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Design and Implementation of Electrical

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International Journal of Applied Sciences

And Current Research
Volume 01, Issue 01, pp.17-21, February, 2016

s z

1Moutaman Mirghani*, 1Mohammed Bek Omar Elssadig and 2Hind Mahmoud Elhaj
Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), Sudan
Computer Engineering, Eng. Collage Al Neelain University, Sudan


Article History: Cube satellites are miniaturized nanosatellites that are used as educational and scientific platforms.
Received 16th February, 2016 CubeSats are of about a liter size and launched to low Earth orbits of hundreds of kilometers
Received in revised form altitude. The Electrical Power System (EPS) of a cube satellite is responsible for providing the
20th February, 2016 adequate electric voltages and currents to the different subsystems onboard. The primary source of
Accepted 21th February, 2016 power is the Sunlight that energizes solar cells to generate electric current used to charge the
Published online 28th February, 2016 onboard batteries. The main electrical power source for a satellite are the solar panels that collect the
sunlight and transform it to electricity, which is stored in the onboard batteries. Because of the
motion of the satellite along its orbit, the direction of the solar panels towards the Sun varies
continuously and hence the voltage generated is varying accordingly. A critical factor that limits the
Key words: useful lifetime of a satellite is the battery lifetime. For longer battery lifetime, the charging current
should be precisely controlled. EPS is in charge to regulate the batteries charging currents as well as
Cubesat, the diverse voltages required by all subsystems and protect them from over voltages and currents. A
1U, big challenge for EPS of a cube satellite is the limitation of the size and mass of the components
Electrical Power System,
used to implement it. Other challenges facing design of EPS for CubeSat is the limitation of power
Solar Cell.
budget. In this paper, the design and implementation of the EPS of ISRASAT1 cube satellite will be
highlighted, summarizing work done by the EPS research team and the satisfying results of 4.66 W
total power that were achieved by this design and implementation.
Copyright © 2016 Moutaman. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Moutaman M., Mohammed B. O. E., and Hind M. E., 2016. “Design and implementation of electric power system for ISRA1
cube sattelite”, International Journal of Applied Sciences and Current Research, 1, (1), 17-21.

tracking. In order for a CubeSat to carry its mission, several

1. INTRODUCTION subsystems are integrated internally. The basic subsystems are
A CubeSat is a type of miniaturized satellite, nanosatellites in the communication system (COM), electrical power system
particular which are of 1 kg to 10 kg of mass. It is typically (EPS), onboard computer (OBC), attitude determination and
composed of 10x10x11.35 cm units; each of them is designed control system (ADCS), and the payload. The contents of the
to provide 10 cm cube or 1 liter of useful volume and weights payload depend on the requirements of the mission. Each
no more than 1.33 kg. The smallest standard size is 1U but it subsystem plays a crucial role in keeping the CubeSat fit and
can be combined to make larger satellites incase bigger functioning properly. EPS is a distinctive subsystem and affects
payloads are needed. In 1999, the CubeSat project began as the whole task of the satellite. This paper focuses on electrical
collaborative effort between California Polytechnic University power subsystem design and implementation for ISRASAT1
and Stanford University. The project aimed to provide standard cube satellite.
for design of nanosatellites to increase accessibility to space
and reduce cost and development time [1]. 2.ISRASAT1 PROJECT
CubeSat provides the opportunity for scientific research,
ISRASAT1 is a research project that runs at the Institute of
including Earth science, atmospheric science, space weather,
etc. It is also used for educational purposes and in amateur Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) in Sudan. This project
radio service and Automatic Identification System (AIS) aims to design and implement a prototype of a real CubeSat. It

