Infopak - Saayman N - 2016 - Veld Management - Central Karoo - Eng
Infopak - Saayman N - 2016 - Veld Management - Central Karoo - Eng
Infopak - Saayman N - 2016 - Veld Management - Central Karoo - Eng
Nelmarié Saayman
Basic guidelines to Veld Management Directorate: Plant Sciences
– Central Karoo
The Central Karoo represents mainly a summer rain- knowledge of the plants that are there and to know
fall area with Karoo-type vegetation in the Nama in what condition the veld is.
Karoo biome. The average rainfall increases from 100 Veld condition is the condition of the vegetation in
– 600 mm and the area can be described as arid to relation to certain characteristics such as the species
semi-arid from west to east. All veld types are sensi- composition, cover, productivity, palatability and
tive to incorrect grazing practices and it is therefore nutritional value. Grazing capacity depends on the
extremely important that good veld management is condition of a camp or the farm’s veld.
practised in order to ensure conservation of the veld
How does livestock utilise the veld?
by proper utilisation. They first eat the plants that are palatable and leave
Pasture management can be divided into two com- the unpalatable ones until last. Palatable plants
ponents, namely: include the following: koggelmandervoetkaroo
• pastures (veld (natural pastures), cultivated pas- (Limeum aethiopicum), Karoo bietou (Tripteris sinua-
tures, etc.); and ta), granaatbos (Rhigozum obovatum), vinger grass
(Digitaria eriantha) and Bushman grasses (Stipagros-
• management (plant production, seed produc-
tis spp.). Although these plants are dependent on
tion, seedling establishment).
a certain amount of grazing to stimulate growth,
What are pastures and why are they important? excessive use thereof can negatively influence their
Pastures provide food for animals. growth and therefore careful note must be taken on
This is determined by: the degree of utilisation of all
• plant cover; plants in the veld, particularly
• species composition (different the palatable plants. In order
to build up reserves for dry
types of plants in the veld);
periods, no more than 40% of
a plant should be used in one
• productivity (yield of plants). season.
This is influenced by: If there are too many
• Soil – can be improved by animals or if they are in
leaving organic material on the ground, which a camp for too long,
leads to better water infiltration resulting in a they will graze down all
denser plant cover, more food and less erosion. the palatable species
• Climate (rainfall, temperature, etc.) while only the unpalatable ones remain and multiply
• MANAGEMENT – this is where humans fit in. If a and therefore the farmer can keep fewer animals
farmer does not look after and takes care of his over a period of time in the same camp. It also leads
veld, he will not have food for his animals. to trampling of the vegetation and as a result a hard
Veld and impermeable soil crust may form which can
The number of plants or the plant cover, the type hinder the germination of seeds.
of plants (species composition) found in the veld, It is therefore important for the farmer to know his
the size of the plants and how well they grow (pro- veld, to know which species are desirable, which
ductivity) determines how much food there will be types he would like a lot of and which are the un-
and apart from the environment, the farmer has palatable and poisonous species of which he wants
the greatest impact on this. It is therefore important little or none in the veld. He must also know which
to know how the livestock utilises the veld, to have are invasive species, such as Prosopis spp. (mesquite
Only three groups are used annually, while the fourth Esler KJ, Milton SJ & Dean WRJ. 2006. Karooveld:
group of camps is rested for the whole year and only Ekologie en bestuur. Briza publikasies, Arcadia.
used again for grazing in the third grazing season. Meissner HH, Hofmeyr HS, van Rensburg WJJ &
The group is therefore rested for 18 months in total Pienaar JP. 1983. Klassifikasie van vee vir sinvolle
after which it gets intermittent rest for 6 - 9 months
beraming van vervangingswaardes in terme van ‘n
over a four-year period. The 18-month rest period fol-
biologies-gedefinieerde Grootvee-eenheid. Techni-
lows after the group has been used for grazing twice
in the previous calendar year with only six months of cal communication no 175, Department of Agricul-
rest between the grazing periods. ture, South Africa.
A farm with few camps can follow a four-camp Mucina L & Rutherford MC (eds). 2006. The vegeta-
system on the same basis as the four-group camp tion of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Strelit-
system. zia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute,
Game is not easily rotated in a grazing system with Compiled by:
camps. Game continuously grazes in the veld and Nelmarié Saayman,
should therefore be kept at 60% or even less of the Directorate Plant Sciences,
recommended stocking rate. This will ensure that the Western Cape Department of Agriculture;
veld will have a better chance of recovering after and others.
the rains. With continuous grazing the animals tend
to concentrate on the more palatable parts, in other
words the flowers and this is the next generation of
plants. Remember, you firstly
Drought management: farm with your veld and
Before an area is hit by a disaster drought the num- then with your animals. If
ber of animals has to be
reduced. The animals
you do not look after your
must be moved to the veld, you will not have
feeding-lot to be round- fodder for your animals
ed off and to save the and therefore generate
reserves of the veld. The no income!
number of animals must
be reduced to a core
herd by selling the cas-