Sharad K. JAIN
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee 247667, India
Evaporation and transpiration, that transfer water from land and vegetation to the atmosphere,
are key components of the hydrologic cycle, especially at large space-time scales. These
components are fundamental to agricultural irrigation, forest management, land use and land
cover design, drought management, and water resources planning.
Large amounts of water are evaporated from ponds and lakes, particularly in arid climates.
Crops and trees transpire large portions of water that is applied through irrigation or is received
through rainfall. Evaporation and transpiration together constitute what is called
evapotranspiration (ET). The importance of ET depends upon the time scale and the type of
hydrologic event. For an intense short storm event, abstractions due to evaporation and
transpiration are usually small and often neglected in hydrologic balance computations. The
bulk of evaporation and transpiration from a catchment takes place during the time between
runoff events, which is usually long. ET links atmospheric, hydrologic, and agricultural
At the catchment scale, ET represents the largest water flux after precipitation, but it is very
challenging to measure ET at this scale due to the heterogeneity of the topography. In practice,
ET is often calculated as the residual from precipitation and other water fluxes (e.g., runoff,
change in soil water storage) and is subject to large errors at a short temporal scale and in
watersheds with poorly defined surface and subsurface watershed boundaries.
1.1 Definitions
Evaporation is defined as the process by which water from water bodies (rivers, ponds, lakes)
or soil is converted to vapor. It is commonly expressed in mm/hour.
Potential Evaporation is the quantity of water evaporated per unit time per unit area of an
idealized extensive free water surface under existing atmospheric conditions. The time scale for
measurement or estimation can be an hour, a day, a month, or a year. It is usually assumed
uniform over the area under consideration and is expressed in mm, cm, or inches. Thus, it is
commonly expressed in mm/day, cm/month, in/day.
Reference Evapotranspiration: evapotranspiration from a reference surface, not short of
water, is called the reference evapotranspiration and is denoted as ETo (UN Food and
Agriculture Organization, www.fao.org). The reference surface is a hypothetical grass reference
crop with specific characteristics. It is commonly expressed in mm/day or cm/month.
vapor. The water vapor is lighter than other atmospheric gases and hence it tends to rise above
When warmed, water molecules become more active and move from the liquid water to
the atmosphere. As more molecules move into the atmosphere, the density of water molecules
near the water surface increases. This leads to collision between molecules emerging from the
water with those already in the air and it causes some water molecules to return to the water.
Thus, there is a constant transfer of molecules to and from water, but the transfer from the water
is dominant. Some molecules are carried away from the water body by wind. At some time, the
air may become saturated and the vapor pressure of air may be equal to the vapor pressure of
water. In this condition, evaporation becomes zero. Evaporation is high when the vapor pressure
of air is low which means that the gradient between the vapor pressure of air and that of water is
low. The difference in the vapor pressure gradient between the water surface and the air varies
with the height above the water surface.
Heat energy, essential for evaporation, is derived generally from solar radiation. The
relative humidity of air and the wind velocity across the water surface also influence the rate of
evaporation. Near the equator, where the sea and winds are warm, the rate of evaporation is
quite high. Tropical climates are typically humid, as is the case in the East Indies, the Amazon
River basin, and in central Africa. Near the poles, evaporation is small since the cold winds
cannot hold much moisture and weak sunshine contains little energy. Arctic climates are
typically dry.
2.1 Temperature
Temperature of a place depends on its geographical location, altitude, season and distance from
the sea or ocean. Temperature is influenced by the exchange of air masses and by cloudiness
(which obstructs incoming radiation) and follows diurnal and seasonal cycles. Temperature falls
with altitude at approximately 0.6oC per 100 m rise in elevation for moist air and 0.9oC per 100
m for dry air. Hence, evaporation is less at higher altitudes. The temperature variation near large
water bodies, such as sea, is less due to the moderating influence and hence the annual and
diurnal range is smaller. Generally, temperatures of nearby places are strongly correlated.
Temperature also influences the amount of dissolved gases and the rate of chemical and
biological reactions and activities. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of water
molecules also increases and this allows water molecules to escape from liquid water to the air
faster than otherwise. Thus, the warmer the water is, the greater is the transfer of molecules from
the water to the air and evaporation. Temperature is commonly reported in degree Centigrade;
USA and some other countries follow the Fahrenheit unit.