*Corresponding Author: Moutaman Mirghani, Tel.249-123933961

Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), Sudan

Moutaman et. al / International Journal of Applied Sciences and Current Research (2016) Volume 01, Issue No 01, pp 17-21

is designed to orbit in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) at about 450 km discharged state. EPS has to manage the charging current as
above the Earth. well as currents absorbed by other subsystems.
The mission of ISRASAT1 is to take spatial images of the
surface of the Earth. It sends a continuous beacon that contains 4. ISRASAT1 EPS POWER SPECIFICATIONS
data about the CubeSat, while transmitting telemetry data Power budget is a very important factor, which shows the
sensed by the onboard sensors, such as temperature, attitude power consumed by Cubesat subsystems and whether the
information. The stored images are sent when it orbits above power supplied from EPS meets that power requirements. As
Khartoum city. As typical cube satellites, ISRASAT1 consists mentioned earlier, the power produced by EPS is distributed to
of five subsystems; EPS, OBC, COM, ADCS and a camera as the onboard computer subsystem, communication subsystem,
payload. In addition to the satellite, a ground station is designed payload and attitude determination and control subsystem.
to receive images from the satellite as well as the telemetry Table 1 below shows power consumption for each subsystem
data and the beacon. in ISRATAT1.
Table 1: ISRASAT1 Subsystems Power Consumption
The Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) is an essential
subsystem in cube satellite. Each subsystem requires a specific Subsystem V, V I, mA P, W
power in order to function. The power system provides each OBC 5 214 1.07
subsystem with the power it needs. It is also responsible of
protecting subsystems form over currents that may occur ADCS 5 245 1.22
during the satellite operation. EPS makes use of solar cells to COM 3.3 568 1.87
convert Sunlight into electrical energy, and condition it to be
Payload 5 100 0.5
suitable to be stored in batteries. Sunlight falling on solar cells
provides power to batteries as well as subsystems. The power Total Power - - 4.66
stored in batteries fill the gaps during non-direct Sunlight, and
becomes fully utilized in eclipse, when earth covers the sun.
For a solar cell, photons in Sunlight hit the solar panel and are 5. EPS STRUCTURE SPECIFICATIONS
absorbed by semi-conducting materials. Electrons which are
negatively charged are knocked loose from their atoms as they EPS should meet ISRASAT1 CubeSat structure requirement
are excited. Due to the special chemical composition of solar since the size, volume, and weight are critical factors to
cells, the electrons are only allowed to move in a single consider when designing EPS. Structure specifications of
direction. The open-circuit voltage is given according to the ISRASAT1 are shown in Table 2 below.
equation Table 2: ISRASAT1 EPS Structure Specifications

Description Measurement

EPS Layer Dimension 90.5x91 mm

Total Mass 140 g
ISC = short-circuit current (amperes)
Solar Cell Board Dimensions on Four sides 82x100 mm
I0 = reverse saturation current (amperes)
n = diode ideality factor (1 for an ideal diode) Solar Cell Board Dimensions on Top and Bottom Sides 82x83 mm
q = elementary charge (1.602×10−19 coulombs)
k = Boltzmann's constant (joules per Kelvin) 6. EPS ARCHITECTURE
T = absolute temperature (Kelvin) EPS consists of solar cells that collect Sunlight and convert it
At 25°C, kT/q ≈ 0.0259 V. It is not possible to extract any to electrical power. A step-up DC-DC converter (i.e. boost) is
power from the device when operating at either open circuit or used to raise the input voltage from low voltage to high
short circuit conditions. That is axiom because the power is the voltage, in order to provide the battery charger IC with
product of current and voltage. The power comes from solar sufficient voltage. In turn, that IC supplies voltage and current
cells charges the onboard batteries of the satellite. In order to suitable to charge the battery by constant voltage and constant
save the lifetime of batteries, the charging current should be as current, CV and CC respectively. Battery store power and
stable as possible. The charging current is kept low to prevent supply Cubesat subsystems, while EPS is monitoring its
rapid production of gases that can rupture the cell. The formula function by measuring voltage, current, capacity of current and
of charging time of a battery is temperature and sent them to OBC. Step-down DC-DC
converter (i.e. buck) causes voltage drop from high voltage to
T c = Q / Ic (2)
suitable voltage, depending on each subsystem requirements.
where Q in Ah is the charge and Ic is the charging current. Protection is applied to protect subsystems from over-currents
Fully discharged cells recharge less successfully than only and surges. A microcontroller is used to determine the
partly depleted cells, particularly if they have been stored in a maximum power point (MPP) from solar cell panel using data

