B. Tech. 2nd Year Syllabus
B. Tech. 2nd Year Syllabus
B. Tech. 2nd Year Syllabus
*Continuous Evaluation Model as per guidelines and the credit to be awarded at the end of 6th semester based on cumulative
performance upto 6th semester.
Semester IV
Code Course L T P Credits
ECPC-209 Analog Electronics 3+1 0 0 3
ECPC-210 Digital Communication 3+1 0 0 3
ECPC-211 Computer Architecture 3+1 0 0 3
ECPC-212 Information Theory and Coding 3 0 0 3
XXIC-XX Applied Linear Algebra (Maths-III) 3 0 0 3
ECPC-213 Electronics-II Lab 0 0 2 1
ECPC-214 Communication Engineering Lab (Comm. Lab -I) 0 0 2 1
ECPC-215 Digital Communication Lab (Comm. Lab -II) 0 0 2 1
CSLR-xxx Object Oriented Programming Lab 1 0 2 2
SWAU-11 NCC/NSS/Yoga 0 0 2 1*
SWAU-12 Sports/Club/Technical Societies 0 0 2 1*
Total 20
*Continuous Evaluation Model as per guidelines and the credit to be awarded at the end of 6th semester based on cumulative performance upto
6th semester.
Course Code : CSIC 221
Course Title : Machine Learning & Data Analytics
Number of Credits and : 4 & 3/0/2
L/T/P scheme
Prerequisites (Course : Problem solving & Programming using C
Course Category : IC (CE, EE, ECE, ME, PIE, IIOT, M & C)
Text Books:
1. U Dinesh Kumar and Manaranjan Pradhan, Machine Learning using Python, John Wiley & Sons,2020.
2. Cathy O ‘Neil and Rachel Schutt., Doing Data Science, Straight Talk From The Frontline, O ‘Reilly.
3. Ethem Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, Second Edition, PHI, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani and J. Friedman., The Elements of Statistical Learning, Second Edition,
Springer, 2009.
2. Christopher M. Bishop F.R.Eng., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
3. J. Grus., Data Science from Scratch, Second Edition,O‘Reilly. 2019.
4. Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger., Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Third
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
5. Tom M.Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1997.
Course Outcomes
1. Explore the fundamental concepts of data science and machine learning.
2. Understand the processes of data science - identifying the problem to be solved, data collection,
preparation, evaluation and visualization.
3. Understand data analysis techniques for applications handling large data.
4. Visualize and present the inference using various tools.
5. Understand various machine learning algorithms used in data science process.
Pre-requisite: PHIC-13
L T P Credits Total contact
3+1 0 0 3 42
UNIT I 12 hrs
NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES: Binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems, Conversion
between number systems, Complements of binary numbers, BCD codes, Gray codes, and ASCII
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES: Boolean algebra: Boolean laws, De Morgan's
theorem, Boolean functions, Karnaugh maps, QM Method, Basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOT gates
and their truth tables, Universal gates: NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates, Logic gate circuits
and their applications. TTL , CMOS , ECL logic families, fan in, fanout.
UNIT II 12 hrs
COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS: Adders and subtractors: Half adder, full adder, ripple carry adder,
carry look-ahead adder, subtractor circuits, Multiplexers and demultiplexers, Encoders and
decoders, Comparators and magnitude comparators, Parity generators and checkers
SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS: Latches and flip-flops: SR flip-flop, D flip-flop, JK flip-flop, T flip-flop,
Registers: shift registers, parallel in/serial out (PISO) registers, serial in/parallel out (SIPO)
registers, and parallel in/parallel out (PIPO) registers, Counters: ripple counter, synchronous
counter, and Johnson counter.
UNIT IV 8 hrs
Reference Books:
1. M. Morris Mano and Michael Ciletti, Digital Design.
2. Thomas L. Floyd and R. Brockwell, Digital Fundamentals.
3. Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog5
4. Giuliano Donzellini and Luca Oneto, Introduction to Digital Systems Design
5. Guy Even and Moti Medina, Digital Logic Design: A Rigorous Approach
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand how to write Boolean equations and simplify them
CO2: Design digital circuits and develop applications
CO3: Design sequential circuits, FSMs, state reductions and develop optimized circuits and
CO4: Understand programmable device, their applications, design flow,
CO5: Understand power consumption of circuits, its pros and cons and reduction techniques.
Pre-requisite: Mathematics (MAIC-11, MAIC-12)
L T P Credits Total contact
3+1 0 0 3 40
Brief Description about the course:
The course on signals, systems and random variables provides a foundation for the design and
analysis of various engineering and behavioural science systems. It contains description of various
discrete time and continuous signals, convolution integral and convolution sum, LTI systems,
Fourier series and Fourier Transform and their important properties. Random variables and
processes are dealt with in detail. Several important distribution functions applicable to different
engineering fields are included. The students shall be able to apply the knowledge to various
science and engineering fields.
