·In 1863, the first Football Association (FA) was How Tall and Wide Is a Soccer Goal?
formed in London to standardize all soccer rules
-A soccer goal is 8 feet tall (2.44 m) and 8 yards
and separate it from rugby.
wide (7.32 m).
·Industrial Revolution led to the rise of soccer
-The goalposts and crossbar of a soccer goal
among factory workers
must be white. No other color is permitted on
Sheffield FC, established in 1857, became the any part of the frame.
first amateur soccer club
-The width and depth of the goalposts and the
Soccer became popular across England, leading crossbar must not exceed 5 in (12 cm) at any
to the establishment of the English Football point on the frame.
League in 1888
The minimum recommended size for a youth
Soccer originated in Britain and gradually soccer goal is 4 feet tall by 6 feet wide.
spread to central Europe and beyond.
The maximum recommended size for a youth
·The Fédération Internationale de Football soccer goal is 8 feet tall (2.44 m) by 24 feet wide
Association (FIFA) was established in 1904 to (7.32 m).
provide rules for international matches and
The size of the goal will vary depending on the
soccer associations.
age of the players.
·The FIFA World Cup, which started in 1930, is
The Position of the Goal on the Field
now the most important international soccer
competition. -The rules of soccer state that:
·The number of teams playing in the World Cup “A goal must be placed at the center of each
has increased from 13 nations in 1930 to 32 in goal line and consist of two vertical posts
2022. equidistant from the corner flagposts joined at
the top by a horizontal crossbar.”
·In 1966, new associations were created to
ensure inclusion and standardization in FIFA. -IFAB Rules of the Game
What Happens When the Goalpost or Crossbar The goalkeeper is also the only player on the
Breaks? -The rules state that: team who is permitted to wear long pants if
they wish. Every other player is restricted to
“If the crossbar becomes displaced or broken,
only wearing shorts.
play is stopped until it has been repaired or
replaced in position. Play is restarted with a 7. Long Socks - The reason for the socks being
dropped ball. If it can not be repaired the match long rather than short is due to the fact that the
must be abandoned. A rope or any flexible or socks are required to cover the shin guards that
dangerous material may not replace the are being worn.
crossbar.” - IFAB Laws of the Game
8. Soccer Shoes or Cleats - There are literally
2. A Goal Net -A net is useful not just to stop thousands of different options for footwear,
the ball when a goal has been scored but also one of the things that they all have in common
clearly show the ball has passed between the is that they have cleats.
goalposts and not missed on either side on the
Cleats are worn by soccer players to provide a
outside of the post.
better grip on slippery terrains and helps in
If you have a net attached to the goal, it takes swift directional changes while running; while
away that element of uncertainty. You can see an indoor soccer game does not require cleats.
whether the ball is in or out
9. Goalkeeper Gloves - Goalies wear them not
Corner Flags - The corner flag is there to clearly just to protect their hands from the sting of a
show where the boundary of the field is. ball traveling towards them at speed but also to
provide more grip when they need to catch or
On a soccer field, it is a requirement to have a
stop the ball.
corner flag in each corner of the field. It is also
permitted to place a flag at either end of the Although not mandatory for goalkeepers to
halfway line, but this isn’t a requirement, and wear gloves, it is uncommon to see them
you don’t see it at every game. without.
3.Soccer Ball - A good ball will be pumped up, Gloves provide many advantages that make the
made of a suitable material, and be of the goalkeeper's job easier, and modern gloves are
correct size and weight. lightweight and comfortable to wear compared
to older models, which were heavy and
5. Shin Guards - Having a good pair of shin
guards can give protection for your shins but, at
the same time, will still give you good freedom 10. Goalkeepers Uniform - Wearing a different
of movement. uniform allows not just the referee to be able to
easily tell the goalkeeper apart but also helps
6. Soccer Jersey - To easily identify all players
the other players on the team know where the
on one team during a soccer game, each team
goalkeeper is, especially while the ball is in the
must wear matching jerseys, except for the
penalty area.
goalkeeper who has their own uniform;
The uniform requirements for the goalkeeper in
6. Shorts
soccer are similar to other players, except the
Every player in a soccer game must wear shorts, goalkeeper can wear long pants; they may
shorts do not have to be a specific color, but the choose to wear long pants to protect their
team must match. knees when diving or keep themselves warm
due to their increased stationary position the game, then the referee can show a player a
compared to other players. red card straight away.