Temperature is manually measured by a set of four thermometers which are usually
installed in the Stevenson screen which provides ventilation and shade. The screen should face
towards north. Four types of thermometers are used: dry bulb thermometer to measure ambient
air temperature; wet bulb to measure temperature that is attained by a volume of air if cooled
adiabatically to saturation by evaporation of water into it (this temperature is used to calculate
relative humidity); maximum thermometers to measure the highest temperature reached since
the last setting; and minimum thermometers to measure the lowest temperature reached since the
last setting.
To measure water surface temperature, several types of thermometers, such as mercury-
in-glass or mercury-in-steel (including maximum and minimum and reversing thermometer),
platinum resistance or thermistor elements with electronic circuit and meter or recorder and
thermocouple thermometers, are used. In general, the precision required for water temperature is
±0.1°C. However, precision of ±0.5°C is adequate in many circumstances.
bulb readings) using a set of tables. While the actual vapor pressure may vary little during the
day, RH has a regular diurnal pattern with a minimum normally coinciding with the highest
temperature (when the saturation vapor pressure is highest). RH also shows a seasonal variation.
Relative humidity may also be measured continuously by means of hygrograph where
the sensor is human/horse hair whose length changes with relative humidity. Errors in the
hygrograph may arise from bad calibration. Errors in RH may be detected by setting up upper
and lower warning limits, depending upon the station and season. The maximum value for RH is
100%. The graph of daily series needs to be inspected to identify anomalous values.
The direction of wind is reported as one of the 16 points of the compass; it could be
shown either as numerical or as an alphabetic code. Note that wind direction is not used to
compute ET – it is not a variable in formulas. Wind direction may influence evaporation at a
place if the wind is blowing from a place with significantly different humidity.
Under certain conditions, a thin film of saturated vapor exists over a water surface. If left
undisturbed, this film acts as an insolating buffer between the water surface and the unsaturated
air above and slows down the evaporation to a low rate. Usually, this condition is not seen in
real life, because wind tends to remove the saturated film and expose the water surface to
unsaturated air. This action creates a vapor-pressure gradient that provides conditions that are
favorable for evaporation. The relation between a water surface and wind drag on that surface is
complex. Evaporation is believed to increase with wind velocity until the vapor-pressure
gradient reaches some nearly constant relation. At this point, a further increase in wind velocity
will not increase evaporation appreciably. The effect of increased wind velocity on evaporation
is believed to be related to the size of the water body. Wind removes water vapor from small
bodies of water rather quickly, whereas on large bodies of water, the effect of wind requires a
longer time to accomplish the same effect.
Due to the effect of other factors, such as relative humidity, vapor pressure, and wind speed, the
pan evaporation is not directly related to the temperature.
6.2.6 Atmospheric Pressure
Since air is less dense at lower atmospheric pressure, the likelihood of collision of water
molecules escaping in the air with air molecules reduces with atmospheric pressure. For this
reason, evaporation is more when atmospheric pressure is low. Two changes take place as one
moves to higher altitudes: atmospheric pressure decreases and temperatures decreases.
Consequently, the relation between altitude and evaporation is not straightforward. It has been
observed that evaporation from lakes and evaporation pans increase as elevation increases.
E = P d (6.x)
where P is the depth of precipitation during the period between the two measurements, and d is
the depth of water added (+) to or removed (–) from the pan.
A good practice is to install additional instruments along with a pan, such as an
anemometer to measure wind movement over the pan, a precipitation gauge, and thermometers
to measure temperature of pan water and surrounding air. The inner side of the pan is painted
white. The water level in the pan changes due to evaporation and rainfall.
ER = KP Epan (6.2)
where KP is the pan coefficient; ER is the depth of evaporation from the reservoir; and Epan is the
pan evaporation, both in mm/day. The pan coefficient modifies Epan in accordance with the
physical conditions of the lake/reservoir, since the pan has a much smaller heat capacity and is
exposed to the climate from the sides and bottom. The value of pan coefficient depends on
climate, geographical location, season, size, and depth of the water body. This coefficient
generally varies from 0.6 to 0.85(annual scale) and from 0.3 to 1.7 on monthly scale, depending
on the characteristics of water body. Lower values are typical of dry seasons and arid climates
while higher values are appropriate for humid climates. In the absence of better estimates, a pan
coefficient value of around 0.7 may be used. The pan coefficient for a particular pan can be
determined by comparison with actual lake evaporation or with a large pan sunken to simulate a
The advantages of using a pan are that: (a) it is quite cheap, simple and easy to install
and operate, (b) the pan coefficient is stable, and (d) more data is available from using this pan.
