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I €vel
Bf Full \,larL\ 80
\amination Control Divisiorr ' Prograrnmc BC' pass lJark l2
?079 Ashrrin ifqltrrrr ttt lti -- .r_i;: _-. ilr:,- i

... Subjcct: - lransponarior En€ineef; ,g I ,rFoJJ]

Candidates are reqriired to giye their auswe$ in their own words as far as practicable.
/ t t e mp t /jlf qu e s t i a n s.
The j'igures in the tinryin indicate Fall I:[a*!
.j-ss1line sititabIe dctl.t ifnecessut 1'

Discuss the component oftranspofiaiic! system. Explain the dlflbrent tlpes ofurban roacl
Define highway aligrment. Explain the factors conh.olling highway alignment.
lefine overtaking sight distance. Derive an expresslon fot ovedaking sight distance with
reat sketch, t )+61
:xplain momentum grade. Discuss dethod ofproviding superelevation.
{ har'lsition cun'e is to be provided to coon€ct a sttaight and cjrcular curv€ of radius
125 m of a two lane road in a hiillv ly tenain wi
with heavy rainfall. Design the length of
:ansition curve assumtng suitaue aaia. ii;;;;; ;"#
3te of introduction ofsuper elevatior is io be I in 60. Determine
hlrfil ff#li;Hi
the elevations ofouter
.lges at tq'o qpical straight and circuiar curved sectjons of the road with cenre line at
:levations 0f312.23 m and 312.9 m respectively oo.sidering a parabolic camber of2.5olo
:r bearovided:
t3l '
-i -30lo gradierts meets a 1.5% gmdient at a chainage of 2000 m and at the reduced level
:i500 m ifthe design speed ofthe road is 100 km/ir. detennine RL and chainage ofihe
:irgent points. lowesi poini on the curve. Assume height ofhead iight is 0.75 m and take
--iitional coerficiert l.0.l5ardq i . t8l
--,,'hat ate the requirements ofhighway drainage? Explain the surface drainage svsrcm.
lrplain why lull road construction is challenging. Sketch different types of hiJl road
-:iilc higlrr',ay maierial. i)iscuss fie des;fabl€ prope{ies of subgrade soi1. Explain the
-:aratoiy plocedure foi determining harchess of aggregate i1.r_3+41
1-,tlerat.- ih: varioLls t\pe. nf te.ts oD biiumillons binders. lixplain the procedure and
::.::ificance ofsoltening point iest- [j+5]
mination Control Division Programme BCE
2079 Jestha Year/ Parf

{tE:4, :!et:p-glt4,', engjr-"Ji1g_l rZr oi:)

Candidates are required to give their
an ttos in their own words
sftempt zt!! question" as far as practicable.

I: #:::;,,n;:r:;'fi I"i!!i;;; " * *" o


i;*"l1nffiH"f,:i1iiff,n,11?:::fi;:J#:;;y*, aie *re advanrase and

of Hishwav alienment? Explain
#: fr:#iffii'nH.s.T: the crassifi cation orroads

;HjH:'i "#x";'fl ;d;:,T:11;,i1'.?",.::;ii:.;?#*,:"#:"j":ffi
ee ;,;ff
r c heck ed ;! e""", ; ,,ri 5i",i" -ua *a
"H"f'lh:trffi ,1 i.l llti;V",:lil ::;*::;ff T,$:
- ;=, m;
*-f; "ffi; ;:T:';1,:Ti'H",i;#;.'.:l1T i:#';::tm
cross seotion of uiban load
.?r?fii:i:t arong v/ith &e skerch
"* r'#:fderertsor I8i
*Til:l?:l*:'ilT"Ht"iff :;ff:'lg,':' back dis@Dce. Derive expressioos ror
lane roads
ue desigo speed is uo *oo 12=61
*a"i"n, oi iut""or nj;;;";#;; ""0 j,fff,,il l:T,-::lli" g* of super ereyatioD and
,n" -."j,::1'-'-".*::'u*Je
q* "1"*ton io. u i*J;;;r;;;', fi:" l,i .1qY{,"ocin::I is plannirg io design
D be exceeded.":n: "* i*:i*r$il;t [,;;; ;:,ffi ilH';iffi ".;n;f",i:;
carcurale rhe _ * i.,_,iro."iiri .#r
the mling radius required if speed
;fi;ff :y::i,;,iWi:l;:1,"J
ou J'mpb Js to be maintajned
trite dor^n the cause of moisture variarion i. sub
iatiol in s,,r\ ,,, do\ttr the
_-:r wdte l0l
*sign ofside dmin id road- -^f,^
Srade soil sreps of
>ne Catch drair arld its rote in hill
ill rcads.
m:dc Explain
Fvnr"i- about
Fictures.belhods used in hijl ^ gully
any four control
Defue Hardne.s and Tougltre.s ofaog.egare f2-ol
u n" exarl1lle
alono \drh ^."^^r^ ^.-,
of the
rs=dness and Toushnesr :;.';;";;ff;'i;,;:i'l[,:"!:l:,T, il.q.ffi;
rough,ressiDerermir. _"iril"^..llng test to dere@ine
assregate bjend meerins*"
Hil#}H:i.o*ce ei^n u.ing
IS Sieve Size (mrn)
Specification limit


+. dotvn the desirable ploperties of BituqleD. Explain
:isity test iE labcraiory.
the mcihod of conducfing
Exanoination Control Division
zVB Ch^ilda

S"bi!"t' - Tru*port4iotB"gt"."*rgI (cE 653

Candidales are required to give their answers il their orm words as far as practicable' :;ary)
Attempt 4l qaestiotts .
The figures in the margin indicate EgILL@b,
Assume suilable dan i/ necessary'

