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Day 15

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Heat and
Learning & Revision for the Day
u Heat u Zeroth Law of u Carnot Engine and its Efficiency
u Thermometry Thermodynamics u Refrigerator
u Thermal Expansion u First Law of Thermodynamics u Equation of State of Perfect Gas
u Specific Heat Capacity u Thermodynamic Processes u Kinetic Theory of Gases
u Calorimetry u Second Law of u Degree of Freedom (f )
u Change of State u Specific Heat Capacities of Gases
u Reversible and Irreversible
u Heating Curve u Mean Free Path
u Avogadro’s Number

Heat is a form of energy which characterises the thermal state of matter. It is transferred
from one body to the other due to temperature difference between them.
Heat is a scalar quantity with dimensions [ML2 T−2 ] and its SI unit is joule (J) while
practical unit is calorie (cal); 1 cal = 4.18 J
If mechanical energy (work) is converted into heat then, the ratio of work done (W ) to
heat produced (Q) always remains the same and constant.
i.e. = constant = J or W = JQ
The constant J is called mechanical equivalent of heat. PREP
Temperature Your Personal Preparation Indicator
The factor that determines the flow of heat from one body to another when they are in
u No. of Questions in Exercises (x)—
contact with each other, is called temperature. Its SI unit is kelvin.
u No. of Questions Attempted (y)—
u No. of Correct Questions (z)—
Thermometer (Without referring Explanations)
An instrument used to measure the temperature of a body is called a thermometer. For
construction of thermometer, two fixed reference point ice point and steam point are u Accuracy Level (z / y × 100)—
taken. Some common types of thermometers are as follows: u Prep Level (z / x × 100)—

1. Liquid (mercury) thermometer Range of temperature: −50°C to 350°C In order to expect good rank in JEE,
2. Gas thermometer (Nitrogen gas) Range of temperature: −200°C to 1600°C your Accuracy Level should be above
85 & Prep Level should be above 75.
3. Pyrometers Range of temperature: −800°C to 6000°C

2. Superficial Expansion or Areal Expansion Expansion of

Scales of Temperature solids along two dimensions of solid objects is defined as
Three most common scales are Celsius scale or Centigrade superficial expansion.
scale, Fahrenheit scale and Kelvin scale (Absolute scale).
Coefficient of superficial expansion,
Ice point / lower Steam point / Upper ∆A
Scale Unit β=
reference point reference point A 0 × ∆T
Celsius 0 100 °C Final area, A f = A0 (1 + β∆T )
where, A0 is the area of the body at temperature T.
Fahrenheit 32 212 °F
3. Volume or Cubical Expansion Expansion of solids along
Kelvin 273.15 373.15 K three dimensions of solids objects is defined as cubical
Relation between C, F and K scales is
Coefficient of volume or cubical expansion,
C F − 32 K − 273.15
= = ∆V
5 9 5 γ=
V0 × ∆T
Temperature of X − Ice point of X
In general,
Steam point of X − Ice point of X Final volume, V = V0 (1 + γ∆ T ).
Temperature of Y − Ice point of Y where, V0 is the volume of the body at temperature T.
Steam point of Y − Ice point of Y NOTE • The coefficients α , β and γ for a solid are related to each
β γ
α= =
Thermometry 2 3
The branch dealing with measurement of temperature is • As temperature increases, density decreases according to
called thermometry. relation,
Let thermometric properties at temperatures 0°C (ice point), ρ=
1 + γ∆T
100°C (steam point) and t °C (unknown temperature) are X 0 ,
X 100 , and X t , respectively. Then, or ρ = ρ0 ( 1 − γ ∆T ) [valid for small ∆T]

X t − X 0 X 100 − X 0 Xt − X0 t
or =
X 100 − X 0 100
Thermal Expansion of Liquid
Liquids do not have linear and superficial expansion but these
 X − X0  only have volume expansion.
Thus, t = t  × 100 ° C
 X 100 − X 0  Liquids have two coefficients of volume expansion
1. Coefficient of apparent expansion,
Apparent expansion in volume (∆V )a
Thermal Expansion γa = =
Initial volume × ∆T V × ∆T
Almost all substances (solid, liquid and gas) expand on
heating and contract on cooling. The expansion of a substance 2. Coefficient of real expansion,
on heating is called thermal expansion of substance. Real expansion in volume (∆V )r
γr = =
Initial volume × ∆T V × ∆T
Thermal Expansion of Solids
Thermal expansion in solids is of three types:
Anomalous/Exceptional Behaviour of Water
Generally, density of liquids decreases with increase in
1. Linear Expansion Thermal expansion along a single
temperature but for water as the temperature increases from 0
dimension of a solid body is defined as the linear
to 4°C, its density increases and as temperature increases
expansion. beyond 4°C, the density decreases.
If a rod is having length l0 at temperature T, then The variation in the density of water with temperature is
elongation in length of rod due to rise in temperature by shown in the figure given below.
∆T is,
∆l = l0 α ∆T or α = Density
l0 × ∆ T
where, α is the coefficient of linear expansion whose
value depends on the nature of the material.
Final length, l f = l0 + l0α ∆T 4°C Temperature

= l0 (1 + α ∆T ) Anomalous behaviour of water


Thermal Expansion of Gases Calorimetry

Gases have no definite shape, therefore, gases have only Calorimetry means measurement of heat. When a body at
volume expansion. higher temperature is brought in contact with another body at
1. The coefficient of volume expansion at constant pressure, lower temperature, the heat lost by the hot body is equal to the
∆V 1 heat gained by the colder body and provided no heat is
α= × allowed to escape to the surrounding.
V0 ∆T
A device in which heat measurement can be made is called a
Final volume, V ′ = V (1 + α ∆T ) calorimeter.
2. The coefficient of pressure expansion at constant volume, If temperature changes, heat exchanged is given by
∆p 1 Q = ms∆T
β= ×
p ∆T As temperature of the body increases, it means heat is taken
Final pressure, p′ = p (1 + β ∆T ). by the body, otherwise given out by the body.

Specific Heat Capacity Change of State

The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit When we supply heat (energy) to a body and its temperature
mass of a substance by 1°C is called specific heat. does not change, then the energy consumed by the body is
used up in changing its phase and the process is called change
Specific heat, s = of state.
m × ∆T
The SI unit of specific heat is J kg −1 k −1 .
Latent Heat

Specific heat capacity can have any value from 0 to ∞. For
In case of phase change, heat is consumed during melting and
some substances under particular situations, it can have
boiling while released during freezing and condensation.
negative values also.
The heat required to change the phase of a system

The product of mass of the body and specific heat is is proportional to the mass of the system i.e.
termed as heat capacity, C = m × s.
Q = mL
Molar Heat Capacity where, L is the latent heat, which is defined as the amount of
The amount of heat required to change the temperature of a heat required to change the phase of the unit mass of a
unit mole of substance by 1°C is termed as its molar heat substance at given temperature.
capacity, ●
In case of ice, the latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/gm.
Cm = ●
In case of water, the latent heat of vapourisation is
µ∆T 536 cal/gm.
Generally, for gases, two molar heat capacities are very
common—molar heat capacity at constant pressure (C p) and
molar heat capacity at constant volume (CV ).

