating instruc‐
tions for the controllers and sensors fitted. Any sample required is
taken at the sampling points labelled on the measuring plate, see
Ä Chapter 10.2 ‘Sampling from the Bypass Fitting’ on page 49.

10.4 Calibrating the Fluoride Sensor

There is a fundamental distinction between 1-point calibration and
2-point calibration. 1-point calibration is performed using a
standard solution with e.g. 1 ppm fluoride for calibration. 2-point
calibration is performed using two standard solutions, which have
to be more than 1 ppm apart (minimum value 0.5 ppm).
There are two options for calibrating a fluoride sensor:
n Calibration with a photometer DT2C (order number: 1039316)
n Calibration with a standard solution
The fluoride sensor is calibrated, as described in the operating
instructions for the controller and sensors fitted.
Calibration with a photometer DT2C Refer to the operating instructions for the photometer DT2C.

Calibration with a standard solution

Calibration instructions
Regularly check and calibrate the sensor.
Please note the applicable national guidelines.
The sensor needs to have run in prior to initial cali‐
Observe the controller operating instructions.
Perform 2-point calibration during initial commis‐
2-point calibration needs to be carried out less reg‐
ularly than 1-point calibration.

The standard solution has to be evenly stirred with a magnetic

stirrer during calibration.
Use a standard solution with a conductivity of
> 1000 μS/cm(e.g. 1g/litre Na2SO4 solution) to accelerate potential
adjustment. The two standard solutions have to be more than 1
ppm apart (minimum value 0.5 ppm) to calibrate the slope (2-point
1. Immerse the sensor, the reference electrode and the Pt 100
(if fitted) into the standard solution for calibration
2. Perform calibration in line with the controller's specification,
referring to the operating instructions for the controller.

Starting-up Sensors

10.5 Removing and Fitting the Bypass Fitting Cup for Calibration

1. 2.





Fig. 16: Removing and fitting the bypass fitting cup for calibration
1. Ball valve, inlet side
2. Ball valve, outlet side
3. Cup with stirrer rod inserted
4. Magnetic stirrer
5. Wall bracket
1. Close the ball valves (1 and 2).
2. Remove the magnetic stirrer (4).
3. Remove the wall bracket (5).
4. Remove the container (3).
5. Empty the cup and fill with the standard solution.
Make sure that the stirrer rod is in the cup.
6. Fit the filled cup.
7. Fit the wall bracket and magnetic stirrer.
8. Switch on the magnetic stirrer.
9. Perform calibration, as described in the operating instructions
for the controller.
2-point calibration: Fill the cup with the second standard solu‐
tion if required. Perform calibration, as described in the oper‐
ating instructions for the controller.
10. Complete calibration, as described in the operating instruc‐
tions for the controller.
11. Open the ball valves (1 and 2).
ð The fluoride sensor is now calibrated.

User interface of the controllers

11 User interface of the controllers

One or two controllers with different user interfaces can be fitted,
depending on the selection using the identity code, on the
DULCOTROL® measuring and control station. These user inter‐
faces are described here and facilitate basic tasks on the control‐
lers. All other tasks, such as configuring the inputs and outputs
etc., are described in the detailed operating instructions for the
ProMinent® components.
You will find the operating instructions for the ProMinent® compo‐
nents on the manufacturer's homepage .


11.1 Operating concept

11.1.1 Display and keys



Fig. 17: Operating cross (1) / Active keys are displayed in [black] in the display; inactive keys in [grey].
The following path is shown as an example:
Continuous display ➨ ➨ or [Calibrate] ➨ ➨ or
[Slope] ➨ ➨ .

Continuous display [Calibrate] [Slope]


Fig. 18: A display change is made within a sequence of actions.

I. Continuous display 1
II. Display 2
III. Display 3
IV. Display 4
The function of the keys is described in the table Ä Chapter 11.1.2
‘Functions of the keys ’ on page 56.

User interface of the controllers

➨ = describes as a symbol an action by the operator that leads to

a new possibility for an action.
[Naming in the display] = square brackets contain the name that
appears with the identical wording in the controller display.
Additional information can be obtained via the key.

Illumination of the display

In the event of an error with the status [ERROR],
the backlight of the display changes from ‘white’ to
‘red’ . This makes it easier for the operator to react
to an error.


Fig. 19: Example of a continuous display when used with one

measuring channel (e.g. pH).

-15 7.55
1 7.20

25 0.30
2 0.50


Fig. 20: Example of a continuous display when used with two

measuring channels (e.g. pH/chlorine).
If you are using 3 measuring channels, select the desired meas‐
uring channel in the display using or .

User interface of the controllers

-15 0.30
2 0.50

3 700


Fig. 21: Example of a continuous display when used with 3 meas‐

uring channels (e.g. pH/chlorine/ORP).
If you are using 3 measuring channels, you can use or to dis‐
play the overall view of the measuring channels as the fourth view,
see .

Kanal 1 Kanal 2

7.55 0.30

Kanal 3



Fig. 22: Example of a continuous display when used with 3 meas‐

uring channels (e.g. pH/chlorine/ORP) and the display of all 3
measuring channels

User interface of the controllers

Parameters in the adjustable menus

Setting of the various parameters in
the adjustable menus No time-controlled menu items
The controller does not exit any menu items in a
time-controlled manner, the controller remains in a
menu item until this menu item is exited by the

1. Select the desired parameter in the display using or .

ð There is an arrow tip in front of the selected parameter,
which indicates the selected parameter.
2. Press .
ð You are now in the setting menu for the desired param‐
3. You can adjust the desired value in the setting menu using
the four arrow keys and then save it using .
Range error
If you enter a value that is outside the
possible setting range, the message
[Range error] appears after has been
pressed. Pressing or returns you to
the value to be set.

The controller returns to the menu once has been


Cancelling the setting process

Pressing returns you to the menu
without a value being saved.

User interface of the controllers

11.1.2 Functions of the keys

Tab. 6: Functions of the keys
Key Function
Confirmation in the setting menu: Confirms and saves the input values.
Confirmation in the continuous display: Displays all information about saved errors and

Back to the continuous display or to the start of the respective setting menu, in which you
are currently located.

Enables direct access to all of the controller's setting menus.

Enables direct access to the controller's calibration menu from the continuous display.

Start/Stop of the controller's control and metering function from any display.

To increase a displayed number value and to jump upwards in the operating menu.

Confirmation in the setting menu: Moves the cursor to the right.

Confirmation in the continuous display: Displays further information about the controller
input and output values.

To decrease a displayed number value and to jump down in the operating menu.

Moves the cursor to the left.

User interface of the controllers

11.1.3 Changes the set operating language

1. Simultaneously press the keys and
ð The controller changes to the menu for setting the oper‐
ating language.

Language 2




Fig. 23: Menu for setting the operating language

2. Now using keys and you can set the desired operating
3. Confirm your selection by pressing the key
ð The controller changes back to the continuous display
and indicates the selected operating language.

11.1.4 Acknowledge fault or warning message

If the controller recognises an error [Error], the control is stopped,
the backlight switches to red lighting and the alarm relay is deacti‐
vated. You can access the next value to be set by pressing the
key. In this process, the controller indicates all errors and warn‐
ings. The pending alarm messages can be selected and, if
required, acknowledged/confirmed. If you acknowledge an error,
the alarm relay activates and the backlight switches back to white
light. In the bottom part of the display, the error or warning mes‐
sage that has occurred remains displayed, such as [Error 01], until
the cause has been cleared.
In the event of a warning, e.g. the controller signals that a sensor
has not been calibrated yet, further processing using the controller
is possible with or without acknowledgement of the message.
In the event of an error message [Error], [e.g.] the controller signals
that no sensor is connected, then after acknowledgement of the
message, no further processing is possible using the controller.
You must now rectify the error - for this see the chapter on Diag‐
nostics and Troubleshooting.

User interface of the controllers

Fig. 24: Alarm message, controller stops control

11.1.5 Key Lock

The controller has a key lock. If the key lock is activated, the keys
cannot be pressed. The key lock can be activated or deactivated
by simultaneously pressing and . An activated key lock is indi‐
cated by the symbol.

11.1.6 Measured variables and measuring inputs

Measured variable Measuring input Modul type
pH (mV) mV VA mV/mA measuring input or mV/mV
measuring input
Temperature (mV) VV
ORP (mV)
pH (mA) mA VA mV/mA measuring input or mA/mA
measuring input
mA general
Chlorine dioxide
Peracetic acid
Hydrogen peroxide
Conductivity (mA)
Temperature (mA)
Conductivity (conductive) L3 Conductive conductivity

User interface of the controllers

11.2 Operating diagram for measured variable: Inductive conductivity

11.2.1 Overview of equipment/Operating elements
n User qualification: instructed user, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User
qualification’ on page 15

6 A0291

Fig. 25: Overview of equipment/Operating elements

Function Description
1st respective measured vari‐ Affix the measured variable label here
2. LCD display
3. UP key To increase a displayed numerical value and move up in the operating
4. INFO/RIGHT key Opens the information menu or moves the cursor one place to the right
5. OK key To apply, confirm or save a displayed value or status or To confirm an
6. DOWN key To decrease a displayed numerical value and move down in the operating
7. MENU key To access the controller's operating menu
8. STOP/START key Starts and stops the control and metering function
9. ESC key Moves one level back in the operating menu, without storing or changing
entries or values
Switches the measured variables in the continuous display.
10. CAL key To access the calibration selection menu (cell constant and temperature
coefficient) and navigate within the calibration menu.
11. f-REL LED Shows the activated state of the f-relay
12. P-REL LED Shows the activated state of the P-relay
13. ERROR LED Indicates a controller error state. A text message is displayed simultane‐
ously in the LCD display of the continuous display

User interface of the controllers

11.2.2 Entering values

Described by the example of entering setpoints in the Control

SET= 01.000

Fig. 26: Entering values

1. Use to select each position of the value to be entered.

You can also select and change the unit of

the value to be entered.

2. Enter the values using the and keys

3. : The value entered is transferred to the memory.
4. : Cancelling the input of values without saving the entered
value. The original value is retained.

11.2.3 Adjusting display contrast

If the DULCOMETER® Compact Controller is set to ‘continuous
display’ , you can set the contrast of the LCD-display. By pressing
the key you can adjust the LCD display contrast so it is darker.
By pressing the key you can adjust the LCD display contrast so
it is lighter. Here each key press represents a contrast level. I.e.
the key must be pressed once for each contrast level.

11.2.4 Continuous display

ConI µS/cm 1


5 4


Fig. 27: Continuous display

1 Measured variable (switch using [ESC]): the fol‐ 4 Possible error text: for example [Limit↓] (direc‐
lowing are possible: [ConI], [RES], [TDS] and tion of limit value transgression e.g. value below
[SAL] the limit in this case)
2 Reference temperature or temperature compen‐ 5 Temperature (correction variable)
sation 6 Measured value (actual value)
3 Control variable 7 Operating status

User interface of the controllers

The bottom line displays the current measuring temperature and/or

a temperature manually entered. The temperature display cannot
be switched off.
The temperature (measuring temperature or reference tempera‐
ture) is needed to calculate all measured variables, which is why
the second line of the continuous display therefore displays infor‐
mation about temperature compensation and the reference tem‐
The setpoint is displayed in the Information menu.

Switching between measured varia‐ Use the key to switch between the controller's measured varia‐
bles bles [ConI], [RES], [TDS] and [SAL] in the continuous display.
Depending on the measured variable set, the settings of variables
are changed or the variables are hidden completely in the
[INPUT Ø TCOMP] menu and in the [LIMIT] menu.