Moutaman et. al / International Journal of Applied Sciences and Current Research (2016) Volume 01, Issue No 01, pp 17-21

from voltage and current sensors. The priority control block

diagram ISRASAT1is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig.3. Solar Panels for the Five Sides


Fig.1. EPS Block Diagram Step up converter is an important device that increases the
voltage output from solar cell of 5 V up to 12 V that is used to
6.1. SOLAR CELL charge the battery. It is normally an IC between the solar cell
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell (PV), is an electrical device and battery charger used to increase the voltage to an adequate
value that is suitable for batteries. The IC designated Max1771
made of semiconductors and chemical materials that converts
is proposed to be used. It has efficiency of 90 %, and it can
light energy into electrical energy by the photovoltaic effect. supply the load by current from 30 mA up to 2A. It uses pulse
There are several different types of solar cells with different frequency modulation and combines benefits of pulse width
efficiencies. Gallium arsenide-based solar cells are typically modulation (PWM). It consumes current of about 110 μA, and
favored over crystalline silicon in cube satellites, because they shutdown current of 5μA. Additionally, it needs to connect
have a higher efficiency. The most efficient solar cells with fewer external components and has range between 2V and
currently in production are multi-junction photovoltaic cells, 16.5 V on input. Otherwise, it can be modified to obtain output
voltage from 12V via two resistors. It uses a switching
which use a combination of several layers of both gallium
frequency 300 kHz.
arsenide and silicon to capture the largest spectrum of light
possible. ISIS solar panels as shown in Fig. 2 are often used. 6.3. MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING
The solar cells are from AZUR Space. They are triple-junction Maximum point power tracking (MPPT) is an electronic
solar cells made of GaAS. The panel also contains Sun sensor system used to obtain the maximum power generated by
and temperature sensor. It has an efficiency of 28% and photovoltaic cells. There are several MPPT techniques such as
generates power evaluated by 2.3 W and potential evaluated by perturb and observe, incremental conductance, constant
voltage, artificial neural network method, etc. Incremental
5 V for one side,. The number of panels used is five panels,
Conductance (INC) technique is applied in ISRASAT1.
four panel on the sides and one on top. In the power-voltage curve of the photovoltaic cell
characteristic, the power derivative is equal zero at MPP, less
than zero on the right side of MPP and greater than zero on the
right side.



Fig.2. EPS ISIS CubeSat Solar Panels

where I/V is the conductance ratio [2].
Each panel consists of two cells and the dimension for each cell
is 80*40 mm. For each, side the two cells are connected in INC calculates the instantaneous conductance (I/V) and
series and in parallel with the other panels as shown in Fig. 3 compares it to the incremental conductance (dI/dV), according
below. to the result it decides to increase, decrease or maintain the
current voltage. Fig. 4 shows the INC flowchart.

Moutaman et. al / International Journal of Applied Sciences and Current Research (2016) Volume 01, Issue No 01, pp 17-21

The microcontroller varies DC-DC converter output voltage to

meet the determined voltage by regulating the duty cycle of a
PWM signal. Low duty cycle decreases the output voltage of
DC-DC converter and vice versa. Figure 5 shows the block
diagram for MPPT hardware.
We shall use IC ADP3810 gives us constant current and
constant voltage and it has four output voltage option 4.2 V ,
8.4V ,12.6V and 16.8 V the ADP3810 has internal IC thin film
does on trim output voltage to supply the battery. it is located
between step up converter and battery whereas input voltage 12
V from step up converter and output voltage from battery
charger 8.4 V and it suitable voltage to batteries
Battery work to store energy from solar cell during eclipse
working to supply subsystem by power we used battery lithium
ion and needed to four batteries. Whereas connect two batteries
series and each pair connect parallel as shown in figure 6.
Every battery can supply current by 1000 mA and the resultant
2000 mA where potential for each 3.7 V and sum of potential
7.4V this specification for batteries.