A substance can sometimes change directly from solid to
gaseous phase, this process is termed as sublimation.
Water Equivalent of a Substance Corresponding latent heat is termed as latent heat of
Water equivalent of certain amount of substance is defined as sublimation Ls . The reverse process can also occur.
the amount of water, which when replaced by the substance ●
Very pure water can be cooled several degrees below the
requires the same amount of heat for the same rise in freezing temperature without freezing, the resulting
temperature. unstable state is described as supercooled. When
mw = , this supercooled water is disturbed (either by
Sw dropping dust particles etc.), it crystallises within a second
where, mw = water equivalent of substance whose mass is m, or less.
S = specific heat capacity of substance ●
A liquid can sometimes be superheated above its normal
boiling temperature. Any small disturbance such as
and S w = specific heat capacity of water
agitation causes local boiling with bubble formation.

The internal energy of an ideal gas is totally kinetic and it is

Heating Curve given by
If we supply energy to a body in solid state 3
U = µRT
(temperature<melting point) at a constant rate, then the curve 2
drawn between temperature and time is termed as the heating and change in internal energy
curve. 3
∆U = µR∆T .
Temperature 2
For non-ideal gases, internal energy depends not only on the
temperature but also on the pressure.
MP Consider a system in a cylinder with movable piston, whose
volume can be changed (a gas, liquid or solid). Suppose, the
O t1 t2 t3 t4 Time cylinder has a cross-sectional area A and pressure exerted by
system on the piston face is p. The work done by the system
Heating curve
on the surroundings for small displacement dx is dW = pAdx.
OA represents heating of the solid, Vf
W = ∫ dW = ∫ pdV
1 Vi
Ssolid ∝
Slope of OA
i.e. work done in a finite change of volume from Vi to V f .
AB represents melting of the solid, ●
Work done by the system depends on the initial and final
length of AB ∝ L f states.
BC represents heating of the liquid, ●
If volume of the system increases, then work is done by the
1 system and it is taken as positive work done.
S liquid ∝
Slope of BC ●
If volume of the system decreases, then work is done on
the system and it is taken as negative work done.
CD represents boiling (vaporisation) of the liquid, length of
CD ∝ LV , DE represents heating of the gaseous phase,

S gas ∝
1 First Law of Thermodynamics
Slope of DE According to this law, the heat given to a system (∆Q) is equal
to the sum of increase in its internal energy (∆U) and the work
done (∆W ) by the system against the surroundings.
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics Mathematically, ∆Q = ∆U + ∆W
When there is no exchange of heat between two objects placed
in contact, then both are called in thermal equilibrium. Sign Convention
According to this law, if two systems A and B , separated by ∆Q = + ve when heat supplied
an adiabatic wall, are separately and independently in thermal = − ve when heat is ejected
equilibrium with a third system C, then the systems A and B
∆U = + ve when temperature increases
are also in a state of thermal equilibrium with each other.
= − ve when temperature decreases
C ∆W = + ve when work is done by the system (expansion)
System System = − ve when work is done on system (compression)
A B First law of thermodynamics is based on the energy
Adiabatic wall
Three system of thermal equilibrium
Thermodynamic Processes
A thermodynamic process is the process of change of state of a
Basic Terms Used Thermodynamics system involving change of thermodynamic variables, e.g.
Internal Energy p, V , T etc. When a system undergo a thermodynamic change,
then work done either by system on surrounding or by
Internal energy of a system is defined as the sum of the total surroundings on system is called external work.
kinetic energy of all its constituent particles and sum of all V2
the potential energies of interaction among these particles. Wext = ∫ p dV = area under p-V curve.

1. Isothermal Process ●
Molar specific heat of a gas under adiabatic condition
It is that process in which temperature remains constant. ∆Q 0
C= = =0
Here, exchange of heat with the surroundings is allowed. m ⋅ ∆T m ⋅ ∆T
dp p

Slope of an adiabatic curve at a point is =−γ .
dV V
T1>T2 ●
Work done in an adiabatic process
Vf µR
p ∆W = ∫ p dV = (Ti − T f )
T1 Vi (γ − 1)
During an adiabatic expansion ∆W = + ve, hence,
temperature of gas falls, i.e. an adiabatic expansion is
V always accompanied with cooling.
p-V graph of an isothermal expansion process
As per first law of thermodynamics, since, ∆Q = 0 in an
As temperature T remains constant in an isothermal process, adiabatic process hence,
hence as per Boyle’s law
1 ∆U = − ∆W
p ∝ or pV = constant
V ●
Free expansion is an adiabatic process in which ∆W = 0.
Molar specific heat of a gas under isothermal condition Hence, in accordance with first law of thermodynamics
∆Q ∆Q ∆U = 0 i.e. the final and initial values of the internal energy
C= = =∞ are equal in free expansion.
m∆T m (0)
Slope of p-V curve at any point is
=− ⋅ 3. Isochoric Process
dV V It is that thermodynamic process in which volume remains
Work done in an isothermal process constant.
Vf  Vf  In an isochoric process for a given mass of gas
∆W = ∫ pdV = nRT ln  
Vi  Vi  p ∝ T or
= constant
where, n = number of moles, R = gas constant T
and T = temperature.

Indicator diagram for an isochoric process is a straight line
parallel to p-axis.
V f and Vi are final and initial volume of the gas respectively.
As per first law of thermodynamics, since, ∆T = 0 , hence,
∆U = 0 for an ideal gas and we have ∆Q = ∆W .
Thus, heat supplied to the system in an isothermal process is
entirely used to do work against external surroundings. p p

2. Adiabatic Process V V
(a) (b)
It is that process in which there is no exchange of heat of the
system with its surroundings. Thus, in an adiabatic process Graph (a) shows isometric heating graph in which pressure
p, V and T change but ∆Q = 0 or entropy remains constant increases, temperature increases, ∆Q is positive and ∆U is
 ∆Q 
 ∆S = = 0 . positive.
 T 
Similarly, Graph (b) shows isometric cooling graph in
which pressure decreases, temperature decreases, ∆Q is
Q2 Q1 negative and ∆U is negative.

Molar specific heat of a gas under isochoric condition
p Q1 > Q2 f
CV = R, where f is the number of degrees of freedom per

Work done in an isochoric process
p-V graph for adiabatic process ∆W = ∫ p dV = 0
The equation of state for an adiabatic process is
As ∆W = 0 hence, according to first law of thermodynamics,
pV γ = constant we have
or T V γ − 1 = constant µR
(∆Q)V = ∆U = µCV ∆T = ∆T
or T γ p1 − γ = constant (γ − 1)

4. Isobaric Process Cyclic Process

It is that process in which pressure remains constant. In cyclic process, if the process takes the path AxB, it returns via
As in an isobaric process for a given mass of gas ByA, the initial and final points are same.
V ∝T
or = constant x

Indicator diagram for an isobaric process is a straight A
line parallel to X -axis.
p-V graph of cyclic process

p p Carnot Engine and its Efficiency

Carnot engine is a theoretical, ideal heat engine working in a
V V reversible cyclic process operating between two temperatures T1
(a) (b) (heat source) and T2 (heat sink). The Carnot’s cycle consists of two
isothermal processes connected by two adiabatic processes as
Graph (a) represent isobaric expansion, graph (b) shown in the figure.
represent isobaric compression.