Pan measurements approximate lake evaporation reasonably close and have the advantage of
less skilled labor. The disadvantages are that the pan coefficient varies in time and space.
Example 1: Compute daily evaporation from a Class A pan if the daily rainfall and the amount
of water added to bring the water level in the pan to the fixed point are as follows:
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rainfall (cm) 0 0.5 0.1 0 0 0.4
Water added (cm) 1.5 1.7 0.5 1.2 0.7 1.3
Solution: The daily pan evaporation equals the amount of water required to bring its water level
to the fixed point plus the water contributed by rainfall. For each day, this amount is shown as
follows, and varies from day to day, depending upon atmospheric conditions.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6
Evaporation (cm) 1.5 2.2 0.6 1.2 0.7 1.7
Example 2: The surface area of a lake is 500 hectares. Compute daily evaporation for the data
in Example 1. Assume the pan coefficient is 0.8.
Solution: The daily lake evaporation is obtained by multiplying the daily pan evaporation by the
pan coefficient:
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pan evaporation (cm) 1.5 2.2 0.6 1.2 0.7 1.7
Lake evaporation (cm) 1.2 1.76 0.48 0.96 0.56 1.36
The 6-day evaporation is the sum of daily values for 6 days = 6.32 cm. The 6-day loss of water
= (6.32m/100) × 500 × 10,000 m2 = 316,000 m3. Since 1 m3 = 1,000 liters, the 6-day loss =
316×106 liters.
Example 3: Compute the mean daily evaporation loss in hectare-meters for the month of July
from a stream reach 100 km long and 50 m wide on average. The mean daily evaporation
measured by a Class A pan for July is 0.6 cm. Assume the pan coefficient as 0.8.
This evaporation takes place from the entire stream reach whose area is 10,000 m × 50 m
= 5 × 107 m2, or 500 ha. Therefore,
500 ha × 0.48 m
Daily Evaporation = 2.4 ha m
This loss of water due to evaporation must be considered in managing the water of this
stream reach.
Example 4: It is desired to estimate the fall in water level due to evaporation from a lake on
June 24, 2015. A Class A pan is located near the lake. On this day, the rainfall amount was 0.45
cm and the amount of water added to restore the water level to the value at the beginning of that
day was 0.65 cm. Assume the pan coefficient as 0.78.
where E is the evaporation, I is the inflow, P is the precipitation, O is the outflow, Os is the
seepage, and S is the change in storage. Seepage, Os, cannot be measured or evaluated directly
and accurately, and the extent to which this quantity is accurate will affect the true value of
evaporation. Inflow, outflow, precipitation, and change in storage can be measured reasonably
accurately. The water budget method of determining long-term evaporation can be used as a
standard for comparing other methods. This method is not perfect, but it is satisfactory for
practical purposes.
Example 5: Estimate the evaporation for a month for a lake of 500 hectare surface area. The
mean discharge from the lake is estimated to be 1.00 m3/s. The monthly rainfall is about 10 cm.
A stream flows with an average discharge of 2.00 m3/s into the lake. The water level in the lake
dropped about 5 cm in the month. The seepage losses are negligible.
Monthly inflow = I = 2 x 3600 x 24 x 30 m3 = 51.84 x 105 m3
Monthly outflow = O = 1 x 3600 x 24 x 30 m3 = 25.92 x 105 m3
Monthly rainfall = P = × 500 × 10,000 m3 = 5 x 105 m3
Change in storage = S = × 500 × 10,000 m3 = 2.5 x 105 m3
Applying Equation 6.3 for estimating monthly evaporation,
Assuming unlimited availability of water, evaporation rate is chiefly governed by the amount of
available radiant energy. The net amount of radiation available at the earth surface is the
difference between the incoming and reflected solar (short wave) radiation (Fig. 3) plus the
difference between the long wave incoming and outgoing radiations:
𝑅𝑛 = 𝑆𝑛 + 𝐿𝑛 (6.4)
where Rn = the net radiation, Sn = the net short-wave (solar) radiation, and Ln is the net long-
wave radiation, all in MJ/(m2 day).
Fig. 3 Radiation balance at the ground. S0 is the incoming short-wave radiation at the top of the
atmosphere. After scattering and interception by the atmosphere and clouds, a part St comes to earth
surface and a part of it is reflected. Li is the incoming long-wave radiation; a part of it is reflected back.