Goalkeepers are also allowed to wear gloves or To ensure they don't forget, referees in soccer
caps as per their preference. often carry paper and pencil to note which
players received red or yellow cards. Referees
11. Referee’s whistle - The referee carries the
also need to have a red and yellow card on
whistle with them at all times.
hand all the time to make clear their decisions
It is often attached to their wrist with a strap. to players and coaches regarding offenses.
The whistle is an important tool for the referee 14. Referee’s Uniform - To avoid confusion, it's
to use when communicating with players on the crucial for the referee to wear a uniform with a
field. different color from the player's uniforms, so it's
easily identifiable.
It helps them to understand what is happening
and what is expected of them. FIFA authorizes referees to choose from five
different colors of jerseys- black, red, yellow,
Referees use a whistle to control the soccer green, and blue.
game by signaling the start, stop, and fouls, and
it has been in use since the late 1870s. The governing body also requires black shorts,
socks, and shoes to be worn.
Referees previously used a white handkerchief
to signal infringes during the game. 15. Referee’s Assistant’s Flags - In soccer
games, two assistant referees patrol the
There are no specific requirements for the kind sidelines with flags that signal to the referee
of whistle that should be used as long as it is when a rule infringement occurs.
effective and audible from across the field.
These flags have bright colors and patterns to
12. A Referee’s Watch - For a soccer referee, enhance visibility, and at professional levels,
keeping time is a crucial aspect of their job, they may have buttons to trigger a beep in the
which requires a reliable timer, typically a referee's earpiece to gain attention.
wristwatch, that is easy to read and securely
attached. The assistant referee raises the flag into various
positions to convey specific information to the
Some referees may wear two wristwatches as a referee.
Skills and Other Terminologies
Although the referee has the final say in
deciding when a game starts or ends in higher Basic skills
levels of soccer, they rely on the assistance of
Passing -Passing is kicking, pushing or heading
an off-field assistant.
the ball to a teammate or to a space where a
13. Red and Yellow Cards - When a referee teammate can run to the ball.
shows a player a yellow card, it signifies a
A player may lightly tap the ball to a teammate
several feet away or kick it strongly to move it
If the offense is serious enough that the referee down the field.
decides that they should take no further part in
The ball may scoot along the ground or may be
kicked into the air.
Two types of kicks to pass to a teammate or from behind and over the head, while both feet
shoot towards the goal. are on the ground on or behind the touch line.
One is the instep drive which is a powerful kick. Goal Kick - The goal kick is taken by the
defending team each time the ball crosses the
The other kick is called a push pass. Performed
goal line without a goal being scored and was
using the inside of the foot, the push pass is
last touched by an attacking player.
much more accurate than the instep drive, but
is less powerful. The ball may be placed anywhere in the goal
area and is not considered back in play until it
Dribbling - Dribbling is transporting the ball
has been kicked out of the penalty area.
under control from one area to another.
Corner Kick - This kick is taken by the attacking
Soccer players cannot use their hands. Players
team each time the ball is kicked by the defense
dribble the ball with their feet, using light taps
over its own goal line without a goal being
on the ball to move it along the ground.
Controlling - Controlling (or trapping) is
The ball is placed within the three-foot arc in
stopping the ball in flight or on the ground, and
the corner of the field (nearest to where the
then controlling it by either dribbling or passing
ball went out of play) and kicked into play by
the ball to teammates.
the attacking team.
There are many ways to trap a ball:
Penalty Kick - A penalty kick is awarded when a
-allowing it to hit the chest at an angle that defending player commits one of the 10 penal
deflects the ball to the ground where it can be (major) fouls within his or her own penalty area
controlled; while the ball is still in play.
-allowing it to hit the thigh or bent knee to The penalty kick is taken by a player from the
deflect the ball to the ground where it can be offended team from a spot 12 yards from the
controlled; or using the foot to stop the ball. goal.