Work done in an isobaric process A expansion
Vf T1
∆W = ∫ p dV = p ∫ dV p Q1
Vi B
= p(V f − Vi ) = p∆V Adiabatic D expansion
compression T2

Molar specific heat of a gas under isobaric condition Isothermal Q2 C
f 
C p =  + 1 R = CV + R V
2 
Various process in Carnot cycle
The efficiency of a Carnot’s cycle is given by
Second Law of η=
=1− 2 =1− 2
Q1 Q1 T1
The efficiency does not depend on the nature or quantity of the
Two most common statements of second law of working substance.
thermodynamics are given below

Clausius Statement Refrigerator

It is impossible for a self-acting machine, working in a A refrigerator or heat pump is basically a heat engine running in
reverse direction. It takes heat from colder body (sink) and after
cyclic process to transfer heat from a colder body to a
doing some work gives the rest heat to the hotter body (source).
hotter body without the aid of an external agency.
An ideal refrigerator can be regarded as Carnot’s ideal heat engine
working in the reverse direction.
Kelvin-Planck’s Statement
It is impossible to design an engine which extracts heat Source Q1 Working Q2 Sink
from a reservoir and fully converts it into work without T1 substance T2
producing any other effect.

Reversible and Irreversible Working of refrigerator

A reversible process is one which can be reversed in Coefficient of Performance of a
such a way that all changes taking place in the direct Refrigerator
process are exactly repeated in inverse order and in
opposite sense, and no changes are left in any of the It is defined as the ratio of quantity of heat removed per cycle (Q2 ) to
bodies taking part in the process or in the surroundings. the work done (W ) on the working substance per cycle to remove
Any process which is not reversible exactly is an this heat.
irreversible process. Q Q2 T2 1−η
β= 2 = or β = =
W Q1 − Q2 T1 − T2 η

Equation of State of a Perfect Gas Work Done on Compressing a Gas

The equation which relates the pressure (P), volume (V ) and Work done W = p ⋅ ∆V , where p = pressure of the gas and
temperature (T ) of the given state of an ideal gas is known as ∆V = change in volume of the gas.
ideal or perfect gas equation. When two ideal gases having molar masses M1 and M2 are
pV mixed, then thermodynamic variables/parameters for mixture
For 1 mole of gas, = R (constant)
T would be given by
pV = RT n1 m1 + n2 m2

M (molar mass) =
where, R is universal gas constant. The SI unit of gas constant n1 + n2
is J/mol-K. Its value is 8.314 J/mol-K or 8.314 × 107 erg/mol-K
n1CV1 + n2CV2
or 2 cal/mol-K. The dimensions of R are [ML2 T−1θ −1 ]. ●
CV (of the mixture) =
n1 + n2
Moreover, gas constant R = n1C p1 + n2C p2
Moles × Temperature ●
C p (of the mixture) =

The perfect gas equation for 1 molecule of gas is n1 + n2
pV = kT n1C p + n2C p
Boltzmann’s constant is represented by per mole gas

γ (of the mixture) = 1 2
or is given by
n1CV1 + n2CV2

R 8.31 n1 + n2 n n2
i.e. k = = = 1.38 × 10 −23 J K −1 = 1 +
N 6.023 × 1023 γ −1 γ1 − 1 γ2 − 1
Its dimensions are [ ML2 T −2θ −1 ]. where, symbols have their usual meanings.

Kinetic Energy and Temperature

Kinetic Theory of Gases In ideal gases, the point particles can have only translational
Kinetic theory of gases relates the macroscopic properties of motion and thus only translational energy.
gases (such as pressure, temperature etc.) to the microscopic 1 3
properties of gas molecules (such as speed, momentum,

Translational KE of a molecule = mc2 = kT
2 2
kinetic energy of molecules etc).

Mean KE per molecule = kT
Assumptions of Kinetic ●
Mean kinetic energy per gram mole is given by
Theory of Gases 1  3
KEmole =  mc2  N = kTN = RT

Every gas is composed of tiny particles known as 2  2 2
molecules. The size of molecules is much smaller than the 3
intermolecular spacing.

Average kinetic energy of gas = pV

The molecules of a gas are identical, spherical, rigid and 3 pV 3 RT
perfectly elastic point masses.

KE per molecule = =
2N 2N

Molecules are in a state of random rapid motion. They 3
collide with each other. There is no loss of energy during

KE per mole = kT
collision. Only the direction of motion is changed.

The time spent in collision between two molecules is ●
KE per volume = p
negligible in comparison to time between two successive

The number of collisions per unit volume in a gas remains Concept of Pressure
constant. No attractive or repulsive force acts between gas Pressure p exerted by a perfect gas on the walls of container is
molecules. given by
Gravitational attraction among the molecules is ineffective 1 mN c2 1 M 2
p= =

due to extremely small masses and very high speed of 3 V 3 V
molecules. 1 1 2  2 1  2
pV = (ρc2 ) =  ρc2  =  ρc2  = E

Molecules constantly collide with the walls of container 3 3 2  3 2  3
due to which their momentum changes. The change in Here, m = mass of each molecule, c = root mean square
momentum is transferred to the walls of the container. velocity of molecules, ρ = density of gas, M = mass of gas
Consequently, on the walls of container pressure is exerted enclosed in volume V of container, and E = Total KE of the
by gas molecules. The density of gas is constant at all
ideal gas.
points of the container.

For one mole of gas,

Various Speeds of Gas Molecules M (∆Q)V 1 (∆Q)V  m

Root mean square speed It is defined as the square root CV = Mc V = = Q n = M 
m∆T n ∆T
of mean of squares of the speed of different molecules

i.e. vrms =
v12 + v22 + v32 + K
= v2
Specific Heat at Constant Pressure
N The specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is defined as the
1 2 quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass
From the expression of pressure, p = ρvrms of gas through 1K, when its pressure is kept constant i.e.
(∆Q) p
3p 3 pV 3 RT 3 kT cp = .
vrms = = = = m∆T
ρ Mass of gas M m For one mole of gas,
M (∆Q) p

Most probable speed It is defined as the speed which is ∴ C p = Mc p = …(i)
possessed by maximum fraction of total number of (∆ Q)
1 p
molecules of the gas. = [Q n = m / M ]
n ∆T
2p 2 RT 2 kT
vmp = = = Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than the
ρ M m specific heat at constant volume i.e. C p > CV .

Average speed It is the arithmetic mean of the speeds of C p and CV are related to each other according to relation,
molecules in a gas at given temperature. C p − CV = …(ii)
v + v2 + v3 + v4 + K J
vav = 1 Eq. (ii) is called Mayer’s relation. If C p and CV are measured in
8p 8 RT 8 kT the units of work and R is also in the units of work (or energy),
Average speed, vav = = = then Eq. (ii) becomes C p − CV = R.
πρ π M πm
Specific Heat in Terms of Degree of
Degree of Freedom (f ) Freedom
The term degree of freedom of a system refers to the possible f
independent motions a system can have For a gas at temperature T, the internal energy U = nRT .

for monoatomic gas, ( f ) = 3 f 1
Change in energy, ∆U = n R∆T ⇒ CV = f R

for diatomic gas, ( f ) = 5 2 2
for triatomic gas, ( f ) = 6(non-linear) f 
Specific heat at constant pressure, C p =  + 1 R.

for triatomic (linear) gas, ( f ) = 7 2 

for N-atomic molecule ( f ) = 6 N – 3 f 

 + 1 R

Cp 2  2

for N-atomic linear molecule ( f ) = 6 N – 5 Ratio of C p and CV , γ = = =1 + .
CV f f
Law of Equipartition of Energy 2
According to law of equipartition of energy for any system in
thermal equilibrium, the total energy is equally distributed
Mean Free Path
among its various degree of freedom and each degree of The distance travelled by a gas molecule between two
1 successive collision is known as free path.
freedom is associated with energy kT
2 Total distance covered
(where, k = 1.38 × 10 −23 J/K and T = absolute temperature of Mean free path =
Number of collisions
the system). The mean free path of a gas molecule is the average distance
between two successive collisions. It is represented by λ.
Specific Heat Capacities of Gases λ=
The specific heat of gas can have many values, but out of them 2 π σ2 n
following two values are important Here, σ = diameter of the molecule and n = number of
molecules per unit volume.
Specific Heat at Constant Volume
The specific heat of a gas at constant volume is defined as the Avogadro’s Number
quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass According to Avogadro’s hypothesis, gram atomic masses of
of gas through 1° C or 1 K when its volume is kept constant i.e. all elements contain the same number of atoms and this
cV = number is called Avogadro’s number (N A ) and its value is
m∆T 6.02 × 1023 .