The net short-wave radiation is equal to the incident short-wave radiation less the part due to
reflection and is given by
𝑆𝑛 = 𝑆𝑡 (1.0 − 𝛼) (6.5)
where St is the incoming short wave (0.3to 3.0 μm) radiation and 𝛼 is the reflection coefficient
or albedo which depends on the land cover and the direction of solar rays. Taller vegetation
reflects less radiation than shorter. In the absence of better information, Shuttleworth (1993)
suggested that albedo can be assumed as0.08for open water, 0.11-0.16for tall trees, 0.20 – 0.26
for short crops and grass,, 0.10 (wet) – 0.35 (dry) for bare soil, and 0.20 (old) – 0.80 (fresh)for
snow and ice. Incoming solar radiation can be estimated from the extraterrestrial radiation by
𝑆𝑡 = (𝑎𝑠 + 𝑏𝑠 𝑁) 𝑆0 (6.6)
where asand bs are the angstrom coefficients, n is the number of bright sunshine hours in a day
of N hours, S0 is the extraterrestrial radiation. Coefficients as and bs can be estimated by
regression analysis of data of S0 and St. In the absence of locally calibrated data, one may
adoptas= 0.25 and bs = 0.50 (Shuttleworth 1993).
A considerable amount of radiant energy is exchanged between the terrestrial surface
and atmosphere in the form of long-wave (3 to 100 μm) radiation. The net energy received is the
difference between the incoming and outgoing radiation.
The energy-budget method to compute evaporation is the same as the water budget
method but the energy budget deals with the conservation of energy. The energy available for
evaporation is obtained by considering the incoming energy, the outgoing energy and the energy
stored in the water body for a given time interval. Assuming that the temperature of water is
constant, the change in heat stored is the change in the internal energy of water that is
evaporated = 𝐸𝑟 𝑙𝑣 𝜌𝑤 , where lv is the latent heat of vaporization, and ρw is the density of water
(= 996 kg/m3). Hence, the energy balance for evaporation yields
𝐸𝑟 𝑙𝑣 𝜌𝑤 = 𝑅𝑛 − 𝐻𝑠 − 𝐺 (6.7)
where Hs is the sensible heat flux and G is the heat conduction to the ground. When the sensible
heat flux and the conduction to the ground are negligible, the evaporation rate Er which is the
rate when the entire incoming radiation is used to evaporate water can be computed as
𝐸𝑟 = 𝑙 𝜌𝑛 (6.8)
𝑣 𝑤
Example 6: At a given location, the net radiation on May 01 was 180 W/m2, air temperature
was 25 oC, wind velocity at 2 m height was 2.5 m/s, and relative humidity was 70%. Use the
energy method to determine the open water evaporation rate. Given ρw = 996 kg/m3.
Aerodynamic Method: This method computes evaporation by considering the ability of the
atmosphere to transport water vapor away from the evaporating surface. Thus, evaporation is a
function of the difference between the saturation vapor pressure at the surface at the ambient
temperature and the vapor pressure at a height z2 above the water surface. Applying the physical
laws, the evaporation rate is given by
𝐸𝑎 = [ln(𝑧 /𝑧 2)]2 (𝑒𝑎𝑠 − 𝑒𝑎 ) (6.9)
2 0
Here, u2 is the wind velocity in m/s at height z2 (cm), and z0 is the roughness height of water
surface. If temperature (T in oC) is known, the saturated vapor pressure eas (Pa or N/m2) can be
computed by
𝑒𝑎𝑠 = 6.11 × 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (237.3+𝑇) (6.10)
The vapor pressure ea is given by
𝑒𝑎 = 𝑅ℏ × 𝑒𝑎𝑠 (6.11)
where Rh is the relative humidity.
Example 7: At a given location, the net radiation on May 01 was 180 W/m2, air temperature
was 25 oC, wind velocity at 2 m height was 2.5 m/s, and relative humidity was 70%. Use the
aerodynamic method to determine the open water evaporation rate if the roughness height is
0.04 cm.
Example 8: At a given location, the net radiation on May 01 was 180 W/m2, air temperature
was 25 oC, wind velocity at 2 m height was 2.5 m/s, and relative humidity was 70%. Use the
aerodynamic method to determine open water evaporation rate if the roughness height is 0.04
Solution: For the given data, the saturated vapor pressure eas was calculated in the earlier
example as 3169 Pa. We now compute the gradient of eas:
4098𝑒𝑎𝑠 4098×3169
∆= (237.3+𝑇) 2 = (237.3+25)2 = 188.75 Pa/°C.