as per NRs (2070). Disouss Maoadao road ts-os_ :o

t. Explain briofly, the classifioation of road
construction metbod with leat sko[ch
2. Wlat arc fle requirsnerts ofhighway aligoment? Explain how the information collected i-o *g
in th: preoediag slag€s of survey at€ ufilized in the sucoeeding stages of surv€y for
highway aligurent. trad a
Daire a
3. Writ€ the necessity for extra wideoing of road paveme4t at holizontal cufves' Derive ar
expressign for finding the gxtra widening requir€d on horizontalouwe' :l{e is
4, Explaia the faators affecting gsometric design of road. a€6pi*
s& oftl
5. A two-la.l]e bLighway with a rutiag gradient of 6% has a compe$ated gradietrt of4'5% at a
3! Siog
holizonlal culve soction of leagth 60m- The curve sectioo has a sight obstlotion at 2E :, Safe
ftom the edge ol tie oarriageway. Deler'drine the possflie spoed-on tle cdrye seotion
based oa stoppiag criteriol. Aisusre coef,ficient of longitEdhal ftiation of0.35' -.i:eiistu
6. TVo aporoacbing cars v/ere caughl on head-on-oolusion at a vertical su!]ldt curve
L"c{ts i
le=gth of
oo*""'tille 4% asoerding gtadient wilh 3.5olo ders€ndi4 gradie t. TIie pl5sttd's'ge€"d-o-n
this road ls 70 Kdhr, The highway engineer cheeked tie geenetdos qftb rcad aod -= asca
fourd ftat the highest point of tte vertioal eirwe lies at tbe distaa€e of l20r! ftom the :=_rectiv
-"*tical curve. Check if the ora€h is due to fault in
iJ*i"e nf dr" Pqs&d speed sigu' d:r,!rion
He:eht ; car diver's eye : 1 08m, reaotion tiate = 2.5 sea, coeff,oient of leogitrrditral i-=rsecti
*"-f"" -j o.:s. WlLat sholld be the posted srpeed if there is fault in iios€it sp€ed li@it :sTectir,l
siga? gld a!
7, Diseuss'the import?mce of Hieallway Dtaidage, Explaid contiol ::-!i.ollitr
!,,ater with treat sketch.
]irlss il
8. Discuss fhe design and conshuctiol ploblems that arc associated witlr hill road Wllat are
the merits and demerits ofriver rcute and ridge route? = itr3'inl
L-.t out d
9. List out the desfuable properties of the road aggegates. Desqibe the lest procedlre for die I--: A.oge
determinalion of Los Angeles at'rasion value ofthe road aggr9gates' gilat a.ae
10. What are the tests conduoted on bituqinous bhders? Explain the Marshall mrcthod
bitunr inous mix desig'l procedure in deiail'
__ __{fJggl_ If4qlgt"tio" Epg,r"rryC_I r"
' Candidates are required to give their alrslvers in their o\^,n lvor-ds as far as practicable.
' llteiupt!!UqriestiolTs.
' Thejigures in the i?l.rgin indicate Full trfarks.
' .4sstlme suilable data ifnecessant.

Horv roads are classified in Nepal as per NRS 2070? Differentiate between puuic and
Explain the sequenlial stucture ofroute-locatio-n process for a highway. Describe the
rll o srages ofengineering sun'ey for highsay alignmenr.
\tr4rat are the reasons of providing extra widening of pavement at horizontal
Dedve an eryression for extra wideldng required on horizoutal curve.
There is a horizontal highway cDrve of^radius 400 m and lerigth 200 m on the highway.
Colrlpllte the setback distarce required from the carfer line ofthe pavement oo lh- inair.
side ofthe curve so as to provide for
a) Stopping sight distaoce of 90 m.
!) Safe overtaking distance of 3 00 m.

The distance between aetter line dftoad and inner lane is 1.9 m,
Discuss the objectives of providing transjfion curve. Describe the nethod to desigoiDg
-.n6rL trrn<iri^n .r'n/c
^f [3'5i
-iln ascending gradient meets the descellding gradientl the gtades are 5yo and. 4%
_-;spectively. Locate the chainage at the beginahg and end ofverticai curve. Calculate tie
:levation of the road at a distance of every 300 m orr eitler side of the point of verlica.i
Itenection (PVI). I1 the elevatioD and chainage ofthe p\/I is 500.50 m and 50+050 km
=spectively. Assune = 10000 rn.
ltg l
-"lat are thc requiremellts of highway drairage system? Explain the melhod
:.n-olling subsoil \l'ater \'/ith neat sketci.
--:scuss ihe design and constrilctiolr problems in hill roads. Wr.ite tire basic consideratic,ns
-: iocating dvea r:oute.
-tst out the desirable propedies of subgi--ade soii. Describe the test piocedure to determine
-.rs Angeles abrasion valr.e ofa:gregate aod discuss irs sigrjficanci. [4+4]
-.liar are the iests conducted on bituminous bilders? Fxplain tire Marshall rnethod
-ijmir ous mir design p. occdu.e. of
J 5J
nri$ation Confroi DilCsion
2078 Baishaktr

Sabi, -T. tton Englnee\ing I (CE 6j3)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as fa. as pmcticable.
Attempt Z!4 qwsticns.
Thejtgures in the margin indicate F4 ],,IErks.
lssume suitable dan necesrary.

Why road t adsportation is mole relevaace in the context of Nepa.l? Classify

road oo the basis ofNepal Road Standard?
the tylelof
Yhat are the objectives of lighway pla$ring? Describe lhe sequontial s uctlre of route
DCaUOn process.
camber with its Epe. Derive an expr.ession for superelevation with lreal
sketch. [4+41
two-lare two-wai highway has a cuwe 500m long and radius of300m. The
curve has
obstrqctioD to sight of l0i]r from its inner edge. ietermine the sigtrt
a.t*"" Au,
provided on the cuive sectioo. Check jf this sight distance
meetsihe over*king sight "*
irnr€ Eqriirement for a speed of 50(mph. Assume the f*gi-r"airA
of0.35 and overtaking acceleration of3.6 kntr/sec. "*m"i*t "i
y €xplair th€l)?es ofsight distances. Derive the expression for
overtaking sight
ce for lwo lane two way roads with neat sketches.
wrtical_curve comectsa -3.5olo grade with +4%
Crade o\ ahilltway at an eleyation of
u.r'm. r ne curve sroltrc De desrgDed at least to proyide the visibility ofthe road surface
r disfance of 2J0m at night time, Calcr ate the elevation of begiiuii"g, L;t
ht of vertical curve and ar a distadce of 75m lejl and 60m iignt do- the point -a *a
int€rsection^. Tire tead light beam angle and h"ight
is 1.5o and 0.6m respectively. "f
rh" h"?af[-ti *;i
the fpes ofcross drainage struc?ues used in highway, i8l
the factors controliing alignement ofhill road. List ont and illusllate the typical
ations ofcross-sections lbr hili roads.
t are various tests conducted in road constnrcfiol for judging the suitabilify of
aggegates? Describe the t€st procedure io cietermine the Los Anglis
A.brasicn .lalue. J4+41
r biturniDous mixes types. Describe tbe soltening por'tt iest on bituminous binders
minafion Control Division
2A17 Chzitra Inl

Sabiect: - Trans on Engineering I fCE 651)

fax aJ practicable
Candidates ale required to give their anslvers in their ovt! wolds as
Attempt 14! questions
Thefiptes in the matgin indicate Ftlll Mtrrks
lssume suitable dqta ifnecessqry'

