2018 NickelPi ChemRXiv.V2
2018 NickelPi ChemRXiv.V2
2018 NickelPi ChemRXiv.V2
The structure of the π-ligand itself has also frequently been used
to estimate the degree of backbonding: electron donation into the
ligand π* orbital via backbonding should lead to bond elongation.
For example, Zeise’s salt [KPtCl3(C2H4)] and Cramer’s dimer
[Rh(C2H4)2Cl]2, both commonly used organometallic starting
materials, feature short C=C ethylene bond distances of 137.5
This study is also relevant to the ongoing discussion about the
pm[68] and 139.5 pm[69], respectively. In contrast,
value of formal oxidation states.[64–66] Overall, we have found that
(MeTPA)Rh(C2H4)(BPh4), features a much longer C=C bond
these systems are dominated by π-backbonding with minimal 𝜎𝜎-
distance of 145 pm,[70] which corresponds to the
donation from the π-acidic ligand; the degree of backbonding
metallacyclopropane end of the DCD spectrum. However, this
reflects the π acidity of the ligand as well as the ability of the
method is generally qualitative, with many examples that fall in
ancillary diphosphine ligands to induce π-backbonding mediated
the middle of the spectrum being simply described as hybrids of
through the nickel 3d orbitals. We believe that this insight will
the two resonance forms.[71,72] Indeed, the C=O bond lengths of
prove beneficial to both the logical improvement of known
the η2-carbonyl complexes examined here (complexes 1, 2, 3 and
catalytic reactions with nickel and to the rational design of new
6) all fall between 131.7-135.4 pm.[73–75] This range is
unfortunately ambiguous, as it is in the middle of the typical bond
lengths of ~122 pm and ~143 pm for C=O double bonds and C-O
single bonds, respectively. Similarly, information about the degree
Results and Discussion of backbonding can be gleaned from the sum of the bond angles
about the carbon atom of the π-unit (∑ ∡𝐶𝐶 , Chart 1). However,
Solid-state molecular structures these results are again inconclusive, as the observed ∑ ∡𝐶𝐶 (=
We selected a variety of (dtbpe)Ni complexes, ranging from well- 341 − 352°) are intermediate between those expected for planar
defined nickel(II) complexes to π-complexes of organic molecules sp2-hybridized and pyramidal sp3-hybridized carbon atoms. This
(Charts 1-3). The complexes were split into two categories based approach also suffers from the fact that many π-ligands bear
on the dihedral angles observed in the solid-state structures: (i) hydrogen substituents, which can be difficult to locate using
those with near planar geometries (1-12, where𝜑𝜑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑ℎ ~ 0° and traditional X-ray diffraction (XRD)[76] and occasionally require
∑ ∡𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 ~360°) and those with pseudo-tetrahedral geometries at the neutron diffraction experiments to accurately ascertain their
nickel centre (13-15, where 𝜑𝜑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑ℎ ~90° and ∑ ∡𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 ~440°). positions.
Chart 2. List of reference Ni(II) square planar complexes, which exhibit both electron density at the metal centre. We thus turned to X-ray
small 2𝐽𝐽𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 coupling constants (where available) and τ4 values. absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy
(XES) for an independent evaluation of the electronic structure
and spectroscopic oxidation states at the metal. We sought to
probe how a more direct measurement of 𝑍𝑍𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 at the metal centre
correlates to the above-discussed methods, in particular NMR
spectroscopy. To the best of our knowledge, a study relating the
magnitude of the NMR data (especially 31P coupling constants)
and how they correlate with alternate spectroscopic approaches
has not been performed.
Ni-C Ni-X bcpNiC bcpNiX rcpNiCO Our studies of a series of nickel π-complexes reveal interesting
7’ 0.362 0.357 0.217 0.224 0.309 electronic structure features that can be rationalized within the
context of the DCD bonding model. The spectroscopic
C=C 5’ 0.495 0.403 0.213 0.261 0.353
characteristics of these species are highly sensitive to the nature
4’ 0.486 0.487 0.235 0.238 0.359
of bonding to the π-ligand, more specifically the properties of the
3’ 0.516 0.487 0.524 0.248 - species are intimately linked to the degree of π-backbonding from
C=O 1’ 0.556 0.468 0.550 0.219 - the electron-rich metal centre. Taken together, our studies allow
for a more concrete evaluation of the factors that control this
2’ 0.552 0.502 0.537 0.243 -
bonding and their implications.