∆ 𝛾 188.75 66.8
Hence, 𝐸 = (∆+𝛾) 𝐸𝑟 + (∆+𝛾) 𝐸𝑎 = (188.75+66.8) 6.39 + (188.75+66.8) 3.34
= 5.6 mm /day.
Transpiration is the process by which plants use water for their metabolism and growth. Plants
extract water from the soil through their roots and transpire it to atmosphere as vapor through
stomata in their leaves. Stomata are small openings in plant leaves for exchange of moisture and
gases with the atmosphere. Their number on a plant leave varies with the plant species and their
function is vital to plant metabolism. Just to give an idea, the density of stomata can vary from
about 8000 to 12500 per cm2; the number on the lower leaf surface is much more than on the
upper surface. Transpiration is bit similar to evaporation, except that here water escapes to the
atmosphere not from the free water surface but through plant leaves. Transpiration is affected by
plant physiological and environmental factors. The rate of movement of water through the plant
is important, since nutrients and minerals are carried into the plant with water.
During daylight, the stomata actively transpire water vapor to the atmosphere but they
close after sunset and transpiration ceases. Stomata allow carbon dioxide to enter the plant in the
process of photosynthesis. Stomata respond to environmental conditions and their opening
depends on factors, such as light and darkness, hot and cold weather, etc. Important plant
physiological factors are: (a) leaf structure, (b) extent and properties of protective coverings, (c)
density and properties of stomata, and (d) plant health. Leaves that are exposed to direct sun
rays transpire more water than those shaded by other leaves. If soil moisture is adequate, the
amount of moisture lost by transpiration increases with plant density. Healthy plants transpire at
higher rates compared to those with diseases. Only about 1% of the water taken up by the roots
is retained by plant tissues; most of the moisture passes from roots to atmosphere via leafs.
Environmental factors that are the most important in affecting transpiration are vapor-pressure
gradient, temperature, solar radiation, wind, and available soil moisture.
The vapor-pressure gradient is the difference in vapor pressure between the space
immediately inside the leaf and the outside air and it is a measure of the energy required to
move the water from the leaf to the air. Expectedly, transpiration is less when the vapor-pressure
gradient is less, e.g., during a rainfall event. However, plants transpire more when the
surroundings are dry and warm, sun is shining, and plenty of soil moisture is available.
Transpiration is greatly affected by soil moisture condition. As the soil moisture
depletes, the capillary forces holding soil moisture become stronger and it is hard for the plant
roots to remove moisture. This is more true when the soil moisture is near the permanent wilting
point. Of course, at the permanent wilting point transpiration stops. Wind usually increases
transpiration by removing the moisture-laden air near the leaf and thereby increasing the vapor-
pressure gradient. Gentle winds increase transpiration more than strong winds.
Evapotranspiration (ET) and consumptive use include both the transpiration by vegetation, and
evaporation from water surfaces, soil, snow, ice, and vegetation. For all practical purposes, the
terms consumptive water use and evapotranspiration are synonymous. ET or consumptive uses
converts water to a form (water vapor) which is not available for use again. This is in contrast
to, say hydropower generation, where water is subsequently available for use again. ET is
typically expressed in the units of depth (mm or cm) for a given period.
ET is an important component of the hydrologic cycle. Estimation of ET is necessary in
many studies, such as catchment modeling, agricultural water management, determination of
water balance, assessment of the impact of land use changes on the hydrologic response of a
catchment, etc. In many watersheds, the return of moisture to the atmosphere through the
process of ET is a large proportion of input precipitation.
Despite the widespread application and use of the concept of ET, there has been
considerable ambiguity in the use of various terms, such as potential ET and reference crop ET.
To overcome this, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations brought
out a report, commonly referred to as FAO-56 (Allen et al., 1998). Among other things, it
introduced uniformity and standardization in the interpretation and use of various terms, such as
potential ET and reference crop ET. FAO-56 discourages the use of the term potential ET due to
ambiguities in its definition. Moreover, FAO recommended that a hypothetical reference surface
“closely resembling an extensive surface of green grass of uniform height, actively growing,
completely shading the ground and with adequate water” (Allen et al. 1998) be adopted as
reference surface. In the FAO approach, the surface characteristics that influence ET are
quantified in an unambiguous fashion.
