Regional Anatomy 2018 Paper
Regional Anatomy 2018 Paper
Regional Anatomy 2018 Paper
B. The median nerve passes between the two heads of pronator teres as it leaves
cubital fossa.
C. The median nerve passes to the hand through the carpal canal
D. The ulnar nerve enters the forearm superficial to the two heads of flexor carpi
B. pronator quadratus
C. flexor digitorum profundus
D. supinator
4. A fall on the elbow fractures the medial epicondyle and damages important
adjacent structures. Among the deficits listed below, select the one most likely to
be encountered in this patient:
A. inability to flex the wrist
D. inability to grasp a piece of paper tightly between the extended 2nd and 3rd
D. pass through the groove between the pectoralis major and deltoid
A. musculocutaneous nerve
B. median nerve
C. ulnar nerve
D. axillary nerve
E. radial nerve
E. radial nerve
A. musculocutaneous nerve
B. median nerve
C. ulnar nerve
D. axillary nerve
E. radial nerve
A. musculocutanous nerve
B. median nerve
C. ulnar nerve
D. radial nerve
E. axillary nerve
12. Which nerve arises from the lateral cord of brachial plexus
A. musculocutaneous nerve
B. ulnar nerve
D. radial nerve
E. thoracodorsal nerve
D. head of humerus
E. pectoralis major
C. radial artery
D. ulnar artery
E. brachial artery
A. arises from brachial plexus with the lateral and medial root
20. Which one does not pass through the carpal canal?
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. E
7. C
8. B
9. E
10. E
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. E
19. D
20. E
D. receives the superficial veins of the hand and the medial side of the forearm
B. Its lateral head arise from the posterior surface of the humerus below the
groove for radial nerve
C. Its medial head arise from the posterior surface of the humerus above the
groove for radial nerve
E. Its medial head can extend and adduct the shoulder joint
A. It arises from the medial epicondyle of humerus and the deep fascia of forearm
C. Opponens pollicis
28. Regarding the superficial palmar arch, the right descriptions include
A. It is formed by the anastomsis of the terminal part of the ulnar artery with the
superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
B. It is covered by the palmar aponeurosis
29. Concerning the deep palmar arch, the right descriptions include
A. It is formed by the anastomsis of the terminal part of the radial artery with the
deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery.