Course Learning Objectives
To understand LTI systems, analysis of periodic signals, analysis of aperiodic signals, random
variables and random processes.
Course Content
UNIT I 10 hrs
LTI SYSTEMS: Continuous time and discrete time signals, Even and Odd signals. Elementary
continuous time and discrete time signals. Classification of signals, causality; stability, time
invariance, linearity. Continuous time and Discrete time LTI Systems, convolution Integral and
convolution sum, Properties of LTI Systems. Differential and Difference equations. Singularity
UNIT II 11 hrs
FOURIER ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS: Fourier series representation of continuous time and discrete
time periodic signals. Fourier series and LTI Systems. Laplace Transform and concept of ROC.
Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT). Properties of CTFT. Discrete time Fourier Transform
(DTFT). Properties of DTFT. Systems characterized by Linear constant co-efficient differential
equation and difference equations. Magnitude and phase spectrum, group delay.
UNIT III 11 hrs
RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, Conditional Probability, definition of random variables,
cumulative distribution function, probability density function, discrete random variables, continuous
random variables, mathematical expectation, moments of random variables. Chebyshev inequality.
Some important distribution functions: uniform, rectangular, Gaussian, Bernoulli, binomial,
Poisson, Exponential, Rayleigh, Rice, lognormal, and chi square. Sum of random variables,
Functions of random variables. Joint distribution, marginal and conditional distributions, statistical
independence, Central Limit Theorem, moments and Characteristic Functions,
UNIT IV 8 hrs
RANDOM PROCESSES: Definition and description of Random Processes, Classification of
random processes, statistical characterization, mean, correlation and covariance functions,
Stationary random processes, Ergodicity, Power Spectral density, Weiner-khintchine theorem,
Response of memory- less and linear systems to random inputs, discrete time stochastic
processes, Cyclostationary processes, Gaussian, Poisson, Markov processes.
Reference Books:
1. Oppenheim Willsky and Nawab, Signals and Systems, PHI. 4th Ed
2. Simon Haykin , Signals and Systems, John Wiley 4 th Ed 7
3. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, TMH. 4 th Ed
4. Papoulis, A. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, MGH, 3 rd Ed.
5. Gray, R.M. Davission,L.D,Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing- Web Edition-1999.
6. Sundarapandian, V. Probability, Statistics and Queueing Theory, PHI Learning Private Limited,
3rd Ed.
Course outcomes:
1. Utilize the concepts of Discrete time and Continuous time signals and their transformations.
2. Analyze the Fourier series of periodic and Fourier transform of non-periodic discrete time and
continuous time signals.
3. Understand and apply the concepts of Fourier series and Fourier transform.
4. Characterize probability models and function of random variables based on single & multiples
random variables.
5. Evaluate and apply moments & characteristic functions and understand the concept of
inequalities and probabilistic limits.
6. Understand the concept of random processes and determine covariance and spectral density
of stationary random processes.
Prerequisites: MAIR 11
L T P Credits Total contact
3+1 0 0 3 42
Brief Description
Fields and Waves (FW) is a highly abstract and complex subject that examines how exerting a
force on charged particles is affected by the presence and motion of adjacent particles. The
interdependence of the time varying electric and magnetic fields—one producing the other, and
vice versa—has allowed the students to consider them as a single coherent entity: the
electromagnetic field. Under this umbrella, students can learn about numerous and varied topics
ranging from the basics of steady electric and magnetic fields to transmission lines including
waveguides along with their real-life applications.
Course Content
UNIT I 10 hrs
Overview of electromagnetic fields and wave phenomena, Historical background and key
concepts, Electrostatic Fields: Coulomb's law and electric field intensity, Electric potential and
potential gradient, method of images, Gauss's law and its applications, Conductors, dielectrics
and their boundary conditions, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations, uniqueness theorem.
Magnetostatic Fields: Biot-Savart law and magnetic field intensity, Ampere's law and its
applications, magnetic vector potentials, Magnetic materials and boundary conditions, magnetic
circuits, Inductance and magnetic energy
UNIT II 10 hrs
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations in point form and integral form,
Maxwell’s equations for sinusoidal variations, retarded potentials.
Plane waves and their characteristics, Wave propagation in lossless and lossy media, Boundary
conditions for electromagnetic fields, Poynting vector and power considerations, Reflection,
transmission, and refraction of waves, SWR, Wave polarization and polarization transformations
UNIT III 10 hrs
Transmission line equations, graphical methods, Smith chart, Impedance Matching, Rectangular
and cylindrical waveguides, Modes of propagation, Resonant cavities and cavity resonators,
power flow in wave guides, excitation of wave guides, dielectric waveguides.
UNIT IV 12 hrs
Applications of Fields and Waves in various sustainable technologies, case studies from the
Indian knowledge system.
Reference Books:
1.E. C. Jordan and K. G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, PHI, 3 rd Ed..
2.David & Chang, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Addison Wesley, 3rd Ed..
3.W. H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics , JR. Tata Mc-Graw Hill Edition, Fifth edition.
