Anatomy MCQ 2021 Q
Anatomy MCQ 2021 Q
Anatomy MCQ 2021 Q
This paper consists of thirty (30) True or False type multiple choices questions.
01. Regarding the lumbar vertebral column,
02. Which of the following structures are covered by the synovial membrane within a joint?
A. Articular surfaces
B. Joint capsule
C. Ligaments
D. Menisci
E. Tendons
04. Which of the following are primary muscles of protraction of the scapula?
A. Pectoralis minor
B. Serratus anterior
C. Subscapularis
D. Teres Major
E. Trapezius
A. Greater tubercle is the most lateral palpable bony point of the shoulder.
B. Lateral epicondyle of the humerus is more prominent than the medial epicondyle.
C. Medial epicondyle of humerus is more prominent when the elbow is extended.
D. Triangular relationship of two epicondyles of humerus and olecranon process is preserved in
supracondylar fracture.
E. The tendon of biceps can be felt over in front of the elbow.
09. Which of these muscles flex the forearm at the elbow joint?
A. Bicep brachii
B. Brachialis
C. Anconeus
D. Brachioradialis
E. Pronator quadratus
11. What are correctly matched nerves/segmental innervations with the muscles supplied by them and
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12. Which of the following contain the movements of fingers and the relevant muscles correctly paired?
15. Structures passing immediately posterior to the sacrospinous ligament and the ischial spine are,
A. Pudendal nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Nerve to obturator internus
D. Obturator artery
E. Internal pudendal artery
16. Which of the following muscles are contracting when standing on the right leg?
A. Right gluteus medius
B. Left gluteus medius
C. Left gluteus minimus
D. Left gluteus maximaus
E. Right tensor fascia latae
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18. Regarding the posterior aspect of thigh,
A. Long extensor tendons are attached to the dorsal aspect of the phalanges.
B. It contains peroneus tertius.
C. Nerve supply is from the tibial nerve
D. Its artery continues as the dorsalis pedis artery.
E. Compartment syndrome is a clinical entity involving the muscles of this compartment.
A. Femoral artery enters the thigh below the midpoint of the inguinal ligament.
B. Popliteal artery divides into terminal branches in the superior margin of the popliteal fossa.
C. Dorsalis pedis arterial pulsation can be felt between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and
extensor digitorum.
D. Small saphenous vein accompanies the sural nerve in the midcalf.
E. Saphenofemoral junction is 4 cm below and medial to the pubic tubercle.
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24. The following intracellular organelle/s contain/s RNA,
A. Peroxisome
B. Golgi apparatus
C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
D. Ribosomes
E. Cell membrane
25. Which of the following can be seen in a secretory epithelium, but not seen in a protective epithelium,
27. What incidents are correctly matched with their phase in the mitosis,
29. Which of the following karyotypes are subject to sex chromosomal aneuploidy?
A. 46, XX
B. 47, XXY
C. 46, XX, rob (14;21), +21
D. 47, XX, +18
E. 45, X
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30. Which of the following disorders are caused by triplet repeat expansions?
A. Huntington’s Diseases
B. Sickle Cell Anemia
C. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
D. Spinocerebellar Ataxia
E. Thalassemia
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