The evapotranspiration rate from a reference surface, not short of water, is called the
reference crop ET or reference evapotranspiration and is denoted as ET0 (Allen et al. 1998). The
reference surface is a hypothetical grass reference crop with specific characteristics. Further,
crop ET under standard conditions (ETc) refers to the evapotranspiration from excellently
managed, disease-free, large, well-watered fields that achieve full production under the given
climatic conditions. Further, due to suboptimal crop management and environmental constraints
that affect crop growth and limit evapotranspiration (ETc) under non-standard conditions
generally requires a correction.
Fig. 4 Reference crop ET or ET0and crop ET under standard conditions (ETc). Source FAO-56
radiation- or temperature-based equations to complex methods based on physical processes such
as the combination method of Penman (1948). The combination approach links evaporation
dynamics with the flux of net radiation and aerodynamic transport characteristics of a natural
surface. Based on observations that latent heat transfer in plant stems is influenced not only by
these abiotic factors, Monteith (1965) introduced a surface conductance term that accounted for
the response of leaf stomata to its hydrologic environment. This modified form of the Penman
equation is widely known as the Penman-Monteith (PM) equation.
The PM equation is physically based, because it attempts to incorporate the
physiological and aerodynamic characteristics of the reference surface. While the use of the
modified Penman method (Doorenbos and Pruit, 1977) was recommended by FAO, recent
studies have suggested that this method overestimates ET (Sudheer et al., 2003). FAO has now
recommended the use of the PM method to compute reference ET from a grass surface and has
specified a grass reference ET equation (Allen et al. 1998). Studies have shown that the
reference ET computed using the PM equation yields estimates that are close to observed
reference ET values.
As described in the Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56 (Allen et al. 1998), the FAO has
adopted the Penman-Monteith (PM) equation (named here FAO56-PM) as the standard
technique to compute reference ET. The FAO56-PM can be used for hourly or daily time steps.
For hourly time steps, the equation is stated as (Allen et al. 1998):
0.408 ( Rn G )
Thr 273
u 2 e 0 (Thr ) ea
(1 0.34u 2 )
where ET0 is the grass reference ET in mm/hour, Rn is the net radiation at the grass surface in
MJ per m2 per hour, G is the soil heat flux density in MJ per m2 per hour, T is the mean hourly
air temperature in °C, u2 is the mean hourly wind speed at 2 m height in m/s, e0(Thr) is the
saturation vapor pressure in kPa at air temperature Thr, ea is the actual hourly vapor pressure in
kPa, is the slope of vapor pressure versus temperature curve in kPa per °C, and is the
psychrometric constant in kPa per °C. Allen et al. (1998) have described the procedure and steps
for the application of the PM equation for various time step sizes.
An application of the FAO56-PM equation requires data of solar radiation, wind speed,
air temperature, vapor pressure, and humidity. However, all these input variables may not be
easily available for a given location. In developing countries in particular, difficulties are often
faced in collecting accurate data of all necessary climatic variables and this can be a serious
handicap in applying FAO56-PM equation. Among the inputs needed, temperature data are
routinely measured and solar radiation can be estimated with sufficient accuracy. But the other
variables are mostly measured only at a few locations.
𝛽 = 𝜆𝐸 = 𝛾 Δe (6.16)
where γ is the psychrometric constant (=0.4g/kg K ). Hence, eq. (6.15) can be written as
Rn − G
1+𝛽 =
Rn −G
or 𝜆𝐸 = 1+𝛽 ((6.17)
If β is known, λE can be determined from the measured values of Rn and G. The Bowen
ratio reflects the wetness of ground: the values of β below unity or λE exceeding H indicate
ample moisture availability; the values of β over unity or H exceeding λE indicate drier surfaces.
The Bowen ratio varies from 0.1 to 0.3 for humid conditions, 0.4 to 0.8 temperate forests and
grasslands, 2 to 6 semi-arid regions with highly dry soils, and > 10 for deserts.
Using equation (6.16), it is possible to calculate the Bowen ratio from the measurement
of temperature and humidity at two elevations. Also, by measuring the net radiation and soil
heat flux and expressing them as water equivalent, one can compute the sum of these two fluxes
by using the equation (6.17). This gives the following equation to compute evaporation.
