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MAY 2024
This internship program offers us a valuable opportunity to gain experience in both academic and
social domains. Over the course of the last 79 days, we have been actively engaged in practical
training at Raya Brewery Share Company, the hosting company. We hereby affirm that the
internship report, titled "Internship Report," along with the project work, is solely our own work,
derived from our experience at the hosting company.
Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude to the Almighty GOD for His assistance
throughout the entire process. Secondly, we extend our thanks to Raya brewery Share Company,
our host organization, for granting us the opportunity to participate in this internship program.
Additionally, we would like to acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable guidance and support
provided by Ms. Mulu who is our academic advisor and lecturer. Without her, this internship
report would not have been possible. Furthermore, we are grateful to everyone in the technical
and maintenance department, including our field advisor, for sharing the essential insights into
the construction of each section. Lastly, we would like to extend our special thanks to Eng.
Yalem for his wise counsel and helpful supervision.
Executive summery
The first part of this report tries to present the company background, the main product of the
company, the overall work flow, overall benefit from internship program we gain and work flow
of the section we work. The overall work flow of the company focus on the main structure of the
company. It consists pure water treatment, raw material, malt handling, wort production
processing, the processing of filtration and fermentation, packaging and waste water treatment.
In term of getting benefit, improving leadership skills, understanding about work and ethics,
practical skill and upgrading theoretical knowledge skills are shown clearly.
Each section has machines, like de-stoning, drum sieve, hammer milling, pre-mashing, mash
kettle, mash filter, wort pan, whirlpool, boiler, bottle washer, filler, crater and other machine.
Table of Contents
Executive summery....................................................................................................................................III
LIST OF FIGURE.....................................................................................................................................VII
LIST OF TABLE........................................................................................................................................IX
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
BACKGROUND OF HOSTING COMPANY............................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective of the company..................................................................................................................2
1.3 Vision of the company.......................................................................................................................2
1.4 Values................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Main product and service of Raya brewery S.C.................................................................................3
The primary offerings of Raya brewery include-......................................................................................3
1.6 Main customers (end users of) Raya brewery S.C.............................................................................3
1.7 Organization structure of Raya brewery S.C.....................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
Internship Experience Overview.................................................................................................................5
2. 1 what is the process for gaining entry into the company?..................................................................5
2.2 In which section of company you have been working?......................................................................5
2.3 How does the work flow in section look like?...................................................................................5
2.3.1 Brew house.................................................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Fermentation and Filtration.......................................................................................................10
2.3.3 Utility........................................................................................................................................11
2.3.4 Packaging Room.......................................................................................................................18
2.4 Which work piece or work task you have been executing?..............................................................31
2.5 Procedures and methods while performing task...............................................................................32
2.6 How good you have been in performing your work task?................................................................32
2.7 What challenge you have been facing while performing your tasks?...............................................32
2.8 What measures you have taken in order to overcome these challenges?..........................................33
CHAPTER -THREE..................................................................................................................................33
OVERALL BENEFIT GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP..................................................................33
3.1 In terms of improving practical skills..............................................................................................33
3.2 In terms of upgrading Theoretical Knowledge.................................................................................34
3.4 In terms of improving team playing skills.......................................................................................35
3.5 In terms of improving leadership skills............................................................................................35
3.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics...................................................................................36
3.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skills...................................................................................................37
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................38
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.........................................................................................38
4.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................38
4.2 Recommendations...........................................................................................................................38
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................40
DESIGN OF BOTTLE CRUSHER MACHINE........................................................................................40
1.1 General idea of bottle crusher machine............................................................................................40
1.2 Problem statement...................................................................................................................40
1.3 Objective...................................................................................................................................41
1.3.1 General objective..............................................................................................................41
1.3.2 Specific objectives.............................................................................................................41
1.4 Scope and limitation the project..............................................................................................41
1.4.1 Scope of the project..........................................................................................................41
1.4.2 Limitation of the project...................................................................................................41
1.5 Significance of the project........................................................................................................41
1.5.1 Benefits of the project......................................................................................................41
1.5.2 Beneficiary of the project..................................................................................................41
CHAPTER TWO..........................................................................................................................................42
LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................................42
CHAPTER TRHEE........................................................................................................................................44
METHODS AND DETAIL DESIGN............................................................................................................44
3.1 Methodology...................................................................................................................................44
3.2 material selection.....................................................................................................................45
Figure 5 Boosters..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7 ACF/Drier................................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 15 Packer...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 16 Palletizer................................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 21 methodology........................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 22 : hammer................................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 24 crank........................................................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 25 : pin......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 26 key............................................................................................................................................................ 51
BBT bright beer tank
btls bottles
CCT conical cylinder tank
EBI empty bottle inspection
FBI full bottle inspection
HPI high pressure injection
Hr hour
SC Share Company
F force
l length
d diameter
m mass
n revolution
r radius
P power
t thickness
w width
Raya Brewery S.C is established in 2013 G.C and (Commercial production in Feb. 2015 G.C)
being the pre-eminent Brewery in the region producing standard strong beer. The Brewery is
equipped with the state art technology imported from Germany: Kroners, Czech Republic: DIO,
Belgium: Maura, Netherland: Hoffman, America: Cole palmer. The company has more than 500
employees, many with decades of experience in food and beverage industry. The Brewery is
located in the historical town Maichew 660 Km from Addis Ababa to the North. Raya Brewery
has an initial annual total capacity of 600,000 hectoliters current production output stand at
300,000 hectoliters (90 million bottles).Despite its young age the bottle line fill 36.000*33cl
bottles every hour (or more than quarter million bottles in an 8hr shift .the kegging line will also
fill 120*30 litter kegs per hour (or more than 25.000 litters in a single shift. The plant has been
allocated 18.5 hectares of land.