4. Sadiku, Matthew NO, and Shrikrishna V. Kulkarni. Principles of electromagnetics. Vol. 6. New
Delhi, India: oxford university Press, 2015.
Course outcomes
At the end of the course student will be able to.
1. Review the basics of electromagnetic theory
2. Comprehend the effects of sinusoidal time variation in both electric and magnetic fields using
Maxwell equations and retarded potentials.
3. Understand the propagation of electromagnetic waves through different media and apply the
above knowledge to understand working of transmission lines and waveguides.
4. Practice the use of Field and Waves in various real-life applications.
List of Experiments:
1. PN Junction diode characteristics.
A. Forward bias
B. Reverse bias.
2. Zener diode characteristics and voltage regulator.
3. Half wave Rectifier with and without filter.
4. Full wave Rectifier with and without filter.
5. Transistor CB characteristics (Input and Output).
6. Transistor CE characteristics (Input and Output).
7. Frequency response of CE Amplifier.
8. Frequency response of CC Amplifier (Emitter Follower).
9. FET Characteristics
10. Frequency Response of single stage RC coupled Amplifier.
11. Frequency Response of double stage RC coupled Amplifier.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Pre-requisite: PHIC-13, ECPC-202
L T P Credits Total contact
- - 2 1 20
Brief Description of the Course:
CO 4: Design different types of counter, shift registers, adder, subtractor with the help of ICs.
Pre-requisite: MAIC-11
L T P Credits Total contact
0 0 2 1 20
Brief Description:
This lab aims to get familiarize the students about the numerical computing in various fields.
MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting the function by using polar & contour3 commands,
implementation of algorithms & creation of user interfaces. It calculates their design, waveforms,
graphs, circles, circular helix and solves various integral and differential equations. Using MATLAB
symbolic math toolbox, determine the Laplace transform. Further in this lab students will attain the
knowledge about convolution and cross correlation between two sequences.
List of Experiments
𝑓(𝑥) + 𝑓(−𝑥)
𝑓𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 (𝑥) =
6. Calculate using MATLAB
(i) Define the symbolic variable x.
(ii) Define the symbolic function 𝑦 = 𝑒 𝑥
(iii) Define the symbolic function 𝑦 = 𝑒 −𝑥
(iv) Using the result of previous two sections, calculate 𝑓𝑜𝑑𝑑 (𝑥) and 𝑓𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 (𝑥) for the
function 𝑦 = 𝑒 𝑥
7. Write a MATLAB program to generate different waveforms –
(i) Square wave (v) unit step function
(ii) Sine wave (vi) unit impulse function
(iii) Triangle wave (vii) A rectangular pulse of width 2
(iv) Exponential wave (viii) Unit ramp function
8. Draw graphs of the functions using MATLAB 14
sin 𝑥 1 𝑥 2 +1 (10−𝑥)3 −2
(𝑖) (𝑖𝑖) + 𝑥 (𝑖𝑖𝑖) (𝑖𝑣) 1
𝑥 (𝑥−1)2 𝑥 2 −4
(4−𝑥 2 )2
11. Write a MATLAB program to compute sum of all powers of 2 below 50 using while command.
-6x - 2y + 2z = 15
-3x + 4y - 3z = 13
2x + 4y - 7z = -9
13. The Fibonacci sequence starts off with the numbers 0 and 1, then succeeding terms are the
sum of its two immediate predecessors. Write a MATLAB program for Fibonacci series.
1 1 1 1
𝑠(100) = 1 + + + + ⋯ +
22 32 42 1002
16. The area, A, of a triangle with sides of length a, b and c is given by 𝐴 = √(𝑠 − 𝑎)(𝑠 − 𝑏)(𝑠 − 𝑐)
where s=(a+b+c)/2. Write a Matlab function that will accept the values a, b and c as inputs and
return the value of A as output.
17. Write a MATLAB program for a positive number to compute and display the even powers of 2
less than or equal to positive number.
18. Use the command plot3(x,y,z) to plot the circular helix 𝑥(𝑡) = sin 𝑡 , 𝑦(𝑡) = cos 𝑡 , 𝑧(𝑡) = 𝑡, 0 ≤
𝑡 ≤ 20
26. Determine the convolution of x (t) =1+𝑡 2with itself.
27. Compute the cross correlation between the following two sequences.
28. Let x (n)=u(n)-u(n-10). Decompose x(n) into even and odd components.
30. Using MATLAB symbolic math toolbox, determine the Laplace Transform of the following
Evaluation criterion for NCC Cadets
Following criterion is proposed to be adopted for the evaluation of NCC cadets for the
practical course of NCC/NSS/Yoga
C: After end of the 6th semester: Bonus marks 10 for each B & C certificate is proposed
to be added in final marks subject to total marks does not exceed 100
1. Institutional Training being conducted in the Colleges and Schools is the principal
means of training in the NCC. The aim of the training is to nurture core values,
enhance awareness and give exposure to basic military skills and knowledge.