Rn −G
𝐸= (6.18)
This method is also known as the Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) method. Since diffusion
of vapor and movement of sensible heat is similar, BREB method is considered more robust. A
problem with this method is that the sign of H term changes in the morning and evening which
means that this equation is not applicable at these times.
Equation (5) was originally calibrated for semi-arid conditions and does not explicitly account
for relative humidity. Hence, it may overestimate ETo in humid regions. Wind removes
saturated air from the boundary layer and thus increases ET. Itensifu et al. (2003) found that the
HS equation does not work well in high winds and high vapor pressure deficit situations. Wind
speed is a major factor affecting the performance of the HS equation and this equation should be
re-calibrated when it is applied in areas with very high or low wind speeds. The HS equation
tends to overestimate ETo when mean daily ETo is relatively low and underestimate when ETo
is relatively high and this is a common issue with most of the reduced set methods.
𝑁 𝑑𝑚
𝐸𝑇𝑜 = 𝐸𝑇𝑜𝑠𝑐 × 12 × (6.22)
where N is the maximum number of sunny hours as a function of month and latitude and dm is
the number of days per month. ETosc is the gross ET (without corrections) which can be
calculated as:
𝐸𝑇𝑜𝑠𝑐 = 16 × ( 𝐼 𝑎) 𝑎 (6.23)
where Ta is the mean daily temperature (°C), a is an exponent as a function of the annual index:
a = 0.49239 + 1792 × 10-5 I - 771 × 10-7 I2 + 675×10-9 I3; and I is the annual heat index obtained
from monthly heat indices:
𝑇 1.514
𝐼 = ∑12 𝑚
𝑚=1 ( 5 )
Under dry and arid conditions, the Thornthwaite equation strongly underestimates ETo (Garcia
et al. 2004), because it does not consider the saturation deficit of air. At high altitudes also, it
underestimates the effect of radiation because the equation is calibrated for temperate low
altitude climates. Generally, the Thornthwaite method underestimates ET in humid areas.
Thornthwaite (1948) derived an equation for used in the case of limited water conditions.
This equation can be written as
ET = cTa (6.24)
where ET is in cm, c is a coefficient, T is the mean monthly temperature in oC, and a is an
exponent. Both a and c depend on the location, and a can be estimated as
where Tj. is the mean temperature of the jth month. The heat index is an integral element of
Thornthwaite's classification of climates. The value of ET is modified by a factor to account for
the number of daylight hours and the number of days in a month. Thornthwaite has tabulated
values of this factor corresponding to various degrees and months of the year.
Assuming each month has 30 days and each day has 12 hours of sunshine, Equation 6.24
reduces to
ET = 1.62 (10T/I)a (6.27)
Obviously, ET = 1.62 when I = 10T for 10T = log I. It has been shown by Thornthwaite that all
lines obeying this equation have a common point of convergence at T = 26.5°C and E = 1.35
where p is the mean annual percentage of daytime hours. The value of can be calculated using
the daily RHmin and n/N as follows:
𝛼 = 0.043𝑅𝐻𝑚𝑖𝑛 − (𝑁) − 1.41 (6.30)
𝑛 𝑅
(𝑁) = 2 (𝑅 𝑠 ) − 0.5 (6.31)
Value of 𝛽 is obtained by calibration.
The Blaney and Criddle method has been used extensively. The underlying assumption
of this procedure is that the heating of air and evaporation share the heat budget in a fixed
proportion. As a result, ET varies directly with the sum of the products of mean monthly air
temperature and monthly percentage of daytime hours with an actively growing crop with
sufficient soil moisture. Estimates of ET by the Blaney–Criddle method are quite consistent.
9.0 Summary
Both temperature and radiation can be used to calculate daily ETo values with satisfactory
accuracy. It is best to use these equations for areas having a climate similar to the one for which
the original equations were developed. Most of the equations can be used with some confidence
for areas with moderate conditions of humidity and wind speed. Globally, the Turc equation has
produced good results for humid or semi-humid areas, while the Thornthwaite equation
underestimates ETo. The Priestley-Taylor equation should not be used in the winter months in
locations with high latitude, such as northern Europe. Both the Hargreaves and the reduced-set
Penman-Monteith methods can be effectively used with only temperature measurements,
although the results can be improved if wind speed is taken into consideration.
The use of the reduced-set equations can be very helpful in irrigation water management
since the errors in applying these methods can be much smaller than those arising if data from a
distant weather station are used.
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