Whata€ the advantage of road tlansport ove. other modes of transportaiion Discuss
urb-""t ork plu,*in! itt l.i"f. 14+41
procedure of ihe
What are the requirements ofan ideal highway alignment? Describe the
*"u"ntio*l t""'tUoa of preliminary survev. [4+4]

Differentiate between camber and supeielevation Desoribe methods of Poviding

Calcuiate the length of transition curve and shift, if the design speed
is 60kmph' The
Jius of."ir"utur-crrrve is 220m, An allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration
i" 60"-/r""'. atlo*uble rate of ohange of supereleYation is 1 in 120 The width of the
i. i.oo*. assume rotation ofPavemert about the inner edge tSl
"r""-"ri the causes ofproving
Discuss the different types ofgradients used in highway? What are
g.;d" intrighway? [5+3]
A seotion of highway has veltical and horizonial cuiv€s with the same design speed' A
horizontal curvi on this highway rvith a ruling radius and a deviatjoo angle
of 45" is
+3olo g'ade
ieOm long. Design the length ofa 1'ertioal curve on this highu'ay connecting a
o,ith -t.S% CruaJ.o u" to fiifillthe stopping sight distarce criteria Assume coefficient
longituainatiictio'i as O.lS. I8f
skeiches a
Define higlway drainage system List out its requirem€nts Explain with neat -
o.ol"i a.uinile system to lower the underground water table [1+3+4]
Define hiil road. Descrjbe the factors to be considered in hill load design lSl

What are tle desirabie properties ofsub-grade soil? Describe the crushing strength test of
road aggregare. [4t 41

V/rite down the laboraiory procedure of Marshall Stability test of bjtumen

mixes tSl
Examination Control Division BCE
2075 Bhadra ttvtt

Subject: - Transportation Engineering I (cE6ss)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt rlll que stions.
,/ All questions carry equal marl$.
r/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Differentiate between public and private transportation. Why macadam is considered as a

pioneer of modern roads?
2, What are the requirements of good Highway alignment? Explain different stages of
surveying for highwaY alignment.
3. Discuss the effects of a horizontal curve on which vehicle stability depends and derive the
condition for overtaking and skidding.
4. National highway curve of 400 m radius to be set out to corurect two straights. The
maximum speed of moving vehicles on this curve is restricted to 85 Krnph. Transition
curve are to be introduced at each end curve. Calculate:
i) A suitable length of transition curve
ii) The necessary shift of circular curye
iii) The chainage at the beginning and end of curye
Given that angle of intersection-125"25'
Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration 0.52 m/sec'
Chainage at the point of intersection: 1075.5 m
5. Explain the factors that govern the stopping sight distance. Derive the expression for
analysis of stopping sight distance.
6. A vertical curve is to be designed when as ascending grade oi lioe 60 meets a decending
grade of I in 45 on a highway. The stopping sight distance and overtaking sight distance
iequired we 210 m and 600 m respectively. But due to site condition, the length of curve
hai to be restricted to a manimum value of 750 m if possible. Calculate the length of
curve needed to fulfill the requirements of:
i) Stopping sight distance
ii) Overtaking sight distance
iii) At least intermediate sight distance and discuss the results
7. What are the components of highway drainage system? Write down the design steps for
surface drainage sYstem.
8. What are design and construction problems in hill roads? Describe the different methods
that hill road alignment can be located.
9. Enumerate the desirable properties of road aggtegate. Briefly describe the laboratory test
to determine impact value of aggregate.
10. Define bitumen premixes. Explain the Marshal method of Bitumen mix design

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2075 Baisakh Year lPart miII Time 3 hrs.

Subject : - Trarrsportation Engineerin g (C865 3)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All qaestions.
y' AII questions carry equal marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Write down the scope of highway engineering. What are the cbaracteristics of road
transport in comparison with other modes oftransportation?
2. Enlist the requirements of highway alignment. Write the process of detailed engineering
' survey ofhighway alignment.
'\-/ 3. Define stopping sight distance. Explain the factors affecting stopping sight distance.
Derive the expression for stopping sight distance.
4. A horizontal curve of 625 m radius is to be set out to comect two sbaight of a national
highway. The speed ofthe vehicle is reshicted to 90 Kmph. Calculate
a) length of transition curve
b) the chainage of beginning and end of the curve given that,
angle of intersecti on 130"24'
rate of change of contrifugal acceleration = 0.25 m/s3
c) chainage ofpoint of intersection = 1092.500m
5. Desigr the total length of the valley curve at the junction of the descending gradient of I
in 40 and an ascending gradient of I in 30 ifthe design speed is 100 kmph. So as to fulfrll
both comfort condition and head light sight distance for night driving. lncate the lowest
point and the end of curve point too. Calculate their elevations if the elevation of the
beginning of the curve is 312.56m above sea level. Asqume other necessary data
' reasonably.
6. Explain the different types of gradient and fuctors to be considered in its selection.
7. Explain how the surface water is collected and dispose.d-off in rural and urban roads.
What are the special problems in drainage of surface water in hill roads?
8. Explain the special considerations and challenges of hill road consfuction?
9. Explain the desirable properties of sub-grade soil? Also explain the impact test of
aggregate. r
10. Define bitumen premixes. Explain the laboratory test procedure of Marshall stability
along with its significance.
Examination Control Division
2074 Bhadra

Subject: - Jranspg1ff,g gl En gine e yiwg p!! s

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Aaempt AII questions.
'/ All questions corry equal marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Explain the relevancy of road transportation in the context of Nepal.

2, Explain the engineering surveys to be carried out for a highway alignment.
3. What are the importance of highway geometric design? Critically discuss various factors
that affect geometric design of road.
4. Define super elevation. Explain the methods of introducing super elevation with neat

5. Calculate the minimum sight distance required to avoid a head-on collision of vehicles
approaching form the opposite directions speed at 60 kmph. Use the total perception
reaction time of 2.5 seconds, coefficient of friction 0.40 and brake efficiency of 50%. The
section of the road under consideration has a grade of 10%.
6. A vertical curve connects a-3.0Yo grade with + 4,5Yo grade on a rural highway at station
6+525 and elevation 4ll.6m. The curve should be designed at least to provide the
visibility of the road surface to a distance of 250 m at night time. Locate the starting,
lowest, and end point of vertical curve. Calculate the elevation of road at all these points
along the curve and at a distance of 50m left and right from the point of vertical
intersection. Assume the head light beam angle and heights of the head light from the
road surface for the design vehicle are 2o and 0.6m respectiveJy.
7. Define cross-drainage structure. Explain it types with neat sketches.
8. What are various problems in hill road construction? List out different characteristics for
ridge route and river route location.
9. Explain the desirable properties of aggregate to be used in different types of pavement
10, What are the different.types of bitumen? Write down the laboratory procedure of ductility
test of bitumen.



Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2073 Magh Year lPart m/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Engineering (C865 3)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.
{ All questions cctrry equal marks.
{ Assume suitable data if neeessary.

l. Discribe the different modes of ffansportation. Which mode of transportation is suitable

for Nepal? Give reasons.
2. What is highway alignment? Describe how the information collected in preceding stages
is updated in successive stages in road alignment suryey.
3. Define exffawidering. What are the reasons of providing extrawindering on horizontal
curve? Derive the expression for determining extrawidering.
4. There is a horizontal curve with radius of 450m and length 220m on the six lane
Koteshwor-Suryabinayak highway. Compute the setback distarrce required from the edge
of the inner lane of the highway so as to provide (i) stopping sight distance of 100 m and
(ii) safe overtaking sight distance of 310 m.
5. What are the objectives of providing transition curve? Derive an expression for the length
of transition curye in horizontal alignment.
6. A vertical curve connects -3.25% grade with +3.75oh grade. The curve should be
designed at least to provide the visibility of the road surface to a distance of 225 m at
night time. Calculate elevation of BVC, lewest point and EVC if the RL of the curve at
18m distance from EVC is 125.32 m.

7. Clari$'the necessity of the following elements of highway drainage:

i) Catch drain
ii) Causeway
iii) Energy dissipating structtue
iv) Sub-surface drainage
8. What are the design and construction problems that are associated with hill roads?
Enumerate the merits and demerits of River Route and Ridge Route.
9. What are the desirable properties of sub grade soil? Explain briefly the test procedure of
LOS Angeles Abrasion test on aggregates.
10. Enumerate the various types of consistency tests on bituminous binders. Explain the
procedure and significance of Penetratation test.
Examination Control Division
2073 Bhadra

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt /!! questions.
,/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Discuss the classification of roads as per Nepal road standard (NRS 2070). Why road
transportation is considered the most feasible in Nepal? t8l
2. Describe the requirements and factors affecting the highway alignment. t8l
3. Discuss about PIEV theory with example. Define Stopping Sight distance and enumerate
the various factors affecting the stopping sight distance. [3+5]
4. The angle of intersection between two straights is 145.37". The spiral angle for each
transition curve is 10.32". Calculate the length of transition curve, combined length of
curve and the length of tangent if the radius of the curve is 350 m. t8l
5. Define superelevation. Derive an expression for superelevation.
6. An ascending gradient of 2.75% meets with descending gradient of 2.25%. The radius of
curve is 5000 m. If the reduced level of the curve at a distance of 60 m from BVC is
312.12 m, find the reduced level of BVC, EVC and highest point of the curve. t8l
7. Describe the causes of moisture variation in subsurface soil. Explain with neat sketches
how the sub stuface drainage is provided to lower the water table and control of seepage
flow. [1+3+4]
8. Explain briefly the special consideration to be taken in hill road design. Draw neat
sketches of different types ofcross section ofhill road. t8]
9. What are the desirable properties of road aggregates? Explain the crushing value test of
aggregate? [4+4]
10. Describe the procedure of Marshall Stability test in laboratory. t8l

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lVlarks 32

2072 Ashwin Year / Part m/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Engineering (C E6 5 3)


Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.

{ All questions carry equal marks. rl

{ Assume suitable data if necessory.
1. Explain the components of transportation system. What are the objectives of road )
q' planning?

v Mention engineering surveys to be carried out for highway location. Explain Preliminary
Survey for Highway location in brief.

v 3, friction
1 Deive an expression for finding the superelevation required if the design coeflicient sf -
is 'f. List the design steps of superelevation.

er. A vertical summit curve is to be designed when two grades +l/60 ad -1145 meet on a
highway. The stopping sight distance and overtaking sight distance required are 210 m
and 600 m respectively. But due to site condition, the length of vertical curv'e has to be
restricted to a mariimum value of 750m if possible. Calculate the length of summit curve
needed to fulfill the requirements of:
i) Stopping sight distance
ii) Overtaking sight distance or at least intermediate slight distance. Discuss the result
r.5. Define transition curve and its necessity in horizontal alignment. Describe the different
.,methods of designing the length of transition curve.

W Asix lane highway has a curve 350 m long and 550 m radius. The stopping sight distance
and overtaking sight distance are 200 m and 400 m respectively. Find out the setback
distance from the inner edge of the road to the obstruction for both cases.

\-1 Oenne highway drainage system. Describe the causes of moisture variation in subsurface
soil. Explain with neat sketches how the subsurface drainage is provided to lower the
water table and control of seepage flow.
What are the design and constuction problems that are associated with hill roads?
^;L. Enumerate the merits and demerits of River Route and Ridge Route.

J:.- What are the different types of bitumious materials used in road construction? Explain
_ briefly the test procedure of Los Angles abrassion value of aggregate.
JgzWhat are the desirable properlies of bituminous mixes? Briefly explain the ductility test
of bitumen and its engineering application.

03 TRJBHUVATI I.'MVERSITY Errm. l{egul:tr',i ll;tcli

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Markr 32

2071 Bhadra Year / Part mlII Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Transportation Engineeriag (C8653)

{ Candidates are required to grve their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All quesions.
r' A[questions carry equal muks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

,/ WUat are the objectives of road planning? Explain the major road pattems developed in
modern urban areas.

$ Explun the factors that affect the selection of highway alignment.

for finding the superelevation required if the design coefficient of
v friction anis exprcssion
'f . Describe briefly the various methods of providing superelevation with
J r/Wful
are the curve resistance and grade compensation? Describe the disadvantages
heavy camber.
vehicle moving in a horizontal curve at a design speed of 65 kmph, develops a
centifugal ratio of 1/5. The deflection angle at curve is 48o. Calculate:
a) radius of circular curve
b) length of hansition curve by rate of change of centrifugal acceleration criteria
c) total length of composite curve
A/medriver of a vehicle travelling at 65 kmph down a grade required 12m more stopping
\,/ sight distance to stop than the driver travelling at same speed up the same grade. If the
coefficient of friction between tire and pavement is 0.38. Determine the percent grade and
stopping sight distance up the Sade.