The site is located along Maichew - Korem asphalt road, on the western side at about 10 meters
off the asphalt road and 1.9km from Maichew town. It is easily accessible with vehicle both in
wet and dry seasons. The project site is generally a gently sloping terrain found just at the foot
slope of Bokhara Mountain. The site was selected mainly due to the availability of soft spring
water which has been tested and found to exceed the minimum brewing water requirements in all
respects. Besides, the yield of the spring being 55.0175 liters per second is sufficient enough to
meet the requirement of four breweries of this size. Water source of Raya Brewery S.C is natural
spring water called “Mai-muk” found at about 7KMs distance from the factory site. It is also
believed that its establishment at Maichew is strategically advantageous, since there is no other
brewery in Tigray region. The site of the plant is accessible through all-weather roads. A plot of
land measuring or an area 150,000 m2 has been given by the regional administration free of
charge. The basic infrastructural support required for a brewery namely water, land and electric
power are reported to be available sufficiently.
The company was officially launched on May 08, 2010 at Maichew town. Presently it has more
than 400 shareholders and its head office is setup in Bole Sub City, Keble 03/05, Robel Plaza-
building. The capacity of the Raya brewery to be established shall be based on the following
production program. Total output is 300,000hl sales beer per annum. Out of this: 85% is
produced as bottled beer, 15% is produced as draft beer and total production loss is taken to be
1.4 Values
1. Upholding integrity, accountability, and transparency.
2. Striving for complete customer satisfaction and exceeding their expectations.
3. Adding value consistently, handling properties with care, and ensuring efficient resource
4. Striving to be the best in class and setting the standard for quality.
5. Focusing on organizational and individual growth.
6. Ensuring safe working conditions for all employees.
7. Establishing sustainable, close, and enduring relationships with customers and partners.
8. Offering essential support to our employees to the fullest extent possible.
Raya beer
St. George beer
Castel beer
Drought beer
1. Malt serves as the primary raw material in beer production, with barley being the raw material
for malt. Barley's high starch content and the husk's ability to adhere to the grain post-threshing
and processing are key factors in its utilization.
3. Hops, an essential ingredient in beer, contribute to aroma, bitterness (due to alpha-acids), and
foam head formation.
4. Yeasts, as microorganisms, play a vital role in the fermentation process by converting sugar
into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Brew house
Malts from malt store are put in to the malt reception by the labor workers or chain conveyer,
and transported to the silos through screw conveyers and bucket elevators. Raya brewery S.C.
has six silos. Four of which, are with ability of storing 300 tons. The remaining two silos can
store 30 tons each. After storing the malt in the silos, the malt needs to be cleaned before it enters
the next step which is milling. The malt should be free from stones, oversized particles and
Drum sieve: remove materials which are over size such as grass, malt and others based on sieve
size. This separates 5 tones per hour’s malts.
De-stoner: removes high density materials and stones by settling whereas malt pick up on space
and passed to sieves.
Magnets: separates materials which have magnetic behavioral starting next to aspiration up to
de-stoner last.
2. Milling section
This section is used to crush malt in to smaller size (to extractable section) using hammer mill.
Its capacity to crush 8 tons of malt per hours. Purpose of milling to get efficient extraction, fast
mixing & mashing, total conversion of starch, rapid &complete separation of wort.
3. Pre-mashing
It is used to mix the grist with hot water & cold water. The objective of pre-masher are pre
Venting protein coagulation and to activate protease enzyme for protein degradation.
Is the mashing process that used to starch hydrolysis and protein degrade to simple sugars and
amino acids by the help of increasing T° using steam and adding additives with time intervals.
5. Mash filter
Mash filter is the separation of wort from spent grain. This mash filter separates wort through
sparking and compression. Sparking is washing the extraction of wort with hot water while
compression is separating wort by pressing the mash under pressurized air. Finally using positive
displacement pump discharge the spent grain to its temporary storage called silo.
6. Wort collector
Wort collector is used to store the wort and its total capacity to store 31 m3.Wort collectors is
temporary storage of wort and no chemicals are added. The presence of wort collector saves time
by allowing the next process to take place until the wort is fully collected.
Wort pan is conical cylindrical tank used to mix the wort with hop to change color of the wort
and to increase its alcoholic content by the rotating agitator at a temperature about 96 0C.
Boiling of wort is carried out in wort pan via steam for different purpose. Mainly the aim of wort
boiling is to stabilize the wort compassions, Removal of undesirable volatile compounds, to
remove water in the form of vapor and extract the desirable material from hops which gives to
beer its characteristics aroma and flavor. The wort entered with a temperature of 78°C is
increased to 91°C by steam addition and pressurizing.
Concentration of wort
8. Whirl pool
Whirl pool is used to separate trub from the hopped wort and then the hopped wort is transferred
in to fermentation tank but trub is stored in trub tank.
1. Fermentation
2. Filtration
This is the final process to be considered in beer treatment prior to packaging and the process
involves removal of any remaining yeast cells and the removal of precipitated protein and
polyphenol haze materials. This is the clarification of beer to a standard that is acceptable for
sale. It should be done after the Beer has been laagered. The process involves the removal of any
remaining yeast cell and Removal of precipitated protein and polyphone haze material. The beer
must be rendered stable So that visible changes don’t occur on its commercial or shelf life. The
filtered beer is pumped into the bright beer tank and stored for 2 – 3 days. Bright beer tank are
buffer vessel between the filter and they are mostly constructed as vertical stainless steel tanks
without internal fitting. Before filtered beer is stored in bright beer tank carbonation (CO2) will
dose on line for the purpose of beer stabilization & extend the shelf life of the beer.