Emphasis will be on practical training. Case studies, wherever possible will be
used to facilitate active participation and better assimilation. Examples from
India’s freedom struggle and wars fought by India, post-independence, should
supplement relevant subjects to generate secular and patriotic fervor. The
instructors and the cadets must grasp the importance of this training and
participate actively.
2. Principles of Training: In keeping with the changing environment, the
principles of NCC Training are:
(a) Junior Division (JD)/Junior Wing (JW) to be for two years while Senior
Division (SD)/Senior Wing (SW) will be for three years.
(b) Separate syllabi for JD/JW and SD/SW.
(c) Modified, syllabus for professional educational institutes of repute to
encourage enrolment of cadets.
(d) Revised curriculum for training in a military environment with greater
emphasis on soft skill development, awareness of social
responsibilities and adventure and sports.
(e) Uniformity in syllabus for boys and girls.
(f) Common syllabus for all three wings to be approximately 60 to 70% and
Specialised Service Syllabus training will be 30 to 40%.
(g) Emphasis on practical training.
(h) Conduct of periodic composite training ensuring continuity for better
learning assimilation and its application.
3. Common subjects will comprise about 70% of the periods and Specilalised
Service Subjects will be 30%. The breakdown of periods are as under:-
Sr. No. Subject No. of Periods
First Year Second Third Year Total
Senior Division/Wing
(a) Common Subject 66 72 72 210
(b) Specilised Subject 24 33 33 90
Total 90 105 105 300
Junior Division/Wing
Abbreviation Type
L Lecture
D Demonstration
DI Discussion
P Practice
V Video
4. Navigation 00 06 03 09
5. Searmanship
(b) Rigging 03 00 00 03
9. Swimming 01 03 05 09
Total 24 33 33 90
Syllabus and Evaluation Scheme of Physical Education & Sports
Compulsory for up to B.Tech 6th Semester Students
Each student will be given practical knowledge about the basic fundamentals of various games and
sports and Athletic Events be it Track or Field thereby developing the skill.
Following sub topics related to any one Game/Sport of choice of student out of: Athletics,
Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Cricket, Kabaddi, Lawn Tennis, Swimming, Table Tennis,
Volleyball etc.
1. History of the Game/Sport.
2. Latest General Rules of the Game/Sport.
3. Specifications of Play Fields and Related Sports Equipment.
4. Important Tournaments and Venues.
5. Sports Personalities.
6. Proper Sports Gear and its Importance
1. Modern Trends and Physical Education by Prof. Ajmer Singh.
2. Health and Physical Education – NCERT
Note – PWD Students will be exempted from taking part in physical activities and the Modified
Physical Fitness Test.
Syllabus and Evaluation Scheme of Yog
Compulsory for up to B.Tech 6th Semester Students
Course Code: SWNC101 L T/P C
Course Title: Yoga 0 4 2
Introduction: Yog education in Institute can immensely contribute to health of children by
disseminating knowledge and awareness about the value of health, inculcating and nurturing
health promoting habits and life style.
Objectives of the course:
To enable the student to have good physical and mental health.
To improve cognitive ability.
To improve the level of consciousness.
Introduction to Yog
Brief introduction to origin of Yog, Psychological aspects leading to origin of Yog,
Hindu Mythological concepts about origin of Yog
History and Development of Yog
Etymology and Definitions of Yog, Aim and Objectives of Yog, Misconceptions about
Yog, True Nature of Yog
General Introduction to Schools of Yog
Principles of Yog, Yog Practices for Health and Harmony
Yog for Health Promotion –
Brief introduction to human body
Role of yog for health promotion
Yogic attitudes and practices
Holistic approach of yog towards the health and diseases
Introduction to yog diet and its relevance and importance in yog Sadhana
Dincharya and Ritucharya with respect of yogic lifestyle
Yog as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease
Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana,
Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha –
Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.
Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana,
Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana,
Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra,
Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.
Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana,
Urdhwahastottansana, UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana,
Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.
Jivha Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Mula Bandha, Maha Bandha, Tri
Siddhasana, Bhadrasana, Baddha Padmasana, Uttitha Padmasana, Bhunamanasana,
Hanumanasana, Bakasana, Kukkutasana, Garbhasana, Matsyendrasana,
Marjariasana, Padangusthasana, Hastapadangusthasana, Garudasana, Vatayanasana,
Natarajasana, Mayurasana, Padma Mayurasana, Sirshasana and its variations,
Ekapada and Dwipada Kandarasana
Yog Mudra, Maha Mudra, Shanmukhi Mudra, Shambhavi Mudra, Kaki Mudra, Tadagi
Mudra, Vipareet Karni Mudra, Simha Mudra
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Overall Objective:
Development of Student’s personality through community service.
Aims & Objective of NSS:
i. To understand the community in which they work.
ii. To understand themselves in relation to their community.
iii. To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in a problem-solving
iv. To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
v. To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
vi. To develop the competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities.
vii. To gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
viii. To acquire leadership qualities and a democratic attitude.
ix. To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
Joining NSS:
Simply by enrolling/registering yourself in the NSS unit through the NSS Programme
Coordinator/Officer concerned.
