CESURV2L - ENGRybirds BSCE221C - Fieldwork Documentation 4 - Midterm Activity
CESURV2L - ENGRybirds BSCE221C - Fieldwork Documentation 4 - Midterm Activity
CESURV2L - ENGRybirds BSCE221C - Fieldwork Documentation 4 - Midterm Activity
Fundamentals of Surveying - Fieldwork
Balitanor, Karisse R.
Fajardo, Josh Rafael
Llaet, Reggis Haven O.
Nasis, Jhester P.
Robles, Honey Jane A.
Romero, Blaise E.
Suating, Darvie Angelo D.P.
Measuring horizontal angles is a crucial part of the surveying and engineering fields,
as it provides data that can be used for construction, mapping, and other geological
applications. The chord bisection method commonly uses transit and theodolite to measure
the horizontal angles in a field and can also be utilized with a tape measure.
This method is significant for precision, efficiency, and effectiveness for surveyors or
field surveys with a long-distance measurement. This also enables fast data collection of
distances from points in order to calculate its horizontal angles. Accurate measurements can
be achieved by carefully lining up the instrument with the necessary points and bisecting the
chord created by the horizontal angles.
Furthermore, it is crucial to understand the concepts and methods underlying the chord
bisection to provide accurate results. This entails setting up the tools correctly, reading and
recording it correctly, and considering any potential faults, sources of uncertainty, or
obstructions in a field.
In this exercise, the chord bisection method is utilized, discussing its application and
formula for measuring horizontal angles over level ground and determining the standard
deviation obtained in the exercise.
The objective of this exercise was to measure a horizontal angle over level ground
using the chord bisection method. The method involved establishing lines forming an acute
angle, creating perpendicular lines, and laying out various distances to measure the distance
between the two points to determine the angle. Furthermore, this activity aimed to calculate
the angle, mean angle, and standard deviation obtained during the utilization of the activity.
Photo Documentation
The following images/pictures were taken during the procedure or execution of the exercise.
Mark any point on the ground and designate this as point A. This point will be the
vertex of the angle.
From this vertex, a 20-meter distance was laid out, and the end was marked as point B .
From point A, another line was laid out, which has an approximately acute angle from line
AB and is longer than line AB. Designated as point D.
Point B was set as the pivot point and 10 meters were stretched from the pivot point to
locate the midpoint that would create a perpendicular to line AD. Designated as point C.
From point A, distances were laid out (designated as distance L) of about 6 meters along
lines AB and AC, and the end points were designated as points B’ and C’, respectively.
The line between points B’ and C’ was connected, and the distance of line B'C' was
The angle BAC was computed using the formula 𝜙 = 2𝑠𝑖𝑛 −1 [ ]
Steps 5 to 7 were repeated using L = 9 meters as the second trial and L = 12 meters as the
third trial.
Compute the mean of angle Φ and determine the standard deviation of your obtained angle
∑(𝑥𝑖 − 𝜇)2
To obtain a good measurement and computed angle, the computed standard deviation
should not exceed 1.
Figure 1. Illustration
Data Interpretation
Line BC (m)
L (m) 6 9 12
𝝈 0.0608
The data presented in table 1 shows the result of three trials conducted to determine
the angle in each trial. In trial 1, where the distance (L) was 6 meters, the measurement for
Line X or B’ C’ was found to be 2.860 meters, resulting in an angle of 27.5764 degrees. For
trial 2, with L set at 9 meters, Line X or B’ C’ measured 4.282 meters, yielding an angle of
27.5240 degrees. Lastly, in trial 3, where L was extended to 12 meters, Line X or B’ C’
measured 5.734 meters, resulting in an angle of 27.6452 degrees.
Moreover, the mean angle computed from the three (3) trials is 27.5819 degrees and
the standard deviation was found to be 0.0608, indicating a consistent value of measured
angle and suggesting a relatively high accuracy and precision of the chord bisection method
for measuring horizontal angles over level ground in this exercise.
Wolf, P.R., Ghilani, C.D., Mikhail, E.M. (2012). Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to
Geomatics. Pearson. Retrieved from: https://cdn.prexams.com/10981/Solutions_-
Mastin, Tom B., Kavanagh, B. (2013). Surveying - Principles and Applications, 9th Ed.
pdfcoffee.com. Retrieved from: https://pdfcoffee.com/kavanagh-b-surveying-principles-and-