2.3.3 Utility
In Raya brewery s.c utility is the widest section. It is mainly concerned with supplying the
demands to its customers. The customers of utility are brew house, fermentation, filtration, water
treatment, waste water treatment, packaging etc. Utility section provides steam, treated water, ice
water, cold degassed water and pure CO2 for its customers. There are five subsections under
utility. These are water treatment, cooling plant, steam generation, waste water treatment, and
carbon dioxide recovery.
1. Cooling plant
Cooling plant is one of the subsections of utility which provides ice water to cool the wort where
came from brew house, cold degassed water used for dilution of beer and glycol used for cooling
CCTS, wort used for propagation etc. Under this cooling plant, there are two main cooling
First, ammonia in liquid form at a temperature of 40°C under 10bar pressure is stored in a
permanent closed tank. But this must be transported in to storage tank 02 and storage tank 01.
Glycol is brought from its source at -2°C but glycol for cooling must be -4°C. Liquid ammonia
converts to temperature and pressure to -7°C and to 2bar respectively by expansion valves. Then
glycol is cooled by transported to storage 02 is used to cool glycol but before it enters to that
tank, it is better to reduce the tem ammonia in plate heat exchanger to -4°C temperature and
returns to its storage whereas ammonia is passed to compressors as it is. Then after reaches its
temperature to 120°C. This also passed to condenser in order to cool down to temperature of
40°C by fan and cold water.
Secondly: cooling of water by glycol: water used for cooling purpose and the degassed water
used for dilution of beer is cooled by glycol after being cooled by ammonia. Ammonia that was
storing at T° of 40°C and under pressure of 10bar is transferred to storage 01 to reduce its
temperature of 3°C and pressure of 3bar by expansion valve. Brew water and degassed water are
brought at a temperature of 27°C. Then cooled by ammonia in plate heat exchanger to 5°C
temperature but ammonia changed from liquid to gas return to storage 01 and after sent to
compressors that reached to temperature of 120°C then passed to condenser to cool down to
temperature of 40°C whereas brew water and degassed water are cooled by glycol at a
temperature of -4°C to 1.5°C and 2°C respectively in plate heat exchanger.
Co2 is very important in beer making companies in order to prevent direct contact between air
and beer as well as draft by creating pressure. But raw co2 has odor test and impurities so co2
recovery plant is necessary.
CO2Rawgas contains a lot of odors, tastes and in purities.
The gas needs to be cleaned and purified by a CO2 system according the latest technology
Afterwards it can be used in the rest of the brewery or soft drink industry
Steps in the process
Cleaning of possible foam remains
Washing to take out solid parts and alcohols
Compression in 2 stages
Taste and odors removal
Cooling down to liquefaction of the CO2
Storage in liquid form
Reduction of pressure and temperature for factory usage
Why this special treatment
Cleaning of the gas (foam separator / gas washer)
o Dissolving foam, alcohol and other dissolvable components
Deodorizing (ACF)
o Absorbs the smell containing compounds
Liquefying (Condenser)
o Turn gas into liquid (most economic point at 17,5 Bar @ -24 °C) and removing
non-condensable gasses
o Drying (Driers)
o To remove the moisture from the gas before it is liquefied (else the pipes in the
condenser get blocked
Why Liquefaction of the CO2
The total volume of CO2 storage decreases
o In case CO2 is stored in gas phase the storage volume would be 500 x bigger!
The purity of the CO2 will improve
o Only CO2 is turned into liquid at 17,5 Bar @ -24°C
o Air and other non-condensable gases are still present
o These gases can easily be blown off from the CO2 condenser
o With stripping technology the separation is even better
Parts of CO2 recovery process
Foam Separator
CO2 gas balloon
Booster (option)
CO2 gas washer (High Pressure)
CO2 Compressor
ACF / Driers
CO2 condenser + Cooling system
CO2 Pump
CO2 Tank
CO2 Evaporator
CO2 Reducing station
A. foam trap
Main Function
To avoid that foam that can come along with CO 2 from the CCT’s enters the CO2
recovery plant
B. Boosters
Main Function
To compress the CO2 gas from a lower pressure to a higher pressure
Provides positive pressure necessary to overcome distances line losses and Gas washer
Increases the suction pressure on the stage of the CO2 compressor which increases the
Figure 5 Boosters
C. Gas balloon
Main Function
Equalize the difference between the CO2 supply from fermentation and the capacity of
the CO2 compressor.
To create a gas buffer to avoid excessive starts and stopping of the CO2 compressor.
Balloon size always depending on plant / fermentation capacity.
D. Gas washer
Remove water dissolvable impurities from the incoming CO2 gas
E. CO2 Compressor
A Compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas and can
transport the gas through a pipe by reducing its volume. Co2 compressor is a specific
type of gas compressor. Pump pressurizes and transport liquid. Reciprocating piston
compressor is appositive displacement type of compressor. It uses piston driven by
Main Function
To compress the fermentation gas (P approx. 1 bar abs) from the gas washer to approx.
17, 5 Bar before it enters the ACF/Driers.
The compression is done in 2 stages
After each compression stage the warm CO 2 needs to be cooled down by coolers (Inter-
After cooler) Different cooling media can be used.
Additional cooling of the cylinder head is required.