1 An aluminium sphere of 20 cm diameter is heated from T T
0°C to 100°C. Its volume changes by (given that
coefficient of linear expansion for aluminium
(c) (d)
α Al = 23 × 10− 6 /°C) ª AIEEE 2011 2 1 1 2
(a) 28.9 cc (b) 2.89 cc
(c) 9.28 cc (d) 49.8 cc
p p
2 Cp and CV are specific heats at constant pressure and
constant volume, respectively. It is observed that 6 An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from
Cp − CV = a for hydrogen gas Cp − CV = b for nitrogen the same initial state. Four processes are adiabatic,
gas. The correct relation between a and b is isothermal, isobaric and isochoric. Out of 1, 2, 3 and 4
ª JEE Main 2017 which one is adiabatic.
(a) a = b (b) a = 14 b p
(c) a = 28 b (d) a = b
14 4
3 A copper ball of mass 100 g is at a temperature T . It is
dropped in a copper calorimeter of mass 100 g, filled 2
with 170 g of water at room temperature. Subsequently, 1
the temperature of the system is found to be 75°C. T is V
(Take, room temperature = 30°C, specific heat of copper (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
= 01
. cal/g°C) 7 Equal masses of two liquids A and B contained in vessels
(a) 885°C (b) 1250°C
of negligible heat capacity are supplied heat at the same
(c) 825°C (d) 800°C rate. The temperature-time graphs for the two liquids are
4 100 g of water is heated from 30°C to 50°C. Ignoring the shown in the figure. If S represents specific heat and L
slight expansion of the water, the change in its internal represents latent heat of liquid, then
energy is (Take, specific heat of water is 4184 J/kg/K) Y

ª AIEEE 2011 B A
(a) 8.4 kJ (b) 84 kJ
(c) 2.1 kJ (d) 4.2 kJ
5 Consider p-V diagram for an ideal gas shown in figure.
p O Time
(a) SA > SB ; LA < LB
p = Constant (b) SA > SB ; LA > LB
(c) SA < SB ; LA < LB
V (d) SA < SB ; LA > LB

Out of the following diagrams which represents the T-p 8 p-V plots for two gases during adiabatic processes are
diagram? shown in the figure. Plots 1 and 2 should correspond
respectively to
2 p
(a) (b)
1 1 V
p p
(a) He and O 2 (b) O 2 and He (c) He and Ar (d) O 2 and N2

9 Figure shows the variation in temperature ( ∆T ) with the 14 A gas expands with temperature according to the relation
amount of heat supplied (Q) in an isobaric process V = kT 2/ 3. Calculate the work done when the temperature
corresponding to a monoatomic (M), diatomic (D) and a changes by 60 K ?
polyatomic (P) gas. The initial state of all the gases are (a) 10 R (b) 30 R
the same and the scale for the axes coincide, ignoring (c) 40 R (d) 20 R
vibrational degrees of freedom, the lines a, b and c 15 A Carnot engine takes 3 × 106cal of heat from a reservoir
respectively, correspond to at 627°C and gives it to a sink at 27°C. The work done by
the engine is
(a) 4.2 × 106 J (b) 8.4 × 106 J (c) 16.8 × 106 J (d) 3 × 106 J
Q b
16 A Carnot engine operating between temperaturesT1 and T2
c 1
has efficiency . WhenT2 is lowered by 62 K, its efficiency
∆T 1
ª JEE Main (Online) 2013 increases to . Then,T1 and T2 are respectively
3 ª AIEEE 2011
(a) P, M and D (b) M, D and P
(c) P, D and M (d) D, M and P (a) 372 K and 330 K (b) 330 K and 268 K
(c) 310 K and 248 K (d) 372 K and 310 K
10 A certain amount of gas is taken through a cyclic process
17 A Carnot engine, whose efficiency is 40%, takes in heat
( A B C D A ) that has two isobars, one isochoric and one
from a source maintained at a temperature of 500 K. It is
isothermal. The cycle can be represented on a p -V
desired to have an engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the
indicator diagram as ª JEE Main (Online) 2013
intake temperature for the same exhaust (sink)
B temperature must be ª AIEEE 2012
p B
C p (a) efficiency of Carnot engine cannot be made larger
(a) (b) C
than 50%
A D A (b) 1200 K
(c) 750 K
V (d) 600 K
p 18 The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible engine
(c) (d) p B C
is given in the figure. Its efficiency is
V 2T0

11 An ideal Carnot engine whose efficiency is 40%, receives

heat at 500 K. If the efficiency is to be 50%, the intake T0
temperature for the same exhaust temperature is
(a) 600 K (b) 900 K S
(c) 700 K (d) 800 K S0 2S0

12 The pressure inside a tyre is 4 atm at 27°C. If the tyre (a) 1/4 (b) 1/2
(c) 1/3 (d) 2/3
bursts suddenly, its final temperature will be
 7 19 The expansion on of unit mass of a perfect gas at
Given, r = 
 5 constant pressure is shown below.
(a) 300 (4) 7/ 2
(b) 300 (4) 2/ 7 a
(c) 300 (2)7 / 2 (d) 300 (4)−2 / 7
O b
13 A refrigerator works between the temperature of melting
ice and room temperature (17°C). The amount of energy
(in kWh) that must be supplied to freeze 1kg of water at (a) a = volume, b = ° C temperature
0°C is (b) a = volume, b =K temperature
(a) 1.4 (b) 1.8 (c) 0.058 (d) 2.5 (c) a = ° C temperature, b = volume
(d) a = K temperature, b = volume