6’ 0.523 0.494 0.536 0.232 -
Although the above analysis is valid for all species investigated,
there is one additional factor that contributes to the nature of the
bonding in these systems. The significant electronegativity
difference between carbon and oxygen in the carbonyl π-ligands
leads to asymmetry in the orbitals involved in bonding. Indeed,
this bonding difference between olefins and carbonyls was
identified by Eisenstein and Hoffmann nearly four decades ago.[73]
The nature of bonding in these asymmetric systems is therefore
more complex and deviates somewhat from the simple DCD
model as σ donation becomes more localized from the terminal
oxygen atom and π-backbonding localizes onto the electron
deficient carbonyl carbon atom. This localization is also consistent
with π-backbonding (to C) being stronger than σ-donation (from
O), as observed from bond strength parameters in Table 1.
Ni(0) Ni(I) Ni(II) Charge donation from the P2Ni fragment to the π-ligand
7’ 67% 33% 0% decreases substantially when the diphosphine ligand is
perpendicular to the Ni 3𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥 2−𝑦𝑦2 donor orbital (Figure 6A). This
C=C 5’ 56% 37% 7%
suggests that the metal centre in these complexes mediates
4’ 51% 36% 10%
charge donation from the electron rich diphosphine to the
3’ 57% 38% 5% ethylene π*. The orbital contributions that allow for π-
C=O 1’ 48% 47% 4% backbonding are reminiscent of a classical 3c-4e bond; in this
situation the three contributing orbitals are the antisymmetric
2’ 46% 43% 11%
combination of the phosphine σ-donor orbitals (𝑃𝑃− 𝜎𝜎 , 2 valence
electrons), the Ni 3𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥 2−𝑦𝑦2 (2 valence electrons), and the ligand 𝜋𝜋𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖
The high barrier to rotation for π-ligands in these complexes
orbital (Figure 6B). In this geometry, the two sets of ligands
implies a surprisingly strong preference for a planar geometry
generate a cooperative “push-pull” system mediated by the metal
even though a closed-shell Ni(0) π-adduct should not behave in
centre in a manner similar to that which has been observed in
this way. Even more surprisingly, the barrier to rotation does not
cytochrome P450s.[110] This 𝜎𝜎 → 𝜋𝜋 cooperative interaction
correlate strongly with the degree of Ni(I) character from our NRT
mediation by the metal centre is only possible in specific
analysis. This effect points to the importance of the trans-
geometries and is essentially identical to mixed σ/π interactions
diphosphine ligand in enabling and supporting π-backbonding. In
observed in trigonal systems.(ref – π contributions in tbp
principle, π-backbonding in a d10 Ni(0) occurs in any geometry of
complexes). This would preclude similar effects with ancillary
the π-ligand because of availability of filled Ni 3dxz,yz orbitals that
ligands that enforce a linear geometry in Ni(0) complexes, such
could also support backbonding. However, the C=C bond
as N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs). It is noteworthy that Itami[111]
distance (rCC) decreases significantly upon ligand rotation (from
and Liu[112] have identified striking reactivity differences in the
147 to 139 pm), indicating that backbonding is not well supported
catalytic activity of monodentate phosphines versus their
in alternate geometries. The electronic changes that occur upon
bidentate analogues, with additional computational studies
rotation of the π-ligand are an indicator of the importance of the
performed by Houk.[112]
diphosphine ligand.