F. ACF/Drier
Main Function
Remove the impurities from the CO 2 gas that are not already been removed in the gas
washer by means of Active Carbon
Figure 7 ACF/Drier
G. CO2 Storage
Main function
To store the produced liquid CO2 of the recovery system
H. CO2Evaporater
Main Function
To evaporate liquid CO2 form the Tank into gas to be used in the brewery (brewery
I. CO2 reducing valve
Main function Back Pressure station
To hold minimum pressure in the CO2 storage tank
3. Boiler
In this plant the evaporation of water in to steam is carried out due to the requirement of steam
for different purpose. For example steam used for sterilization of yeast in yeast propagation step,
for preparing degassed water in filtration, in water treatment for killing of micro-organisms,
pasteurization for beer. In boiler there are steps to boil water.
Softener unit: water coming from water treatment is 60% softened. It is using two softener units
which have volume of (380-400) m³ and work one after the other to soften the water to 100%.
Condenser: this tank has many functions but mainly used as storage of condensed steam
Economizer tank: because of the steam returned boil water that is at normal temperature to
above 85°C, it saves energy consumed by heating water.
Boiler: there are two boiler units which exchanged weekly to perform their function. These
boilers are standardized to load up to 240°C and 15bar pressure.
Boiler tank
Drainage tank
Oil tank
Valves; -boll valve
-needle valve
-safety valve
Centrifugal pup
Gear pump
Servo meter
Pressure gage
Air compressor is a device that converts power (usually from an electric motor, a diesel engine
or a gasoline engine) into kinetic energy by compressing and pressurizing of air. The main
objective of this plant is to change low pressure atmospheric air into high pressurized air by the
process of compression. In case of this company the type of compressor used is the screw type
compressor. The quality parameters that we check for air compression plant is the moisture
content of the atmospheric air..
Water is the major raw material for beer processing. It must be free from impurities and
microorganisms. Water in Raya brewery is taken from a place called May Muk which natural
ground water and treated to the desired quality. The main aim of WTP is to treat untreated
water to get clear water. In order to be suitable for use in brewing, water must be
microbiologically pure, Clear and colorless (turbidity and color can be caused by suspended
solids), Tasteless and odorless (chlorinated water can affect beer flavor), pH neutral (pH 7, or
slightly acidic), Free from heavy metal ions.
FBI Crate washer
Empty bottle
Packed beer for from customer
customer customer
1. Bottling line
2. Kegging line
Bottling line
This section is mainly concerned about packing bottles containing beer and delivering this
product to customers. Averagically it packed about 36000 bottles per hour. It ensures the product
that can be supply to customers being free from micro-organisms. Bottling line is described as
follows step: -
1. De-palletizer
It receives customer bottles from the forklift. Each pallet has a capacity of holding 48 crates. The
transfer carriage picks the first layer (8 crates) with the help of gripper at a time and put it to the
discharge table by moving horizontally for further transfer moment can be performed. The first
row of crate of the layer is conveyed to the stop plate. The stop plate moves down and the
separating fingers move the row of the crates on the pack discharge. Then the dischar.ge
conveyer starts and takes the crates to the un-packer.
Full pallets in feed as: - fork lift put pallet on in feed roller the roller starts role and pushes the
pallet in to proper position for De-palletizer.
Empty pallet discharge ፦ when the in feed pallets completely discharge by the de palletizer the
roller discharge the empty pallet to palletizer.
This is the process of separating pallet from crate containing unclean bottles. De palletizer is a
robotic system which is used to separate pallet and empty bottles with their crates. It has some
components such as base, belt conveyor, controller sensor, actuator and effecters (gripper).
Base: - the base of de palletizer is fixed to ground for the purpose of every activities stand
with balanced.
Belt: - is a mechanical part of de palletizer which is used degree of freedom for the
purpose of moment with in the direction of up and down and also sliding mechanism
Controller: - it is a device with hard and soft ware support for giving commands to the
2. Unpacker
The crates those are discharged from de palletizer are conveyed to the unpacker. Unpacker
machine is fully automatic machine. And it helps to discharge the empty bottles from the crate
by pneumatic (air) system. After that the empty bottles convey to the bottle washer and the
empty crate convey to the crate washer. It has two motion mechanisms. One is oscillating
mechanism and the other is up and down motion. They up and down motion takes place by the
belt driver associated with in host motor but the oscillating mechanism is oriented by gear box to
hinged pillar push rod, crank, cross transport drive and function tube to perform their functions.
3. Crate washer
Crate washer machine is a machine which is used to wash the crate that are dirty which comes
from the customer. First the dirty create enter in to pre wash stage after completing this stage it
washes with steam and water and rinse with water and convey to the packer machine.
4. Bottle washer
Bottle washer machine is the most important machine which is used to disinfect and wash dirty
bottles. Bottle washer machine can wash 40,000 bottles per hour and this machine has washing
cycle and consists of four distinct phases
The pre-soaking stage takes place in one or two stages; after leaving the presoaking area, the
bottles are overturned and emptied; the dripping water fall onto a collection pan and is filtered
before returning into the presoaking area itself. The presoaking area is maintained at a constant
temperature and continuously renewed by hot water coming partly from the first rinsing area and
partly from the detergent sprayer’s tank, without any additional energy consumption. An internal
sprayer and an external shower perform a double step heat recovery process to increase bottles
and carriers temperature before immersion in the main detergent tank.
Caustic spraying
The washing stage takes place in the main detergent bath where also three label extraction
(caustic1, caustic2, caustic3) stations are located those caustic chemicals have basic property.
The time of immersion (water jet), caustic (chemical NaOH) and the temperature can be set
according to the specific characteristics of the bottles being cleaned. After the soaking in the hot
caustic solution the bottles are turned upside down until they are completely emptied. A final
washing stage is then performed by a set of sprayers directing a jet of detergent solution inside
the bottle.