Guidelines for Evaluating NSS Students
Curriculum’s 1-credit Course (Semester 1 to 6)
For the curriculum’s credit award to students under NSS, the following procedure will be adopted:
Students should engage in various NSS activities (listed in Annexure-1) for at least 240 hours in
three years (minimum 40 Hrs/semester).
The attendance records of students will be maintained by their unit’s respective Programme
A student who participates in different activities of NSS during the 1st to 6th semester then he/she
will earn certain hours per activity depending upon his/her role and responsibilities carried out by
the volunteer as per the following rules:
Vanmohotsava Week (5-7 days) (Environment Enrichment & Tree Plantation) (Nearby places
like public institutions, adopted villages/slum areas, and wasteland and other such activities)
Disaster Management (Workshops, awareness camps for Relief and rescue work inoculation
and immunization, distribution of medicines, essential goods)
Adopted village (visiting some nearby villages and deciding 2-3 villages to be adopted for
literacy promotion and basic facilities like drinking water, pucca/kutchha road, school
shed/buildings, cooperative/self-employment scheme, etc.)
Health Service & Awareness (Integrated Child Development Programme, Health Education,
HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme, Motivating parents to send children to school and other
such activities)
"Annual NSS Day Celebrations" of NSS
Autumn Camp (4-6 days) in a nearby village (Youth for Sustainable Development with a focus
on Watershed Management & Wasteland Development or some other theme)
Gandhi Jayanti (Quiz competition, Speech, Communal Harmony DAY, and other such
Quami Ekta Week (National Integration Day, Welfare of Minorities Day, Cultural Unity Day,
Women’s Day, Conservation Day)
Swachhta Pakhwada (various activities like cleanliness campaigns in campus, locality, road
safety, and other such activities engaging GOI Ministries/Departments initiatives)
World AIDS Day (creating awareness among school and college-going students, organizing
lectures, public discussions, film shows, rallies and street plays)
Nasha Mukti Abhiyan (Awareness on the part of Tobacco Free Society; campaigns, posters,
programmes in Hostels)
Women's Week (Special programmes regarding the significant role of women and girl child;
Prominent women leaders lectures; awareness programmes and other such activities)
National Safety Day/ Week (Activities based on a theme provided by National Safety Council
(GOI) )
Life Skills and Vocational Training Programmes (Industry professional for lectures,
competitions and other such activities)
Career Guidance (For college students through prominent speakers; NSS volunteers going to
schools to provide guidance to 9-12th students and other such activities)
Environment Enrichment & Climate Change (Special programmes like lectures, campaigns,
posters and other such activities)
World Bicycle Day Celebration
Other Activities: Activities suggested by Institute, State NSS Unit, MHRD, GOI Ministries etc.
Guidelines for evaluation of student activities under Students Clubs
(1st to 6th Semester: 02 credit)
The Students Clubs provide facilities and the right environment to develop extra-curricular skills in the
students, in addition to the academic knowledge imparted by the Institute. Twelve (12) different clubs are
working under Students Clubs which organized various events (workshops, guest lecturers etc.) and
competitions, to instil the spirit of healthy competition among students, throughout the year. A national
level mega cultural festival under the name CONFLUENCE is organized every year. Students can earn
course credit by participating in various events organised by the student’s club and assisting in
coordinating these events as a member of these clubs.
For the credit award to students under students club, following is recommended:
1. Students must engage in club activities for 240 hours in three years (40 hours in one semester).
2. The evaluation criterion and activity hours will be calculated as follows:
Distribution of
SNo Evaluation Criterion Number of hours credited Max Marks 100
(Weightage 80%)
1. Participation as an Audience 0.5 hour* number of event hours --
2. Participation as an Performer (a) 06 hours for full day activity 10
(b) 03 hours for half day activity 05
3. Prize/Award/Recognition 05 hours 20
(intra - college events)
4. Prize/Award/Recognition 10 hours 30
(inter - college events)
5. Organization of event (a) 12 hours for full day activity 20
(b) 06 hours for half day activity 10
Sponsorship (a) 15 hours for sponsorship upto (a) 15
6. Note: Number of hours will be 01 Lakh (b) 30
equally divided among students (b) 30 hours for sponsorship upto (c) 40
involved where minimum Rs. 05 Lakh Note: Marks will be
25,000/- per students must be (c) 40 hours for sponsorship more divided equally in
ensured. than 05 Lakh team members, if
3. The comprehensive viva-voce (Weightage 20%) will be conducted at the end of every semester.
4. Documents required as proof:
a. Participation: A certificate of participation duly signed by the organizing club’s faculty-in-charge. All
clubs will maintain a record of certificates issued for verification.
b. Prize/Reward/Recognition: A Certificate of Merit/Letter of Appreciation duly signed by Head of the
Institute/Dean (SW)/Professor-in-charge of Students Club.
c. Organization: A Certificate of Appreciation mentioning event’s name and committee’s name in which
the student contributed.
d. Sponsorship: A letter of sponsorship from sponsoring organization mention amount and list of students
involved in sponsorship effort. The amount will be equally divided among the students for award of
hours and marks as per criterion 6.