11.2.5 Information display

The most important parameters for each first-level menu item are
displayed in the information display.
Use to access the information display from the continuous dis‐
play. Pressing again calls up the next information display.
Pressing calls up the continuous display again.
LIMIT↑= 0.020 PUMP: dosing ↓
LIMIT↓= 0.010 SET= 1.000mS/cm

SN 2366733289 (07) CONTACT: pause

CELLC: 1.0000cm-1
TCOEFF= 1.90%/°C


mA Range↑ 88 min TREF: lin 25.0 °C P-REL: alarm
mA Range ↓ 136 min CABLE LEN: 3.00m f-REL: dosing
AUTORNG: 65 mA OUT: meas val

Fig. 28: Information display

Use to move from the information display currently shown to the
selection menu for this information display.
Use to move directly back to the information display.

User interface of the controllers

11.2.6 Password
Access to the setting menu can be restricted by a password. The
controller is delivered with the password ‘5000’ . The controller is
set up with the pre-set password ‘5000’ so that access is possible
to all menus.



Fig. 29: Setting the password

Password Possible values

Factory setting Increment Lower value Upper value Remark
5000 1 0000 9999 5000 = [FREE]

Commissioning the controller diaLog DACb

12 Commissioning the controller diaLog DACb

Sample water faults and alarm relays
If the sample water falls below the minimum flow
volumes (sample water fault), the controller
switches to fault mode and control of all measuring
channels stops.
The alarm relay is not factory-activated.

12.1 Commissioning
n User qualification: trained user, Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualifica‐
tion’ on page 15

Sensor run in periods
This can result in hazardous incorrect metering.
Consider the run in period of the sensor when
– There must be sufficient feed chemical in the
sample water for your application (e.g. 0.5 ppm
– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly.
– It is imperative that you adhere to the run in
periods of the sensor.
– Calculate the run in period when planning com‐
– It may take a whole working day to run-in the
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions.

After mechanical and electrical installation, the controller must be

integrated into the measuring point.

12.1.1 Switch-on behaviour during commissioning

Switching On - First Steps
Installation and function control
– Check that all the connections have been
made correctly
– Ensure that the supply voltage matches the
voltage indicated on the nameplate

1. Switch the supply voltage on

2. The controller displays a menu in which you can set the lan‐
guage with which you wish to operate the controller

Commissioning the controller diaLog DACb

3. Wait for the controller's module scan

Module scan
Base module
Softw. version:
Expansion module
Softw. version:

continue with <OK>

Auto continue in 10 s A1081

Fig. 30: Module scan

ð The controller indicates the controller modules installed
and identified.
4. Press
ð The controller now changes to its continuous display.
From the continuous display, you can access all the con‐
troller's functions using .

12.1.2 Adjusting the backlight and contrast of the controller display

Continuous display ➨ ➨ [Setup] ➨ [Device setup]➨ or
[Device configuration] ➨ [Backlight]
Under this menu item you can set the brightness and contrast of
your controller display to match the ambient conditions at your
installation location.

12.1.3 Resetting the operating language

Resetting the operating language

In the event that a foreign and hence incompre‐
hensible operating language has been set, the
controller can be reset to the basic setting. This is
implemented by the simultaneous pressing of the
and keys.
If you no longer know whereabouts you are in the
operator menu, you must press the key as often
as necessary until the continuous display becomes
visible again.

12.1.4 Defining metering and control processes

Set the controller once you have integrated it into the control cir‐
cuit. Setting the controller adapts it to your process.
Define the following parameters to set up a controller:
n What type of a process is planned?
n Which measured variables are there?

Commissioning the controller diaLog DACb

n Is there an in-line, batch or circulation process planned?

n Should the controller operate as a one-way or two-way control?
n Which control variables are there?
n What control parameters are necessary?
n What should the controller do in [HOLD]?
n How should the actuators be controlled?
n How should the mA-outputs be set?

12.1.5 Calibrating conductive conductivity, sensor parameter adjustment

The sensor must be dry
Do not allow the conductivity sensor to come into
contact with liquid. Only allow the conductivity
sensor to come into contact with liquid once the
conductivity sensor has been connected, config‐
ured and calibrated. The sensor parameters (zero
point) of a moist or wet conductivity sensor can no
longer be properly calibrated.
If the conductivity sensor has come into contact
with liquid prior to calibration, there is an option to
dry the conductivity sensor. A dry conductivity
sensor can be successfully recalibrated to the
sensor parameters.

If [Sensor not dry] continues to be displayed despite the conduc‐

tivity sensor having been dried, then you will have to wait some
time until the controller has detected the sensor as dry.
Once you have selected the sensor type, the prompt automatically
appears asking whether the sensor parameters (zero point) have
to be determined. You can initiate this prompt manually as follows:
Continuous display ➨ Menu ➨ or [Measurement] ➨ ➨
or [Measuring channel X Conductivity] ➨ or
[Sensor parameter adjustment] ➨ .
1. Use the arrow keys to select
[Automatically determine sensor parameters].
2. Continue with .
ð You will see the display showing [Sensor dry] and
[Automatically determine sensor parameters].
3. Continue with .
ð You will see the display with the message
[Sensor parameters are automatically determined].
The sensor parameters are automatically carried over.

Commissioning the Compact Controller for Inductive Conductivity

13 Commissioning the Compact Controller for Inductive Con‐

n User qualification: trained user, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User quali‐
fication’ on page 15

Sensor run in period
This can result in dangerous incorrect metering
Consider the run in period of the sensor during
– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly.
– It is imperative that you adhere to the run in
periods of the sensor.
– Calculate the run in period when planning com‐
– It may take a whole working day to run-in the
– Observe the sensor operating instructions.

13.1 Measured variables

The controller can process the following measured variables:
n Inductive conductivity [ConI]
n Resistance [RES]
n TDS value [TDS]
n Salinity [SAL]

Switching between measured varia‐ Use the key to switch between the controller's measured varia‐
bles bles [ConI], [RES], [TDS] and [SAL] in the continuous display.
Depending on the measured variable set, the settings of variables
are changed or the variables are hidden completely in the
[INPUT Ø TCOMP] menu and in the [LIMIT] menu.

Measured variable: Inductive conduc‐ Symbol displayed in the controller's display: [ConI]
tivity [ConI]
Units of measurement: μS/cm, mS/cm , S/cm. The measuring
range is automatically detected and switched by the controller
Physical variable: specific electrical conductivity (K). Only this
measured variable and the correction variable ‘Temperature’ are
emitted at the mA output, independently of the measured variable
set on the controller. The setting of the measured variable on the
controller only affects the layout of the display and not the output at
the mA output.

Measured variable: Resistance [RES] Symbol displayed in the controller's display: [RES]
Units of measurement: MΩcm, kΩcm, Ωcm. The measuring range
is automatically detected and switched by the controller
Physical variable: specific electrical resistance.
Calculating the specific resistance: ρ (Tref) = 1/K (Tref)

Commissioning the Compact Controller for Inductive Conductivity

Measured variable: TDS value Symbol displayed in the controller's display: [TDS] (total dissolved
Unit of measurement: ppm (mg/l)
Physical variable: Total of all inorganic and organic substances dis‐
solved in a solvent
Display range: 0 …. 2000 ppm
Temperature range: 0 … 35 °C
[TLIMIT↑]: ≤ 40 °C
Setting the TDS value displayed: You can set a multiplicative factor
[TDS] in the [INPUT] menu, with which the TDS value displayed
can be changed.
Displayed TDS value [ppm] = К (25 °C) [uS/cm] * TDS factor
Setting range of TDS factor: 0.400 … 1.000 (Default: 0.640)
Temperature compensation is always linear on the TDS display
with a reference temperature of 25 °C.

Measured variable: Salinity (SAL) Symbol displayed in the controller's display: [SAL] units: ‰ (g/kg)
Physical variable: Mass of salts in one kg of water given in PSU
(practical salinity units).
The salinity is derived from the conductivity measured, with a
specified non-linear temperature compensation and a reference
conductivity (KCL).
Display range: 0 …. 70.0 ‰
Temperature range: 0 … 35 °C
[TLIMIT↑]: ≤ 35 °C
The salinity [SAL] is calculated based on the
[Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78)]

Configuration of the controllers

14 Configuration of the controllers

The measured variables, sensor types and the measuring ranges
of the sensors fitted are pre-set in the controllers when the meas‐
uring and control station is delivered. The correct presettings are
the prerequisites for correct calibration of the measuring and con‐
trol station. The operating instructions for the individual compo‐
nents provide information on customer-specific adjustments

14.1 Configuration of the Compact Controllers DCCa

Archiving the settings

The settings on the DCCa have to be manually
documented and archived, as electronic archiving
is not possible with this unit.

Compact controller DCCa used as a transmitter

The Compact controller DCCa only works as a
transmitter and delivers an mA signal to the diaLog
controller DACa. The measuring range can only be
adjusted and the conductivity sensor calibrated on
the Compact controller DCCa. The output of the
Compact controller DCCa is factory-configured to
the application-based measuring range.

You have to adjust the outputs of the Compact controller

DCCa in line with the requirements of your application, refer‐
ring to the operating instructions for the controller.
Presetting: inductive conductivity: 0 … 1000 mS/cm, conduc‐
tive conductivity: 0 … 20 mS/cm.

14.2 Configuring the diaLog controller DACb

Only when measuring conductivity

When measuring conductivity, the compact con‐
troller DCCa acts as a transmitter for the diaLog
controller DACb. The output of the compact con‐
troller DCCa is connected to the input of the
diaLog controller DACb. You therefore have to set
the same measuring range limits on both units.

Configuration and archiving on an SD card

The factory-set configuration of the diaLog con‐
troller DACb is stored on an SD card. This SD card
is located in the SD slot behind the interface cover
carrying the SD logo. If necessary, the configura‐
tion can be read from the SD card and the con‐
troller DACb can be returned to its original factory
configuration. You can also save and secure your
specific user configuration.

Configuration of the controllers

Additional SD card
Saving the user configuration on an additional SD
card. Do not overwrite the original SD card with the
factory configuration.

You have to adjust the outputs of the diaLog controller DACb in

line with the requirements of your application, referring to the oper‐
ating instructions for the controller. You will find the operating
instructions for the controller on the manufacturer's homepage .

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

15 Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

15.1 Calibration
n User qualification: instructed user, Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User qualifi‐
cation’ on page 15

Measuring channel settings

This descriptions of [Channel 1] apply correspond‐
ingly to the settings in all other measuring chan‐
nels. The procedure for entering the settings for
the channel in question is identical, however the
parameters to be set may differ. Your attention is
drawn to the differences, which are also described.

Display tolerances
Display tolerances between the sensor and/or
measuring device and controller must be calibrated
with sensors and/or with output signals from meas‐
uring devices that do not require calibration or
where calibration is performed in the sensor/meas‐
uring device. The relevant information for this is
contained in the respective operating instructions
for the sensor or measuring device.

Cancelling the calibration process with ESC

ESC can be used to cancel an ongoing calibration
process at any stage. The controller then con‐
tinues to operate with the last calibration result
detected as valid.

Continuous display ➨ Menu ➨ or [Calibration] ➨ .

Continuous display ➨ .

Please select channel
Channel 1 Chlorine
Channel 2 pH [mV]


Fig. 31: Please select the channel.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Last calibration 31.03. 2013 13:11:11
Slope 100 %
Zero point 4.00 mA

Slope calibration
Calibration of zero point


Fig. 32: [Calibration] display with the example of [Chlorine].