Heading - Heading is unique to the game of All players must remain outside the penalty
soccer. area, 10 yards from the ball, and behind the
penalty kick mark until the kick is taken, except
When a ball is too high to kick, players "head" for the kicker and the goalkeeper.
the ball to pass to a teammate or score a goal.
The goalkeeper must remain on the goal line
BALL IN & OUT OF PLAY, RESTARTS until the ball is kicked.
Kick Off- To start the game or the second half, Once kicked, the goalkeeper may try to stop the
and after each goal, a kick off is taken from the ball from entering the goal.
center circle.
The kicker, after waiting for the referee's signal,
Throw In - After the ball has completely may score by kicking the ball directly into the
crossed the side boundary lines - called touch opponent's goal.
lines - a throw in is awarded against the team
that last touched the ball. FOULS - There are 10 major fouls that result in a
direct free kick (DFK), and from which a goal
The throw in is taken from where the ball left may be directly scored against the opponents.
the field and must be thrown with two hands
The 10 penal fouls are divided into two groups. 2.Passing techniques: Practice accurate short
and long passes, using both feet and under
Six within the first group require that the foul
be committed carelessly, recklessly, or with
disproportionate force: Teach your players the importance of accurate
and efficient passing.
-Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent.
Efficient passing will help to maintain
-Striking or attempting to strike an opponent
possession and create scoring opportunities.
-Pushing an opponent
Focus on short and long passes using both feet.
-Charging an opponent
Incorporate also passing drills under pressure.
-Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent
These soccer training tips will help your team
-Jumping at an opponent. play more cohesively.
The other four require only that they be 3.Dribbling skills: -Develop changes of pace,
committed: direction, feints, and shielding the ball.
-When tackling an opponent, making contact Develop your players' dribbling skills by
with the opponent before the ball. incorporating soccer skill challenges and games.
1.Ball control: Master receiving, controlling, Help your players master the art of shooting.
and manipulating the ball using various body Teach them the correct techniques for striking
parts. the ball with power and accuracy.
One of the fundamental soccer skills coaches Use soccer drills that emphasize shooting from
should teach is ball control. different distances, angles, and situations.
Encourage your players to practice soccer That will mold your players into lethal finishers.
juggling and other drills. That will improve their 5. Heading: - Train players to head the ball
first touch in soccer. safely and accurately, both offensively and
Ball control skill will enhance their overall defensively.
performance. That will give your team a strong Teach your players how to head the ball
foundation. accurately and safely.
WHO TAKES A KICKOFF IN SOCCER? Experts of the sport are called “arnisador” for
male and “arnisadora” for female in Arnis and
The toss decides which team will start the game “eskrimador” for male and “eskrimadora” for
through the soccer kickoff. After a goal, the female in the Eskrima and Kali Art. Moreover,
team that conceded the goal takes the kickoff. all te three, Arnis, Eskrima, and Kali belong to
Any player from the team can kick the ball from the same family of Filipino weapon-based
the center mark. martial arts and fighting systems.
Demonstration Session (Application) Facilities & Equipment
Skills and Other Terminologies Head Protector or Head Gear - Refers to a pair
of protective headgear to include an impact-
Weapon - The padded stick shall be the official
worthy face mask, the specifications of which
weapon of the player, called a cane or baston
shall be under the i-Arnis standard. Both
(baton). The specification of which shall be in
headgear must be color-coded, one red and the
accordance with the i-ARNIS standard. The
other blue, to match the padded stick of the
length of the padded stick shall be 27 inches for
boys and girls.
Body Protector/Armor - A pair of protective Match Lines Two lines of 1.0 meter long and 2.0
body protectors, properly cushioned, the meters apart mark the horizontal match line.
specifications of which shall be under the i-Arnis The horizontal match lines are drawn 3 meters
standard. Male and Female players must both from the boundary lines that run
wear body protectors and groin protectors. perpendicularly to the official's table, and 3.5
Body and groin protector specifications shall be meters from the boundary line that runs parallel
in accordance with the i-Arnis standard. to the official's table.