1. Faculty in charges of the individual clubs must ensure at least 40 hours of activities per semester and
must keep the record of number of hours for each and every student involved/ registered for clubs.
2. Further, workload of two (02) hours per week should be included as teaching load for faculty in-charges
(FIC) and Professor In-charges (PIC) in order to ensure smooth conduct of activities of the clubs.
3. It is recommended to make provision for earned leave for organising events in non-working days.
Guidelines for evaluation of student activities under Technical Societies
(Semester 1st to 6th: 240 hrs.: 1 credit)
There are 12 societies/clubs currently under technical societies which conduct various events
(competitions, workshops, guest lectures, meetings etc.) throughout the year and one major event
TECHSPARDHA, the annual technical festival is conducted once a year. Each of this society/club
is headed by a team of students usually from final year of their programme under the guidance of
a faculty-in-charge.
Under new curriculum for B. Tech students, the activities of all technical societies/clubs are to be
considered as an audit course. The credit for this course will be awarded at the end of 6 th semester.
Students can earn course credit by participating in various events organised by the technical
societies and help in coordinating these events as a member of these societies/clubs. The
selected heads of societies/clubs under supervision of faculty-in-charge will ensure that each
member is engaged in the activities of society/club for at least 40 hours in each semester (240
hours in 6 semesters) to fulfil the requirement of award of credits
At the end of sixth semester the evaluation of student will be carried by a committee of faculty-in-
charges of the technical societies. They will be awarded points on following criterion:
Sr. Criterion Semester I and II Semester III and IV Semester V and VI
No. (max 20 marks) (max 30 marks) (max 50 marks)
1. Participation 1/event 1.5/event 2/event
2. Prize/Award/ 2/event 3/event 4/event
Recognition (intra-
college events)
3. Prize/Award/ 4/event 6/event 8/event
Recognition (inter-
college events)
4. Organization 4/event 6/event 8/event
5. Sponsorship 4/ (Rs10K worth 6/ (Rs20K worth of 8/ (Rs40K worth of
of sponsorship sponsorship sponsorship
individually) individually) individually)
The committee will duly verify the credentials of each candidate and award marks on above
criterion. Student will be awarded a grade as per institute norms.
Documents required as proof:
a. Participation: A certificate of participation duly signed by the organizing club’s faculty-in-
charge. All societies/clubs to maintain a record of certificates issued for verification.
b. Prize/Reward/Recognition: A Certificate of Merit/Letter of Appreciation duly signed by Head
of the Institute/Dean(R&C)/Professor-in-charge of Technical Societies.
c. Organization: A Certificate of Appreciation mentioning event’s name and committee’s name
in which the student contributed, duly signed by the faculty-in-charge of the organizing club.
d. Sponsorship: A letter of sponsorship from sponsoring organization mention amount and list
of students involved in sponsorship effort. The amount will be equally divided among the
students for award of marks as per criterion 5.
Bearing in mind that the activities of clubs/societies are a part of curriculum now, following
recommendation may kindly be considered:
1. Adequate space may be allocated to each society/club for conducting meeting, storing
materials and equipment and keeping records.
2. Adequate staff and office space be provided to professor-in-charge (Technical Societies)
keep track of purchases, maintain accounts and records and secretarial assistance.
3. An engagement of one hour per week in the load of faculty-in-charge be shown in timetable
to compensate for time devoted to the activities of club/societies.
Course Code L - T - P - C
Applied Linear Algebra
MAIC 204 (For ECE & IIOT) 3 - 0 - 0 - 3
CO1 Understand the basic concepts of linear algebra related to stability, accuracy,
CO2 Find QR factorization of a matrix using Householder transformation and
study its applications.
Write various algorithms to solve system of linear equations to understand
computational issues.
CO4 Describe the numerical procedure of eigenvalue problem.
CO5 Apply the SVD of a matrix in solving real life problems.
Analysis and design of the single-stage amplifier using MOS devices, estimation of voltage gain,
input resistance, output resistance etc., Classification of amplifiers, Direct coupled amplifiers,
Multistage amplifiers, and the Frequency response of amplifiers. Current Mirrors, Differential
UNIT II 10 hrs
Introduction to OP-AMP, ideal OP-AMP, equivalent circuit, transfer characteristics, Op-Amp with
negative feedback, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, frequency response, compensating
network, circuit stability, and slew rate.
OP-AMP applications: integrator and differentiator, summing amplifier, precision rectifier, Schmitt
trigger and its applications. Operational Transconductance Amplifier, Active filters: Low pass, high
pass, band pass and band stop, design guidelines.