1/Ctassiff highway drainage. What are the requirements of highway drainage?

different t1.pes of retaining walls used in road construction. List out the basis of
its selection
the materials rsed in different layers of the road pavement. Describe the desirable
properties of road aggregates for pavement works.
j{;lt}mrtare the tests to be conducted on road binders for its suitability on road constnrction?
Describe the test procedure to deterrrine the softening point of bitumen.

03 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Errm. l{ cgtr lrr r'


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Bhadra Year / Part m/u Time 3 hrs.

S ubj ect : - Transportation Engineering (CE6 5 3)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ AttemptAll questions.
{ Thetigures in the margin indicate Eull Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

I Explain briefly, the classification of transportation system. t8I

L What are the requirements of highway alignment? Explain the impotance of map study
in highway survey. t8I
O. What are the functions of transition curve? Derive an expression for the length of
tansition curve to be introduced between the straight and circular path on a horizontal
curve from two criteria. t8I
1, Describe the factors which control the geometric elements of road and discuss the reasons
for providing an additional width of carriageway on horizontal curve. I8I
L A four lane carriageway has a curve of 220 m length and 400 m radius. The safe stopping
sight distance and overtaking sight distance are 152 m and 300 m respectively. Calculate
the minimum set-back distance from the inner edge of the road to the edge of the
obsfiuction to ensure safe visibilrty for the both cases of sight distances if the width ofthe
pavement per lane is 3.75 m. t8I
A Design the length of valley cutre with a descending grade of l/35 and ascending grade of
1/45. The design speed is 80 kmph. Determine the RL of begiruring, lowest and end point
of curve if the RL of PVI is 212.36 m so as to fulfill both comfort condition and head
light sight distance for night visibility. Also determine the appex distance and mid
ordinate of the curve. Assume coefficient of friction:0.35, Rate of change of centifuEal
acceleration:6O cm/sec3. t8l
L Why drainage is an important part of highway design? What are the causes of moisture
variation in sub-grade soil? t8l
!l, Sketch different qpes of hill road cross-sections. Discuss hill road drainage stnrctures. t8]
@ Define bitumen premixes. Explain the Marshall design method for the Asphalt concrete. tSI
lQ, Explain briefly the desirable properties of sub-grade soil. Explain the test procedure of the
penetration value of bitumen. t8I
03 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIry Exam. llcgu la r

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Bhadra Year / Part m/u Time 3 hrs.

S ubj e ct : - Transportation Engineeri ng (CE6 5 3)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Arcmpt All questions.
r' The/igures in the margin indtcate Full Marlcs.
/ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

l. Explain briefly, the classification of transportation system. t8l

2. What are the requirements of highway alignment? Explain the importance of map study
in highway survey. t8l
3. What are the functions of transition curve? Derive an expression for the length of
tansition curve to be introduced between the straight and circular path on a horimntal
curve from two criteria. t8l
4. Describe the factors which control the geometric elements of road and discuss the reasons
for providing an additional width of carriageway on horizontal curve. t8I
5. A four lane carriageway has a curve of 220 m length and 400 m radius. The safe stopping
sight distance and overtaking sight distance are 152 m and 300 m respectively. Calculate
the minimum set-back distance from the inner edge of the road to the edge of the
obstruction to ensure safe visibility for the both cases of sight disiances if the width of the
pavement per lane is 3.75 m. t8I
6. Design the length of valley curve with a descending grade of l/35 and ascending grade of
l/45. The design speed is 80 kmph. Determine the RL of beginning, lowest and end point
of curve if the RL of PVI is 212.36 m so as to fulfill both comfort condition and head
light sight distance for night visibility. Also determine the appex distance and mid
ordinate of the curve. Assume coefficient of friction = 0.35, Rate of change of cenfrifugal
acceleration:60 cm/sec3. t8I
7. Why drainage is an important part of highway desigu? What are the causes of moisture
variation in sub-grade soil? t8l
8. Sketch different types of hill rcad cross-sections. Discuss hill road drainage structures. t8I
9. Define bitumen premixes. Explain the Marshall design method for the Asphalt concrete. t8I
10. Explain briefly the desirable properties of sub-grade soil. Explain the test procedure of the
penetration value of bitumen t8l
06 TRIBHUVAN TJNIVERSITY Exam. Ilegtrl:tr (2066 ct [.:rtu' Batclt)
Examination Control Division. Programme BCE PassIVIarlc 32
2069 Bhadra Year / Part m/il Timc 3 hrs.

- Transportation Engineering- I (cE6s3)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
/ 4A questions carry equal marks.
./ Assume suttable data dnecessary.

i Explain the roao classificatror, system based on htepal Rohd'stan,ikrd: Wlry roacl
transportation is considered the most feasible in our country?

2 What are the requirements, of an ideal highway alignment? Describe the

information needed to be collected during reconnaissance survey.

3 Discuss the design controls for the geometrics of road and governing factors which
affect the stopping si.qht distance.
4 Define super elevation, and derive the expression for super elevation. List the design
steps of super elevation.

5 The angle of lntersection between two straights is 137.230. The spiral angle for
each tra'nsitien curve is 8.35o. Calculate the length of transition curve, combined
length of curves and lerrgth of tangent if the radiu.sof the curve is 325 m.

6 An ascending gradient of 3.75% meets with descending gradient of \.25o/o.

Calculate the chainage and elevation of beginning of the curve, end of the curve,
highest point of the curve and 90 m left from the point of vertical intersection if
.-.,- 7 the chainage and elevation of PVI are l* 225.00 and875.62 rn respectively. The
radius of curve provided is 8000 m.

7 What are the causes of moisture variation in sub-grade soil? What are the factors
to be considered in designing sub-surface drainage system to check seepage flow?

8 Discuss the road side structures to be provided for the road way stability.
Explain how you will stabilize landslides along the road.

9 Define bitumen premixes. Exptain the Marshall design procedure for the
bituminous premixes.

l0 What are the desrrable properties olsub-graclc soil'/ tlxplain the metlrod of Los
Angeles abrasion test on aggregate.