Groin Guard - Groin Guard is a special padding GENERAL RULES - Competitors are required to
for the lower abdomen. It has a groin cup to bring their own stick. There Is No Age
provide complete protection to the groin area. Limit for Arnis Stick Fighting Competitors. If
there are less than 2 competitors in an age
Leg Guards- Leg Guards can be used to protect
group, the judges reserve the right to combine
both the thigh and the shin area. It is not only
age groups.
designed for protection but also for comfort.
Mandatory Safety Equipment: helmet with face
Arm Guards - The Arm Guards provide
protector, gloves, chest padding, and groin
complementary protection to the other Arnis
protector for men.
battle gear. They can be used for both upper
arm and forearm protection. Divisions: Male division and Female division;
not categorized by weight. If there are less than
Hand Gloves - Hand Glove is a thick rubber
2 competitors in an age group, the judges
protection that serves as a protection from
reserve the right to combine age groups.
strikes. The open-palm design ensures a stable
Competitor who is disarmed or drops his/her
stick 3 times in one round automatically loses.
FACILITIES Competitors have 5 seconds to execute a
disarm. A competitor who is disarmed loses one
Competition Area - refers to the area by which point automatically
the conduct of the competition shall beset or
held including the free zone around it. Duration of Attack - Each bout is 3 rounds; each
round is 1 minute with 30 seconds rest in
Dimensions: between each round. A competitor winning the
The playing area is a square measuring 8.0 first 2 rounds wins the bout, without going into
meters by 8.0 meters with a two (2) meters the third round.
minimum free zone around it, and a clear space The Winner of the Bout is Determined By
without any obstruction up to a height of not
less than 5 meters from the playing surface. Both competitors’ effectiveness in executing
their techniques during attacks and defenses.
Lines of the Playing Area All lines of the playing
surface are 5.08 cm. (2 inches) and must be of a Warning
different color from that of the floor and other
-If the competitor disregards the orders and
lines previously drawn for other purposes.
instructions of the referee and the judges.
Boundary Lines Four lines mark the boundary of
the playing area. The free zone distance - Disrespecting the referee, judges, or the
measuring 2.0 meters are drawn outside of the opponent.
playing area.
-Attacking with excessive force.
-Using violent actions. ATTENTION STANCE - Stand with your feet
forming a 450 angle.
-Using the techniques of kicking, punching, and
takedowns. Heels should be close to each other, knees
should be straight, the waist and body facing
-If the competitor continues to attack his/her
opponent after the opponent’s weapon falls
down on the ground. Shoulders are dropped to the side and both
hands are at waist level.
-Using performance-enhancing drugs prior or
during the bout. The Attention Stance is commonly used in
preparation for courtesy or “bowing” at
The referee has the right to disqualify a
commencement of sparring.
competitor from the bout or competition if:
FORWARD STANCE - Starting with the ready
-The competitor receives 3 or more warnings
stance, move one foot forwards until the knee
from the referee.
and the toe are in line to each other.
- The competitor engages in unsportsmanlike
Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and
the body is facing forward.
-The competitor injures his/her opponent using
The body should not be too low or the lead foot
prohibited techniques or attacks to the no
too extended otherwise it will be hard to
contact area, depending on the seriousness of
the injury.
Distribute the weight or center of gravity to
The referee has the right to stop the contest if:
both legs.
-There is a big gap in the skill level between the
Forward stances can be right foot lead, which is
2 competitors. The competitor with the skill
the Right Foot Forward Stance of it can be left
advantage wins the bout.
foot lead which is the Left Foot Forward Stance.
-A competitor is injured as a result of a legal
Forward Stance are commonly used with frontal
maneuver, depending on the seriousness of the
striking or blocking techniques.
injury. The opponent wins the bout.
OBLIQUE STANCE - Starting with the ready
Courtesy Rule
stance, move one foot forward 45 0 away from
READY STANCE- Stand with your feet apart the body until the toe are in line to each other.
parallel to the shoulder with both toes pointing
Move on the same direction as the lead foot
(e.g. for right foot lead, move 450 forward to the
The knees should be straight, the waist and the right.)
body facing forward.
Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and
Hands are on waist level and the hands should the body is facing forward.
hold the sticks on both sides.