UNIT IV 10 hrs
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to
CO1: Design single and multistage amplifiers and current mirrors
CO2: Understand the characteristics of op-amps and circuit design based on op-amps.
CO3: Understand the use of op-amps in different types of applications.
CO4: Design ADC and DAC.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to:
CO 1. Understand the baseband binary data transmission system and the process of equalization
CO 2. Obtain the signal space representation for signals and analyse them.
CO 3. Understand and analyse various detection criteria for detection of signals
CO 4. Understand the principle of various digital modulation techniques
CO 5. Analyze the BER performance of digital modulation techniques.
CO 6. Understand principles of spread spectrum systems
CO 7. Understand the principles of DMT and OFDM systems and their practical applications.
Pre-requisite: ECPC-202
L T P Credits Total contact
3+1 0 0 3 42
Brief Description of the course:
This course aims to provide a strong foundation for students to understand the modern eras
of computer architecture (i.e., the single-core era, multi-core era, and accelerator era) and
to apply these insights and principles to future computer designs.
UNIT I 8hrs
Historical perspective, Performance of computer, Register transfer and micro-operations,
Information representation, Instruction format, Instruction types, Addressing modes,
Instruction set architectures- CISC and RISC, Super-scaler architecture, Fixed point and
floating point operations.
UNIT II 12hrs
Control unit, Multiple bus organization, Hardwired control, Micro programmed control,
Semiconductor RAM memories, Read-Only Memories, Speed, Size and Cost, Cache
Memories, Performance considerations, Cache Coherency in Multiprocessor, Virtual
Memories, Memory Management Requirements, Secondary Storage devices.
UNIT III 12hrs
PILELINE AND VECTOR PROCESSING: Parallel processing, Pipelining, Hazards, CISC &
RISC pipeline, Vector processing. Array processing.
I/O ORGANIZATION: Accessing I/O Devices, Programmed I/O, Interrupt-driven I/O, Direct
Memory Access, Buses, Interface Circuits: Serial port, Parallel port, PCI Bus, SCSI Bus,
USB, The External Interface-FireWire and InfiniBand.
UNIT IV 10hrs
ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE: Study of instruction set design, parallel
processing, bit, instruction, and data level parallelism, distributed computing, virtualization
architecture, AI/ML applications and cloud and mobile architecture.
Case Study: MIPS processor architecture. Computer architecture for sustainable computer
systems. Future Trends in Computer Architecture Research.
Reference Books:
1. C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky, Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill, 5th ed.,
2. W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture - Designing for Performance,
Pearson, 7th ed.,2006.
3. M.M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, PHI.
4. J. P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, McGraw-Hill.
5. John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture - A Quantitative
Approach, 5th edition.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Comprehend the basic knowledge of functional components of computer systems.
CO2: Analyze concept of various addressing modes including design instruction set
architecture. Identify the function of building blocks within CPU of a computer system.
CO3: Explain memory system design including Cache and Virtual-memory systems.
Familiarize with the basic knowledge of I/O devices and interface circuits.
CO4: Identify problems and understand parallel programming models of multicore 38
processors, multiprocessors.
Pre-requisite: Communication Engineering (ECPC-205), Signals, Systems and Random variables
L T P Credits Total contact
3 0 0 3 40
Brief Description about the course:
Information theory and coding deals with the concept of information content in a digital message
and techniques to efficiently represent them by using source coding methods. The channel coding
techniques aim at providing reliable digital communication of message signal over noisy channels.
The course contains Shannon’s fundamental theorems on coding, necessary mathematical
background for various error correction codes, construction and detection of linear block codes,
cyclic codes, and convolutional codes. The students will learn how to use the source coding
techniques to remove the redundancy from the message and then design suitable channel codes
for use at transmitter and decode them at the receiver to ensure error free transmission of message
Course Learning Objectives
To understand elements of information theory and source coding, Linear block codes, Cyclic codes,
Convolutional codes and their applications.
Course Content
UNIT I 12 hrs
a measure of uncertainty, Entropy & its properties, Entropy of continuous sources, Discrete
memoryless channels, Mutual information & its properties, BSC, BEC. Channel capacity, Shanon’s
theorem on coding for memoryless noisy channels, Shanon’s three fundamental theorems.
Separable binary codes, Shanon–Fano encoding, Noiseless coding, Theorem of decodability,
Average length of encoded message, Shanon’s binary encoding, Fundamental theorem of discrete
noiseless coding, Huffman’s minimum redundancy codes, capacity of colored noise source, water
filling algorithms.
UNIT II 12hrs
LINEAR BLOCK CODES: Groups & fields, Galois fields & its construction, Minimal polynomial,
Vector spaces, Dual spaces, Linear block codes, Syndrome & error detections, Minimum distance,
Error detecting and correcting capabilities of a block code, Standard array & Syndrome decoding,
Hamming code.
UNIT III 8 hrs
CYCLIC CODES: Description of cyclic codes, Polynomial representation, Minimum degree code
polynomial, Generator polynomial, Generator matrix, Systematic form, Parity check matrices, cyclic
codes encoders, Syndrome computation and error detection, Cyclic Hamming codes, Decoding of
cyclic codes.