, i,
Ef,am.- Regular / Back

Examination CouJroI Di'vision i

irograrnme BCE Pass Marks 32
ti 2068 Bhadra- Year / Part m/II Time 3 ks.
,/ Can-didates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
,/ The.figures in the'margin indicate Full Marks
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

i 1. a) What is transportation planning? Why the development of public transportation

should be given prefereflce over the development of private hansportation? l8l
b) What are the different stages of surveying for highway alignment? List out the various
components of economical appraisal. I8l
2. a) Classify the highway curves. What type of effects will take place when the vehicle
negotiates a horizontal curve without super elevation? Also give reasons. t8l
b) Calculate the length of hansition curve using the following data: t8l
D Design speed:65 lanph
ii) Radius of circular curve:220m'
iii; RttowaUle rate of introduction of super elevation (Pavement rotated about centre
line): I in 150
iv) Pavement width including extra widening :': .5m

3. a) Explain PEV theory. Derive an expression for determining the stopping sight
distance at level ground. t8l
b) A summit curve is to be provided at the intersection of two gradients +t.5oh and,l%o.
What is length required (i) For stopping sight distance of 200m (ii) For overtaking
sight distance of 60Om? What is the vertical distance between the point of vertical
intersection and curve in either case? t8l
4. a) Describe the different types of retlining walls used in road construction. Mention the-
basis of its selection. l8l
b) What do you mean by penetration value <if bitumen? Describe step by step procedure
for the determination of penetration value of bitumen in the laboratory. t8l
5. a) Explain the different types of erosion conhol and energy dissipating measures used in
highway drainage system. t8l
b) Explain different measures that are taken to stabilize the formation and cross slopes rn
hill road construction - tSl'
6. Write short notes on: $xal
;;.. r':.i,: ," , -a) :,:Requirements of highway alignment
, , ; i:;: i. i:-.',- -.:' ,. '' ,;.., '.

'.': '' ' b) Extra widening

,.,i , ,, , : c) -Road classification system
d) River'route
_- {<+rf.
INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level BE' ' 'FullMarks " .'80-

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2067 Mangsir Year / Part ra l\ Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Engineering I

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five questtons.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Fult Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) What is transportation planning? Explain philosophical elements of a long term

transport planning. t8l
b) Mention the stages of highway suryey. Describe the information to be collected
during reconnaissance srwey. t8l
a) What is an overtaking sight distance? Derive an expression for overtaking sight
distance with neat sketch. 12+6)
b) Calculate the length of a kansition curve required for a road with carriageway width
of 7.0m on a straight portion, if the design speed is 65kmph. Assume that the road is
passing through a rolling terrain. The radius of the horizontal curye is 200m and
pavement is rotated about the cenhe line. Assume suitable data if necessary. t8l
3. a) Define PIEV tlt"ory. Derive an expression to determine the extra widening. 12+61

b) A valley curve divided by a descending gradient of I in 30 meeting an ascending

gradientof 1 in 25. Design the length of valley curvg to fulfill both comfort condition
and head light sight distance required for a design speed of 80Kmph. Assume
. allowable rate of change of centifugal acceleration is 0.6m/sec' and stopping sight
distance is 160m. t8l
4. a) What is penehation value of bitumen? Describe the procedure for the determination of
penetration value in laboratory. 12+6)
b) What are the causes of soil erosion? Describe preventive measures of soil erosion and
energy dissipation. t8l
r. a) Classify the, cross',,drainage:,-strucfur€e,:8.s ,,pGr,,.NR.S,.. Describe the. suitability of
construction of pipe, box, slab and arch culverts. l8l
b) List various test carried out on road aggregates. Explain the procedure for
determination of Los Angeles abrasion test. t8l
6. Write short note on: (any four) $xa)
a) Bitumen emulsion
b) Un-submerged and submerged conditions for minor bridge
c) Retaining structures
d) Hill road drainage
e) Curve resistance and grade compensation
06 TRTBHWANIJMVERSITY Exam. , Reeular/Back.

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2066 Magh Year /'Part m/II Time 3 hrs.

Subi ect: - Transportation Engineering I

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words a-s far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Ftve-questions.

,/ Assum.e suttable data if necessary. l

1. a) Why is Macadam Road superior to Telford Construction? Make sketches of those

road sections. Write down the scope of Highway Engineering. t8l
b) What are the types of road patterns in urban areas? Explain them briefly with the help
ofneat sketches. t8l
2. a) List out important factors which control the geometric elements of roads. Calculate
safe stopping sight distance for the design speed of 50 krnph for: (i).two-way traffic
on a two lane road (ii) two-way traffic on a single lane load. Assume appropriate data
for calculation. [2+3+3]
b) Dprive the expression for the length of .hansition curve to be introduced between the
shaight and the circular path on a horizontal alignment from two criteria. [8] '
3. a) What are the basic design controls for valley curyes? How the length of valley curve .,
is calculatetl from different criteria? tgl
b) Define PIEV theory, A National Highway passirrg through a rolling terrain has a
. horizontal curve of radius'of 200m. Find out the length of a transition curve assuming
suitable data. 12+61
4' a) Briefly describe the special structures conskucted in hill roails. Make the sketch of
. drainage system layput in hill roads. l8l
b) Write down the steps for the design of longitudinal drains of a road to drain off the
surface water. Classify cross drainage structures as per NRS. : t8l
5. a) Explain with neat sketches the phenomenon of lowering of the water table, conkol of
capillary a4d vapour rise to strengthen the sub-grade of a road embankment. t8l
b) Write down the tests ca:nied out on road aggregates and describe their significance. t8l
6. Write short notes on: (any fo-ur) $xal
a) PEnetration test on bitumen
b) River crossing alternatives'
c) Super elerzation in hill roads
d) Resistance to vehicular motion
e) Selection of an ideal alignment

^l : ,.;..i. ' ,l- - .. '


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2055 Kartik Year / Part Itr/U Time 3 hrs.

,SZDjecf - Transportation Engineering I

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any zuquestions.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) Derive the expression for the length of transition curve from two considerations. t8l
b) Due to drainage problem, the inner edge cannot be lowered and a super elevation of e
is to be introduced. Explain, how the two way slope of n can be gradually converted
to a one way slope of e where e> n with a neat sketch. Givsn the road with is Wm and
the transition curve length is L m. t8I
2. a) A 30d' hourly volume is generally accepted as the design volume of traffic, why?
What are the other design controls for the geometrics ofroad? Discuss in brief. t8l
b) At a deviation point with deviation angle equal to 10o50' and radius of horizontal
circular curve of 400m, a qmrmetrical spiral:circular curve vdttr 120m long spiral
could not be intoduced. Prove it. Give suggestions for other possible solutions. t8l
3. a) Derive an expression for minimu:n permissible radius of valley curye from two
considerations. [10]
b) Outline the various reasons requiring grade compensation. t6l
4. a) A 300m line ascending section of a double lane road with trryo way traffic road with
4% grade meets with a 300m long descending section with 3Yo grade. Design the
vertical curve to meet the visibility requirement. Design speed is 100 lonph. The
braking efficiency is 90%. Calculate the formation levels of main points on curve at a
distance of 50m from PVI on qither sides, at the highest point of the forrnation lines
. and at the begirming and end section of road, glven the final fonnation level of the
road at a distance of 25m right from PVI as 120.105. t8l
b) Enumerate the various types of consistency tests on bituminous binders. Why do we
need different types of consistency tests? How is the ductility test carried out? What is
the significance of this test? t8l
5. a) The table below gives the sieve analysis results of three gravel quarries under
investigation. Calculate the mixing properties; to meet the grven gradation
specification. [10]
Sieve size Percentage passinq given sieve size
mm Ouarrv A Quarry B Quarry C
25.4 100 100 100 100
72.7 100 100 95 90-100
4.76 100 100 55 60-75
1.18 100 65 30 40-55
0.30 100 25 )a 20-35
0.15 75 18 9 t2-22
0.075 40 5 3 5-10
b) Draw neat sketches and describe different lypes of hill roads cross section. t6l
6. Write short notes on: [4xa]
a) Airresistance b) Hairpinbend
c) Historical development of road d) Control of seepage flow
06 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIry Exam. Regular/Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE i Prsnnarrc | 3z
2065 Chaitra Year / Part. m/II Time : 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Engineering I