Calibration of the measuring channels

The calibration processes are identical for all
measuring channels. However, it is necessary to
calibrate each measuring channel separately.

15.1.1 Calibrating the pH Sensor

To ensure a high level of measuring accuracy, adjust the pH
sensor at set time intervals. This calibration interval seriously
depends on the application of the pH sensor and on the required
measurement accuracy and reproducibility. The calibration interval
can vary between daily and every few months.

Tab. 7: Valid calibration values

Evaluation Zero point Slope
Good -30 mV … +30 mV -55 mV/pH ... -62 mV/pH
Acceptable -60 mV ... -30 mV - 40 mV/pH ... -55 mV/pH
+30 mV ... +60 mV -62 mV/pH ... - 65 mV/pH

If you measure the pH with potential equalisation,

set the [Potential equalisation] procedure as a
parameter when selecting the measured variable
as a parameter.

Calibrate the pH-sensor for the function: pH com‐

pensation for chlorine measurement
It is mandatory that the pH measurement is always
calibrated first and then the chlorine measurement.
All other calibration of the pH measurement must
always be followed by calibration of the chlorine
measurement. Otherwise the chlorine measure‐
ment will be inaccurate.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Selecting the calibration process Select the calibration process prior to initial calibration. This selec‐
tion is saved until you select a new process.
n 2-point calibration: This is the recommended calibration
process because it evaluates the sensor characteristic data:
asymmetric potential, slope and response speed. 2 buffer solu‐
tions are needed for 2-point calibration, e.g. pH 7 and pH 4 if
subsequent measurement is to be performed in an acidic
medium or pH 7 and pH 10, if subsequent measurement is to
be performed in an alkaline medium. The buffer gap should be
at least 2 pH units.
n Samples (1-point) calibration: There are two options here.
Samples (1-point) calibration is only recommended with reser‐
vations. From time to time check the sensor with 2-point cali‐
– The pH sensor remains in the sample medium and you
should calibrate a sample of the medium to be measured
against an external comparison measurement. Perform the
comparison measurement using an electrochemical
method. Deviations of up to ± 0.5 pH units can occur using
the phenol red method (photometer).
– Calibration solely using a pH 7 buffer. This only calibrates
the zero point. The sensor is not checked for an acceptable
n Data input: With this calibration method, using a comparison
measuring device, determine in advance the characteristic data
of the pH sensor (asymmetry and slope) at standard tempera‐
ture and enter this data into the controller. The comparative
calibration should not have been done more than a week
before, as the pH sensor's characteristic data changes if it is
stored for longer.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Buffer temperature dependencies

Buffer temperature
At temperatures that differ by 25°C in the process,
adjust the pH of the buffer solution by entering the
reference values printed on the buffer solution
bottle into the controller prior to calibration.

Buffer temperature dependencies

An incorrectly entered buffer temperature can lead
to incorrect calibration.
Each buffer has different temperature dependen‐
cies. You have various choices in terms of com‐
pensating for these temperature dependencies, so
that the controller can correctly process the buffer
– Buffer temperature [Manual]: Ensure that the
buffer temperature is identical for both buffers.
Enter the buffer temperature in the [CAL Setup]
menu item in the controller.
– Buffer temperature [Automatic]: Then immerse
the temperature sensor connected to the con‐
troller together with the pH sensor into the
buffer. Wait for a sufficiently long period of time
until the pH and temperature sensor have
recorded the buffer temperature.
– Buffer temperature [Off]: this setting is not rec‐
ommended. Please use another setting.

The sensor stability information displayed during calibration,

[acceptable], [good] and [very good], indicates to what extent the
sensor signal fluctuates during calibration. At the start of calibra‐
tion, the waiting time for stabilisation of the measured value is 30
seconds; during this waiting time, [Please wait!] flashes in the dis‐
play. You cannot continue with calibration during this waiting time.
If the pH sensor is cold, e.g. < 10 °C, then the pH sensor responds
slowly and you have to wait a few minutes until the sensor signal
has stabilised.
The controller has no waiting time limit. You will see the actual
[sensor voltage] in mV and can identify high fluctuations and
assign influences to them, such as the movement of the sensor
Calibration is impossible if the sensor signal is very unsteady and
the sensor signal is disrupted by external influences, or if the
sensor cable has a cable break or the coaxial cable is damp. Rec‐
tify any fault or cable break.
You can only continue with calibration once the signal bar has
reached the [acceptable] range and remains there or moves
towards [good] or [very good]. Changes to the signal within the
ranges [acceptable], [good] and [very good] are permitted.
The signal fluctuation width within the ranges is specified as fol‐
n first 30 seconds wait time, then evaluation of the sensor signal
– Acceptable: 0.5 mV/30s
– Good: 0.3 mV/30s
– Very good: 0.1mV/30s

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Buffer 1:
Buffer 2:
Calibr.param. for 25 °C
% Slope
Zero point

Accept with <CAL> A1019

Fig. 33: Display of the calibration result

Sensor quality
Asymmetry in mV



Slope in mV/pH A1481

Fig. 34: Displayed after the key has been pressed Selecting the Calibration Process for pH

To calibrate the controller there are three available calibration pro‐
n 2-point
n Sample (1-point)
n Data input
Selecting the calibration process 1. Continuous display ➨
ð The Calibration menu is displayed, you may need to
select [Channel 1] or [Channel 2], depending on the
measuring channel on which the pH measurement is per‐

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

2. Press

Calibration process 2 point
Buffer detection requirement
Buffer manufacturer ProMinent
Buffer value 1 pH 7
Buffer value 2 pH 4

Buffer temperature Off


Fig. 35: Selecting the calibration process

ð The menu for selecting the calibration process appears.
3. Use the arrow keys to select the required menu item and
ð The input window appears and you can make the neces‐
sary settings for your process
4. Use the arrow keys to select the calibration process and
5. Continue with
ð You can now start your chosen calibration process. 2-Point Calibration of the pH Sensor (CAL)

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly.
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions.
– 2-point calibration is strongly recommended
and is preferable to other methods.
– The sensor needs to be removed and refitted
in the in-line probe housing for calibration.
Refer to the operating instructions for your in-
line probe housing.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Defining buffer detection

There are 2 buffer detection options with 2-point
[Presetting]: select 2 buffers from the 4 possible
buffer sets. During calibration, adhere to the
selected order e.g. Buffer value 1: pH 7 and Buffer
value 2: pH 4:
– ProMinent® (pH 4; 7; 9; 10). (default setting)
– NBS/DIN 19266 (pH 1; 4; 7, ; 9).
– DIN 19267 (pH 1;4; 7; 9; 13).
– Merck + Riedel® (pH 2; 4; 7; 9; 12).
The buffer sets differ in their pH values and tem‐
perature dependencies set in the controller. The
pH values at the different temperatures are also
printed on the buffer containers.
[Manual]: enter the buffer value with the associated
temperature into the controller.
– The pH values of the buffer solution, at temper‐
atures other than 25°C, are printed in a table
on the label of the buffer bottle.
Select the available buffer.

Calibration process 2 point
Buffer detection Manual
Buffer manufacturer ProMinent
Buffer value 1 pH 7
Buffer value 2 pH 4

Buffer temperature Manual

Buffer temperature 25.0 °C A1512

Fig. 36: Example: Display in [CAL-Setup]]

Used buffer
Dispose of the used buffer solution. For more infor‐
mation: refer to the material safety data sheet for
the buffer solution.

Valid calibration values

Valid calibration:
– Zero point -60mV…+60 mV
– Slope 55 mV/pH…62 mV/pH

Two test containers with a buffer solution are required for calibra‐
tion. The pH values of the buffer solutions must be at least 2 pH
values apart. Thoroughly rinse the sensor with water when
changing the buffer solution.
Continuous display ➨ .

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Last calibration 06/04/2013 14:26:07
Slope 56.64mV/pH
Zero point 7,00 pH
CAL setup
Calibration process 2 point

continue with <CAL> A1016

Fig. 37: pH sensor calibration (CAL)

1. Continue with .
2. Rinse the sensor thoroughly with water and dry with a cloth
(pat dry, don't rub).
3. Immerse the sensor in test container 1 which contains the
buffer solution (e.g. pH 7). Gently move the sensor.
4. Continue with .

Do not move the sensor cable during calibra‐

tion as this can lead to signal variations.

ð Calibration is running . [Please wait!] flashes.

Sensor calibration in buffer 1

Sensor voltage
Buffer temperature
acceptable good

Continue with <CAL> A1017

Fig. 38: Display of the sensor stability achieved

5. The range [acceptable / good / very good] is displayed.
ð The black part of the horizontal bar indicates the deter‐
mined range.
6. As soon as the black bar appears, the display changes from
[Please wait!] to continue with .

The black bar does not need to be at

[very good].

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

7. [Buffer detection] e.g. [Manual]: Press and, using the four

arrow keys, set the buffer value for buffer 1 to the value of
the buffer you are using. Press to confirm input of the
8. Remove the sensor from the buffer solution, rinse thoroughly
in water and then dry with a cloth (pat dry, don't rub!)
9. Continue with .
10. Immerse the sensor in test container 2 which contains the
buffer solution (e.g. pH 4). Gently move the sensor.
11. Continue with .

Do not move the sensor cable during calibra‐

tion as this can lead to signal variations.

ð Calibration is running . [Please wait!] flashes.

Sensor calibration in buffer 2

Sensor voltage
Buffer temperature
acceptable good

Continue with <CAL> A1018

Fig. 39: Display of the sensor stability achieved

12. The range [acceptable / good / very good] is displayed.
ð The black part of the horizontal bar indicates the deter‐
mined range.
13. As soon as the black bar appears, the display changes from
[Please wait!] to continue with .

The black bar does not need to be at

[very good].

14. [Puffer detection] [Manual]: Press and, using the four

arrow keys, set the buffer value for buffer 2 to the value of
the buffer you are using. Press to confirm input of the value.
15. Continue with .

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Buffer 1:
Buffer 2:
Calibr.param. for 25 °C
% Slope
Zero point

Accept with <CAL> A1019

Fig. 40: Display of the calibration result

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of the
calibration lies outside the specified tolerance
limits. In this case the current calibration is
not carried over.
Check the prerequisites for calibration and
eliminate the error. Then repeat calibration.

Cleaning and care of pH and ORP sensors

Please note the separate instructions sup‐
plied with the pH and ORP sensors for
cleaning and care of pH and ORP sensors.
After cleaning, the sensor must be condi‐
tioned in 3-molar potassium chloride solution
for 60 minutes before it can be reused for

Carry over the result of the calibration into the controller

memory by pressing .
ð The controller shows the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration. pH sensor calibration (CAL) with an external sample (1-point)

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Poor sensor operation and fluctuating pH values
during the process
The calibration method with an external sample
has a number of disadvantages compared with the
buffer solution calibration method. If the pH value
fluctuates significantly during the process, then the
pH value may change by a variable amount in the
period between sampling, sample measurement
and entry of the pH value into the controller. This
could mean that the pH value entered into the con‐
troller does not correspond to the actual pH value
in the process. Consequently the result is a linear
displacement of the pH value across the entire
measuring range.
If the pH sensor no longer reacts to changes in the
pH value and only gives out a constant uniform mV
signal, this cannot be detected using the calibra‐
tion method with an external sample. With the cali‐
bration method with two buffers (e.g. pH 7 and pH
4), this becomes apparent if the pH sensor does
not detect any changes in the pH value.
The calibration method with an external sample
should only be used with installations where there
is poor access to the pH sensor and the identical
or very uniform pH values are used in the process.
In addition the pH sensor should be regularly serv‐
iced or replaced.