Rinsing(post jet)
This process is performed after the complete process of caustic. At rinsing stage the bottle is
washed internally and externally to clean the caustic (since the chemical is base). Therefore at
this stage acidic properties chemical are used since basic properties are deactivate by acidic
property chemical.
Hot water
In this stage the bottle is washed by the hot water to clean and deactivate completely the
chemical properties in the exterior and interior part of bottle in the earlier processes.
Cold water
After the hot water washing process is performed since the bottle is very hot so to decrease the
temperature we use fresh water that is came from water treatment room. And although before
discharging we use fan to dry the water and caustic foam.
Types of pumps installed in the bottle washer with their function are: -
Jetting pump: - is used for the cleaning interior and exterior parts of the bottles.
Extraction of hydrogen (H2): -container (bottle) with in thin Aluminum foil feeds in to
the machine in the form of label stick to the bottle and the aluminum foil decomposes in
the caustic solution as result hydrogen is released in to the space of bottle washer.
Therefore hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form an oxy hydrogen explosive mixture
which can be easily ignited. Because of the ignition it can destroy the containers and
other parts of machines. Then to protect this explosive we must extract before hydrogen
react with oxygen from the bottle washer by using extractor pump (from production area)
In feed :- is the process of trans partition of bottle in to the bottle washer and the main
components of in feed bottle are ,bump ,s. shapes ,agitator, plastic profile, bottle pusher
shaft with bearing, arm (push rod), piston and gears (bevel and spur) with their
Mechanisms. The in feed activity is performed by the mechanism of gear, shaft, piston,
pusher rod, bearings system. The main purpose of in feed is to reduce the over loads and
the power transmission is controlled by bevel gear system.
Agitator:-is a component of in feed system and it works only with back pressure and
easily replaced. Agitator itself moved by eccentric shaft.
Bottle slide:-is used for smooth transmission bottles on the discharge easily to access and
it has a plastic profile with exchangeable.
Chain conveyor: -it is very important for the purpose of transmission of bottles at the
whole bottling process.
Spray nozzles: -are used to spraying water and caustic for the purpose of cleaning internal
and external
Gears:-it used for power transmission and for easily moment mechanism. The main
preferable gears in the bottle washer are warm and bevel gears.
Bevel gear:-is used for power transmission in the place of in feed and discharge position
only. Worm gear:-is founds at every gear boxes for the purpose of the rotational motion
change in to linear motion from each gear box placed position.
Rip pan:-is a very important for removable droplets and mixture from the bottle.
Discharge:-used for good treatment of the empty bottles. It works by synchronous drive
Smooth and silent setting down of the bottles a good transfer on to the discharge
conveyor. In bottle washer used to only one motor for all activities by synchronies
operation system within the universal joint arrangement force and torque transmission as
required process. After the bottles remove, the crates will travel to the crate washer which
washes the crates through the conveyor with water by consecutive levels
It is done manually with human eye using light. If the bottles are broken, unclean, labeler
contain, they are rejected.
In Raya brewery s.c there are three different sensors used for empty bottle inspection. The first
sensor removes bottles other than St. George, Raya, and castle bottles, the second sensor remove
bottles that are too high and the last sensor bottles too low in height. Using camera checked in
order not to present like suspended caustic, oil, residual liquid etc. in bottles to reject.
7. Filler
After EBI bottles are sent to filler and the air inside bottles was sucked out by vacuum chamber,
then CO2 is charged to bottles to remove O2 from bottles after slightly difference beer is filled
by taking from BBT. Filling beer is operated at high pressure even sterile with hot water
continuously the bottles in order to remove air from head space with foam and crowned with
carbon dioxide. Filler has the following steps:-
After filling the bottles are closed faster in order to prevent the beer from contaminants and
entering gases. To prevent the oxygen intake during the time of closing the bottle with a cork a
continuous fine stream of water is sprayed in to the still open bottles so that some of the content
immediately foam out and prevent entry of oxygen. The bottles are closed with a crown cork
which has Thickness - 0.235mm thick stainless steel plate, Number of teethes – 21 and Outer
diameter -32mm.
Filled bottles were checked for under fill and proper crowning by full bottle inspection machine
then bottles are transported to pasteurization.
11. Pasteurization
Pasteurization is ensuring to increase its shelf life by means of destroying or reduce the number
of harm full microorganisms in a product in order to increase its biological stability. The
objective is the effective kill of harmful organisms with the minimum use of energy that can
grow and cause beer spoilage in the bottle. The tunnel pasteurizer in Raya Brewery has
pasteurization capacity of 36,000btls/h and one bottle at least 45 minutes to be pasteurized. In the
pasteurizer there are 10 Induction motors. The pasteurizer operates as put in a three series zones.
The first three zones (1, 2&3) are called heating zones and temperature set point is 25°C-
The next four zones (4, 5&6, 7) are called pasteurized zones at maximum temperature of
The last three zone (8, 9&10) are called cooling zones at temperature range of (45°C-
Labeler is used to label the brand name and kind of beer on the body and neck of bottles using
glue. In the unending struggle for market share, the appearance of the bottle is very important.
The number and size of labels, their color and design, their arrangement and the overall effect
should be showing for the customer that is producer’s beer but not only the best it also the most
attractive. In Raya brewery S.C every bottle labels with Body label, Neck label and Labeling is
also describe expire date of the beer, chemical content, gradient and place of product.
This is used to check whether the bottles are packed and label properly.
14. Packer
Packer is used to put bottles with in crates. It is the same as unpacker but the difference is packer
is bottle loading or inserting in the crate & unpacker is removing the bottle in the crate, so that
same structure, working principle, but different in work.