Vbatt= 7.4v
Ibatt = 2 A

Fig.4. INC Flowchart

Fig.6. Battery Connection
Current and voltage sensors, a microcontroller and a DC-DC
converter are the main components for MPPT system. 6.6.STEP DOWN CONVERTER
Depending on the photovoltaic cell voltage and current sensed
Step down converter is an IC that works to decrease the input
via sensors, the MPPT technique determines the voltage where
voltage from high to low. The ICs proposed in ISRASAT1 is
the photovoltaic cell is able to produce the maximum power
LTC1148-3.3 and LTC1148-5 where is output voltage 5V,
3.3V respectively, where we needed two buses supply
subsystem. The IC has efficiency of around 95% and uses
external complementary MOSFT power switching frequency
up to 250 kHz providing constant ripple current in inductor and
has large rang input from 3.5V to 18V.
In an electric power system, over-current is present when larger
electric current exists through a load higher than what it can
endure. That causes excessive generation of heat, which leads
to the risk of fire or damage to the load. Short circuits and
excessive load can cause over-current. TPS20XD is used to
protect subsystems from over-current. It can detect over-current
occurrence and regulate the power if it continues for a short
period. It also has a temperature sensor. If over current lasted
until the temperature reaches a threshold, the IC cuts the power
off from the subsystem, and returns it when the power returns
to stability. IC also can switch power on and off through an
enable pin. Thus, only subsystems functioning at a time are
Fig.5. Block Diagram of MPPT Hardware supplied with power. Hence, power is efficiently used. Fig. 7
shows the circuit diagram for the protection IC.

Moutaman et. al / International Journal of Applied Sciences and Current Research (2016) Volume 01, Issue No 01, pp 17-21

research team is design the subsystem within the limitations

and specifications stated in the main structure guides of a small
satellite of limited size, weight and budget. The research
methodology followed during this project was based upon
estimation of the whole power consumption together with
tolerance that is acceptable in voltage and current by each of
those subsystems. Simulink simulations are used to visualize
variation of voltage with current sink.
The next phase was to proceed with a system design that relied
on applying ICs instead of discrete components wherever it is
possible so as to assist in size and weight requirements, as well
as compact system integration.
Fig.7. Circuit Diagram of the Protection IC The design considered power consumption specifications
shown in Table 1 as well as structure specifications shown in
6.8.PRIORITY CONTROL Table 2. After the physical implementation of the EPS,
The EPS shall reset the whole Cubesat every few days in order measurements were carried so as to compare practical results
to discharge the accumulated charges. A power switch is placed with theoretical values targeted by the design specifications.
directly after the battery. It is logically turned ON and OFF. Fortunately, the results were comparable to the design
After the time specified ends, the switch is turned off for few requirement with acceptable errors that are less than 100 mW,
seconds and then switched back on. Fig. 8 shows the flowchart in the worst case.
for the process.
The authors would like to show gratitude to the staff of the
Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) in
Khartoum, and the research team of ISRASAT1 CubeSat in
particular, for their everlasting help and support.

[1] Mehrbarvar, Arash (February 20, 2014) "cubesat design
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[2] Justin M. Akagi, Power Generation and Distribution
System Design for the Leonidas Cubesat Network,
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[3] Ghislain Remy, Olivier Bethoux, Claude Marchand,
Hussein Dogan "Review of MPPT Techniques for
Photovoltaic Systems"; Université Pierre et Marie Curie
P6; Université Paris-Sud 11; France.
[4] Craig S.Clark, An Advanced Electrical Power System For
Cubesats, Pestana Conference Centre – Funchal, Madeira –
Portugal, 31 May – 4 June 2010
[5] Abdulkadir, M., Samosir, A. S., Yatim, A. H. M. and
Yusuf, S. T. (2013) "A new approach of modelling,
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[6] Saad Saoud, Lyes, Faycal Rahmoune, Victor Tourtchine,
and Kamel Baddari (2013), "On the fuzzy modeling based
Fig.8. Reset Flowchart estimation of maximum power generation from
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7. CONCLUSION Systems and Control.
In this paper, the authors highlighted the design and [7] Skyttemyr, Knut Olav, Design and Implementation of the
implementation of the electrical power system of ISRASAT1 Electrical Power System for the CubeSTAR Satellite,
CubeSat. The EPS is responsible to deliver power to other https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/37159.
subsystems onboard of the satellite, receiving power from solar
cells and storing it in batteries. The main tasks of the EPS

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