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their.own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigureg in the.margin indicate Full Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Compare the main features of Telford and Macadam construction. Why Macadam is
known as the pioneer of modern roads? 16+21
b) Name the various sttfos to be followed for a highway alignment location. Describe the
works to be carried out and data to be collected during final location survey. [2+6]
2. a) What is lining o drains and. 'rhen is it necessary? What are the causes of moisture
variation in subgrade soil?.How do you control excess moisture in subgrade soil due
to subsurface sources of water? t2+2+4f
b) Explain in brief about petroleum bitumen, cutback.bitumen, and. bitumen emulsion.
How do you perform softening point test of bitumen and what is the use of this test? [4+3+i]
i. a) The centre- line of a two lane road has an eievation of 320.00m. The camber of the
pavement is 3.0% and cross-slope of shoulder is 5%. Calculare the elevation of
pavement at centre of lane, edges of pavement and at road edge if t8]
i) Straight line camber is to be provided.
ii) Parabolic camber is to be provided. ,

Take rvith of lane 3.5m and shoulder'width as 1.5m.

b) Define extra widening and its causes of providing and derive an expression of extra
widening. t 1+2+51
4. a) What do you mean by tractive resistance, explain it is brieP 12+61
b) Calculate the minimum setback from centre line of road tbr a curve of radius 500m
for a six lane road to ensure safe visibility. The stopping right distance is 200m, Iane
width is 3.5m and the curye length is 100m and not extra rvidth is to be provided. t8]
5. a) Explain stopping sight distance and derive its expression. 12+61
b) A t'wo lane pavement 7m in width in hiily region has a. curve of radius 60m, the
design speed is 40 kmph. Determine the length of transition curve, total curve length
and total tangent length if the deflection angle of the curve is 60". Take superelvation
: : :
0.07, extra width 1.2m, I :N 1:60. Assume that the rotation of pavement is about
centre line. l4+2+Zl
5. Write short notes on any four: laxaJ
a) Los Angeles Abrasion Test
b) Retainiig Walt
c) Breast Wall
d) Slab culvert and its elements
e) Typical cross-section of hill roads
0 lv{odes of rransportation
06 TzuBHLTVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Regular/Back

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks )Z

2064 Poush Year/Part iIII/[ Time i 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Engineering I

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as tar as practicable
,/ Artempt any' Five questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full fuIarks
./ ,lssume suiruble data if necessary.

a) Briefly, describe the historical deveiopment of roads and road construction inN What is
the current state of a!furr in road consrmction situation in Nepal? What are
- plans regarding thislffi
f ;t:1:.)
[r ' : :J

b) Defrne and describe the term:;:q$, b3nc! cqJp-d_or and a]lgBmggtwith respect to the map
study for highway route identifi6SIi5n. t2+2i2+27
to drainage problem, the inner edse cannot be lowered and a super elevation of 'e' is to
be introduced. Explain with the he Ip of a neat sketch, how ds ysu obtain one way slope, e,
from two way slope, n, rvhere e > n. .Givqn the road width is W m and the transition curve
length ,./ i8l
b centre line of a double .lane road has an elevation of 320.50m as recorded from
longitudinai profiie. The camber is 2.5Yo and cross fall of shoulder is 5910. Calculate the
eievation of road surface at ,h.
".ng1il|ii$,e11ges {Evement and@;
if 1 i) straight
line camber ii provided (ii) parabolic camber-is provided. Take rhe shoulder width 1.5m and
lane i.5m. fat

_l State the objectir.'es of pavembnt widening on horizontal curves. Write

down the total extra widening. What.are the methods of providing extra
widening curves,' . ll-2+:=31
b)A curve needed to connbct a circular section with a straight section of a highw-ay. if
design speed of highwa-v IS 900 kmph and radius ol the circular section is 300rn.
Determine the lengh of transition curve for comfort and for introducing super elevation at
your suitably selected desirable rate. The width of Baveme nt at straight section ir 7g_atr_d
Iength of the wheel base of the design vehicie is 6.1m. t8l
,1 \
^ Define fghw3ligryge. What are the requirements of a good high"va,v drainaee system?
E.xplain horv the surface water is collected and disposed off in rural. urban anC hiil rcads. [1=3=.1]
the ,'tj"''

./ -u'

,5/a\ What are the design and construction problems of hill road? Horv do the temperan;re. raint-all-
\/ - pressure and geologl of the region alfect the selection of hill road alignment?
,,/ [.+=4]
b) Dfiribe in brief road rapids, drop strucrures, causeways and inverted siphons. Give sketches
t\-/rthere ever possible. [2+2=2=31
a) Distinguish between Aggregate Impact Value, Aggregate Abrasion Value and Aggregate
Crushing Value. Why is it necessan* to determine t1a(iness and elongation indices of an
uggr.gut. sample? -,'''- i5+2i
b) What do r-ou mean IN Vlarslrall Stab lor
determining optirnum i.2-61
ENGtr\EERTNIG I-eveI iBE Full iVlarks 80

ontrol Division Programrne BCE Pass Nlarks i

hrawan Year / Part mi iI Time 3 hrs.