Figure 15 Packer
15. Palletizer
Palletizer is used to put crate containing full bottles to pallet. It is similar to de palletizer in their
construction, but different in their function and degree of freedom. In palletizer number of
sensors are much amount than de palletizer even crate pusher machine is present in palletizer but
in de palletizer. The moment of palletizer is up and down sliding and also rotational motion is
presence but not in de palletizer. Other components are the same to the one.
Figure 16 Palletizer
2 Keg line
Draught beer is filled by keg. A keg is a standardized cylindrical metal barrel chrome nickel
steel. Steps in the draught beer
1. Flash pasteurization
In this case before filling the beer should be pasteurize by flashing method. Flash pasteurization
occurs before the beer put to its final container but the pasteurization is carried out on line using
heat exchanger at temperature of 74°C for 15 seconds. The difference between bottled beer and
draught beer are pasteurization way, pasteurization temperature and time, shelf life. The shelf life
of draught beer stays for one month.
Also it is called inverter machine. Used to invert the kegs where came from the input and this
passed to external washer machine.
3. External washer
External washer is a machine used to wash external part of the keg at temperature of 40°C-50°C
for 7 seconds.
In Raya brewery S.C there are two internal washers and fillers each. The process of internal keg
cleaning filling has three stages at temperature of 80°C-82°C for 40 seconds using 90%
concentration of caustic and acid concentration is 16 % for cleaning case.
Stage-1: first pressurizing the keg to remove the residual materials from the keg and rinsing by
Stage-2: blowing out of water, rinse by caustic, blowing out of caustic and rinsing by hot water.
Stage-3: blowing out of hot water with steam at temperature of 85°C, steaming, venting and CO2
pressurizing and filling of draught beer.
5. Rating system
This is called weight sensor used to check weight of full keg. If the full keg is under fill or over
fill, it is pushed using pusher. Then the weight of full keg 39kg. But 9kg is the weight of the keg
whereas 30kg is equal to volume of kegging i.e. 30 liters of draught beer.
6. Videojet
It used to write the shelf life of the draught beer on the keg.
7. Full turning machine
It is called full inverter machine used to invert the full kegs sent to the output.
2.4 Which work piece or work task you have been executing?
In Raya brewery Sc. the overall process is done automatically even if there is done manually
they do by the operators only. This is told when we enter the company as rule of the company by
our company adviser. The only we have the task we work are to see properly and listing and to
do simple tasks which are done manually by the operators those are:-
Put the unclean bottles and labeler contains in to the crate and put the barked bottle to
the storage tank which is rejected by visual bottle inspection.
Adjust the dilapidated bottles and open the closed bottles by using stick at the intern
of bottle washer.
Adjust the crate when miss the line of motion.
Closing the keg.
Put the keg to the roller chain before entering the empty turning machine.
2.6 How good you have been in performing your work task?
In the first month we were that much good in performing the works .After the first month we
work by ourselves means student to student as there is happening of coved 19 operators are not
work as the first month beside this we have the chains to learn by student to student. Then
through practice we became good persons in understanding different type works in the company
process sections. Experience will be obtained from involvement therefore; we have involved in
different work of the company and have gain a good experience. We have learned from our
mistakes and developed our strong sides. So we believe that we have performed our work in
accordance with the scope of the intern ship.
2.7 What challenge you have been facing while performing your tasks?
In the first month we were confused with everything because we are new for the
environment and also for work.
In the first month as coved 19 enters to Ethiopia there is misgiving to work properly.
Every operator are care there selves as they have not more information about the
coved 19.
After coved 19 there also happen regional problem which give the chance to enter
more students to this company, besides this we miss so much chances as the company
is over load students are accepted.
Have not internet access to follow up the work task, the manuals are not clear to
understanding and there was also shortage of translated manual in English language.
We have not freedom to work properly.
Failures of some devices in process and misgiving between the theoretical and
operational of the machines.
Lack of library access to read manual and some reference are the main.
2.8 What measures you have taken in order to overcome these challenges?
After the time we were familiar with everything especially with work.
To know the whole information and the operation of the machines we ask the
By using one student to other student as the internet accesses means that by sheering
idea with other intern students and the operators
The internship provided us with the chance to utilize our knowledge and abilities in a
professional environment while still being in school. The internship provides a meticulously
designed and supervised work experience with the aim of acquiring further knowledge through
job exposure. Additionally, the internship is an integral part of an educational program through
which we can earn academic credit from our university. It is important to note that the internship
is organized separately from the curriculum, allowing us to solely focus on gaining work
experience gained through practical skill development. This internship program has proven to be
instrumental in addressing the deficiencies in our practical skills. We have made significant
progress in various areas such as malt storage, raw material handling, brew house operations,
beer processing, bottling, keg plant management, utility systems, and final product storage,
thereby optimizing the overall process flow and ensuring cohesion among different departments.
Additionally, we have honed our ability to carry out active preventive maintenance on
machinery, thereby extending their service life and reducing downtime and costs associated with
maintenance. In cases where corrective maintenance is necessary to maintain normal operations,
we have also gained valuable experience. Overall, we have made strides in enhancing our
practical skills, including fostering creativity and innovative problem-solving approaches,
analyzing and interpreting complex information, critical thinking, and evaluating designs, plans,
and projects.
Initially, when we started this program, we were completely unfamiliar with everything on the
site. It was challenging to seek clarification or gather information through asking questions.
Nevertheless, as time passed, we found it easier to communicate with the operators. In our daily
interactions, we would reach out to individuals and enhance our communication abilities by
inquiring about things we didn't comprehend. Overall, we realized the importance of fostering
harmonious relationships among colleagues to cultivate a social life and enhance both theoretical
and practical knowledge.