20 The temperature of an open room of volume 30 m 3 25 p-V diagram of a diatomic gas is a straight line passing
increases from 17°C to 27°C due to the sunshine. The through origin. The molar heat capacity of the gas in the
process will be
atmospheric pressure in the room remains1 × 105 Pa. If ni
(a) 4 R (b) 3 R (c) 4 R/3 (d) 2.5 R
and nf are the number of molecules in the room before
and after heating, then nf − ni will be ª JEE Main 2017
Direction (Q. Nos. 26-30) Each of these questions contains
. × 1023
(a) 138 (b) 2.5 × 1025 two statements : Statement I and Statement II. Each of these
(c) −2.5 × 1025 (d) −161
. × 1023 questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which is
21 Consider a spherical shell of radius R at temperature T. the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a), (b),
The black body radiation inside it can be considered as (c), (d) given below:
an ideal gas of photons with internal energy per unit (a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
U 1 U  the correct explanation for Statement I
volume u = ∝ T 4 and pressure p =   . If the shell (b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
V 3 V 
not the correct explanation for Statement I
now undergoes an adiabatic expansion, the relation (c) Statement I is true; Statement II is false
between T and R is ª JEE Main 2015 (d) Statement I is false; Statement II is true
(a)T ∝ e − R
26 Statement I Work done by a gas in isothermal expansion
(b)T ∝ e − 3R is more than the work done by the gas in the same
1 expansion adiabatically.
(c)T ∝
R Statement II Temperature remains constant in isothermal
(d) T ∝ 3 expansion, but not in adiabatic expansion.
27 Statement I When 1 g of water at 100°C is converted to
22 A thermally insulated vessel contains an ideal gas of steam at 100°C, the internal energy of the system does
molecular mass M and ratio of specific heats γ. It is not change.
moving with speed v and suddenly brought to rest. Statement II From dU = nCV dT , if temperature of the
Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, its
system remains constant, then dU = 0, i.e. internal energy
temperature increases by ª AIEEE 2011
remains constant.
(γ − 1) γMv 2
(a) Mv 2K (b) K
2γ R 2R 28 Statement I In an isothermal process (quasistatic), the
(γ − 1) (γ − 1) heat exchange between the system and surroundings
(c) Mv 2K (d) Mv 2K
2R 2 (γ + 1) R takes place even though the gas has the same
temperature as that of the surrounding.
23 Three perfect gases at absolute temperaturesT1, T2 and
T3 are mixed. The masses of molecules are m1, m2 and m3 Statement II There is an infinitesimal difference in
and the number of molecules are n1, n 2 and n 3, temperature between the system and the surroundings.
respectively. Assuming no loss of energy , the final 29 Statement I A special type of thermometer (used to
temperature of the mixture is ª AIEEE 2011
measure very high temperatures and calibrated for an
nT + n2T2 + n3T3 nT 2 + n2T22 + n3T32 ideal black body) measures a value lower than the
(a) 1 1 (b) 1 1
n1 + n2 + n3 1 1 + n2T 2 + n3T 3
nT actual value of the temperature of a red hot iron piece
n12T12 + n22T22 + n32T32 (T1 + T2 + T3 ) kept in open.
(c) (d)
1 1 + n2T 2 + n3T 3
nT 3 Statement II As the iron piece is kept in open, it loses its
24 The value of molar specific heat at constant volume for heat.
1 mole of polyatomic gas having n number of degrees of 30 Statement I The internal energy of a perfect gas is
freedom at temperature T K is entirely kinetic and depends only on absolute
(here, R = universal gas constant) temperature of the gas and not on its pressure or volume.
nR nR Statement II A perfect gas is heated keeping pressure
(a) (b)
2T 2 constant and later at constant volume. For the same
nRT amount of heat the temperature of the gas at constant
(c) (d) 2nRT pressure is lower than that at constant volume.
ª JEE Main (Online) 2013



1 A solid body of constant heat capacity 1 J/°C is being Codes
heated by keeping it in contact with reservoirs in two A B C D A B C D
ways. (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 2 3 4 1
(i) Sequentially keeping in contact with 2 reservoirs such (c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 3 1 2
that, each reservoir supplies same amount of heat. 4 Diatomic molecules like hydrogen have energies due to
(ii) Sequentially keeping in contact with 8 reservoirs such both translational as well as rotational motion. From the
that each reservoir supplies same amount of heat. 2
equation in kinetic theory pV = E , E is
In both the cases, body is brought from initial 3
temperature 100°C to final temperature 200°C. Entropy (a) the total energy per unit volume
change of the body in the two cases respectively, is (b) only the translational part of energy, because rotational
energy is very small compared to the translational
ª JEE Main 2015
(a) In2, 4In2
(b) In2, In2 (c) only the translational part of the energy, because during
(c) In2, 2In2 collisions with the wall, pressure related to change in
(d) 2In2, 8In2 linear momentum
(d) the translational part of the energy, because rotational
2 Consider a collection of a large number of particles each energies of molecules can be of either sign and its
with speed v. The direction of velocity is randomly average over all the molecules is zero
distributed in the collection. What is the magnitude of the
relative velocity between a pairs in the collection? 5 An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by a
2v v spring-loaded piston of cross-section 8 × 10−3m 2. Initially,
π the gas is at 300 K and occupies a volume of 2.4 × 10−3m 3
8v 4v and the spring is in a relaxed state. The gas is heated by
(c) (d)
π π a small heater coil H. The force constant of the spring is
8000 Nm −1 and the atmospheric pressure is1 × 105 Pa.
3 An ideal gas (molar specific heat CV = 5R /2) is taken The cylinder and piston are thermally insulated. The
along paths acb, adb and ab, p2 = 2p1,V2 = 2V1. Along piston and the spring are massless and there is no
ab, p = kV , where k is a constant. The various parameters friction between the piston and cylinder. There is no heat
are shown in the figure. Match the Column I with the loss through heater coil wire and thermal capacity of the
corresponding options of Column II and mark the correct heater coil is negligible. With all the above assumptions, if
option from the codes given below. the gas is heated by the heater until the piston moves out
slowly by 0.1 m, then the final temperature is
p2 c b
T2 Gas Spring
p1 d T1 H

V1 V2 (a) 400 K (b) 800 K
(c) 1200 K (d) 300 K
Column I Column II
6 A diatomic ideal gas is used in a car engine as the
A. W acb 1. 15RT1/2 working substance. If during the adiabatic expansion part
B. W adb 2. −15RT1/ 2 of the cycle, volume of the gas increases fromV to 32V,
the efficiency of the engine is ª AIEEE 2010
C. ∆U ab 3. RT1
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.75
D. ∆U bca 4. 2 RT1 (c) 0.99 (d) 0.25

7 The specific heat capacity of a metal at low temperature coefficient of linear expansion. Suppose we want to bring
3 the cube to its original size by heating. The temperature
 T 
(T ) is given as Cp (kJK −1 kg −1) = 32   . A 100 g should be raised by ª JEE Main 2017
 400 p 3α p
(a) (b) (c) 3 pKα (d)
vessel of this metal is to be cooled from 20 K to 4 K by a αK pK 3α K
special refrigerator operating at room temperature
12 Consider an ideal gas confined in an isolated closed
(27°C). The amount of work required to cool the vessel is chamber. As the gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion,
ª AIEEE 2011 the average time of collision between molecules
(a) equal to 0.002 kJ increases asV q , where V is the volume of the gas. The
(b) greater than 0.148 kJ  Cp 
(c) between 0.148 kJ and 0.028 kJ value of q is  γ = 
 CV  ª JEE Main 2015
(d) less than 0.028 kJ
3γ + 5 3γ − 5 γ+1 γ −1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8 A horizontal cylinder with adiabatic walls is closed at 6 6 2 2
both ends and is divided into two parts by a frictionless
13 A pendulum clock loses 12 s a day, if the temperature is
piston that is also insulating. Initially, the value of 40°C and gains 4 s in a day, if the temperature is 20°C.
pressure and temperature of the ideal gas on each side The temperature at which the clock will show correct time
of the cylinder are V0, p0 and T0, respectively. A heating and the coefficient of linear expansion (α) of the metal of
coil in the right-hand part is used to slowly heat the gas the pendulum shaft are respectively ª JEE Main 2016
on that side until the pressure in both parts reaches (a) 25°C, α = 1.85 × 10−5 / ° C (b) 60°C, α = 1.85 × 10−4 / ° C
64p0/27. The heat capacity CV of the gas is independent (c) 30°C, α = 1.85 × 10−3 / ° C (d) 55°C, α = 1.85 × 10−2 / ° C
of temperature and Cp /CV = γ = 1.5.
14 An ideal gas undergoes a quasistatic, reversible process
Take, V0 = 16 m 3, T0 = 324 K, p0 = 3 × 105 Pa in which its molar heat capacity C remains constant. If
Column I represents the physical parameters of the gas, during this process, the relation of pressure p and volume
Column II gives their corresponding values, match the V is given by pV n = constant, then n is given by (Here, Cp
Column I with Column II and mark the correct option from and CV are molar specific heat at constant pressure and
the codes given below. constant volume, respectively)
ª JEE Main 2016
Column I Column II Cp C − Cp Cp − C C − CV
(a) n = (b) n = (c) n = (d) n =
A. Final left-hand volume (in m3) 1. 432 CV C − CV C − CV C − Cp
B. Final left-hand temperature (in K) 2. 9
15 Helium gas goes through a cycle ABCDA (consisting of
C. Final right-hand temperature (in K) 3. 1104 two isochoric and isobaric lines) as shown in figure.
D. Work done (in kJ) on the left-hand gas 4. 3200 Efficiency of this cycle is nearly (assume the gas to be
close to ideal gas) ª AIEEE 2012
2p0 B C
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 3 4 1 2
p0 D
9 The mass of a hydrogen molecule is 3.32 × 10−27 kg. If A