Sub.iect Transportation Engineering I

,/ Candidates are required to give their ansu,ers in their orvn words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five cluestiorxs.
'/ Thefigr.tres in the margin indicate Full-Marks.
/ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

1. a) Describe different modes of transportation. Expiain briefly the advantage and

disadvantage of road transportation. t8l
b) Define hi-ehrvay ali.grment. Explain the factors controlling highway aiignment. t8l
?. a) What is overtaking sight distance? Derive an expression for overtaking sight distance
with neat sketch. t8l
b) A descending section of a road with 3% grade meets an ascending section with 4%
grade. Design the vertical curve. The stopping sight distance requirement is 120m.
Calculate the formation levels of main points on curv-e and at a distance of 30m both
sides from the point of vertical intersection (PVI). The reduce level of PVI is
r 243.154m. Assume other data suitably. [8]
'3. a)'Derive an expression for finding minimum radius of valiey curye with night
,yisibillity. t6l
b) At a certain section of road there-is an intersection point (iP) r,vith an angle of 45%0'
tuming ri-eht. The minimum permissible radius is 200m. The distance betw:een
'starting point and IP and IP to erid point are 500 and 350m respectively. Calculate the
€-lements of circular curve and chainages of main points of curve asuming the
chainage of starting point is to be 20 + 416.60. t8l
4. a) Explain with neat sketches different tlpical tlpes of cross sections in hill road. t8l
b) Explain briefly about the route location in hill road design t8l
5. a) Discuss the causes of moisture variation in sub-grade soil. \\rhy drainage structures
are important in road construction. t8l
b) Explain r.vith sketches hor,r, the surface r,vater in collected and disposed off in the hill
roads. i8l
6. a) Describe Marshal method of bituminous mix design procedure. [8]
b) Enlist the various tests on road aggregates. Explain briefly the test procedure of
crushing value of the aggre-eate. t8l
*:f *



Exainination Control Division Programme tsCE Pass Marks 32

2063 Kartik Year / Part m/II Time 3 hrs.

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as"far'as practicable.
'/ Auempt any ru.questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.'
1. a) Discuss in detail flre classification of roads as per Nepal Road Standard (NRS) on the
basis of traffic flow and service flow. [4+4]
b) Discuss the different pattern of Urban Network Planning with neat sketches. Explain
briefly, the use of ring road helps to address the problem of city core congestion with
neat sketclres. L4+41
2. a) Define stopping distance. Enumerate the various factors affecting stopping distance.
Explain the relationship betryeen the stopping distance and stopping sight distance. [1+4+3]
b) The centre line of a double lane roarJ has an elevation of 315.5m as recordecl frorn
longitudinal profile, The carnber is 3.0% and the lane witlth is 3.5m. Find the
elevation of the road at the edges of the pavement and the center of lane if (i) straight
line camber is provided, (ii) parabolic camber'is provided. t8l
3. a) Deline transition culve. Mention the neecl of introclucing transition curve itr horizontal
aligrunent. Derive ttre clifferent methocls of designing the length of transition curve. [+2+5]
b) I{ow much should be the outer edges of the pavement to be raised with respect to the
centre line on a two lane road designed for mix traffic at a speed of 80 km/lu on a
tiorizoirtal curve of radius 200m if the super elevatiou is obtained by rotating the
I pavement with respect to the (i) centre line, nn4 (ii) inner pdg". , t8l
4. a) Why do we need to courpensate grade in horizontal curves? Give tluee reasons. t4l
b) Desigrt the total length of valley culve at the juhction of a descending gradiefi 2.5or/o
and the ascending gradient of 3.5ok if the design speed is 80 krnph, so as to fulfill both
comfort condition and head light sight distance for night driving. Locate the lowest
point and determine its elevation if the elevation of begiming of the curve is 415.5m.
Assume other suitable data if necessary. UZl
5. a) Detine highway drainage system. Describe the causes of rnoistut'e variation in
subsurface soil. Explain witn neat sketches how the surface drainage is provided to
lower the water table, and control of seepage flow. t1+3+4]
b) What are the design and construction problems that are associatecl with hill roacls?
Enunerate the merits and dernerits of river route antl ridge route [4+4]
6. a) What do you mean by crushing value of aggregates? Describe the step by step
procedure for determining crushing value of aggregates? Suggest the ranges of
crushing value for aggregates in lower and in surface layers of the road pavement
structures. I l+5+2]
b) Explain in brief about natural bitumen, cutback bitumen, bitumen emulsiotr and tar
with their irnportance. t2+2+2+2)
7. Write short notes on (any fbur): [ax4]
a) Telford Construction b) Culverts
c) Hair Pin Bend d) Aqueducts and Inverted Syphon

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2062 Jestha Year / Part m/n Time 3 hrs.

S ubj ect : - Transportation Eneineerine I

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicabie.
'/ Attempt arry zu.questtons.
'/ The /ig,res tn the margin indtcate Full Marks.

/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Explain briefly the various forms of urban road rtetwork system. How it is possible by
the provision of Ring Road to minimize the congestion in the city core t8l
b) What are the factors that controls the selection of highway alignment? Explain. tq]
2. a) What do you mean by super-elevation? Explain briefly in what conditions this super-

b) The radius of horizontal circular curve is 100m. The design speed is 60 kmph. The
coefficient of lateral friction is 0.17. [10]
i) Calculate the super elevation if full lateral friction is called into play.
ii) Calculate the coefftcient of friction needed if no super elevation is provided.
3. a) Explain briefly the overtaking sight distance and the stopping sight distance. t6l
b) The speeds of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 60 krnph and 30 kmph
respectively on a two-way traffrc road. If the acceleration of the overtaking vehicie is

i) Calculate the safe overtaking sight distance.

ii) Determine the minimum length of the overtaking zone.
4. a) What are the application of tangents, circular curves and transition curves in a
horizontal alignment of a road. t8]
b) Calculate the length of the fransition curve and the required shift, if the design speed
is 60 kmph, the radius of the circular curve is 220m. And allowable rate of change of
centrifugal acceleration is 60 cm/sec3. Aliowable fate of change of super elevation is 1
in 120. The pavement width including extra widening is 7.2m. t8l
5. a) What are the general tests in drder to quality the aggregate in highway construction?
Explain briefly. t6l
b) Bitumen is a very important material for road construction. Explain what tests you
will perform in order to judge the quality of the bitumen before using it in road
construction. t10]
6. a) Describe the various tvpes of retaining structures helped by neat sketches. t8]
b) What is the function of energy dissipating structures in a highway drainage system? t8]
7. Write qtrort notes on:'(any four) faxa]
a) Classification of roads in Nepal b) Tar and Bitumen emulsion
c) Retaining wall and Breast wall d) Strface and sub-sr:rface Drainage System
e) Los Angels Abrasion Test f) Aquaducts and lnverted Siphon
g) Hair Pin Bends

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