When activities are conducted in a group setting, the acceptability, reasonability, accuracy, and
precision are consistently higher compared to those performed individually. Respecting one
another during discussions and actively listening are essential responsibilities. The majority of
the tasks we accomplished were assigned as group responsibilities. However, we also had to
work independently simultaneously. While engaging in these diverse tasks, various ideas
emerged, leading to occasional arguments among us. Nevertheless, we ultimately reached a
consensus on acceptable terms, which, we believe, facilitated the sharing of our thoughts. This
aspect contributes to the development of our teamwork skills to a certain degree.
1. Punctuality: Adhering to the designated start and end times of work and completing assigned
tasks within the given timeframe.
3. Reliability: Ensuring that workers possess the necessary qualifications, skills, and knowledge
required for their assigned roles.
4. Honesty: Upholding integrity and refraining from engaging in unethical behaviors such as
cheating, bias, or corruption.
From our perspective, we have learned the importance of transparency and attentiveness as
crucial work ethics to abide by. These principles of conduct are expected from all members of
the Raya brewery, including permanent members, associate members, contract members, and
student members. Furthermore, as Raya members, we are committed to upholding general moral
imperatives. This includes contributing to society and the well-being of humanity, avoiding harm
to others, practicing honesty and trustworthiness, promoting fairness and non-discrimination,
respecting property rights, and valuing the privacy of others. Additionally, we recognize our
professional obligations as Raya brewery entrants, striving for excellence in our work processes
and products, and continuously acquiring and maintaining professional competence.
promoting the growth of entrepreneurship not only fosters the development of a thriving
industry, but also serves as a foundation for enhancing the social and economic capacity of the
nation. Throughout this internship program, we acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to
embark on small business ventures, equipping us to become effective entrepreneurs. The essence
of entrepreneurship lies in taking calculated risks that yield profitable outcomes and creating
something of value. These skills enable individuals to generate innovative ideas that contribute
not only to the construction sector, but also to any other field that yields tangible results.
4.1 Conclusion
Generally it is concluded that this internship program is very useful to know the practical work
in relation with the theoretically knowledge of four years in the university. It also helps us to
understand and get ready for the work that expects us after graduation. We were taking our
internship program in Raya Brewery S.C and it was very successful and gave us so many
advantages. Some of them are:
Allow us to both make and develop professional contacts, for our future job
Leadership skill
Work ethics
4.2 Recommendations
During the three months of internship experience period some positive and negative things
have seen in the hosting company. In this part some points are suggested to hosting company.
Safety shoe should be given for trainee students because they are members of the
workers so they need safety for the duration of their internship.
Finally, raya brewery Share Company palletize 40 kg filled keg manually by operators. This
company uses above 5 operators per shift. Actually the maximum operating capacity of these
operators is 100 number of keg per hour (0.6 minute per keg). But the production capacity of the
company is 120 number of keg per hour (0.5 minute per keg). Thus there is loss of time.
Indirectly there is also lost of operator’s energy. As a result the labor cost of the company will be
high and the production speed of the company will be decrease.
When we calculate the loose
There is 20 number of keg per hour, implies that 160 number of keg per one operating
shift which gives that 480 number of keg loose per day.
There is 0.1 minute loose when they lift one keg due to they spent 0.6 min to lift one keg
which implies that 96 minute loose per one operating shift this gives 288 minute (4.8
hour) loose per day.
During all these times we also was thinking to submit a project for the company to increase the
production capacity of packaging department but we could not done any project in case of
internet access, instability and in the cause of time. Finally we recommended that, to solve
those problems the company should be given as a project to the next intern students.
1.2Problem statement
As we have observed and done some research on Raya Brewery Share Company, we found that
the company dispose 1000-1300 broken bottles every day and this disposal of waste or broken
bottles were unsafe, unhealthy and costly in transportation and processing, so we come up with
the idea of designing a machine that dispose waste bottles safely and helpful in minimizing cost
and time spending, despite the maintenance cost is less and have simple working principal.
1.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to design of bottle crusher machine.
B.P.Numbi etl. Have presented an optimization technique for the vertical crushing machine.
The paper presents the optimal control model to improve the operation efficiency of a
vertical shaft impact crushing machine. They have proposed optimum methods to reduce the
power consumption by varying the conveyor feed flow rate, the vertical shaft impact crusher
rotor feed rate and the bi-flow or cascade flow rate.
M.L indqvist and C.M. Everts son, Department of Applied Mechanics Chalmers University
Of Technology, Sweden have presented a paper to develop a wear model for the cone
crushers which are used to crush the rocks minerals which are in the form of ores in mines.
Disagreements between predicted and measured geometry and several effects were suggested
to explain the discrepancy in the model. The model is of complex construction and it has
some of the real time shortcomings which reduce the efficiency of the machine drastically.
The various drawbacks have been studied and the measurements have been done to predict
the efficiency [8].
ZHAO La-la etli. Of China University of Mining and Technology, have presented a paper on
the Multi-object Optimization design for differential and grading toothed roll crusher using
genetic algorithm. The crusher blends the efficiencies of toothed roll crusher and also the jaw
crusher to possess great crushing ability and high breaking efficiency. Crank rocker
mechanism forms the basis of the machine. Thus the construction of the machine becomes
complicated and as a result the cost of the machine increases [9].
Now our bottle crusher machine is fully packed with advanced features that enhance
functionality and usability keeping in minds clients different requirements, we offer the
entire range in various technical specifications. The purpose of this project is to design bottle
crusher machine in terms of its functionality. The main consideration of this machine is give
as low vibration and it has low power consumption.