Although all of the olefin complexes investigated are best Experimental Section
described as Ni(0) complexes, highly electron poor carbonyl
complexes have significantly more oxidized metal centres. General Considerations
Complexes 1 and 2 represent intriguing examples of intermediate
cases that are shifting towards a “Ni(I)”-type description. The CF3 Unless stated otherwise, all reactions were performed in a glovebox or on
substituent at the carbonyl carbon increases their π-acidity a Schlenk line under an atmosphere of pure N2 using standard Schlenk
substantially. However, the ester ligand in 1 is less π-acidic than techniques. Anhydrous pentanes, toluene, diethyl ether, and
the equivalent thioester in 2 due to better delocalization of the tetrahydrofuran were purchased from Aldrich, sparged with N2, and dried
further by passage through towers containing activated alumina and
ligand π-system, which simultaneously decreases overlap of the
molecular sieves. C6H6 and C6D6 were purchased from Aldrich and dried
π* with the Ni 3dx2-y2 and increases its energy. In 2, poor π-overlap over sodium/benzophenone before being distilled and degassed by three
between the larger atomic orbitals on sulphur and the carbonyl π* freeze-pump-thaw cycles. CD2Cl2 was purchased from Aldrich and dried
allows for significant backbonding in this case. These differences over CaH2 before being distilled and degassed by three freeze-pump-thaw
should lead to concomitant differences in reactivity. cycles. Ni(COD)2 (13) was purchased from Strem and used as received.
Indeed, 1 and 2 display fundamentally different reactivity. In Compounds 1-2,[11] 3,[57] 4,[100] 5-6,[10] 7,[115] 8-10,[11] 11,[10] 12,[113] 14,[116]
refluxing benzene, 2 slowly thermolyses over two days, resulting and 15[100] were prepared according to literature procedures. All other
in complex 15, free ligand, and thioester, as determined by chemicals were purchased from commercial suppliers and used as
31 received.
P{1H} and 1H NMR spectroscopy. In contrast, complex 1 is
stable for up to a week under the same conditions with no sign of
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
decomposition. Complex 1 does not react with MeLi, even upon
prolonged reflux in benzene, but under the same conditions,
All the XAS samples were analysed as solids under anaerobic conditions
complex 2 reacts with MeLi to form trace amounts of EtSSEt. In and diluted in boron nitride (20-50% by weight). XAS Ni K-edges were
addition, complex 2 is susceptible to cross-coupling with acquired at the SSRL beamline 7-3, which is equipped with a Si(220) ϕ =
phenylboronic acid, forming PhSEt in moderate (35%) yield.[11] No 90° double crystal monochromator, a 9 keV cutoff mirror, and a He cryostat
such cross-coupling reactivity was observed with complex 1. (at 20 K). Data were collected using a Canberra 30-element Ge solid-state
Lastly, complexes 1 and 2 react differently with MeI. Upon detector with a 3mm Co filter. Data averaging and energy calibration were
refluxing in benzene for 12 hours, 1 forms (dtbpe)Ni(Me)(I),[113] performed using SixPack[117] and the AUTOBK algorithm available in the
which was verified by 31P NMR spectroscopy, and liberates the Athena software package[118] was employed for data reduction and
normalization. Independent fitting was also performed using
free ester, whereas complex 2 does not react with MeI at all under
the same conditions.[B] Such behaviour is consistent with reduced
π-donation of the ester in 1, allowing for its displacement by MeI.
X-ray emission spectroscopy
Samples were prepared for XES by pressing finely ground powders into 1
Conclusions mm Al spacers, and sealing with 40 μm Kapton tape. Data were obtained
at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Source (CHESS) at the
Our spectroscopic and computational studies on a series of Ni π- C-line end station. Energy selection was performed with upstream
complexes shed light on an intriguing effect whereby σ-donor multilayers, providing ∼50 eV band pass. A Rh-coated harmonic rejection
ancillary ligands are instrumental in stabilizing a square-planar mirror was also utilized. Kβ X-ray emission spectra were measured using
a spherical analyzer (using the 620 reflection of three Ge 310 analyzer
geometry in formally d10 nickel(0) complexes. In the case of
crystals) in combination with a silicon drift detector aligned in Rowland
olefinic complexes, the evidence shows that these are best geometry. Data were normalized with respect to the incident flux in an
described as Ni(0) π-adducts with strong π-backbonding coupled upstream N2-filled ionization chamber. Data were collected at ∼20 K in a
to in-plane σ donation from the supporting electron rich Displex cryostat to minimize photoreduction.