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring, control and metering is
only possible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions

Tab. 8: Valid calibration values

Evaluation Zero point Slope
Very good -30 mV … +30 mV 56 mV/pH … 60 mV/pH
Good -45 mV … +45 mV 56 mV/pH … 61 mV/pH
Acceptable -60 mV … +60 mV 55 mV/pH … 62 mV/pH

Continuous display ➨

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Last calibration 06/05/2013 14:26:07
Zero point

CAL setup
Calibration process Sample (1-point)
Buffer temperature Manual
continue with <CAL>

Fig. 41: pH sensor calibration (CAL)

1. Continue with
2. Take a water sample at the in-line probe housing and, using
a suitable method (measuring strips, hand measuring instru‐
ment), measure the pH value of the sample

1) Take sample
2) Determine pH value

pH value

Change with <OK> continue with <CAL>


Fig. 42: Instructions for determining the pH value using the

[Sample] method
3. Press
4. Use the arrow keys to enter the pH value you have deter‐
mined in the controller
5. Press
6. Accept the pH value by pressing
ð All the values of the calibration result are shown in the

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of the cali‐
bration lies outside the specified tolerance limits. In
this case, the current calibration is not applied.
Check the prerequisites for calibration and clear
the error. Then repeat calibration.

7. Transfer the result of the calibration into the controller

memory by pressing
ð The controller displays the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb Calibration of the pH Sensor (CAL) by [Data Input]

Data input
With the [Data input] calibration method, the known
data of the sensor is entered in the controller. Cali‐
bration by data input is only as accurate and reli‐
able as the method with which the data was deter‐
The sensor data must have been determined
recently. The more up-to-date the sensor data, the
more reliable is this calibration method.

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly.
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions.

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Tab. 9: Valid calibration values

Evaluation Zero point Slope
Good -30 mV … +30 mV -55 mV/pH ... -62 mV/pH
Acceptable -60 mV ... -30 mV - 40 mV/pH ... - 65 mV/pH
or +30 mV ... +60 mV

Continuous display ➨

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Last calibration 06/05/2013 16:47:32
Zero point 7,00 pH
Slope 59.16 mV/pH
CAL setup
Calibration process Data input

continue with <CAL> A1024

Fig. 43: pH sensor calibration (CAL)

1. Continue with .

Slope -58.07 mV/pH
at 25.0 °C
Asymmetry -6.4 mV
at 25.0 °C
Zero point 6.88 pH
at 25.0 °C

continue with <CAL> A1026

Fig. 44: Selection of the settable parameters

2. Use the arrow keys to select the required menu entry and
press .
ð The Enter window appears.
3. Use the arrow keys to enter the values of your sensor and
press .
4. Continue with .

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of the cali‐
bration lies outside the specified tolerance limits. In
this case the current calibration is not carried over.
Check the prerequisites for calibration and elimi‐
nate the error. Then repeat calibration.

5. Carry over the result of the calibration into the controller

memory by pressing .
ð The controller shows the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

15.1.2 Calibrating the ORP Sensor Selecting the calibration process for ORP
Selecting the calibration process There are two calibration processes available for calibrating the
n 1-point (with buffer solution)
n Data input
1. Continuous display ➨

Offset 0.0 mV
Last calibration 11/04/2013 13:26:11
CAL setup

Calibration process 1 point

Pot. equalisation No

continue with <CAL>


Fig. 45: [ORP] calibration menu

ð The calibration menu is displayed.
2. Use to select the Setup menu or start calibration by
Selecting the calibration process 3. [CAL Setup]: Press
ð The menu for selecting the calibration process appears.
4. Using the arrow keys select the required menu item
[Calibration process] and press
ð The input window appears.
5. Use the arrow keys to select the calibration process and
6. Continue with
ð You can now start your chosen calibration process. 1-point calibration of ORP sensor (CAL)

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions
– Remove the sensor from the in-line probe
housing and re-fit it for calibration. To do this,
refer to the operating instructions for your in-
line probe housing

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

ORP sensor calibration

The ORP sensor cannot be calibrated. Only an
[OFFSET] deviation of magnitude ± 40 mV can be
set and thus compensated. If the ORP sensor
deviates by more than ± 40 mV from the reference
value, then it must be checked in accordance with
the requirements of the sensor operating instruc‐

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Buffer used
Dispose of the used buffer solution. For more infor‐
mation: refer to the buffer solution safety data

You need one test container with a buffer solution for calibration.
Continuous display ➨

Offset 0.0 mV
Last calibration 11/04/2013 13:26:11
CAL setup

Calibration process 1 point

Pot. equalisation No

continue with <CAL>


Fig. 46: 1-point calibration of ORP sensor (CAL)

1. Continue with

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Immerse sensor in buffer

continue with <CAL>


Fig. 47: 1-point calibration of ORP sensor (CAL)

2. Carry out the instructions and then press
ð Calibration is running . [Please wait!] flashes.

Sensor calibration in buffer
Sensor voltage 0.1 mV
The stability is:

acceptable good very good

continue with <CAL> A1029

Fig. 48: Display of the sensor stability achieved

3. The [acceptable / good / very good] range is displayed
ð The black part of the horizontal bar indicates the range
4. Continue with

Buffer value 165 mV
Offset 0.0 mV

Accept with <CAL> A1030

Fig. 49: Adjusting the buffer value

5. Press and use the four arrow keys to adjust the mV value
of the buffer you are using

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

6. Press
7. Transfer the result of the calibration into the controller
memory by pressing
ð The controller operates with the calibration results. Calibration data for ORP sensor (CAL)

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions
– Remove the sensor from the in-line probe
housing and re-fit it for calibration. To do this,
refer to the operating instructions for your in-
line probe housing

ORP sensor calibration

The ORP sensor cannot be calibrated. Only an
‘OFFSET’ deviation of magnitude ± 40 mV can be
set and thus compensated. If the ORP sensor
deviates by more than ± 40 mV from the reference
value, then it must be checked in accordance with
the requirements of the sensor operating instruc‐

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Continuous display ➨

Offset 0.0 mV
Last calibration 21.05.2013 14:59:56

CAL setup
Calibration process Data input offset

continue with <CAL>


Fig. 50: Data input, ORP sensor calibration (CAL)

1. Continue with

Offset 0.1 mV

Accept with <CAL> A1033

Fig. 51: Adjusting the [Offset]

2. Press and use the four arrow keys to adjust the mV value
of the buffer you are using
3. Press
4. Transfer the result of the calibration into the controller
memory by pressing
ð The controller operates with the calibration results.

15.1.3 Calibrating the Fluoride Sensor Selection of the calibration process for fluoride
To calibrate the controller there are two available calibration pro‐
n 1 point
n 2 point

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Calibration process selection 1. Continuous display ➨

1 ppm = 185.0 mV 16:51:18
Slope -59.16 mV/dec 11:11:11
100 % 11/11/2011
Single point calibration
Two point calibration


Fig. 52: Calibration menu [Fluoride]

ð The calibration menu is displayed.
2. Using the arrow keys select the desired menu item. Press the
ð You can now start the selected calibration process. 2-point fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Observe the sensor operating instructions
– The carrying out of a 2-point calibration is
strongly recommended and is to be preferred
to other methods
– For calibration the sensor must be removed
and refitted in the in-line probe housing. To do
this, observe the operating instructions of your
in-line probe housing

Material required for calibration of fluoride sensors:

n Two test containers with calibrating solution

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Used calibration solution

Dispose of the used calibration solution. For more
information: see calibration solution safety data

Two test containers with a calibration solution are required for cali‐
bration. The fluoride content of the calibrating solutions should be
at least 0.5 ppm F- apart from each other. The sensor should be
rinsed thoroughly with fluoride-free water when changing the cali‐
brating solution.
1. Press the key in the continuous display.
2. Using the arrow keys select [Two point calibration]
3. Then press

Two point calibration
Immerse sensor in buffer 1

Sensor value 2.50 ppm

Sensor voltage 161.4 mV

Start with <CAL>


Fig. 53: Fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

4. Immerse the sensor in test container 1 with calibration solu‐
tion. When doing so gently move the sensor
5. Then press
ð [Calib. in progress] .

Two point calibration

Sensor value 2.50 ppm

Change with <OK> continue with <CAL>


Fig. 54: Fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

6. Then press to change the ppm value or press to con‐
tinue with the calibration
7. Then press

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Two point calibration
Immerse sensor in buffer 2
Sensor value 4.88 ppm
Sensor voltage 144.2 mV

Start with <CAL> A1041

Fig. 55: Fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

8. Immerse the sensor in test container 2 with calibration solu‐
tion. When doing so gently move the sensor
9. Then press
ð [Calib. in progress] .
10. Then press to adjust the ppm value or press to con‐
tinue with the calibration
11. Then press
12. Import the result of the calibration into the controller memory
by pressing the key
ð The controller displays the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
Should the result of the calibration lie out‐
side the specified tolerance limits, an
error message appears. In this case the
current calibration will not be applied.
Check the prerequisites for the calibra‐
tion and clear the error. Then repeat the
calibration 1-point fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Observe the sensor operating instructions
– The carrying out of a 2-point calibration is
strongly recommended and is to be preferred
to other methods
– For calibration the sensor must be removed
and refitted in the in-line probe housing. To do
this, observe the operating instructions of your
in-line probe housing

Material required for calibration of fluoride sensors:

n One test container with calibration solution

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Used calibration solution

Dispose of the used calibration solution. For more
information: see calibration solution safety data

One test container with calibration solution are required for calibra‐
1. Press the key in the continuous display.
2. Using the arrow keys select [Single point calibration]
3. Then press

Single point calibration
Immerse sensor in buffer

Sensor value 2.50 ppm

Sensor voltage 161.4 mV

Start with <CAL>


Fig. 56: Fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

4. Immerse the sensor in test container 1 with calibration solu‐
tion. When doing so gently move the sensor
5. Then press
ð [Calib. in progress] .

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Single point calibration

Sensor value 2.50 ppm

Change with <OK> continue with <CAL>


Fig. 57: Fluoride sensor calibration (CAL)

6. Then press to change the ppm value or press to con‐
tinue with the calibration
7. Then press
8. Import the result of the calibration into the controller memory
by pressing the key
ð The controller displays the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
Should the result of the calibration lie out‐
side the specified tolerance limits, an
error message appears. In this case the
current calibration will not be applied.
Check the prerequisites for the calibra‐
tion and clear the error. Then repeat the

15.1.4 Calibration of Amperometric Sensors

Calibration of Amperometric Sensors

The calibration procedure for amperometric sen‐
sors is the same for all amperometric measured
The procedure for calibrating amperometric meas‐
ured variables is described throughout based on
the measured variable chlorine [Cl]. All other
measured variables require the same procedure as
the measured variable chlorine [Cl].
The following measured variables can be cali‐
brated using the procedure described here:
– Chlorine
– Chlorine dioxide
– Bromine
– Chlorite
– Ozone
– Peracetic acid (PES)
– H2O2

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Combined calibration of pH and chlorine

It is mandatory that the pH measurement is always
calibrated first and then the chlorine measurement.
All other calibration of the pH measurement must
always be followed by calibration of the chlorine
measurement. Otherwise the chlorine measure‐
ment will be inaccurate.