The body should not be too low or the lead foot
The ready stance is commonly used when too extended otherwise it will be hard to
standing at ease during training or maneuver.
Distribute the weight or center of gravity to Side Stances are commonly used for strike
both legs. deflection and evasion techniques
Oblique stances can be right foot lead, which is BACK STANCE - Starting with the ready stance,
the Right Foot Oblique Stance or it can be left move one foot backward 450 away from the
foot lead which is Left Foot Oblique Stance. body.
Oblique Stances are commonly used for forward The heels of the foot should form an imaginary
blocking and evasion techniques. “L” shape while the legs are in a straddle
STRADDLE STANCE - Starting with the ready
stance, move one foot about 2 feet to the left or The body should not be too low or extended
to the right direction until both lower legs are otherwise it will be hard to maneuver.
almost perpendicular to the ground.
Distribute the weight or center of gravity to
Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and both legs.
the body is facing forward.
Back stances can be right foot lead, which is the
The body should not be too low or extended Right Foot Back Stance or it can be left foot lead
otherwise it will be hard to maneuver. which is Left Foot Back Stance.
Distribute the weight or center of gravity to Back stances are used for blocking and
both legs. Straddle stance are also called backward evasion techniques
Horseback Riding Stance since it mimics position
when riding on a horse back.
Left side of the head attack - A diagonal
Straddle stances are commonly used for
downward forehand swing to the left temple.
blocking the strikes to the side of the body.
From the position, the warrior will hold the stick
SIDE STANCE - Staring with the ready stance, with one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in
move one foot about two feet to the left or slashing motion with his free hand on his chest.
right direction.
Right side of the head attack - A diagonal
Moving foot will be perpendicular to the ground downward backhand swing striking to the right
while the other leg is extended thereby creating temple. Assuming a fighting stance like the left
a position like that of a side kick. temple strike, the warrior this time held his stick
at 11 o’clock with his free hand kept on his
Both toes are pointing in front, the waist and
the body is facing forward.
Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or
The body should not be too low or extended
elbow - The 3rd striking technique allows the
otherwise it will be hard to maneuver.
practitioner to extend his weapon hand making
Distribute the weight or center of gravity in it easier for him to strike any part of the
both legs. If the left foot moves to the side, it opponent between its shoulders and hips. The
becomes Left Foot Side Stance, if the right foot stick will be drawn in a diagonal forehand
moves to the side, it becomes Right Foot Side slashing swing making it easier to deliver
Stance. damage.
Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm Right eye poke - Same as the 10th strike
or elbow - Same as the 3rd strike but this time technique. To execute it properly the
the practitioner will extend the weapon hand to practitioner will have to hold his elbow down
strike any part of the body between the poking the right eye of the opponent.
shoulder and the hips in a backhand slashing
Strike to the crown/top of head. - The last
swing located on the right side.
strike will be a straight downward overhead
Thrust to the stomach - In this strike, the swing directed towards the crown of the head
practitioner will thrust the weapon’s hand to which could throw off the opponents mobility
the stomach and is followed by an upward and balance.
motion that will cut through his opponent's
Greater Power - Extra Mass in the rackets head The badminton court should be 44 feet long by
22 feet wide if playing doubles, and 44 feet long
Increased power in smashes. by 17 feet wide for singles.
Even Balance Badminton Rackets If the facility is indoors, there needs to be
More speed enough height for the shuttlecock to be able to
float across the net without hitting the ceiling.
Less mass in the frame and the head This height will vary depending on the strength
of the players.
For fast attacking players
Badminton Court Surface - Badminton may be
Head-Light Badminton Rackets
played on turf or on hardwood surfaces
specifically constructed for sports, such as a An offensive stance is made before delivering a
basketball court. powerful strike. This stance is best done by
facing your body to the sidelines, racket leg
Concrete surfaces and carpeted floors are
behind, and holding both of your hands up to
associated with a higher incidence of injury in
get the best possible power for your strike.