UNIT IV 8hrs
CONVOLUTIONAL CODES: Encoding of Convolution codes, Structural properties of Convolution
codes, State diagram, Code tree, Trellis diagram, Free distance, Coding gain, Viterbi decoding,
distance properties of binary convolutional codes, Burst error correcting convolutional codes.
Implementation of error control codes in real systems and case studies.
Reference Books:
1. F. M. Reza, Information Theory, McGraw Hill, 1st Ed.
2. Das, Mullick and Chatterjee, Digital Communication, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 3rd Ed..
3. Shu Lin and J. Costello, Error Control Coding, Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed..
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CO 1. Understand the concepts of Random variables and stochastic processes and their
applications in communication engineering.
CO 2. To be able to perform the time and frequency domain analysis of the signals in a digital
communication system.
CO 3. Understand and apply the Entropy function, source coding and the three Shannon's
fundamental theorems.
CO 4. Design the linear block codes and cyclic codes.
CO 5. Understand and apply the convolutions codes state diagrams, code tree and trellis
diagrams, decoding algorithms.
CO 6. Understand and evaluate the channel performance using Information theory.
Pre-requisite: ECPC-201and ECPC-209
L T P Credits Total contact
- - 2 1 20
Brief description about the course
The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students about the practical implementation of single
and multistage amplifiers, oscillators and Op-Amp-based linear and non-linear circuits. The basic
objective is to familiarize students with the working principle of single stage and multistage
amplifiers and their frequency response, & to demonstrate students with the designing of basic
current mirrors, differential amplifier and Op-amp using MOSFETs.
List of Experiments:
1. Design a single stage RC Coupled Amplifier and plot it’s gain frequency response.
2. Design a double stage RC Coupled Amplifier and Plot it’s gain frequency response.
3. Design a RC phase shift oscillator using IC- 741.
4. Design a Wein Bridge oscillator using IC- 741.
5. Design a Voltage to Current Converter and Current to Voltage Converter using IC- 741.
6. To study various Wave Shaping circuits (clipper, clamper) using IC-741.
7. To design and test the performance of integrator and differentiator circuit using op – amp
8. To design first order Active Low Pass and High Pass filters using OP-Amp IC-741 for a
given cut off frequency.
9. Introduction to LT-Spice design software and Study of MOSFET Characteristics using LT-
10. Design and Analysis of single stage common source amplifier in LT-Spice.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: To Design &analyze a single stage, double stage for RC Coupled Amplifier and plot it’s
gain frequency response.
CO2: To Design &analyze oscillators using IC- 741.
CO3: To Design &analyze various Wave Shaping circuits (clipper, clamper) using IC-741.
CO4: To design and test the performance of integrator and differentiator circuit using op – amp
CO5: To design first order Active Low Pass and High Pass filters using OP-Amp IC-741 for a
given cut off frequency
Pre-requisite: Communication Engineering (ECPC-205)
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the basic hardware components used for modulation and demodulation schemes
of analog communication.
CO2: Design and Implementation of the different types of modulation schemes.
CO3: Understand the waveforms associated with the different types of modulation schemes.
CO4: Learn about the use of Superheterodyne receiver.
The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students about the modulation and demodulation
schemes of digital communication and understand the types of waveforms associated.
List of Experiments:
1. Verification of sampling theorem.
2. To study PSK modulation and demodulation.
3. To study FSK modulation and demodulation.
4. To study ASK modulation and demodulation.
5. To study PCM modulation and demodulation.
6. To study DPSK modulation and demodulation.
7. To study DQPSK modulation and demodulation.
8. To study TDM amplitude modulation and demodulation.
9. To study BPSK using Simulink
10. To study QPSK and its constellation diagram in MATLAB
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the sampling theorem.
CO2: Understand the basic hardware components used for digital modulation schemes
CO3: Learn the modulation and demodulation of different types of digital communication schemes.
CO4: Understand the waveforms associated with the different types of digital modulation schemes.
CO5: Learn about the constellation diagram of QPSK and other digital modulation schemes in
Pre-requisite: CSIC-13
L T P Credits Total contact
- - 2 1 20
Brief description about the course
This lab aims to get understanding of the basic concepts in object-oriented programming including
encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. The student will design, implement,
test, and debug programs to solve real-world problems in object-oriented programming languages
(C++ and Java). Further, this course is dedicated to enhance the programming skills of the students
by giving practical assignments and also requisite knowledge about Object Oriented Programming
through C++ and Java to develop Applications/Projects.
List of Experiments:
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CO1: Gain knowledge and understanding of object-oriented programming concepts.
CO2: Analyze and apply the generic classes concepts in programming problem.
CO3: Apply the object-oriented programming concepts as and when required in the application
CO4: Implement patterns involving dynamic binding and utilization of polymorphism.
CO5: Understanding of Java packages for GUI development.