1023 hydrogen molecules strike per second, a fixed wall

of area 2 cm 2 at an angle of 45° to the normal and V0 2V0
rebound classically with a speed of103 m/s, then the
(a) 15.4% (b) 9.1% (c) 10.5%2 (d) 12.5%
pressure on the wall is nearly ª JEE Main 2018
(a) 2.35 × 10 N/m
3 2
(b) 4.70 × 10 N/m
3 2 16 An ideal gas is taken from the state A (pressure p,
(c) 2.35 × 102 N/m 2 (d) 4.70 × 102 N/m 2 volume V ) to the state B (pressure p /2, volume 2V ), a
long straight line path in the p-V diagram. Select the
10 Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas occupies a correct statement from the following.
volume V at 27°C. The gas expands adiabatically to a (a) The work done by the gas in the process A to B,
volume 2 V . Calculate (i) the final temperature of the gas exceeds the work that would be done by it, if system
and (ii) change in its internal energy. ª JEE Main 2018 were taken along the isothermal
(a) (i) 189 K (ii) 2.7 kJ (b) (i) 195 K (ii) −2.7 kJ (b) In the T -V diagram, the path AB becomes a part of a
(c) (i) 189 K (ii) −2.7 kJ (d) (i) 195 K (ii) 2.7 kJ
(c) In the p-T diagram, the path AB becomes a part of a
11 An external pressure p is applied on a cube at 0°C, so hyperbola
that it is equally compressed from all sides. K is the bulk (d) In going from A to B, the temperature T of the gas
modulus of the material of the cube and α is its first decreases to a minimum value and then increases

17 One mole of diatomic ideal gas undergoes a cyclic 18 Two moles of helium are mixed with n moles of hydrogen.
process ABC as shown in the figure. The process BC is The root mean square speed of the gas molecules in the
adiabatic. The temperatures at A, B and C are 400 K, mixture is 2 times the speed of sound in the mixture.
800 K and 600 K, respectively. Choose the correct Then, value of n is
statement. ª JEE Main 2014 (a) 1 (b) 3/2 (c) 2 (d) 3
p 19 n moles of an ideal gas undergoes a process A and B as
800 K shown in the figure. The maximum temperature of the gas
during the process will be ª JEE Main 2016
600 K p
400 K
2p0 A
(a) The change in internal energy in whole cyclic process is
250 R p0 B
(b) The change in internal energy in the process CA is
700 R
(c) The change in internal energy in the process AB is V0 2V0
− 350 R
(d) The change in internal energy in the process BC is 9 p0V0 3 p0V0 9 p0V0 9p0V0
(a) (b) (c) (d)
−500 R 4 nR 2 nR 2 nR nR

SESSION 1 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (c)
11 (a) 12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (c) 15 (b) 16 (d) 17 (c) 18 (c) 19 (c) 20 (c)
21 (c) 22 (c) 23 (a) 24 (b) 25 (b) 26 (a) 27 (a) 28 (a) 29 (c) 30 (b)
1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (d) 12 (c) 13 (a) 14 (b) 15 (a) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (c) 19 (a)

Hints and Explanations

SESSION 1 b = C p − CV =
; for N2 K (ii) 5 In the diagram, T is constant and p 1 > p2 .
28 This situation is represented by curve (c).
1 Cubical expansion, we get
∆V = γ V∆T = 3αV∆T
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get In the solution figure, in which p 1 > p 2 and
a = 14b straight line parallel to pressure axis
= 3 × 23 × 10−6 ×  π (10)3 
3  represents constant temperature.
3 Heat gained (water + calorimeter)
× 100 Q r = = 10cm 
 d 6 p
= Heat lost by copper ball
 2 
⇒ m w sw ∆T + mc sc ∆T = m B sB ∆T
= 28.9 cc
⇒ 170 × 1 × (75 − 30) + 100 Isothermal
2 By Mayer’s relation, for 1 g mole of a
gas, × 01
. × (75 − 30) Adiabatic
C p − CV = R = 100 × 01
. × (T − 75) V
So, when n gram moles are given, ∴ T = 885° C Slope of p-V curve
C p − CV = 4 As, work done = 0 Isothermal process,
n dV V
As per given question, ∴∆U = mC∆T dp p
= 100 × 10−3 × 4184 × (50 − 30) Adiabatic process, = −γ
R dV V
a = C p − C V = ; for H2 K (i)
2 = 8.4 kJ Thus, (c) is correct.