Also, keep your legs shoulder-width for the best
Badminton Court Layout - The badminton stability.
court is a rectangular playing area. It is marked
A defensive stance is made when expecting a
out by 1 and 1/2-inch wide lines of chalk or
smash from your opponent. This stance is best
some other marking colored white or yellow.
done by facing towards the net, and holding the
Badminton Court Length - The badminton racket ready on your waistline, lightly pointed
court length is 44 feet long. It is bisected by a forward.
net 2 feet, 6 inches wide, the top of which is
Net stance is done when your opponent has
suspended 5 feet from the surface of the court
made a net shot. This stance is best done by
at the centerline.
placing your racket foot forward and keeping
Badminton Court Width - The badminton court the racket up above your waistline, ready to
width playing area is 20 feet wide for doubles leap forward to receive the net shot.
play. For singles play, the sidelines are 17 feet
Grip - The way you hold your racket has a
tremendous effect on how effective you will be
Service Area - The service court is 15 feet, 6 while playing badminton. By holding the racket
inches in length, beginning at the singles service the wrong way, you can be more prone to
line and extending forward to another line 6 injury, have less power and accuracy on your
feet, 6 inches from the net. shots, and your improvement can be slower and
even damaged, which will be hard to repair
What to wear? later.
Good quality of socks that is made of nylon and In badminton, there are two main kinds of grips:
polyester. The cotton socks is not an ideal to Forehand and Backhand grips.
wear., A pair of sports shorts or a skirt, A light
sports T-shirt., A quality pair of Badminton Forehand grip- A forehand grip is the side of
shoes/sport shoes., Skills and Other your racket. For example, if you are holding the
Terminologies, Skills, Stance, Grip, Serving, racket in your right hand, then the right side is
Footwork, Basic Strokes, Perception and your forehand side, and vice versa for the
Anticipation, Timing and Rhythm, Stance lefties.
With a great stance, your strikes, speed, power, Backhand grip- A backhand grip is the other
and overall feel to the game will be at their side of your racket hand. So if you are holding
best. Poor stance, however, decreases the your racket in the right hand, your backhand
quality of everything because your balance and side is the left side. Again, vice versa for left-
footing just won’t be right. handed people.
Basically, there are three kinds of stances: Serving is an essential part of badminton, and
Offensive stance, Defensive Stance, and Net the right kind of serve can be a matter of a lost
Stance. or won points. Depending on where you want
to land your serve, you can use a high-serve, Backhand defense: Located in the middle of the
flick and drive, or low-serve technique. court on your backhand side.
High Serve- When you do a high serve, you will Back forehand corner: Located closest to the
strike the shuttlecock downwards from high. A backline on your forehand side corner.
high serve is best made if you want to aim your
Back forehand corner: Located closest to the
strike at the back end of the court. Optimally,
backline on your backhand side corner.
you want to aim the serve on your opponent’s
backhand side because, in nearly all cases, the Basic Strokes
backhand side is weaker.
The basic badminton strokes include many
Flick & Drive - A low, hard shot that travels different strokes from both the forehand and
horizontally without arc. It is used for a quick backhand sides. These strokes can be:
Basic groundstrokes: Serving shots, The lift
Low Serve- When executing a low serve, you (Lob), Overhead smashes
will strike the shuttlecock upwards from below.
You should aim for the shuttlecock on the front Volleys, Drop shots, Clear shots, Net shots
end of the court. The best way to do a low serve Serving shots- marks the beginning of a point
is to strike the shuttlecock in a way that it and if done effectively, can be the first step
slightly exceeds the net line on your opponent’s towards making your opponent play a bad shot
side, so it is harder to return well. and winning the point.
Footwork - Footwork is a big chunk of how The lift (Lob)- a defensive shot in badminton.
good of a player you can be. In fact, some
people say that it is the most important skill of Overhead smashes- Strokes that are hit on the
all, and I would say it certainly is one of them. forehand side above the head
Naturally, this makes your strikes and overall Volleys- the exchange of the shuttlecock in
performance better, and you will even save badminton following the serve.
precious energy with correct footwork. 5. Drop shots- used when the shuttle is heading
Important rules of thumb in badminton towards you in the first half of your court.
footwork are that you should only take 2 to 3 6. Clear shots- to cause the shuttle to go up
steps forward and backward. You should take high in the air and land at your opponent's
only one step to the side, and you need to backcourt.
remember your starting point.
