PC Package
PC Package
PC Package
Easy to use
Features Of MS-Word
1.) Find and replace
2.) Header and footer
3.) Page number
4.) Hyperlink
5.) Insert picture
6.) Auto text
7.) Auto formate
8.) Bullets and numbering
9.) Maile marge
10.) Macro
11.) Spelling and gramer check
12.) Theasuses
• This is the default view in Word. It shows your document as it would appear
when printed, including margins, headers, footers, and other elements.
• This view is optimized for viewing documents as they would appear in a web
browser. It is useful for documents intended to be published online.
• Outline View:
• In this view, you can see the structure of your document in an outline format.
It's handy for organizing and rearranging content, especially in longer documents.
• Draft View:
• This is a simplified view that shows only the text of your document without
displaying headers, footers, or other layout elements. It's often used for quick
editing and focusing on the content.
• One Page:
• Shows one page at a time in the document window. It is useful for viewing
and editing the content of a single page.
• Two Page:
• Displays two pages side by side. This layout is commonly used for book-
style documents and allows you to see facing pages together.
• Three Page:
• Shows three pages side by side. This layout is particularly useful for
widescreen monitors and can provide a broader view of your document.
• Continuous:
• Displays the document as one continuous flow, similar to a scroll. This layout
is useful for reading or editing without the constraints of individual pages.
• Reading Mode:
• This mode optimizes the document for reading on a tablet or similar device.
It provides a pleasant reading experience with features like swipe gestures.
3. Short Notes:
• My Computer:
• Recycle Bin:
• The Recycle Bin is a temporary storage for deleted files in Windows. Files
sent to the Recycle Bin are not immediately deleted, allowing users to
restore them if needed. It serves as a safety net, preventing accidental data
• Toolbars:
• Dialog Boxes:
• Dialog boxes are pop-up windows that prompt the user for input or provide
information. They often contain options, settings, or additional details. Dialog
boxes are integral to user interaction in software applications.
• Tabs:
• Indents:
• Use the "Increase Indent" and "Decrease Indent" buttons in the Ribbon.
• Alternatively, drag the indent markers on the ruler to adjust the indentation.
5. Explanation:
• Headers and footers are sections at the top and bottom of each page in a
document. They can contain information such as page numbers, document
titles, and dates. They provide consistency and professionalism in document
• Macros:
7. Mail Merge:
• Definition:
• Application:
• Workbook:
• Worksheet:
9. Charts in Excel:
• Usefulness:
• (i) MIN:
• (ii) MAX:
• (iii) ROUND:
• =ROUND(number, num_digits)
• (iv) COUNT:
• Freezing:
• Click on the column or row you want to freeze, then go to the "View" tab and
select "Freeze Panes."
• Hiding:
• Select the column(s) or row(s), right-click, and choose "Hide" from the
context menu.
• Splitting:
• Place the cursor where you want to split, go to the "View" tab, and select
• MS-Word:
• MS-Excel:
• Designed for creating and manipulating spreadsheets.
• Includes powerful calculation functions, data analysis tools, and charting
• Functions:
• Examples:
• SUM: =SUM(A1:A5)
• IF: =IF(C1>50, "Pass", "Fail")
• Use the "Insert" tab, choose "Audio" or "Video," and select the file to embed.
• Definition:
• Slide Master View in PowerPoint allows you to edit the layout, formatting,
and design of all slides in a presentation uniformly.
17. Handout Master:
• Definition:
• Placeholders:
• Background:
• Slide Numbering:
• You can control how slide numbers appear on the handouts.
This includes options for displaying slide numbers, adjusting their
position, and customizing the formatting.
• Notes Area:
• If you have speaker notes associated with your slides, you can
choose to include a section for notes on the handouts. This is useful for
providing additional information to the audience.
• Margins:
• Ease of Editing:
• Document Organization:
• Incorporates features like headers, footers, and page numbering.
• Revision Tracking:
• Cost Savings:
• Reduces costs associated with traditional paper-based
• Accessibility Features:
• Version Control:
• Portability:
Field Names
These should be meaningful, without spaces or punctuation, such as SNAME
(surname), FNAME (first name), DOB (date of birth), ADDRESS1 (first line of
address), TOWN, PCODE, PHONE etc. You cannot have two fields with the same
Field Types
Text for text and whole numbers that aren’t going to be used in calculations(e.g.,
age, phone number)
Date/Time for dates and time
Numbers for decimals and numbers that are going to be
used in calculations, e.g. sales figures
Currency for money
Yes/No for true/false logical values, e.g. a “married” field,
field could be logical.
Field length
This has to be fixed, so you need to plan your database structure beforehand
(although you can alter the length later).
Required Fields
This box is for when you want to force the user to enter data in a field
Primary keys
These are used to sort the records to allow fast access. Access encourages you
choose one field as the primary key field, and then sorts the records on this field.
However, only one record with the same value is allowed in the primary key field,
for example if you choose surname for the primary key, you can only have one
Smith, Jones etc. For this reason, you should always choose a numeric or a
counter field for the primary key: do not use surname as the primary key field.
Manipulating Database