Free chlorine or total available chlorine

Calibration of the zero point is not necessary.
Slope: Possible calibration in the range: 20% ...
A slope below 70% indicates a blockage of the dia‐
phragm. Refer to the operating instructions for your
A slope of over 150% with sensors CLE3/CLE1
indicates surface-active components (surfactants)
in the sample water. Replacing the diaphragm only
delivers short-term improvement. It is important to
prevent the occurrence of surfactants in the water.
If surfactants cannot be avoided, then use an
appropriate sensor, for example sensor type CBR. Selecting the calibration process for amperometric measured variables

There are two calibration processes available for calibrating the
n Calibrating the slope
n Calibrating the zero point
Selecting the calibration process 1. Continuous display ➨

Last calibration 31.03. 2013 13:11:11
Slope 100 %
Zero point 4.00 mA

Slope calibration
Calibration of zero point


Fig. 58: [Chlorine] calibration menu

ð The calibration menu is displayed.
2. Use the arrow keys to select the chosen menu item. Press
ð You can now start your chosen calibration process.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb Calibrating the slope

Correct sensor operation / Run-in period
Damage to the product or its surroundings
– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Please read the operating manual for the
– Please also read the operating manuals for the
fittings and other components used
– It is imperative that the run in periods of the
sensors are adhered to
– The run in periods should be allowed for when
planning commissioning
– It may take an entire working day to run in the

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

The measured value frozen at the start of calibration is suggested

as a reference value. The reference value can be set using the
arrow keys. Calibration is only possible if the reference value is ≥ 2
% of the measuring range of the sensor.

Prerequisites for correct calibration of the sensor
– The reference method needed is used,
depending on the feed chemical used (e.g.
DPD 1 for free chlorine).
– The run-in period for the sensor has been com‐
plied with; refer to the operating instructions for
the sensor.
– There is permitted and constant flow at the in-
line probe housing
– There is temperature balance between the
sensor and the sample water
– There is a constant pH value in the permitted

Material required for calibration of amperometric sensors:

n A reference method suitable for the measured variable in ques‐

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Remove sample water directly at the measuring point and deter‐

mine the content of the feed chemical in the sample water in [ppm]
using an appropriate reference method (e.g. DPD, titration etc.).
Enter this value into the controller as follows:
1. Press in the continuous display.
2. Use the arrow keys to select [Slope calibration]
3. Continue with

Latest sensor measured values


Sensor current

1) Wait until meas values stable

2) Take sample and continue with <CAL>

Fig. 59: Reference value calibration shows the actual sensor

4. Continue with

Determine reference value

Measured value upon sampling

Change with <OK> continue with <CAL>


Fig. 60: Reference value calibration, the sensor value is frozen

here; now take the sample and measure using DPD, for example
5. Then press to adjust the ppm value or press to con‐
tinue with the calibration

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Calibration successful
Zero point

continue with <CAL>


Fig. 61: Calibrating the reference value

6. Transfer the result of the calibration into the controller
memory by pressing
ð The controller displays the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of
the calibration lies outside the specified
tolerance limits. In this case, the current
calibration is not applied.
Check the prerequisites for calibration
and clear the error. Then repeat calibra‐

Permitted calibration range

The permitted calibration range is 20 ... 300% of
the sensor's rated value.
Example of a shallow slope: Blocking of the sensor
membrane leads to a low slope (low slope = low
sensor sensitivity)
Example of a steep slope: Surfactants make the
sensor membrane more permeable, leading to a
steeper slope (steep slope = high sensor sensi‐
tivity) Calibration of zero point

Necessity for calibrating the zero point

Calibration of the zero point is not generally neces‐
sary. A calibration of the zero point is only neces‐
sary if the sensor is operated at the lower limit of
the measuring range or if the 0.5 ppm sensor ver‐
sion is used.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Correct sensor operation / Run-in period
Damage to the product or its surroundings
– Correct measuring and metering is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly
– Please read the operating manual for the
– Please also read the operating manuals for the
fittings and other components used
– It is imperative that the run in periods of the
sensors are adhered to
– The run in periods should be allowed for when
planning commissioning
– It may take a whole working day to run-in the

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

Prerequisites for a correct calibration of the sensor
zero point
– The run in period for the sensor has been
adhered to
– There is permitted and constant flow at the in-
line probe housing
– There is temperature balance between the
sensor and the sample water
– There is a constant pH value in the permitted

1. Press the key in the continuous display.

2. Using the arrow keys select the [Zero point]
3. Then press

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Zero point


Accept with <CAL>


Fig. 62: Calibration of zero point

4. Then press

Calibration successful

Zero point

continue with <CAL>


Fig. 63: Calibration of zero point

5. Import the result of the calibration into the controller memory
by pressing the key
ð The controller displays the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
Should the result of the calibration lie out‐
side the specified tolerance limits, an
error message appears. In this case the
current calibration will not be applied.
Check the prerequisites for the calibra‐
tion and clear the error. Then repeat the

15.1.5 Calibrating the oxygen sensor Specify the calibration interval
The calibration interval depends strongly on:
n the application
n the installation location of the sensor

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

If you wish to calibrate a sensor for a special application and/or a

special installation location, then you can determine the calibration
intervals using the following method. Check the sensor, e.g. one
month after its commissioning:
1. Take the sensor out of the medium
2. Clean the outside of the sensor with a damp cloth
3. Then gently dry the sensor diaphragm, e.g. using a paper
4. After 20 minutes, measure the oxygen saturation index in the
5. Protect the sensor against external influences, such as sun‐
light and wind
ð Now decide depending on the result:
Calibrate the sensor if the measured value is not 102 ±
If the value is within the target range, then you can
extend the calibration interval. Repeat this process
monthly and determine from the results the optimum cali‐
bration interval for your application.

Sensor manufacturer’s calibration specifi‐

When determining the calibration interval,
consider the sensor operating instruc‐
tions as they may specify additional
and/or deviating calibration intervals. Selection of the calibration process for the measured variable O2

Different calibration modes are offered depending on the sensor
type. Calibration of the slope in air

1. Press the CAL key in the continuous display.
2. Use OK to select the measuring channel.
ð The display appears as follows:

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Last calibration 22.09.2019 14:22:33
Slope 100% (0.80 mA/ppm)
Zero point 4.00 mA
Calibration of the slope in air
Slope calibration by
reference measurement in water
Calibration of zero point

Fig. 64: Calibration of the slope in air

3. Use OK to select the calibration process: Calibration of the
slope in air.
ð The display appears as follows:

Temperature Manual
Process temperature 10 °C
Air pressure 1013 mbar
Higher than NNl 300 m
Conductivity 0.0 mS/cm
Salinity 0 g/l

1) Enter correcting value

2) continue with <CAL>

Fig. 65: Correction variable values

4. Enter the current values for the correction variables: Use OK
to select the correction variable. Use the arrow keys to enter
the values.
5. Use CAL to continue.
ð The display appears as follows:

Latest sensor measured values
Concentration 11.10 ppm
Sensor current 12.61 mA
1) Immerse sensor in
2) Wait for the stability of the measured value


Fig. 66: Keeping the sensor in air saturated with water vapour
6. Keep the sensor in air saturated with water vapour.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

7. Wait for the stability of the measured values.

8. The display appears as follows if calibration is successful:

Calibration successful
Before calibration
After calibration
Zero point

Cancel with <ESC> End with <CAL> A2854

Fig. 67: Successful calibration

9. n Use CAL to confirm.
n Press ESC to cancel.
10. The display appears as follows if calibration is unsuccessful:

Calibration not possible i
Before calibration
After calibration ---
Zero point

Cancel with <ESC> End with <CAL> A2855

Fig. 68: Unsuccessful calibration

11. n Use CAL to end.
n Press ESC to cancel.
12. Check the sensor and installation once again and repeat the
calibration procedure. Calibrating the slope using a reference measurement in water

1. Press the CAL key in the continuous display.
2. Use OK to select the measuring channel.
ð The display appears as follows:

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Last calibration 22.09.2019 14:22:33
Slope 100% (0.80 mA/ppm)
Zero point 4.00 mA
Calibration of the slope in air
Slope calibration using
reference measurement in water
Calibration of zero point

Fig. 69: Calibrating the slope using a reference measurement in

3. Use OK to select the calibration process: Calibrate the slope
using a reference measurement in water.
ð The display appears as follows:

Latest sensor measured values
Concentration 7.67 ppm
Sensor current 8.80 mA

1) Sensor immersed in water

2) Wait for the stability of the measured value


Fig. 70: Latest sensor measured values

4. Install the sensor in water.
5. Wait for the stability of the measured values.
ð The display appears as follows:

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Determine reference value

07.51 ppm

Change with <OK> Continue with <CAL>


Fig. 71: Reference value

6. Use OK and the arrow keys to enter the reference value
ð The display appears as follows:

Reference value

07.51 ppm

Range: 0.00 ... 24.00 ppm


Fig. 72: Reference value

7. Continue with CAL.
8. The display appears as follows if calibration is successful:

Calibration successful
Before calibration
After calibration
Zero point

Cancel with <ESC> End with <CAL> A2854

Fig. 73: Successful calibration

9. n Use CAL to confirm
n Press ESC to cancel
10. The display appears as follows if calibration is unsuccessful:

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Calibration not possible i
Before calibration
After calibration ---
Zero point

Cancel with <ESC> End with <CAL> A2855

Fig. 74: Unsuccessful calibration

11. n Use CAL to end
n Press ESC to cancel
12. Check the sensor and installation once again and repeat the
calibration procedure. Calibration of the zero point

Calibration of the zero point is only needed for precise measure‐
ments at the lower end of the measuring range (< 5% of the meas‐
uring range).

Last calibration 22.09.2019 14:22:33
Slope 100% (0.80 mA/ppm)
Zero point 4.00 mA
Calibration of the slope in air
Slope calibration by
reference measurement in water
Calibration of zero point

Fig. 75: Introduction: Calibration of the zero point

1. Use OK to select the calibration process: Calibration of the
zero point.
ð The display appears as follows:

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Zero point 4.05 mA

Range 3.95 mA - 4.15 mA

Accept with <CAL>


Fig. 76: Zero point

2. Position the sensor in an oxygen-free environment e.g. in
water with a slight excess of sodium hydrogen sulfite and
wait until the signal is stable
3. Use CAL to accept
4. The display appears as follows if calibration is successful:

Calibration successful
Before calibration
After calibration
Zero point

Cancel with <ESC> End with <CAL> A2854

Fig. 77: Successful calibration

5. n Use CAL to confirm
n Press ESC to cancel
6. The display appears as follows if calibration is unsuccessful:

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Calibration not possible i
Before calibration
After calibration ---
Zero point

Cancel with <ESC> End with <CAL> A2855

Fig. 78: Unsuccessful calibration

7. n Use CAL to end
n Press ESC to cancel
8. Check the sensor and installation once again and repeat the
calibration procedure.

15.1.6 Measured value [mA general] calibration

Measured value [mA general] calibration

The measured value [mA general] cannot be cali‐
brated, this menu item is shown ‘greyed out’ and
has no purpose.

15.1.7 Calibrating Conductivity [mA]

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

You may need a manual measuring instrument for the conductivity

measured variable. This manual instrument should measure and
display sufficiently accurately to guarantee successful calibration.
1. Press in the continuous display.
2. Use the arrow keys to select [Slope calibration].
3. Continue with .
4. Follow the instructions in the controller display and perform

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

5. Continue with .
6. Then press to adjust the µS/cm value or press to con‐
tinue with calibration.
7. Carry over the result of the calibration into the controller
memory by pressing .
ð The controller shows the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of
the calibration lies outside the specified
tolerance limits. In this case, the current
calibration is not carried over.
Check the prerequisites for calibration
and eliminate the error. Then repeat cali‐

15.1.8 Calibrating conductive conductivity

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration. Calibrating conductive conductivity, sensor parameter adjustment

The sensor must be dry
Do not allow the conductivity sensor to come into
contact with liquid. Only allow the conductivity
sensor to come into contact with liquid once the
conductivity sensor has been connected, config‐
ured and calibrated. The sensor parameters (zero
point) of a moist or wet conductivity sensor can no
longer be properly calibrated.
If the conductivity sensor has come into contact
with liquid prior to calibration, there is an option to
dry the conductivity sensor. A dry conductivity
sensor can be successfully recalibrated to the
sensor parameters.