Net shots- played from the net and when
Below you can find the basic 6-step footwork played correctly should just tumble over the top
that is used in badminton. of the net and drop as close to the net as
Front forehand corner: Located closest to the possible on the opponents.
net on your forehand side corner. Perception And Anticipation
Front backhand corner: Located closest to the Perception and anticipation are both extremely
net on your backhand side corner. important skills in badminton, and they might
Forehand defense: Located in the middle of the give you an advantage in the match.
court on your forehand side.
Perception- means your ability to be aware of Rally: An exchange of shots leading to a point or
something through your senses (sight, hearing, service change.
feeling). This can include how well you can hear
Shuttlecock: A circular piece of rubber or cork
the fatigue of your opponent’s steps, see the
that measures one to n/8 inches in diameter.
shuttlecock’s speed or feel the course of the
Attached to the base is a crown of 14 to 16
feathers, often made of plastic, which keep the
Anticipation- the ability to predict something badminton shuttlecock aloft when hit.
that isn’t yet happened. This is a tricky skill to
Wood shot: A shot in which the badminton
learn, and you need to pretty much use your
shuttlecock is hit by the frame of the racket
intuition for it. However, when you advance and
instead of the strings. This shot was formerly
get more hours of badminton behind you, you
illegal but was allowed into the game in 1963.
can spot a little do tell from your opponents so
you can anticipate what he or she is about to do Rules in Playing
-A badminton match is played to the best of
Timing And Rhythm three games.
Leap in your overall skill level when you get -A coin toss or spinning of the racket
your timing and rhythm to a good skill level. determines first serve or choice of side.
Timing your strike and movement right and
having a certain rhythm in the play. -The object of a badminton game is to hit the
badminton shuttlecock over the badminton net
Timing- When you don’t strike your shuttlecock and onto the ground within bounds on your
too early nor too late, but just at the right opponent's side of the court.
moment, you can have the optimal power and
accuracy to your shot, which is likely to go as -A rally can also be lost by hitting the shuttle
planned. into the badminton net, out of bounds, before it
crosses the net to your side, or if it strikes your
Rhythm- on the other hand, doesn’t need as clothing or body rather than your badminton
much mind and thinking as the timing does. racket.
Developing a natural rhythm in your game is
essential if you want consistency in your Scoring Formats - The modern badminton rules
strokes, footwork, and everything else. things permit two different scoring formats: 1) service
require a rhythm for a consistent, beautiful, and and 2) rally
efficient execution. In service play, a badminton game is won by
Terms scoring 15 points in doubles and men's singles,
or 11 points in women's singles.
Bird or Birdie: A common name for the
badminton shuttlecock. In rally play, 21 points are needed to win a
badminton game.
Fault: A violation of game rules.
Service vs. Rally:
Let: An official break in play, caused by a minor
violation such as the shuttlecock touching the Service: ⚫ only the serving team may score a
badminton net. point. If the rally is lost, service passes to the
opponent in singles play. In doubles play, except
for the first service of a game, each player on a
team is permitted to serve at least once before Should you and your partner switch service
service is lost. court (left to right, right to left)? The answer is
Serving Rules - As in tennis, badminton service
is always done diagonally, e.g. from the right Therefore, when your side is not serving, don't
service court to the opponent's left service switch side. When you lose a point, don't switch
court. The first serve is always taken from the side. When the other side serves and you win
right court, and subsequent serves are taken this point, don't switch side.
from alternating sides.
Violations are called faults
Line shots in badminton service or rallies are
Fault: A violation of game rules, including but
considered in, though court bounds are
not limited to:A serve that does not land in the
different for singles and doubles play. The back
service area. - A shot that lands outside the
line is the same for both, but singles badminton
boundaries. - A player (or doubles partners)
is played with the narrower of the two sidelines.
hitting the badminton shuttlecock twice before
A serve that strikes the net and lands in the it goes over the badminton net. - A birdie that
opponent's court is a let serve and is retaken. touches the ground before it is returned. -
Double court positions
During service, players must stand in their
respective service courts. Side by side- a doubles formation in which each
partner is responsible for one side of the court.