7 As temperature of A rises faster than the 80 × 1000 × 4.2 273 273 18 We have,
= =
temperature of B, therefore specific heat W 290 − 273 17 1 3
Q1 = T 0 S 0 + T0S 0 = T0S 0
of A is less than that of B, i.e. S A < S B . 80 × 1000 × 4.2 × 17 2 2
Horizontal portions of graphs represent ∴ W = J T
conversion of liquid into vapours. The 273
horizontal portion is larger for liquid A, 33.6 × 17 × 10 4
or W = kWh 2T0
therefore L A > L B . 273 × 3.6 × 105 Q3
8 As it is clear from the figure, = 0.058 kWh Q1
Slope of curve 2 > Slope of curve 1
14 dW = pdV = RT dV …(i) T0
(γp ) 2 > (γp ) 1 V
⇒ γ2 > γ1 As, V = kT 2 /3 , Q2
⇒ γ He > γ O2 2 S0 2S0
dV = k T −1 /3 dT
Adiabatic curve 2 corresponds to 3
2 Q 2 = T 0 S 0, Q 3 = 0
helium and adiabatic curve 1 k T −1 /3 dT
= 3 2 /3 =
2 dT W Q − Q2
corresponds to oxygen. Q ⇒ η= = 1
V kT 3 T Q1 Q1
9 We know that, From Eq. (i), we get Q2 2 1
dV 2 dT =1− =1− =
Q = C p ∆T T2
W = ∫ RT
= ∫ RT Q1 3 3
T1 T1
Q Degree of freedom ∝ C p V 3 T
2 2 19 In the given graph, line has positive
So, slope is higher for higher degree of W = R (T2 − T1 ) = R × 60 = 40R
freedom. 3 3 slope with the X-axis and negative
intercept on the Y- axis.
10 From given figure, in processes BC and 15 Here, T1 = 627°C So, we can write the equation of lines as
DA, pressure of gas is constant, hence = 627 + 273 = 900 K y = mx − C …(i)
these represent isobaric process. T2 = 27° C = 27 + 273 = 300 K, According to Charles’ law,
In process CD, volume is constant,
Q1 = 3 × 106 cal V
Vt = 0 t + V0
therefore it represents isochoric process. 273
Q 2 T2 300 1 Q
In process AB, temperature is constant, Q = = = ⇒ Q2 = 1 By rewriting this equation, we get
so it represent isothermal process. Q 1 T1 900 3 3
 273 
T Q1 t =  V t − 273 …(ii)
11 As, η=1− 2 ∴ W = Q1 − Q2 = Q1 −  V0 
T1 3
2 2 By comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we can
T2 = Q 1 = × 3 × 106 cal say that temperature is represented on
⇒ =1− η 3 3
T1 the Y-axis and volume on the X-axis.
T2 40 3 W = 2 × 106 cal
⇒ =1− = 20 From pV = nRT = N RT
500 100 5 = 8.4 × 106 J NA
⇒ T2 = 300 K We have,
T2 16 Q η1 = 1 − T2 pVN A pVN A
Now, = 1 − η′ T1 n f − ni = −
T1 ′ RT f RT i
1 T
50 1 ⇒ =1− 2
=1− = 6 T1 105 × 30
100 2 ⇒ n f − ni = × 6.02 × 1023
T2 5 83
⇒ T1′ = 2T2 = 2 × 300 ⇒ = …(i)
. 
1 1 
T1 6 − 
= 600 K  300 290 
T − 62
∴ η2 = 1 − 2
12 In an adiabatic process, T1 = − 2. 5 × 1025
p2(1 − γ ) T2γ = p1(1 − γ ) T1γ 1 T2 − 62 ∴ ∆n = − 2. 5 × 1025
(1 − γ )/ γ ⇒ =1− …(ii)
p  3 T1
T2 = T1  1  21 According to question,
 p2  On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get 1 U 
T1 = 372 K and T2 = 310 K p=  
(1 − 7 / 5)
3 V 
= 300  
= 300 (4)−2 /7
 1 17 Efficiency, η = 1 − Tsink ⇒
nRT 1  U 
=   [Q pV = nRT ]
Tsource V 3 V 
13 T2 = 0° C = 273 K, T1 = 17° C = 17 + 273 T nRT 1
Now, 0.4 = 1 − sink or ∝ T4
500 K V 3
= 290 K
Q2 ⇒ Tsink = 0.6 × 500 K = 300 K or VT 3 = constant
Coefficient of performance = 300 K
W 0.6 = 1 − 4
Thus, or π R3T 3 = constant
T2 T ′source 3
T1 − T2 300 K 1
⇒ T ′source = = 750 K or TR = constant ⇒ T ∝
0.4 R

22 As no heat is lost. 27 Since, 1 g of water is converted into For an ideal gas,

Loss of kinetic energy steam at constant temperature of 100°C, p1V1 pV
i.e. dT = 0. = 2 2 ⇒ T2 = 4T1
= Gain of internal energy of gas T1 T2
1 ∴ Change in internal energy,
mv 2 = n C V ∆T 5R 15RT1
2 dU = nC V dT = 0 i.e. U = constant ∆U ab = (4T1 − T1 ) =
2 2
1 m R
⇒ mv 2 = ⋅ ∆T 28 In isothermal process, the heat For the process,
2 M γ −1 exchange between system and −15RT1
Mv 2 (γ − 1) surrounding at constant temperature, ∆U bca = − ∆U ab =
⇒ ∆T = K 2
2R i.e. there is an infinitesimal difference
in temperature between the system and 2
4 In the relation pV = E , E is only the
23 F n 1 kT1 + F n 2 kT2 + F n 3 kT3 the surrounding. 3
2 2 2 translational part of energy of molecules.
F 29 Since, the thermometer is caliberated
= (n1 + n2 + n3 ) kT This is because during collision of
2 with an ideal black body, the body that
molecules with the walls, pressure
n 1T1 + n 2T2 + n 3T3 emits or absorbs all the radiations
exerted relates to change in linear
⇒ T = falling on it, shows a lower value of
n1 + n2 + n3 temperature. This is because iron is not
momentum of gas molecules.
a black body, i.e. does not absorb/emit 5 V1 = 2.4 × 10−3 m3 , p1 = p 0 = 105 N m −2
24 According to law of equipartition of all radiation falling on it.
energy, average KE per molecule per and T1 = 300 K (given)
degree of freedom at temperature T is 30 The external energy depends upon If area of cross-section of piston is A and
1 absolute temperature of gas. Also, it moves through distance x, then
kT . The average KE per molecule of Statement II is correct, but both the
2 increment in volume of the gas = Ax.
polyatomic gas statements are independently true. If force constant of a spring is k, then
n force F = kx and
molecule = kT
2 SESSION 2 pressure = F / A = kx/ A.
The average KE per molecule of 1 Since, entropy is a state function, V2 = V1 + Ax
polyatomic gas therefore change in entropy in both the = 2.4 × 10−3 + 8 × 10−3 × 01.
n n
(E ) = kT × N = RT
processes must be same. = 3.2 × 10−3
2 2 kx
2 Consider any two particles having and p2 = p 0 +
d n  n angle θ between directions of their A
CV =  RT  = R
dt  2  2 8000 × 01.
velocities. = 105 + = 2 × 105
8 × 10−3
25 As p-V diagram is a straight line passing v From ideal gas equation,
through origin, therefore p ∝ V or
p1V1 pV
pV −1 = constant. B = 2 2
θ T1 T2
= constant, molar v
In the process, pV A 105 × 2.4 × 10−3

heat capacity is given by → → → 300
R R Then, v rel = v B − v A
C = + 2 × 105 × 3.2 × 10−3
γ −1 1− x i.e. v rel = v 2 + v 2 − 2v 2 cos θ =
where, x = − 1 and γ = 1.4 for diatomic θ
= 2v 2 (1 − cos θ) = 2v sin ⇒ T2 = 800 K
gas 2
R R 6 The efficiency of cycle,
C = + So, average vrel over all pairs
1.4 − 1 1 − (−1) 2π 2π θ η=1−
∫ v rel dθ ∫0 2v sin dθ T1
5 R v = 0 = 2
= R+ rel 2π 2π
∴ C = 3R
∫0 dθ ∫0 dθ For adiabatic process,
T V γ − 1 = constant
2v × 2[− cos (θ / 2)]20π 4v
= = >v 7
26 2π π For diatomic gas, γ =
3 A → 4.; B → 3.; C → 1.; D → 2. T1V1γ − 1 = T2V2γ − 1
p Isothermal W acb = W ac + Wcb = 0 + p2 (V2 − V1 ) γ −1
V 
T1 = T2  2 
Adiabatic = p2V1 = 2 p1V1 = 2RT1  V1 
W adb = W ad + Wdb 7
V T1 = T2 (32)5
= p1 (V2 − V1 ) + 0 = p1V1 = RT1
= T2 (25 )2 / 5 = T2 × 4
The slope of adiabatic curve is several ∆U ab = U ac + U cb
times the slope of an isothermal curve T1 = 4 T2
= (Q ac − W ac ) + (Q cb − Wcb )
η =  1 − 
and slope of both is negative. Thus, area 1
5R ∴
under adiabatic curve is smaller than C V (Tc − T1 ) + C V (T2 − Tc ) = (T2 − T1 )  4
that under isothermal curve. 2
5R = = 075 .
CV = (given) 4