If [Sensor not dry] continues to be displayed despite the conduc‐

tivity sensor having been dried, then you will have to wait some
time until the controller has detected the sensor as dry.

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

Once you have selected the sensor type, the prompt automatically
appears asking whether the sensor parameters (zero point) have
to be determined. You can initiate this prompt manually as follows:
Continuous display ➨ Menu ➨ or [Measurement] ➨ ➨
or [Measuring channel X Conductivity] ➨ or
[Sensor parameter adjustment] ➨ .
1. Use the arrow keys to select
[Automatically determine sensor parameters].
2. Continue with .
ð You will see the display showing [Sensor dry] and
[Automatically determine sensor parameters].
3. Continue with .
ð You will see the display with the message
[Sensor parameters are automatically determined].
The sensor parameters are automatically carried over. Calibrating conductive conductivity, cell constant

Prerequisite for calibration. The conductivity sensor is connected.
The conductivity sensor is in a conductivity calibration solution, the
conductivity of which is known.

Material Order number

Conductivity calibration solution, 1413 μS/cm, 250 ml. 1027655
Conductivity calibration solution, 1413 μS/cm, 1000 ml. 1027656
Conductivity calibration solution, 12.88 mS/cm, 250 ml. 1027657
Conductivity calibration solution, 12.88 mS/cm, 1000 ml. 1027658

All parameters for the conductivity sensor are correctly entered in

the [Measurement] menu item.
1. Press in the continuous display.
2. Use the arrow keys to select the channel which should be
3. Then press
ð You will see the display with the menu for selection of
[Cell constant] or [Temp. coefficient].
Calibration of the cell constant 4. Use the arrow keys to select [Cell constant].
5. Continue with .
ð You will see the current data for the [Cell constant]. Enter
the temperature coefficient of the calibration solution
6. Continue with calibration with .
7. Continue with .
8. Enter the known conductance of your conductivity calibration
9. Accept with .
10. Continue with .

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

11. Apply the result of the calibration into the controller memory
by pressing or cancel the process with ESC.
ð The controller shows the calibration menu again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
Cell constant, valid range: 0.005 ... 15
An error message appears if the result of
the calibration lies outside the specified
tolerance limits. In this case, the current
calibration is not carried over.
Check the prerequisites for calibration
and eliminate the error. Then repeat cali‐
bration. Calibrating conductive conductivity, temperature coefficient

Prerequisite for calibration. The conductivity sensor is connected.
The conductivity sensor is in a suitable liquid, e.g. a sample from
the bypass fitting.
1. Press in the continuous display.
2. Use the arrow keys to select the channel which should be
3. Then press
ð You will see the display with the menu for selection of
[Cell constant] or [Temp. coefficient].
Check the [Temp. coefficient] 4. Use the arrow keys to select [Temp. coefficient].
5. Continue with .
ð You will see the current data for the [Temp. coefficient].
6. Continue with .
ð The sensor signal stability will be displayed – the tem‐
perature values relate to the temperature difference of
the medium:
n low (< 10 °C is too low),
n good (> 10 °C is good),
n very good (> 15 °C is very good).
is displayed if the bar graph is in the "good" area.
7. Warm up the conductivity calibration solution by at least 10
°C but better by 15 °C while the conductivity sensor is in the
conductivity calibration solution.
ð The [Sensor signal stability] bar moves now to the right.
If [low] is displayed, then repeat the process at a tem‐
perature of 1 ... 2 °C higher. If [low] continues to be dis‐
played, then the sensor is faulty. With [good] and
[very good], continue with .

Calibrating the controller diaLog DACb

8. Apply the result of the calibration by pressing .

ð The controller shows the calibration menu again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of
the calibration lies outside the specified
tolerance limits. In this case, the current
calibration is not carried over.
Check the prerequisites for calibration
and eliminate the error. Then repeat cali‐

15.1.9 Calibrating temperature

Measuring and control behaviour of the controller

during calibration
During calibration the actuating outputs are deacti‐
vated. Exception: a basic load or a manual control
variable has been set. This remains active. The
measured value output [standard signal output mA]
is frozen, corresponding to its settings in the mA
output menu.
When calibration/testing has been completed suc‐
cessfully, all of the error checks relating to the
measured value are restarted. The controller saves
all the determined data for zero point and slope
upon a successful calibration.

You may need a manual measuring instrument for the temperature

measured variable. This manual instrument should measure and
display sufficiently accurately to guarantee successful calibration.
1. Press in the continuous display.
2. Then press
3. Follow the instructions in the controller display and perform
4. Then press
5. Then press to adjust the value or press to continue with
6. Import the result of the calibration into the controller memory
by pressing
ð The controller shows the continuous display again and
operates with the results of the calibration.

Incorrect calibration
An error message appears if the result of
the calibration lies outside the specified
tolerance limits. In this case the current
calibration is not carried over.
Check the prerequisites for calibration
and eliminate the error. Then repeat cali‐

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

16 Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

16.1 Calibrating [CAL] the conductivity sensor
The following calibration functions are available depending on the
type of sensor:
n Calibrate the cell constant
n Calibrate the temperature coefficient
n Calibrate the zero point

Correct sensor operation

– Correct measurement and metering is only
possible if the sensor is working perfectly.
– Refer to the sensor's operating instructions.

Incorrect calibration
An error message ‘ERR’ appears if the result of
the calibration lies outside the specified tolerance
limits. In this case, the current calibration is not
Check the prerequisites for calibration and clear
the error. Then repeat calibration.
If the calibration is again incorrect, refer to the
information provided in the sensor operating

During calibration, the controller sets the control outputs to ‘0’ .

Exception: If a basic load or a manual control variable has been
set. This remains active. The mA standard signal output is frozen.
When calibration has been completed successfully, all the error
checks relating to the measured value are restarted. The controller
saves the data determined for the cell constant and temperature
coefficient when calibration is successful.
The conductivity sensors can be calibrated using 3 different
methods. The cell constant is adjusted directly or indirectly with all
n Calibration compared to a reference solution
n Calibration compared to a reference measurement (e.g.
manual measuring device)
n Calibration by entering a precisely known or determined cell

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

16.1.1 Calibration of the cell constant



TCoeffCAL 1.90%/°C

COND= 43,2µS/cm @25°C
CAL_T= 155.0 °C


COND= 043,975 µS/cm

CELLC 1.0000cm-1 OK


Fig. 79: Calibration of the cell constant

Calibration compared to a calibration 1. Press and use the or key to move the cursor to
solution [CELLCONST] and confirm with .
2. Enter the temperature coefficient of the calibration solution.

The temperature coefficient of the calibration

solution is specified on the storage tank for
the calibration solution.

Confirm with .
3. Now dip the sensor into the calibration solution and gently
move the sensor.
4. Wait until the conductivity and temperature measured value
has stabilised.
Press .
ð The conductivity value measured is displayed.
5. Now use the , or keys to set the conductivity value
measured, in accordance with the conductivity value speci‐
fied on the calibration solution.
ð If calibration has been completed successfully, the con‐
troller stores the determined values for the cell constant
and the error checks relating to the measured value are
restarted. The numerical setting range of the cell con‐
stant is not limited.
6. Press twice to return to the continuous display.

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

Calibration compared with a reference

measurement (e.g. manual measuring Temperature coefficient of the measuring solution
device) The temperature coefficient of the measuring solu‐
tion has to be known.

1. Press , leaving the sensor in the application in which the

sensor is fitted.
2. Use or key to move the cursor to [CELLCONST] and
confirm with .
3. Enter the temperature coefficient of the measuring solution.
Confirm with .
4. Press .
ð The conductivity value measured is displayed.
5. Now use the , or keys to enter the conductivity value
displayed, in accordance with the reference value measured.
ð If calibration has been completed successfully, the con‐
troller stores the determined values for the cell constant
and the error checks relating to the measured value are
restarted. The numerical setting range of the cell con‐
stant is not limited.
6. Press twice to return to the continuous display.

Calibration by entering a precisely

known cell constant
1. Press and use the or key to move the cursor to
Confirm with .
2. Use the or key to move the cursor to [CELLC].
Confirm with .
3. Now use the , or keys to adjust the precisely known
or previously determined cell constant.
Confirm with .
4. Press twice to return to the continuous display.

Tab. 10: Sensor status

Display Meaning Status
[OK] In order Cell constant = 0.005 / 99.9
[WRN] Warning none
[ERR] Error Cell constant < 0.005 or cell constant > 100

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

16.1.2 Calibration of the temperature coefficient

Conductivity sensors with temperature element

You can only calibrate the temperature coefficient
with conductivity sensors with a temperature ele‐
ment, because it is impossible to calculate the tem‐
perature coefficient without measuring the tem‐

Temperature change
It is recommended that the temperature is changed
by no more than 0.5 °C per minute, or with a tem‐
perature change of e.g. 10 °C you will need to wait
for a minimum of 20 minutes before calibration.



CAL_T1= 22.0 °C

T2 > 32.0 °C or
T2 < 12.0 °C

T2 > 32.0 °C or
T2 < 12.0 °C

CAL_T2= 43.0 °C

CAL_T2= 43.0 °C



Fig. 80: Calibration of the temperature coefficient

I. If the temperature change is greater than 2°C, the message changes to [WAIT]
II. If the temperature is within the specified range, the message changes to [STABLE ?]
III. When a stable final temperature has been reached, the message changes to [ACCEPT?]. Calibration
can now be terminated manually.

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

1. Calibrate at the first calibration temperature calibration tem‐

perature; this calibration temperature should be close to the
selected reference temperature.
2. Press [CAL] to accept the first calibration point. At the same
time the temperature ranges for the second temperature
value are given.
3. Important note: [CHANGE TEMP], now immerse the sensor
in the same liquid with the second calibration temperature
(minimum temperature difference ± 10 °C)
4. If the measured temperature has changed by more than
2 °C, [WAIT] is displayed.
5. If the temperature has changed by more than 10 °C,
[STABLE?] is displayed, and you can now terminate calibra‐
tion if the displayed temperature value no longer changes
(fluctuation < 0.3% of the value displayed). To do so, press
6. When the Maximum/Minimum temperature has been
reached, [ACCEPT?] is displayed
ð You can now terminate calibration. To do so, press

This process may take 10 ... 20 minutes

depending on the type of sensor.

7. Use [CAL] to accept the temperature coefficient or [ESC] to

discard it

Sensor status

Display Meaning Status

[OK] In order [ΔTcal] > 20 °C
[WRN] Warning [ΔTcal] = 10 °C…20 °C
[ERR] Error [ΔTcal] < 10 °C
[ΔTcal] = Temperature difference of the calibration liquids

16.1.3 Calibrating the zero point

Dry the sensor and keep it free from electromag‐

netic fields
If the zero point of the sensor is to be calibrated, it
is essential that the sensor is removed, rinsed and
dried before calibration. No electromagnetic fields
may influence the sensor as these electromagnetic
fields could distort calibration. Keep devices that
transmit radiation away from the sensor, such as
mobile phones, WLAN routers, sources of high
voltage, transformers etc.