The receiving player is not permitted to move
his/her feet until the badminton shuttlecock has Tandem (front & back)- a doubles formation
been struck. win which each partner is responsible for the
front or the back
The highest part of the serving player's
badminton racquet must remain below his/her
hand and waistline during service. In other
words, only underhanded serves are
permitted. KARATE-DO
How to keep score The word karate is a combination of
two kanji (Chinese characters): kara, meaning
Serving in a doubles match basically boils down
empty, and te, meaning hand; thus, karate
to the following:
means "empty hand." Adding the suffix "-dō"
There is no more just serving right: the side (pronounced "daw"), meaning "the way/path,"
which wins a rally will get a point no matter karate-dō, implies karate as a total way of life
they are serving or not. The side who wins will that goes well beyond the self-defense
serve the next point. applications.
Do I serve from the left or the right? This Funakoshi Gichin was born on Nov 10, 1868 in
depends on the score of the serving party. If the Yamakawa, Shuri, Okinawa Prefecture. He was
score is zero or even, the team will serve from of samurai lineage, from a family which in
the right. If the score is odd, the team will former times had been vassals of Ryukyu
serve from the left. Dynasty nobles from 1429 to 1879.
By age 11 he had already made a name for awarded certificates as they progressed through
himself in Ryukyu-style martial arts. Beginning the ranks.
his training under Master Azato Anko, it wasn’t
long before he equaled his master in ability, and
shared with him the distinction of being the White Belt - The first belt in Karate is the white
“most accomplished” martial artist in the field. belt and it represents the beginning. As the little
plant bursts through the soil, it is greeted by the
FAMOUS ACTORS IN SHOTOKAN KARATE bright, white light of day. The white belt
Snipes has been training in martial arts since symbolizes the beginning of a person’s desire to
age twelve, earning a high ranking 5th dan black learn the skills of karate, and it is worn by those
who are just beginning their study.
belt in Shotokan Karate and 2nd dan black belt
in Hapkido. He has also trained as a student of Yellow Belt - Yellow symbolizes the first beams
Capoeira under Mestre Jelon Vieira and in a of sunlight. As the plant adjusts to the light, it
number of other disciplines including various deepens into the golden hue of sunlight. The
styles of kung fu. student is being warmed and stretched in the
pursuit of their goals. The yellow belt is worn by
White started martial arts training at the age of a beginner who has learned to practice the
seven and is now an accomplished martial basic moves of karate.
artist, holding seven legitimate black belts in
Orange Belt - Orange symbolizes the growing
Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do, Kobudo, Goju Ryu,
strength of the sun. As the sun grows hot, life
Tang Soo Do, Wushu and Kyokushin, with a
becomes more difficult for the little plant. In the
specific focus in Kyokushin (although his style same vein, training becomes more difficult for
incorporates aspects of many different martial the student. The orange belt is given to a
arts forms). beginner once he or she has mastered karate’s
10 self-defense moves.
Green Belt - Green is a representation of
The Legend of Karate Belts: Legend says that
growth. The little plant has survived the hot sun
students were given a white belt when they and is now sending forth new growth. Green
began their training. Over the years, the belt leaves and shoots are spreading out from the
would become stained and dirty with sweat, plant. The student is growing and becoming
dirt, and blood. Students were told never to more proficient in the basics.
wash their belts. Superstition said that in doing
Blue Belt - Blue represents the sky that the
so, they would “wash off” their experience.
plant is growing and stretching up towards. The
Once the belt turned black, the student was
student’s knowledge is expanding and growing.
considered a true martial artist.
So the blue belt is given to students at the stage
The Real History of Karate Belts: For centuries of their studies when they begin to learn
in Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate, martial additional knowledge of the martial art that
artists practiced in secret. Because of this allows their minds and bodies to continue to
secretive nature, they did not have colored grow and develop.
belts or other symbols of involvement with
Purple Belt - The day is drawing to an end, the
martial arts. The idea of a colored belt system
blue sky darkens to purple. The student’s
actually came about in more modern times. It
knowledge is deepening and becoming more
began with Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, in
profound. So a purple belt is given to a student
the late 1880s. Before that, students were only
who is transitioning into the advanced stages of