3.1 Methodology
Data gathering
Material Selection
Yes No
Assemble Drawing
Figure 21 methodology
Material cost
Availability of the materials,
Suitability of the materials for the working conditions in service
The material that we select for bottle crusher machine is Mild Steel (A-36) for all components
of design.
Characteristics for motor selection is based on;
Output power
For this design the selected motor is AC motor.
Take F . s=3
Figure 22 : hammer
Glass has great inherent strength. It is weakened only by surface imperfections which give
everyday glass its fragile reputation. The practical tensile strength of glass is about 27Mpa to
62Mpa. However glass can withstand extremely high compressive stresses. Therefore most glass
breakage is due to tensile strength failure.
σ u=400 Mpa
σ y =150 Mpa
E=200 Gpa
Take F . s=3
allowable stress(σ )=
factore of safty
150 Mpa
allowable stress(σ )=
The hammer subjected to wearing and axial stress, but the wearing stress is negligible because
the material to be crushed is glass.
The length of the hammer can be calculated by the number of bottles multiply by the diameter of
the bottle which is:
№ of bottles = 6
Diameter of the bottle =50mm
L=6∗5 Omm
L=300 mm
50 N /m m =4800 N /300 mm∗t
t=32 mm
To check the stability of the connecting rod
Let: t=w
allowable stress ( σ )=F / A (By neglecting the weight of the hammer)
t=10 mm
To find the length of the connecting rod we have to check the buckling stress by buckling theory.
F=π EI / L ²
I =bh /12
2 2 4
L =(π ×200 Gpa × ( 0.01 ) )/¿ ×12)
L= 182.5mm
Figure 24 crank
The main objective of crank is to convert rotational motion in to reciprocating motion. Rotational
motion come from AC machine and rotate the crank then the crank convert this motion into
backward and forward motion which transfer this motion to the hammer inside crushing chamber
which lead the hammer to crush the bottles.
4800 N
83.3 Mpa= 2
( )
d =(4∗4800)/(83.3 Mpa∗π )
d=85.65 mm
Figure 25 : pin
Pins are used to connect the crank with link and link with hammer.
The pin only carry tensile stress
Cannot carry compressive stress, if it buckle
The force is uniformly distributed load
The clearance between the pin and bore is to small so ignore bending stress
Material selection
Young’ s modulus(E)=200GPa
The pins are failed by pure shear load. Then according to the Maximum shear stress theory
Yield stress(σ y )
Maximum shear stress =
2 x design factor (f . s)
2x f .s
2x 3
¿ 41.66 Mpa
Resisting area (A) = x d2
A= x d2
A = 0.785 d2
4800 N∗4
d ²=
π x 41.66
dp=12.11mm say dp=12 mm
Figure 26 key
For this design sunk key is selected from different types of key, sunk key are provided half in the
key way of the shaft and half in the keyway of the crank. The sunk key we choice a square sunk
T =thickness
W =t= =3 mm
T ( torque )=F∗r
T =4800 N∗42.825 mm
T=205.5 Nm
Plane carbon steel for which the allowable shear stress and crushing stress is 50Mpa and
80Mps respectively.
T =l∗w∗d /2∗τc
τc=shear force
T =l∗w∗d /2∗τc
τc=2 T /lwd
τc=45 Mpa
Power input:
2 πNT
T ( torque )=F∗r Where, F=4800 N
r ( crank radius )=42.825 mm
T =4800 N∗42.825 mm
T=205.5 Nm
2 πNT
2 π∗80 rpm∗205.5 Nm
P=1721.59 W
P=1.7 KW
Therefore the power input must be 1.7KW to use the full efficiency of the machine.
The total birr need to constrict the parts of the bottle crasher machine is the sum of the cost of
individual parts so: It is equal to
connected with shaft, it induce a rotational motion similar with shaft. After the rotational motion
of the crank it must be convert reciprocating motion, so for this mechanism it uses connecting
rod. Finally the hammer will crush to the bottles by collapsing (over lapping) with wall of
chamber by reciprocating mechanism. Since the hammer is connect with connecting rod. After
the bottle was crushed it discharge through the small bottom holes of chamber.
4.1 Result
Table 2 Result and discussions
Hammer L= 300mm
Crank d=85.65mm
Pin dp=12mm
Key t=w=3mm
4.2 Discussion
The crushing machine was successfully designed, since the results are so safe. The machine
crushed multiple bottles simultaneously with ease both during electrical as well as during
mechanical modes of operation. While crushing the bottles manually, the bottles got crushed
with minimal human effort operators.
5.1. Conclusion
Generally we conclude that the bottle crusher is designed in such a way that even bottle crusher
can operate it without much effort. It is designed efficient and the cost of production of this
crusher is very less. The crusher has been designed accordingly keeping in mind about the
minimum power requirements and minimum effort to the operator. This crusher upon fabrication
would serve its purpose the small scale recycling plant and does not require power for operation
and can also be operated manually without much physical effort.
5.2 Recommendation
We recommended that, if the company uses the designed machine certainly the company will be
beneficiary, since it minimizes the time needed to process and energy required to dispose waste
bottles manually also guarantee the safety of the workers. Generally waste bottle disposal in
Raya Brewery Share Company is unsafe and costly in transportation and processing. Therefore,
if this machine is introduces to the company it will be very helpful in guaranteeing the safety of
the worker and working condition of the company.
Finally, this project is very essential and helpful in order to make the working condition of Raya
brewery Share company more effective and safe also it reduce the time and cost wastage. As
mentioned above, in Raya brewery Share company there is no bottle crasher machine, therefore,
if this project is applicable in the company the effectiveness and profitability will be achieved.
1. Operating Manual Packaging Area
2. Operating Manual Filler – Modular Design, Base-Handling System by krones 2013.