book 2 2單字表 (填空)
book 2 2單字表 (填空)
book 2 2單字表 (填空)
Word Test
Unit 1
Extra Words
rent (v.) to pay money to use a house, room, vehicle, piece of equipment, area of land etc.
______________________ (adj.) costing little money
______________________ (adj.) tasting or smelling really good
coconut (n.) a large round nut that grows on palm trees
______________________ (n.) the beliefs, art, and music of a group of people
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 2
adv. when they are not at home or near a certain place, person or thing
v. to reach a place
n. the direction on your right when you face the rising sun
Extra Words
______________________ (adj.) including every part of something
dangerous (adj.) being unsafe or risky
______________________ (adv.) near the beginning or before the right time
______________________ (v.) to go away
lunchtime (n.) the time you eat lunch, usually the middle of the day
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 3
n. preparing food
n. a flat, round bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, meat, and vegetables
n. two pieces of bread with food such as meat and cheese between them
Extra Words
plain (adj.) being simple and not fancy
______________________ (adj.) not sick or injured
history (n.) the study of things that happened in the past
______________________ (v.) to cook it by putting it on a flat metal frame with bars across it, above or below strong
direct heat
______________________ (n.) a person who lives close to you
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 4
n. a large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and black seeds
n. the time in the middle of the day when people eat lunch
n. a sweet and soft food made with sugar and fruit juice
n. a dish made from eggs that have been mixed and fried
Extra Words
celebrity (n.) a famous person
bowl (n.) a deep, round dish
______________________ (adj.) something that is very big or larger than normal
______________________ (adj.) better or more important than other things
______________________ (n.) something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 5
Extra Words
______________________ (adj.) based on the principles of holism
focus (v.) to give special attention
______________________ (v.) to cause something to grow or become bigger or better
acupuncture (n.) a treatment for pain that involves pushing special needles into parts of the body
______________________ (n.) a substance that flows freely
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 6
n. a sickness or disease
Extra Words
______________________ (adj.) causing pain
check (v.) to look at something or someone carefully
______________________ (n.) the action or sound of your heart as it pumps blood through your body
suggest (v.) to give some advice
______________________ (adj.) being not as good; more bad
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 7
n. someone who plans how something new will look and be made
Extra Words
build (v.) to make something
gain (v.) to obtain or achieve something you want or need
______________________ (n.) the skill or work of a carpenter
______________________ (n.) the work of fitting and repairing water pipes, baths, toilets etc.
______________________ (n.) a period of time used for a particular activity, especially by a group of people
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 8
Extra Words
______________________ (v.) to ask formally for something, such as a job, usually in writing
______________________ (v.) to talk with other people about something
stable (adj.) steady and not likely to move or change
______________________ (adj.) busy with a particular activity
shelter (n.) a place you can go if you need help or are in danger
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 9
Extra Words
______________________ (n.) a way of doing something
example (n.) a thing that shows what something is like
______________________ (n.) a few words put together
include (v.) to have something as a part of something else
______________________ (v.) to talk in a friendly informal way
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 10
Extra Words
______________________ (v.) to say something when you do not know much about it
______________________ (adj.) untidy or dirty; not clean
hiking (n.) a type of activity where you walk and climb up mountains
lonely (adj.) being unhappy because you are alone
______________________ (adj.) feeling worried or afraid that something will happen
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 11
Extra Words
______________________ (n.) permission to become a member of or become involved in a profession, university
determine (v.) to find out the facts about something
______________________ (n.) a time that has not happened yet
______________________ (v.) to make someone or something ready for some activity or purpose
stress (n.) a worried or nervous feeling that stops you from relaxing
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 12
n. a place where people get food at a counter and carry it to a table to eat
n. book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order with their meanings
Extra Words
miss (v.) to not go somewhere or do something
______________________ (n.) a type of mathematics that uses letters and other signs to represent numbers and values
fail (v.) to try and not be able to do something
______________________ (adj.) feeling angry or unhappy
______________________ (v.) to shout or say something very loudly
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 13
Extra Words
______________________ (v.) to make someone think about something again
______________________ (n.) how to describe how people are
believe (v.) to think something is true
______________________ (adj.) being right and having no mistakes
great (adj.) when something is very good
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 14
Extra Words
______________________ (adj.) causing someone to feel worried or nervous
______________________ (adj.) thinking only about yourself
relaxed (adj.) feeling calm, comfortable, and not worried or annoyed
wellness (n.) the state of being healthy
______________________ (n.) the study of the mind and how it influences people’s behavior
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 15
n. an agreement to be married
Extra Words
______________________ (adj.) being part of the traditions of a country or group of people
______________________ (v.) to give someone something and receive the same kind of thing from them
meal (n.) a time for eating
______________________ (n.) a piece of jewelry that you wear around your wrist
embroidery (n.) a pattern sewn onto cloth, or cloth with patterns sewn onto it
2000 Core English Words 2
Word Test
Unit 16
n. one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother
n. a husband or a wife
one of two babies that are born at the same time to the
same mother.
Extra Words
______________________ (n.) a meeting of a group of people
______________________ (phrasal v.) to meet someone who you know, when you were not expecting to
______________________ (adj.) not easy to work with
pet (n.) an animal a family keeps and takes care of
true (adj.) correct