7 Heat required to change the temperature Work done on the left-hand side gas is 12 For an adiabatic process,
of vessel by a small amount dT p V − p 0V 0
W = 1 1 TV γ −1
= constant.
− dQ = mC pdT γ −1
Total heat required,  64 × 9 − 1 p V We know that, average time of collision
  0 0
3  27 16  2 between molecules,
− Q = m ∫ 32 
4 T  = = p 0V 0
 dT 3 1
20  400  −1 3 τ =
4 2 nπ 2 v rms d 2
100 × 10−3 × 32  T 4  = 3200 kJ
=   where, n = number of molecules per
(400)3  4 20 unit volume
⇒ Q = 0.001996 kJ mv and v rms = rms velocity of molecules.
Work done required to maintain the 1
45° As, n∝
temperature of sink to T2 , V
Q − Q2
W = Q1 − Q2 = 1 Q2 and v rms ∝ T
Q2 V
T  ⇒ τ ∝
=  1 − 1 Q 2 T
 T2  Momentum imparted due to first
Thus, we can write
collision = 2mv sin 45° = 2mv
 T − T2  n = K 1V −1
⇒ W = 1  Q2 Q sin 45° = 1 
 T2   and v rms = K 2 T 1 /2
2 
For T2 = 20 K, where, K 1 and K 2 are constants.
300 − 20 n 2mv
W1 = × 0.001996 ∴ Pressure on surface = For adiabatic process,
20 Area
. × 10−27 × 103
1023 × 2 × 332 TV γ − 1 = constant.
= 0.028 kJ =
For T2 = 4 K, (2 × 10−2 )2 Thus, we can write
300 − 4 p = 235
. × 103 N/m2 τ ∝ VT −1 /2 ∝ V (V 1 − γ )−1 /2
W2 = × 0.001996
4 γ +1

= 0148
. kJ 10 For adiabatic process, relation of or τ ∝ V 2
temperature and volume is,
As temperature is changing from 20 K to
T2V2γ − 1 = T1V1γ − 1 13 Time period of a pendulum,
4 K, work done required will be more l
than W1 , but less than W2 . ⇒ T2 (2V )2 /3 = 300(V )2 /3 T = 2π
8 A → 2; B → 1; C → 3; D → 4 . [γ = for monoatomic gases]
3 where, l is length of pendulum and g is
The compression in the left-hand side is 300 acceleration due to gravity.
adiabatic ⇒ T2 = 2 /3 ≈ 189 K
2 Such as change in time period of a
p 0V 0γ = p1V1γ Also, in adiabatic process, pendulum,
∆Q = 0, ∆U = − ∆W ∆T 1 ∆l
p1 p2 − nR(∆T )
or ∆U = T 2 l
V1 V2 γ −1
When clock losses 12 s, we get
3 25
= − 2 × × (300 − 189) 12 1
T1 T2 2 3 = α (40 − θ) …(i)
T 2
≈ −2.7 kJ
2/3 2/3
p  When clock gains 4 s, we get
V1 = V 0  0  = V 0  
27 p
11 K =
 p1   64  ( − ∆V / V ) 4 1
= α (θ − 20) …(ii)
9V 0 T 2
= = 9 m3 ∆V p
⇒ − = Comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
16 V K
Also, 0 0 = 1 1
pV 40 − θ
⇒ − ∆V =
pV 3=
T0 T1
K θ − 20
pV 4T 0
⇒ T1 = 1 1 = = 432 K Change in volume, ∆V = γ V ∆T ⇒ θ = 25°C
p 0V 0 3 where, γ = coefficient of volume
64 p 0 Substituting the value of θ in Eq. (i), we
∴ p2 = expansion.
27 Again, γ = 3α
12 1
p 0V 0 pV
= 2 2 where, α is coefficient of linear = α (40 − 25)
T0 T2 expansion. T 2
∴ ∆V = V (3α ) ∆T 12 1
⇒ V2 = 2V 0 − V1 ⇒ = α (15)
pV 24 × 3600 2
= 23 m3 ∴ = V (3α ) ∆T
K 24
⇒ T2 =
92T 0
= 1104 K α =
p 24 × 3600 × 15
27 ∴ ∆T =
α = 1.85 × 10−5/°C

log 10 
14 For polytropic process, specific heat for 2V  19 As, T will be maximum temperature,
= RT × 23026
. 
an ideal gas,  V  where product of pV is maximum.
R = 0.693 pV
C = + CV p
1− n Thus, statement (a) is correct.
∴ + CV = C 17 According to first law of
1− n thermodynamics, we get 2p0 A
⇒ = C − CV (i) Change in internal energy from A
1− n to B, i.e. p0 B
R ∆U AB = nC V (T B − T A )
⇒ =1− n
C − CV 5R
=1× (800 − 400) V
(where, R = C p − C V ) 2 V0 2V0
C p − CV = 1000 R
⇒ =1− n Equation of line AB, we have
C − CV (ii) Change in internal energy from
y − y1
C p − CV B to C, y − y1 = 2 ( x − x1 )
⇒ n=1− ∆U BC = nC V (TC − T B ) x2 − x1
C − CV 5R
=1× (600 − 800) 2 p0 − p0
C − Cp 2 ⇒ p − p0 = (V − 2V 0 )
⇒ n= V 0 − 2V 0
C − CV = − 500 R
(iii) ∆U isothermal = 0 − p0
Thus, number of moles n is given by ⇒ p − p0 = (V − 2V 0 )
C − Cp V0
n= (iv) Change in internal energy from
C − CV C to A, i.e. ∆U CA − p0 2
nRT = V + 3 p 0V
∆U CA = nC V (T A − TC ) V0
15 Efficiency of a process is defined as the
ratio of work done to energy supplied. =1×
(400 − 600) 1  − p0 2 
T =  V + 3 p 0V 
2 nR  V 0 
= − 500 R
∆W Area under p - V diagram For maximum temperature,
η= =
∆Q ∆Q AB + ∆Q BC 3RT
18 v rms = , ∂T
M =0
p 0V 0 ∂V
∴ η=
nC V ∆T1 + nC p∆T2 γ RT − p0
v sound = , (2V ) + 3 p 0 = 0
p 0V 0 M V0
3 5
nR(T B − T A ) + nR(TC − T B ) v rms = 2 v sound − p0
(2V ) = − 3 p 0
2 2 V0
p 0V 0 Solving it, we get
= 3
 3 (2 p V − p V )  ⇒ V = V0
3 = 2γ 2
2 0 0 0 0 
 5  3 (condition for maximum temperature)
∴ γ = for the mixture.
 + (4 p 0V 0 − 2 p 0V 0 ) 2 Thus, the maximum temperature of the
 4 
p 0V 0 Cp n1C p1 + n2C p2 gas during the process will be
= As, γ = =
3 5 CV n1 + n2 1
p 0V 0 + ⋅ 2 p 0V 0 T max =
2 2 n1 + n2 nR
1 n1C V1 + n2C V2
= = 154 . %  − p0 9 2 3 
6.5 n1C p1 + n2C p2  × V0 + 3 p 0 × V0 
γ =  V0 4 2 
n1C V1 + n2C V2
16 Work done = 1  p +  V
1  9
p 0V 0 
  9
2 2 For helium, =  − p 0V 0 +
5 3 nR  4 2 
pV = 0.75 pV Cp = R,C V1 = R
2 2 9 p 0V 0
4 =
Work done during isothermal process For hydrogen, 4 nR
7 5
p Cp = R, C V2 = R
2 2 2
2  R  + n  R 
5 7
p 3 2  2 
∴ =
2  R  + n  R 
2 3 5
p/2 2  2 
10 + 7n
6 + 5n
V 2V V0 ⇒ n=2

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