Pre-Audit Report - Qef-Abv25 Rev1
Pre-Audit Report - Qef-Abv25 Rev1
Pre-Audit Report - Qef-Abv25 Rev1
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Table of contents
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1. Brief evaluation
Laboratory Name / «Laboratory»
Within the scope of the audit the laboratory has provided sufficient evidence to enter the
next phase of the TÜV Rheinland certification procedure or laboratory quality system.
Within the scope of the «Audit_Type», the laboratory has not provided sufficient evidence to
enter the next phase of the TÜV Rheinland certification procedure or laboratory quality
The corrective action planned by the laboratory must be completed before the certification
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The laboratory instructed the certification body of TÜV Rheinland to establish, within
the audit whether the requirements for a laboratory quality management system
according to the standard below are fulfilled and whether the company is ready to
proceed toward the certification audit.
Quality procedures, work and testing / calibration instructions corresponding to the
overview and revision list related to the quality manual.
The auditors reviewed the quality manual and selected procedures before the pre-
3. Scope of application
The pre-audit refers to the laboratory quality system of the «Laboratory» including the
following sites / departments with regard to Field of «Field_of_Testing__Calibration»
Top Management
Laboratory Quality Management Representative
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Within the scope of the audit the auditors observed processes in the various
departments and functions of the laboratory in order to gain an understanding of the
overall operation. The auditors verified the processes in the laboratory for conformity
with the requirements of the standard and the descriptions in the quality manual or the
relevant procedures and work instructions. This verification was performed on a
sampling basis, by interviews, review of the corresponding documentation, and
observation of the individual processes.
4 Management requirement
Comments in italic text are deviations and shall be corrected until Certification
Comments in regular texts are opportunities for improvement.
- There should be yearly tentative schedule specifying specific quality activities to be carry out
during the year to ensure that all activities required in laboratory management system will
be performed completely within one year.
Management Requirement
4.1 Organization
- The authority of key personnel (LMR, TM, etc.) is not defined.
- Job description of TM is not yet defined.
- The laboratory organization chart is not yet showed the relationships between laboratory
and parent organization and the quality access route.
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- Qualtiy Objective is not defined.
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5. Technical requirements
5.2 Personnel
- In the case of on-the-job training, laboratory should define what information or training is to
be provided (train) to staff . (Training Matrix can be used)
- Monitroing procedure should be defined for laboratory staff who is undergoing training.
- Training need identification process should be established.
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5.5 Equipment
- The ULM600 Linear Measuring Machine is defected. The measurement is not repeatable. It
looks like the cause from alignment error. It shall be repaired before the next assessment
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done The Laboratory has no procedure for handling, transport, storage of calibration items
for ourside client.
- The Laboratory has no policy or procedure to be followed if the outside permanent control
equipment has to used.
- There is no evidence of intermediate check record of standards used in the laboratory
5.7 Sampling
- The laboratory has no sampling plan and procedure for sampling.
4.4 Conclusion
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The laboratory quality system documentation already complies with the requirements of
the standard. The laboratory quality system documentation does not yet comply with
the requirements of the standard, since important points are only described in part
and/or incorrectly.
The quality policy and the related concrete objectives have been defined and enforced /
not yet been defined. Measures which are necessary to implement the quality policy
and objectives have been introduced in the company / not yet been sufficiently
introduced. The measures are appropriate to achieve the quality policy / not yet
appropriate to achieve the quality policy.
The management and personnel act with awareness for quality and are striving for
continuous improvement / need to show more awareness for quality in the application
of the quality system.
The management representative with executive responsibility for the quality system has
the necessary independence and authority to enforce the requirements contained in the
quality manual and the pertinent procedures / does not have the necessary
independence and authority to enforce the requirements contained in the quality
manual and the pertinent procedures. It is necessary to definitely fulfill these
requirements before the certification audit.
The auditor established within the framework of the pre-audit that the quality system
introduced by the company is ready to proceed to the certification audit / can only be
certified after the important open items are clarified.
However, due to important nonconformities against the standard at this time, the
auditor does not consider it advisable to move to the next phase of the certification
5 General notes
The audit was performed by means of sampling objective evidence. Therefore, further
deviations not established during the audit may exist. The findings and conclusions of
the auditors do not release the company from its responsibility to ensure compliance
with and constant observance of the requirements of the standards.