diphosphine bidentate ligand. The formation of this 3c-4e
interaction generates ligand σ-to-π (Lσ→Lπ) charge transfer. This Computational methods
ligand-induced (push-pull) π-backbonding is responsible for the
large observed rotational barrier about the π-ligand even with Initial geometries for all molecules were obtained from crystallographic
relatively poor π-acidic ligands such as ethylene. This unique coordinates (where available) or constructed from standard models.
electronic structure can play an important role in the reactivity of Geometry optimizations and numerical frequency calculations were
such species.[114] The situation is more complex in situations with performed using version 3.0.3 of the ORCA computational chemistry
package. Molecular geometries were optimized using the B3LYP
highly electron poor π-systems, where metal-centred
functional in combination with the Ahlrichs triple-ζ basis set with valence
backbonding increases and leads to Ni(I) character becomes polarization (def2-TZVP) for all atoms. Computational efficiency was
significantly more important. The implication here for catalyst improved by applying the RI approximation (RIJCOSX) for the hybrid
design is that the orbital energies of the unsaturated substrate can functional. All calculations were performed with integration grid 4.
be matched not only with the metal centre but with the Reported thermochemical energies are given in kJ/mol and correspond to
diphosphine ligand. We anticipate that the tuning of both electron- Gibbs free energies (ΔG0) with zero-point vibrational energy corrections
donating diphosphine and the electron-accepting π-ligand will (ZPVE). NBO results were obtained using Gaussian 09; AIM and CDA
allow for an additional handle in the design of subsequent calculation were performed in Multiwfn software from NBO outputs. All
calculations were run on either the Abacus (UBC Chemistry) or GREX
catalysts, and that more detailed studies of ancillary ligand effects
(Westgrid) computing clusters.
in such systems are warranted.
Acknowledgements [19] B. A. Vara, X. Li, S. Berritt, C. R. Walters, E. J. Petersson, G. A.
Molander, Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 336–344.
[20] B. P. Woods, M. Orlandi, C.-Y. Huang, M. S. Sigman, A. G. Doyle, J. Am.
This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and
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grants and Research Tools and Instrumentation grants to J.A.L. Doyle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 2292–2300.
and P.K. Scholarship support was provided to A.N.D. by NSERC [22] M. L. Lejkowski, R. Lindner, T. Kageyama, G. É. Bódizs, P. N. Plessow,
(CGS-D3 + MSFSS), the University of British Columbia (Laird + I. B. Müller, A. Schäfer, F. Rominger, P. Hofmann, C. Futter, et al., Chem.
4YF), and the Izaak Walton Killam Foundation during his graduate Eur. J. 2012, 18, 14017–14025.
studies. W.H. is grateful for support in the form of a MITACS [23] N. Saito, Z. Sun, Y. Sato, Chem. Asian J. 2015, 10, 1170–1176.
[24] S. C. E. Stieber, N. Huguet, T. Kageyama, I. Jevtovikj, P. Ariyananda, A.
Globalink doctoral fellowship. W.C. is grateful for support from the
Gordillo, S. A. Schunk, F. Rominger, P. Hofmann, M. Limbach, Chem.
NSERC CREATE SusSyn program.
Commun. 2015, 51, 10907–10909.
This work is partially based upon research performed at the [25] M. Al-Ghamdi, S. V. C. Vummaleti, L. Falivene, F. A. Pasha, D. J.
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) at the SLAC Beetstra, L. Cavallo, Organometallics 2017, 36, 1107–1112.
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U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic 2014, 43, 15990–15996.
Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. This [27] I. Knopf, D. Tofan, D. Beetstra, A. Al-Nezari, K. Al-Bahily, C. C.
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the National Science Foundation under award DMR-1332208.
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