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity


Put LF-Sensor
in air

SENSOR= 762.µS
STABLE (10 sec)?
ZERO = 710.793 µS


Fig. 81: Calibrating the zero point / The [CAL] [ZERO] default value corresponds to the default value of the
sensor selected.

Tab. 11: Zero point calibration limits

Sensor Value
ICT 1 65 µS
ICT 2 4 µS
ICT 5 30 µS
CLS52 4 µS
Manual 50 uS

Calibrating the zero point 1. Press , remove the sensor from the application in which it
is fitted.
2. Rinse the sensor with clean water and dry it.
3. Use the or key to move the cursor to [ZERO] and con‐
firm with .
4. Hold the sensor in the air.
Press .
5. Wait for the process [WAIT ...].
ð [STABLE (10 sec)?] = The value displayed needs to be
displayed stably for longer than 10 seconds. (Fluctuation
< 0.5% of the displayed value).
6. Press .
7. Press , or
Press if you wish to use the [ZERO] default value and then
press .
ð The new value for the zero point is carried over into the
memory and the controller shows the continuous display

Calibrating the compact controller for inductive conductivity

ZERO = 373.793 µS ERR


Fig. 82: Display of incorrect calibration.

8. In the event of incorrect calibration, press to retain the old
calibration value and press to use the factory settings.


17 Maintenance
17.1 General

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

Live parts
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
– Disconnect the system from the power supply
before opening the housing of a component.
– Immediately switch off the system and arrange
for its repair if the housing of the pump, con‐
troller, terminal box or other component etc. is
broken, ruptured or obviously damaged.
– Only carry out set-up / maintenance / repair
and service work when the system is shut
down and the electrical power disconnected.
Calibration and maintenance work on the sen‐
sors represents an exception to this. This work
can be carried out while the system is live.
Please also observe the information in the
operating instructions for the sensors and con‐
– Check that the seals are sitting correctly after
closing the housing of the pump, controller or
terminal box
We always recommend using appropriate residual
current circuit breakers (RCCB) or other residual
current devices (RCD) provided they can be
installed sensibly and professionally within the
electrical installation. Please adhere to all national
standards and regulations.

– Please also observe the operating instructions
for fittings and any other units, such as sen‐
sors, sample water pumps ... !


These parts of the DULCOTROL® measuring/control station

require the following maintenance:

Part Maintenance Interval

With continuous flow through the installation
Parts through which sample water Check for leaks According to the internal specifica‐
flows tion of the system operator
Flow control Test the flow control
n record the flow value
n lower the flow - the controller
should switch to "Pause"
n readjust the recorded flow
With a flushed and depressurised installation
Sample water pump See operating instructions in the See operating instructions in the
appendix appendix
Filter Clean, if not possible replace car‐ As necessary, depending on the
tridge degree of dirt in the sample water.
V82 pressure reducer Refer to the manufacturer's Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions in the appendix instructions in the appendix
Honeywell pressure reducer Refer to the manufacturer's Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions in the appendix instructions in the appendix
Sensor Maintenance: Refer to the oper‐ Refer to the operating instructions
ating instructions for the sensor for the sensor
Bypass fitting DLG Unscrew the cup and clean the According to the internal specifica‐
sensors tion of the system operator

17.2 DGMa: Replacing the Modules

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

1. Close the ball valve in the feed of the in-line probe housing
2. Close the shut-off valve in the outlet of the in-line probe


3. Unscrew the sensors and store the sensors as described in

the operating instructions for the sensors
4. Remove all hoses from the in-line probe housing
5. Unscrew all modules and loosen the modules from the
holding clips
6. Drain the modules
7. Loosen the module to be replaced from the module block
8. Check whether all O-rings are correctly fitted


I. II. III. A1249

Fig. 83: Replacing/adding modules

I. Position (front view)
II. Turn clockwise (side view)
III. Finished (front view)
Make sure that all the arrows on the modules
point in the same direction.
Reposition the modules if they do not screw
easily into each other.
The connection will otherwise become loose
and will no longer be able to be loosened
without damage.

Position the new module on the module block

10. Turn the module clockwise until it hangs vertically down‐
11. Fit the complete new module block
12. Close the drain nozzle and the sampling tap
13. Screw in the sensors and calibrate if necessary, referring to
the operating instructions for the sensors
14. Fit all hoses on the in-line probe housing
15. Open the ball valve a little and check the leak-tightness of the
corresponding module before fully opening the ball valve
16. Adjust the flow


18 Troubleshooting
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for controllers and fittings and any other units,
such as sensors, sample water pumps ... !
– Adhere to the material safety data sheets for
the media used in your process!

– With terminal boxes: A wiring diagram is
enclosed in the documentation for the
DULCOTROL® measuring/control station.

Fault Cause Remedy

No or insufficient sample water Filter blocked Clean or replace the filter. See
flow manufacturer's documentation
(Flow meter shows no or too low a Sample water pumps not working Check and, as necessary, repair
flow) or working incorrectly the electrical power supply. See
wiring diagram.
Mechanical causes: See manufac‐
turer's documentation
Blockage of the pipework system Check the pipework system and
clean as necessary
Defective metering and control Controller with no or without suffi‐ Check and, as necessary, repair
performance cient functionality the electrical power supply. See
wiring diagram and controller
operating instructions
Defective or incorrectly calibrated Refer to the operating instructions
sensors for the sensor and controller
Check and, as necessary, repair
the electrical power supply. See
wiring diagram
Power failure, sensors in run in Stop the control and observe the
phase, therefore faulty measure‐ run in period for the sensors
Incorrect composition and/or con‐ Adhere to the material safety data
centration of the feed chemical sheets for the media used in your
process! Check the quality and/or
quantity of the feed chemical and
correct as necessary
Incorrect allocation of the feed Check the feed chemical alloca‐
chemical tion and correct as necessary
Measuring errors Air in the system Bleed the system
Temperature outside of the speci‐ Install heat exchanger upstream
fication of the measuring point
Changed process parameters, Check the suitability of the sen‐
e.g. water quality sors
Pressure too high Fit a pressure reducer


Fault Cause Remedy

No sampling possible Negative pressure in the system Fully open inlet shut-off valve,
adjust flow at the outlet shut-off
Leakage Pressure too high Fit a pressure reducer
Leakage Repair leak

Decommissioning and disposal

19 Decommissioning and disposal

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Please ensure when handling hazardous sub‐
stances that you have read the latest safety data
sheets provided by the manufacture of the haz‐
ardous substance. The actions required are
described in the safety data sheet. Check the
safety data sheet regularly and replace, if neces‐
sary, as the hazard potential of a substance can be
re-evaluated at any time based on new findings.
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that these safety data sheets are available and that
they are kept up to date, as well as for producing
an associated hazard assessment for the worksta‐
tions affected.

– Only allow an electrical technician to discon‐
nect the measuring plate from the mains/power
– Thoroughly rinse the sample water line with a
suitable medium (see material safety data
– Please also observe the operating instructions
for the controllers and fittings and any other
units, such as sensors, sample water pumps ...
– Also necessary after brief decommissioning
(up to 12 h): Observe the sensor operating

19.1 Temporary Decommissioning (Less Than 4 Weeks)

– Please also observe the operating instructions
for controllers and fittings and any other units,
such as sensors, sample water pumps ... !

With temporary decommissioning. Close the ball valves so

that the sensors remain surrounded by the sample water.

19.2 Temporary Decommissioning (Longer Than 4 Weeks)

– Please also observe the operating instructions
for controllers and fittings and any other units,
such as sensors, sample water pumps ... !

Unscrew the sensors and store the sensors properly, as

described in the operating instructions for the sensors.

Decommissioning and disposal

19.3 Final decommissioning

n User qualification: instructed user, see Ä Chapter 2.5 ‘User
qualification’ on page 15

– Please also observe the operating instructions
for the controllers and fittings and any other
units, such as sensors, sample water pumps ...
– The electrolyte of the sensors may be corro‐
– Capture any escaping electrolyte. Wear suit‐
able safety gloves and glasses, referring to the
safety data sheet for the electrolyte.
– Dispose of waste water in an environmentally-
friendly manner.

Regulations governing the disposal of used parts
– Note the national regulations and legal stand‐
ards that currently apply in your country

The manufacturer will take back decontaminated used devices pro‐

viding they are covered by adequate postage.
Decontaminate the device before returning it for repair. To do so,
remove all traces of hazardous substances. Refer to the Material
Safety Data Sheet for your feed chemical.
A current Declaration of Decontamination is available to download
on the ProMinent website. Please also observe the information on
the current Declaration of Decontamination.

Sign indicating EU collection system

In accordance with the European Directive 2012/19/EU on waste
electrical and electronic equipment, this device features the symbol
showing a waste bin with a line through it. The device must not be
disposed of along with domestic waste. To return the device, use
the return and collection systems available and observe the local
legal requirements.

Technical data and operating parameters

20 Technical data and operating parameters

Permissible operating pressures

Application Type Sample water Operating pressure

Potable water (P) C0, C1, D0, I0, Z0, F0, H0, X0 1 1 bar at 45 °C
Potable water (P) G0, A0 1 3 bar at 45 °C
Potable water (P) C1, D0, I0, Z0, F0, H0, X0 2 1 bar at 45 °C
Potable water (P) C1, P0, R0, L0 H 2 bar at 65 °C

Waste water (W) C1, D0, I0, Z0, F0, H0, X0 4, 5, 7 1 bar at 45 °C
Waste water (W) G0, A0 2, 4, 5, 7 3 bar at 45 °C
Waste water (W) C1, P0, R0, L0 H 2 bar at 65 °C

Definition of "sample water"

Sample water Designation Definition

1 Drinking water. Drinking water in accordance with the
German Drinking Water Ordinance.
2 Rinsing water. Process water with a low purity level (with
small particles of dirt, turbid appearance).
Industrial water.
Process water.
4 Clear waste water. Waste water with a low purity level (with
small particles of dirt and chemical pollu‐
5 Waste water with solid particle frac‐ Waste water with a low purity level (with
tion, turbid. particles of dirt < 1 mm, floating bodies,
turbid and chemical pollution).
7 Waste water with fluoride and pH < Waste water with a low purity level (with
7. small particles of dirt, turbid appearance).
H Potable water, rinsing water, indus‐ Temperature max. 65 °C at max. pressure
trial water, process water, clear of 2 bar.
waste water, waste water with solids
content, for higher temperatures.

Precision Refer to the specifications for the series components.

Material specifications/Manufacturing Refer to the specifications for the series components. The pipe‐
processes/Chemical resistance work in the bypass consists of glued PVC fittings.

Electrical data The electrical components have a wide-voltage power unit and can
be operated at 100 ... 230 VAC 50/60 Hz.
Electrical connection:
n 100 ... 230 V 50/60 Hz
n 0.7 ... 0.3 A
n 35 W

Technical data and operating parameters

Temperature data Ambient temperature: +5 ... +50°C

Medium temperature: max. sample water temperature 45 °C
Medium temperature: max. sample water temperature 65 °C, for
sample water “H”.
Medium temperature: max. sample water temperature 35 °C, for
the measured variable fluoride.

Climate Air humidity: max. 90 % relative air humidity, non-condensing.

Protection against contact and mois‐ Degree of protection: IP 65

ture (IP)

Transport weight The transport weight depends on the configuration of the meas‐
uring plate and lies between 8 ... 13 kg.

Free flow / No overpressure or negative pressure

Make sure that there is no overpressure > 1 bar
and also no negative pressure at the outlet of the
measuring plate. Overpressure damages the
bypass fitting. Negative pressure damages the
sensors fitted. Use the stopcocks to adjust the
pressure at the sample water inlet and outlet.
Route the pipework so that the sample water can
drain unimpeded.