E. The branches of the arch supply the bones and muscles of the hand
A. arises from the lateral cord and medial cord of the brachial plexus
D. in the palm, it is divided into a recurrent branch and three common palmar
digital nerves
35. Which muscles form the posterior wall of the axillary fossa
A. serratus anterior
B. teres major
C. teres minor
D. latissimus doris
E. subscapularis
37. Which are branches of the second part of the axillary artery
39. Which are branches of the third part of the axillary artery
21. ABE
22. ACDE
23. AD
24. AD
25. BCD
26. BCDE
28. ABCD
29. ABDE
30. ACD
31. BDE
32. ABCE
33. ACD
34. BDE
35. BDE
36. BE
37. BC
38. ABDE
39. BDE
40. ABCD
A.thyroid cartilage
B.cricoid cartilage
C.arytenoid cartilage
D.epiglottic cartilage
E.tracheal catilage
5. From superior to inferior, the arrangement of main structures of the root of left
lung is
A.principal bronchi, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
A.two portions
B.three portions
C.four portions
D.five portions
E.six portions
9. The inferior margins of the lungs are correspondence with which rib at
midclavicular line
A.5th rib
B.6th rib
C.7th rib
D.8th rib
E.9th rib
10. The inferior margins of the pleurae are correspondence with which rib at
scapular line
A.7th rib
B.8th rib
C.9th rib
D.10th rib
E.11th rib
E.coronary artery
C.hemiazygos vein
14. The anterior branch of the fourth thoracic nerves presents about the level of
A.sternal angle
C.xiphoid process
D.costal arch
B. tendinous cords
C. trabeculae carneae
E. aortic orifice
E. aortic orifice
C. coronary sinus
D. intestinal trunk
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. E
11. E
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. E
17. E
18. A
19. C
20. B
A.frontal sinuses
B.maxillary sinuses
E.sphenoidal sinuses
A.hyroid cartilage
B.cricoid cartilage
C.arytenoid cartilage
D.epiglottic cartilage
E.tracheal catilage
A.apex of lung extends to 2~3 cm above the level of medial one-third of the
B.apex of lung extends to 2~3 cm above the level of middle one-third of the
C.apex of lung extends to 2~3 cm above the level of lateral one-third of the
D.Left lung is divided into two lobes
26. The arrangement of main structures of the root of lungs, which is true
28. The description about the projection of the inferior margins of lungs ,which is
29. The description about the projection of the inferior margins of pleurae ,which
is true
A.costal pleura
B.diaphragmatic pleura
C.mediastinal pleura
D.cupula of pleura
E.visceral pleura
A.right vagus nerve forms the posterior part of the esophageal plexus
B.left vagus nerve forms the anterior part of the esophageal plexus
E. aortic orifice
A. tricuspid valve
B. mitral valve
A. tricuspid valve
B. mitral valve
E. aortic orifice
B. atrioventricular node
C. atrioventricular bundle
D. Purkinje fibers
A. right atrium
A. left atrium
39. Which structures do pass through the hiatus or foramen of the diaphragm?
A. aorta
B. esophagus
D. vagus nerve
E. thoracic duct
D. aortic arch
E. pericardium
21. ABCD
22. DE
23. ABC
24. ABCD
25. ADE
26. ABC
27. ABC
28. ACE
29. BDE
30. ABCD
32. ABC
33. AE
34. BE
35. ABCD
36. ABCD
37. ABCD
38. ABC
40. ABD36
The lower limb
Single-choice questions
1. Which structure does not pass through the lessor sciatic foramen
A. pudendal nerve
D. obturator internus
E. priformis
A. popliteal artery
B. popliteal vein
4. Which structure is easily damaged when fracture occurred at the neck of fibula
A. popliteal artery
B. common peroneal nerve
C. tibial nerve
E. fibular artery
A. quadriceps femoris
B. sartorius
C. adductor longus
D. pectineus
E. adductor magnus
6. Which muscle can flex the hip joint and extend the knee joint?
A. sartorius
B. adductor longus
C. biceps femoris
D. quadriceps femoris
E. gracilis
7. Which muscle can evert the foot?
A. peroneus longus
D. the soleus
E. flexor digitorom brevis
C. tibialis posterior
D. the gastrocnemius arises from the posterior surfaces of the tibia and fibula
E. the soleus arises from the medial and lateral condyles of the femur.
10. The following structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen, except the :
D. pudendal nerve.
A. politeal a.
B. femoral a.
C. common peroneal n.
D. anterior tibial a.
E. posterior tibial a.
A. anterior tibial a.
B. femoral a.
C. politeal a.
E. peroneal a.
A. Tibialis anterior
B. tibialiis posterior
C. Peroneus longus
D. Peroneus brevis
E. gastrocnemius
14. The following nerves which damaged may result in foot drop?
A. femoral n.
B. tibial n.
C. common peroneal n.
D. obturator n.
E. pudendal n.
15. The following structures pass through the infrapiriform foramen foramen,
except the
B. sciatic nerve.
D. pudendal nerve.
16. The only innervation of the femoral nerve below the level of the knee is:
A. the femoral vein, artery, and nerve lie in the femoral sheath.
C. the lateral border of the femoral triangle is formed by the lateral border of
sartorius muscle
E. at the apex of the femoral triangle the femoral vessels pass into the popliteal
A. tibial nerve
A. the obturator nerve supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the
B. the sciatic n. leaves the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen.
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. E
17. D
18. B
19. E
20. B
C. accompany with the saphenous nerve on the medial surface of the leg
A. femoral nerve.
C. iliopsoas
D. lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
E. femoral sheath
A. femoral sheath
B. femoral nerve
C. lymphatic vessels
D. pectineus
A. piriformis
D. obturator internus
E. sacrospinous ligament
A. sciatic nerve
C. pedendal nerve
28. The structures pass through both the greater and lessor sciatic foramen are
A. piriformis
B. sciatic nerve
C. pedendal nerve
E. obturator internus
30. Which muscles do belong to the posterior group of the muscles of hip?
A. gluteus maximus
B. gluteus medius
C. piriformis
D. obturator internus
E. quadratus femoris
C. coccyx
D. sacrotuberous lig.
E. sacrospinous lig.
A. biceps femoris
B. semitendinosus
C. semimembranosus
D. sciatic nerve
A. tibialis anterior.
B. tibialis posterior
C. gastrocnemius.
D. soleus.
C. common peroneal n.
D. tibial n.
A. the obturator nerve supplies the muscles of the adductor compartment of the
B. the sciatic n. leaves the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen.
C. the great saphenous v. passes through the saphenous opening in the deep
E. laterally the deep fascia forms a thick band, the iliotibial tract.
E. Dorsalis pedis artery begins in front of the ankle joint as a continuation of the
anterior tibial a..
B. the profunda femoris a. supplies the muscles of the medial and posterior
compartments of the thigh.
D. supplies dorsoflexor.
A. Tibialis posterior
D. tibial nerve
21. ACDE
22. ACD
23. ACE
24. ACD
26. BC
28. CD
31. ABD
32. ABCD
33. BCDE
34. ABDE
35. ABE
36. BCDE
37. BE
38. BDE
39. BC
40. ACDE