Technical data and operating parameters

20.1 Flow and operational test of flow control

Set the ranges of the reed switch on the flow control DGMa and/or
DLG to Minimum and Maximum, switching the DACb from Opera‐
tion to Pause when doing so
n the wiring to the controller is correct,
n the switching function of the flow sensor,
n the correct configuration of the controller,
n the alarm relay (e.g. horn).

Tab. 12: Switching point of the flow control

Sample water Designation Bypass fitting Nominal cross Permissible flow Control switches
section off,
mm at l/h
1 Potable water DGMa 4 20… 60 < 20
2 and H Rinsing water DLG III 6 40… 65 < 20
Industrial water
Process water
4 and H Waste water, DLG III 6 40… 65 < 20
5 and H Waste water DLG III 6 40… 65 < 20
with solid par‐
ticle fraction,
7 Waste water DLG III 6 40… 65 < 20
with fluoride
and pH < 7

Spare parts and accessories

21 Spare parts and accessories

21.1 Spare parts
Please also refer to the lists in the operating instructions for the
controllers and fittings and any other units, such as sensors,
sample water pumps ... ! In addition, spare parts can be purchased
from our Service department.
The replacement diaLog DACb controller is supplied with a default
configuration. When commissioning the diaLog DACb controller,
the previous configuration of the old controller can be transferred
using the SD card if required.

Position number Quantity Designation Part number

100 1 DACBW006VA400001101000 1103483
100 1 DACBW006L3400001101000 1103484
100 1 DACBW006VA4000A1101000 1103485
100 1 DACBW006L34000A1101000 1103486
100 1 DACBW006VA4000B1101000 1103487
100 1 DACBW006L34000B1101000 1103488
100 1 DACBW006VA4000E1101000 1103489
100 1 DACBW006L34000E1101000 1103490
100 1 DACBW006VA4000G1101000 1103497
100 1 DACBW006L34000G1101000 1103498
101 1 DCCAP006L6001000 1044550
200 1 DGMA bypass fitting 1050374
201 1 Bypass fitting DLG III with backflushing 1050142
202 1 Bypass fitting DLG IV Dulcotrol 1050143
203 1 Filter 1050293
204 1 Fitting, flow meter 1050292
300 1 Fluoride sensor, FLEP-010/0100-SE 1028279
300 1 ORP sensor, REFP-SE 1018458
300 1 pH sensor, PHEF-012-SE 1010511
300 1 ORP sensor RHEP-Au-SE 1003875
300 1 Conductivity sensor, LFTK 1 DE 1002822
300 1 ORP sensor RHER-Pt-SE 1002534
300 1 pH sensor, PHER-112-SE 1001586
300 1 ORP sensor RHEX-Pt-SE 305097
300 1 pH sensor, PHEX-112-SE 305096
300 1 Temperature sensor, Pt-100-SE 305063
300 1 ORP sensor, RHEP-Pt-SE 150094
300 1 pH sensor, PHEP-112-SE 150041
301 1 Bromine sensor, BCR 1-mA- 1040115

Spare parts and accessories

Position number Quantity Designation Part number

301 1 Chlorine sensor, CBR 1-mA- 1038016
301 1 Chlorine sensor, CBR 1-mA- 1038015
301 1 Chlorine dioxide sensor CDR 1-mA-2 ppm 1033393
301 1 H2O2 sensor PEROX-H2.10 P 792976
1 PEROX transducer V2 1047979
1 Pt 100 SE temperature sensor 305063
301 1 Hydrogen peroxide sensor, PER 1-mA-2000 p 1022510
301 1 PES sensor, PAA 1-mA-2000 p 1022507
301 1 PES sensor, PAA 1-mA-200 pp 1022506
301 1 Chlorite sensor, CLT 1-mA-0.5 ppm 1021596
301 1 Ozone sensor, OZE 3-mA- 2 ppm 792957
301 1 ClO2 sensor, CDE 2-mA-0.5ppm 792930
301 1 Chlorine sensor, CLE 3-mA-0.5ppm 792927
301 1 Chlorine sensor, CTE 1-mA-0.5ppm 740686
301 1 Chlorine sensor, CLO 2-mA-2 ppm 1033878
302 1 Transmitter, 4 ... 20 mA, FPV1 1028280
302 1 Transmitter, 4 ... 20 mA, FP100 1031331
303 1 Conductivity sensor ICT5 1105778
304 1 Thermal switch 7760491
305 1 Oxygen sensor, complete, DO3-mA-50 ppm 1094609
500 1 Magnetic stirrer 790915
501 * 1 Magnetic stirring rod, 15x6, PRFE 790917
502 * 1 SD card, industrial 732483
503 * 1 Coaxial cable, 0.8 m, SN 6, open end 1006410
504 * 1 Control cable, LiYY, 2x0.25 mm2 725122
505 * 1 Cable, complete, LFTK, 3 m, screened 1046012
506 * 1 Cable, control cable, 5 m, SN 6, open end 1003208
507 * 1 Filter element, FL-5-10 1031210
508 * 1 Filter element, FL-5-100 1031211

Spare parts and accessories

Measuring plate DWCa with filter and

bypass fitting DGMa



Fig. 84: Measuring plate DWCa with filter and bypass fitting DGMa

Spare parts and accessories

Measuring plate DWCa with filter and

bypass fitting DLG



Fig. 85: Measuring plate DWCa with filter and bypass fitting DLG

Spare parts and accessories

Measuring plate DWCa with filter,

bypass fitting DLG and stirrer


Fig. 86: Measuring plate DWCa with filter, bypass fitting DLG and stirrer

Spare parts and accessories

Measuring plate DWCa with filter,

DLG and sensor



Fig. 87: Measuring plate DWCa with filter, bypass fitting DLG and sensor type ICT5 for inductive conductivity

21.2 Accessories
Tab. 13: Photometer
Component Order number
Photometer DT1B 1039315
Photometer DT3B 1039317
Photometer DT4B 1039318
The scope of delivery of the photometer includes a transport case, accessories, cuvettes and reagents.

EU Declaration of Conformity

22 EU Declaration of Conformity
n ProMinent GmbH
n Im Schuhmachergewann 5 - 11
n D - 69123 Heidelberg, Germany,
hereby declare that the product specified in the following, complies
with the relevant basic health and safety requirements of the EU
Directive, on the basis of its functional concept and design and in
the version distributed by us. Any modification to the product not
approved by us will invalidate this declaration.

Tab. 14: Extract from the EU Declaration of Conformity

Designation of the product: DULCOTROL® DWCa
Product type: DWCa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _
that is to say, for installed systems.
Serial number: see nameplate on the plate
Relevant EU directives: Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU)
EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
Harmonised standards applied, EN 61010-1: 2010
in particular:
EN 61326 - 1: 2013, Class A, industrial sector
Place, Date: Heidelberg, 20.04.2016

The EU Declaration of Conformity is available to download on our



23 Index
A Degree of protection: IP 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Action, step by step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Designation of the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Actuating outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Direction of flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 33
Air humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Drilling template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Alarm equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 25, 38
Alarm relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Electrical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Ambient temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Electrical installation of the amperometric sen‐
Applied harmonised standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 sors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 37
Archiving the settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Electrical installation of the flow sensor . . . . . 31, 36
Area at risk from explosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Electrical installation of the ORP and pH sensor
Assembly height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 37
Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Backlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 F
Ball valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Failure of the control and impact on the process
Brightness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 25, 38

Bypass fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 23 Fitting sensors with screw thread PG 13.5 . . . . . 34

Fitting sensors with shaft diameter 25 mm (only
C DLG III A or B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Cable marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Flammable media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Calibrating the "Conductive conductivity" meas‐ Function of the keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ured variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Further applicable documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Calibrating the "Conductivity" measured variable
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 G
Calibrating the "Temperature" measured vari‐ Galvanically isolated measuring device . . . . . . . . 40
able . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 General non-discriminatory approach . . . . . . . . . . 2
Calibrating the zero point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Guard plate (IP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Calibration of amperometric measured variables 93 H
Calibration solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hanger bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chemical resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Hydraulic leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chlorine calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Hydraulic system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Circulating pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Incorrect metering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Concealed installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Indoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Installation diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Installation diagram for accessories . . . . . . . . . . 28
Contrast setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Control outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 K
Control stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Key Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Data input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Language settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Decoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Life phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Defective control by incorrect measured values . 40 Lightning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Definition of "sample water" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126


Links to elements or sections of these instruc‐ Question: How can I reset the operating lan‐
tions or other applicable documents . . . . . . . . . . . 2 guage? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Live parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 40 Question: How can I set or change the operating
language? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
M Question: How can I store and transport the
Mains switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 product? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Manufacturing processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Question: How do I adjust the display bright‐
ness? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Material specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Question: How do I adjust the display contrast? . 64
Maximum operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Question: How do I calibrate the sensor's zero
Measuring plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
point? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Medium temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Question: How does the controller operate? . . . . 52
Metering pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Question: How does the key lock work? . . . . . . . 58
Moisture protection (IP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Question: What ambient conditions need to be
More symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 taken into consideration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mounting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Question: What can be calibrated? . . . . . . . . . . 112
Question: What happens in the event of incor‐
N rect calibration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Non-discriminatory approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Question: What information is made available in
the continuous display? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Question: What information is made available in
Operating concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 the info display? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Operating elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Question: What type of buffer solutions do I
Operating errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 need for a fluoride calibration? . . . . . . . . . . . 90, 92
Operating language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 64 Question: What type of buffer solutions do I
need for pH calibration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Question: Which calibration process can you
Outdoor applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
use to calibrate amperometric measured varia‐
Overview of equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 bles? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Question: Which calibration process can you
use to calibrate the DO measured variable? . . . 100
Park position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Question: Which calibration process can you
PE plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 use to calibrate the fluoride value? . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Permissible operating pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Question: Which calibration process can you
pH calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 use to calibrate the ORP value? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Poor sensor operation and fluctuating pH values Question: Which calibration process can you
during the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 use to calibrate the pH value? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Potential adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Question: Which values render pH calibration
valid? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Potential equalisation pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 22
Potential separation of the power supply . . . . . . . 40 R
Power repeater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Redundant design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 25, 38
Protective housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Regulating tap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Relevant EU directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Remove and refit the fluoride sensor in the in-
Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
line probe housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89, 91
Question: Are there disadvantages with pH cali‐
Remove and refit the pH sensor in the in-line
bration with an external sample? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
probe housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Question: How are the unit and sensor cali‐
Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) . . . . . . . 11
brated? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Residual current devices (RCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Resistance list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Risks of explosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Run in periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 98

Safety data sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Safety goggles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 33
Sample water fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Sample water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Sampling tap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Scope of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sensor function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 98
Serial number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Sources of EMC interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Standard signal outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 98
Starting up the DLG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Strain relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Sunlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Temperature data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Test container 1 with buffer solution . . . . . . . . . . 76
Test container 1 with fluoride calibration solution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89, 91
Test container 2 with buffer solution . . . . . . . . . . 76
Test container 2 with fluoride calibration solution 89
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

User qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
UV sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Warning information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

ZERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Zero point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Zero point calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

ProMinent GmbH
Im Schuhmachergewann 5 - 11
69123 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 (6221) 842-0
Fax: +49 (6221) 842-419
Email: info@prominent.com
Internet: www.prominent.com

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